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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1916)
i: 2, -. Semi-Weekly Tribune IBA L. BAKE, Editor and rablishor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Vcnr by iilnll In Adrnnce....$l.'j One tfcnr by Currier In Advance, .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, 1'ostolllco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, AUGUST I, 10l 1'nbllc Library Aotes. Tliero nro now 2,130 weekly bor roworH. The encyclopedias have been moved to a section by themselves, thereby leaving inoro room for ning nzlnos. The- magazine section is the most populur Hcctlon during the hot wcathor. The new electric fan adds much to the comfort of the 'patrona who fre quent the reading room. Many toachors arc taking advantage of tho Hpeclal reference books. Hoys Interested In birds wllll Ilnd several helpful books In tho sections finarked "Bird Hooks." Children mho come to the library during tho hour from 2 to 8 each day will bo given special help In the selection of books. "The Molting Pol" by Israol Znng wlll Is a most popular book at this time. It Is a drama In four nets and will bo presented during the Chautau qua program. .Another populnr book Is the "Song of the Lark" by Will In Slbort Cathor. It is an achievement far boyond any of her recent work and Is full of Inter est to all readers. Tho reading room is open Sundays from .1 to (1. The Juvonllo section has been crowded with little folks nearly every afternoon. -::o: :- Obituary of Ellen .Miirliillni BroMiicll. Ellon Marintha Taylor was born In Bangor, Mich., Novofber 2, 1850, and died nt North Platte, Nebraska, at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Elnora P. Snyder, July 22, 1910, aged 05 years, 8 months nnd 20 dnys. Sho spent her girlhood dnys In llangor, Mich., and was married nt tho age of seventeen years to Jai!if" C. Hrowncll. To this union wero born six. children, two of whom, Emily E. and Nellie M. died In eprly childhood, the remaining chil dren Doing Tnyior r. llrownell, Ne braska City, Hosa A. Nolson, Palmyra, Nob., Ernest E. llrownell, of Slither land, and Elnora P. Snyder, of this city. In 1800 tho family moved from the stnto of Michigan to Sutherland. In January, 1908, Jnmcs E. llrownoll died and Mrs. llrownell had since made her homo iwlth her son Ernost E. Urownoll In Sutherland. Sho was a member of tho M. E, Church, having been converted about twonty-flvo years ago. Clod, was with her until the end. Sho said "she was ready to go." "Wo mourn not ns thoso without hope for we expect to meet her ngaln. Uosldes llio four children living sho Is survived bp sovon grand children, all of whom wero 'prcsont whon the end came excopt Mrs Hose Nolson, who is ill nt Palmyra, Nob. ::o:: Curd of Thanks Wo wish to thnnk tho many friends and noighbors for their tender and loving assistance in the sickness, death and burial of our doarmothor. Also for boautlful floral offerolngs. Signed, Tnyior T. LSrownoll, Mrs. Nora Snydor. Mrs. Koslo A. Nolson, Ei nest E. Urownoll. :o: : Per Sale. SO head of hogs, i miles north of Brady. Jog. Mattes. Brady. r-7-2 t.t t.t . ..ft....,..,.,,.......,....','..'..',.'.'. ....Wl 3.S it if it :.: :.: !:i l B j.: it it t.t J.t it :.: it Jt ij i.t J.t J.t t.t J.t ii .: J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank - ol' - NOKTII l'UATTB, XISIJHASICA. Plomber Federal Reserve Bank System. ca vital. axi suiirrust One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN TIIK FACTO HS IN THE GROWTH OF TIU8 JUNK, AND TIIK SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GI7EN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS OIYEN TO LARGE 1IALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Manager. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Her. Ives, of Ogalalla, visited with Dean Ilowkor hint weok. Por Kent Clean furnlslied rooms, $1.50 Up. 7211 Locust St. S7-9 . Miss Artie Lloyd loft a few days ago for Ogallala to visit tier sister. Attorney M. E, Crosby transacted business In Ogalalla Snturday. Donald McParland returned Sunday from a visit with friends in Cheyenne. Halph Sawyer loft Saturday morn ing for Sidney whoro he iwlll reside In lite future. Mr. and Mrs. John Strahorn will leavo today for Cherokee Park to spend several weeks. Paul Nolan and George Weir re turned Sunday morning from a wcok's visit In Cheyenne. Miss Gertrude linker loft Sunday morning for Gothenburg to visit friends for ten days, L. L. Walker and son Wylle spout tho latter part of last week In Ogal alla on business. Charles Itlnckor and Cecil Cool re tained tho latter part of last weok) from a visit In Hastings. W. L. Cary, ofOmahu, spent tho week end here visiting C. T. Whelan and transacting business, O. II. Thoelccko spent a few days tho latter part of last week transt Ing business In Paxtou. Mrs. J. G. Pcnso and chllren, of Gothenburg who wero visiting In town have returned homo, Charles Everett has returned from Gothenburg where he spent the great er port of last week. Miss Isabolle Dornn Is expected to return from Lincoln tomorrow whore she spent several weeks. Miss Erma Bnrraclough who had been visiting friends In Premont for ten days hns returned home. Miss Nina VnnDoran left a few days ago for Mayvood to spend n week with Mrs. Hobert Artley. Miss Luclllo Heeler left Saturday morning for Hershoy to visit her sis ters, for a couple of weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Ballard and fam ily left Saturday morning for Denver to spend a fortnight or longer. Mrs. J. T. Stuart and daughtor.Irene returned Prlday ovenlng from Denver where they visited for a week. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tingloy and L. G. Dahlstrotn visited tho Garland fam ily in Gothenburg last iweek. W. H, Mnlonoy and C. J. Pass who spent last week In Choycnno came homo Saturday evening by nuto. Miss Vera Slver, of Garlleld, came the latter part of- last week to visit with Miss Zoo watts for several days Leo Keith is among the latest to purchase a now Ford car which he has been ((riving for several days past. Guy Swopo lias Improved his. resi dence on euBt Fifth street by tho addi tion of a new lKisoinont and heating plant. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Tagador, of Orleans, Neb., were called hero last weok hy tho death of tho former's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Day aro expected to return homo tho last of this week lrom their honeymoon trip -in eastern points. Jeillllo and Edna Krh-Hsnii. of Haul In I cuino tho latter part of last week to visit with Miss Jennie Carlson for Sev ern 1 days. it it u :.t :.t j.t j.t J.t j.t j.t it it J.t J.t it J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t H j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j: Health and Comfort livery home should have a fan for health and comfort. A good fan will last a lifetime in the home. It is not expensive when divided hy tho years they last. The cost to operate is very small. Some day you Will own a fan, why not begin now and he get ting the benefit. THHKK JIJISTJIS' frOKK OF Till: CIIA-MBER OF COMMERCE Bolow wo are printing some of the acuviuus oi inc .ortn finite uiiambor of Cnmmornfi dnrln? Mm lnnt -(hrno months. By comparing it with the aotk or similar organizations you will realize that North Platte has one of the best roal live oiganlzatlon not only In Nebraska bud in the West. Results not Resolutions from .May 1st Angus! 1st. Co-operated with the International Harvester Co. and Union Pacific In helping make their recent Silo and Dairy train a success In Lincoln county. Held a successful conference with Supt. Jcffcrs In regard to our new depot. Co-operated with the merchants In making tho recent Dollar Day a suc cess, thus showing to the, public that our merchants otter more for tho mon ey -than any town In this section. Protested against the defacing of the Lincoln Highway signs on the route west. Promoted and carried out the first Seeing Industries trip ever undertak en by any organization In this section of the state. Arriuitrpil fnr fhn nxnrnlHOH fnr. flin dedication o f the Oregon Trail mon ument. Marked tho roads from North Platte to" Maywood and from North Platte to Arnold. Placed fortv slens showlnir thn dis tance to North Platte. Arranged for a complimentary ban quet in honor of the opening of ithe new Hotel McCabo. Have taken up the mutter of better train service up with the Union Pa cific officials between IJradv and towns west. Annnlntnrf a nmnmllfpn tn nrmtifo for tho location of tho hitching posts for the farmers and have been prom ised Immcdinte roliof bv tho dtv au thorities. Met with thn POlintv ninmls5ilrnfrt twice in regard to road conditions In our county. tlnvn fntrmi tin mnllnn urIHi tlin '.(Kt. nfflc nrrirtlnlR nr Wnnlilnohrtn and our congressmen regnrding the new rural route to be established south and east of town. Entertained three Hundred Keith county farmers and business men. Tills feature shownd Mm vnlnn r n good working organization such as wo nave ami wnen ino oignty-twrt au tomobile owners lined up at tho depot it allowed to the pessimists that ho had mighty fow friends on his side. 1'ianueu ana carried out tlie banquet In honor of General Manniror .infffrn. of the Union Pacific. Assisted 111 tlli nntortnlnnir-nt nf the State convention nf thn Snntilcilt War Veterans, hotri dally. Assisted fhc (1. A. It. In a financial way on Memorial Day. ' bocureu the state convention of rugglsts for 1017. This Ik the first time In the lllsitorv of thn orrrartl- ation that llinv hnvn west. We competed with Lincoln and Hoatrico for thn enn vnntlnnt hut .In. feated both by a overwhelming major ity. Does organization pay? Assisted in entertaining the West rn Nebraska liar A they recently mot In our city. Planned and carried out the biggest silo trip .evor undertaken by any county In tho wost. Fifty-six nutomo- mies loans going tho first duv and seventy-one the second. Our Fourth of July celebration brought to North Plnttn thn lfrficit l-iowii over nueniiing such a eolobra uon in tne History of our city. It snowed tho valuo of some one luMllg on UK) JIM) monillS DOloro t in nn n iral nn Invited tho state editors .and their wives to visit North Platte on their tour of Western Nebraska and same lias neon accepted. Held a slinnhil liinntlni' nf tl,.. ni ectors wlien Lincoln and Keith coun lies were donrivod of wntnr fnr iri..n tlOll llUrilOSeS. PlISHcd l rnunllltlmi frnt In 'touch with Stnto Engineer Johnson over long uisianco pliono and ho at once Issued an order -to turn tho water lOOSe. THIS S list Olio of thn ninn many things that the North Platte uuamuer or uonimorce Is doing for tin genoral good of all, menibor and non niomber alike. Held one finokor. Hlxtnnn nnmi inv iiiiiners ami tiiroe banquots with an uvuiuku luieuuanco or sixty-two. a i ue directors nave held tSventywp'li nicotlngs. ' Other drKanlzatlons In tlm-v lti hnv usod tho club's rooms on fourteen uiuerent occasions. . . Havo had ninn siinnUnra fi vim Mini outside to give talks to our members Ml Mw. llrr..n... .r.. uu illliuiuill Illt'UllIlIIS, Sent a representative, to Lincoln to protect our farmers regarding wator rights In this territory and our re quest was granted. . . . Sent three delegates to the state meeting of Nebraska Commercial clubs Hold In May ut Oinuhav Appointed a coinmltteo to Investi gate tho nroiioslti Oil 1 1 Vflln nit wl ditlonal 4 mill levy for good roads. , ruuiieit) Ueeelved. Tolegranh (dnllv nnd linos. Tribune (Seinl-Weokly) i;?80 lines.1. Nobraska Fanner Till) lines. World Herald 522 lines. , t. Llnclon Trado Roviow C20 linos. Oinnhn lleo 476 linos. 1 i Oninha Trado Exhibit 425 linos. ' Lincoln Joiirnol 327 lines. Lincoln star 201 lines. " Town Dovelmont N. Y.. C5 linos. Total number of lines (free) 7G4G lines. . Number of people reached in ono issuo IS 1.000. Letters and Cards Mulled. Notices to niombors 25S0, a State Druggists COO. Silo Trip 12S0. County Fair 100. Personal lottca written 720. Lottora rocolved 321. ' Averngo numbor of phono calls an swered, each day 30. Number of linos of news sont to the various papers 2340. Numbor of ladlos visiting tho rost room each weok 125. Employment Uiiretin. Numbor of men registering for work Positions found fnr mnn ir7 Number of women registering for Positions found for women i. Total number employment secured 14. Classes of 'People lieiiellted. Dusinessineii, hotels, etc., (J. Housewives 4. Fanners and Handlers 133. ' AN OJMM.NAM'i: AO. An ordinance protldluir for nnd uu Ihnrling the Issuuiiie of district put lug bonds of the city of .North I'latte, .Nebraska, said bonds ,fo be kiHMiii us district paving bonds of district number one and to be used for flic purpose of paying the cost of curbing, guttering and 'pmliiK streets exelushe of Intorosetlons of streets nnd spaces opposite allcjs in pining dNIiict iiunibcr one In. said city, nnd cmpovicrlii nlni directing the major and city clerk to sigh nnd execute such bonds on behalf of the city mid providing for a spe cln I lux a if.' sinking fund for the pa incut of sa Id bonds and the Interest thereon.. Ho It Ordained by the Mayor aild City Council of the City of North Platte, Nebraska. Section 1. . That for the "purpose- of paying the costs of curbing. guttering and pav ing Jhe streets .exclusive of the Inter sections of'streets and spaces opposite alleys In Paving District Number One In the City of North' Platte, Nebraska, the Mayor and Council 'of said City be and they are hereby authorized, em powered and directed to execute and issue the bonds of sahl City of North Platte In the sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) as hereinafter set forth. Section ,2. Said bonds 'shall be designated and known as District Pavlngr bonds of District Number One and shall be Is sued In denomination of $1000.00 each and be numbered one lo ninety In clusive, and shall bear Interest at the rate of 5 por onniim payable semi annually and said bonds shall each havo Interest coupon attached. Said bonds shall be dated on the 1st day of August, 1910, and shall become duo and payable ten years from date, but shall be redeemable at the option of tho City at any time after Issuance. Said bonds, principle nnd Interest 'pay able at the offlc6 of the State Treasur er In 'the City of Lincoln. State or Nebraska, and for the payment thereof both principal and Interest tho credit of tho City of North Platte, its property and Its revenues nre hereby 'pledged. Section 3. That there shnll be nssessed and levied ngalnst the property of said district, which said property shall con stitute all the property abutting on tho streets in said district, a special tax as provided by Statute which shall bn collected as other taxes of said City and when collected shall consti tute a special fund for tho payment of said bonds and the Interest thereon. Section 4. That in tlie execution of said bonds tho Mayor of said City Is hereby em powered to sign said bonds and Inter est coupons attached In his official capacity as Mayor and the City Clerk shall attest tho same under the seal of said-City, and tho coupons attached to said bonds shall bo signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk with out seal and when so signed nnd at tested the same shall be and consti tute the valid obligation of said City. Passed and approved this 2Gth day of July, 1910. (SEAL) . E. II. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. O. E. ELDEH, City Clerk. . Quality Not Quantity Wo make clears In tho small nnrl in tho regular sizes preferring to use quality-tobacco In preference to quan tity. ; W use ouly tho best tobacco ior iiuer apu wrappon anu our cua torn'ons aro nlways satisfied., We Hau- (110 a larce lino or iimnknrn' nrtlnlnu 6ur display of pipes being especially jargo. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Hospital Phone Black G33. House Phone Black G33. W. T. PRITCHARI), Graduate VoturinnrJun Eight years a Government Vetorlnar Ian. Hospital 218' south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court Housb. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Posloftice. Phone 53 A modtrti institution for the fcUntific treatment of- medical, surgical and confinement casoi, Comptataly tquipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. . Staff: Gee, B. Deal, M. D. Y. Lucas, H. D. J. B. Reafeld, M. D. J.S.W, M.D Miss H. Sitffliti, Supt. DR. JOHX S. TWIXEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology and Obstclrics.' ' N'OKTH I'LATTE, 'EH. Nurse Ilnui Memorial Hospital. II0CT011 J). T. QUIGLET . .. Practlco Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 72S 'Jlty National Ilnnk lluildlng. Omalin, Nebraska. W. J. HOLDEHNESS i Eectrlcal Supplies VJrlng , Storage Batteries MorscH Bldg Phone 175. J. B. KEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN ft'SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone G76 Geo. B. Deiit, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Phonas t Office 130 l nones j. Resjdenc 115 JOHN S. SOOTS, M. Physician nnd Snrgeon Offlco B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone. Office, 83; Residence 38. Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandali Co. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . DROST,, , Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. r Notice' to Bond Buyers. Notice is herebv1 "given that the May or and City-, Council of the city of North I'LatiDcSf." AcbrasKaj. will receive bids for sixteen $1QOO.OO paving bonds, dated August 1, 191G, duo twonty years after date and drawing Interest at Uhe rate of live, per cent payablo semi-annually.. . Bonds optional after ten y'car.s, AM bidders, may satisfy them selves of tlie regularity and legality of it.ho bonds prior to tho time of op ening bids, and their bids must be ncconipanied with a certified chock for the total amount of ithe bid. Said sale to bo consumated and bonds delivered upon the acceptance of any bid. Bids will be opened August 1,, 191G, at 8 p. in., and ,musft bo filed with the City Clerlo not later than six o'clock, August 1, 191G. O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. Notice to Creditors. Estalto No. 1423 of George Trexler, de ceased. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will tako notice that tho timo limited for presentation and filing of claims ngalnst said Estate i February 25, 1917. and for settlement of said estato is July 21, 1917, that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on August 25, 191(1, nt 9 o'clock a. in., and on February 25, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in., to receive, examine. hear, allow or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed, and tho potltlon of r loronce Trexler for a widow's al lmvnnco and tho sotting aside of exempt property will bo heard. GEO. E. FRENCH. J25-a22 County Judge Notice of Petition Estate No. 1430 of Silas A. Hill, do ceased In the County Coma of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. . To all nor- sons Interested In said Hatato take nouco mat a potltlon lias been filed tar thn Prnlin'to nf Mm 1,. u'iii of Silas A. Hill and the uppolMiinuil of j. i!i. uvans as aiinilnlHtialor wlilt will annexed of said Estate In NchriiHlm, which nas been set ror hearing mi Aug. 18th, I91(i. at 9 o'clock a. in. Dated July 21, IflHl. OHO. i. FUiONCII, J2o'U 1 Coiliily .IiiiIko, .Vol Ire Id ('ri'illf iiru Estato No. 1421 of Mollln 15. Hhoii'p, ul-uouhuu, in my rouiity court or Lin coln County, Nehrjiskfl, The. State of Nebraska rs- Creditors of said os'ato will take nolle. IHa't llin liWuintitfilf.ti .....1 111 Ing of claims against nnld cBtale Is ruiiriiury so, 1III7. mill Tor BPtUeiii'onl of said istntn lu "lli 1 1' in Kin. ii. hi 'i --- ------- ... iml i .will sit nt tho county court room tn mim iuumy on August zr, iuio, at 9 O'clock n. ill., anil mi ViO.riiMrv or. Kin at 9 o'clock u. ni., to rocolvo, oxiimlno! Hour, ruow, or unjust nil datum and objections duly filed. J35nlS County Judge O ' ' Phones Off i(?e .333 lies,. Black 513 mi. HAROLD A; PENXER Osteopath. C Reynold Dutldljig Office hours Q a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to S p. m. FIRE, TORNADO, HAIL INSURANCE 0. E Xhoelecke. DERRYRERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers mid Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black CS8. Notice of Final Report. Estntc of Margratlia Burke, deceas ed, In the County Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraska, to all per sons Interested In said estate take i -tlco that tho executors havo filed a final account and report of their ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge n3 such and for a decree of distribution which have been set for hearing before said court on August 25, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and con test the same. Dated July 28, 191G. GEORGE E. FRENCH, "ln22 County Judge, ART1CI.KS OI-' INCORPORATION or "1'Hi: I.I0ADKR JIKRO.VXTII.U COM l'ANV." ' Know All Men liy '1'Iicnc- I'roSenl.Hi . .. That we, Julius Pizer, "J. E.' Nelson, Anna Plzer do associate -ourselves- to gether for the purpose of forming an-i becoming a Corporation In tho State of Nebraska, for tho transaction, of busi ness hereinafter named. FIHST: The name of the corporation sliall be "The Leader Mercantile Com pany," and tho principal place of trann acttnff Us business shall be In the City of North I'latte, County . of Lincoln, State of Nebraska. , SECOND. The nature of the busi ness to be transacted by said Corpora tion shall bo a general mercantile bus iness, the buying and selling of dry goods, ladles' and gents' clothing", la dles' and gents' furnishing goods, boots, shoes, rugs and carpets, and all such other merchandise as are generally kept In a store of the nature and char acter such as this corporation expects to engage In operating. THIRD. The leasing or erection and maintaining of such buildings and structures ns may be deemed necessary, and to purchase real estate as a site therefore, If deemed necessary, and the transacting of any other business as may be necessary to carry out the pur pose of this corportlon. FOURTH: The authorized, capital stock of said Corporation shall be thir ty thousand ($30,000) dollars, In share3 of Ono Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each, to be subscribed and paid by tho stock holders as required by the Board of Directors, but the corporation shall be authorized to do business when the cor porators herein named shnll havo sub scribed for .sufficient stock to pay the invoice price of tho goffds and merchan dise in tlie store known as "Tlie Lead er," now owned and. operated by one of the corporators herein, Julius Plzer. FIFTH: The existence of this cor poration shall commence on the 10th dny of July, 191firand continue during a period of five years. SIXTH' Tho business of this cor poration shall bo conducted by tho vice president, general manager and treasurer,- hereinafter.. named; Julius Plzer shall bo president. J. E. Nelson vlce- proHl(len,t, general manager and treas- er; anu Anna i'lzer snan no secretary; and the Htpclthbldors "shall as soon as the' corporation's organized tneot and and by a. unaniuiousvoto elect a board of directors pf two in .number such board of directors, to' conduct;, the' .busi ness of tho'.corporatlon ; Jn case of Inca pacity or death- ot any one. of the':offl ccrs hereinbefore- named., aijd such hoard of directors to" have no pbwbr to elect any other, bftVce'r.s except In caf of disability or death of ally o'nd of the of fleers heretofore named.' ' SEVENTH: Special meetings" of the stockholders may be h'epl upon .call "ot tho president or a majority of thn board of directors upon a written no tice, signed by the president, to. each of the stockholders at. .the last .knqvn postofflco address, setting forth the ob ject nnd purpose of the meeting, and such meeting shall he held In the oftlcn of the corporntlon lli the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. EIGHTH: Tlie regular "meeting of the stockholders shall bo held on the first Monday of January ' each year, nt the office or principal place of bus iness of said corporation, -and thft, bonrd of directors shall meet for n general discussion of the business of the corporation with the officers' there of on tho first Monday of ench month, NINTH: Tho president of said cor poration shall -preside .at the meeting of the board of directors. TENTH: The highest amount of .In debtedness to which the vice-president, general manager and trensurer shall linve power to bind tho corporation shall be forty por cent of tho cnnltal stock of the corporation outstanding, but the board of directors, by a unani mous vote, may authorize nn Indebted. iiohh to bo Incurred to tho extent of two thirds of the capital stock then" outing- Kt.KVKNTII: The bonrd of dlrce tors hIiii.II by uiwihImiouh consent adopt a corpornln seal. TWHLKTIt: The stockholders may votji In person or by proxy duly auth orized In wilting, and nil meetings of tll'i Htoekboldrl'H ench share of stock shall lm entitled to ono. vote, nhd a voti nf the majority of t)io slihres shall In nil oiimon control, except the same b I'oiitriiry to the provisions of those artt- ' TltlllTEICNTII' These articles of Incorporation may be amended; bv th mutual consent "f all of tho stock liuldnrri of the nlrpnrutton. I'OtMlTKIONTIl. If nt nny time a iIImiiUIk nilsiirt between tho Mockhold etti of thin corporation oi; between" thn inniiibi-rn of Mvo board of directors in rerermien, to the liiterprotntlon ot the iirllclcN of Incorporation, roforenco Nliall ho bail Jo n certain contract this dliy etilrled llltd between the Snl'l -T. K Nelmii,, and .lijlllin PUor for their time, iiieiuiliiir iiiid Intent. , III Witness .Whet-not the Kntd parties finVe.hftioilito set their hrtnds this 3Qth liny or March mtfi. JUMPS PI.ER, " J. Id. NELSON, ANNIEJ'IZER. HlHln of NebfnsUu, Lincoln County, sa: . On this; aotlt dny or. March, 1916, be foinjnc. Joseph, (J. Heolor, a Notary I'liblli-v duly commissioned., qualified for and residliiK In. ald coiint personally t-uuie tho ivbovo jinmod,. Jullur Plzer, J 19. Nelson, nnd ,Annn Finer, who aro ppinoujilly Juiown to mo to be the Identical persons whoso' names nro af nxoil to tho foregoing Instruction, and they severally acknowledged the exe cution of said instrument tq be their Voluntary ,nct nnd deed for the pur pose (herein expressed. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my linnd and affixed my Notarial went the day and year last above wrlt tn. JOSRH C I1EF.LFR. Votary Public 1