The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 27, 1916, Image 4

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V, 1 trims KiVf m ditlt
. .wr.linf ln or
J rJ ir(.MTn
I wish I had known about these
KRYPTOK Glasses long ago,
This is the remark which is frequently made to us.
KRYPTOK Glasses arc such a wonderful convenience for
near and far vision that everyone to whom we recommend
thorn is enthusiastic over the ease and comfort they afford.
You to, will thank us for calling KRYPOKS to your
attention if you arc one of the many persons who should
wear double vision glasses.
They arc solid lenses with smooth, clear surfaces that
cannot be distinguished from single vision glasses.
We suggest that you call and let us explain the
advanatages of KRYPTOKS to you fully.
Registered Optometrist,
The sign with the Big Ring.
Two vnune mon. both elchteeen
John X. Bonner, one of the oldest' nf mre. nnd elvine tholr names ns
cnglneors in point of Bervlce In this Lloyd Craft, of Clinton. Ia., and James
city, aa well as one or the beBt Known, Kyj6f 0f Springfield, Mass., were ar
met hts death at Wood River Sntur- rested Saturday ut Ovid, Col., on the
day evening nt six o'clock whon com- charge of holding up and robbing nine
ins to this city on ms regulnr run who wern stoalinc a ride with
on train No. 9 due here nt S:32. Death, them a wost bound extra freight near
was due to ms neau coming in coman julesburg early Saturday, morning,
with the arm or a mall crane while, The robbery wns reported to U. P.
leaning out of the window watching; officer North of this cltv, who was at
a crank pin that had been running Sidney at the time? who at once went
hot. The crano which at this Utile had to Jule-.burg and In company with
the arms extended and sack suspende d ' Sheriff llumberstone soon located the
is located a block west of the dopot at two men at Ovid. Tho stolon money
Wood ntvor, and though Engineer , amounting to $65.00 was found on their
Bonner had passed the crane hun- nersons. Thev had a nrcllmlnarv
urous 01 times,-no lor uic moment, hearing at Julesburg Saturday, plend
fofgot lta existence In his lyixietyjed pulltv and were bound over to
over tho working of his engine. Tho: the district court in the sum of $2,500
train wns running about sixty mll03 each.
an hour, and the arm of the crano I . ::o::
struck Engineer Ikunor diagonally Trousers Free Willi everv Suit
across the face, crushing the Jaw, nose hredluni u eight fabrics for Full wear.
iiuu uiu luwei pari m uiu lureiiuiiu. i ,, . .. , , i i . i a
T ie fireman broiitr it the train to a -" "i""-''
Graduate Dentist
Office -over the McDonald
Stat Bunk.
Mrs. John Guynan left Friday even
ing for Parton to visit relatives for a
Claudo Dolancy returned Saturday
morning after visiting here for several
Mrs Bert Stackhouso will entertain
tho Novlta Club tomorrow afternoon
at tho state farm, s- ri:
Let Landgraf & Hoga do your paint
ing, paper, hanging and decorating.
Phono Black G02 or Black 570. - 23tf
Mrs Harry Bybco and children re
turned Friday evening from Grand
iBlnnd whero they visited for two
Misses Nelllo and Hutli Uouden of
Paxton, who wdro visiting Miss Mao
Wilson left for homo Saturday morn
A union meeting of tho Bible study
classes will ho held at ttyo Babtlst
church TuoBdriy,uno 27,4nt 2;30. All
nro welcome. ' '' ' ' V "
Mrs. J. A. Jones will lcavo next
week for Dancsvllle, Vn to visit rela
tives for several weeks boforo making
licr homo with her daughter in Lin
coln. From now until tho Fourth of July a
puu iooav m no uoa jod OS JO lunoosip
allk skirts, at BLOCK'S,
Edward Specht has sovored his con
nection with tho Stobblns Mont Market
and engnged In tho auto dollvory and
transfer business with headquartors
nt Gilbert s Barber shop.
Wo aro making special prices on
Pianos this week If you want a Piano
co)no and seo ms.
47-2 ' - 511 Dowey Street
Roy Patrick who was nrroatod in
May for assaulting Wtlmn Manslr, of
Kearney, at tho McCabo Hotel and has
boon an inmato of tho county Jail
sinco, was released upon his own to
cognlzanco Saturday to Join tho militia
rrom this ctly and go totho Mexican
Rev. P. McDnid left Sunday even
ing for Alllanco to spend a week.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bank
Wm. Adair went to Kearney yes
terdny to attend HJio funeral of a
Robert Hongland returned a few
days ago from a visit with Gothenburg
Tho Episcopal guild will meet In
tho basement of tho church Thurs
day afternoon
Wo want to buy 5,000 bushels of
good corn. R. N. LAMB. 47
Tho Eldocn club will meet Wedncs
day afternoon with Mrs. Georgo Shaf
fer, 515 South Dowey Btrcet.
.For Rent 5 room modern house In
eluding heat. E. N. Oglor, phone
224. , 44tf
Mrs. Everett Bloyd nnd children
will leave Sunday for Laramie and
other western cities to visit relatives
for soveral Iwfcoks.
Mrs Mary Thornburg, of Grand
island, formerly or this city, came
Saturday evening to visit nor dnugh
tor Mrs. P. H. Lon organ
Coats! Coats! at less than whole
salo prices at 'BLOCK'S.
Cltas. Boguo returned Saturday
from Now York whoro ho attended
the conference of tho railroad man
ngers and the officials f tho four
railroad brotherhoods. Tho vote on
tho proposition submitted to the cm
ployes will begin this week.
For Salo A grado Black Angus
yearling bull. Phono 7S0F5. 46
Yesterday and today havo been ban-
nor Bales days at tho Ilcndy-Ogler
garage. Six Fords and 10110 Dodge
wore delivered to purchasers. It Is
estimated that thoro nro now eight
hundred cars in nctlvo uso In Lincoln
Beginning Wednesday, Juno 2Sth,
every trimmed and untrimmed hat In
tiho mllllnory dopartmont at the Wil
cox Dept. Storo will bo sold at great
ly reduced prices.
Tho basoball gamo on Friday after
noon between tho Boosters and the
Stnpleton team resulted in a victory
of 9 to 5 In favor of tho former.
Strike outs by Llndstrom woro Ave,
by Kelly 3 nnd Culbert 7. North Platte
had flfteon hits and Stnpleton oloven.
Errors woro ono each. Batterlos woro
Llndstrom, Kelly, Ramsey, Klto and
Culbert. umpire Leslio Raskins.
"Tim Cull -Willi
stop nnd tho injured man taken to
Grnnd Islnnd on a special, where he
died at 9:30. The remains were
brought to this city Sunday afternoon,
and the funeral will be held at the
noon In charge of the B. of L. E. The I " 1111 n 10 "u uusui;'8,,ui
fnni i i.Ai.i m, good corn. R. N. LAMB. 47-2
nnnlversaVy of his wedding. Thd pall- Thomas Golden, of O'Nell, Is spend
bearers will bo Engineers . Fonda, ing this week with local friends
uuiiiu, i-1 uiii lunnun, xuiiKliin, OilllLlll - 1 1 n nii. . t
yenV8SSredK";eTa",rroom "on to spend a
Island with the deceased. """"
Miner Hinman loft Sunday morning
Telegram Received from Buick Dealers,
"A real bomb! Now listen. Some real classy
car with beautiful line, abundance of power, that
seats five passengers comfortably, with all the latest
equipment, including Delco Starter and Lights, One
Man Top, Stewart Vacuum Feed, Non-Skid Tires all
around. Price
F. O. B. FLINT."
John N. Bonner was born at Annlo- for Grand Island to visit for several
ton, Wis., March 9th, 1S59. When six aays.
years or age ms parents movcu to Dr. jiarle Ames left Saturday
Union Mills, Pa., Where 110 entered ftVnnIne for Pnvtnn tn snmul n cminlrt
1 - 1 , iLt.. I .1 , I ' ' 1 1 I
Buiiuui. uiiriiig uuh penuo, wiiunovt'r 1 0f days.
inn nnimrniiniv wiih nnoniiMi mm. n i
mlPiit ho rminii rlillnt? in tim pnii nml Miss Villa Whittakcr left yesterday
ringing the bell of a Penn. & Erie niornlng for Omaha and other eastern
Ry. engino run by EnglncOr Bill Sand- i'"'-
misky, wnenevcr that worthy's tram Miss Myrtle Goettscho. of Sidney, is
camo Uirough tho village. It was visitinc this week with tho Sonser
men inai me engineer s iever iook family.
decided to bo an engineer whon ho Dennis O'Brien, of Council Bluffs,
crew un spent the past fow days with his niece
In October, 1S73, Mr. Bonnor came "lia- ""'-
to North Platto, then a typical fron- Mrs. Theodore Lowe, Jr., will enter
tier town. Here he attended school un- tain tho members of the J. F. F. club
til his nrteenUi year, when ho entered this afternoon.
th cnpaclty of brakeman. Ho broke . Mr uim wrence mukt icil a
for Ed Searlo. Clms. and Ooorce nick- fcw lavs nK for California to spend
inson, Ad Scnter. Guy Laing and other soveral weeks.
old timo conductors of that period Mrs. B. Eshon left yesterday morn-
on what wns then known ns the Ing for Caner. Wvo;. to visit friends
"Mountain Division," extending from for two weeks.
brakes, the only system of brakes L"? aie,W Jy". here combinnB uusi-
used on freight nt thnt tlmo. All the
coal supplied to engines away from Miss Maudo Warrington returned
terminals wasl shovelbd Into boxej yesterday morning from a visit with
which were carried up Inclined planks relatives in Cozad.
rr."'"',"" :boaX Misses Sarah and Hallio Mulr, of
each rather a primitive and tedious M?"d' Tca"n,lay to vlsIt the,r
Jirrangemoat as compared with im- Dlolt' .
proved chuto loading methods' of to- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walz of Omaha,
day. In those days the presont thriv- came yesterday to attend the funeral
ing town of Julesburg was" not on the at the late John Bonner.
map, but whero 1U now stands the
brakeman and firemen were often com
pelled, during tho winter mortjhs; nf-
Mrs. John M. Vernon and baby, who
spent soveral weeks in. Dos Moines
ter reaw siormsr to run aToi'ahead w,th rellUlvc3' relr"ci1 ho Sn(Iay
of trains nnd try to drive herds of Miss Goldstein, of Des Moines, who
half famished cattle from the tracks was a guest at tho Pizor homo, left
With lumps of coal, Whips or clubs yesterday morning for western points
in xrtier 10 proceed. .or were tney ai- MIss nnrfh t,,,,,. hna rntm,.,i
wnvs BtiPPOflGful liiir nr on iin1 int. . .
m, f f ,r " Bhtort visit with her brother O. II
with a Texas steer in hot pursuit. Thoolocke
On August lGth, 1S7G, at tho ace of
1G. ho. entered tho locomotive branch! Mr. and Mrs. John Wolback and
of the service as fireman on onclno 31 children returned Sunday afternoon
with Engineer Daniel Hcaphy at the irom uozau aucr visiting relatives tor
throttle. On his eccond trip as fire- n weeK.
i. , , . . i i . ,, i , 1 1
luiui, niu imy iruiu. u CUUUOSO niltl I o,t -it-i a n r-,,ii i
pay car, was pulled from North Platto dauchter returned to their hnmo In Master Harold Lanhnm, of Stroms
to Cheycnno. a distanco of 225 miles. ; ,lu LT?,. burg, camo last week to visit his sister
and all sections gangs, agents, ondra- Xfi. ' b Mrs. L. W. Toolo.
tors, tram and engine men between
thoso terminals, woro nald off In rIy Mr. and Mr3. Georgo Adams, of
hours and flfty-ilvo minutes. This was Cheyenne, visited the fornior's fnlherr'
considered pretty fast time In those "ro yesterday while enrouto homo no9,uon m nursinf
lays, every stop being made bv hand irom umnua. mijis Graco Hrctcrnltz ami brother
brake. It was during this period of ::o:: Charles Hvent to Sidney Saturday
union I'aclllc history that locomotive Farm nnd Ranch loans at Jowcst, monnig to visit relatives
V.r .i i 1 B n . nouB,"ns uocamo rates and best terms. Money on hand D, C. Glddcon, of Donnphan s-llo was
Truly Great Men
are the men who started, at an early date, laying
aside t small portionof their income, regularly.
Small though your savings may be each week
or month, it is n.ost'surprising what theyvill
amount to if kept up regularly for a term of
Let us show .you some most astonishing figures
along the lines of weekly and monthly savings.
None too small; none too large.
McDonald State Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
The Bank Behind The Thrift Movement.
1008 Wast Fourth Street. Phone HO
Ethical, Moral, Efficient.
An Institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement
DR. J. S. TWEffEJr, rhyslclnn and Surgeon.
a itil35'Mgaivi'i,"'' "ssk
Your Facta&y on the Farm
Modern fa are laid out soas to get the most
work done with the least lost motion. The barn ought to
be planned in the same way.
Back hauls and other faults in planning arc expensive.
They make the work more difficult and waste your time
in the bargain.
The farm factory, also, should be large enough to take
care of the produce from your fields. Many real estate
men estimate the fertility of a farm by the size and ap
pearance of the barn. They set the proper valuation ac
cordingly. Command our services when planning your new barn.
We'll eo the limit in heloine vou.
Miss Anna O'Conncll left Friday ov-
ovcnlng for Ogalalla to take a special
ll .1 tl nil nl.i 1i 1 nM. it
"uu""'fi H, lis U1I mil lime ... lnK lnillle nrnimiHr
llromen Will distinctly romembor. ,0 c,oso Iontls Promptly.
uuring his servlco of five years andMiitt m-'l'IIAISAIS' & PATTERSON.
two months as llreman, Mr. Bonnor
fired for Prank Smith, Patrick O'Hara.
Carl Pierce, Alex Stewart, Sr, and
ninny other engineers of that day.
On Octobor lGth, 1881, at tho ago of
ji years, no was promoted by J. II.
.Mct'onneii and placed In chargo of
wngino ,o. 117, a 4 ft. 1Cx24 "Rod
ger's" engine Ho enjoys tho distinc
tion of being tho youngest engineer,
m years, over promoted by Jlr. ato-
Connell during his connection with Uio
Unlrn Pacific Railroad.
Soon after his promotion ho was
engaged in. construction work on the
Ju-losbiirg branch under Sunt. Robt. no joined Division SS. of tho n.
of Ii. K., in 18S2 and was instrnment-
al in Inaugurating tho first May Hall
and has always taken an active inter
est in promoting tho success of this
annual function, which 1ms become
tho most prominont social feature of
our city.
Ho was married Juno 27. 18S3. to
Miss Etta Stobblns of this city who
survives uim and to this union wore
born four childrou Carl S., Mrs.
W. II. Cramor, Adolbort and Holon.
Tho funeral of Rro. J. X. Bonner will
bo hold nt Lloyd opera house Tuesday.
Juno 27th, nt-2:30 P. M. central tlmo
intermont North Platto cemetery,
All ongineors nro rcnuostcd to meet
nt the K. P. hall at 1:00 P. M. to ar
rango to attend tho funeral in a body.
Tho pallbearers will ho Brothers
Froderiekson, Fonda, IJurney . Doug
las, Smith and Schwnlgor. Engineers'
servlco will bo hold at tho gravo.
Acting First Engineer.
visiting his nephew Clyde Giddeon
and family left Friday evening.
Master Ray Brotornltz, of Sidney,
who visited tho Brctornltz family last
wook left for homo Saturday morning.
Miss Lou Hendricks returned to
Lincoln.Frlday evening rfftor visiting
Mlssca Sybil Qantt nnd Luclllo Mc-
Miss Gladys Bird entertained twolvo
young ladles nt a dinner party Friday
evening at six o'clock. Tho tablo dec
orations woro uniquely arranged.
MIbsos Florcnco and Lovona Weber,
of Peorln, 111., who visited Mr. and
Mrs. Lcm Toolo last weok havo gone
to Donvor to spend two weeks.
Mrs. Joseph W'esnor, of Cheyenne.
who visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard
Williams last weok loft Saturday
; tO ;
Real Kstnlo nnd Insurance
Como and boo us for town lots In
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy torms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowey Sta upstairs.
Clause for Sale.
Bids will bo received by tho undor-
Wo liine found u -nay to rc-surfaco
old Honrs and make them look like pnl.
Islied oak.
The now surface can be any color
desired regardless of what It was Un
signed until July 12, 101G, for the salo and Is eual to genulno oak In
of Lot 0 of Block 121 of tho original wear
city of North Platte, Nebraska, being
tho Prosbytorlan Manso situated at
G15 West Sth street. Tho right Is re
served to roject any and n bids.
J27-J3 Pres. of Board of Trustees.
The brick, etc., on tho old Front!
street brick burn site, see John Brott.
lug and washing quality.
It Is easy to apply anil tho cost is
very low.
Come In and seo If you can tell
which Is ChNNaiuel and which
REAL oak.
Telephone Your
Grocery orders to 32
TV va.Sll fim. nnAmnt nn rl
jsj Aliuy Will given itwuij'ii
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North of Postoffice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for tha
scientific treatment of medical,
urgical and confinement casei.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B.Redfie!d,M.D. J. S. Simms, H.D
Miss M. Sieman, SupL
In the District Court lof Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska,
William Robb, plaintiff, vs. Cornelia
WrlKht and Wright, her husband,
first and real namo unknown, defend
Tho defendants Comolln L. Wright
and Wright, her husbnnd, first and"
real name unknown, will tako notico
that upon tho 16th day of Juno, A. D.
1916, tho plaintiff horein filed his pe
tition In the district court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, against snld de
fondants and each of them, tho object
and prayer of said potitlon being to
havo tho Mtlo of tho Northeast quar
ter of Section 20, Township 13 North,
Rango 33, West of tho Gth P. M. in Lin
coln County, Nobraska, quieted in said
plaintiff as against a certain tax fore
closure, becauso of the fact that said
palntiff has boon in tho open, notorl- i
ou3. exclusive, continuous, adverse
and hostile possession of said land un
der a tnx deed for more than ton vc-i-5
11-X ' " "V i' " " '
Ik: 1 ' "
r.r : - c;v.:v.
You and oach of you aro require!
to answor said potltion on or before th
31st day of July, 191G.
By Muldoon & Onerst,
J20J14 His Attorneys.