The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 27, 1916, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
IltA L. DARE, Editor and Publisher.
Olio Year by 3Inll In Advance... $1.25
One Year by Carrier in Advance.. $l0
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
I'ostofllco as Second Class Matter.
"The bishop of London Is with the
troons across the water, and I am
jUBt that kind of a bishop."
That Is the patriotic answer Rt. Itov.
Geo. A. Beecher, of Hastings, bishop
of this missionary Jurisdiction gave
Gcnl. Adjutant Hall, when tho lattor
called 111 in un and iold him that
though ho was chaplln of tho Fifth
Nebraska regiment, he would bo ex
cuscd from tho regiment on account
of his high position in the church.
Tho answer Is characteristic of the
man a wonderfully patriotic man
hvhoso lovo of country and Us flag is
paramount. When Co. E left North
Platto for Chlcamatigua Park in 189S
with tho expectation of seeing service
In Cuba or tho Philippines, It was
Bishop Beechor who cheered most
loudly for tho boys; and Just boforo
tho train pulled out he entered tho
car, repeated with them tho Lord's
prayer and pronounced a final' bene
diction. It was an act of Idvo, of pa
triotism, of brotherly fooling that
thoso sixty-five mcmbors of Co. E
never forgot and never will. So long
ns such men as Bishop Geo. A.
Bcechcr live, lovo of country will be
kept alive nnd tho desire to honor the
Btars and stripes will not dopart.
Mrs. P. A. Norton loft Saturday for
Denver to visit for a short time.
Mrs. James McEvoy and son spent
tho week end with friends in Horshoy.
Dr. McLeay, of Gandy, spont the
week end In town visiting local
Rov. C B. Harman rotumed Satur
day from tho Luthoran convention at
Miss Thca Hansen .who visited In
Omaha last iweck returned homo Fri
day evening.
T, R. Walsh, of Sioux Falls, S. D..
visited tho latter part of last week
with J. II. Hegarty.
Miss Elsie Crane returned the latter
part of last week from Mullen where
bIio visited .relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Alway and
baby left tho latter part of last week
for Choyonno, to visit frlonds.'
Prof. Knight, of Salinn, Kan,,, camo
Friday evening to visit with Rov., and.
Mrs. B. F. Cram for a fow days, t
For Farm Loans seo or wrlto Gono
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platto. 41tt
Mrs. Frank Sullivan who has been
visiting relatives In Aurora and Grand
iBland for two wooks will return to
morrow. '
Roy Tumor, of Boise, Ida., who Ibk,u,8., wj,0 -visited tho Raugh family
visiting his grandmother Mrs. Bridget
Mornn sustained a broken arm. .tho.
lattor part of last weok whllo playing
around a high fohcfo from -which ho!
foil , " j
For Jtont
Five room house, GOO oaat Fourth
stroet, nowly papered, modorn oxcopt
heat. Inquire for key next door
cast. 42tf
Thirty-one young men, with Captain
P. R. Halllgan In command, entrained
Saturday noon for tho Nebraska
National Guard mobilization hold at
Lincoln. To bid them good bye and
'wish them well an Immense throng
of citizens assembled at tho depot and
many moist eyes were In ovldcnce.
As the recruits inarched to tho depot
from the recruiting station behind
four color bearors, loud cheers wore
given along tho streets and at the
depot they were similarly received
with huzzas. Tho band played national
airs, cheer after cheer rent tho air,
and ns tho boys stepped Into the coach
which had been switched on for their
use, there wns a general lifting of
hats nnd cheering.
But while tho crowd cheered, be
neath this evldenco of encourage
ment to tho boys thcro was among all
a feeling of sadness, for with each of
us tho terrlbleness of war has boon
kept fresh by tho European struggle,
and wo know that war with Mexico
means the sacrifice of hundreds and
perhaps thousands of good American
Those who volunteered to defend
the Hag of their country and left on
th train wore:
P. R. Halllgan; Arthur W. Bullard;
S. S. Splllman, William Crook, L. A.
Rlnglemann, J. W. Rowland, Marvin.
Jngger, S. P. McFarland, Calvin R.
Duckworth, Butler Mlltonberger, J.
A. Becker, Percy C. Schott, Guy
Downing, A. E. Dniloy, P. G. Gantt,
Roy Ames, Maurice Phillips, O. L.
Lambort, Leo Alloway, E. W. Chos
tor, C. J. Martini, A. C. Black, F.
II. Cokor, Oscar Brown, Edwin
Tcchncr, Henry Westcnfeld, John E.
Sawyer, R. 0. Patrick, Raymond
Morrison, Richard Faulkner, Carl
Lanco, Bryan Schott.
Somewhat "Mussed Up."
Tho a'ribuno has been houacclcan
Ing for sovoral days past and things
have been rather badly mussed up. W.
E. Monroe and his mon havo painted
tho celling, walls and woodwork, tho
force will burnish up the machines,
scrub tho floor, dust out the casos
and tho by-plnces and then so far as
neatness Ib concomed wo will look
qulto rcspoctnblo, thank you.
Some up-to-date houses, choice lots,
farms, hay and other lands at right
pnres ami on easy terms: ii section
of Adams County clear land to trade
for house nnd lot in North Finite.
Wluit I"1
: :o: :
Mrs. Bertha Scott and children
turned Friday evening from a visit In
Mrs. James Danzo and children will
leave July 1st for Omaha to romaln
ror several wcoks.
' MH ialid 'MrB.. L. L. Leaso, of Craw
ford visited last weok with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Koily.i
Dick Baker came over from Staple
ton Friday to attend tho ball game
ana visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Owens and
children Bpcnt tho week end with rola
tlves in Grand Island.
tlr. nnil Mru Annllti. rif ' TlnlfiHnu
Itifilon days, returned homo jiy auto
Saturday morning.
Mrs. A. E. Erlckson and dnughtor
leu Saturday nttomoon for tho cas
orn part of this state to visit rolntlves
for a short tlmo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frcdrlckson nnd
children returned Friday evening
from Omnlia whero they spont tho
groater part of last week.
The Reason for a Telephone
Company's Depreciation Reserve
Patch up a Buit-of clothes how you will, it will gradually
wear out and have to be replaced by a new one.
Just so it is with tha telephone property. Some parts of it
wear out quicker than others, but repair it again and again as
we do, finally it wears out.
In addition to the wearing out of the property a good many
of the parts are year by year becoming obsolete and out-of-date
and are replaced by something better.
Each year we set aside out of the money we take in from tho
sale of telephone service an amount which we estimate represents
the wearing out of our telephone property during that period.
This money is invested back in the plant, and thus temporr
arily employed as additional capital on which no dividends or
interest charges are paid.
Through our policy of setting aside a depreciation reserve
to provido for tho rebuilding or replacement of the property,
present telephone users pay for tho wearing out of the plant
instead of passing tho debt on to the next generation.
Lack of recognition of this principle has caused many foil
nr,es in privato industries and is a frequent mistake in public
Our policy of setting aside a depreciation reserve is now
generally accepted as tho fairest way to provide for the rebuild
ing or replacement of the equipment when it woars out.
"Emmy of Stork's Nest."
Dealing with a theme that In as big
and refreshing as Its own mountain
setting, "Emmy of Stork's Nest," a
five act photoplay based upon the
novel of of the same name of J. Breck
enrldgo Ellis, Is the noxt offering of
tho Columbia Pictures Corporation re
leased on the Metro program, and will
be scon nt tho Keith theatre, Tuesday
June 27th.
Tho Btollar honors In this promo
tion aro dollneatcd by Mary Miles
Mlnter, a recent comer In filmland,
who has won Instaneous success. To
sco Miss Mlnter on the screen Is a de
light, both because of her ardlant
youth she Is not yet sixteen and
because she is a finished artist, hav
ing been on tho stage since she was
soven years old. Her first appearance
was with Nat Goodwin In "Cameo
Kit by." Later she played tho title role
In "The Littlest Rebel," a perform
ance that elevated her to stardom and
won hor thousand of admirers during
four years tho play ran In New York
and on tour. In "Emmy of Stork's
Nest" Miss Mlnter has the role of a
care-freo mountain girl, and her vlvac
Ity and bewitching beauty In tho
characterization of tho part will be
a decided treat for lovers of motion
Sirs. Cox Passes Away.
Mrs. Jemlna Cox died at the homo
of her daughter Mrs. Robert Dean
Friday afternoon. She liad been In
poor health for six years and last
week suffered tho third paralytic
stroko, death following a few days
Mrs. Cox was born In England in
1837 and married thero In 1864 to
John Cox who died eight years ago
To this union wero born eleven dill
dren three of whom aro residing In
this city and eight died In their in
lancy. thoso residing nero aro
Messrs. R. V. Cox and J. D. Cox and
Mrs. Robert Deane. Tho deceased
eamo to this city from Pennsylvania
In the spring of 1881 and was a highly
respected and charitable woman who
had many friends among tho local
people, tho tunorai services were
hold at tho M. E. church on Sunday
Those Who Come und Go.
Mrs. Dalmar has returned to Arapa
hoo after a visit with Mr. and Mrs
J. C. Den Roy Ames returned
Friday from a visit In Omaha
Mrs. Fernandez, of Omaha, who has
boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Cook will leave this week Miss
Bertha Hodges, who had been visit
lng hor brother O. V. Hodges, left
Friday afternoon Arthur Mahan,
of Gothenburg, who had been taking
treatment at tho Lucas Infirmary; re
turned to his homo Friday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stage, of Kansas
City, aro guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lltsoy Mrs. Thomas
Courtrlght and daughter and Mrs. Geo.
Courtright, of Kansas, arc guests of
the Dlstol family. Mr. and Mrs
J. Walter Adams have been visitors
In Omaha for sovcral days past.
$25 Reward.
The abovo reward will bo paid for
Information loading to tho recovery
of a black two year old maro, With
white on face, weight about 1050,
which strayed from my place April "7th,
Horshey, Nob.
, s ::o::
, Mra. Rose Lompky, of Holdrege, ar
rived hero Sunday with Mrs. James
Danzo for a. few days.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carroll and chil
dren left Saturday aftornoon for Fre
mont to visit relntlvcs for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Golden' who
havo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lovl
Duke for several weeks will return
tlo Dos Moines this week.
Reynolds Illdtr. Offlco Phone 833
North Platte. Neb. Res. lllack (13
PhyitcUn & Surfton.
Gcnlto-Urlnary Obstetrics
Diseases Gynecology
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
office McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Offlco 183, Residence 283
Office phone Res. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
I Office 130
1 Residence 115
Hospital Phone Black 633.
Houso Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Vetorlnar
lan. Hospital 218-south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of the
1 Court Housb.
Physician nnd Snrgcon
Offlco B. & L. Building, Second Floor
Phone, Offlce, 83; Residence 38.
0. E Thoelecke.
Founded 1880.
It's the household word in Western
Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best iron
ey can buy. It's what you need, for a
savings bank and Insurance that in
sures. They all buy IL
"Thero is a Reason"
For further Information ,
Phone, call or address -
J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent,
Tho Old Lino Man
, Bought and highest markat
prices paid
Reiidance Red G36 Office 45&
Quality Not Quantity
Wo mako cigars In the small and In
tho regular sizes preferring to use
quality tobacco in preference to quan
tlty. W uso only tho best tobacco
for filler and wrapper and our cus
tamers are always satisfied. Wo ban
dlo a largo lino of smokers' artlclon
our display of pipes bolng especial!
Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
twoclosuro rendered in said Court
wherein David W. Daggett la plaintiff
and Elmor Daggett ot al aro defend
ants nnd to mo directed, I will on tho
22nd day of July, 1916, at 2 o'clock p
in., at the cast front door of tho Court
House In North Platte, Lincoln Ooun
ty Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to
tho hlghost bidder for cash, ito satisfy
said decree, interest and costs, tho fol
lowing doscrlbed property, to-wlt:
Southeast Quarter (SKY) of Sec
tlon Ton (10), In Township Twolv
(12), North of Range Thirty (30), West
of tho Sixth Principal Meridian, In Lin
coin county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platto, Nob., Juno 16th
n. - m
c 1 j
J19-J21 Sheriff.
Licensed Embalmcrs
Undertakers nnd Funeral D'i'cctori
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
Ecctrlcnl Supplies
Wiring Storage Batteries
Morsch Bldg
Plione 176.
Notice of Filial Report.
Estate of Cornelius Sullivan, deceased
la tho County Court ot Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estate take
notice that tho Administrator has
tiled a final account and report
of his administration and a
petition for final settlement and
discharge as such, and for a de
creo of distribution and descent of
the real property which have been
set for hearing before said court on
Juno 30, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. ni when
you may appear and contest tho same.
Dated Juno 3, 1910.
JG-J27 County Judge.
In tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
William Robb and C. E. King, Plain
tiffs, vs. Allen J. Cloud; and
William Stull, itho solo member
of the firm of Stull Brothers, De
fendants. Tho defendants, Allen J. Cloud
and William Stull will, take
notice that upon the 31st day of
May, 1910, tho plaintiffs herein filed
their petjWon In the district court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against
tho following named defendants: Al
len J. Cloud nnd William Stull, the
solo member of the firm of Stull Brd-
thors, tho object and prayer of said
petition being to have tho title to the
West half of tho Northeast quarter
and tho West half of tho Southeast
quarter of Section 18, Township 13
North, Range 33, West of tho 6th P.
M. Lincoln Counlty, Nebraska, quieted
in said plaintiff, C. E. King as against
a mortgage for $500.00 dated January
SO, 1890, and as against a mortgage
for $75.00 dated January 30, 1890, be
cause of the fact that said plaintiffs
havo been. In tho cpen, notorious, ex
clusive, continuous, adverse and hos-
tllo possession 'of such land for more
than ten years next prior to
tho bringing of this action. That
plaintiffs pray to have the fee simple
title herein quieted In C. E. King and
for such other and further relief In
the premises as may be deemed proper
by the court.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 24th day of July, 191G.
By Muldoon & Oborst, Their Attor
neys, . .,jJL3-J7,
SWifTs Sale
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court,
wherein IT. S. Evans is plaintiff, and
Benton Taylor et al aro defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on thq 24th
day of June, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
at the east .front .door of tho court
hotise In North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to, the
uigncst oiuuer tor casn, to satisiy saiu
decree, Interest and costs, the follow
Irig described property, to-wit:
All of Section Nineteen (19), Town
ship Fifteen (15), North of Range
Twenty-Eight (28), and West Half of
the Northeast Quarter (W NE4)
and East Half of the Northwest Quar
ter (Ei6 of NWV4) of Section Twenty-four
(24), TownsQlp Flfteeon (15),
North of Range Twenty-nlno (29), all
In Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., May 22,
1916. A. J. SALISBURY,
37-5w Sheriff,
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 1415 ot Mary Ann Hawkins,
deceased, In tho county court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notice that
the tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estate is
December 30, 1916, and for settlement
of Bald estato is May 26, 1917, that
will sit at tho county court room in
said county, on Juno 30, 1916, at 9
o'clock a. m. and on December 30,
1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive
oxamlno, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly Hied.
m30-J27 County Judge,
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska.
In the Matter of tho Estato of William
II. Spurrier, Deceased.
To the heirs, creditors, and all oth
er persons Interested In the Estate ot
William H. Spurrier, Deceased.
You are hereby notified that on tho
29th day of May, 1916, N. B. Spurrier
filed his petition in tlio county court
of said county stating that the said
William H. Spuwner dopartodi this
Ufo on the 22d day of February, 1911
bolng on said date a resident of De
cntur county, Iowni: that ho died
aolzod of :ho following described
property situated in Lincoln county
Nobraska, to-wlt: Tho east one-half
(E1) of tho Northwest quarter
(NWV4) and Lots one (1) and two
(2) of Section nineteen (19), Town
(ship twolvo (12), range thlrly-two
(32), west of tho 6th P. M.; that the
petitioner, N. B. Spurrier, Is a son of
tho said William H. Spurlor, deceased
and has acquired all tho interest of
the other heirs in nnd to the abovo
described premises.
Tho prayer of said potition being
for a determination of tho tlmo of
tho death of said William H. Spur
rier, and a determination of tho heirs
of said deceased, and for a decree of
kinship and tho right of descend of
tho real estato belonging to said de
ceased: that all claims bo barred.
You aro hereby notified that the
aamo will bo hoard at tho county
court room In tho city ot North
Platte, in Bald county, on tho 30th
day of Juno, 1916, at tho hour of
o'clock a. tn.
J6J23 County Judge,
Successor to
Dr3. Redfleld & Redfleld
Offlce Phone 642 Res. Phone 676
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby given of the incor
poration of the Country Club (of North
Platte, Nebr., whose principal place
of transacting Its business will bo In
tho City df North Piatt-, Lincoln
County, Nebi.isku.
Tho general nature of the business
to be transacted will be the main
taining of suitable grounds and build
ings for a Country Club, and tho buy
ing, acquiring, leasing, holding, mort
gaging, selling, sub-letting of such
real and personal property, as may be
necessary or sultablo to the carrying
on of the business of this corporation,
and the doing of all other things nec
essary, incident, or suitable, to the ac
complishment of the purposes of ithls
The amount of Capital Stock shall be
ton thousand dloalars ($10,000.00), di
vided Into four hundred shares of the
par value of tweny-flve dollars ($25.00)
each, which shares of stock shall be
subscribed for, Issued and paid in, as
tho Board of Directors of this Cor
poration .may determine.
This corporation shall commence
business on tho first day of June, 1916,
and shall terminate on the first day
of June, 1966, unless sooner dissolved
by tho mutual consent of the Share
The highest amount of Indebtedness
or liability to which this Corporation
shall at any time subject Itself, Bhall
not exceed two-thirds of tho amount
of Its capital stock
The affairs of this Corporation shall
bo conducted and managed by a Board
of Directors, not less Jthan five In
number all of whom shall bo stock
holders of this corpoatlon.
Tho officers of said board and of
this Corporation, shall be a President,
a Vice President, a Secretary, and a
Treasurer. Said Board of Directors
and Officers shall be elected or chos
en and hold office in the manner pro
vided and directed In tho by-laws of
this corporation.
Theso Articles of Incorporation may
be amended, altered, or repealed by
tho Stockholders of this corporation,
at any meeting of the Stockholders,
regularly called in accordance with
tho by-law, orovldedl three-fourth
of the stock Issued and outstanding
vote In favor thereof.
In witness whereof, we have af
fixed our names hereto, this 23rd lay
of May, 1916.
w. h. Mcdonald,
(Jaunty of Lincoln. )
On ithls 23rd day of May. 19l6. "be-
fpre me() Q. F. Strauss, Notary Public
In, and for said county, personally ap
peared the" above named, W. H. McDon
ald, L. C. Sturges, and M. E. Scott,
who are personally .known ito me to
be tho Identical persons whose neames
are affixed to the above articles, as
parties tnereto, and they severally ac
knowledged the Instrument to be their
voluntary act and deed.
Witness my hand itho date aforesaid.
(SEAL) Notary Public.
My commission expires May 11, 1921.
Notice, ,
Notice is hereby given that the as-
fiessor la and for Blrdwood Irrigation
uistnct, Lincoln, iCounty. Nebraska,
has .completed the assessment book
and has delivered the same to the sec
retary, and the Board of Directors Is
hereby called to meet at the office of
the Secretary on southeast quarter of
Sec. 36, T. 14, R. 32, Wednesday, July
5, 1916 at 2 p. m. of said date, to sit
as a Board of Equalization and to hear
objections to the assessment, and will
remain In session as long as necessary
not, to exceed ten days, during which
time all objections to tho assessment
and valuatlcn will be heard and de
termined. MARY C. McNEEL.
Dated this 6th day of June, 1916.
In the District Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
William Robb, Plaintiff, vs John
Thomas, Mrs. John Thomas, his
wife, first and real name un
known; C. A. Corbett and Mrs. C.
A. Corbett, his wife, firs and real
names unknown, Defendants.
Tho defendants, John Thomaa. Mrs.
John Thomaa, his wife, first and real
name unknown; C. A. Corbett and
Mrs. C. A. Corbett. his wife, first and
real names unknown, will tako notice
that upon the 31st day of May. A. D..
1916, plaintiff herein filed his pe
tition in tho district court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, against said defen
dants and each of them, tho object and
prayer of said petition being to have
tho title to the northwest quarter of
Section 27, Township 13, North of
ltango 33, West of tho 6th P. M. in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, quieted in
said plaintiff as against a certain tax
foreclosure and as agalnsit a mortgage
for $1500.00 upon said lands and
others, dated May 18, 1897, because
of the fact that said plaintiff has been
in tho open, notorious, exclusive, con
tinuous, advorso and hostllo posses
sion of said land under a tax deed
for more than ten years noxt prior to
tho commencement of this action.
That plaintiff prays to havo tho fee
simplo title therln quieted In him and
for such other and further relief in
tho premises as may bo doomed proper
by tho court.
You and each of you aro required
to anBwor said potlton on or before
tho 17th day of July, 1916.
By Muldoon & Oberst. His Attorneys.
Snle Under Adjuster's Lien.
Notico is hereby given that I will
offer for salo two certain Jacks with
meclo points, four years of ago, now
In my possession to tho highest bidder
for cash, for the purpose of meeting the
payment of tho sum of $26.50 and
tosts of sale and keeping from tills
dato to date ,of salo under my Udn by
virtue of a contract with tho agent of
Charloa Wilkinson, tho ownor of said
animals. Said ealo to tako placo at
my farm in Sec. 36, T. 13 N., R. 31,
West in Lincoln county? Nebraska on
tho 30th day of June, 1916, at the
hour of 3:00 P. M.
J6 J30 LOUIS REFIOR, Lienor.