THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Imperfect Digestion Boon undermines vmir health and impoverishes your blood, but this may be corrected by careful diet and the assistance of iOSTETTEK'S Stomach Differs It tones and strengthens the entire digestive sys tem and is a real aid. to Nature in casesof indiges tion, cramps or malaria. f Every "W oman Want1 FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten year. A healing wonder for natal catarrh, ore throat and tore eyes. Economical. Hal extraordinary cleansing and germicidal power. SomplB Fro. 50c all druggists, or postpaid by s-rnsU. The Paxlon ToBet Cora pany. Duton, Meu. -j BUCK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by Cutter! Blaeklei Pllli. Low priced, 'resh, reliable; preferred by western ticx-K&ien, ftecausa xney W xf protect where other vaeelnet tall. ft B Write for booklet and testimonial!. 1 - V lO-doss pkjt. niaeli Pills $1.00 fl.dfl ilVft 50-doie pkge. Blackleg Pills 4.09 . . Ue any Injector, but Cutter! best Ton superiority of Cutter product! Is due to orer 1J fears cf tpeclallzlnx In vaccinae and serums only. Insist on Cutter'!. If unobtainable, order direct. The cutter Laosratory, Berkeley, Cat., or Chliajo, ill. FOR ACUTE ACHES OF THE FEE1 Sprinkle one or two Allen's Foot-Ease powders in the foot Bath nnd soak and rub the feet. It taken the btlng out of Corns nnd Bunions and rmnrtlng, aching feet. Then for lasting comfort, shake Allen's Foot-Enho Into your snoeei. All denlers Bell It, 25c. Sample package FREE. Address, Alien S. Olmsted, Ee Hoy, N. Y. PADKED'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation ot merit, Helpn to eradlcato dandruff. KarRAitnrlnir Cninr and Beauty toCray or Faded Hair J ouc. app ilw at urugruta. A man and Ills wife are different also Indifferent after they have been married a few years. If You Need a Medicine Yeu Should Have the Best Although there aro hundreds of prepa rations advertised, thero 1b only one that really stands out pre-eminent ns a rem dy for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not recom mended for everything. A sworn certificate of purity is with ev ery bottle. You may receive a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcel Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng liamton. N. Y., and enclose ton cents. For sale at all driisr stores in bottles of two slzes-SOc and $1.00, also mention this paper. Adv. The fatter a woman gets the easier It Is for her (o believe other women are unable to notice It. IF YOU OK ANY FRIEND Buffer ivlth Klieumatlain or Neuritis, acute or chronic, write for my FREE BOCK on Ilheumu tlam Its Cause and Cure. Most wonderful book ever written. It's absolutely FREE. Jesse A. Cane, Dept. C. V., Brockton, Mass.- Adv. Every man 1ms a sense ot duty, but not every man has sense enough to uti lize It. Simple, The Simplex Auto Trailer Savei Time, Money and Horee Fleth Makes Your Aalo Pay Dividends Costs little to own, nothing, to ran. Pays foritselt scvcraltlmesaYery year, Four car will pull two to Soar times what It will carry and Milt carry full old. Our Camp Trailers makes you lndvpendentoi lotcls and can also be used as ambulanco or pas seneer bus. Special prlcn where we haie no agent, bomo itood terrl tory open for lire wl res. Write today. SIMPLEX TRAILER CO.. Lottland, Colo, or AooW. hi THE HIGH QUALITY SEWINQ MACHINE NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME Write for free booklet "Points to be considered before purchasing a Sewlne Machine." Learn the facts. THE NEW HOMc SEWINQ MACHINECO,, ORANGE, MASf. Kill All Flies! JhZllpalT Hared anyw bcri.Delsy Fly Klllar attracts and kill all fllei. Neat, cliu, ornament a, conTenient, and cheap. . JLauiitiiitua, liftm Wot mul, pUt isi win nv an r nJor aayLhintT. GtiniM Ua ffcUv. Ask fur Daisy Fly Killer Sold by Sealer, mr fro! bf spitts, p'-i-4ld, sl.0. HAROLD 60MERS, ISO DeKalb Ave,, Brooklyn, N.Y n TTTlTVfl Alfalfa, KS. flweet Cloyer ft, Kami! kHr" li' for al and rent on crop payments. OLlhlVO J. MULHAI.L, boo City, low Watson K.Coleman, Wash lngton.UU. Hook tree. Itlib est, references, lien results. IVanf'nil Ananlc to sell Perfection Ply Paper WSniCU AOcnlS Holders. Send U rents In slumps foreauiple. U. J;'. Jones, Kxeter, Nebr. Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Booms from Sl.OO up single, "5 cents up double. CAFE PRICES REASONABLE UiJUataiaUiaaaaaa1aeaaaaataaff A iVyV30,,'MIsUa V fr Excuses for Not Being Saved By REV. JAMES M. GRAY, D.D. Dean of the Moodv Bible Institute of Chicago TEXT-Lord I will follow thee, but-"-Ltike 9:C1. This Is what a good many pcoplo arc saying In their hearts If not with tholr Hps. Thoy know the Gospol plan of salvation. Thoy know thoy must beltovd on the Lord Jesus Christ In order to bo saved, and thoy know that when thoy do be. Hovo ou him with their hearts they will follow him In their lifo and con duct. T h o latter ig something thoy do not wish to dq becauso it means a turning away from things In whicV they now find profit or pleasure Thoy do not reckon on tho fact tha when they truly bollovo on tho Lord Josus ChriBt thoy will recolvo a clean heart and havo renewed within them a right spirit. When a man is thua regenerated ho no longer wishes to do tho things he Used to do and finds it easy to follow Christ. In their struggle to put off the day of decision they frame various ex cuses, liko tho man of the text who, when our Lord Bald unto him: "Fol low mo," replied: "Lord 1 will fol low thco, but let mo ilrst go bid them farewell, which aro at my homo." Ordinarily thoro could bo no objection to a man's doing that, but on this occasion tho command of Christ was peremptory, and tho man's action would determino at once whother ho preferred his family to Christ. Thoro comes a time in every man's lifo whon- ho must decido this question, and de termine in the presence of his own soul and in tho prosenco of God whether God comes first or not. Hypocrites in the Church. 1. Somo say there are so many hyp ocrites In tho church, forgetting that thero aro many hypocrites in tho business or profession by which they earn their livolthotd, and yet they do not renounce that business or pro fession. , A good way to meet this objection is to nsk whether' thoy think hypo crites will go to heaven? Ab they will certainly answor, no, then it might bo asked whether thoy them selves can go to heaven without Christ. As thoy must roply to this question, as well as to the other, in tho negative, they will bo brought to seo that they must dwell with hypo crites throughout eternity unless thoy become saved. Tho inquiry brings to mind tho caso of a certain man who wa3 always giv ing this reason' for not accepting Christ. And yet his faithful wlfo heard him cry In the night more than once: "God, bo merciful to me, a sinner." It is a sad thing for a soul under conviction of sin, to cast away tho hopo of salvation for so flimsy a reason as tho presence of hypocrites in tho visible church. Giving Up or Taking On, Which? 2. Others hesltato to accept Christ because they think thoy will havo so much to give up. 13ut they aro ig norant of the fact that tho Christian life is from every point ot view a gain rather than a loss. You glvo up sin, but you take holiness. You give up sorrow, but you take Joy. You give up death, but you take life. You give up self, but you take God. D. L. Moody used to toll of a soap manufacturer who was under convic tion of sin, but hesitated to accept Christ. Ho pressed him for a rea son, and at last he said It was his business that kept him back. "That soap," said he, "will do everything 1 claim for It, but tho fact is It will de stroy tho clothes. Now if I accept Christ, I must glvo it up." Hero was a plain issuo which many another man has had to faco, but what folly it is to hesltato a moment which way to decido! Moreover, many a man has given up his business for Christ and found afterward that Christ had a great deal better busi ness to glvo him than ho had over dreamed of; for, as the HIblo says, "Godliness Is profitable unto all things, having promise of tho lifo that now la and of that which is to come." 3. "I am afraid i won't hold out," la anotllcr vory common oxcuso. Hut tho mistake hero lies In tho fact that tho man ia thinking of his own strength instead of. to strength of tho Savior. Thero is a Latin motto on tho facade of a Y. M. O. A. building In New England that sots this truth be fore us vory tersely and beautifully. Tho words uro "Toneo et teneor," which means, "I hold and am hold." It suggests tho picture of a strong man with a child In his arm ascend ing a dangerous c"ff. Tho child Is clinging to tho man, but it is becauso, the man is holding the child that the latter makes tho ascfint with safety. In like manner tho faith of tho believ er causes him to cling to Jesus Christ, hut it is Jesus Chulst that keeps and saves him to the end. Let us not bo afraid to accept him as our Savior and follow hlil' as tu.' Lord. One of the surest keys to surecss lies In thoroughness!. No mutter how Kreat may be tho enterprise under taken a rt'Kiml for small tliiiiKs I itou'usary. Just ns the llttlo courtesies of everyday lifo tnuko lifo worth wlillo tlio HvliiK, so the llttlo delnlls form the bono and sinew of a Krent success.-- Kdwnrd llolt. GOOD THINGS FOR TABLE. The delicious crumpet aro most eat nblo baked In ordinary gem pans. Take half a yeast cako, three cup fuls of warm milk, two tablespoon- , fuls of molted but- i tor, ono saltspoon- ful of salt, a tea- i spoonful ot soda, dissolved in hot water and Hour to make a good bat ter. Sot these ingredients with tho exception of tho soda and butter over night. In tho morning beat very hard and add tho soda and butter; If too thin add a llttlo more flour and pour tho mixture into buttered gem pans; let riso lfi minutes and bake 'quickly. Thoy will not need to bo warmed over. Canned Poas With Fresh Carrots. Scrape two carrots and cut into quar ters lengthwise, then in plecos an inch long and ono-fourth inch wide. Lot simmer with barely water to cover; add peas that havo been reheated to the carrots, season with sugar, salt, butter and lemon Juice. Baked Milk. Baked milk is a deli cacy often recommended for Invalids. Put milk In a stono Jar, cover closoly and let It bake Blowly for several hours, when It should bo thick and creamy. Tho flavor la unique and somewhat like Devonshire cream. It may be served as a custard or In com bination with fruit. Asparagus Luncheon Salad. Mix together two cupfula each of cooked asparagus and shredded lettuco with a tablcspoouful of ollvo oil and a tea spoonful of vinegar. Mix with a boiled dressing and arrange in nests of let tuce or cress and garnish with hard cooked eggs and more dressing. Roasted Onions. Select largo onions of uniform size and arrange in an earthen dish without removing the peelings. Bake until tender, then peel them; place In a covered dish steaming hot; make a rich white sauce with butter and thin cream and flour for thickening, season well and pour over the onions. They aro dell clous when served cut open, seasoned with butter, salt and a bit of cream. Jellied Rabbit. Cut tho rabbit Into serving sized pieces and cover with a quart of boiling water; cook until tho meat falls from the bones; remove and set tho liquor to cool, removing the fat. Dissolve half a box of gelatin in a pint ot water, add seasonings, boll Ave minutes, strain and add the meat chopped. Pour into a mold and servo in slices garnished with parsley. A linppy man or woman is n better tlilnp than a live-pound note. He or she is a radiating focus of good will, and their entrance Into a room is as tlioliKh another candlo hud been light ed. Wo need not care whether they could prove tlio Forty-seventh propo sition; they do a better thing than that, they practically demonstrate the Kreat Theorem of tho Livnbleness of llfc.R. I,. Stevenson. ELECTABLE SWEETS. Many times a dessert is mora appealing because of its daintiness, rather than becauso of its nutritive valuo, so a light dessert Is much better for tho averago diner, as ho is usually apt to cat too much. Tho following dessert, however, Is quito nutrl tolus, Italian Cream. Mix a pint of rich cream with a cupful of milk and sweeten with four tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Add half a cupful of extract of bitter al mond and a gill of rose water. Beat theso well together, then stir In an ounco of gelatin which haB been soaked for an hour In ouo cupful of water. Stir well, 1111 into wetted molds and set in a cold placo until Arm. English Trifle. Cut a stale sponge cake in slices, spread with different kinds of preserves or Jam and put them togethor again. Place in a deep glass dish and pour over enough fruit julco of any kind to soak tho cako well, then cover with apricot or straw berry Jam. Mako a rich custard of a pint of milk, a pleco of cinnamon, and rind of lemon, and four eggB; cook until thick, not forgetting to add salt and sugar to taste. When the custard is cold pour over tho cako and cover all with sweetened whipped cream, flavoring with two tablespoon fuls of marlschlno and garnish with tho cherries. This Is truly quite elegant and elaborate. Milanese Ice. Mako a quart of rich boiled custard, making it quite sweet, add a tablespoonful of softened gel ntln and when cool turn into a freozor, stir, and as soon as it becomes thick stir in a cupful of stoned raisins, soft ened by steamlngj a half cupful of finely chopped olmonds, one cupful of preserved strawberries and a pint of whipped cream. Stir and bent well, then reezo until stiff. Bacon Bandwlcheo. Very thin caw " Hal broiled bacon put between bIIcos of, toasted graham bread with a pleco ot crisp lettuco between Is another appe tizing sandwich. Wealth 1b no sinecure, Moirovcr tlio valuo of money depends partly on knowing wlmt to do with It, partly on tlio nuinner In which It Is ucuulred. Sir John Lubbock. WHOLESOME RHUBARB. Though a vegetable, rhubarb Is used In every respect as a fruit. It Is stim ulating, refreshing and acts as a too to rheumatism nnd gout; It is also a complexion beau tiller. As a medi cine Its valuo Ib well known, for fow havo escaped a dose of tho bitter root. Ono of tho simplest of ways to servo rhubarb as a dossert Is to place slices ot buttered bread in n baking dish, alternating with finely cut rhubarb and sugar with n dash of nutmeg If liked; baka until the rhubarb Is soft. Rhubarb Sponge. Line a mold with slices of spougo cake, fill tho mold with stowed rhubarb, not too moist; cover tho top with slices of cako and cover with a plato with a weight for a few hours, when tho Julco of tho rhubarb will all be absorbed. Turn out vory carefully and servo with a custard. Rhubarb Jelly. Wash and cut Into Bhort lengths one pound of rhubarb. Stow until tender with six heaping tablespoonfuls ot sugar and tho thinly pared rind of half a lemon. Hub through a slcvo, add threo heaping tablespoonfuls of golntln, dissolved in ono cupful ot boiling water, a few drops of red coloring, mix well and pour Into n mold. Turn out when llrm and serve with sweetened whipped cream. Tho red color will not bo nec essary to add If tho rhubarb has n pink skin. Leave that on wlillo It is cooking. Rhubarb Ice Cream. Put a quart of rhubarb Into a saucepan with ono cupful of water and six tablespoonfuls of sugar or more as It seems best; al low it to cook until tho rhubarb is tender, then rub through a slovo. Add one tablespoonful of ginger extract, and a llttlo red coloring, mix with a pint of whipped and sweetened cream, or a custard may bo added Instead of tho cream. Freezo as usual. Rhubarb Compote. Wash and cut the stalks into live-Inch lengths. Mako a rich sirup of sugar and when boiling drop in the rhubarb; cook until ten dor, then remove carefully to a glass dish and pour tho sirup over. Each length should be unbroken. Serve cold with lady fingers and cream. If there is ono who Is capable of suc ceeding and fitted to achieve. It Is tho man who hns abandoned tho potty dissipations and everyday vices of his kind, who is strong to rulo hia body and his mind, and who pursues with fixed resolve tho pnth of unswerving integrity nnd sterling virtue. James Allen. SERVING OF CHICKEN. The wonder is often expressed that thero ia so llttlo variety In tho way! chicken Is cooked and served, especially upon tho farm, whore thoy. may bo had daily if so. desired, Generally thuj broilers aro rushed to market becauso they! bring a good price, and the old fowl is tho onq served more often on tho tablo for tho fam ily. Thero are so many delightful, ways of serving chicken that It is strange that stowed or roasted chick on holds such placo in tho averago household. When making chicken pie a slice of onion added to tho chicken when It is cooking and removed before It ia put into pie, will add much to tho tasto of the dish. Chicken en Casserole With Peas, Whon small now potatoes and green pears aro in abundance, have a fowl cut up as for fricassee, lay tho pieces in a casserole or in n granite pan, Cover with water, and placo tightly covered In an oven with modoratq heat. Bako for two hours. Havo small, oven-sized potatoes, those the size o a walnut, allowing threo or four foi each person; havo a pint and a half of shelled peas. Put theso into tin casserolo around tho chicken. Then should bo at least a pint of liquor In tho casserole. Season with salt, pop per and two tablespoonfulB of butter; cover the bako three-quarters of an hour. Ilemovo tlio cover and add a cupful of good cream and bako 15 mln utCB longer witli tho cover removed. Servo this In the dish In which It Ir, baked, Rico added to tho chlcktni Instead of tho peas and, potatoes makes an other most savory dish. TIiIb 1h tho ono which will be seasoned with gin song. Tho southern peoplo like chicken, lima beans and peppers. Tho beans aro Boaked over night and then tho dUli Is cooked at least four hours In tho oven. And It's us cany for n man to break n promise as It Is for u woman to break n man. Pluck loses no time on account of tough luck. The Effects of Opiates. TI1AT INFANTS aro peculiarly susceptiblo to opium and Its various preparations, all of which aro narcotic, ia well known. Even in the smallest I'oses, if continued, theso opiates cauno changes in tho func tions nnd growth of tho cells which aro likely to becomo permanent, causing imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in Intor lifo. Ncrvoua diseases, such na intractablo nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying powers aro a result of dosing with opiatca or narcotics to keop children quiet In their infancy. Tho rulo among physicians ia that children should never roceivo opiatca in the smallest doses for moro than a day at a time, and only then If unavoidable, Tho administration of Anodynes, Drops. Cordials, Soothing Syrup and other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot bo too strongly decried, nnd tho druggist should not be a party to it. Children who aro need tho attention of a physician, and It ia nothing less than a crimo to doso thorn willfully with narcotics. Costoria contains no narcotics if it sianaturo of Chas. II. Fletcher. Oenuluo Costoria always bears tlio 'gh, s hipping Fever It's a Picnic Getting Ready for a Picnic, If you choosa , Spanish OEve Pickles Sweet Relish Ham Loaf Veal Loaf Chicken Loaf Fruit Preserves Jellies Apple Butter Luncheon Meats a Libby, 7i at IvfJTV Chicago fa) --v ... SI I SCHEME PROVED A FAILURE right-Fisted Old Gentleman More Than Met His Match In Shrewd Physician. A tight-fisted old man, feeling vory sick, asked n friend to recommend a physician. The friend named a cer tain specialist. "Is he very expensive?" asked the sick man. "Well, not so very. He'll charge you four dollars for the first visit and two dollars for each one after that." Tho old fellow soon nfterwnrd walked Into tho ofllce ot the physician named by his friend, and upon being admitted to the consulting room plunked down two dollars, remarking: "Well, doctor, here I am again." Tho physician calmly picked up tho money and put It In a drawer, which he locked securely. The sick man looked on expectantly, awaiting tho next move. "Well, I'm ready to bo cxnmlned," ho said nt length." "I don't think It's necessary," re plied the shrewd specialist. "There's no need to do It again. Keep right on taking tho same medicine. Good day, Blr." Silence has every other kind of n bluff backed oft the hoards. Pure water will corrode glass. And they have a charming new flavour delicious, different, the true essence of the corn not found in corn flakes heretofore. The intense heat of the new process of manufacture raises tiny bubbles on each delicious brown flake and these little puffs are the identifying feature. These new flakes are firmer, crisper, and don't crumble in the package in comparison, ordinary corn flakes are as "chaff." Your grocer can send you a package of New Post Toasties Nothing puffs a woman up inoro than to have a seventeenth cousin sud denly become nenr-famous. livery man expects to 1-ecomo grent some ilny, hut ho keeps putting It off. bears tho signature on Influenza, 1 1 n It - yo. Knlzootlc, Distemper and all noso nnd thrnn.t S7? diseases cured, and all others, no matter how "exposed, ltcpt from having any of theso diseases with SPOHN'S lUSTCMPKH COJll'lllNI), Three to six doses ofton euro a case. Ono CO-cent bottto guaranteed to do ao. Best thing: for brood marcs; neta on the blood. 50o a bottle, $5 dozen bottles. Druggists and harness shops or manu facturers sell It. Agents wanted. SPOIIN MKIMCAI, CO., CbrmlsM. Goshen, Intl.. V. S. A. Pork and Beans Ready to Serve Food Products Intbt on Lilly's al iour grocer's ?NeilI & Libby A CAUGHT IN GARDNER'S NET Tramp Expected to "Land," but as It Turned Out He Was the One "Landed." They are telling a story nbout Hep rcsentatlvo Gardner and his fervent preparedness campaign. It Veems thnt n begging tramp ap proached a group of congressmen, ant) one of them pointed out Mr. Gardner and said : "Nothing doing here, Weary, but thnt gentleman there Is very charitable, and If you tackle him you'll bo apt to mako a haul." "T'miks, boss, said tho tramp hus kily, and ho hurried to Mr. Gardner, wlillo the others looked on with In terest. The tramp and tho stntcsmnn were seen to talk earnestly together for somo time. Then their hands met n piece of money plainly passed between them and the tramp stepped Jauntily away. "Well, did you Innd hm?" a con gressman asked tho tramp. "No," the trnmp answered cheer fully. "No; 1 gavo him a quarter to ward his splendid national prepared, ness campulgn." i Disappointing Movie. "I've seen It 'taln't no good." " 'H gets 'ung, don't 'o?" "YtiB, but they don't show yer that" Unlike common corn flakes, the New Post Toasties don't mush down when milk or cream is added. They Stand Up V. N. U OMAHA, NO. 27-1916.