The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 01, 1916, Image 7

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Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.
ble Compound Helped Her.
West Danby, N. Y. "I havo had
nervous trouble nil my lifo until I took
1 Lydia b. rinkham's
Vogotablo Com-
pound for nerves
and for f cmalo trou-
bles and it straight
ened mo out in good
shape. I work nearly
all tho time, aa wo
live on a farm und I
havo four girls. I do
all my scwintr and
I other work wi th
J their help, so it
shows that I stand it real well. I took
the Compound when my ten year old
daughter camo and it helped me a lot
I havo also had my oldest girl take it
and it did her lots of good. I keep it in
tho house pJl the time and recommend
it." Mrs. Dewitt Sincebaugh, West
Danby, N. Y. .
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil
ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen
sations, all point to female derange
ments which may be overcomo by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
This famous remedy, tho medicinal
ingredients of which aro derived from
nativo roots and herbs, has for forty
years proved to bo a most valuable tonic
and invigoratorof the female organism.
Women everywhere bear willing testi
mony to tho wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vcgetablo Compound.
f Every W oman Wantg
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkliam Med. Co, for ten years.
A healing wonder for nacal catarrh,
ore throat and lore oyes. Economical.
Hu eitrftonftnarv rJeADitna find oenrufirlat iwwpf.
Sample Frea. 50c. all drugsuu, cf postmid by
ktnau. 1 he raxton I out woenpany. uocton, IV1&M.
la no more necessary
thanSmallpox. Armj
experience bu demonstiitej
the almost miraculous ctfl.
caey, ana liarmlessnesj.of AnUtynhold Vaccination.
Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and
your family. It Is more vital than bouse Insurance.
Ailc your physician, diueclit, or send for Hav
you had Typhoid?" telllne of Typhoid Vaccine,
results from use, and dancer from Typhoid Carriers.
Producing Vaftlnit and Serums under U. S. Llrentt
Tho Cutter Laboratory, Bsrkttey, Cat., Chicago, III.
A toilet preparation of merit,
nolpa to eradicate d&ndruir.
ForReitorinir Color And
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair.
ouc ana si.w at ururfciiis.
Her Secret.
A witness, tr'jolly, plump old worn
nn, In a trial in the supreme court of
Massachusetts, was asked wlint time a
certain train oC cars passed her house.
She replied that she began knitting at
three o'clock nnd had knit twice
around the leg of a stocking before It
came along.
The next question, of course, was
how long It would take her to knit
twice around. The juilge hero, In his
usual quiet humor, suggested that that
would depend upon the size of tho
To this tho witness remarked that
tho stocking was for herself anil they
-could exercise their own Judgment as
to the size, and guess how long it
would take.
Suffer with Kheuiuntlsin or Neuritis, acute or
chronic-, write for my FHEK BOOK on IUieimii
tlsm Its Cause and Cure, Most wonderful book
ever written, It's absolutely Fit EE. Jesse A.
Cane, Dept. O. W., Hrockton, Mass. Adv.
Sometimes the village dub migrates.
to a city and develops Into a real man.
A crank Is a person who thinks you
are a crank.
Write for free booklet "Points to be considered before
purchaslne a Sewing Machine." Learn the facts.
All ETirT ThcySprood
IV E 1 1 ju&ll ft- 1 1 C O . DIborqo
rUod aoTnhtra.DaUr Ply KllUr attracts and 1 Ills alt
lilts. Neat. eJoan. ornamental, convenient, and ebaap
. LMtaftllMMM.UaOC
psf mats). ea't tplllar
up ovari win nei or
nfiira unvthin. fin. ran.
UdffeUr. Alitor i
Daisy Fly Killer
Sold by dtalora. or a
HaSOLD &OMER8, 160 DaKalb Ave. Brooklyn, N.Y
Alfalfa ffi, Hwcot Clover fs. Farina
for kiiln nnd rnnton cmp uarrncnta
J. IUUMIAI.1., boo Uly, lima
lUKtun.U.O Hooka free. lllub
est rofarences. Uet results
Nebraska Directory
Omaha, Nebraska
X.' I T t IT W m aJ Trr liW
RooniH from $1.00 up single. "5 cputM up double.
r.oTPrnnaent lUtlttlcs bear ua out In onr coneln
Hon that tbo particular district we operate In la lust
bi-Klnnlnii it wonderlul cruwth adurdlnu tbo Wit
KCbt opportunities of anywhere In tlie U. H. Facta
are Co clear Mist we bare ourselves made large
purchases, nnd are Improving and putting It Inio
cultivation. Wo wilt gladly sbow you these facta
and help von secure a tract of tbls land. (Jllmatii
r thtl abuiidont rainfall and good waters lnnd will
Krow blc crops and con now be bought right.
us glvii yon tbeae facia; ther mrnn money, bealtb
and contci.lujont to yon. Write, pboue ur call
McCntJue Bldo Omaha, Neb.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 31-1916.
Squabs return profit
Much Depends Upon Kind
Treatment Given to Birds.
Forty Palra Can Be Kept Together
Quite Successfully Birds Should
Not Be Encouraged to Idle
ness Cost of Feed.
It Is n dehatahlc question with
squab breeders today whether birds
should be kept In small or large Hocks.
While one will advocate keeping not
over ijO pairs In a loft, .mother will nd
vocato keeping i5, and u third will
claim that there Is no harm in keeping
00 pairs together. Observations have
led to the belief Hint -10 pairs can be
kept together quite successfully. These
should have about fiO square feet of
lloor space and the lofts should bo at
least six feet high.
There should ulso bo u fly from six
to eight feet high, Iho width of the
Common Type of Pigeon House.
loft nnd from twenty to thirty feet In
length. Some breeders make the fly
high enough so that it will extend over
part of the roof of the pigeon house, ,
In order tbat tbe birds may sit In the
sun. This Is not only Injurious to the
roof, but encourages the birds to lazy
habits, whereas to get successful re
sults In breeding they must be kept i
working, or at least not encouraged to
Tho estimated cost of feeding a pair j
of pigeons varies from $1 to $1.00 a ,
year. Reports from a number of
pigeon farms give an average cost of
Clear drinking water, grit, broken
oyster shell and charcoal should bo
kept before the pigeons all tho time.
Squabs are ready for market usually
from 3V6 to 4 weeks of age, and
up to this time they are fed by their
parents. They must he sent to market
Nest With Movable Front and Parti
tions. promptly as the period during which
they are In best condition rarely ex
ceeds one week. Squabs are in good
mnrket condition when fully feathered
under the wings, which Is usually
about the time they begin to ljjavo the
nest. If they are not killed at this
time they soon lose their baby fat and
their flesh begins to harden.
Catch the squabs to be marketed
In the morning before they are fed
by their parents, so that their crops
will be empty. Squabs are usually
killed In the same manner as poultry
by cutting the arteries In the back
Mtar a
House rid Flying Pen.
part of the roof of the mouth and
piercing the brain, but If scut to mar
ket without plucking they are usually
killed by wringing or breaking the
Squubs should be graded according
to sljco and quality, as dark-colored
nnd small squabs tend to lower tho
price paid for an entire shipment of
mixed squabs. They are usually
packed for shipment In a good supply
of cracked Ice, hrensts up, with par
aflln paper between each layer of Ico
and squnhs. Some express companies
havo a special rato for squab ship
ments, which ehould bo secured wher
ever possible.
Bad Odors and Poor Flavor of Butter
Traced to Improper Handling
Keep Vessels Clean.
If the facts were known doubtless
It would he found that most of tho
contamination that causes bad odors In
milk and poor flavor In butter could be
traced to the handling of the milk be
fore It was cooled. Warm milk Is food
for bacteria nnd so long as the milk
Is exposed and warm It will likely be
As soon as the milk Is drawn from
the cow It should be cooled. Hvon
while the milking Is being done the
can should be covered and the milk
pall so that as little of the milk Is ex
posed as possible.
Much will always depend upon the
temperature of the milk. When the
temperature Is lowered danger of
growth of these bacteria Is reduced.
Where Ice Is available the milk may
bo quickly cooled, but where there
Is no Ice more dllllculty may be ex
pected. Of course the vessels must be kept
clean and the milk put where It will
not nbsorb bad odors. Hut It must
bo cooled before It can he expected
to be anything like free from contam
inating bacteria.
Useless Swamp May Be Converted Into
Pond by Cleaning It Out Dry
Paths Add Comfort.'
It Is u good plan to locate corn cribs
and hay stacks on high rolling ground,
so that water will not settle toward
A swamp that Is an eyesore and ab
solutely useless as It stands, mny be
drained and converted Into a permr
Stairway Like This Makes It Easy to
Get Over Barbed-Wire Fence.
nent pond by scraping out the bottom
nnd lining It with clay.
A patch of atony, unproductive
ground can, in a few years, be con
verted Into a Joy for the youngstrii?,
by plautlng It to hickory trees.
Nothing adds so much to the com
fort of everybody on the farm as dry,
solid paths or walks running from the
house to all of the outbuildings and
connecting the latter.
If you do not have the energy tc
build a dipping tank for the hogs, pom
some coal oil over the pond when
they wallow, and It will aid materlallj
In disposing of the lice.
A self-opening and closing gate l!
appreciated In cold and stormy
It will only take a good day's worl
to inake a split-log drag and It will
pay for Itself over and over the flrsl
A gasoline engine and a ninuun
spreader are cheaper than the wages
of a farm hand, and they can be al
ways had.
If you are thinking of trying alfalfa
start with a small field, say two oi
three acres. If your experiment falls,
the loss will not be so great, but alfalft
will grow In almost any soil or anj
climate If It Is handled right.
Let Undesirable Fowls Run With Oth
ers Until Right Size, Then Fatten
Them for Market.
Handle the chicks and market do
formed birds as soon as they aro oi
market size. Crooked backs, hip Joint;
oi unequal ii"lglit, crooked toes, lonf
beaks, combs with side springs, duel
feet, otv-colored eyes and a pronounced
tendency to off-colored feathers, can
not readily bo detected without hand
ling the birds. It Is well to sow n bniir
of red flannel or mark with colorec
paint the legs of birds destined for the
early mnrket. A dab of paint on the
wing Dow Is nlso good.
Let these birds run with tho other
till about the size needed, and ther
pen und fatten. Many a sale can be
made at the door If the chicks are
cooped and ready. Keen them fre
from lice and growing every day, but
get rltl of them quickly.
Catch-Weight Spools Weigh From 8J
to 125 Pounds Stretcher Is Al
most Indispensable.
In calculating the amount of wire
to fence a Held It Is customary to as-
sume that ordinary barb wire weighs
one pound per rod. This Is npproxl
mate only, but It will give you an Idea
In estimating the number of spools,
liarbed wire Is placed upon the mar
ket either In catch weights of ordi
nary spools 80 rods long. Catch-weight
spools weigh from 85 to 125 pounds,
tho average being about 05 pounds.
These are net weights nnd aro marked
on the spool. Eighty rod spools arc
guaranteed to contain 80 rpds of wire,
livery farmer with such fencing lo
do should havo u wire stretcher. One
In ulmost indispensable to easy nnd
satisfactory work.
yrSfetCoiiteata IS YlaUP:
wTTP TTstrtlr r
ATcctnblc mrmtwoBrAs-,
simllating (licToodandKtTjtuj
- .1TA.otrnnf.linSnClUlff
jus cxaTRCoHTArt:
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
Truthful Traveler Explains How Sail
ors Were Enabled to Alleviate
the Pangs of Hunger.
He was describing the privations of
a voyage from which he had Just re
turned. "Then," ho said, "1 went down to
the cabin to lunch."
"Lunch 1" exclaimed one of his hear
ers. "Hut you told us there was noth
ing to cat left on board. What did
you have for lunch?"
"Oh !" was the reply, "It was a very
modest affair beef, wlna and nn egg."
"Beef?" Where did you get tho beef
"Oh!" was the reply, "that came
from tho bulwarks."
".And the wine: how about that?"
"Oh, that came from the porthole 1"
"Oh, oh I" laughed the listener.
"Good, very good! 15ut tell mo where
did you get the egg?"
"Oh, that was tho simplest of all I"
came the reply. "The captain gave or
ders for the ship to 'lay to,' and he
gave mo one." renrson's Weekly.
When your back aches, and your blad
der and kidneys Bcem to be disordered, re
member it is needless to suffer go to your
nearest drug store and get a bottle of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, It is a physician's
prescription for diseases of the kidneys
and bladder.
It has stood the test of years and has
a reputation for quickly and effectively
giving results in thousands of cases.
This prescription was used by Dr. Kil
mer in his private practice and was so
very effective that it has been placed on
sale everywhere. Get a bottle, 60c and
11.00, at your nearest druggist.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., llinglminton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing he cure and
mention this paper. Adr.
Needlessly Alarmed.
A man who was stung by hornets
last summer, was awakened by n buzz
ing sound almost directly above him.
He ducked his head under the cov
ers. When ho ventured an ear out to
listen he heard the sound again, even
louder thnn before.
Again he ducked under tho covers.
Then, realizing that he couldn't stay
In bed all day, he put his head out
from under this covers and yelled. This
was with tho Idea of scaring whatever
was buzzing.
Ho succeeded in that, but it wasn't
a hornet or bee.
It was n hired girl running a vacuum
carpet sweeper on tho lloor of the Hat
Had Experience.
A guardsman mustered Into the fed
eral service cannot be held for ali
mony, so a court rules, becnuso his
Income Is only enough for himself.
This may Inrlto the Alimony club
members to enlist, If they can get out
long enough to do so. Nobody can
deny that they have lighting experi
ence In tho Home Guard.
Logical Deduction.
Almec Last night young Lovelace
said ho would willingly dlo for my
sake, and thin morning Jeanetto told
mo hu said the same thing to her three
days ago. Now what do you think of
a man like that7
Hazel Well, It looks to mo like he
was leading u double life.
Sir Francis Elliot, tho British min
ister to Greece, was u great oarsman
lu his day.
Hand is one of tho Important Ingre
dluuta lu the elixir of success.
I" M Iilll lln'l i ll
What is CASTOR I A
Cnstorln is n Imrmlcss snhstltuto fov Cnstor Oil, Pare
porlc, Drops nntl Seothluir Syrups It is pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcutio
fmbstancc. Its ap;o is its guarantee It destroys SVorms
nnel allnys Feverish ness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation.
Flatulency. Wind Colic, nil Teething Troubles anil
Diarrhoea. It rcprnlatcs tho Stomach nnel Bowels,
nssliuilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Without That It Is Unreasonable to
Think One Has the Ability to
Control Others.
Tho other dny n mnn who makes his
living by lighting was struck by an
undersized man, and Instead of return
ing the blow ho walked away from his
diminutive assailant.
This man exhibited much moru self
control than the majority of people.
Men who class themselves as being
on a higher plane than this lighting
man would have mixed Immediately
with the hot-headed Individual.
What would you have done?
The chances aro that you would have
rushed at tho fellow with all your
might; you would havo permitted your
suvugo Instincts to rulu you.
"This proves that you havo not as
much power as you should have over
your impulses.
You may boss other people, hut you
aro not boss of yourself.
Mnybe you wonder why others are
forging ahead of you as leaders of
It Is because they havo a check rein
on themselves. They hnve schooled
themselves that they may be able to
guide others. Self-control Is tho at
tribute of a lender. Chicago Ameri
can. Escaping Fire.
Church I see D,000 copies of tho
Hlblo havo been placed in tho guest
rooms of tho hotels In Washington,
D. C.
Gotham Well, some consider them
tho surest flro-escapes.
No, Maude, people who pay their
money at thognto arc not given gato
A package of New Post Tonslies provides servings
for ten people a delicious breakfast dish corn flake3
with new form and new flavour.
New Post Toasties are known by tiny bubbles
raised on each flake by the quick, intense heat of the
new process of manufacture.
They bear the full, true flavour of prime, white
Indian corn, not found in corn flakes of the past;
and they are not "chaffy" in the package; and they
don't mush down when milk or cream is added, like
ordinary corn flakes.
Try some dry a good way to test the flavour, but
they are usually served with rich milk or cream
New Post Toasties
Sold by Grocers everywhere
nil 11 1,111
n Cry For
Signature of
You know that what you sell or buy through the sales
lias n lion t ona chi.nco In lltty to escape HAMS STAtlUS
DiSTKMi'KH. "SiMHiN'S" Is your true protection, your
only HafeRiiard, for as euro as you treat all your liorsos
with it, you will soon bo rid of the disease. It acts as a
euro prevent lvc, no matter how thoy aro "exposed."
CO cents and 11 a bottle; Jfi nnd $10 dozen bottles, nt all
rrood druggists, horso goods houses, or delivered by the
Sl'OlI.V M1SUIOAX, CO., Clicuilntn. Ooslieu, Ind., V. ,H. A.
The Artful Dodger.
Thcro was an air of proud distinc
tion about tho tall, erect, raw-boned
Southern cracker as ho stood bol'oro
.Tudgo Uroyles, felt hat In hand nud
generous tpild tucked away lu ono cor
ner of his capacious mouth.
"This man, jour honor," oKplalnoel
tho olllcer who niado the arrest, "Is n
suspicious character. Wo found him
hiding along Decatur street, first In
one alley and then In another. Why,
would you bellevo it, your honor, when
I finally got him ho wits hiding under
a stack of dirty clothes In a hand laun
dry." "What havo you to say for yourself,
Peter Cooper Ilaggs?" demanded tho
Judge. "What were you hiding from
the court must know I"
Everybody In tho big room leaned
forward to catch the stern-faced crack
er's answer. They were prepared for
some sort of llcmllsh plot.
"Ma wife wuz after mo tcr pay for
th' rent," was the prisoner's calm re
sponse. Case and Comment.
Ouch I
They wero seated In a sccludcel
corner of tho veranda. For n lontf
time neither of them hnd spoken.
Suddenly ho took her Ilttlo hand lu
his. Ills volco was choked with emo
tion as he said:
"Do you think you could over lenrn
to lovo a man "
"Xca," she Interrupted In a soft
whisper. "IJrlug on your man."
Very Likely.
Hill It Is said tho English channel
Is nowhere more than 000 foot deep.
.1111 I suppose t seems n lot decid
er thnn that If a fellow can't swim.
It's hard for most of us to bo good
when we have a chance to he.