The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 27, 1916, Image 5

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W M Buskins,' of Stapleton, visited
friends In town yesterdny.
Tho Clirlstlnn -Aid Society will maet
Thursday afternoon In the church
Vv'o want to buy 5,000 bushels of
good corn. It. X. LAMB. 47-2
Tho Tllllkmn Girls' club will hold
an Ice cream bonoflt nt tho Nyal Drug
store Friday evening.,
Miss Mario Dunn returned to Wood
River yesterday afternoon after visit
ing Miss Reglna Nolan for a week.
N M. Pettlt, who accompanied the
remains of his wife to Shelby, la., last
week returned homo Sunday evening.
All Coats formerly sold up to $18.50
now going at $9.0S at BLOCK'S.
Miss Luclllo Keller has roturncd
from Gothenburg where she visited
for two weeks with the Brooks family.
Mrs. Magnolia Duke will leave In a
short time for cities of Iowa whero
she will visit relatives for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Bailey left yester
day for points In Wyoming to spend
several days fishing.
Dr. F. J Wurtele returned yester
day from a two weeks vacation which
ho spent in Wyoming.
We have some splendid bargains In
second hand organs.
47-2 511 Dewey Street;
Mrs. BJorkland returned to Gothen
burg yesterday afternoon after visit
ing her son Henry BJorkland and
daughter Mrs. John Anderson for a
Postofflce Inspector Smith spent
yesterday here inspecting the propos
ed extension of rural route 2, which if
granted will extend as far east as
Cash Austin says he can put your
watch, clock or Jowelry In the best of
repair and guarantee satisfaction.
Front street, opposite U. P. Depot. 47-2
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bonner came
from Kansas City yesterday afternoon
to attend the funeral of their uncle,
the late John Bonner.
Miss Mabel McVIcker who had been
visiting In Casper, Wyo., came yester
day to spend a few days before re
turning to Lexington.
Slieruiu-Vt'illlnms Dccotinr, a snnl
tary Wall Finish. Heady for use when
mixed avKIi cold wafer. For sale by
47-2 I'honc No. 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Watts, son and
daughter, of Corning, la., are visiting
relatives in town, having arrived
Saturday. They made the trip by au
to and encountered very, bauVroads
in the east part ofLthi&tnte, . ;
All Coats formerly sold up to
$28.50 now $14.98 at BLOCK'S.
J S Davis, Joe Flllion and Guy
Granger arrived home Sunday morn
ing from their trip to tho Bulck fac
tory, at Flint, Mich., and to Detroit.
From tho latter place they crossed
-thoKlako.tojCanada and spent a day
in tnnt country.
Hot weather apparel such as cool
Tub Dresses, Wash Stkirts, Coi:on
and Sflk' 'Mitldies, Palm Beach Coat3
and Suits,' Parasols, etc., now on sale
at BLOCK'S. '
The ladles' aid society "of the Meth
odist church -will be entertained next
Thursday afternoon at tho home of
Mrs. Isaac Selby, 420 West A street
Assisting will be Mesdames McLano,
Hemphill, Murray, and McNamara. A
good attendance Is desired.
With the temperature at tho eighty
five Sunday and about tho same yes
terday, the backward corn will prob
ably reach its average helghth by
July 4th. With favorable weather In
no other country docs corn grow so
rapidly as In western Nebraska.
: :o: :
Two storb rooms suitable for any
Ten rooms suitable for office rooms
or small rooming house, or will be
rented to any one wanting one room.
Garage 53x72 feet.
Also largo room 53x72 suitable for
hall or will arrange it to suit tenant.
All equipped with steam heat.
Located on corner of Eighth und
Locust streets.
Dr. Richardson, nf Iteralinv. wilt im
In charge of tho Twlnem office during
the absenco of Dr. Twlnem.
Harry Johnston, of West Point, ar
rived hero vestordav to ncpont n nn.
sltlon In the Fink shoe repairing de
partment. Miss Mnrio Hoagland submitted to
an operation for appendicitis at the
City hospital yesterday morning and
Is getting along nicely.
James MInshnll, of Broadwater vis
ited relatives bore yesterday while
enroute from Lincoln , and Omaha
whero ho visited relatives.
Judge II. M. Grimes and Court Re
porter Barron went to Lexington yes
terday morning to spend several
days on legal business.
Joseph Hemlng, of Pennsylvania,
who wns visiting his granddaughter,
Mrs. J. E. Sebastian for some time,
loft Sunday evening for Chappcll.
Coats worth up to 9.00 now going
, $4.98 at BLOCK'S.
W. T. Banks returned Sunday from
San Diego, Cal., whore he accompanied
Mrs. Banks n couple of weeks ago IIo
left Mrs. Banks in a much Improved
We have the New Home sewing ma
chine agency now and have a stock on
47-2 511 Dewey Streot.
Dr. J. S. Twlnem left Sundny even
ing for Lincoln to attend tho State
Home6pathIc Medical convention, from
where he will go to Baltimore to at
tend the national meeting.
J. A. Rice, special agent for the
Northwestern Underwriters Insur
ance company of Lincoln was here
last week and transferred the local
agency to J. H. Hegarty.
Misses Florence Stack and Bessie
Smith left yesterday morning for Cal
ifornia . to spend several weeks with
friends. Enrouto they will spend some
time In Salt Lake City.
Rev. Kavanough, of Gothenburg,
formerly pastor of St. Patrick's
church, was here yesterday while en
route to Alliance to attend the retreat
of Catholic clergyman.
Beginning Wednesday, June 2Sth,
every trimmed and untrlmmed hat in
the millinery department at the Wil
cox Dept. Store will be sold at great
ly reduced prices.
Wanted Young married woman to
help in rooming house for her and her
husband's rooms. Inqulro Woodbine
Rooming house, Mrs. Frank Gardner,
Prop. 44tf
During tho thunder storm Sunday
evening tho Jns. Flynn house on east
Tenth was struck by lightning. The
bolt struck a chimney nnd descending
tore plaster from tho walls of the din
ing room. No one was injured.
Mrs. Julius Plzor left yesterday
momingior Salt Lake City to'.vlslt her
m'otheW She Joined at this station her
sister, Mrs. Nathan, of DosS Moines,
and her brother, Jake Froidmnn, of
Wo desire to thank our friends and
neighbors for their kind assistance and
beautiful llowers during the Illness
and at the funeral of our beloved wife
and mother tho late Mrs, Flora J.
.Pettlt. . M. PETTIT,
F. G. PETTIT and family.
Highest market price paid for hides.
Wo' buy dry bones, iron and other
junk. North Platte Junk House. 27tf
Attorney Byron B. Oberst has Just
purchased from Wm. E. Shuman a
lot and half on east 4th streot In
Rlverdale Addition upon which ho has
let tho contract for the erection of
a modern bungalow which ho will oc
cupy as his home when complete.
Trousers Free : "With every Suit
Gives yon double service. Tills offer
good until July 1st.
"The Suit Man."
J. A. McDonald, of the Davis garage
returned Saturday from Malno, where
ho was called by tho Illness of a rola
tive. He visited points in Canada, and
says at every station a bunch of re
cruits for tho "war would board the
train. Recruiting in Canada is car
ried on very vigorously.
flood Jersey milk cow, gives three
gallons rich milk dally. Ruled liny
$6.00 per Ion. Rrlck 50c per hundred.
Hordes of Boards
Our Yard Affords
Clear and Sound
They Here Abound
You're Invited to Invest
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Advices received from Lincoln yes
terday were to the effect that Company
E, which was partly organized In this
city last week cannot be mustered In
as n company unless the number Is
augmented to sixty-five, otherwise
thoso who went from here will be i
placed In other companies. It Is!
thorforo necessary that those who con-j
template enlisting do so without do-'
lay, as the mobilization camp nt Liu-
coin will not long bo continued. Last
Saturday evening The Tribune editor
was called up by George Swancutt, of
Brady, who Inquired nbout tho.stntus
of tho company and stated that there
wore several In that town who wished
to enlist. It Is probablo that In other
towns In the county nre young men
who desire to enlist, and to such wo
would say come to North Platto nnd
Recruiting Officer Green will tnko
care of you In the way of enlistment.
: :o: ;
Nice Problem in Ralflo of the Sexes
Answered In ".Matrimony," New
Triangle l'lny.
Wlinn n nmn tlroa nf lila vtn ntul
seeks diversion In ovnrv nrottv fnrn
that he meets and she still loves hlm.i
wnnt s she going to do- about it? j
Thomas H. Incc and C. Gnrdner Sulli-1
van's new play, "Matrimony," which
will lid irlvnn In thn Trlnnpln nrnprnm
at tho Keith theatre next Friday, June
30th, gives Miss Julia Dean the op
portunity convincingly to answer this
query. Sho certainly arouses tho neg-
iccuui nusoanu mowaru incKmnnj oy
her onen tllrtations with his men
Miss llpnn sonrna twlpn In flm tilnvv
and It is by the reversal in character,
makeup and manner. First she Is tho
fond wife, who waits on every nod and
occk or her lord. As her solicitation i
for his comfort nnd linnnlnoss In'.
creases his Indifference likewise In
creases. Then he starts to pay open
and marked attentions to the women
around him.
The climax comes nt a dinner, when
he utterly ignores his wife for a scat
tered urameu young tiling m llasny anjl
scant attire. Next appears Miss Dean
likewise Eowned in extreme? mode. She
loses her sedatcness and becomes a
lively, enchanting young person. She
Is so full of good spirits nnd vivacity
that all the men flock nround hor.
Her husband sees hor hero with
one admirer, there with niuther, till
he begins to think sho is the most de
sirable woman in the wnrlil. Hln nt-
tempts to win her back meet with ensy
rebuffs, as his wife seems content to let
mm go ins way wnue slie goes hers.
When the wife realizes that ho has
learned his lesson sho gracefully slips
back Into her simple rolo again and
Joins her husband In a little birth-
uay party lor tneir lour-ycar-old
The comedy part of tho program
will be the kevstono "Stolen MnHn"
with Mabel Normand, Raymond Hitch
cock and Mark Sennet.
"01 I
In he Valley on hc Rhino.
(This is the latest effllfdon hv the
Irlsl Poet of the Platte. The Gorman
i-uui ui iiio i-iaiie -wm no tiouut
make reply in a short time. Editor)
They are poking fun at Patrick
And tho place where Shamrocks grow.
uui tins is mio prattle
From thoso who do not knnw.
Tho Britisher moves slowly;
iJat is sure to see the time
When there'll be grass for hid. Jack
ass, In the valley on tho Rhine.
They'll all bo Irish connors
On the streets of old Berlin,
Ann they'll make an awful swagger
When they run thoso Germans in;
They will eat tho Kaiser's sauer kraut,
And they'll drink tho Kaiser's wine,
And they'll raise their preci;us
In the Valley on tho Rhino.
They cay they'll grow some snuer
Whore tho Shamrock grows so green,
That's a thing that cannot happen,
And It never will bo aeon.
They may grow some o'er n Belgium
wnero mo ucrman eagle crows,
But thoy'U never grow a cabbago
Where tho River Shannon flows.
Slonger floes West.
Gonl. Supt. Stengor, of- tho Union
Pacific went through In his special car
attached to train No. 5 last evening.
Ho was enrouto to tho Wyoming di
vision, accompanied by Supt. Brophy,
of that division, and goes to familiar
ize himself with conditions. Tin
ised to come to North Platto at his
earnest convenienco and spend a day
with his old friends.
Mr. Stengor was formerly assistant
Huiiuriiuenueni nt inis terminal.
Hold Memorial Service.
Tho Yeomen lodgo hold their mem
onai services nt tho Lloyd opera
houso Sunday afternoon. Th
danco was large and tho following
program was conducted by Dean J. J.
wowkit. music uy yeomen quartette;
reading, Mrs. W. J. Tlley; cornet and
piano music, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp
vocal solo, Mrs. W. D. Fisher, ad
drosses Dean Bowker nnd fSmmi Mns
tor ofcCoromonles C. E. Stnicnn. of rea
Moines. Tho departed mombors are
hip into jamos Dnnzo. Fred Warren
and waiter Hinckley.
. 'j . -
For Sale nf n llnrfnitii.
3 Singer Sowing Machines. Theso
nro nearly new and cost $76.00 each.
Will soil at $30, cash or payments.
Other bargains nt ECHELBERY'S,
000 Locust streot. 45.4
Will Riilid New Manse
Elsowhero tho board of trustees in
vites bids for tho Presbytorlnn manso
on west Fifth stroet. Tho doslro of tho
trustees is to soil tho presont manso
and build a now- homo tor tho pastor
on tho church lot within tho next
year. East of tho church building is
plonty room to build tho mnnse. It is
Intended to orect tho now building of
brick of tho same color ns tho church.
William Essert, of Kearnoy, is ex
pected hero next week to take a posi
tion In tho Booster ball team,
This store is splendidly equipped to meet
the requirements of the woman or miss
who wants distinctive looking, crisp new
mid-season apparel or the minor accessor
ies of dress. Your Fourth of July outing
will be incomplete without appropriate togs, which naturally add to the comfort
and enjoyment of this National holiday.
Many unusual values are presented in these suggestions, which have been
carefully gathered from new mid-season stocks of pleasing variety.
Add a New Waist
to Your Wardrobe
A number of dainty cool waists arc n
necessity for warm days. Our showing of
summer waists consists of the season's
newest and most effective models. Sheer,
cool silks and cottons are daintily trimmed
with soil laces and enhanced with collars
and "frilly" fronts. Prices are very mod
erate. Waists of Voiles Silk waists in plain and
and Organdies Sport Stripes Silks
$1 to $2 $2.50, $3.50, $5
New Middy Blouses 50c to $1.50
New Wash Skirts
These skirts are carefully tailored in every way
and the most popular materials are gabardines,
repps, linens and piques. We will be glad to
have you try them on.
98c to $5.00
Little "Fixings" for Women
Hose, silk and cotton hose in plain colors
and sport stripes, good values at pair
25c to $1.50
Hibbons fancy wide ribbons in new pat
terns, suitoble for sashes and hair ribbons,
prices yard, 25c to 39c
Parasols women's styles in a variety of
shades and handles, $1 to $6.50
Children's parasols 25c to $1
Jewelry, newest ideas are here in neck
chains, Lavalieres, bracelets, sash pins and
other clever articles.
And New Shoes and
and Oxfords
Women and children will find their
most particular footwear desires grat
ified in our large assortments of shoes,
oxfords and pumps
Queen Quality shoes for women
$1.50 to $5.00
Educator Shoes for children
75c to $3.00
A Display of Wash
Dresses to Delight
you with the variety of styles, the splendid
quality and daintiness of the fabrics used.
In every dress you'll see fashions of the
hour and tboy are yours to wear at mod
erate prices.
nri: $2.50 to $12.00
Better Soft Shirts
Better in that they arc cut to fit from extra qual
ity fabrics, patterns very tastey and colors guar
anteed. .Prices the same as ordinary shirts.
Likeable Summer Hats
And why they are so cool and comfortable.
Then top, we're extra careful to fit you correctly
25c to $3.00
Vt ilcox
- - " 1 " ' 111 11 1. mi 1 1.,
J. W. Cochrnn, who lives twonty
two miles northwest of Sutherland,
was in town yesterdny making final
proof on his homestead. Mr. Cochran
is an old-timor in Nebraska, locating
in tho eastern part of tho stnto nt tho
closo of the civil war. In 18G7 ho en
gaged as a wood sawer for Paddock
& Andrews, who furnished wood for
tho Union Pacific engines, and was lo
cated at Plum Creek, now Lexington.
While located thoro ho wns an oyo
witness to an Indian masaerc. This
was on August 7, 1807, and tho victims
wero section hands and trainmen. Tho
section men had been sent down tho
road several miles to repair the track,
when tho Indians camo in from tho
hills and killed three of them. Later
in tho ovenlng tho redskins blocked
tho road with logs causing tho wreck
of a freight train, and killed tho cn
gineor, fireman nnd two brakomen,
tho conductor, feigning death, was
scalped but not killed.
Tho Indians then broke into tho cars
and carried away with them a. large
quantity of provisions.
: :o:
Travis Pondergrnss and fnther, of
Grand Island, wore hero for several
days past. Tho formor is thirteen
years of ngo and camo to sing tho
"Rosary" at tho special picture of
that name whloh was shown at tho
Pat Saturday. IIo Is tho possessor
of a clear, rich tenor volco and sang
in a very pleasing manner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Statei huvo re
turned from a short visit in Omaha.
Clydo J. Fornandes, of Omaha, ar
rived hero Saturday afternoon. Mrs.
Fornandes has been a guest nt tho
Cook homo for n fortnight.
P.ractlco Limited to
Surfrory und Kadluin Tliornpy
72S City National ltnnk Itulldlng.
Oniabn, Nebraska.
The first warm day of Summer is the right time to
buy an electric fan. Consider the years they last and
why are you without one? Every home needs an
Electric Fan.
North Platte Light & Power Co,,
C. R. MOREY, Manager.