The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1916, Image 7

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
IRA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher.
One Ycnr by Mall In Adraiice.... 91.2a
One Year by Carrier In AdTanco..$1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nobraska,
Postofllce aa Second Clasa Matter.
TI'MSIIAY, Jl'LY ':, 11(1(1
In studying the automobile- situa
tion, which hits grown from an Infancy
to a monster Industry hits caused con
dltions to loom up that never were
urennied of In the last few years, es
pcclally in the smaller cities such as
North Platte. The conditions of which
1 speak mainly refer to conjested
streets by the automobiles. It is a
fact that the city council must get
started on an ordinance to handle this
.situation to the satisfaction of all con
cerned. Wo nuiBt have set aside one or
two specified portions of back streets,
paved streets to be selected by the
city council to bo used as a parking
'place for automobllists who wish to
leave thoir cars on streets Instead of
placing them in the garages, which of
course would be very Inconvenient
and also Impracticable as accomiuo
Vlatlons are limited in our city
garages. I am placing this item in
this paper for the purpose of having
this parking Idea thrashed out pro and
con by our citizens and others con
cerned. Now for instance take a look
at our main streets, on most any day
in North Platte, business streets only
Included, and you can see why we
need a parking system. On Saturday
any time during tho day or any other
busy day It is Impossible for any
autolst to get next to the curb to dis
charge tho occupants on account of
autos standing there, probably for
several hours, necessitating the driver
to discharge hi& family from the car
on a cross section which is an unsafe
practice or elso drive up as close as
possible and let the occupants worm
their -way between the conjested autos.
There is no fault to find in an auto
standing flvo or ten minutes to load
his purchases In or family. As It Is
now a tellow can't get within fifteen
feet of the side walk to load his cargo,
and It also makes It very dangerous
for other automobiles. I have noticed
several narrow escapes through some
driver backing out right In the face
of some other machine caused by con-
ested autos next to the curb. He had to
watch his front wheels so as to pre
vent taking part of his neighbor's
car along. Let s prescribe a remedy
for these unfavorable conditions while
the time Is tine, and not wait until
some one has been killed or seriously
Injured or an automobile has been
smashed; not mentioning the many
other advantages to the autolst and
others concerned.
Thanking you for this space.
Yours truly,
P. S. The germ has not caught mo
yet for obvious reasons. (I have no
auto) its purely a proper business
81,0011 Automobiles In Nebraska.
In order to meet tho unprecedented
demand for automobile license mini
hers In Nebraska Secretary of the
State Poolo has been compelled to or
dor two extra lots of 10,000 eacli of
number plates for the current year
Ho ordered 70.000 to start with, that
being 11.000 more than were issued
in 1915. These soon ran out and an
other 10,000 were sent for. Now this
supply has almost been exhausted and
10,000 m'oro have been secured, milk
ing K0.000 in all, an increase of GS
per cent over last year.
"There appears to be no let up in
the demand for automobiles, says
Secretary Pool.. The department is
sued during the month of June I5.914
licenses on automobiles and 250 on
motorcycles. Up to July 1 there had
been issued for 191G a grand total of
S0.958 automobile licenses and 15.266
motorcycle licenses. The expense of
operating the automobile department
for the month of June which includes
salaries, postage, books and printing,
extra help, telephone- and telegraph
and office supplies, amounted to only
: :o: :
Two store rooms suitable for any
Ten rooms suitable for office rooms
or small rooming house, or will be
rented to any one wanting one room.
Garage 53x72 foet.
Also large room 53x72 suitable for
hall or will arrange it to suit tenant
All equipped with steam heat.
Located on corner of Eighth and
Locust streets.
Let Landgraf & Hoga do your paint
ing, paper hanging and decorating.
Phone Black 892 or Black 570. J3tf
Legend of the Grand Caon.
Tho Grand Canyon of tin Colorado
faa ilrst reported to the clvlljiod world
by tho early Spanish explorer In 15-10.
The Indian legend of the Grand can.
yon la picturesque. There was a great
chief who mourned the death of his
wife and would not be comforted. To
him enme Ta-Vwonts, one of the In
dian gods, and told him that his wife
was In a happier land to which he
would take him tlint he might see for
hlmiclf If upon his return he would
cease to mourn. The ehier promised.
Then Ta-Vwonts m rule n trail through
the mountains that guarded thnt beau-
tlful land. This trail was the canyon
gorge of the Colorado. Through It Ta-
Vwoats led the chief, and when they
had returned the god exacted from tho
chief a promise that he would tell no
one of Its Joys lest, through discontent
with the circumstances of this world,
others should desire to go there. Then
Ta-Vwonts rolled a river into the gorge,
n mad, raging stream, that should en
gulf any thnt might attempt to enter
thereby. This river wns the Colorado.
Special Attention to
Surjrory, Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Brady Chautauqua Successful I
The five day Chautauqua which was
held at Brady last meek closed In a
satisfactory manner to patrons and
stockholders. hTe program was of,
high order and great variety. In'
sWaklng of tho Chautauqua tho Brady
Vindicator states that although It did Nurse Bnawn Mcmorlnl Hodpltnl.
not! pay out this year only a small
amount Is required from each guar
antor and the committee feels that the
money is well spent and are already
boosting for 1917. They also make
the following statement: "Only one
man who spoke here during the Chau
tauqua, will be on tho program next
year, and that Is Rev II. G. Knowles,
of North Platte, that Is If ho can be
secured. His address was the most
enjoyed one of the entire Chautau-qun."
Animals We Never Met.
Dr. N. A. Cobb, an authority on
zoology, declnres that there must bo
hundreds of thousands of species or
neomntodos. or threadworms, more
than nine-tenths of which arc still un
'mown to science. Of the pnrasltlc
.iematodes Infesting vertebrate mil
raals alone It Is estimated that there
are at least 80,000 siecks. Insects,
raollusks. crustaceans and other animal
groups nro also much Infested, and as
n rule a given species of nematode Is
peculiar to a single Bpecles of host.
Lastly, tho species of nematode living
free In soli and water vastly outnuni
bers tho parasitic species. As these
creatures arc enormously prolltle. tho
number of Individuals must be quite
beyond conception. Dr. Cobb estimates
that In the upper foot of an arable soil
the number of nematodes runs to thou
sands of millions an acre. Exchange.
looks easy, but it takes a lot of knowledge and practice.
We have both. For that reason it will be wise to bring
yours here ffi&jftftfl
We guarantee all our work. When we hand you back
your watch you can depend upon it being all right in every
particular. Our charges are very moderate, too. Tr) us
when you have watch trouble.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Panama Canal Chains.
Tho huge locks of the Panama cnnal
nro guarded by massive chains stretch
cd across the channel. No vessel can
crash Into the rulw at any of the locks
because of tbeso fenders, plnccd seven
ty feet from each gate and near tho
surface of the water. If the chains
are struck bv a boat they gradually
yield to tho force, paying out to a ccr
tain distance, which depends upon the
violence of the Impact.
The mechanisms which regulate tho
chain fenders are installed on either
wall. A system of hydraulic cylinders
Is used for raising and lowering the
chains. The action of the fender when
struck by a boat Is modified In part by
the friction produced In the machinery,
but innlnly by the resistance produced
hp water flowing through valves.
J -
Popular Science- Monthly.
Making "Central's" Job Easy.
It Is much more Important than most
people think to give tho name or the
telephone exchange before the number
instead of vice versa and to De ex
tremely particular In sounding the con
sonants clearly In any conversation
Also It Ls necessary to distinguish care
fully between f and 0 nnd to say "oh
for 0. Instead of "naught," which ls
often mistaken for 4 and sometimes
curiously enough, for 8. All these are
useful memoranda which deserve to be
kept In mind as steadily as that duty
of courtesy to tho telephone girl which
la. we fear, too often forgotten. Lon
don Globe.
....... ..,, ....... . .MtM,..M..t,.,M,,MMWMM4,M., ......WW.. ...
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Gold Bells.
Gold and copper bells served as nion
ey among the peoples of Mexico nnd
Central America before the tlmo or the
American Indian. The gold bells of
Costa KIca are exqulslto examples of
metal work. Many of them aro mod
eled In the form of birds, monkeys nnd
grotesque heads.
The Opal.
The superstition against the opal be
gan through tho stonecntters, each of
whom would anxiously ask every our
er If he had had any luck In his cut
ting, for the opal contains 13 per cent
wnter nnd ls exceedingly brittle nnd
therefore difficult to cut successfully,
Commercial Activity.
Little Lemuel Say, paw, what Is the
meaning of "commercial activity?
Paw Borrowing $5 for a week, son.
and dodging the lender for a year. In
dlnnapolls Btnr.
... V....W....V.V. w.. ......... ..... .....-..... ...v.. ...!
Health and .Comfort
Every home should have a fan
for health and comfort.
A good fan will last a lifetime
in the home. It is not expensive
when divided by the years they
last. The cost to operate is very
Some day you will own a fan,
why not begin now and be get
ting the benefit.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
C. R. MOREY, Manager.
Authorities may vary In dis
cussing the merits of tho hot
bath, the tepid bath nud tho cold
bath, but they nil agree In the
abstract that bathing ls neces
sary to good health. The remov
al from tho Bkln of the accumu
lation of refuse matter ls the pri
mary reason for tho bath.
A bath should not bo taken too
near mealtime. There Is a nor
mal attraction of the blood to
ward tho stomach after eating.
Any interference with this and
tho attraction of tho blood to
ward tho surfaco of tho body ls
npt to arrest digestion.
Warm baths have a soothing
effect nnd often aro prescribed
for nervousness. Tho tepid bath
can do no harm. Cold baths are
stimulating, but apt to bo In
jurious If tho heart action ls not
Ktrong enough to permit of a
ready reaction. To somo Individ
uals tho shock to tho twrvoua
system to so great that thtry can
not accustom themsclvis to cold
K. j. niENEr. & CO.
Real Estate and Insurance
Come and bco us for town lota In
dtfferont parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy tormB. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sta.. upstairs.
Pigeons In Constantinople
In no big city In the world are there
so many tame pigeon as In Constanti
nople. In many squnrcs In Loudon
there are huuiII Hocks of pigeons, but
In the Turkish capital they nre to be
seen by the thousand. These pigeons
nre sacred, and. Indeed, many a
wealthy Turk leaves money to be de
voted to buying food for them. The
story f why they nre sacred ls rather
Interesting. When Mohammed, tho
Turkish prophet, was Hying from his
enemies he hid In a cavern. At the
mouth of the cavern two pigeons built
their nest, so tradition runs, whllo
across the entrance n spider spun its
web. The soldiers who came along
HOiuu da.Vs later felt certain thnt no one
had entered tho cave, seeing the birds
nesting and the spider's web, and so
never troubled to enter it nud search
Ever since then the Turks have held
pigeons hihI spiders to be sacred.
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redflold
Offlco Phone 642 Res. Phons 676
Gifts of the Grass.
The grass Is missed only by Its ab
sence. hen we pass iy a nouse
which is minus a green lawn or grassy
plot In front we exclaim, "What a blot
on tho landscape 1" In a vague way
we realize that the grass gives tone
and color to outdoor life as nothing
else can; that no picture Is couipleto
without It. All tho beauties of tho
seashore the bold rocks, the crested
surf, the dashing waves, the lights
and shadows which play nt sunrise nnd
sunset beside old ocean cannot com
pensnte for the lack of tho grass be
neath our feet. Friends wintering at
southern benches have told us that
they grew homesick for the grassy
lloMa and meadows of home. Marga'
rcfr Woodward In Countryside Maga
Out of Sight.
Country Cousin Of course pertaters
grows underneath tho ground. City
Cousin Il'm! Ye-es, but what glts
me Is how you tell when they're rip
or not. Farming Business.
When She Sees It Quickly.
"Can your wife see a Jokof"
"If it's In the shape of a bonnet or a
dress that some other woman Is wear
Ing she can." Detroit Free Press.
Worry, whatever Its source, weakens.
takes away courage and shortens life
A Sound Reason.
Mistress Didn't you hear me calling,
Jane? Jane Yes'm. but you told me
tho other day never to answer you
The shadow of human life Is traced
anon a golden ground of Immortal
nope. -Illllard
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Founded 1880.
. V
It's tho household word In Western
Nebraska. It's Old Line, tho best mon
ey can buy. It's what you need, for
savings bank and Insurnnco that In
sures. They all buy It.
"There is a Kenson"
For further Information
Phono, call or address
J. E. SEBASTIAN. State Agent
Tho Old Lino Man
Hospital Phono Black 633.
Houbo Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Bight years a Oorernmont Veterinar
ian. HoBpits.1 218-south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
loss anil w
Bought and highest market
pricci paid
Residence Red 626
Offlfl 450
Prnctlco Limited to
Surgery nnd llndhun Therapy
23 City National Bank Building.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Offlco 333 Res. Black 513
6 Reynold Building
Offlco hours 9 a.
7 p.
m. to 5 p. in.
m. to 8 p. m.
Ecctricnl Supplies
Storage Batteries
Morsch Bldg
Phono 175.
0. H. Thoelecke.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician nnd Surgeon.
Special Attention giren to forgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
( Office 130
Residence 115
Physician and Surgooa
Office B. & L. Building, Socond Floor
Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38.
Telephone Your
Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
..General Hospital..
One Kali Block North oi Postoflice.
Pbone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Rcdfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, H.D
Miss M. Sieman, Sapt.
Quality Not Quantity
Wo mako cigars In tho small and In
tho regular sizes preferring to ubo
quality tobacco In preference to quan
tity. W use only tho best tobacco
for filler and wrapper and our cua
tomors are always satisfied. Wo ban
die a large lino of smokers' artlclon
our display of pipes being especially
Licensed Embalmcrs
Undertakers and Fuaoral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 638.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtuo of an ordor of sale Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a docreo of
foroclosuro rondered In said Court
whoreln David W. Daggett Is plaintiff,
and Elmer Daggott ot al nro dofond
ants and to mo directed, I will on tho
22nd day of July, 191G, at 2 ofclock p.
m., at tho east front door of tho Court
House In North Platto, Lincoln Coun
ty Nebraska,floll at Public Auction to
tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said decree, Interest and costs, tho fol
lowing doscrlbod property, to-wlt:
Southeast Quarter (SEV4) of Sec
tion Ton (10), In Township Twelve
(12), North ot Range Thirty (30), Woet
of tho Sixth Principal Moridian, in Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Datod North Platto, Neb., Juno 16th,
J19.J21 Sheriff.
UTici.i:s or icuitioitATiox k
Know All Mrn hy Thwf lrrnfiilai
That wo. Julius rigor. J. t:. Nelson.
Anna l'lzrr do usHoclate oureolveu to
gether for the nurnoiw of formtnu and
becoming u Cornorntton In the Htuto of
Nobr.iHkn, for the transaction ot bust
nesn hereinafter named.
FIHST: The iinme of the corporation
hall be "Tho Lender Mercantllo Com-
pnny," nnd the principal place of trans
uctlnK its business shnll be In the City
of North 1'lutte. County of Lincoln,
Htate of Ncbrnnkn,
SKCOM). The nature of tho bum-
ness to be transacted by said Corpora
tlon nhnll be a general mercantile bu
IncsH, the buying nnd koIHiik of dry
roods. Indies' nnd irents' clothlnrr. la
dies' nnd gentn' furnishing goods, bootfl,
HtioeH, rugs mm carpets, Ann mi hucii
other merchandise tin nre generally
kept in n store of the nature nnd char"
actor Huch as thlM corporation expect
to ngng In operating
THIKH The leasing or erection ami
ninlntnlnlnir of such buildings and
structures as may be deemed necessary,
nnd to purchase renl estate ns n Bltn
therefore, ir deemed necessary, nnn tun
transacting of nn.v other business an
may be necessary 'to carry out the pur
pose of this corportlon.
KOUItTll; Tho authorized capital
stock of said Corporation shall be thlr
tv thousand ($.10,000) dollars, In sltaros
of One Hundred ($100,00) Dollars oaoh,
to be subscribed nnu paiu ny me sioot
holders as required by the Board of
n retors. but tho corporation slum u
authorized to do business when tho cor
porntors herein nnined shall nave nun
scribed for sufllclent stock to pay thr
Invoice price of the goods and merchan
Tllse In the store known ns "The Lend
er," now owned nnd operated uy one ot
the corporators Herein, juiius i-izor.
FIFTH The existence or tnis cor
poration shall commence ot) the 10th
day of July, 1016, and continue during
a period of live years,
SIXTH' The business of this cor
poration shall be conducted by the vice
president, general mnnnger mui ireun
urer. hereinafter nnmed: Julius Plzer
shnll be president, J. E. Nelson vlco
tires ilont. general mnnnger nnu irens-
er; nnd Anna I'laer shall be secretary;
and the stockholders snail as soon an
the corporation Is organized moet una
nid by n unanimous vote eiect n uonrn
of directors of two in number, such
board of directors to conduct the bust
ness of the corporation? In case of Inca
pacity or death or any one oi tue oin-
cers hereinnerore nnnieti, aim sucu
hoard of directors to nave no power i
elect n'ty other ofllcors except In case
or disability or death of any one of the
ofllcers heretofore named.
HHVBNTH. Special meetings or tn
stockholders may be held upon call of
the president or a majority ot mo
board of directors upon n written no
tice, signed by the president, to each of
the stockholders, at the last known
postofllce address, setting forth the ob
ject nnd purpose of the meeting, and
such meeting shall be hold in the otllce.
of the corporation in the city of North
riatte, Lincoln county, rxeoraHKa.
UIOHTH; The regular meeting ot
the stockholders shall be held on th
Hrst Monday of January of each year,
nt the office or principal place of bus-
ness of said corporation, nnd tno
board of directors shall meet for a
general discussion or the business or
tho corporation with the officers there
of on tho Ilrst Monday of each month.
NINTH: The president of said cor
poration shnll preside nt the meeting
of tho board of directors.
TENTH: The highest amount or in
debtedness to which the vice-president,
general mnnnger nnd treasurer snail
have power to bind the corporation
shall be forty per cent of the capital
stock of tho corporation outstanding,
but the board of directors, by a unani
mous vote, may authorize an indented'
noHB to be Incurred to tho extent of two
thirds of the capital stock then out-
"ELEVENTH: The board of direc
tors shall by unanimous consent adopt
n, corpornio seni.
'I W villi' J 11 : l lie siocKiiumers may
vote In person or by proxy duly auth
orized in writing, and all meetings of
the stockholders each share of stock
shall he entitled to one vote, and a voto
of the majority of the shares shall In
nil cases control, except the same bo
contrary to the provisions of these arti
cles. THIRTEENTH' These nrtlclcs of
Incorporation may be nmended by tho
mutiinl consent of all of the stock
holders of thn corporation.
KOUHTEENTH : If nt any time a
dispute nrlses between tho stockhold
ers of this corporation or between tho
members of the bonrd of directors in
reference to tho Interpretation of theso
articles of lncorporntlon, reference,
shall he had to a certain contract this
day entered Into between tho so. Id J. E.
Nolson. and Julius Plzer for their time,
meaning and Intent.
In Witness Whereof the said partlen
have hereunto set their hands this 30th
day of March 1916.
,1, E. NELSON.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ear
On this .10th day of March, 1916, be
fore me, Joseph O. Heeler, a Notary
Public, duly commissioned, qualified for
niul residing In said county, personally
came the above nnmed, Julius Plzer, J.
E. Nelson, and Anna Plzer, who are
personally known to me to bo the
Idontlral persons whose names are af
fixed to the foregoing Instruction, and
they severally acknowledged tho exe
cution of snld Instrument to bo their
voluntary act and deed for tho pur
pose therein expressed.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto
set my hand nnd nfflxed my Notarial
scnl the day and year last above wrlt-
Notary Public.
Notlro of Petition
Estate No. 142G of Carrie E. Marti, do
ceased, In tho County Court ot Llu-
oln County. Nobraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, To all per
sons Intorested In said estate take
notlco that a petition has boon filed for
the probate of tho last will and teBtn
mci.t of Garrlo 13. Marti, decoased and
tho appointment of Fred Marti as ex
ecutor of said will, which has been set
for hearing heroin on August 4, 1916, at
9 o'clock a. m.
Dated July 8, 1916.
JJ1J2S County Judgfl.