Ik Jl o rth -A AAA, A, V 'A mil- NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 27, 1916. No. 47 V . .1.1 OK ..ft. milU Y-i'lKST YEAR. V GETTING THE SITE HEADY FOH THE NEW DEPOT. P. D. Schemmcrhom, supervisor of uruige3 anu buildings arrived from Omnha yestorday afternoon and at once began making arrangements for get ting ready the site for the now depot. Ho Instructed Foreman Murphy to secure all the men possible to level the old depot site preparatoryHo removing thereto tho building now standing In the park, where It will remain until tho new depot Is completed. Mr. Mur phy Is hustling Cor men this forenoon, but as laborers In town are pretty well employed It Is probable that It will bo necessary to ship In men. The hotel site will be leveled to within two feet of the surface of the ground, and this depression will later be filled with soli and become part of the park grounds. Tho building at present used as a depot will bo moved about forty feet west. Tho moving of this building as .well as tho dispatchers building will probably be let to a lo cal contractor. The freight depot will be moved about a block east, but this will not be done until tho other pre paratory work Is completed. It is undorstood the depot plans aro now in the nanus of contractors and bids for tho construction will be sub mitted in a short time. CUT AttD COUNTY NEWS. -::o: 3Irs. Lucas Passes Away' Mrs. Susie Lucas, wife of Dr. V. Lu cas, died suddenly at her homo on .west Sixth street at 1:15 Sunday afternoon. For several years Mrs. Lucas had suf fered with asthma and heart trouble and last" fall contracted pneumonia from which she was since affected, and although her periods of illness were not constant, they wero frequent and accompanied with intense pain. Less than a week ago she was taken ill and had been bedfast until Sunday morn ing, when she seemed to bo stronger and requested that she bo allowed to sit up. Tho request was granted and her condition was such that sho walk ed tothe veranda with her husband who had been called to the home of one of his patients, expecting to re turn within a half hour. During his absence her condition became serious and the Doctor was recalled by tele phone, arriving a few minutes after the spirit had taken its flight. Mrs. Lucas was one of the most highly es-i teemed ladles in this city, prominent in church work and charity, beloved by her friends. For a number of years sho instructed a class in tho M. B. Sunday schocl and taught in the local schools for some time. Sho was a charter member of Chapter AK of the P. E. O., and faithfully worked in their interests. On account of falling health for some time past she was obliged ,to discontinue active work in the church and societies, much to tho regret of the members, who realized her ef ficiency and appreciated her untiring efforts for their welfare. Susio Frazicr was born near Rome, N. Y., February 4th, 1875, and wh,n a small child moved to North' Bend, Neb., whoro sho grew to womaao'odu. On October 1G, 1902, she was ' mar ried at Kearney to Dr. V. Lucas of this city, who survives her, and had resid ed hero since that time. Other rela tives left to mourn her are her sisters, Mrs. C. A. Day, of Palisade, Col., and Mrs. Charles Hoffhine, of Cheyenne, and an adopted daughter Mrs. Florino Reynolds. The funeral services will be held at the residence tomorrow af ternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. R. A. Cram. j Mrs. John Shank Is prepared to glvo private violin instructions. Phone Red 317. 45tf Ezra Dowehdwor has accepted a po sition In the Green Pool hall. D. W. Roborts left Sunday even ing for Omaha to spend, sevornl days. E. H. Garrison went to Denver Sunday morning to remain until Wed nesday. Tho record keeper of tho L. 0. T. M. will bo at tho Newton storo on Thurs day, June 29th. Tho Iloyal Neighbors will hold a so cial this evening at tho home of Mrs. J. P. Schmalzrled. 20 per cent toff on all Silk Dresses, BLOCK'S. Mrs, Howard L. Evanai returned Sunday afternoon from a visit with rolativcs in eastern points. Miss Ruby of Omaha, formerly a nurso in a local hospital, is visiting this week with local' friends. Pot Sale Wow house, 1212 west Third street, S1.G50. 41-9 Dr. B. B. Baker left Sunday even ing for Cheyenno and other western points to spend a week or more. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hayes and son left Friday evening for Vic tor, Iowa to visit for several weeks. Mrs. Carl Brotlbcck returned last ev ening from a visit with rolativcs and friends in tho eastern part of tho state. A valuable horse which belonged to J. H. Donegan was killed by lightning Sunday evening while grazing in a pasture near town. wanted Person who found auto mobile crank on Fifth or Sixth street to return same to Maxwell Garage and receive reward. Ice Cream 25c a quart at Wildox Department Store. Austin Bedell left this morning for Denver where he will meet Mrs. Hel- mend and accompany her to San Fran cisco to spend tho summer. Charles Bacon was released from the City hospital yestorday after a severe Illness and left last evening for Overton to spend a week or longer convalescing. . A marriage liconso was granted yes terday morning to John Dionor and Miss Naoma Dowhowcr who will bo married at tho home of the bride to morrow evening. Trousers ilrco-r-wlth every suit. I Kiinrnntco n fit und Al workmanship. Tills offer good until July 1st. HAItKY SAMUELSOX, - , "Tho Suit Mini" T Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coates and son and daughter returned yesterday from an auto trin to Wooil Rivnr nnil Pnlrn Koine there Saturday. Thn of Kearney were ltt rather bad shape. A draft for $1,000 for the policy hold by the late Mrs. Carrlo Marti ceived by the Lady Maccabees yester- uay anu paiu to ireu Marti. Settle ment was made in less than seven days. Sherwln. Williams Dccolint, tho San Hary Willi Finish, wis used exclusive ly to Hnish the walls of the now Hotel 3IcCube. For sale only by TJ1K KKXAL JUIUG STORE, 47-2 Phono No. i. ::o:: For Rent. Suit) of fine rooms, over Huffman's Cigar Store. See Huffman. 47tf RECRUITS ARE BADLY WANTED AT LINCOLN! 'The general recruiting offlcor at Lin coln called up Tho Tribune editor by telophone at one o'clock last night nnd desired hint to express to the public the need of recruits for Co. E, tho North Platte company. Twenty mon aro needed to nil tho company's strongth and theso must respond at once if the company is to bo mustered into tho service. Ho further Btatod that the Fifth regiment Is short an ov en hundred men of Its full comple. mcnt. Tho signal corps of tho Nebraska Guard has been mustered in and will go to tho border at once. The Fourth regiment is full and will be mustered In probably today or tomorrow, nnd Adjutant Genl. Hall is particularly anxious that the 100 men needed for tho Fifth regiment bo quickly supplied so that it may bo inspected and mus tered into service. Calls for Volunteers Secretary Fisher, of tho Chamber of Commerce, wants volunteers for work at tho city park Thursday afternoon. tucso mon are needed to erect a toin porary band stand, build bleachers, tables, for the watermelon feed and benches. All those who will glvo their services aro requested to meet nt tho Chamber of Commerco headquarters at one o'clock Thursday afternoon. Those who cannot devote tho after noon can glvo their time after supper Thursday evening. This labor is for tho Fourth of July celebration If you can noip, piease do. Decorate Business Houses. It is tho desire of tho committee on the 4th of July celebration that every store and placo of business bo decor ated. alSO that GVfirv linmn nnf nn flags on thnt day, so that tho people of uio umerent towns can see that tho peopio or Nortn Platte are patriotic and alive. The committoo also desire that every person owning nn automo bllo or vehicle decorate it and take part in the narndo. As there will bo prizes for floats, uuiomounes aiui'venicles, tho commit tee desire that you notify tho Chamber of Commerce or Mr. W. J. Tiley in or der that you may be entered in the right class. FOURTH OF JULY PROGRAM HAS BEEN COMPLETED :o::- Gct the Latest lVnr News. 45 cents pays for the Dally and Sun day Beo one month. Subscribe now. Delivered at your residence. C. M. NEWTON, 4'-8 Agent for the Bee. ::o:: -, Locals, Win From Hasting The local ball team won both games with Hastings, the Sunday game by n score of six to two, and yesterday' game by a two to ono score. In Sun day's game, which was witnessed by one' of tho largest crowds of the sea son, there vero a number of brilliant plays and tho game' throughout was full of ginger.. Each team secured nino hits, Todcnho'ft twirling for the locals. Yestorday'ss game was ono in which tho strain on the fans was intense, for it was a roal hall exhibition from start to finish. Mn round hoUso team pitched for North i-iuiiu mm Kept the visitors down to two hits. Whilo. North PlnHn a.l three safeties off the visiting twirler. FOR RENT Houses. ii Im I 1 -vx, .... mum iiinuvii rooms, close In, storage space and safe 11HA J 1, WOODMAN & BUCKLEY. ::o:: Weather forecast for North Platto and viclnltv: TTnsnHlnil V - " w . v. KKMUtVl Vl nlirhL ailll Wor1nnf1nv wlfli nmlinl.li showers; not much change In temporn ture. Highest temperaturo yesterday 78. a year ago 83; lowest last night i year ago us. Charlie Chaplin In the two part comedy. "The Fireman" KEITH THEATRE Wednesday, June 28. See Charlie as the heroic fire fighter. HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! The hail season has opened with a 20 mile strip hailed in Adams county and hail strip 15 miles north of North Platte. Your farm may " be next to suffer. Why take the risk, when, for a reasonable premium we can insure your crop against loss by hail in the Home Insurance Company of New York with Assets of $37,000,000.00. The strongest Insurance Company in the world doing a hail insurance business. Losses settled promptly and paid one hundred cents on the foliar. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON TllO nrOLTlim for 11m l."onrtli nt Tnlu celebration has been completed and will be published in detain in Friday's issue. Tho forenoon and evening pro gram will be held on tho south side, wiu imernoou program at the city park on the north side. Tho parade will start at cloven In tho forenoon from tho southwest comer' of tho court nouso square. If all who havo prom ised take nnrt in the rnirmln t win . big odds bo tho moat Imtinfltnir nn Willi as niftiest, that North Piatt. ima nvi.n seen. Ono of tho forenoon features win uo a arm by soventy-flvo voung ladles representing the United States. This will bo held on Front street on tho depot grounds. All tho races will UU 1101(1 ai 1110 CltV ruirk nnd will lw.rl nt 1:30 ill thn aftornnnn mul tlm tvnt.n. niOIOn toed Will 1)0 hnlil nt Mm mt.m place at tlireo o'clock. At four o'clock mere win no a bull game at tho south sldo park bctwoon tho Cleaners and Dyors team of Lincoln mul Mi Platte team. At seven thero will bo a Humary arm at tho court house Biiuure, a oanu concert from 7:45 to 9, and the dny will close with a dance ui me tiioyu opera house. ::o:: For Rent. C room house, modem except heat, 804 west Sixth street, Inquire nt iiuuman s uigar store. 47tf LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Royal Hnhn, of Lincoln, hn3 been visning at tiic Day homo for sevornl days. For Rent Clean furnished rooms wun or 'Witnout board, opposite freight depot, 400 east Front. 47-2 A family reunion was hold at tho homo of A. R. Adamson in tho Fourth ward Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cox, of Council Bhlfis nrrlved Inst evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Temple. Wanted Girl for- general house work, 412 west Fourth. 47tf A baby boy was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn, of Hutch inson, Kims., formerly of this city. Tho Lady Maccabec3 will hold a so cial at tho homo of Charles Groves, 120 west Ninth street, tomorrow afternoon. 'Dean Burnett, of the agricultural college at Lincoln, arrived this morn I'ig raid accompanied th.i silo party. Mr3. K. D. Small and children, of Harvey, 111., are expected Thursday ev ciilng'to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Victor Von Gootz. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Store. Mrs. George McGInloy and children left for Ogalalla Friday evening af ter Vlsltlnir Miss Marirnrnt Mnninlm. for several days. Mr. and Mrs. John Strahom returned Saturday afternoon from Grand Island whoro thov vlnltnd Mnir d ter Mrs. George Zentmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Will Yost wnrn nnllml homo from Excolainr Snrltltrs l!n yesterday by the death of tho hitter's unciu, 1110 lato Jonn nonncr. Tho Lutheran nfil snnlnlv will Thursday nftfirnonn nt thn house. Business of importance All memuers aro requested to attend. Cash Austin savs hn enn nut vnur watch, clock or jowqlry In tho best of ropnlr and guarantee satisfaction. Front streot, opposlto U. P. Dopot. 47-2 Mrs. W. A. Buchllnck nnd nhllilron left last evening for Grand Island, Whero thOV worn nnllnd hv tlin orlHml condition of hor father, John Gorhnm. Wanted Extra holn for .Tulv 4th at the Owl Cafe. 47tf Thomas Golden arrived hero Monday mornlnir from r('nrMrilnn mul win accompuny his wife and children home. inu inner navo ieon visiting m tins city. 1 Wkaj Tho Royal Neighbors will hold a SDCClal innotlni? Mils nvnnlnir thn homo of Mrs. J. F. Schmalzried at 8 o'clock. All members nre urged to bo present. For Sale Millinery stock and fix tures. Will bo sold right if taken at once. Business well established In good locntlon. For further informa tion call Phono Black 832. 47-2 Edirar Crosbv. tho twnlvn vnnr old son of George Crosby, of Sutherland, was oporateu upon for broken bones in his limb yestorday at tho North Platte General hospital, and is doing nicely. All children from the ago of 10 to 11 aro requested to meet at tho high hchool building at I! o'clock this uf- ;ornoon to practlco songs for tho 4th ' f July and to niako arrangements to in In tho parade. ::o: : TO THi: WISH INVKSTOR If you liuro Idle money why not place It In Koine of our choice Urnt mortgage loans, paying 7 to 8 per cent Interest, not taxable We attend to nil ilHnlls. I1RATT, (JOORMAN k BL'CKLHV. Not Ice of Petition Eslato No. 1423 of Georgo Troxlor, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Ni'brnska. The State of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested in said Estato tako notice that a petition has been filed for tho appolntmont of Florence P. Trox- le'r as Administratrix of said Estato, which has boon set for hearing heroin THIRTY CARS START OUT OX Till: SILO TRIP Thirty enrs, filled with about 125 fnrmers, their wives and business men, loft this morning on tho first of the sllo-dalryiiiK and get-acqualntcd trips. About ono-hnlf tho cars wero from tho country surrounding town and four wero from Horshey. Other than tho business men who drovo tholr cars, all tho occupants wero fnrmers, ovl donco of tho Intorcst tho latter aro showing In this move Inaugurated by tho Chamber of Commerco. In nddl tlcn to tho cars occunjed. sovoral empty cars followed and theso will pick up fnrmors along tho routo nnd tako them along tho remainder of tho trip. Tho routo today Is to tho Hoapol dairy farm, thonco to tho Strollborg farm at HIrdwbod, thenco to Scott Roynolds', to Aborcrombio'sc, to Hen ry Stovons' whero tho lunch will bo eaten.. Thonco to Petltfs sheep farm, to E. M. Robbins' farm, to A. S. Gregg's place, to Claus Mylandor's, to Doo llttlo's, to tho stnto farm and thonco homo. Enrouto tho party will bo Joined by several farmers with their cars filled with neighbors. SlionvliMVIIIInins Floorluo for hard or soft wood lloors. It will not scratch or lioillnjr water will not effect it. A stain nml liirnlsh combined For snlo by the RKXALL DRUG STORK, 47-2 riiono Jin. 1. Swedes Hold Festival Tho Swedish pcoplo of North Platto and ndjacont torrltory hold a inld sunmier festival at tho Strollborg grov0 at Blrdwood last Friday with a largo attendanco, many business men and others of North Platto who aro not or that nationality attending. A program of songs nnd recitations woro rondored, boiiio of tho songs wore rendered In tho Swcdo tongue and In cluded was a Swedish poom by Mro. Lludblnd. Tho committoo desires us to thnnlc tho committoo lgePPoDPO to thank tho pcoplo or North Platto for their attendance. For Snle. Almost now Hay Stnckor. Cheap. Phono 793F14. 47-4 The Marvel Junior VULCANIZER. June 26th to July 1st. Special Price this Week $L25 Efficient as it is simple. Small enough to put in oour pocket. Large enough to quickly and permanently vulcanize any puncture. No flame to hum your luhe. No gasoline or alcohol. Will not blow out in the wind. Weighs but 12 oz. NOTHING CHEAP BUT THE PRICE. ECONOMICAL Enough material with each outfit to more than nay for itself. tt . EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. If you can light a match you can operate The Marvel Junior Vulcanizer. Money back if you can afford to he without it. J, S. DAVIS AUTO CO. j :.: :t :.t i.t j,: :.: j.: j.: :.: :.t t.x t.t i.t i.i t.t :.: i.t i.t i.t t.t . :.: j.t j.t :.: j.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t !:i OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH I The First National Bank -or- NOHTJI PL.A.TTU, JKJS1JHA.SKA. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAJPJ2V1X A2VD SURJ'L,USt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACTOItS IN THE GltOWXH OF Tflis DAWK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LABGE BALANCES. ' INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. j: Jt j.t ft l it tt tt it it it it i.t t.t t.t t.t t.t B J.: B j.t I on July 21, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated Juno 20, 1910. GEO. E. FRENCH, J27J14 Couuty Judg it t.t f