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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1916)
be Optometrist HIS WORK "Art Is but the employment of the power of Nature for an end." To Hint end do OptometrlsU bend ev ery energy the preservation of eye sight when natural viekm falls then Art, our part, in employed. Optometry makos good, with the proper glasses, defective vision, caused by Nature's over-sight, or fault on your part to care for your eyes. ' Optometrists fit glasses, properly, ac curately, scientifically to nil defects of sight; artistically as regards framo fitting and size of lfnnos; satisfactory as to and comfort and fee. C S. Clinton, Registered Optometrist. thi: si(ix with Tin: jwj hint-. DR. O.H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Hank. LOCAL AM) PEItSONAL. Dr. Brock, Duntlst, over Stono Drup Store. Hobcrt Hostwlck and sister Margaret of HorHhey, arc visiting their grand parents Mr. nnd MrH. Roberts. Charles Strauss will return Friday from Clicyenno where he vlaiicd for ten dnys. Misses Irene and Mnymo, of Brady, are unending a few days with local friends. "Tho Soul of a Woman" featuring EmIJy Stevens, will bo the attraction at tho Keith tonight. Mr. ana Mrs. Edward SteiiBvad have moved into tho Day property on east Fifth street. Mrs. James McEvoy nnd boh have ro tlurncd from Choyonno whoro they spent Inst week. Oeorgo Brown, of IJrndy, was among tho out of town vlaltors here tho lat ter part of last weok. W IT MnDntmlil Wf liVlilnv nvrm- Ing for Omalia to attend tho stato bankers' convention. Highest market prlco paid for hides, Wo buy dry bones, Iron nnd othor junk. North Plntto Junk Houso. 27tt Miss Clara Schabo will leave today for Kcarnoy und Orand Island to spend two weeks with relntlvcs. Mr. nnd Mrs. William McIIugh, who wore among tho vlaltora In Choyouno last week have returned home. Wo guarantuo our waUeh repair de partment to give satisfaction. .Har ry Dixon, tho Jeweler, North Platte. Bay C. Ijungford will leave today for Cherokee Pnrk to Join his family who linvisi- boon thero for sovoral weeks. Carl Hltonour expects to leave short ly for Washington to visit relatives. Mrs. Hltonour has been thero for somo time. Mrs. Albert Naveraux anil children, of Lexlngtoiii who vlsltod her alslor, Mrs. Efflo Christ for a week, have gone home. Miss Lucille Wilcox entertained a number of young ladles Friday after noon, Four itables wore used In play ing bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds and son, of Mnxwoll, enmo tip last week to visit relatives nnd nttend tho John Itohlnson circus. Mrs. C. M. Jaycox and Miss Cora Jaycox, who spent tho week end with local friends, returned to Gothonburg Saturday evening. The long drawn out fight that the wet and dry people havo been having iit Oshkosh. iwas recently settled in favor of the drys. Miss Dorothy Hubbard, who baa been vlaitiiiK relatives in Cheyenne for several weeks, is expected to re turn homo Thursday. Miss Buoy Shaner, of Tho Leader Mercantile Co., is tuklnir a two weeks vacation which sho will Bpend with the homo folks In Maxwell. On account of tho ilro at the David son residence tho latter part of last week a cable wus damaged nnd fifty telephones were effected. Mrs. L. L. Oreeno and son Lavcrno left Saturday morning for Omnhn to spend a week nnd will visit In Minno apolia for a montn or longer. Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bank Building. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Holmes loft the hitter part of last week for Kearney where they will reside in future. En route they visited relatives at Lexlng ton. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kelly and daugh ters Esther and Sarah returned Frl day evening from Estes Pnrk whore they spent two weeks on a camping trip. Miss Anna BJorklund, of Gothen burg, came Saturday to visit local rel atlves for a week and before return Ing will spend sovernl days In Chap pell. Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Erb, of Cloth enburg, who aro well known here, vis ited a short itlmo In this city las week while enrouto home from Colo ratio. Mrs. J. I. Smith and daughters Haze and Holen have cone to Omnha to vis It relatives for aomo time. Before returning Mias Hazel will spend week In Wood River. A wonderful new tenor singer Ih an nounced this month by the Grata nola Co. Louis Gruvuro slnirs "Mary and "My DrcaniB"'wlth wonderful ex prosslon. Dixon, the Jowolor. E. W. Friend camo hero from Dcn vor tho latter part of hiBt week to ac cept employment on tho city paving. While horo ho will niuko his homo with his mint, Mrs. Joseph Fllllon. Mrs. Rphert Whlto nnd family will leave In a few dnys for Contral City to visit relatives. Rov. Whlto will aeponipany them thero after which ho w 111 spond several weeks in Chicago. Mrs. O. II. Cresalor, who recently returned from Chicago whoro she sub mitted to an oporatlon Is greatly Im proved, nlthougli It will bo some time boforo sho returns to normal condition. i L NH I OH ( OtNTY i'AIll . . CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Julius Haliler, who spent, last week' In Kansas City, has rcumed home. I C. F. Tracy will leave today for, Cherokee Park to spend several mcoks. Mrs. John Anderson left u fow days' ago for Gothenburg to visit her pnr-ents. Visitors from Wallace lsat week wore B. D. Baker, Jess Fitch and Worth Kenney. Miss Goldie Slgler, of Gothenburg,! who visibeo. local menus msi weex, lctt for home 3ttirday. John B. Edwards, Jr., of Omaha, who visited MRster Teddy Wolngand i last week, left Sunday morning. Dafrell lleuluy, who has btien visit ing his cousin in Denver .for twoi weeks, will return homo Friday. Joseph Hahlor, of Sidney, visited at the Julius Haliler home last week while enroitte home fiom Omaha. John Hahler, who is now employed with his brother Frank in Sidney, vis ited the home folks last wcek.nnd loft a lew days ag. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tiley and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Dickey, who spent tho past two weeks at Estes Park, will return to day. Mrs. Nels Fbrstodt has oturned from Gothenburg whoro she visited her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonas Ma line for two weeks. Mr William Dlener and family, who spent the past three weeks In Denver and other Colorado cities will return tho latter part of this week Tho Lady Forresters hold a very Hii)2Cossful exchange nt the Howe & Maloney store Saturday and netted a satisfactory for their treasury. William Harcourt left Saturday ev ening for Chicago and Milwaukee where he will spend ten days purchas ing Vail and winter stock for his clothing store. T. M. Cobagen returned home Sat day from a visit of several weeks in eastern points, during which time he attended the Moose convention at Mooseheart, 111." Sheriff and Mrs. A. J? Salisbury, Mrs. Anna Simpson nnd Miss- Hazel Simpson, who spent ton dnys at Estes Park and visited other western cities by auto, returned homo Friday even ing. Mrs. Ueinttolman of DosMolncs, In., Fireman Bookwatcr. who had his Mrs. F. Waron, of Boise, Idaho, Mrs. right limb injured in a baseball came Ralph Trlboss. and Elsie Trlboss, of sovoral weeks ago has resumed work. Walla Walla, Washington, visited with Mr. and Airs. M. J. tornes last n tii.- Lincoln county lair next month Ih no. a iiumniei, Ijo.1i as to ex liiblts and amusement features, it will not lm through any fault of the 01110- rs of uhe fair association and tho of- Hcera of the Chamber of commerce? Both these organisations art bending avery effort toward a succesiMUl ex hibition of Lincoln county's retoucrea, and at the same lime are making pro visions lor entertaining leattires ot high quality. Meetings are being hqld week y and a. eacii metcing rapiu progress along the different lines are rammed. Lumber for the buildings, tne grnnu stand and bleachers has been secured and tho work of erection will b start ed in a fow days. The main oxhiblt hall will be 30x80, built of drop siding, and another building for poultry and slock i contemplH ed. The grand stand and bloaichors will bo orocted at the race course, and will be of suf ficient size to accommodate a llious and or more persons. In practically each precinct in the county committees have been appoint ed o secure exhibits, and in addi tion to these special agents are gntli erliic nnd prpparlnx exhibits. Tho secretary Is In communication with a carnival company "wiilc-h carries 22F people, has u dozen paid attrac tions and a number of free fentures. This curnlvnl Is recommended as ex ceptionally good and clean. There will bo at least two days of horse racinc and one day will be clv- on over 4o auto and motorcycle races. Arrangements nro being made to so- curo n number of other entertaining fentures In addition to those which will be provided by locul talent. ::o:: Wheal Yield Is (Joed. Threshing Is now In progress In Lin coln county nnd tho yield of wheat Is reported from twenty-two to thlrty-fivo bushel per ucre. A residont of Brady Informed us yesterday that several farmers In that section reported yields of thlrty-fivo bushels, nnd In ono in stance (tho average was thirty-eight. Southwest of town, outside the hall district, the yield is said to bo heav ier it linn last year and the quality bet tcr. Considerable now wheat is be ing marketed nt the several shipping points In the county, the price Inst weok ranging from 98 cents to $1.05. JtATLltOAI) NOTES Consider What This Means To You Your deposits in this hank nrc protected by the Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Your money, valuable papers, and personal interests are under the direct supervision of competent officers of many years successful banking experience. Wc most cordially invite you"to call upon us for your banking needs. McDonald State Bank. North Platte, Nebraska. The Oldest Bank in Western Nebraska. Edward Elsassor returned Sunday evening from Cheyenne whore he vis ited his parents nnd attended Frontier Days. George Finn resumed work in the lo cal shops yesterday morning aftef be ing off duty for a weokpn nccount of illness. Supt. Brophy, of the Union Pacific, spent Saturday hero on business as did also F. D. Sklniniorhorn and A. D. Sklininerhorii of tho Omaha offices. Henry Rosachcr, of tho office of the Union Pafllic superintendent of trans portation, of Omaha, was hero Satur day while enrouto west to spend his vacation. Ray Long, of Chicago, formerly of the U. I), division foreman's office in this city, visited with Ray TJghe tho latter part of lust weok whllo enrouto 'o Cheyenne. President Calvin and General Mana ger Jeffers, of tbe Union Pacific, were hero Snturdny on business while en route home from an Inspection trip in western points. C. II. Friday, of Laramie, general chairman of the O. R. C, visited here estordny while enrouto to New York to nti'cnd tho conference. Ho was ac- ompnnlcd by Mrs. Friday. A special train from Omaha carry7 Ing members of the physical examina tion board of tho Union Pacific, ar- ived hero Saturday morning and all of tho local engineers, ilrenien, con ductors and brakomen took tho exam lnation uiul eye lest. i ! ;o: ! X0TICI2 TO BUILDING AM) LOAN PATRONS Wo nro In position (o meet the low- si rule charged In North Pintle. Plenty of money uhwiys on hand. No unit it abstract Is clear. Sco BRATT, (JOOD.MAN & BUCKLEY. : :o: : IMiniifn nt Kvnenses At n mni.tliii' rf 41in nniinnll nf ihn I'lty or North Plntto, NebrusKii, Hold July 20, 191G, tho following estlninto was mado of tho expenses for the en suing llacal yoar: For payment of intorest on $100,000 water bond. Snnfll). For navniont of intoreait on SUG.OOO sewor noun $unu. For payment of Interest on principal flnwor bond SlOOf). For nnvment of intorest on S12.000 hrlflirn lintwl SflflO For naymont ot interest on S1G.000 paving bonds '$800.' For paymont of Intorest on 12.000 pane nanus $iiuu. Lor flonnrni Tamil? Streets, sldownlks, crossings, $G,000 sa ar os. 55.000. Incidental oxponsos, $5,000. hewer maintenonco nnd flushing ?a,f)00. Stroot lighting, $C,000. Library fund, $1,000. Pnrk fund, $1,000. Wntor fund. $20,000. Fire fund, $0,000. ElllorKoncv certificate nf InclMitml Hess, $3,200. E. TI. KVAVR Mnvnf O. E. ELDER. Cltv Clork. THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 Wit Fourth Strot. Phone 110 Ethical; Moral, Efficient. An institution for tho troatmont of Medical, Surgical and Confinement Cases. MRS. MAltQARLT HALL, Snpt. 1)K. J, S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. week while enroute to Washington from eastern points. At a meeting of tho Chumber of Com merce Held sauiruuy aiiernoon ar- angomonta were mado for holding the Be tor Babies contest at the county fair. The Twentieth Century iclub will ssiat tho committee in this work and It will bo hold according to tho rules of the Woman's Home Companion. The contest will bo 'divided Into five dlvl- ions and tho children contesting will rnngo in ago from six to sixty months. bronze ineual and cup will uo pre sented to the boy and girl winners and eupa given to the second highest. rlioso leading In their division win be given a Better Babies diploma and parents of ovory child in tnc contest will be civon a card containing the report of its physical-condition. Only two hundred children will bo oxrmilned and no registration will be taken after Septomber 27th. Examlnntlons will be held on tho 2Sth, 29th and 30th of September. (ilrls Win Prizes The Twentieth Century Club has been encouraging the children of our city nil tho spring nnd summer to raise vegetables and dowers in their back yards, thus Improving their sense ot tho beautiful and teaching ideas of usefulness. Sntunlay a contest on he llowers raised by them wns held In the rest room. It was impossible for tho Judges to decide between two of tho girls for first prize, so Miss Cora Walsh and Miss Laurn Bretzcr each wore awarded first prizes. The club ex pects to make this an annual affair. lUlAAUSOTA MUTUAL SAVE IXSUItAXOE CO. Founded 16S0. It's tho housohold word In Western Nobraska. It's Old Line, tho host mon oy can buy. It's what you need, for savings bank nnd Insiirnnco that i suros. Tlioy all buy it, "Thoro is u Itonson" For furthor information Phouo, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent The Old Lino Mnn NUHTII PLATTE NEBRASKA, C "Cj I) tnrmirTTiiiiMmwnTi'-imiM mini v HiiTTtTrin Wo Juno found n wny to rcsurfaco old Honrs and make them look liko pol ished oak. Tho new surface can be any color desired rcgardlfss of what it was be fore, nnd Ih equal to gcnulno onk In wearing and wishing qunlity. It is easy to apply nnd tho cost is u'ry low. Como In uiul sco if you can toll which Is (Mil-Naiiiel und which Is RLAL oak. JOS. H. STONE DRUGGIST REASON NO. 1. IHE FIDELITY RESERVE COMPANY DIRECTORS: Dr. Barton B. Baker. John J. Halllgan. Walter V. Hoagland. Frederick L. Temple. Charlos F. Spencer. OFFICERS: Dr. Barton B. Bakor, Prosldent. Frank C Plelstlcker, Vice-President. M. Keith Neville, Vice-President. William II. McDonald, Vice-President. Charles F. Temple, Secretary. Charles F. Spencer, Treasurer. An Old Line, Mutal, Legal Reserve Company Writ ing Life Health and Accident Insurance. THREE POLICIES SN ONE The rates of many Eastern Life Insurance Companies and some Weslem Companies, at the age 35, for a Twenty Paymenl Life policy arc $38.34 per thousand of insurance, making the rate on a $3,000.00 policy with them at age 35, $l 15.02. Our $3,000.00 combinalion Twenty Paymenl Life rate at this same aBe, 35, is $1 19.04. What does each give you for the money you invcsl in ihce estates? THi: Companies First Referred Fidelity Reserve Combination to Policy. Policy, Tlirco Policies In One. RATE $115.02 Pays $3,000.00 at any time that death may occur after the first payment Is made, or a paid-up policy for $3,000.00 at tho end of 20 years, plus dividends. In caso of Accidental pays $3,000.00. NOTHING Death, Pays $3,000.00 at any time that death may occur after the first payment is made, or a paid-up for $3,000.00 at tho end of twen ty years, plus dividends. In addition to itho above, a Fi delity policy doubles in caso of accidental death and we pay $G,000.00 instead of $3,000.00. For total disability from sick ness or accident, tho Fidelity pays $25.00 per week or equi valent to practically $110.00 per month. For partial disability, $12.50 per week or practically $55.00 per mon'th. Physician's or Surgeon's fees whoro thero is no disability, whatevor, the Fidelity pays such expense not to exceed $15.00 for any ono case. For loss of any two members eyes, hands or feet, $1,500 spot cash; for loss of ono member, $750. and no matter haw much you may havo drawn from week- ' . ly Indemnity or for loss of ,J members, the Fidelity must still, at the maturity of tho contract, pay $3,000.00. Remember also that your health and accident insurance in this policy Is in an old line, lcRal reserve company, which Is not spending your money but investinpr and Is not like a lire policy where, if you do not haven fire this year, you have nothing coming, or if you become n bad risk that you aro cancelled out. as all health and accident policies must con tain a cancellation clause where written alone and issued without a medical exnmlnatl on but any savings or earnings on this policy must drop into the surplus and come back to th policy holders in the way of dividends ns this is a full participating policy. Call At Office For the other 00 reasons why you eliould invest in a Fidelity Reserve Policy. FIDELITY RESERVE CO.. Rooms 1 & 2- 1. O. O. F. Rldg. NOTHING NOTHING LOADING UP Midi Cow Brand Flour is done without sli'ou'lliig or handling of any kind. The Hour comes from a diibt-prnof room through a perfectly clean chute without the touch of .a hand. That niciiiis perfect (cleanliness iw well as fine flour. Order a sack of Cow Brand as n trial. Sco how absolutely free from dirt, etc., it. is wficn you put it through Hie sifter. That will tell. LIERK-SANDALL CO. 7 -j MV 1F0OT J 1 YARD Mi BUTKOT A LUMBERYAPPl It Requires Thousands of Feet Of Lumber to Make A Good Lumber Yard with an ample stock of all the different varieties of wood you are likely to want, and in all the many sizes and dimension required. You'll find them here at all limes and at correct prices. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr.