The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 08, 1916, Image 2

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British Observer Says People's
Faith in the Cause Strong
as Ever.
Peace Deelred, But It Must Be on
Terms Dictated by Teuton Con
fidence In Official Management
Is Still Absolute.
London. The Times publishes tho
following account of tho true condi
tion of Germany "from nn unlmpench
blo source." Tho nrtlclo Is based on
Iho experience of an observer who re
tcntly reached Switzerland, after hav
ing lived In Germany nnd enjoyed spe
cial facilities for observation from the
beginning of the war. lie says:
"Tho press of German Switzerland,
from which my first Impressions of tho
outer world wero derived, certainly
tells tho Impnrtlnl truth In sufficient'
ilegrco to fijivo Its readers from shar
ing German Illusions. What more can
be asked of n neutral press?
"Scarcely less nstoulsblug than the
discovery that the position of tho allies
Is not what Germans bcllcvo it to bo
Is tho mistaken conception prevalent In
sonio allied countries of the real condi
tion of Germany and or tho state of
mind of tho German people.
"Unless I am entirely mistaken and
my experience of llfo in Germany hns
been continuous no cssentlnl chnngo
In public feeling hns taken place
among tho Gorman masses alnco tho
beginning of tho wnr; or, If thcro hns
been a chnngo It hns not been lu tho di
rection of discouragement. The utmost
which ordinary Germans can bo got
to say Is that 'It Is high time that penco
wero made,' but they menn, of course,
a Gorman peace, ono which shall con
solidate nnd correspond to German vic
tories. They not only feel that they
arc victorious, but they nro firmly per
suaded thnt they cannot bo bcuten.
"It must not bo supposed thnt tho
Gorman pcoplo liavo nn unensy con
science. Th Imperlul chnncollor's
declnrntlon to tho relchstng at tho be
ginning of tho war thnt Germany wns
'doing wrongr In lnvnding Belgium wns
never taken ns a confession of guilt.
niH plirnso thnt 'necessity knows no
law' meant nnd still means to Ger
mans that Germany found herself In n
condition of what Is called Notwohr
thnt Is to say, of legitimate self-do-fenBO.
"'Surrounded by n ring of Jealous
enemies who hnd conspired to nssnll
and crush her, they claimed that her
only chnnco wns In bronklng through
tho ring by nil possible means nnd of
'vindicating by tho sword her right to
frco existence.'
"At first It wns thought that tho wnr
would bo short nnd triumphant. Con
fidence in Uio army nnd in Its chiefs
wus boundless. Illustrntetl pnpers rep
resented tho spirit of Btsmnrck ns
brooding over Paris and pointing tho
way to a repetition of tho mighty deeds
of 1870 and 1871. Tho bnltlo of tho
Mnrno wns taken ns n proof thnt tho
task might bo longer nnd hnrder thnn
hnd nt llrst been supposed, but nil
talk of n Gorman, rovorso wns checked
by tho oxplnnntlon that, on tho Mnrno.
tho Germnn. armies hnd merely stnyod
their ndvnnco for n time, In order to
take up positions cnrefully selected 15
years enrllor by tho foresight of tho
German staff.
"As tlmo went on the conviction grow
ana deepened that Germany wns fight
mgMor her vory exigence. Though
ODiigcu by tno nocossities of tho sltn
ntlon to attack, tho view constantly In
culcnted upon tho people wns that Gor
many wns and Is on the defensive.
"Grnduully tho bitterness of feeling
townra jsnginua increased. It Is now
intense, tiio ucrmnns had boon. hone
ful thnt in tho event of n Euroncun
war, England would nt lenst bo neu
tral. Some oven dreamed that England
might bo on their side. They nover
Imagined thnt she would dcclaro wnr
upon them.
"Now nothing ahort of thorough mil
itary defeat will cpnvlnco tho Gorman
pcoplo thnt they can bo beaten. Other-
One, of the 4.7-mch gtniB (Long Toms) of Couipauy 12, Fifth United Sluto
artillery, en u St car ut El Paso.
wise tlioro will lie no pence except on
Oormnny'H own terms. The people nro
prepared to suffer, much ns they mny
dislike Hie lnconvonlonco to which tho
wnr hns put them. This Is particularly
true of stntcs like Bnvnrla, whore I
spent some time before leaving tho
"If tho Bavarians could be given n
smashing blow (here might be n rapid
end of the wnr, but they nro now as
persuaded as they wero at the begin
ning that their generals and their sol
diers cannot be defeated. Even n Prus
sian defeat would not make much Im
pression In Bnvaflu unless the Bavari
an armies were defeated nt tho same
"I'opulnr confidence In ofilclnl man
agement nnd In the official accounts of
things Is still absolute."
Youno Prohibition Lecturer Joins Ex.
peditlon In Chase of Villa
St. Paul, Minn. Ono of tho Interest
ing figures nt the recent Prohibition
convention here wns Lnurcnco P. Mc-
Guhnn, twenty-two years old, and a
rroiiiuition lecturer. McUalmn ar
rived hero after n "hike" of 10,000
miles. Tho young hiker wan plod
ding nlong a road 82 miles north of
Columbus, N. M., when ho learned of
tho raid on that town by Vllln nnd
his bandits, Ho Joined n sheriff's posso
nnd n detachment of tho statu mllltln
scouting for Vllln. IIo nccompnnled
tho punitive force far Into tho Mexi
can desert arid later returned with
thorn. "A typo of bush growing on
tho desert in Mexico,'; ho says, "rcsem
blcs n horse nnd rider, nnd sovernl
times wo were deluded Into believing
wo had sighted the bandit chief. Even
tho sheriff shot nt n bush which ho
thought was n Villa bnndlt." McGnhnn
woro out six pairs of shoes on his
walking trip.
Dislike of British Orders by the
bernlan Shown In Daylight
London. An Instnnco of tho grudg
Ing hesitation with which tho lrrccon
Ollublo Irishman obeys any regulation
of tho disliked Saxon la given by n
writer In tho Dnlly Chronicle.
Soon nfter tho daylight saving bill
under which tho clocks of tho United
Kingdom woro put forward an hour
went Into effect nn Englishwoman Hv
Ing In Tlppernry found her gardener In
n gloomy mood. She nskal him
whether ho had put his clock "on."
Tho gardener evaded tho question
evidently preferring to talk about tho
rosen. Tho mistress protested, nnd fin
nlly pressed tho question and mndo tho
man fnco her.
"Yes, my lady," snld tho patriot nt
Inst. "I did. I put It on half nn
Prof. Tanquary Tells of Hard
ships to MacMillan Party
in Arctic.
One Hundred Dogs Used In 1.300
Mile Journey Across Melville Bay
to Hdstenborg Long Walt
for Relief Ship.
New York. Bronzed by tho expo
sure to wind and weather, but other
wlso bearing no signs of his three
yenrs' stny In tho Arctic ns n membei
of tho Crocker Land expedition undci
the leadership of Donald B. MucMIl
lun, Prof. Maurlco C. Tanqunry, whe
recently returned to New York told ot
his trip from, Etah by dog team nnd of
the work of tho expedition.
Professor Tanqunry expressed the
satisfaction of the members of the
expedition nt the success which hud
attended them. While Crocker Land,
he said, Is doulmoss a myth, tho mi
rages lu flint vicinity were of such
brilliancy thnt they deceived complete
ly those who were lu search of land
and It was necessary to sec them dis
appear by approaching them to know
that land did not exist.
"By nrrnngements which were made
when wo wero landed' at Etah," said
Professor Tnnqunry, "wo were to pur
sue our work for two yenrs, when a
relief ship was to come for us.
Long Walt for Relief Ship.
"Wo wero nil waiting In Etah, out
headquarters, for tho relief ship which
was to como for us In 1015. When
August passed and no ship arrived we
gave up nil hope of being brought out
thut year. Wo found out later that
the George B. Cluctt, which had been
sent out for us, had been forced to
stop nt North Stnr bny, nbout one
hundred nnd fifty miles soutn of Etnh,
because her propeller shaft had
broken. Dr. Edmund O. Ilovey of the
museum wns on tho Cluctt, nnd hp nr
ranged with Mr. Peter Frettchcn, whe
bus charge of tho Danish exploration
baso at North Star lmy, to tnko him tc
Etah In n motor bont.
'On tho morning of September 15
when tho motor bont arrived In Etnh
Mr. MacMillan hud gone south along
tho shoro to hunt walrus and Doctoi
l..l .. 1.. I
nfter caribou. As It was Imperative
that wo start at once If wo wnnited tc
get nway boforo tho Ico shut us In
tlioso of us who were at Etah got oui
supplies nboard tho motor bout ns
quickly ns possible, leaving Mr. Mao
Mlllan nnd Doctor Hunt to look af
ter things nt Etnh or Join us luter If
they wished.
"Wo reached North Star bay and
tho Cluott on September 17, but could
not start from thcro on account of ?
storm which held us two days.
"When we flnnlly did start In the
Cluott tho Ice nt Capo York wns sc
bnd thnt wo could not put through
und nnchored In nn extremely pro
carious position under the shadow ot
a tnll cliff nt tho entrance to Pnrkcr
Snow buy. Tho captain mndo several
attempts to contlnuo south through
tho Ice, but we had to tnko refugo In
Pnrkcr Snow bay and tho ship was fi
nally Iced In thoro on October 1.
Start on Long Trip.
"Both Mr. MacMillan nnd Doctoi
Hunt visited us thore, coming down
from Etnh by sleds, nnd it -was deter
mined that four of us were to attempt
tho trip by sled across Melville buy
nnd nlong tho const of Danish Green-
laud to Holstcnborg, n distance ot
nbout 1,800 ndles, whero wo could get
tho first ship out for Copenhngen. The
Cluctt wns so crippled thnt It could
not make tho trip north to Etnh.
"Wo finally decided to tnko eight
sledges, drawn by nearly ono hundred
dogs, nnd tho pnrty wns to be com
pbsed ot Doctor Ilovey, Mr. Allen, En
sign Green nnd myself. Wo left Par-
ker Snow bny on January 10 nnd mude
Capo York the first day,
"On March 3 wo reached Umlnsk.
Thero wo met tho high priest of
Greenland, Knud Dalle, who wns Just
starting south to his homo at Egcdcs-
mludo nnd who volunteered to guide
us. Wo reached Egedcsmlndo on
March 21 und wero taken Into Mr
Hallo's homo us his guests. It wnt
decided that wo should remain there
until tho annual Danish mall left to
catch tho boat at Holstenborg.
"When tho tlmo enmo to leavo It
was not deemed ndvlsnblo to have all
thrco of us mnko the trip out. Wo
Hiiw that It wns posslhlo to get ono
man through nnd it was decided that
I should come.
"I reached Copenhagen on Mny 20.
When I got In touch by cable with tho
National museum I was advised to
make arrangements for n relief ship to
go to Etnh and bring out tho other
members of tho pnrty nnd the speci
mens which wo hnd collected. I flnnl
ly succeeded In (Jmrtcrlng tho Den
mark, n small steamship, powerfully
built for Ico work. They will get tho
other members of tho expedition luto
in tho summer."
Kills 2,000 Squirrels.
Bnker, Ore. Tho champion "single
hnnded squirrel killer of eastern Ore
gon nnd possibly a lnrger territory
mny bo the tltlo claimed by E. C
McCounell, living In the Beaver Creek
section. Ho reports that within the
last week ho killed 2,000 of the grain-
Breeders Should Be Selected With
Definite Object Inbreeding Is
Not Desirable.
Pigeons usually mate In pairs nnd
-remain constnnt through life, al
though the mating mny bo changed If
desired. Unmntcd pigeons, especlnllj
males in the loft, are n source of
much trouble, nnd usunlly prevent
Splendid Breeding Pair.
profltablo results. JPlgeons aro usunl
ly mated nt from lTvo to nine months
of jigc. There nre two methods of
mating, nntural nnd forced. Under nat
ural mating the pigeons usunlly
nre allowed to select their own
mates, which Is Indicated by the
male billing nnd driving tho female.
Experienced breeders, however, nre
occnslonnlly deceived by their actions
In selecting sex. In forced mating, ns
in natural mating, the breeders should
be selected with n definite object, us
ing males strong in points In which
tho females aro weak. It is some
times advisable to break up tho mat
ing between old pigeons and young
birds, although these pairs often give
good results. Whero mntlngs produce
undesirable qualities, it is necessary
to rcmnte or cull out tho flock. Con
Minted close inbreeding Is not deslra'
j """"J "J -"- ""J
tho female on ono foot and tho mnlo
on tho other, It Is fairly ensy to reg
ulnto Inbreeding.
Pckln Is Favored for Marketing While
Indian Runner Takes Lead for
Egg Production.
Duck raising Is one of tho most
profitable brnnchesof tho poultry busi
ness. For mnrkct purposes alone the Pe-
kin duck Is popular. For eggs tho In
dian llunner takes the lead.
Ducks are never troubled with lice,
neither do they have cholern or roup.
Pckln Duck.
They lay n largo egg. These eggs
havo n very fine flnvor.
You will find tho eggs not ns fertile
If you let tho ducks grow thin.
Give the ducklings plenty of nlr nnd
stuff them with feed. Sprinkle snnd
over their feed ns this will bo a euro
way of them getting as much as they
Watch that the ducks have suitable
attention and regular feed. A few
well cared for pays better than too
many thnt nre slighted.
Fresh Vegetables Should Be Supplied
to Youngsters Composition of
Qood Mash.
Tho Uttlo chicks must ho supplied
with a quantity of greon food or
frooli vegetables nfter thoy aro a fow
days old. A good rulo would bo to
havo one-third of tho ration green
focd, ono-thtrd cracked grains and
ono-thlrd mash.
Grouud oats, bran and middlings In
equal parts, ruako a vory good mash
for chicks. Thoro is nothing mngio
or medicinal about tho prepared chick
Chicks that bocomo Injured, and cs
pecially it In a manner to bocomo
bloody, should bo promptly roruoved
from tho broodor. Chicks aro strong
ly cannibalistic If onco started, and
will quickly tear to plocea an Injured
chick If thoy once get a taste of the
blood. Smear tar over any Injured or
bloadIK spots,
Mysterious "Cit" Helped
WASHINGTON. Hidden under nn Iramnculnte Pnlm Bench suit, nnd usunlly
leaning against n tree In front of the Pcnnsylvnnln nvcnuo recruiting sta
tion, Is whnt the recruiting olllccrs of the
most dangerous germ of prcpnredncss
to bo found within n day's Journey in
tho District. Congressman Gardner of
Massachusetts and Col. Robert N.
Thompson of the Nuvy league nre
rank amateurs compared to him ac
cording to accounts.
Everybody nnd everything that
brushes up against him becomes Inocu
lated with the fever to enlist or to
make others, enlist. For several dnys
the figure In the Pnlm Bench suit was
noted by tho officers of the recruiting
ntutlon. Ho nppenrcd to bo tnklng things ensy In n very cnlm nnd deliberate
wny. no looked like n prosperous business man.
Every nfternoon he would nppeur nnd remnln standing against tho tree or
talking quietly to groups of men In front of tho stntiou. After n talk with
him a mnn usunlly wnlked Into the stntlon nnd enlisted 1
One nfternoon nn ex-voluutcer officer pnssed the stntlon, snw the "germ"
nnd shook it warmly by tho hnnd. Then the volunteer enme Into tho stntlon.
"Whnt rank does Marshall hold?" he asked, pointing to the "gcrm.V And
then it enmo out. The man la Crelghton E. Marshall, officially known In tho
records of his country ns n sergonnt In Troop K, First United States volunteer
cnvnlry, from May, 1803, to October, 1898. Unofficially he's "Crate" Marshall,
cx-Rough Rider, comrade nnd friend of Capt. Allyn K. Capron, Cnpt. Bucky
O'Neill, nnd Sergt. Humllton Fish, among tho first three men killed In tho Spanish-American
Prlvntely, Marshall Is custodian of the presses nt tho burcnu of engraving
nnd printing. Ho Is n prepnredness expert, who believes In every mnn doing his
bit and doing It up to tho handle. Marshall wears glasses because of the bit
ho did in Cuba. Ho wasn't expected to survive tho Cuban episode but ho
pulled through.
Arlinqton Woods Very
R. KALMBACK of the biological survey hns studied the crow for several
yenrs, has thoroughly fumlllarlzed himself with Its habits and Is Interested
in every newly discovered crow roost.
(Hmt THOUSAND "f 111 J
ing tho winter of 1010-11 tho Arlington
roost was occupied by 270,000 birds and that nt lenst 100 crows flew to roost
ench second during "tho height of the Influx."
This would menn thnt 0,000 crows entered tho roost In u minute's time, and a
period of 45 minutes was generally consumed before nil hnd returned from their
day's forage. This estimate proves that approximately 270,000 actually mado
tho Arlington roost a hendqunrters for tho season. '
The Wocdrldge roost, near Lnngdon, D. C, was used by crows for some
time, but tho birds found another roost more to their liking. The successor
wns the ono on wlllch Mr. Kolmback made observations, no noted four lines
of these birds coming to this roost and estimated that probably 1,800 or 1,000
flew In each line, which would total something In tho neighborhood of 7,500
crows when strays nnd belnted members were tnken Into consideration.
A few months later the crows deserted this roost and returned to the Wood-
rldgo roost, where other crows Joined
tion amounting to 30,000.
Counting these birds would bo very
nre famlllnr with two methods by means of which they nre able to count largo
numbers. By one method the birds nre counted In the evening ns they fly
townrd the roost In distinct lines, nnd, ns n rule, thero are anywhere from three
to six air paths chosen. Tho other method Is to wait until nil the birds have
congregnted for the night nnd then to
tne Dirus gntnereu mere unu estimate
How Army Medical School Fights a Silent Foe
UNPRETENTIOUS and unheralded,
mllltln mobilization, has been going
Thirteenth street northwest, whero the
diseases Is belug prepared. A force
ot 20 men, members of the United
States army medical corps, headed by
Capt. M. A. Itcnsoner, 1ms been work
ing day nnd night on ono floor of the
building, prcpnrlng tho enormous
nmdunt of vaccine which tho 100,000
troops of tho mllltln require since be
ing mobilized.
An Idea of the tremendous work Is
gained by tho fact that In ordinary
times this sntuo force makes the vac
cine for the army and navy and tho
forest service, nnd furnishes It to numerous other organizations besides. Since
the mobilization this force, In addition to the supplies for the services men
tioned, has been furnishing the vaccines for the mllltln troops nlso.
Each of tho soldiers In this army must receive three Inoculations of anti
typhoid vaccine, and in other cases, Inoculations for other diseases aro made.
All tho tremendous quantity of this vaccine "has been furnished by this little
urmy Qf 20 men, scarcely a sergeant's section In tho terras of nrmy orgnnlzn
tlon. While tho big men get the troops rendy for service nnd hnve their names
carried in tho papers dally with suitable praise for their efforts, this Uttlo
force, working with silent efficiency, Is safegunrdlng the lives of tho soldiers
whom tho big men nro organizing.
Washington's Great Walnut Tree Is Victim of War
WASHINGTON had n wonderful walnut tree. It stood near tho American
university, nnd hns been noted ever since this country wns known to tho
whites. About the tlmo thnt William tho Conqueror Invaded England, midway
of the eleventh century, n -splendid
that Grent Britain It so fur nntodated.
England must haver walnut wood of the fiuost to mnnufneturo rlllo stocks.
Having ransacked her own possessions, she has turned to America for tho ouly
timber suited to such n mnnufneturo. So tho htigo tree, n floral Mothusaleh,
thnt stood on tho tract bounded by the Tunlny ridge nnd Loughborough roads,
bus been sold to n British ngent for $120, lowered to earth, lopped of Its
branches, nnd freighted to Baltimore for transportation nboard.
Tho Tuulaw walnut was famed ns the largest hardwood tree In this section
of the country. It was 12.r feet high, 21 feet In circumference, und hud a bough
spread of 150 feet.
Tho word "Tunlaw" Is walnut spelled backward, und It Is paid Mint Ura
emia Grant und Sherwun were fund of visiting tho estato upon whlfh thu
walnut tree stood, neo? whnt Is now known as the American university, n-ul
thnt thoy suggested thr mure,
Recruiting in Capital
District Nntlonnl Guard regard as the
Popular With the Crows r
Ho avers thnt the assembling of thou-
stnds of crows for the purpose of
roosting, usually close to some largo
city, presents one of tho most curious
nnd remarkable phenomena occurring
in tho bird kingdom.
Mr. Knlmback hns ascertained that
thero nre several fair-sized crow roosts
in tho vicinity of Washington. A roost
nt Arlington held, during the most
crowded period of Its existence, fully
200,000 crows. In f net, A. II. Howell of
the blologlcnl survey alleges that dur
the original settlers, the whole popula
confusing- to a novice. Ornithologists
choose n limited nren of the roost, count
xrom una uin upyruuiuuio tuiui.
yet one of tlie biggest tasks of the
on nt the Army Medical school, nt 721
vaccine for the prevention of various
walnut sapling begnu to run Its head
toward heaven, near what wns later
to become the city of Washington. In
tho times that followed William, whllo
n disorderly group of Islands were be
ing welded Into a Great Britain, this
same tree dovehqvd with nlmo,st In
finite slowness Into a forest giant. A
few weeks ngo tho Tunlaw walnut,
nfter 000 yenrs of life, wns felled to
help 'satisfy tho war-tlmo needs of