THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Summer Luncheons ll ma jiffy jga Let Libby, .plendJJ chefs relieve yoa 1 oinoi-WMiha cooking. Stock Iho pantry hell with Sliced Dried Beef rtr tu nlV.... ) - w.w vhki guvu summer meats including Libby' Vienna SausaM you 11 find them fresh and appetizing. lLibby,M?Ncm& Labby, Chicago fl Hi a Tit if b - - -w 'ii mm ii i kanua DAISY FLY KILLER gtf STSffi ll.i. Ilut, don, or. namsntal, nt. ctitap. Lasts nil aaaaon. Mad.of mUI, can'tiplllortlp oren will not sol I or 1 ujura anything Qaarantaad effective. Alldoalaraoreient eipreia raid for 11.00. HABOLD BOMEBl.ltO Da Kalk Are., Bro.slya, K. T. CCTCTkC Alfalfa K, Sweet Clover IS. Karms r" I I l.Ti for "ale and renton crop payments ULiXJlSU J. MULUALI.. Boo City, Jo Santos-Dumont. Santos-Dumont is visiting many cities in South America In the inter est of the Pan-American aeronautic conference. JIo was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on July 20, 1873. From 1900 to 1906, he demonstrated to Eu rope the possibility of conquering the uir with the dirigible balloon ns well as with the aeroplane. He spent in aeronautics alone over $50,000 a year for 12 years in experimentation. While In Paris in 1901 ho won a prize of 250,000 francs, lie was made cheva lier of the French Legion of Honor in 1904, and in 1909 received the ofii cer's cross. He Knew. Tommy Father, what are "silent heroes?" Father Married men, my boy! HOW TO TREAT DANDRUFF Itching Scalp and Falling Hair With Cutlcura. Trial Free. On retiring touch spots of dandruff and itching with Cutlcura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. A clean, healthy scalp means good hair and freedom, in most cases, from dandruff, itching, burning, crustings and scaling3. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Wield Pen and Sword. The report of tho Authors' club of London gives some eloquent figures. Out of 644 members resident In Great Britain, many of whom are far past military age, no less than 171 are in active service in connection with the war. Six have died in action or of wounds and 13 votes of sympathy with members in tho death of sons or brothers upon tho Hold of heroism have been adopted. The same hand, it is clear, may wield both pen and sword. Qualifications. Stella Tho ostrich doesn't see much and digests everything. Bella What an Ideal husband! Never attempt to bully a Judge or a Jury unless you have previously bribed them. UNCLE SAM OPENS COLVILLE INDIAN WASHINGTON "Go Great Northern" and Register at Spokane, Wenatchee, Colville, Republic or Omik July 5th to 22nd Inclusive. 350,000 acres of desirable agricul tural lands open to homestead entry. Five registration points including Omak, only registration joint actually on the reservation and reached only by the Great Northern Railway. Low Round Trip Fares Round Trip Homeseekers' Pares to all registration points named in effect June 20th, July 4th and July 18th. Summer Tourilt Fares to North Pacific; Coast points, on sale every day. permit stopover for rrgiatratlon at Spokane and Wenatcbee. Stopovers Allowed enroute at Glacier National Park either on coins or return trip. Send Now (or Colville Circular 39 Hl out coupon below and mail ttday, for d tailed information, map folders and booklet!. E. 0. LEEDY. Central Immlorttion Agent, C N. Ru st. Paul. Minn. C. E. STONE, PattangerTralNcMou 3t .Paul, Minn. eTcTEeEDY , Gen! J.TSt.""" TTiT- Send Colville Opening Circa nt nv..oi. rial, luuuii liar 39 Address. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 26-1916. ft , Ml) Kit t iv? svtr s r: M M mam I r.t ... 1 iaYnHlHl at P'oilLW The mcrm "Whether n life Is noble or Isnoblo depmuls not on tlio rullliiK which la ndopted. but on the spirit In which It Is followed. Sir John l.ubbock. CHOICE PUDDING SAUCES. The samo attention should bo given to the preparation of pudding Bailees as is given to moat sauces, as well ns tho proper snuco to servo with ench pudding. German Sauce. Doll together ono cupful of sugar and a half cupful of water for 15 minutes. Then whlBk Into It tho beaten yolks of three eggs and continuo heat ing over hot water until thick. Add a tablespoonful of butter, one of vnnllln, and tho stldly beaten whites of threo eggs. Stir over the boiling water threo or four mlnutCB until tho eggs nro cooked. Tho vanilla should bo added after tho sauco Is cooked. If other flavors, like currant Jolly or fruit Juice of various kinds, are added, it Is not bo important whou It is, added. Opera Sauce Cream a fourth of a cupful of softened butter with a cup ful and a fourth of light yellow sugar. Add slowly as much cream as It will take without curdling. Flavor to tasto. Currant Jelly Sauce. Beat a cupful of double cream until thick; add cur rant Jelly till a light pink in color. Brown Sugar Sauce. Take a cupful and a half of medium brown sugar, add a pint of boiling water and a table spoonful of cornstarch; boil ten min utes. Just before serving add a tablo spoonful of butter und a grating of nutmeg. Creamy Sauce. Cream two table spoonfuls of butter with a cupful of powdered sugar. Add a tablespoonful of vanilla or any desired flavor and two tablespoonfuls of cream, beating well. More cream can bo added if It is not soft enough to drop easily from a spoon. Orange Sauce. Beat four yolks with tablospoonfuls of powdered sugar, a cupful of cream and tho grated rind of nn orange. Cook like custnrd until smooth; strain and serve. Fine on a fruit salad. Chocolate Sauce. Boll together for five minutes a half cupful each of sugar and -water. Cool tho sirup bo fore stirring in four ounces of choco late, molted. Add a half teaspoonful of vanilla or a pinch of cinnamon. Stand in a pan of hot water, and when ready to servo add a half cupful of thin cream. Every good and commanding move ment In tho annals of tho world Is tho triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing- great was ever accomplished without lu ll. W. Emerson. The most wasted of all days Is that on which ono hns not laughed. Cham fort. GARNISHES FOR SOUP. The garnishes for soup will often make an otherwise common soup qulto out of tho ordinary. Marrow Balls. Tako a tablespoonful, of finely cut marrow, threo tablo spoonfuls of flno bread crumbs, a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Work to a smooth paste, add ing a little raw egg if needed to make it smooth. Form in balls the size of a filbert, drop into the boiling soup and simmer about fifteen min utes. Spinach Balls. Take an equal bulk of finely chopped cooked spinach and very fine bread crumbs. Season highly with popper, salt and cayenne. Add enough egg white to moisten well, then let stand to stiffon. Shape in balls tho size of hickory nut; poach in the hot soup for five minutes and serve four to each plate. Forcemeat Balls. Scrapo enough raw lean veal or chicken to mako a half pound, Soak half a cupful of bread crumbs, froo from crust, in milk; when soft squeezo dry; add four tablespoonfuls of butter, tho scraped meat and tho yolks of two eggs, pound Iho whole smooth and force through a conrso slove. Season with salt, pop per and nutmeg. Form between two teaspoons Into almond shaped balls; iok about ten minutes in stock that Just simmers. Ham may bo used as above, with parsley and onion Juice, leaving out tho salt and nutmog. Pound to a paste and the sifting may he omitted. Shapo into largo hallo and cook in stock. Tfioy should be as light as a sponge and may bo sorved with any soup. Good to Remember. Every young man should remomber that if his income Is Just a little abovo expenses ovory day, ho will evontually bfieomo well off. If his receipts dally lack a little of meeting his expendi tures, he will in time bocomo a candi date for public favors at tho poor houso. Honest work at any calling and such economy as tho caso requires Is honorable; while Idleness and spend thrift habits are a disgrace to anyone, young or old. Now Canaan (Conn.) Advertiser. LsafM&A. 63 What you nro ciicnkit so loud ns to drown altogether any declaration you may mako of what you wish men to think you are. Tho deceiver deceives no one but hlmfolf. Cope. COMPANY MEAT DISHES. Thero Is no moro wclcomo meat dlsb than chicken plo and when baked In the individual dishes, it Ii e s p o c i ally attractive. When cooking tho chick en, if a smnll pleco ol onion is added, not enough to ho nt all ob Jectlonable, tho llttlo fla vor adds much to the dish. Throo very small biscuit mny bo placed on tho Indl vidtial dish which makes It especially good looking Salmi of Pigeon. Draw and truss n half-dozen pigeons, put Into a kettle ono onion and ono popper chopped; when soft ndd the pigeons and turn un til woll soared over, using four table spoonfuls of fat; add a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, a half can of mushrooms, 12 stuffed olives, a tea- spoonful of salt and lot simmer until the pigeons are tender. Swiss Meat. Cut tho meat from a three-pound shin of beef. Into a soup kettle put a tablespoonful of sugar and stir until melted and brown; then ndd throo quarts of water, putting tho beef bones in (he bottom of tho kettlo and tho meat on top of them. Cover and simmer gently for two hours, then add a bouquet of herbs, an onion, a turnip and two carrots, all diced, and a cupful of cooked pons. Cook until tho vegetables are tender, then add thickening of four tablespoonfuls of fat and threo of flour, cooked together; add a llttlo of tho soup. Strain tho soup and servo clear. The meat and vegetables may be heaped on a platter. This will mako a most satisfying meal with a simple dessert Turkish Tongue. Wash a fresh boe tongue and cook it slowly for twe hours. Skin It and tie in shape, save tho water in which it was cookod fox a soup. Put four tablespoonfuls ol sweet fat Into a kettlo; add a sweet red pepper, chopped, a pint of button onions and a carrot, cut In fancj shapes; stir until they aro Bllghtlj browned, then add tho tonguo and n half pound each of raisins and stonei dates. Add a quart of tho liquor in which tho tonguo was cookod, covei and simmer gently two hours longer Serve tho tongue with tho other In gredtents around it. Reduce tho sauc If necessary and servo with It. Who Is the happiest of men? Ho who voluoH the merits of others, nnd In their pleasure takes Joy, even ns though It were his own. Goethe. DELICIOUS CAKE FILLINGS. An ordlnnry cupcake or a plain, cheap, simple cake reclpo may bo sc varied by frostings and fillings that it is always different. Pineapple Filling. Tako a tablespoonful ol gelatin dissolved in a llttlo pineapple Juice, add a half eupful of grated pineapple and enougli lemon to mako It pleas antly tart; udd very stlfl boiled frosting to make sufficient quan tity of Icing, and filling. Orange Filling. This Id especially delicious with any white cako, but It a great favorite as a filling for choco lato cake. Tako the rind of an or ange ns woll astho Juice, put into a cup and fill the cup with water, cook two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, a pinch of salt, the yolks or two eggs and a third of a cupful of sugar with It; add a teaspoonful of butter and a llttlo lemon Juice. Cool before using on cake. Fruit Filling. Tako a cupful of seeded raisins, a half pound of blanched almondB, a half pound of figs, the same amount of dates nnd a fourth of a pound of citron. Put these twlco through tho meat chopper and add enough boiling frosting to mako a soft paste. Plain Chocolate Icing and Filling. Melt two ounces of chocolate over hot water, add two cnpfuls of brown sugar, a half cupful of milk and a teaspoon ful of butter; cook until It makes a soft ball in cold wntor. Cool, add a llttlo cinnamon and Rtlr until thick enough to spread. Put It on while tho cako Is wnrm. Maple filling la dollclous, uslug ma ple sugar for tho sirup and boating it ai any boiled frosting. Some Achievements. There's nothing wonderful in tho story of tho mun Dorn without hands who became an expert penman. Some of the most popular theories in tho Intellectual world axe started by men who have lost thelf heads. Too Much to Expect. "That man is so honost ho wouldn't steal a pin," said Mr. Goodo. "I nov er thought much of the Din tost," an swered Mr. Cayenne. "Try him with as umbrella." Stray StorleB. THE TONGUE By REV. L. W. GOSNELL Superintendent o( Men, Moody Blblo Institute of Chicago TEXT If any man offend not In word, the tmmo Is a porfect man, nnd nbto also to bridle tho whole body, James 3:2. Speech Is u distinguishing gift of man. Said a witty Gorman: "1 will bellovo that nn nutmal thinks when ho tolls me so." Tho world would be a strango plnco It wo could not talk, yet wtint a world It is because wo enn talk! Tho difficulty of con trolling speech is pointed out in our toxt, a n d thoso who havo boon Btrlvlng longest for per fection approcl a t o most fully this difficulty. It will 'bo worth whllo to follow tho discussion of tho tonguo which 1b found in tho succeeding versos of tho third chapter of James. First of all, James speaks of tho power of this "llttlo member which boastcth great things" (vv. 3, 4). Llko tho bit in tho horse's mouth which en nbles us to turn tho wholo body, or tho tiny rudder of tho ship, which di rects Its course through tho stormy deep, so tho tonguo Is a great power In tho guldnnco of life. Wo niurvol when wo seo tho multltudo swayed by tho speech of tho preacher or tho volco of tho singer. Wo need only to mention Magna Charta, tho Declar ation of Indopendcnco, tho Emanclpn tlon proclamation or Luthor's Thcsos to bo Impressed with tho power of even wrltton words. But James goes on to speak of tho mischief which may bo wrought by tho tonguo (vv. fi, 6). It Is llko a lit tlo flro kindling a great forost. A vonomous tonguo hurts not only oth ers, hut oneself; James says: "It do fllolh tho wholo body," nnd wo may bo certain that so .long as an ovll thought Injures tho spirit, wo cannot escapo from our ovll words. Hedges About the Tongue. An old writer sayB: "Wo may seo tho cunning and curious work of na turo which hath barred and bodged nothing in so Btrongly ns tho tonguo with two rowB of teeth and therewith two Hps; besides, she hath placed it far from tho heart, that It should not utter that which tho heart conceived." James goes on to speak of tho un- tnmablonesB of tho tonguo (vv. 7, 8) Every kind of beasts and blrdB, or crooplng things and things In tho sen, has been tamed by man, but tho tongue can no man tame, although God can do even this thing. Even after regeneration, wrong hab Its of Bpeech will assert their sway. How easily the oath springs to tho Hps of tho aforetimo blaBphomor! Finally, James speaks of tho in consistency of tho tonguo (vv. 9-12). Therewith wo bless God nnd yot curso men, made In IiIb lmngo; as ono has put It, such abusive railing against men Is llko Bpltting on the Btatuo of the emperor whom wo profess to honor. Even naturo robukos us for such inconsistency, for no fountain sends forth both sweet water and hit ter. Aosop, tho writer of fables, was n slave Ho was onco ordered by his master to procure the" best thlngB in tho market for dinner, and sorved courso after courso of tongues. Ho argued: "Is thero anything bettor than a tonguo? Is not tho tonguo tho bond of civil society, the organ of truth and reason and tho organ of our praise and tho adoration of tho gods?" Tho slave's master directed that tho next day ho should buy tho worst things ho could find, and again ho brought tongues. This tlrao ho reasoned: "Tho tonguo Is surely tho worst thing In tho world. It Is tho Instrument of nil strife and conten Hon, tho Inventor of lawsuits, and tho source of divisions and wars; It Is tho organ of error, of lies, of calumny and blasphemies." Skimming the Milk. This Inconsistency of tho tonguo appears In tho lives , of thoso who evon do many deeds of kindness This was quaintly set forth by an old lady who said to hor grandchildren "If you'ro going to glvo mo a pan of milk, don't skim It first." They found sho meant that whon n favor was done for her, she disliked to havo It spoiled by an ungracious word. "An other errand? I novor go downtown without half n dozon commissions.' Tho boy gets tho hook nnd really doesn't mind, but he has skimmed tho milk. "Theso gloves ripped again It Booms they always nood mending whon I am in a hurry." Sho really wants to keep tho gloves neat, hut sho aklms the milk. What a solemn word James speaks In tho first chapter of his eplstlo (v 2): "If any man among you seometh to bo religious and hrldleth not his tongue, hut decelveth his own heart thlB man's religion Is vain." How glad wo should ho that we have our Helper, Ono of whom It is said that "he opened not his mouth," when It was a time for silence, hut of whom It Is said also that tho peoplo "won dered at tho grd,clpUB words which proceoded out of fyls mouth." Hippopotami Can Run. In Bplto of Its clumsy build, tho hip popotamus can trot fast. That Is why ho was given tho nnrao of river-horse. Tho hippo's feet nro kept fnr npnrt by tho wldo body and mako pathB with a rldgo down tho middle, so as to bo rcc ognlzablo at once. They hwIui well, but go nt their greatest speed when thoy can gallop along tho bottom In shallow water. They can stay under wnter a long tlmo, nnd whon thoy como to tho surfneo thoy solid llttlo Jets of spray from tholr nostrils. Tho cow Is dovoted to tho calf. Tho young ono stands on hor bnck as tho mother swims. Its Risk. "A kiss may often havo deeper meaning than appears." "Porhaps, hut It Is a thing you havo to tako on Its face value." Cautious Definition. "Pa, what Is a flguro of speech?" "Il'ml Whoro's your mother?" "Sho's gono In next door." "Woll, then, a flguro of speech, my son, Is a woman." WONDERFUL HOW RESINOU STOPS SKIN TORMENTS Tho Bootblng, healing medication In rcslnol ointment and rcslnol soap soothes nnd cools tho lrrltntod skin, and usually stops itching nt once. Tho rcslnol treatment speedily heals cczo- ma, ringworm, and similar eruptions, and clears away disfiguring plmplos oven when other trentmcuts havo boon almost useless. Itcslnol Is not nr experiment. It is a doctor's prescription which proved so wonderfully successful for skin troubles that it has been used by other doctors all over tho country for twen ty years. Every druggist sells reslnol ointment and rcslnol soap. Adv. Not Harmonizing. "Tho man I nm engaged to Iiob been terribly wild, but is going to turn over a new lenf." "Don't trust Biich a had color Bchomo. Rosy futures Boldom grow on purplo paBts." Second Edition. Blox Do you think Doctor Third- ly's sermons nro as good nB thoy wore ten years ago? Knox Sure. They aro Just tho samo now ns ho used then. Important to Mothers ICinmlnn carefully overv bottlo of CARTORIA. a safo and euro remedy for Infants and children, and see that it TIaam 4li a Signature of (& In Use for Over 30 Yearn. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A Protest. "I appeal to you ns a statesman " "Don't dig up that statesman rumor about mo Just now," Interrupted Sena tor Sorghum. "I'm n statesman most of tho timo. But with several conven tions looming up in tho near futuro and a lnrgo following of practical citizens to satisfy, I want to go on record as a politician." Unfortunate Tree. Church Ho snys ho has a family tree. Gotham I'll bet it's a eucalyptus, then. IF YOU OH ANY FniEND Suffer wltu KheumntlKm or NcnrltU, acutnot chronic, tvrlto for my Fti:i: HOOK on lthoumu tlnm Its Cause and Cure. Host wonderful book ever written, It's absolutely lrKKE. Jeitue A. Case, Dept. O. W., llrocktun, Mukh. Adv. Judging by Conditions. "Sin, my dear pupils," said Deacon tinrncs to his Sunday school class, "is tho legacy of Adam." And tho bright boy In tho class re marked that that was probably tho llrst caso on record whore a will was not broken. "Yes," said tho deacon, "but It should bo remembered that thero was enough to go around. I don't remem bor hearing of anybody who didn't re ceive his share of the Inheritance." Solicitude. "Of courso, you admlro the dove of peace." "Very much. But 1 don't know whctlier I care to see It flourishing around under present perilous condi tions and running the risk of becom ing extinct." Force of Habit. Judge Discharged 1 Drldget Wldout a rlferencoT Judge. Bumper Grain Crops I I I alail'HHM Ill mil ..KasTai isx I as all ef BfianAJ!!$u la ho war fax on land nnd bo conscription. Send for illustrated pamphlet and as It for reduced railway rate, information aa to beat tocatloas, tic. Add r usa Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or W. V. BENNETT, Roam 4, Dae Dldg., Omaha, Nabr. Canadian Government Agent PAINS IN SIDE AND BACK How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and How She was Cured. Burlington, Wis. "I as very Irrcc ular, and had pains In my sido and back, but after taking Lydla E. Pinkhnm's Vogotnblo Com pound Tablets and using two bottles of tho Sanative Wash I am fully convinced that I am entirely cured of theso trou bles, and feel better all over. I know your remedies havo dono me worlds of good nnd I hope every suffering woman will givo them a trial." Mrs. ANNA Kelly, 710 Chestnut Stroot, Burling ton, Wis. The many convincing testimonials con stantly published in tho newspapers ought to bo proof enough to women who suffer from those distressing ills pecu liar to their sex that Lydla E.Plnkham's Vegotable Compound is tho medietas thoy need. This good old root and herb remedy has proved unequalled for theso dread ful ills; it contains what is needed to rcBtoro woman's health and strength. If thero is any peculiarity la your caso requiring special ad vice, vtrlto tho Lydla E. Pink haru Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass., for froo advice. Don't Persecute , Your Bowels " Cut out cathartics and purpatlvet. They are brutal, harsh, unnecessary. Try,JP CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act . gently on tin liver. eliminate Due, anu coothe the delicate i membrane of the bowel. C u r Ctnstlpillon, Biliousness, Sli-b II. .4. acbt and lalUssllsa, ao minions anow. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Business. "Whnt'B In a name?" "Thoro'B money In it Any man who can think up a good nnmo for a break fast food can buy sawdust In carload lots and sell It In pound packages at a handsomo profit." Profitable. "I don't boo how tho railroads' can afford to glvo such low rates to com muters." "That's easy. Thoy mako tholr money on itho servants who nro con tinually coming and going." Relief for the Country. "Glvo your vacation to your coun try." And thoroby glvo a llttlo unox poctod rellof to your country rela tives. FRECKLES Not? Is tho Tlmo to Out Kid of Tliosn ueir Npota. Tliere'a no lonter tho illshtest need of feellne ashamed of your freckle, na tho prescription othlne double strength la Guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply cnt an ounce of othlne doubla atrength from your drueclat, and apply a little of It nlsht and morning- and you should soon aee that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones havo vanished entirely. It Is seldom that morn than one ounce Ii needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. rto sure to ask for the double atrength othlne, as this la sold under guarantee of money back If It falls to remove freckles. Adv. Self-important. "Isn't DllgglnB rather self-important?" "I should say so. Ho thinks no's do ing a fish a favor to catch it and let it occupy tho samo boat with him." Natural Progression. "How did thoy get that disabled vossol to port?" "First, thoy buoyed her nnd then thoy manned hor." A barber sometimes combs a man's hair as tho man combs It himself, but a tonsorlel artist novor does. .ssssssssssssssssssssH A "V. sssssssssH P ADTCD'cf iBSSSSSSSSSSSV vjhia I L.IU BSSSSSSSSSSSW I HI V Ll I Good Markets High Prices Prlzos Awarded to Wob torn Canada for Wheat, Oats, Bar loy. Alfalfa and Grasses The winnings of Western Canada at the Soil Products Exposition at Denver were easily made. The list comprised Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grasses, the most important being the prizes for Wheat and Oats and sweep stake on Alfalfa. No less important than the splendid quality of Western Canada's wheat and other grains, is the excellence of the cattle fed and fattened on the grasses of that country. A recent shipment of cattle to Chicago topped the market in that city for quality and price. Wcittra Catala prefaced la 1915 e-tLIrd as much wleil the UniUd States, ar sm 300,000,000 Liikels. Canada in proportion to population lias a greater exportable surplus of wheat this year than any country in the world, and at present prices you can figure out the revenue for the pro. ducer. In Western Canada you will find good markets, splendid schools, excep tional social conditions, perfect climate a and other great attractions. Thero