The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 28, 1916, Image 1

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    emi-litlechli) tribune.
NORTH PLA1TE, NED., JULY 28, 1916.
No. 56
(Flic lorth
Ncwoat styles In Ladles Oxfords at
Ited Arrow Prices at Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
It. S. Scotl, of Sutherland, visited
with his brother M. E. Scott and fam
ily this (week. '
Mrs. John Jones will entertain the
members of tho Methodist aid society
this afternoon.
Mrs. James McEvoy and son will
leave today for Choyenne to attend
Frontier and visit friends.
James Hart has resumed work In
the local shops after being off duty
on account of Illness for a week.
W. P. Vaugh, cashier of the First
National bank at Cardington, O., vis
ited this week with P. L. Mooney.
A coal shed on the rear of the resi
dence lot of Mrs. Calllo Davidson was
badly damaged by lire at noon Wednes
day. The origin of the lire is un
known. Did you see our specials in Ladles
Skirts Wash Skirts, Wool Skirts and
Silk Skirts. They are surely real
bargains and we do the alterations
13. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Eugene Combs, of Lincoln, who has
frequently visited the Banks' family
here came- a few days ago to take
charge of his ranch near Blgnoll and
is nssisted by his son Blaine in making
Improvements and repairs there.
The Catholic ladies society held a
pleasant and successful social at the
home or Mrs. J. 1. Smith Wednesday
evening and netted about eigh'teen
dollars. Mrs. Smith was assisted by
Mesdames John DeRolf and Glen
The Elite club were the guests of
Mrs. James Beekman on Tuesday af
ternoon. Card games were played and
prizes won by Mesdames J. Dorram,
W. Basking, R. Wyman and Ruske. It
wsa decided to discontinue meetings
until September.
Fifty feet of hose were stolen from
the R. G. Smith 'property on the cor
ner of Fourth and Walnut street tho
Jirst of this week. The property, on this
lot has been vacant for some time but a
number of articles had been stored
there and the hose was taken from
the lnrge barn.
Did you know good people that our
sale 'closes Saturday evening and
there, are only two days in which to
secure the bargains. Now wo have
a, lot' of new bargains we are adding
to the already big asortment. This
has been awonderful sale Jirst class
merchandise at the very best possible
prices. Go over your wants thor
oughly and see that you haven't missed
anything. Now is tho time to supply
your every need at prices that are
within tho reach of everyone. Re
member the sale closes Saturday
night, July 29th.
A daughter was born to Mrs. George
Payne, living north of tho city, yester
day. Tho Catholic Lady Forresters mill
hold an oxohange at Howo & Malouey's
Mrs. J. J. Gettman came home a
few days ago from a two weeks' stay
in Colorado.
Mrs. M. II.. Douglas returned Wednes
day evening from Grand Island where
she spent sevoral days.
Mrs. Harrison Burnham, of Cozad, is
visiting thi3 week with her daughters,
the Misses Warrington.
Mr. and Mrs. Bostrom, of Omaha,
who had been guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Jossup for a week, let "Wed
nesday afternoon for Sterling.
Miss Mildred Fltzpatrlck who has
been taking a course in nursing in St.
Catherine's hospital In Omaha for sef
eral months will arrive here Tuesday
to visit hor parents.
11. I. Block left Wednesday evening
for New York to purchase the winter
stock for his Ladles Ready to Wear
store. Ho was accompanied to Syra
cuse by his son Lawrence.
Cards are out announcing the mar
ilage of Miss Minna Huebner, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hmiebnor,
to Benjamin M. Johnson (which will
take place at Hershey Wednesday
evening, August 16th.
Tho Happy Hour club will enter
tain their husbands and children at a
picnic Friday, August 4. A big picnic
dinner will bo served. The usual picnic
games for old and young will be in
dulged in. Ice cream for all.
Judge and Mrs. II. M. Grimes en
tertained nine young ladles Monday
evening at a movie party at tho Keith
theatre In favor of 'their nieces Misses
Mary and Dorothy Whelphoy of Fre
mont who are their guests.' After tho
pictures the feuests wre taken to
tho Gem for luncheon.
Why has he Union Pacific Railroad
Company selected our repair depart
ment to care for the repairing and in
spection of the railroad watches
because they feel we are qualified to
do the work properly. You can well
afford to Jdo likewise. Dixon, the
Jeweler, North Platte.
Martin Oberst of Omaha, returned
home Wednesday evening after spend
ing several weeks as the guest of his
sou Attorney Byron Oberst. Mr. Oberst
resided here about .nlua. yearn ago.
The changes and progress in our city
since that time was a pleasant sur
prise to him during his visit.
V. P. Officer Joe Wayman and Dep
uty sheriff Roy Wilson arrested a sus
picous looking fellow in the west rail
road yards Wednesday evening and
found after searching him that he
had a six shooter and some "knucks"
concealed upon his person.1 rfc was dis
covered while washing up in a ditch
along the road shortly after coming
In on a east-bound freight. He will
bo arraigned in the county court.
Keith Theatre, Monday, July 3 1
Billie Burkein Peggy
FirstgShowl7:30Second Show 9:15.
Mnn Klnnn 1 II QRn 1
.Balcony 10 and 20c.
Show Her You Mean Business
Take it from us, young man, few girls of the right sort
have the heart to turn down a man who is thoughtful
enough to give her in the beginning her heart's desire a
home of her own. It's the one tiling that every woman
wants for there her dreams of past years become realities.
Build a Home Now
and start life in the right way full of happiness and con
tentment. We have several books of the latest designed
houses and bungalows. Come in and select the one you
like best and let us figure the cost for you complete, foun
dation and all. We have everything in building material
you'll need. Come in any day and we'll show you a plan
she'll like.
See the new Silk Shirt Waists at Red
Arrow Prices at "Wllcor Department
P. Mylander and family have moved
back to town from their farm near
The Indies of tho Christian church
will hold an exchango at Derryborry
& Forbea' Saturday.
Miss Loretto Burke, of Kearney, ar
rived here yesterday afternoon to visit
tho Misses Warrington.
Take advantage of Rod Arrow prices
on that new dress skirt yoo need at
Wilcox Department Store.
Miss Tholma Starr will entertain
thirty of her young friends at a birth
day party this afternoon.
The local ball team defeated the
Staplcton nlno at Staploton yesterday
afternoon by a score of 5 to 1.
Mrs. LIndbcrg, of Gothenburg, came
yostorday nftornoon to take charge of
a patient at Maywood for Dr. Lucas.
Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Drost are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a daughter
which was born to thorn Wednesday.
Tho Alturlst Bible class of the Meth
odist church will hold a tee cream
benefit at the North Platte Candy Kit
chen Monday.
The Lady Malccaboes are requested
to meet at he Tagader homo at two
oiclock this afternoon to attend the
funeral of the late Mrs. C. J. Tagader.
Engineers Stove Baldwin and Mux
McGrew aro out of service on the Un
ion Pacific for violating some of the
rules concerning the different color
lights .which are used along the tracks.
The John Robinson circus which
showed hero yesterday was good, and
each of their many clever and new
acts were heartily applauded. The
animals weroiwcll trained and the per
formers of a high order.
Forrest Cumpboll, age 1G, was arrest
ed Wednesday afternoon for breaking
into the Garlichs hme and stealing
some jewelry which the police found in
his possession. He states , that his
home is in St. Charles, 111., and he was
badly in need of money and food.
The Tobls dray was damaged slight
ly Tuesday when it sunk to the hub
of the wheols at tho' alloy crossing
south of tho Star clothing house. A
short turn was made and the lifcavy
load of groceries, wire nnd other ar
ticles caused the wheels to sink.
The motorcycle of Fred Woesner and
the automobile of Charles Osgood col
lided on Dewey street Wednesday ev
ening. Being on opposite sides of the
sprinkler thoy (Were unable to seo each
other until too late to prevent tho ac
cident. Wecsnor sustained a frac
tured arm and is in the North Platte
Genoral hospital for treatment.
Postmaster McEvoy has received ntu,
ithojiflljl from the UntUVl StaJ?s
treasury at Washington to havo tho
post office painted In tho snmo colors
formerly used. Bids for tho work will
be advertised in a few days. Tho post
master general has also given pernits-
sion to put in servico an auxiliary
parcel post carrier.
Follow the Red Arrow Trail and get
your share of the bargains at Wilcox
Department Store.
At a general meeting held by tho
base ball association Wednesday even
ing in tho Carson & Landeraf rooms.
Messrs. 0. R. Robinson and L. B. B-ick
wero chosen to direct the local 'team
for tho remainder of this season. Ray
C. Langford, tho efficient president
who will leave shortly for Cherokee
Park to spend several weeks, sent in
his resignation. Tho new directors are
making arrangements for enough
games to keep tho season open until
Labor Day.
Dr. V. Lucas was called to May-
wood Wednesday to treat tho injuries
received by James Chamberlain itho
nineteen year old son of Walter
Chamberlain, formerly of this city.
The young man was driving with fifty
bushel of grain down a hill when tho
tongue of the -wagon went through
itho neck yoko throwing tho driver
under the wheels of tho loaded wagon
and breaking his collar hone and arm
and badly bruising his body.. He Is
getting along as well as could be ex
pec ted.
Secretary W. D. Fisher and F. C.
Plolstlcker spent Wednesday in Lex
ington Inspecting buildings and gath
ering data for tho Lincoln county fair
to he held here next month. It Is the
desire of the committee to havo per
manent buildings erected on the
grounds which would Include a large
agricultural hall, horse and stock barn
and grand etand largo enough to ac
commodate ono thousand people; the
cost of all completo to he $1200, and a
meciing win no neiu iu ueciue oir wnai
method to uso In securing tho neces
sary num. Loxlngton has seven such
buildings for various uses at their
Tho Marmon automobile which is
racing against tlmo from New York
City to San Francisco went through
this city Wednesday morning on a
world's record trip. It reached hero
at 10:41 a. m., twenty-two minutes
ahead of skedule, changed pilots and
drivers and itook on supplies. The car
carries throe men to each town, driver,
pilot and machinist and II. G. Smith,
of the Goodrich Ruobor Co., of Kan
sas City, was bore to mako these chan
ges and secure a pilot. Joseph E
Pillion, Jr., accompanied tho party to
Pino mulls as pilot. About twenty lo
cal peoplo met tho ear at tho South
river whero a number of photographs
wero taken by II, A. Brooks. Tho
members of the party wero very com'
pllmentary in their remarks concorn
Ing tho condition of tho Lincoln Hlgh-
Deitth of Jtrs. Tagader.
Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine Tagader,
Wlte of C. J. Tagader, died at her home
Wednesday evening after an Illness
of several months and having been bod-
fnst since Janttarp. The deceased had
leslded hero since 1S01 and was known
as a charitable woman, a devoted
mother and faithful iwlfo. Hor death
brings deep sorrow to the hearts of her
many frlonds.
Tho funeral will be held this after
noon at threo o'clock from tho Metho
dist church and Interment will be made
in the North Platto cemetery. Mrs.
Tagador was born March 14th, 1SC4. In
Indiunu, and was mairlcd In 1882 at
Cross Plains, Ind., to C. J. Tagader,
who survives her. The surviving cull
dren aro Frank Tagader, of Orleans,
Neb., Mrs. Elizabeth Cunningham of
beneea, Neb., Harry and Pearl Tagader
of ths city. Deepest sympathy is er
tended to the family.
is to in: itrnr.
Doroey M. Leypoldt, of itho Ley
poldt & Wickstrom Co., of Hershey,
and II. L. Pennington of this city have
formed a partnership and let the con
tract tor a new grain olovntor In
this city. Tho elevntor will bo erected
under tho supervision of W. 11. Cramer
and be built on a site of the Union
Pacific grounds Just west of tho North
Platte Stock Yatds. It will havo a
capacity of 12,000 bushels of grain
and contain a largo sales room. Total
cast will be $5,000.
The erection of this elevator will
give the farmers an excellent oppor
tunity of disposing of their grain
without going many miles out of
their way as formerly. Both gentlomon
who have been In this work for a
number of years state that tho demand
heie for grain Is such 'that tho eleva
tor is a necessity.
A Hiiro Trcu
The entertainment committee of itho
Chamber of Commerco has Just made
arrangements to have threo of tho
best Chautauqua speakers on the cir
cuit give us a talk at tho noon day
luncheons. It's a raro opportunity
that no one should miss, it's an op
portunity that very seldom comes in
this way to a city of our size. In orr
der ito mako the proper arrangements
it will bo necessary for tho committee
to know 1V 10:110 each day whether
or not you will attend, so please phono
03 In order that ycu may bo taken, care
'Wednesday, August 2, Pahico Cafo,
12 o'clock sharp, speaker Hon. Etf
Congressman J. Adam Bedc. Luncheon
35 cents.
Saturday, August 5, McCabo Hotel,
12 o'clock sharp, speaker Hon. R. B.
Glenn, governor of North Cnrollna.
Lunch 50 cents.
Monday, August 7th, Owl Cafo, 12
o'clock sharp, speaker Hon W. I. No
lan. Lunch 35 cents.
All of these men are making a spe
cial effort to get here on the early
train in order to accept tho commlt
teo's invitation and the larger tho at
tondanpe on our 'part the bettor im
pressed, theso men will be.
Huml Concert Program
Tho North Platto Municipal Band,
direction of Earl Stamp will present
tho following numbers this evening at
the court house park:
March "The Boomerang" Llthyow.
Overture "Morning, Noon and Night
in Vienna" Suppe.
Waltz Romantic "Alpine Sunset"
March "America Firsts" Lasoy.
Intermezzo "First Heart Throbs"
Serenade 'A Night In Juno" King.
March "German Fidelity" Blanken-
Ticket Sale Strong.
Practically all of tho Chautauqua
season tickets aro now In the hands
of those who subscribed for them. If
you havo your tickets but havo not
remitted for them, you may sond check
to tho secretary-treasurer, Mr. H. G
Knowvles. For tho benefit of thoso
who haven't yet gotten their tickets,
season tickets aro placed on sale at
each of tho three banks, McCabo hotel
and the Nyr.l drug store. Remombor
It's only a few more dnys! Get your
ilckels now.
: :o: :
School Statistic.
Following Is tho unnual report of
county superintendent which was
completed Wednesday ovenlng:
Total amount paid for
school purposes $108,817.87
Compared with last year.. 150,705.97
Total Indebtedness 219,995.41
Compared with last year... 118,008.24
Total valuo school property 301.525.85
Total valuo last year 290,943.78
Enrollment this year 4524; enroll
ment last year 4327.
A slight delay was experienced this
week in the paving of tho business
streets duo partly to itho non-arrival
of fltteen cars of tho threo
Inch vertical fibre brick iwhlch
wlll bo U8e on tho surface but
mosuy io mo scarcity or men. Tiiose
dolays aro not noticed to any oxtent
as thuro is enough concrcto work to
(keep the employes; busy unfcll the
brick arrives and in order to pump
the gravel from tho river fast enough
to supply tho demand two pumps havo
been in oporntion dally and It was
necessary to employ a night forco of
twelve men. Many aro of tho opinion
that only ono block should be worked
upon at ono tlmo nnd completed before
th eutliors aro dug up but Engineer
MoNnmnra states that aeveral blocks
can .bo worked upon to better advan
tage and will keep tho graders at work
at all times Instead of waiting for
their lino of work and it is bettor
that tho concroto bo thoroughly sot
before covered with Itho brlqk. Four
blocks aro being paved at the present
time. Tho curbing on Locust and
stroots west has been comploted and
drain boxes aro being placed on
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets through
whiclL water will run from north and
south to tho east from openings In tho
pavement. Tho brick Is being Bhlppod
froinMurphy8boro, 111., nnd each car
contains 10,000 bricks,
This amount will only covor two
blocks, but tho rest hns boon ordored
so that It will nrrtvo as needed.
It takes about twonty men to run
the big concroto mixer and thoy expect
to concrete ono block a day. As soon
as tho base Is sufficiently sot, which
will tako a week or ten days, It will
be covered with a sand cushion ono
and ono-hnlf Inches deep. After this
Is rolled and brought to an even Bur
faco tho brick will then bo laid nnd tho
spaces between lllled with asphalt
The traveling public must expect
some Inconvcnienco in a big undertak
ing like this, but thoy will bo well re
paid for their patlonco nnd co-operation
aftor tho roork la finished, as wo
will be justly proud of our business
Contract Awarded
F. M. Parsons, of Omaha, ,who drow
tho plana for tho remodeling of tluj
Methodist Episcopal church building,
spent tho greater part of last week
hero conferring with the building com
mittee. Bids wero opened Saturday
evening and itho contracts wero award
ed Wednesday evening at a meeting of
tho building commlttoe. Clydo McMl
chaol was tho successful blddor on tho
genoral contract and W. T. Groon wna
awarded tho contract for plumbing
and heating.
Work of tonrlng down part of tho
present structure will begin shortly.
Children's Chautauqua.
A suro 'nufl' circus at tho Chautau
qua. Boys, havo you seen tho last
pngo of tho Chautausua cataloguer
Look at It! And then begin to think of
tho good tlmo that la in atoro for you.
And did you ever seo a real "Qoolc?"
Well you will havo ono horo. Rim
down to tho tent tho first day nndsoo
what It's all about. Toll your chum
and bring him with you.
: :o: :
ltiiNo Ball Financial Itcport
Proceeds of baso ball fair. . . .$1492.29
Gate receipts to dato 1625.25
Paid out on diamond nnd
bloachors . . 171.G9
Salaries and oxponses of vis
iting teams 2441.46
Balance on hand $ 504.39
Subscribed but not collected 95.00
In the treasury at presont...$ 599.39
;;o:; ?
Billy Burke's first screon appear
anco In Poggy will bo shown at tho
Keith theatro Monday night. Poggy Is
a truly American girl nnd an heiress
nnd after her father's death sho goos
to live with an undo In Scotland. Sho
lands among ithoso vory pious people
on a Sundny morning nnd from then
on there Is no Mil In tho play. When
this 'picture hns boon shown In cities
pooplo have formed waiting linos to
gain admission to tho theatres. And
no doubt peoplo horo will give tho pic
turo a largo audlonco.
Niirso Brown Hospital N'oles.
Mr. Thomas Paget, of Wallaco, has
cntored tho hospital for treatment.
The small son of Marvin Richards
of Paxton, was brought to tho hospital
Wednesday morning for treatment.
Miss Lolln, head liureo, Is expected
homy today from a month V vacation.
Mrs. W. A Selbe, who was Injured
in a runaway Thursday was brought
to tho hospital for treatment.
: :o: :
("omcdy night at tho Keith, Friday
night ,wlll present Syd Chaplin In "The
Submarine Pirate." Tho Navy depart
ment permitted the uso of a govorn
mon submarine and nftor soolng
tho picture decide to tako a copy to
uso In Navy Recruiting stations. This
comedy Is shown In four rools and
would bo woll worth tho price of ad
mission but with 1t is fliown tho
drama "Tho Edge of tho Abyss" pre
Renting Merv pi 'n f '"n1 do
Consider What This Means To You
Your deposits in this bank are protected by
the Guaranty Fund of the Slate of Nebraska.
Your money, valuable papers, and personal
interests arc under the direct supervision of
competent officers of many years successful
banking experience:
We most cordially invite youto call upon us
for your banking needs.
McDonald State Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
The Oldest Bank in Western Nebraska.
It Requires Thousands of Feet
Of Lumber to Make
A Good Lumber Yard
with an ample stock of all the different varieties
of wood you are likely to want, and in all the
many sizes and dimension required. You'll
find them here at all limes and at correct
Coatcs Lumber 8c Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
mestic problem