The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 01, 1916, Image 5

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A tent 30 to 40 feet 'containing an
exhibit of the College of Agriculture,
University of Nebrr.ska, will bo on
displuy nt the Lincoln County Fair,
North Platte, Sept. 2G to 29th. The
exhibit la not a mere collection of
stuuples of students work nor does
It conulst only of a series of pictures
Illustrating the college. It U devoted
largely to a graphic llluntiatlon of
(he best farm practices for Nebraska
ml other agricultural infolrnintlon
obtained from invostlgatlons of the
Agricultural Experiment Station.
Among some of the things to be
aeon will be photographs an speci
mens of ithe diseases of corn, oats,
potatoes and other crops as well as
information as to how the diseases
may bo controlled; a model farmstead
In mlnaturc, an exhibit of the best
rations for livo stock including poul
try; specimens of Insect pests and
data as to how they may be control
led; results of fnnu surveys and fig
ures concerning the cost of crops; a
display of sprayed and unsprayed
fruit; specimens of pruning tools and
spray-machinery; Illustrations of the
proper methods of pruning; recipes,
methods of cnnnlncr. splmmna
hold furnishing and decoration; a dis
play of textiles; an exhibit of canned
products and trophies of the sitate
boys' and girls' clubs. In short, every
department nt ,tho University Kami
will bo represented, but the results
of Investigational work .will be par
ticularly In evidence.
Tho exhibit is .to go to but eleven
other county fairs this year in addi
tion to tho state fair, and this county
was chosen after a careful planning
of the schedule. The exhibit will ar
rive in a special car furnished gratis
by tho railroads and will be In charge
of tho employes of the College of
Genl. Supt. Stengcr, accompanied
by Mrs. Stenger and the children,
spent Sunday in town as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDonald.
Mrs. Frank LIndall and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Quinn, of Chicago, came
Friday evening to visit Miss Minnie
Seamon and the Waltemath family.
Miss Margaret Mettin, of the O'Con
nor store, will take a two weeks' va
cation beginning August 13th and vis
it friends In Wyoming and Colorado.
Mrs. Edward Grady daughter Ethel
and son Leo of Grand Island for
merly of this city, spent the latter
part of labt .week here with friends.
Mrs. James Ilickey and son James,
of New Brunswick, .who were guests
of the former's brother C. H. Boyle
and family for three weeks left Fri
day. The former Walker residence pur
chased by Doctors Wurtele and Kerr
for hospital purposes, is being en
larged by the erection of a rear ad
dtton. Mrs. Earl Stamp and daughter re
turned Friday evening from Council
Bluffs where they visited for several
weeks with tho former's mother and
September 4th has been set asfile
in Omaha for Editor's Day for the
newspaper men of Iowa a,nd Nebraska
and many from this state are planning
to attend.
Miss Laura Murray returned Sun
day from Cedar Rapids where ton
eight weeks she attended a summer
school. While there she frequently
met Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cunningham,
formerly of this city, who are getting
along nicely.
The Bridgeport base ball team
"which was to play hero August 6th,
7th and 8th, have cancelled their en
gagement on account of Pitcher Fus
sell being ill with rheumatism. Ar
rangements are being made to have tho
Sidney team hero on tho 0th to play
with the local nine.
Tho concert giveir by tho North
Platto Municipal band Friday even
ing was one of tho best of the season
and was more enjoyable on account
of tho order among the children. The
band wishes Ho thank tho parents
for assisting them In making their con
certs successful by keeping the chil
dren quiet.
George Hoyt plead guilty in the
county court Saturday morning and
was bound over to the district court
In tho sum of $500. Being unable to
give ball ho was taken to tho county
jail. Hoyt was cfiarged with obtaining
a number of carpenter tools from one
of tho local business houses and giving
them a mortgage on tho same. Later ho
sold tho tools to Fred Lewis for $1S.50.
Joseph Damoz the stranger who was
arrested in the Union Pacific yards
Jast week for being a suspicious char
acter and carrying concealed weapons,
was arraigned in county court Sat
urday, plead guilty and was bound
over to tho district court in the sum
of $500. Being unable to givo bail
ho .was remanded to the county jail.
A six shooter and some brass knucks
were found on his person.
Arc easy to get, Bui hard to
keep. You can have more of
them by spending your money on
our line of Furniture, Rugs,
Tables, Chairs, Cabinets, Dressers
Sewing Machines. We have
some used Furniture that looks
like new will sell for less than
half of its original cost. Bargains
in Show Cases, Tables and Stools.
Look at our Guns and Shells.
Guns for Rent.
We pay top price for Iron
and Junk.
31 K iir
IfMTBTirTTTT I Ml 111 I i
m m i ju inniii mm i t i i i
Is being traversed by scores of ihrifly minded people. The good news is traveling fast. Thai is why this clearance S
is growing greater eacli day. The people of this community seem to realize thai, never before have they been H
able to buy high class merchandise at such remarkable bargain prices. The Red Arrow IraiL has blazed the g
way to unusual economy. People from all parls of the community are coming to the Reel Arrow clearance. Efi
111 JMM U Jl 1NMI i H B W ft I H
Red Arrow Savings Gathered From AO Parts of the. Store
Ladles' High Grade Wash Dresses
Made of very flue materials; the work on JQ QQ
these is unusually good 4UiijO
Ladles' Wash Dresses-, made as above,
but not so line material
Ladies' Wash Dresses, a beautiful line to
select from
Ladies High Grade Silk Suits, $25 and
?35 quality, only a few left
Ladies' Spring Coats, a large assort
ment in this lot
Ladies' Coats, very nice high grade garments
shoes t
Ladies White Canvas Button Boots, M AQ
made from a good canvas $ lifu
Queen quality Pumps and Oxfords, all new styles
this season, quite a variety of leathers and
lasts to pick from, all our $3.50 to 00 QD
$4.25 grades, choice JZid0
One lot Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords. M QQ
good styles, but broken sizes tjHitJO
Ladies' Oxfords, in narrow widths and small siz
es, all fine shoes, if you can wear them QQrt
they are a bargain for you at' JUU
Children's White Sandals made from best quali
ty canvas, leatjier soles and heels, two straps
across the instep, sizes Sj to 12i M Qfj
Children's White Newbuek Button Boots; these
are a high grade shoe, sizes Sy to
to 2
One lot Men's Oxfords in paten leather, regula.
$4.00 shoes, in Walk-Over make O'j (J
Men's Tan Walk-Over Shoes in different styles,
all $4.50 and $5.00 quality, good lasts, J9 AQ
your choice Ji4U
Wash Petticoats made from Amoskoag blue and
white striped Gingham, good full AQ
width 4jC
Black Pecaline Petticoats, silk finished, some in
plain black and some with Moral QQn
llouncings JUG
White Wash Skirts made in the .late styles nQ0
from Linene or Piques, each JDC
White Wash Skirts, made from a very good qual
ity of Gaberdine, belted styles, trimmedM AQ
with large white pearl buttons 1 .40
We have divided our entire stock of woolen Dress
Skirts into two lots, giving you your choice of
our stock which is very complete. All Skirts
in one lot, which takes in all of our medium
grade, none of which sold for less than (M AQ
$5.00, choice 4. 40
Lot 2 is composed of all of our higher grade
skirts, you get your choice of these for jj (jg
At Saving Worth While
Bv.ys' Suits, nicely made, some Oliver 70 n
Twist, some Sailor style IJU
Higher grade suits, a large variety of 01 OQ
styles to choose from ipiiZJ
The INmI Arrow Clearance tells the laic of some
rosl Unusual Opportunities to Save on Hugs
2Gx54 Keystone Rugs $1 19
!)xl2 Axminster Rugs
9x12 Axminster Rugs
This is $2.50 less than these rugs are worth at
the mill.
For the Economical
Belmont Batiste, a good serviceable summer
cloth, comes in both light and dark colors..
Klaxons, Organdies and Tissues; these arc 4
the ideal medium priced wash fabrics.. . j ffl
Flaxon Tissues, Organdies, Sport Striped Crepes. P
This lot has a desirable lot of patterns & fbf n
in stripes, checks and floral designs J "v j
Silk mixed cloths in Voiles, Crepes, Foulards, etc. us
i ncse arc a large ioi oi eioins in siik "Plr
mixtures of the higher grade
Alias Theo Schwaigcr return'eil Sat
urday evening from Kearney.
Dr. Mario Ames left Sunday morning
l'or Sidney to spend a few days.
For Rent 3 rooms for housekeep
ing, G03 West Fourth street. 54-tf
Charles and Jnmo3 Liston, of Dick
ens, spent Saturduy here on huslncss.
Mr. and Mrs. Rush Dean left yester
day mornng for Cheyenne to vslt rel
atives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muchlinskl
spent Saturday in Ilershey with rel
atives. Master Harry Iiuchflnck, who has
heen ill for several days, is much
L. C. Hansen, of Council Bluffs, vis
ited local relatives tho latter part of
last week.
Miss Myrtle Heeler returned yester
day morning from a visit with friends
in tho oust.
Dr. 1J. B. Baker left yesterday morn
ing for Sidney to spend soveral days
on huslness.
Mrs. Fdwina Schatz, of Omaha, who
visited her son AlheiU Schatz last
week, has gone home.
Fresh hutttermilk daily from ex
perimental station at tho Stono Drug
store. 52-tf
.Air. and Mrs. P. II. Lonorgan and
a party of fifteen picnicked at'a grove
west of town Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). B. White, of Suth
erland, are visiting. in town vhilo on
routo homo from Omaha.
C. E. Fikertof Keokuk, In., loft
Saturday evenng after vlBltlng with
W. A. Kelso and family.
Miss Arvllla Whitakor will leave next
week for Chicago and other eastorn
points to spend two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker aro tho
proud parents of a baby girl which
was born to thorn Sunday.
Mrs. Brooks Meadows who spent ft
month with tho homo folks in Omaha,
returned Saturduy morning.
Mrs. Georgo Finn returned Sunday
morning from Denver, where sho vis
ited relatives for soveral days.
Walter McN'oll, who had been em
ployed in Omaha for four months, re
turned bonio Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ffodorlcks and
two children loft Sunday for Paxton
to vsit relatives for some itnie.
Air. and Mrs. Allen Waugh left a
fmv days ugo for Wallace to visit the
latter's sister for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Boatman re
turned Saturday evening from Denver
where they visited for a week.
Let Landgraf & Hogn do your paint
ing, paper hanging and decorating.
Phono Black CJ2 or Black 570. 23tf
Miss Mnxino Hayes, of Grand Island,
arrived hero tho latter part of last
week to visit Mrs. P. II. Lonergan.
Miss Martha Crocker, of Greeley,
Colorado, is expected hero tthls week
to visit her sister, Mrs. John Fredcrlci.
Mrs. Carl Llntz left Saturday even
ing for Muncus, Colo., to bo tho guest
of tho Welborn family for two months.
William Slieedy and Frank Olcott,
who spent several weeks In Madison,
S. D., returned homo Sunday evening.
Mrs. Fred Giiin returned Sunday
afternoon from Kansas City where
she attended tho funeral of her sister.
' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman and
daughtor Harriot returned yesterday
from a visit In tho eusit part of tho
J. II. Fonda is improving his resi
dence by infreasing tho hoighth of the
foundation and installing a heating
Fay Morris has been uppointed a
subtjtltuto clerk at tho poat office and
will assist in the parcel 'post depart
ment. Miss Mario Martini, who has been
visiting friends and attending Frontier
Days In Cheyenne, will return this
week. -
Miss Gladys Fernandas, of Omaha,
camo Saturday evening to bo the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cook for itiwo
Joo 0. Cole, of tho Gettninn Cigar
Co., will leavo Friday for Hastings (to
visit tho homo folks for a week or
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fowles re
turned Saturday afitcrnoon from an
extended visit with relutlvos in California.
-: :o: :-
Notice to Jliiiikrs.
No hunting will bo allowed on Innds
owned by tho undorslgned living in
mo north halt or well precinct.
Charlie Miller
E. F. Conklin
II. L. Damon d
A. J. Howard
W. E. Falrchlld
John Howard
R. DoPow
John Remus
II. C. Kuster
Alma Slmm
L. Smith
F. R. Waltemath
J. L. Zlegler
Mrs. Frost, of Goodwin, Mo., who
spont several weeks with her brother
W. T .Banks, returned home Saturday
Miss Mabel Lumb who had been
visiting friends in Gothenburg and Far
liuin for ten days returned Sunday
Miss Ellznboth Hurd, formerly of
this city, who visited Mrs. Carl Untz
his' week, has' returned to Merlngo,
Airs. Asa Snow, of Scotts Bluff, Is
tho guest of her sister Airs. Ltrtn Bail
ey, having arrived tho Intter part of
last week.
Miss Alarlo Crook returned Satur
day evening from Kearney where sho
spent soveual weeks 4- the Kear
ney normal.
Duirlng tho month of July County
Judgo Fronch roports only five mar
rlago licenses. In July, 1915, nine
were -Issued.
Allss Vera AlahalTey, of Brule, who
was the guest of her cousin Aliss
Helen Gray for some time, left Satur
day morning.
Air. and Mrs. Miller of Parsons,
Kuns., will nrrivo hero today to visit
with their daughtor Airs. J. E. Inman
for two weoks.
Allsscs Agnes and Alary O'NoIl, of
Lincoln, aro oxpected here this week
(o visit their cousin Miss Mario Stack
for a fortnight.
Airs. J. G. Beeler returned Saturday
evening from a visit of several weeks
at Ecelslor Springs. She returns
much Improved.
Airs. Georgo Welnbarg, of Goring,
enmo last ovenlng to spend several
weeks with her parents Air. and Mrs.
Frank Fredcrlci.
Mrs. Len Kldwell, of Wallace, camo
Saturday to visit her daughter Allss
Dolly Kldwell, who is a patient at
tho City hospital
For Farm Loans see or write Gene
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Allss Edith Fisher, of Western Ne
braska, camo Saturday morning o
visit her uncle G. F. Fisher and fam
ily for two weeks.
Airs. Charles Stamp who had been
visiting her daughtor Airs. W. R.
Kesslor In Kansas City for three weeks
returned yesterday.
Jtcnl Estate and Innurnnce
Come and boo us for town lots In
dtfforent parts of tho city. Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowey Sts.. upstairs.
Mrs. Lenfflo Dlmmiek. of the Hub
store, will leavo (tomorrow morning
for Denver and other Colorado points
to visit for tow weeks.
C. AI. Trotter went to Omaha Sun
day night to make arrangements for
shipping in sovernl curs of Moxwoll
itud Studobaker nutos.
l'liini mid Ranch loans nt lowest
rates and best terms. Money on hand
to close loans promptly.
Twenty teachers of tho Lincoln
county rurnl schools took tho teach
ers' examination ut tho high school the
latter part of last week.
Allss Mnrlon Lawson has returned
from Central City whore she was
called two weeltB ago by tho serious
Illness of her grandmother.
Allss Mario Doran who has boon tak
ing musical Instructions in Chicago
for soveral months will' como homo
next week to visit her parents.
Mr. and Airs. Porry Buchnnau and
daughter ri'urncd Sunday from a vis
It in Grand Island and Aurora whoro
the latter spent several Aveoks.
Airs. Roscoo Zlnuner and children
of Sldnoy, who had been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. llorinan LeDIoyt for somo
time, loft for Coznd yesterday morning.
LTtrr.'. - ; rr . . U I r. I Xtrzrt i rrrrt i - lent !
si L
Show Her You Mean Business
Take it from us, young man, few girls of the right sort
have tho heart to turn down a man who Is thoughtful
enough to give her In the beginning her heart's desire a
home of her own. It's the one thing that every woman
wants for there her dreams of past years become realities.
Build a Home Now
and start life in the right way full of happiness and con
tentment. We have several books of tho latest designed
houses and bungalows. Come In and select the ono you
like best and let us figure the cost for you complete, foun
dation and all. We have everything in building material
you'll need. Come in any day and we'll show you a plan
she'll like.