What You Can See at the Pat TUESDAY, Big 4 Feature Robert Edeson in "For a Woman's Fair Name" Five Parts, 10 and 15 Cents WEDNESDAY, Pathe Feature, "The Woman's Law," featuring Florence Reed In Five Parts, 10 and 15 Cents THURSDAY, William Fox Presents Theda Bara in "The Two Orphans" In Six Parts, 10 and 20 Cents FRIDAY, Big 4 Feature, "Man's Malcing" In Five Parts SATURDAY, Paramounts, Daniel Froman presents Mary Bickford in "Esmerelda" Five Parts, 10 and 15 Cents Features of -the best, see them at home, it saves you time and money. Pat, the best ventilated place in the city, cooler in side than out. The Pat presents Mr. Chas. Smith on the pi ano to make it more pleasant. Pictures well displayed. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stato Dunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. Q. Wilcox visited -with relatives in Cozatl Sunday. Mrs. B. McNnmnr, of Paxton, visited with local friends Sunday. John Baker returned from his home stead at Melroso Saturday. Fred Duncan purchased a new Ford car the latter part of last week. Dr. Charles Adams and Mrs. Adams visited friends in Ogalalla this week. Mrs. M. H. Douglas left yesterday morning for Sidney to spend the day. Judge H. M. Grimes left yesterday morning for Lexington on legal busi ness. Mrs. Hi Smith returned Friday even ing from a visit with the Pushman family at Melrose. Miss Eda Behling, of York, arriveU hero Sunday evening to visit at the C. S. Clinton home. Miss Wynn Sullivan, of Brady, came yesterday morning to visit at the Watts homo, for several days'. For Bent Three rooms furnished for light housekeeping, modern except heat. Phone Black GSG. C.'H. Martin, an inspector from the U. P. general manager's office spent yesterday hero on business. Remember, good people, our Semi Annual Sale begins July 22nd. 51-2 E. T. TItAMP & SONS. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Johnson, of Denver, who spent last week visiting local friends, left Sunday. Ernest Gunsell, of Lincoln, visited at the Clinton home Sunday while en- route to western points The Episcopal guild will hold a so- clal In the basement of the church Thursday afternoon. Miss Gladys Hansen returned last evening from Council Blufts whore nhe visited her father for a few days. Mesdames Frank and Perry Buchan and left yesterday morning for a short visit with friends m Grand Island Mrs. James Dorram and daughter, Miss Zella, went to Sidney yesterday morning to visit friends until Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson returned yesterday morning from Sutherland where they visited the former's par ents. Mrs. Ralph Ford and baby, who have been visiting relatives in Lexington for ten days, will return home this ev ening. Miss Nell Toole, of Kearney, who visited with her sister Mrs. Harry Boyle for a few days, left Sunday cv ening. Miss Mario Martini visited lior sister Mrs. Fred Ilasmusson in Horshoy this week. Jcseph Plzcr returned Friday even ing from Grand Island and Hastings where he spent twa weeks with hta cousin. Otto White, of Sidney, camo the later part of last week 'to visit his brother J. W. White and wife for several days. Miss Ida Salisbury, who visited her sister Mrs. W. D. Joder in Haig for several weeks, returned hero Satur day evening. The sjork deposited a baby girl at the home of Mrand Mrs. Cash Austin saiuruay evening. All concerned aro doing well. Mrs. William Hemphill returned to Cheyenne Saturday morning after vis iting with the Hemphill family In this city for a week. Dr. and Mrs. McKinloy, of York, who wero guests of their daughter Mrs. George N. Gibbs for several days, loft Sunday morning. Mrs. Glen Taylor and baby, of Ly ons, came the latter part of last week to visit her sister Mrs. J. B. Redileld for a couple of weeks. Dr. W. T. Pritchard went to Key- stono yesterday morning to inspect a number of horses for use in the U. S. army. He returned ast evening. Mrs. Horace Barraclough and two children, of Los Angeles, are expected here next week to visit with her par ents Mr. and Mrs.' Andy Sluder for a month or longer. Mert Thayro and J. Singer, of Vale, Ore., camo by" auto the later part of last week to visit the former s chil dren who are making their homo with the LeDioyt family. Rev. It. A. Jensen, of Osceola, con ducted the services at the Baptist church Sunday evening and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Toole. Rev. Jensen -will probably succ-ced Rev. Barton. All members of Bradford Division, auxiliary of the B of L. E. aro re quested to attend the regular meeting on Friday afternoon, July 11th, to practice for inspection. Mrs. W. B. Brown, Pres. The slides showing the snap shots taken of the floats and other clebra tion scenes, will bo shown at tho Keith theatre tonight in connection with the Metro program "A Royal Family" with Ann Murdoch. Tho Methodist aid society will bo ontertalned at tho experimental farm next Thursday afternoon. Mesdame3 McComb, Stackhouse, Ulrich, Soudcr and Lewis will be hostess. Cars will bo at tho church at two o'clock for those wishing to attend. Q. " P. J. DIENEU & CO. WILLIAM WOOIHintST, PIONEER HESWEXT PASSES AWAY. Major William Woodhurst, who lo cated in Omaha In 185G and came to North Platte in 18G8, n pioneer of both state and ctiy, passed away at his homo In tho Fourth ward at 2:30 yesterday morning at tho age of nearly dghty-slx. Death was net unexpected ; for fifteen years ho had boon afflicted with stomach and kidney trouble, and as ho advanced in years these afflictions became intoucillcd, and nt periods during the past six or eight years ho suffered Intensely. Unques tionably through his strong consti tution and tho careful nursing of n most devoted wlfo was duo the pro longation of lite to this tlmo Mr. Woodhurst was born in Windsor, Conn., October 7, 1830. When but a young man he camo west to St. Joe Mo., where ho remained a year or two and then wont to Omnha In 1SRG where later ho was marlrod. In tho parly sixties, with his wlfo and two young sens, he traveled overlnnd to San Francisco, and staying thoro a year or so returned east to Indiana. Tho lure of tho west was strong, how ever, and he soon returned to Omaha and in 18G8 came to North Platte. In 18G9 he was appointed doputy shorlff, and two years later was elected shor lff. lie was re-elected, but resigned to become wnrdon of tho stnto pon ltonliary at i Lincoln,. Tills ppsltlon ho held for two years, and then going to Pacific Junction, Iowa, ho purchas ed a hotel which he conducted" for several yoars. Returning to North Platto ho was appointed Union Pacific depot master and this ho hold for n number of years. Later he was clerk nt tho Union Pacific Hotel, resign ing this when his health began to fall. Major Woodhurst enjoyed the dis tinction of being in point of member ship tho oldest Odd Follow In tho state, having been-a member for sixty years. Ho was also for fifty years a member of tho Masonic fraternity l)luo libdgei chapter and Knights Templar. Ho Wu3 activo In politics and from the time of the organization of tho republican pnny ho was an uncom promising member and an energetic worker. For three years ho was a member of tho board of county com missioners, a position which ho well filled. Ho leaves a wife and two sons, the latter W. H. C. Woodhurst of this city and Charles Woodhurst, of Lovell, Mont. Tho funeral will bo held nt tho residence at seven o'clock Wednesday evening conducted by Rev. Bowker. It Is requested that no flowers bo sent. : : Grant Proves Very Easy Tho North Plntto ball team journey ed to Grant Saturday, going by train to Ogalalla and thenco by car to desti nation. The game was played In the afternoon but was so one-sided ns to bo almost pitiful. At tho end of tho ninth tho score stood thirty to nothing In favor of North Platte. Had the boys sa desired tho .score would have been much larger. ::o.: I milium Jleet Pefent. The Chcycnno Indians were defeated on the local yard Sunday afternoon by a score of six to one. The- locals made all their runs in tho second Inning, when they batted the visitors pitcher to a fare-yc-well. With tho exception of this inning the game was well play ed and kept the 400 spectators Interest ed. Todenhofc pitched for North Platto and was In his best form, work ing himself out of several "holes." : :o: : Clarence Worlement, of Cheyenne, who played first base with the Chey ennno team hero Sunday vlstled with his aunt Mrs. William Hubbard while in this ctiy Real Estate and Insurance Come and see us for town lots In different parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. We have also good bar (rains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstalrH fom Factory on the Farm Modern i" " arc laid out so as to get the most work done with ihe least lost motion. The bain ought to be planned in the same way. Back hauls and other faults in planning are expensive. They make the work more difficult and waste your time in the bargain. The farm factory, also, should be large enough to take care of the produce from your fields. Many real estate men estimate the fertility, of a farm by the size and ap pearance of the barn. They set the proper valuation ac cordingly. Command our services when planning your new barn. We'll so the limit in heloine vou. W. W. BIRGE CO. The Hrmly Clmutuuiiun. Tho Chautauqua at Brady opons Friday, July 11th, and closos tho fol lowing Tuesday. Two sessions each day. Splendid program for each ses sion. People of North Plntto and vi cinity are Invited to attond. Train No. 18 will stop nt Maxwell and Buuly Saturday and Sunday July 15th nnd lGth and Tuesday, July 18th, making It convenient for tho people of this section to atend the afternoon and evening sessions. ::o:: Ncw'whrnt Flour will soon he on the mnrkct, aud Wo urge our trade tJ pro tect tluniiiolves against the usual troubbli' oxperlonced in using Now Whoait Flour. We have secured a liberal -supply of old wheat flour, up on which we will allow a discount of 10 cents por sack fcr tho next 30 days In fiOO pound lota. Bltf RUSH MERCANTILE CO. Tho Et-A-Vlrp club met Friday af ternoon with Mrs. L. O. Sawyer who entertained them at an informal ken olngton. Offlcors fcr the year were elected as follows: President Mrs. John Voselpka, vice-president Mrs. Jnmos Adams, secretary and treasury Mrs. Glen Ferguson. Plate-lady Mrs. George Vosolpka and reporter Mrs. Arthur Fink. Mrs. John Kolth nnd son left Sun day evening for their homo in Los Angeles aftjer visiting with local lriends for several days. Enroute nome tnoy will vis t In Denver. Mr Keith who resided in this vicinity for many yearB will visit friends In town for sovernl days. Tho Royal Neighbors will held their regular meeting In the K. P. hall at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. All mombors aro urged to bo present and reiresnmcnt8 will bo served. Mrs. B. F. Gnlthor, of Beatrice, for meriy or this ity, left yesterday morning for Colorado Springs ntor woiuiiK iuisH uraco iuoonoy. Mr. and Mrs. William nionnr nn.i family loft yesterday afternoon for Denver, tho former to spend a weok aim tno others a month. Harry Lawson and C. E. Andrews, of AVecplng Wntcr, who is his guest returned Saturday from a visit In western points by auto. Wanted Orders for carpet weav ing, rugs and other household articles Mrs. Frank Wilson, G12 east 5th or phone Black 809. W.sj. Tlley acted as leader of a party of fourteen ladies and irentlo men who spent Sunday in Ashing near mis city. For Rent liny ground on shares. N. M. Pcttit, 1 miles west of Blgnoll. 50-tf Claude Woingand left Sunday even ing for Omaha whero he will attond tho convention of northwestern hotel managers M. O. Stanley, of Wichita, Ivans., ar rived hero yesterday to acopt a no sltlou as watch repairer in the Dixon store. 1VB.! Boatman and William Rltncr will leave this weok for Laramie to spend a week or moro on a fishing trip. ::oi:: Notice of Petition Estate No. 1423 of George Troxler, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To nil per sons interested in snld Estnto take notice that a petition has boon flled for tho appointment or Florence P. Trex ler ns Administratrix of said Estnto which has been set for hearing horeln on July 21, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated Juno 20, 191G. GEO. E. FRENCH, J27JM County Judp Mrs. Thomas Watts, of Grand Is land, Is visiting with tho Watts family this weok. Charles McGuIro returned a few dnys ago from a short visit with relatives in Schuyler. Mlsg Ella Blake returned Saturday evening from a visit with frlonds In western points. ' J. J. Horrlgnn was called to Corhon- dale, Pa., this week by tho serious Ill ness of his slstor. I IT J V rpi-IIS lilile heater will heat sufficient water for a bath in about fifteen minutes at a cost of 2 1-4 cents. We still have some at $15.00 V Come in and see it demonstrated. North Platte Light & rower Co C. R. MOREY, Manager. t.t a it For Sale Furnlturo nnd household articles, G12 east 5th or phono Black 809. - J. G. Harter left yesterday moi'n ing for Yollowstono Park to spond n week. Paul Otenstoln has accopted a posi tion In the Union Pacific shops and be gan work Saturday. William Turpie, who has boon In Laramlo for somo time, enmo yostcr dny to visit his brothors. OPEN Ati ACCOUNT WITH 0 The First National Bank -ol- :.i it :.t :.: :.: J.t :.: i.t :.: t.t t.t :.t :.t :.t :: :.: :.: j.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t t.t i.t i.t t.t it i.t i.t i.t it a t.t t.t t.t tt t.t it tt XOHT1I PLATTE, AViUI.ASt'A. MemberFederal Reserve Bank System. CA.IUTA.L, AA'D SUTtL,USt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE nAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GnOlVH OF THIS BANK, AND THE SA3IE CAJtEFUL ATTENTION IS GFVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Truly Great Men arc the men who started, at an early date, laying aside a small portion of their income, regularly Small though your savings may he each week or month, it is n ost surprising what they will amount to if kept Up regularly for a term of years. Let us show you some most astonishing figures along the lines of weekly and monthly savings. None too small; none too large. McDonald State Bank. North Platte, Nebraska. The Bank Behind The Thriftpiovement. J mi There's No Lumber Like The Lumber That you know is dry and sound There's no lumber that is better Than In Our Yard Is Found There's no lumber firm for miles around that can sell you belter goods, For There's No Better Lumber In This Neck 0 Tho Woods Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1000 Wast Fourth Street. Thane 110 Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An institution for tho troatmont of Medical, Surgical and Confinement Cases. MltS. MAIIGAHET HALL, 8upt. Hit, J. S. TWINE.U, Physician nnd Surgeon. Fidelity Reserve 10 mpany, An old lino, Mutim, Lcgnl Kcscrvo Company. Homo Office: North Pintle, Jfcbr. A Western NcJirasfcu Conipany for IVcslorn Nebraska People and especially for North Platto People Assets Dee. Ill, 15)15, $!S,(U;.!1 LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE All forms of policies, straight whole life plan, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30. Payment life or Endowment. Either life Insurance alone or In combination with health and acci dent insurance. Our combination policy gives tho most complete protection of any policy on the market for the premiumum payment. The men back of this Coinpnny are: OFFICERS: Dr. Uarton B. Baker, President. Prank C Piolstlckor, Vice-President. M. Kolth Novillo, VIco-Prcsidont. Wlllinm II. McDonald, Vico-President. Charles F. Templo, Secrotary. Charles F. Sponcor, Treasurer. There is $500,000.00 of Insurance money going out of North Platte every year. Why not keep part of It at home? Offico: Itooms 1 and 2, 1. O. 0. F. Hulldluf?. DIRECTORS: Dr. Uarton B. Bakor. John J, Ilalllgan. Waltor v. Hoagland. Fredorlclc L. Templo. Charles F. Sponcor. 1 ... 4 . mm. ,.