THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AUCTION REX DECfi SYNOP8IS. G I'otcr Knight, dcfcntod for political of fice In his town, docklos to venture New York In order that tho family fortuneH might bonctH by the expectod rise of Ml!) chiirmlnK (laughter, Ixrrlol. A well known critic Interviews Ixirnlci ICnlglit, now stago beauty with Ilergman's Ilovuc, for a Hpcclal article Her coin-hunting mother outllncx I;rclel'n atnhltlotiH, but HlonNoii, the press nKent, Inter uiIiIh Ills Information. Lorelei attends Millionaire Hammon's Gorgeous entertainment. Hho moots Morkle, a wealthy dyspeptic. Hob Wharton comes uninvited. IorcIcl din coverw a blackmail plot against Hammon In which her brother Is Involved. Merkle arid Lorelei huve an nuto wreck. Tho blackmailers besmirch her good name. Xyirolel supects her mother Is an unscru pulous plotter. Sli8 llnds In Adorco Dem urest a reul friend. Moot mothers deserve all the lovo and kindness their children can bestow on them, but occa sionally a mother Is a heartless beast. Would a young woman bo Justified In seeing her moth er go to the poorhouse If she discovered t,'nnt the mother had plotted literally to sell her to a wealthy, drunken profllg?te7 CHAPTER IX Continued, "Mnylie Mr; Mcrlclc " "We'll leave film out of this." de clared Lorelei; "he's too decent to linve rt person like tne foisted upon him and there's no reimon whatever why lie should he he'd responsible for my notoriety." ffte turned nwny from tho dining roon with u Bhuddor of dls taHte. "I dont want any breakfast. I think I'll get Home nlr." As soon as kIio was out In the street she turned southward Involuntarily, and set off toward the establishment of Adoree Demorost Mrs. Knight dried licr eyes and be gan to dress hrrseif carefully, prepara tory to n Journey Into the Wall street jicrtion of tho city, for the hour was drawing on tofnid threo o'clock. Meanwhile !lw, having transaeteil his business at QoJdberg's ofllce, sought n more familiar haunt on one of the side streets among the forties. Here, Just off Broadway, was a famous bar lir shop a spotless place, with white Interior and tiled walls. Six Italians In stiff duck coats practiced their arts at a row of will-equipped chairs. A wnsp-walstod frl sat at the manicure tablo next tho front windows. Ah .11m entered she was holding the hand of a Jaded person In n light-gray suit, and murmuring over It with an occasional upward glance from it pair of bold, dark eyes. "Tony tho narber," en saged in administering a shampoo, nodded at .11m, and from force of lablt murmuro-l politely: "Next!" Then, with n meaning glance, he hull rated a door at tho rear of the shop. In the third chlr ,11m recognized Max Molchor, although tho face of tho sport ing man wao awathed in steaming cloths. Jim passed on rind Into a rear room, where ho founrt three men seated at a felt-covered table. They were well dressed, quiet persons ouo a book maker whom the racing laws had re duced from allluenco to comparative penury; another, n tall, pallid youth with bulging eyes. Tho third occupant of the room urns an ex-llghtwelght champion of tho ting. Young Sullivan by name, nis trim waist and power- "Hush I It's Campbell Pope, the Critic.1 ful shoulders bstoVeued his trade. His Jaw was tlrm, and a caulltlowcr ear overhung hi collar like a fungus. Jim dr"v up a chair and chatted Idly until the bookmaker yawned, rose, and went out. Then Jim and the others re luxed. "(Sec, he's a stlckcrl" exclaimed tho pug'llst "I (bought he'd broke his back " "Mas is getting his map greased," the pop-eyed youth explained. Taking a pasteboard box from his pocket, ho removed a heroin tablet tliercfr-oin and crushed It; the powder he held In the Indentation between the base of his closed thumb and flrst linger, known as "the thimble;" then, with a quick Inhalation, he drew the drug up his nostrils. "Have an angel?" he In quired, offering the box. Jim accepted, but Young Sullivan declined. "What's the news?" tho latter In quired. "I've seen Ooldy," replied Jim. "Mother and I will call on Merkle at three. I llnally got her to consent." Sullivan shook bis head. "He might fall, but I doubt It. How does your sister feel?" "That's the trouble. She's square, .ml we can't uso her," Jim explained. "Some doll!" admiringly commented A rmlsteild, the third member of the group. ArmlHtcad had once been fat med In vaudeville for dancing, but tl: e drug habit had destroyed his en durance, and with It his career. "She's i perfect thirty-six, all right. She wild rip n lot of coin loose if she rled." At this moment Mr. Melcher. freshlv perfumed ami talcumed, entered the room. Ills white hair waa imimL'pl lith scrupulous nicety; bis pink race, s umvrinklod as his immaculate at ire, Was beaming with good-humor. "Wei!, boys, I'm the pay-car," ho smiled. "Hammon came through, eh?" Sulll an inquired eagerly. "Not exactly; wo compromised. Quick sales and small profits; that's busi ness." "How strong did ho go?" queried Ar- mlstcad. 'Sow, what's the difference, so long as you get youru? Photography is a paying business." Melcher laughed agreeably. "Surol I'll bet Sarony Is rich." I'oung Sullivan carelessly accepted the oil of currency which Melcher tossed him, and the others did likewise. I sunon that's curtain for us." Jim said, regretfully. "It Is. The rest Is Lllas" affair." "Say, will the old man fall again?" queried Armlstead. "He's going to marry her!" Tho three others stared at him In amaze ment. "Itlght!" continued Molchor. She's got a Htrangle hold on him." "Ilm-inl Maybe we haven't lost the ast car yet." Sullivan ventured. Jim seconded tho thought. "She's got an ace buried somewhere. There's a lot more In her head than hairpins. i wish Merklo would marry my sister." "Not a chance." Melcher declared. "You'll bo lucky to shako him down for a few thousand. How nbout Wharton? Will she stand for him?" Jim frowned, and his volco was rough as bo replied: "I'll make her stand for him if it's a marry." "He's n lush; if you got him stowed ho might go that far. It. has been done; nut, of -course, It's all up'to tho girl. .Ynyliow, if ho balks at the altar wo might get him for something else." "I'm not Hiiro I'll need any heln in Ihls." Jim looked up coldlv. "If bo marries her, that ends Us if wo have to frame blm. of course I'll split." How are you going to framo him. with a square damo like Lorelei?" asked Armlstead, "Frame both of thorn." Melcher said. shortly, "By the way, he's a gambler, too, isn't he? Bring him in somo night, Jim, and I'll turn for him my self." "Save Ills cuff buttons for mo." laughed Young Snlllvnn, Idly riming the cards, "(lee! Money comes easy to some folks. Don't von kuvs never expect to do any honest work?" CHAPTER X. Jim's appearance when he nntoroii the dressing room that night was a sur prise lie Was C ad ill faultless nrnnlni. attire. "Why tho barbaric fmleudnr?" In. quired Lorelei. "Do you want me to dress, too?" "Sure thing. Look vour best, nmi make mo think I'm a regular John." liergmau dronned In tn koo m n. night," she told him. after thin- hmi gossiped for a moment. "I don't llko the way he talked. Ho thinks he owns the girls who work for him." Jim replied, carelessly; "Illow him and his Job. You can get on at the l'alace dardeu." "There's my contract: he can (lis charge me, you know, but I can't quit that's ono of the peculiarities Of a theatrical contract, Well he insist ed on taking me to supper." "A brother Is a handy thing, once in a while, but for every-day use you need a 'steady with a kick In each mitt," suggested Jim. "I wish you would punch him." "Who? Me? And go Joy-rldlng with u square-too? Nix. I'm too retlned. Did you see tonight's papers?" "There wasn't much In them." JllU Bintlod Wlselv "Thorn wnnlil have been if things hadn't gone right. , fin glad for your sake." "Oh, the harm's done, I suppose, ftut there's one good thing about it Mob Wharton hasn't bothered me this evening." .11 m, with an expressionless face, tried to speak to Lllas Lynn, who bad Just come In. When Ills sister came down after the last act, he was wait ing at the door and helped her Into n cab, despite her protestations that she would much prefer to walk. "What are you going to do with nil the coin you save? Slip It to the shoe makers?" he laughed. "I don't go out often; you'd better spring me good." As they seated themselves In the main room at Proctor's, he appraised hr with admiring eyes. "You're the candy, sis. There's class to that lay out." "It's part of the game to look well In public, but I'd have enjoyed myself more If we had gone to Hilly the Oystcrman's and dressed the part." She surveyed the gaudy dining room, with Its towering marble columns, Its tremendous crystal festoons, shower ing a brilliant but becoming light upon the throngs below, then nodded here and there to casual greetings. Proctor's was a show place, built upon the site of a former resort the fame of which had been nation-wide; but the crowds that frequented It now were of a different type to those that had gathered In "the old Proctor's." Prices were higher here than else where; the coat rooms were robbers' dens, Infested by Italian mafloM; tips were extravagant and amounted in ef fect to ransom. Hut New York dearly loves to be pillaged. Nothing speeds the Manhattan sleep hater more swift ly to a change of scene than the knowl edge that lie Is getting Ids money's worth. "Speaking of clothes," Jim contin ued, staring past his sister to another table, "there seems to be a strike breaker In the room. Pipe the gink with the nightshirt under his coat and the shoestring tie. There must be a masquerade Say! He's bowing to you." "Hush! It's Campbell Pope, tho critic." Mr. Pope had risen and was slouch ing toward them. He took Lorelei's hand, then shot a sharp glance at her escort ns the girl Introduced them. Ac cepting Jim's mumbled Invitation, he seated himself and instructed a waiter to bring his coffee. Jim watched the nearest entrance with some anxiety, for the reviewer's presence did not fit well with his plans. As ho tlnlshod ordering he heard Pope say: "I was sorry the story got out, Miss Knight; but It was pretty well smoth ered In this evening's papers. Of course you were dragged In by the hair to afford a Koman spectacle; wo all saw what It meant when It came to us." "What did it mean?" queried Jim, with brotherly interest. "Blackmail. The word was written all over it. Melcher's connection with the affair was proof of that; then the way It was handled! Nobody touched It except tho Dispatch, and, of course, it got Its price." "I thought newspapers paid for copy," innocently commented Jim. "Yes. real newspapers; but the gang had to publish tho stuff somewhere. It Is reported that Hammon paid fifty thousand dollars to pro vent Melcher from filing suit. 1 dare say things will be quiet around Tony tho Harbor's now." ''You press people certainly have got a lot up your sleeves." James' invol untary start of dismay did not pass unnoticed. Ho did not relish tho gleam lu Pope's eyes, and ho hastily sought rofugo In a goblet of water, notwith standing his distaste for the liquid. "Wo sometimes know as much as tho police, and wo Invariably tell more," continued Pope. "Yes, a busi ness man can get a haircut In Tony's without fear of family complications now. I suppose Armlstead Is smoking hop; Young Sullivan Is probably laying an alcoholic foundation for a wife boating, nnd tho others nro spending Hammon's money in tho cafes." Jimmy Knight paled, for behind Pope's genial smile were both mockery and contempt; a panic swept him lest this fellow should acquaint Lorelei with the truth. Jim lost interest in his clams and thereafter avoided con versation with tho wariness of a fox. Ho was still glowing Avlth resent ment when Itobert Wharton paused at tho table and greeted its occupants cheerily. In response to Jim's Invita tion Hob drew up n fourth chair, seat ed himself, and began to beam upon Lorelei. Noting the faint lino of an noyiiiice between her brows, he laughed, "Uetreat is cut off," he announced, complacently. "Kseapo Is hopeless. I've left orders to havo the windows barred and the doors walled up." "Kh? What's the idea?" inquired Pope, Wharton answered sadly: "My van ity has suffered tho rudest Jolt of its young career; I mourn tho death of a perfectly normal and healthy sclf-con-celt, age twenty-nlno. Services at noon; friends and relatives only." "Oho! You've heard the seductive song of tho lthlno maiden?" Popo's eyes were twinkling. "Kh? I'm tangled up like a basket of ticker tape. You see, Campbell, I drink; candor compels me to acknowl edge that much. In a moment of folly I was Indiscreet, and ever slnco I have been trying to apologize. In short, I'm In Dutch, and there sits the adorable cause of my sorrows." In spite of Wharton's reproachful toue, the gazo he bent upon Lorelei was good-humored, and she saw that he was in a mood different to any she had ever seen him In. Strange to say, he whs sober, or nearly so, and he was plainly determined to make her like him, "Has ho annoyed you, Miss Knight?" asked Pope. "Dreadfully." Wharton explained further. "The first time we met I deserved to be slapped, and I was. You see, I was ruder than usual. Hut I have sobered up purposely to npologlze; I have re pented, and well, here we are, thanks to brother James." "Thanks to Jim?" Lorelei raised her brows. Pope turned to young Knight nnd said, politely, "That Is my foot you are stamping on," Ignoring Jim's mule anneal. Wluir- ton ran on. smilingly: "He promised to shackle you to a table until I could stammer out my halting anoloeles. nnd now that I've done so In the presence of press nnd public won't you forgive me and help mo to bury the hatchet In a Welsh rabbit?" He was speaking directly to her with n genuine appeal "Are You Stuck on the Boob?" In his handsome eyes. Now that she saw him In his right mind, it was un expectedly hard to resist him, for he was very boyish and friendly quite unlike tho person who had so grievous ly offended her. When she and Jim had first entered the restaurant they had received a po lite but casual recognition from the head waiter, but there attentions had ceased. With Wharton ns a member of tho party, however, there came a change. Mr. Proctor himself paused momentarily at the table and rested a hand upon Wharton's shoulder while he voiced n few platitudes. Then In somo Inexplicable manner Robert found himself not only ordering for himself but supplementing Jim's menu with rare nnd expensive viands. As a great favor, he was advised of a newly imported vintage wine which tho pro prietor had secured for his own use. Of course Mr. Wharton wished to sample such n vintage, any vintage, In fact, since n thousand fires were con suming him, and his nerves were on edge from the night before. The flrst draft electrified him, his spirits rose, and ho swept his companions along with his enthusiasm. From surround ing tables people accosted him; men paused In passing to exchange n word about stocks, polo, scandal, Newport, tennis, Tuxedo; nono were In the least stiff or formal, and all expressed in one way or another their admiration for Lorelei. Women who slip knew Avcrc not of her world beamed and smiled at tho young millionaire. It was a new experience for the girl, who felt, herself, as tho supper progressed, becomlug conspicuous without tho usual disagreeable ncconipanlincnts. Men no longer openly ogled her; wom en did not nudge each other and whis per; her presence In company with n member of the Idolized rich was caus ing gossip, but gossip of a Mattering kind. All this attention, however, had quite the contrary cffec,t upon Campbell Pope. Much to Jim's relief, he ex cused himself shortly, whereupon tho former, after allowing Wharton to pay tile score, suggested a dance, breezily swoeping nsldo his sister's mild objec tion. Of courso Hob was delighted, nnd soon tho trio had set out upon a round of the dancing cafes. Hob Wharton hud drunk heavily, but up to this time ho had shown llttlo ef fect from his potations beyond a grow ing exhilaration; now, however, the wine was taking toll, nnd Lorelei felt a certain pity for him. With Itobert Wharton liquor intensified a natural ngreeableness until It cloyed. III? amenities were monstrously magnified; he became convivial to tho point of of fenslveness. In the course of thv motn,inorphosIs he was many things, and through such a cycle ho worked to night whilo tho girl looked on. Overcoming his niggardly Instincts, Jimmy Knight, ns the evening pro gressed, assumed the burden of enter tainment. He, too, adopted a spend thrift gayety and encouraged Whar ton's libations, although ho drank little liliusolf. There camo a time when Hob could no longer dance when, In fact, he could barely walk and then It was that Jim proposed leaving. Hob read ily agreed havlnx reached a condition of mellowness where he agreed enthu siastically to anything and Lorolel was only too glad to depart. Sho had witnessed tho pitiful breaking down of Hob's faculties with a curious blending of concern and dismay, but her pro tests had gone unheeded. Having had a glimpse of his real self earlier In the evening, and being wise lu the ways of t Intemperttiice, sho felt only pity for him now ns the three made their way downstairs. While Jim went in search of their belongings, Hob propped himself ; ngainst the wall and regarded her ad miringly through eyes that vcre filmed j and unfocusable. "Fairy piince-,s, you are more ador able every lulnule," he said, thickly. "Yes! A thousand yeses. And I'm your llttlo friend, eh? No more slaps, I nn mnrn 111 vatnrfmic nrlfu ivlmV "That depends upon you." "I'm behaving finely." he vaunted. "I usually act much wore than I have tonight, but I like you. I like you dif ferently understand? Not like tho other girls. You're so beautiful! Makes me dizzy. You forgive my little Joke eh?" "What joke?" "Meeting you the way I did tonight. Jim's nice boy obliged to blm." "I see. Then it was all planned?" Ho nodded vehemently and nearly lost his balance. "How much did you pay him?" Lo relei queried, witli dllllcuity. Mr. Wharton waved his hand In a magnificent gesture. "What's money, anyhow? Somebody's bound to get It." "Fifty dollars?" Ho looked at her reproachfully. "That's nn Insult to Jim he's a busi ness mnn, he is. More than that Oh, yes, and I'll take care of him again this very night. I'll stake blm. Ho knows n place." "Will you do meu favor?" she asked, after a pause. Wharton assured her with abnormal emphasis that her lightest wish was law. "Then go straight home f.rom here," sho pleaded. "I say, that's not fair." Hob looked ludicrously shocked. "I promised Jim Wouldn't have me break a sacred promise, would you? We're expected a llttlo game all arranged where we can bust It quick. If you hear a loud noise that'll be Melcher going broke." "Melcher!" Lorelei looked sharply at her brother, who was approaching with her wraps, and noted that he was perfectly sober. A moment later sho checked Bob in the act of giving di rections to the cab driver: "Walt. Where do you live, Mr. Wharton?" "The Chariovol.f " It was the most expensive bachelor apartment building In the city. "Drive to tho Charlevoix," she told the chauffeur. "Hold on. sis." cried Jim. "We're going to take you homo first." "No." "Hut" Jim saw in his sister's face something that brought a smothered oath to his lips. Drawing her out of hearing, he muttered, angrily, "Mind your own business; I've got something on." "I know yon have." She met his eyes unflinchingly, "nut you shan't rob him." Jim thrust his thin face close to hers, and she saw that it was distorted with rage. "If you don't want to go home, stay here. He's going with me." "We'll see." She turned, but he seized her rough ly. "What nro you going to do?" he demanded. "I'm going to tell him he's being tnken to a crooked gambling house, and that you're working for Max Mel cher. ne Isn't too drunk to under stand that." ner brother clenched his list menac ingly, but she did not recoil, and he thought better of his Impulse. "Are you grand-standing?" he quer ied, brutally. "Are you stuck on tho boob? or do you want your bit?" Without reply she walked back to the cab, redirected the driver to the Charlevoix, then seated herself beside Wharton, who was already sinking into n stupor. Jim slunk in behind her, and they were whirled southward. It was a silent ride, for the besot ted young millionaire slept, nnd Jim dared not trust himself to speak. Lo relei closed her eyes, nauseated, disil lusioned, miserable, seeing more clear ly than ever the depths into which she had unwittingly sunk, nnd the infamy to which Jim had descended. At his hotel Wharton roused himself, and Lorelei sent him reeling into the vestibule. Then she and Jim turned homeward through the deserted streets. CHAPTER XI. During tho last net of the matinee on tho day following Lorelei was sur prised to receive a call from John Merkle. "The Judge" led him to her dressing room, then shuttled away, leaving him alone with her nnd Mrs. Croft. "I hope I haven't broken any rules by dropping in during your ofllco hours," he began. "Theatrical rules are made to be broken: but I do think that you are In discreet. Don't you?" The banker had been using "nis eyes with an Interest that betrayed his un familiarity with these surroundings. "I was on my way uptown and pre ferred not to telephone." He looked meaningly at Croft; ami Torelel, Inter preting his glance, sent the dresser from tho room on some .riand. "ell, tho gamo worked," said Merkle. "Mrs. Hammon has loft home and com menced suit for divorce. If our friend Miss Lynn had set out to ruin Jarvls socially and perhaps tlnandalry she couldn't have played her cards better." "Is that what you came to tell mc?" Merkle hesitated. "No," lie admit ted, "It isn't; but I'm a bit embar rassed now that I'm here. I suppose your mother told about seeing me?" "My mother?" Lorelei's amazement was convincing, and his keen eye softened "When did you see mother? Where?" "Yesterday, at my oflUv Didn't y$u know that she and your brother hni! called?" Lorelei shook her head; she felt Rick with dread of his next words. "It was very unpleasant, I fear, for all of us." "What did they want?" The girl was still smiling, but her Hps beneath the paint were dry. "They felt that I had cr involved you in It great deal of notoriety. From what they said I Judged that you shared their feelings." He paused awk wardly once more, and she motioned him to continue. "We didn't get on very well, especially your brother nnd I; for he presumed to criticize my re lations with you and er my motlvo In taking you to ride the other night. I believe I was quite rude to him; In fact, I had the watchman eject him, not daring to trust myself," "They asked for money?" Lorelei averted her face, for she could not bear to meet his frank eyes. "Yes what I considered a great deal of money. I understood they repre sented you. They didn't Insist, how ever: they offered mo a choice." "Choice! Of what?" "Well I Inferred that marriage would undo the wrong I had " "Oh-h!" Lorelei rose with a gasp. Bravely she stilled the tremor of her lips. "Tell mc the rest." "There isn't much more. Your moth er was quite hysterical and noisy. To day a lawyer came to see mo. He offers to settle the whole matter, but I prefer dealing directly with you." "Do you think I knew anything about It?" she cried, Indignantly. "No, I do not think so now. Yester. day I was too much surprised and too angry to know just what I did think. It's perfectly true, however, that I was to blame for the unfortunate outcome of the ride, nnd I want to mako amends for any Injury " "Weren't you injured, too, by tho publicity?" Merkle showed bis teeth in a mirth less smile. "That's neither here nor there." "Please leave me, and let me think this over. I must do something quickly, or I'll smother." "I'm glad I came," snld he, rising. "I'm glad I made sure." "So am I. What you havo told mo has made a great difference in every thing. Don't allow them to" Sho hesitated and her voice broke. "I can't say it. You must think I'm unspeakable." He shook his head gravely. "No, I merely think you are very unfortu nate. I think you need help more than any girl I ever knew." "I do. I do." "But I am not the one to give It at least not the kind of help you need." "I'll need help more than ever after tonight." "Yes? Why?" "Because, I'm going to leave home." Lorelei's head was up,- and she spoke with a note of defiance. "Then perhaps I can do something." Ho seated himself again. "You will need money." "Oh. no. I have my salary and the other revenues you know about. I have kept my family for two years." "Work won't hurt you, but why force yourself to go on with those other things? They're not to your liking, I'm sure." "My mother and father must live. There Isn't enough don't you see? r "Make an End of It. I'll Finance You." There Just isn't enough for all of us unless I graft llko the other girls." Merkle broke out Impatiently: "Make an end of it. I'll finance you." She laughed n little harshly. "Don't think for an Instant that I'd venture to ex pect anything in return. I won't trouble you; I won't even see you. Nobody will ever know. I wouldn't miss the money, and I'd really lovo to do It. You tried to do me a favor " "There's no uso arguing." "Well, don't bo stubborn or hasty. You could use suy, ten thousand dol lars. It would keep you going very nicely, and really it's only the price of a now auto." Do you believe that Merkle ia perfectly truthful and decent in his offer to give Lorelei financial aid? Is she doing the right thing In deserting her people, even though they are using her simply as a tool? (TO UH CONTINUED.)