Semi-Weekly Tribune IltA L. BAKK, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Ycnr by Jlnll In Adrnnce. . . ,?1.25 Otic Ycnr by C'nrrlcr In Advnnco..$lJ0 Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, PostoOlco ns Second Class Matter. TUKSDAY, JULY 11, li)l. 1'iirgln (Jlven Thirty Days Growing weary of staying In Jail awaiting trial rrt. the November torm of district court, Cyrus Pnrgln, charged with disposing of liquor con trary to law, plead guilty boforo Judc Groincs Snturduy forenoon and was sontone'ed to thirty days In Jail. At tho preliminary hearing May 13th In tho county court ho had pleadod not guilty, but his Incarceration becamo so tiresome that ho concluded to "fess up" and take whatever doso tho Jndgo administered rather than stay thoro until November and then have a fur ther sentence to serve. By pleading guilty ho has saved himself ninety days of confinement. LINCOLN COUNTY DKMOCKATS JIEKT I.N CONVENTION Harry YVnltcniufli Injured Harry Waltemath, while working on his father's car Saturday, sovored two arteries In his wrht and became unconscious through less of blood. He was using a wrench and as he put on his full strongth It slipped and his -wrist struck a sharp edgo on the car, cutting a deep gash. Ho started for the house but fell in a faint. He was rushed to a hospital and placed under tho in iluencc of an enostehotlc for an hour whllo the wound was drossed. Had not assistance been promptly rendered he might havo bled to death. ::o:: Many Hall Louses W. II. C. Woodhurat returned Sun day from Lodgo Polo whoro ho went to adjust hall losses. Ho adjusted sev enty claims, tho losses running from six to ninety 'per cont. Ho says tho Western Adjustment Company, with thirty men In tho Held, had up to July 1st adjusted over eleven hundred hall lossos In tho state. Spring wheat in tho Lodgo Polo section Is nearly a to tal Ions by nason of dry weather, and fall wheat has been more or less ef fected by tho same cause. ::o:: Coast to Const on High Among tho tourists In town Sunday was tho ndvanco car which Is running ahead of the Pathfinder twin six which Is to bo driven from coast to coast on high gear. This twin six left San Diego, Cal at noon July 3d and Is ex pocted to reach North Platto tho latter port of this week. No attempt at fast running is bolng made, tho object of tho trip being to learn If the ear can cross tho mountains, travol tho sand and plow through mud without changing gears. ::o:r County Ncwh Miss Graco Wray, of Dickens, has gone to Salt Lako to spond the sum mer. Tho Httlo sen of Frank Hongon, who lives near Dickens, was severely In Jured when he fell from a horse. Low Whltnioro, living six miles northwest of Dickens, lost his houso by fire last wcok. "Walter Gartroll, of Somerset, who was thrown-in front of a harrcw somo tlmo ago and badly Injured, Is well on tho way to rocovory. ::o:: Fifth Regiment (Sees South. Tho Fifth reglmont, of which North Platto Company E Is a party loft Lin coln Sunday afternoon for tho Mexl can bordor. At tho tlmo of leaving tho men did not know tholr dostina tlon. Sovoral of the boys have promised 10 write Tho Trlbuuo when onnortun Ity prosonts, but It is probablo that they will lio quite busy for a tlmo aftor roacmng tho bordor lino. ::o:: Howard for Stray Hogs. Strayed from Wallace, Neb., In tho direction or Sutherland, Neb., about a wook ago, two Pointer pups about a year old, color chocolato and whllo spotted. Will respond to names of Rln and Rock, Rock bolng lamo In right nip. wm givo uncial roward for tho r roturn or any Information that will lead to their location. If found wiro mo at my oxponso. 51-2 A. J. KARRAKIOR, Wallace Neb. Hull Team Will Tnko Trln Tho NGrth Platto bull team leaves Friday on a week's trln durinc which thoy will play Bridgeport on tho 16th, luiu ami lutn nnil Kcotts Bluff on tho 17th and 18th. Thoy will reach home July 20th, and on Sunday and Monday, .Tlllv 03,1 riml "MM, m MI 1., ,M. cn.; tun lli'V IIIU UIU toga team of Lincoln. Thirty-seven delegates representing about on-thlrd of tho precincts of the county, met In convention at tho court houao Satutday afternoon, heard an address by J. J. Halllgau, appointed pleven dolegaios to the stato conven tion, passed resolutions endorsing President Wilson, the democratic con gross, the state administration and Keith Neville nnd tho county ticket. The meeting was a most harmonious one, the culy ripple of friction came when Sam Reynolds objected to the plank endorsing the rural credit bill passed by congress. Ho moved to strike out that particular paragraph for the reason, ho said, that so far as the hural credit nffected tho farmer It was a farce. But Sam was largely In the minority and the plank s-tnod as written. Tho convention was called to order by County Chairman Streltz, and J. J. Halllgnn elected chairman. Upon tak ing the chair Mr. Ilalligau attempted to arouso somo enthusiasm hy alluding to tho alleged good things tho demo cratic party had performed during the past three and one-half years, and the excellent 'prospocts for Wilson's re election, but tho hearts of tho demo crats present seemed to havo turned to stone and not a murmor of applause was given the chairman. Mr. Hallt gan's remarks, viewed from a demo cratic standpoint, were good and should have created enthusiasm, but perhaps tho temperature of tho room prohibit ed undue exortion cf lungs or body. Attorney Lesllo Basklns was elected secretary, committees on credentials and resolutions were appointed, nnd when the credential .00111111111000 re ported tho temporary organization was made pormunent. It was then moved that an informal ballot for delcgntes to tho stato convention, to bo held at Hastings, July 25th, bo taken, and when this was accomplished it was tho sense of tho convention that tho oloven receiving tho highest vote bo declared tho delegates. Thoso recolving the moot votes wcro: J. J. Halligan, J. G. Beolor, Thos. Ilcaley, Roy Cochran, I. R. Wmlte, Wm. Bentty, R. A. Frame, J. T. Shields. Tom Marcott. G. N. Glbbs and F. A. Johnson. Alternates Dr. McCabo, Henry Fulk, Earl Brownflold, M. E. Scott, E. D, Murphy, A. Abcrcromblo. W. W. Hunter, W. R. Malonoy, I. E. Ware, S. S. Reynolds and A.F. Strcltz. iho resolution adopted commended tho democratic congress for passing acts that are for tho good of the peo ple, particularly tho federal reserve and tho rural credit acts; congratu lated tho democrats of tho stute upon having as Its standard bearer such a sterling young Imslnea man and pro gressive democrat as Keith Noville; re affirmed their boiler in the goodness of the lultlativo and referendum; be lieved that stato wldeprohlbltlon should bo settled by the people, to whom It has boon referred, and pledged tho can didates of tho party to abldo by the .1 1.., . .... . . .. .I iiuujwiuu 01 iiiu voiors; rccommcuucu and endorsed all stato and county candidates. Upon motion J. G. Beoler was elect ed chairman of the county central committee and Leslie Buskins secretary. Tho ccTivontion then adjourned ind tho dologutes went to tho various soda fountnlns and ordered unformented grape Juice a rothor unusual drink lor a g. ju -Ij.i j.rai uvt undo neces sary by the dry conditions of tho town. Mtmbcred nmong tho delegates were such old war horses as Col. BUI Bcut- ty, Col. Jim Whito, Cel. Henry Fulk nnd Col. Tom Marcott, who fight for democratic principles without hone of roward other than that which thoy will receive at the hands of good old St. Petor. ; :o; : Card of Thanks We wish to oxpress our most sin cere thanks to friends, and particu larly to Mrs. Curtis Illnmna and Mrs. Juntos Frazlor, for tho Kind assistance rendered us following tno death of our son, and for iloral tributes. MR. and MRS. W. D. WALDO. Master Donald Carson was takon ill last wcok with measlos. !:o::- County mid Nolgborhooil N'ows. Ogalalla will on August 8th vote on a proposition to lauo $0,000 In bonds to construct a sawor Bystom. Jako Coloman, ono of tho earliest set tlors of Gaslln precinct, died Thurs day of last wcok. lie had beon In poor health for Bovoral months. E. M. F. Lollnng and A. E. Grantham havo sold tholr Interest in tho Dawson County Nntional Bank at Lexington to G. E. Hammer and J. B. Woods. The formor will bo presidont and tho lat ter cashier. Mr. Ledang was founder or tno institution nnd Mr. Grantham now an olTIelnl position for tiwonty six years. r -::o;: C. J. McNamura spout Sunday in Uothonburg. S. E. Anderson, of Sutherland, trans acted buslnoss nt tho court houso Saturday. ::o:: Notice of Petition Estato No. 1420 of Carrlo E. Marti, do ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska Tho Stato of Nobrnska, To all por sons Interested In said estato tako notlco that a petition has boon riled foi the prouato of tho last will and testn moi.t of Carrlo 13, Marti, deceased and tho appointment of Fred Marti aB ex ccutor of said will, which has boon set for hoarlng heroin on August 4, 101G, at 9 o clock a. in. Dated July 8, 191C. GEO. E. FRENCH, J11J28 County Judge, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Orra Salior spent tho week end In Ilershoy on business, Mrs. A. E. Erlckson has returned front a visit in oustcrn points, Leo Hart, of Brady, visltod with lo cal frlondu the lnttot part of last wr . Lost Gold Watch Fob. Plcaso re turn to this olflco and receive reward. Conductor W. S. Leon, who has been seriously 111 for somo time, Is Im proving. Mrs. Steve Baldwin returned Friday evening from Omaha and other eastern points. Miss Leda Holllday, of Kansas Cl.y, Is visiting this woek with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mann. Mrs. Emily Coates returned last ov enlng from Omaha whoro she visit ed tho Baker family. Tho Catholic Girls' club will bo en tertained this evening by Misses Ed na and Alice Sullivan. Miss Eunice Brogan, of Paxton, ro lurncd home after viultlng Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Murphy. The county teachors' examinations will bo hold nt tho high school audi torium July 27th and 28th. Mrs. R. II. Langford loft Saturday morning for Laramie and Green River to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. A. E. Zeibort left Friday after noon for Watertown, S. D to visit the homo folks for several weeks. Mrs. Fred Hanlon, who had been vis iting lit tho eastern pnrt of tho state, canto homo Friday evening. Tho Rebeknli lodge held n spoclal meeting Friday evening after which they held a luncheon at tho Gent. Mrs. Laura Schaffcr, of Dickens, lias returned homo after visiting friends here tho greater part of last week, John Monroo is expected to return front Laramie this weok aftor visiting with Edward and Henry Robhausen. Mrs. Welborn, of Durangc, Colo., foimorly of this city, enmo a few days ago to visit her son for a week or long er. Mrs, Kinman, of Cozad, loft Friday afternoon for homo after visiting her daughter Mrs. James Dcram for some tlmo. Miss Genevieve Jcffcrs returned the latter part of last' week from Sa.i Fraivcisco whoro she visited with her aunt. ' Theodore Tottenhoft and family re turned tho latter part of last week from a visit of several weeks In Ft. Madison, Iowa. Miss Alma Slump returned to Suth erland Friday evening, aftor visiting her cousin, Miss Matu Paulson, for a week. Miss Minnie Rudat ltft the latter part of last week for Hastings where she will visit her brother for several weeks. For Farm Loans Beo or write Gene Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platto. 41tf Mrs. M. II. Mischko and children, whp visited relatives In eastern points for somo time, canto homo 'Friday ev ening. Miss Cutherino Feather, of Ogalalla. returned homo Saturday morning after visiting with her sister, Mrs.' Edward Weaton. Frank Winklcman and son Dick, of Fremont havo gono homo aftor visit ing the former's daughter Mrs. Jack Carroll. Georgo E. Johnston, state civil engi neer of Lincoln, spoilt the week end horo on business with Engineer Mc Namara. James Frllo and mother of Over ton, who visited Mrs. P. J. Norrls and family for ten days loft the lattor part of last weok. Dr. J. B. Redileld returned tho lat ter part of last nvcek from Omaha ivhorc ho accompanied William Gaunt to a hospital. No. :moij niaroiiT of t his condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At North riatto, In the Stnto ot Nobraska at tho closo of business Juno 30th, ' , ,, RESOURCES. Loans and discounts (oxcopt thoso on l) $511,217.84 Total loana fB14.247.Sl Ovordrafts, unsecured 411.57 U. H. bonds doposltod to aoouro circulation (par value) f 100,000.00 U. S. bonds plodgod to socuro U. S. doposlts (par valuo) 1,000.00 Total U. S. bonds , 101,000.00 Bonds othor than U. S. bonds pledgod to socuro postal savings doposlts , 20,000.00 Securltlos other than U. S, bonds (not Including stocks) ownctf unpledged 2S, 420.01 Total bonds, soaurlttos, otc 54,420.94 Subscription to stoolc of FcdortU Reservo bank 0,000.00 Loss amount unpaid , 4,600 4.500.00 4,600.00 Valuo of banking houso (If unoncumborod) 20,142.60 Equity In banking houso 20,142.50 Furniture and ilxturos 3,000.00 Hoal estate owned othor than banking houso 11,600.00 Nut amount duo from Federal Hoservo Hank 18,253.05 Not amount duo from npproved resorvo agents In Now York, Chicago nnd St. Louis 3,055.41 Not amount duo from nDDrovcd rosorfj aironts In other reserve cities 77,032.74 Not amount duo from banks and bankers (othor than Included In 10 or 11) Othor checks on banks In tho eamo city or town as re porting bank Fractional currency, ntckloB and conts ,' Notes of othor national banks Fodornl llcsorvo notes 1 Coin and cortlllcntcs Legal-tender notes Redemption fund with U. 8. Troasuror and duofromU. S. Troasuror 80,088.18 2.04C.1S 1,307.83 219.02 3S0.00 , 20.00 22,045.40 6,230.00 5,000.00 Total fS4R,102.51 LIABILITIES. Capital stook paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits . 23,220.10 Loss curroht oxpensoH Interest and tnxus paid 7,151.55 Circulating notes outstanding Net amount duo to banks and bunkers (othor than in cluded In 20 or 30) Domnnd deposits: Individual doposlts subject to check.- CortltlcatoH of deposit duo In Icbh than 30 days Ccrtlilod chocks Cashlor'a chocks outstanding .1 United Statoa deposits Postal savings doposlts Total demand doposlts, Itoms 33, 34, 35, 30, 37. 38, 30 and 40 c, 308,561.84 Time deposits (payablo aftor 30 days, or subject to 30 days or moro notlco): Certificates of deposit Total ot tlmo deposits, Itoma 40, 41, 42 jind 43 144.09S.CC $100,000.00 60,000.00 10,074.65 100,000.00 35,407.50 309,377.74 13,811.35 210.00 2,860,01 1,000.00 11,305,81 144.99S.5C Totnl IS45.102.51 Stato of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, as: I, F. L. Moonoy, Cashier of the above named bank,- do solemnly swear that tho abovo statement la truo to the boat of my knowledge nnd bellof. . ... . F. I MOONEY, Cashlor. Correct Attoot: H. V. SEEIJEnaEH HAY C. LANQFORI) JOHN J. 1IALLIOAN Directors Subscribed and sworn to boforo me this 7th dny of July, 1016, N. E. BUCKLEY, Notary Public. V Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Clock North of Postoffice. Phone 58 A modern institution for th scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement case3. Completely equipped X-Rny and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Rcdfield, M. D. J. S.Simms, M.D Miss M. Sieman, Supl. Quality Not Quantity Wo make cigars In the small and In tho regular sizes preferring to use quality tobacco In proferenco to quan tity. W uso only tho best tobacco for filler and wrapper and our cus tomers are always satisfied. We han dle a large lino of smokers' artlcloii, our display of pipes being especially large. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein David W. Daggett is plaintiff, and Elmer Daggett et al are defend ants and to mo directed, I will on the 22nd day of July, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., nt the cast front door of tho Court Houso In North Platte, Lincoln Coun ty Nebraska, soil at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho fol lowing described property, to-wit: southeast quarter (SBVi) of Sec tion Ten (10), In Township Twelve (12), North of RattKo Thirty (30). West of tho Sixth Principal Meridian, in Lin- coin uounty, Nebraska. Dated North Platto, Neb., Juno lCth, 191G. A. J. SALISBURY, U9-J21 Sheriff. NOTICE I'OIt 11IDS. Notlco Is hornliv elvnn ttinf aonlod bids will bo received at tho offico of tno city clerk of North Platto,. No braska, up to flvo o'clock p. m., July 18th, 191G, for the construction of a lateral sower in Sewor District "Q 2" and in said city according to tho plans and specifications now on filo In tho offico of tho city clerk of said city. Approximate estimate of cost of sowor lateral as por report of city en gineer Is $1,09.00. Local labor to be employed ns far as possible. Certified check on local bank of fivo por cont of amount bid will bo requir ed to insure entering into contract. Satisfactory bond to bo givon when contract Is signed. Mayor and council reserve right to roject any or nil bids. By ordor of tho city council. O. E. ELDER, J '-18 City Clork. NOTICE roil BIDS. Notlco Is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at tho offico of tho city clerk of North Platto, Nebras ka, up to flvo o'clock p. m July 18th, 191C, for tho construction of a lateral sower In Sowor District "S" and In said cltv according in thn nl nnn nmf specifications now on filo In tho office of the city clork of said city. Approximate estlmato of cost ot sowor latoral as per report of city en gineer Is $3,187.00. Local labor to bo employed as far as practicable. Cortlflod check on local bank ot fivo por cont of amount or bid will bo ro qulrod'fb insuro entering Into con tract. Satisfactory bond to bo given when contract Is signed. Mayor and council rosorvo right to reject any or all bids. By order ot tho city council. O. E. ELDER, J4-18 City Clork. FIRE, TORNADO, HAIL INSURANCE 0. H. Thoelecke. AHTH'M4J OF I.NXOKIMMIATIOX lF tin: i.K.vniiit siniiCAXTii.u com- I'A.W." Kihmv All Mi-n liy 'I'll cue I'rPNfiitNt . , That wo, Julius I'lzer, J. K, Norson, Anna I'lzer lo associate ournelvoB to gether for the purpose of forming and becoming a Corporation In tho State of Nobrnska, for tho transaction of busi ness horolnnfter named. FIItST: The name of tho corporation shnll be "Tho Leader Morcautllo Com pany," and tho principal placo of trans acting Its business shnll bo In tho City of North IMatte. County or Lincoln, State of Nebraska. SECOND. Tho naturo of tho busi ness to bo transacted by said Corpora tion shall be u Konoral mercantile bus iness, the buyluir and selling of dry goods, ladles' and gents' clothing, la dles' nnd gents' furnishing goods, boots, shoes, rugs and carpets, and all such other morchandlso as nro generally kept In a store of tho nature nnd char acter such uh this corporation expects to engage In operating. THUtlJ. Tho lcnslng or erection and maintaining of such buildings and struetmos ns may bo deemed necossary, and to purchnsc real estate as a site therefore, If doomed necessary, and tho transacting of any other business as may be necessary to carry out tho pur poso of this corportlon. FOUIITI1: The authorized cnpltal stock of said Corporation shall bo thir ty thousand ($30,000) dollars, In shares of one Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each, to be subscribed nnd paid by the stock holders as required by tho Hoard of Directors, but the corporation shall bo n iiMmi'lTnil tn iln business when tho COl'- "pbrators herein namod shall havo sub scribed tor sumcieni biock iu iy uiu Invoice price of the goods and merchan dise in the store known as "Tho L.cnl or," now owned nnd operated by ono or tho corporators herein, .Hilius Plzer. FIFTH: Tho existence or this cor poration shall commence on the 10th day or July, 1916, and continue during a period of flvo years. SIXTH: Tho business or this cor poration shall bo conducted by the vice president, gcnernl ninnagor and treas urer, hcrelnarter named; Julius Plzer shall bo presidont, J. 13. Nelson vice president, general manager and troas er; and Anna I'lzer ahall bo secretary, and the stockholders shall ns soon ns the corporation Is organized moot nnd nnd by a unanimous vote elect a board or directors of two In number, such board of directors to conduct the busi ness or tho corporation: In case ot Inca pacity or death or any ono or the otft cors hereinbefore, named, and such board of directors to havo no power to elect any othor officers except in case of disability or death of any ono or tho oMcers horotorore named. SEVENTH : Special meetings or the stockholders may be held upon call or the president or a majority or the. board or directors upon a written no tice, signed by tho president, to each or tho stockholders, at tho last known postofflcc address, setting forth the ob ject and purpose of the mooting, and such meeting shall bo held In tho office of tho corporation in tho city or North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. EIGHTH: Tho regular meeting or the stockholders shall bo held on tho first Monday or January or each year, at tho offico or principal place or bus iness or said corporation, and the board or directors shall meot ror n trnornl discussion or tho business of the corporation with the orficers there of on tlm first Monday of each month. NINTH: Tho president of said cor poration shall preside at the meeting of the board of directors. TENTH: The highest amount of In debtedness to which the vlce-presldont, general mnnager nnd treasurer shall have power to bind the corporation shall bo forty per cent of the capital stock of the corporation outstanding, but tho board of directors, by a unani mous vote, may authorize an Indebted ness to bn Incurred to tho extent or two thirds or the cnpltal stock then out ing. KLiEVF.NTH: The board or direc tors shnll by unanimous consent adopt n oornornte seal. TWELFTH: The stockholders mny voto In person or by proxy duly auth orized In writing, nnd all meetings of the stockholders each share or stock shall be entitled to oho vote, and a voto of tho majority or the shares shall in all cases control, except tho same bo contrnry to tho provisions or theso artl- THirtTEENTII: These articles or incorporation may be amended by the mutual consent or all or tho stock holders or the corporation. FOlHtT ET3NTH : If at any tlmo a dispute arises between the stockhold ers or this corporation or between tho members or tho board or directors In referoncc to the Interpretation of theso nrtloles of Incorporation, reference Bhall bo had to a certain contract this day entered Into between tho snld J. E. Nelson, nnd Julius Plzer for tholr tlmo, moaning nnd Intent. In Witness "Whereof the said parties havo hereunto set their hands this 30th dny of March 191C. JULH'S PIZEH, J. E. NELSON, ANNIE PIER. Stato or Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss: On this 30th day or March, 1916, bo foro mo, Josoph O. feeler, a Notary Public, duly commissioned, qualified for nnd residing In snld county, personally enmo tho abovo named, Julius Plzer, J. E. Nelson, nnd Anna Plzer, who nro personally known to mo to bo the Identical porsons whose names aro af fixed to the foregoing Instruction, and they sovorally acknowledged the exe cution of said Instrument to bo their voluntnry act and deed for the pur poso therein expressed. In "Witness "Whereof I have hereunto sot my bnnd nnd affixed my Notarial seal tho day and year last abovo wrlt- ' JOSEPH O. HEELER, Notary Public. Notice. In tho District Court lof Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. William Robb, plaintiff, vs. Cornelia L. Wright and , Wright, her husband, first and real name unknown, defend ants. Tho defendants Cornelia L. Wright and Wright, her husband, first and real name unknown, will tako notlco that upon tho 16th day. of June, A. D. 1910, tho plaintiff herein file.l his pe tition in tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said de fendants and each of them, tho object and prayer of said petition being to havo the title of tho Northeast quar ter of Section 20, Township 13 North, Rango 33, West ot tho Gth P, M. In Lin coln County, Nebraska, quieted In said plaintiff as against a certain tax fore closure, becauso of ,tho faot that said palntlff has been In tho open, notori ous, exclusive, continuous, adverse and hostile possession of said land un dor a tnx deed for moro than ton years next prior to tho commencement of this action. Plaintiff prays to havo tho foe simple tltlo therein quieted In him and for such other and further relief In tho premises as may bo deemed proper by tho court. You nnd each of you aro required to answor snld petition on or before the 31st dny of July, 191G. WILLIAM ROBB, By Muldoon & Oborst, J20J14 His Attorneys. MINNESOTA 3IUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Founded 1SS0. LIFE It's the household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that In sures. They all buy It. "There is a Jleason" For furthor Information Phone, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, The Old Lino Man NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. DEKltYBEHItY!" & EOItBES, Licensed Emlmlniers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 688. Notlco of Incorporation. Notlco is hereby given of tho lucor-1-poration of tho Country Club lof North Platto, Nebr., iwhoso principal placo of transacting Its business will bo In tho City it North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho general naturo of tho business to bo transacted will bo tho main taining of suitablo grounds and build ings for a Country Club, and tho buy ing, acquiring, leasing, holding, mort gaging, selling, suit-letting of such real and personal property, as may be necessary or sultab'.o to tho carrying on of tho business of this corporation, and tho doing of all othor things nec essary, incident, or suitablo, to the ac complishment of tho purposes of ithis corporation. Tho amount of Capital Stock shall be ten thousand djoJlars ($10,000.00), di vided Into four hundred shares of thtf par value of twony-five dollars ($25.00) each, which shares of stock shall bo subscribed for, Issued and paid in, as tho Board of Directors of this Cor poration may determine. This corporation shall commence business on tho first day of Juno, 1916, and shall terminate on tho first day of June, I960, unless sooner dissolved by tho mutual consent of tho Share Holders. ? Tho highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which this Corporation shall at any time subject Itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of tho amount of its capital stock The affairs of this Corporation shall bo conducted and managed by a Board of Directors, not less ithan five in number all of whom shall bo stock holders of this, corpoatlon. The officers of said board and of this Corporation, shall bo a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Said Board of Directors and Officers shall bo elected or chos en and hold office in tho manner pro vided and directed in tho by-laws of this corporation. These Articles of Incorporation may be amended, altered, or repealed by tho Stockholders of this corporation, at any meeting of tho Stockholders, regularly called In accordance "with tho by-yaw, vtrovldedl three-fourth of tho stock Issued and outstanding voto in favor thereof. In witness whorcof, -wo have af fixed our names hereto, this 23rd lay of May, 1916. W. H. McDONALD, L. C. STURGES, M. E. SCOTT. STATE OF NEBRASKA,) County of Lincoln. ) On this 23rd day of May, 191G, be fore me, C. F. Strauss, Notary Public In and for said county, personally ap peared the above named, W. H. McDon ald, L. C. Sturgcs, and M. E. Scott, who aro personally known ito mo to bo the Identical persons whoso neames aro affixed to tho above articles, as parties thereto, and they sevorally ac knowledged tho instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand itlto date aforesaid. C. F. STRAUSS, (SEAL) Notary Public. My commission expires May 11, 1921. STATI3.MKXT OF TIIJ3 COXDITIOX OF IWUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, uayNobrrtJlune?V!fi6NcbraSkn' n tho 30thw Uvrtlllcnte IVo. .'12. V . ASSETS l'irat mortgage loans $766,600.00 Loans on stock or pass book socurlty 10,000.00 ileal estate, olllco 29,351 SI Heal estate sold on contract 1,834.70 cash jj) gog go Delinquent interest, nncs, etc!, '512'.30 Furniture nnd fixtures 1,017.37 Total $829,148.00 , t LIABILITIES tuning stock and dividends. $343,649.03 Paid-up stock and dividends. 435,900.00 "eseryo fund 10,600.00 Undivided profits 32,954.57 Advance interest 44.40 Total $829,14S.00 ItrcelptM nnd Kx-peitdltureH for the Yenr lOndliiK .In JUKI, , RECEIPTS Cash on hand last report.... $ 19,131. 10 Dues (running stock) ...... 109,631.00 Paid-up Btock 142,000.00 Mortgage payments 80,388.15 Stock loan payments 3,678 39 Ileal estato sales 1,558.01 I'lcst G4114.90 J InCB '(j55 i0 Membership and trnnsrer Tees 457'6o Rents nnd ollice building re ceipts i onij n Foreclosure account '263'.37 Af , TOVsiVu.SEJVENTS-?7Ii; W Withdrawals running stock '',UU,UU and dividends 31 803 10 Withdrawals paid-up stock.. S6,300'oo Withdrawals dividend on pnld-up stock 23,915.89 nnlarles o 075 00 Othor expenses '382IC7 Foreclosure account 92.75 Cash on hand 19,828 82 Ollice building 85.00 a. . .T.01 $413,183.59 State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. I, buinuel Goozeo Secretary or the abovo named Association, do solemnly swear that tho foregoing Statement or the condition or said Association, Is trurj and correct to tho best or my knowl-T edge nnd bellof. SAMUEL QOOZEE, r. , . Secretary. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 5th dny or July, 1916. FRANK BUCHANAN. ,, , , , Notary Public. My Commission expires June 9th. 1919 Approved: OEO. W. FINN. V. VON flOETZ, J. I'. LARSON. Directors. i 1 1