The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 20, 1916, Image 7

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No bother to
get summer
meals with
these on hand
Vienna Style
Sausage and
Potted Meats
open and serve.
Excellent for wndwkhct.
I mtit on Libia's at
your grocer t.
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago
Write for freo booklet "Points to be considered befor
purchaslnc a Sewlne Machine." Learn t!ie factt.
Kill All Flies! Thtt
rtuwl anjwhera.Cslsy Fl Klll.r attracts and ktllj oil
tint, data, oraamsatil, connnUnt, and ehssp.
?fp orri will not itu i
Injur fteyttitaff Gur..
Daisy Fly Klllor
SoW by dtalvra. tr
MAHOLD 60MER3, 150 DaKal Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Nebraska Directory
Rooms from f 1.00 tip single, 75 centa up double.
Frank Srobods. 1213-31 S. 13th St., Omaha
Consulting a Lawyer.
"That Is my opinion. Twenty-live
dollars, please."
"I got tho same opinion from an
other lawyer and ho charged mo $5."
"Uh. You had no conlldcnce In
"But you havo in me?"
Precisely. Our opinions aro the
sane, hut tho difference In the cost
Is i'10. And to have confidence in
your caso Is well worth ?20. This
war in Europo is a terrlblo affair, is
It not?" Philadelphia Ledger.
By Compulsion.
"Do you think you will go away for
tho summer?"
"Yes," replied tho meek-looking
man. "I expect to ho perfectly miser
able and spend a great deal inoro
money than I can afford to spend, but
I happen to havo two marriageable
daughters and a strong-minded wife,
bo 1 think I will go nway for tho sum
mer." Novel' English Church.
A novel church, In tho parish of St.
Paul, Southsea, England, was origi
nally a stable, and tho cross on tho
altar was used by tho Rev. H. W.
Workman, vicar of the parish, when
ho was a naval chaplain In tho Good
Hope, tho King Edward VII, and tho
Irresistible, all three of which havo
been lost during tho war. Tho boll of
tho church is an old ship's boll.
A Regular Attendant.
"Do you go to church regularly?"
"Yes. regularly once a year."
A Man's
depends upon his power to
produce what the world
recognizes as of value.
And when you skirmish
around you'll find that this
power which is just power
of mind and body depends
to a remarkable degree on
the food one eats.
For highest accomplish
ment one must have the best
values in food food which
builds well-balanced bodies
and brains.
has that kind of value. It
contains all the nutriment of
whole wheat and barley, in
cluding the important mineral
elements so often lacking in
the usual dietary.
Grape-Nuta comes ready
to eat, is easy to digest,
nourishing, economical, won
derfully delicious a help in
building men of worth.
"There's a Reason"
its the hi
Good company, and Rood conversa
tion nrn the sinews of virtue. Steph
en Alton.
I shall count nothing a falturo but
failure to do right. Chas. Hushes.
After a heavy meal a dainty cub
tard of Bouffle, something easy of di
gestion, should bo
Coffee Creams. Make
a pint of very strong cof
too; cool and add to U a
cupful of thin cream,
four eggs, slightly beat
en, and four tablespoon
fuls of BUgar. Strain into
small cups and place In
a shallow pan, placing
soveral thicknesses of paper undor
tho cups. Put boiling water into tho
pan until it reaches hulf way up to
tho cups. Set into a moderate oven
and cook gently until tho custard Is
firm. Servo ico cold with small choco
late cakes.
Vanilla Souffle. Scald a cupful of
milk, seasoned with a fourth of a tea
spoonful of salt In a doublo boiler and
mix in two tablcspoonfula of flour and
two of butter, creamed together.
Cook while stirring for ton minutes.
Beat well tho yolks of four eggs and
thrco tablcspoonfula of sugar; pour
over tho mixluro iu the double bail
or. Flavor with orango rind and set
away to cool. Cover closely and a
half hour before son-lug tlmo fold iu
tho stiffly beaten whites of four eggs;
bako in a modorato oven 30 minutes.
Serve with chocolate sauco.
Cream of Almond Pudding. Cook
together two tablcspoonfula of corn
starch, throd tenspoonfuls of BUgar,
threo cupfuls of milk and a dash of
salt; cook ten minutes. Add a fourth
of n pound of almond paste, rubbed
smooth with a llttlo of tho hot mix
turo; add tho whites of threo eggs,
beaten stiff .and pour Into a buttered
mo'ld; sot In waterjto bako in a mod
erate oven about 30 minutes.
Sponge Pudding. Tako a pint of
milk, a fourth of a cupful of sugar,
a cupful of flour, a tablespoonful of
butter and three eggs. Mix tho sugar
and flour together, then add a little
of tho milk whilo cold; stir it into tho
romaiudor of tho milk boiling hot,
and let it cook five minutes. Cool and
odd the butter and egg yolks; fold In
tho beaten whites and place in a
buttered pudding dish set In water to
bako half an hour; Servo with a
creamy sauco.
The shortest and surest way to live
with honor In tho world, la to he In
reality what wo would appear to be;
nil human virtues Increase and
strengthen themselves by" tho practice
nnd experience of them. Socrates.
A chafing dish, thermos bottle or n
tireless cooker are all invaluablo
helps in caring for the
sick. With an alcohol
lamp one may heat a llt
tlo broth or milk, thus
saving many times a long
trip to the kitchen and
back, when timo and
strength aro both valua
ble. A nurse to ho at her
best should never allow hersolf to got
ovor-tired, for it is thus many serious
mistakes havo been made In caring
for helpless people.
When cooking chicken for broth,
or in fact for any purpose, scrub it
well with a small vogetablo brush
with soda and water, then rinso and
wipo dry, Cut In small pleooa- and
put on in cold wntor, If to bo served
as broth. Let simmer flvo hours,
strain, cool and removo the fat. This
broth, bocauso of tho gelatin In tho
bones and tendons, will make a thick
jolly when cold. Rehealt and add
boiled rico or barley; servo with a
dash of salt In a pretty cup, piping
Mutton broth should cook flvo
hours and strain, then when cold re
move every bit of tho fat.
Triplex Soup. This is a soup that
1b such a favorite and bo often recom
mended by physicians that it should
ho found in evory homo-nursing cook
book. Uso equal quantities of beef,
lamb or mutton, and veal; add a pint
of water to each pound of meat. Cut
tho meat In small pieces, adding tho
bones; cover with cold water and sim
mer for four, hours. Strain and sea
son with aalt. Cool to removo tho
fat before using. A beaten egg may
bo added to either of tho soups, but
not allow it to cook at nil, Just Blmply
add to tho hot soup and sorvo. A ta
blospoonful of cream, with a sprin
kling of celory salt ia liked for variety
when added to tho chicken broth.
In the Days of Superstition.
Tho earliest rocord of a witch be
ing burned to death la dated 1275, tho
witch confessing that she fed her off
spring tho flesh of babies. At
Toulouso, in 1335, C3 persons wore ac
cused of being witches, eight of
whom woro burned and tho others Im
prisoned for llfo. In 1324 Potronilla
do Mldla was burned at Kilkenny, Ire
land, by orders of tho bishop of Os
Borj. Somo 75 years lator tboro woro
wholesale witch prosecutions at
Borne, Switzerland.
Hplte. .'ctntlatlan and revenge aro so
utterly Ignoble, and bo munll and fool
ish ns to ho altogether unworthy of
being noticed or harbored. No ono
who fosters such conditions In his
heart con lift himself above tho folly
and siirfcrlng, nnd guldo his life
aright James I.ane Allen.
A tough steak may, by careful cook
ing, become very palatable. Take a
plcco of steak that'
scums tough nnd pound
as much flour ns is pos
slhlo to got Into It.
Sometimes with n Bmnll'
pioco of meat a cupful
and a half of flour may
bo pounded In. Ubo tho
edgo of a heavy naucor
to pound It in then' brown it in a
llttlo hot fat, add onions if desired, a
llttlo hot water and stow on tho back
part of the atovo or In tho oven until
Spanish Steak. Tako six ripe to
matoes or ono can, four onions, two
chili peppers nnd ono and a half
pounds of round steak, Peel and sllco
tho onions, fry a light brown. Cut tho
steak In serving-sized pieces nnd put
tho onions on top, then over theso
place tho poppers nnd tomatoes, cut
fine; add hot water, covor nnd cook for
half an hruir, olthor In tho oven or on
tho back part of tho stovo.
Ranch Steak. Gash a thick round
steak on both sides, rub In flour,
brown, sprlnklo with throo chopped
poppers, cover with hot water nnd
stow until tender.
Baked Round Steak. Tako a two
pound steak, cut in servlng-slzed
pieces, scoro well with a knlfo. Placo
In a roasting pan, season, dredgo with
flour; add a few bits of butter and a
sllco of onion over tho meat. Cover
with water, place In tho ovon and bako
slowly for an hour until tender.
Deviled Steak. Tako ono Jaro flank
steak, one-half onion, two tablespoon
fuls of butter, two tablcspoontuls of
flour, ono toaspoonful of salt, ono-qunr-ter
of a toaspoonful of popper, ono
toaspoonful of mustard, threo table
bpoonfula of vinegar, two cupfuls of
hot water. Melt tho butter in a frying
pan, slice tho onion and fry In tho
butter. Remove tho onion whon brown,
cut the steak In pieces, dip In flour and
fry in butter. Removo tho meat, add
tho salt, mustard, vinegar and popper,
then add hot water. Replace tho
stpak, cover cloBely and let simmer
until tender. Dish on n platter with
tho gravy poured over it and garnish
with brown potatoes.
The man who cannot forgive any
mortal thing Is a green hand In life.
Jt. L,. Stevenson.
The last resort of wisdom stamps It
Ho only earns his freedom and exis
tence Who daily conquers them anew.
Adelaide Proctor.
When eggs aro reasonable a sponge
or angel cako is not at all expensive,
Ottta aa no nutter is needed,
yot such cakes aro not
PS Jl always lilted. The follow
ing ia a light, dellcioua
k I 1 Delicate Yellow Cake.
k Vffl Put a hn,f ounful 01
nutter, a cupful of augar
and tho yolks of seven
and tho whlto of ono
egg into a warm bnwl
and beat until light; add two cupfuls
of flour, sifted, with two teaspoonfuls
of baking powdor and a half cupful
of wntor, heat two minutes; flavor
with grated lemon rind or orange
rind and bako In a sheet. ,
Ribbon Cake. Put two tablospoon
fula of butter, a cupful and a half of
sugar, an egg and two yolks of oggs
Into a warm bowl and beat until light;
then add two and a half cupfuls of
flour, a cupful of milk, and throo ton
spoonfuls of baking powdor; boat
again hard for two minutoa; flavor nnd
divide, pour Into throo tins, arl re
sorvo tho amount for tho last tin to
add a tablcspoonful of cocoa, a tea
spoonful each of cloves, nutmeg and a
half cupful of chopped raisins. Pour
tho layers together with tho dark ono
between; Bpread with boiled Icing.
Chocolate Gems. Tako two tablc
spoonfula of butter, a cupful of sugar,
two teaspoonfuls of cocoa, a fourth
of a teaspoonful of cinnamon and two
oggs, not beaten; ono and a half cup
fuls of flour, a toaspoonful of baking
powder; beat well and bako In gem
pans; frost with powdered augar and
Strong Soul Never Gives Up.
Tho tendency to persevere, to por
slat In spite of hindrances, discour
agements and impossibilities it is
this that In all things distinguishes
tho Btrong soul from tho woak. Car
lyle. One Woman's Thought.
"I hato and loathe tho sight of tho
oxtravagantly drossed woman nowa
days. Sho infuriates mo. Sho has no
right to Bpond a great deal of money
on her body." Queen.
He Had tho Price.
Bill McCabo'a Poughkeopslo team
was playing tho Kingston team ono
day years ago, In tho Atlantic lenguo,
and a guy named Fogarty wob umpire
In tho ninth inning, with tho scoro
tlod, two of McCnbo's men played out,
and ns Bill had only one man extra,
ho had to rush tho bleacher scats to
find a man to fill in. IIo drow n big
hick, who said ho couldn't play, but for
tho fun could fill In, Thcro woro two
out nt tho tlmo nnd tho fans woro ex
cited. Our hero, tho hick, camo to bat. Ho
drow threo balls and tho next ono
across ho plcklod over tho loft field
fenco for a homer. Instead of running,
tho fathead stood there while tho
crowd howled ltsolf mad. McCabo ran
out to him and yelled, "Run, you boob,
Tho hick turned nnd faced BUI and
In a slow volco drawled: "No, sir, 1
won't run. I'm no coward. I'll admit
I lost your ball, but I got tho monoy
right hero in my pocket to pay for It."
Big Sturgeon on Trot Line.
A 400-pound fish was caught in tho
Sncramouto river by Eugono Bnrlon,
tho "musical llshormnn." Bnrlon Is
called tho "musical flshormnn" bo
causo his 200-foot trot lino Btrotchcd
ncross tho Sacramento at Mlddlo
creek Is equipped wltli a chltno of
twelvo Swiss bells ono for each lino
dangling from tho main lino with
spoon attached.
Barton's catch was a sturgeon, a
big fish that measured bovoii feet with
out tho head. Whon tho sturgeon
grabbed tho hook ovory bno of tho
twelvo bollB rang a clatter that awnk
cnod him from his afternoon nap in
his cabin nshoro.
Tho "musical fisherman" was una
bio to land his big catch nlono. Ho
had to call in tho nslsstanco of two
neighbors. Hurlon's catch netted him
$63. Redding (Cnl.) Dispatch to San
Francisco Cnll.
That Itch, Burn and Disfigure Healed
by Cutlcura. Trial Free.
Batho with plenty of Cutlcura Soap
and hot wnter to cloanso and purify.
Dry lightly and apply Cutlcura Oint
ment to sootho and honl. This stops
itching Instantly, clears away plmplcB,
removes dandruff and scalp irritations,
and heals red, rough, Boro hands.
Freo samplo each by mall with Boole
AddrcBB poBtcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L,
BoBton. Sold everywhere Adv.
Her Champion.
Mlsa Gnbblo I think you woro pros
cut when sho remarked that I had n
big mouth.
Miss Kate Yes, and I took occasion
to set her right.
Miss G. That was very nlco of you.
MIbs K. f told her your mouth
wasn't really so big, It only Boomed
bo bocnuso you kopt It open so con
stantly. Boston Transcript.
Envying tho Englner.
"It must bo great to bo n railroad
"Still clinging to your small-boy am
bitions, oh?"
"Oh, It Isn't that. I waB Just think
ing what a joy It must bo to bo ablo
to drlvo and not havo to listen to tho
advice of tho passengers." Detroit
Stopped Oulcktr. Fifty years of nnlntcrrupted
success of )r, Kline s Hpllupur Medlelno Insures
lasting roanlm. LAimnTiUAl. Iiottlm V'iikk. I lit.
BX1KK COMPANY, lted liuuk, N. J.-AUt
Paper Is spun into thread and wov
en into a subBtltuto for Juto textiles by
a process invented in Bohomla.
Most of tho light rays from metallic
filament electric lamps nro radiated
at right angles from tho filaments.
et Contend 15 Italia
l.nni;nrflfteTnnil fitiillfe(1ulv
tinaihc StmnactsandPowgsgJ
i mw t i r 1 1 iii i ii 1 1
Not Narcotic.
uon, auurowway..--. .
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
18 111111S
Why It Is Supposed to Indicate
tlve Disturbance Never Has Beon
Just why a furred touguo Is sup
posed to bo an Indication of a dis
turbance of tho dlgcstlvo apparatus
has novor boon explained. Tho Medi
cal Rocord cnlls to mind "tho rospoctcd
(nnd feared) spinster In our commu
nity a good many years ago who had
her own opinion nbout doctors. Urged
to consult ono of tholr fraternity
whon a llttlo Indisposed, sho would ro- t
pel tho suggestion with scorn. 'All
they do,' sho would say, 'la to say,
"Lot's sco your tongue. How's your
bowols? Two dollars, plcnso."'"
Tho editor says ho lins known physi
cians of tho old school who could dl
ngnoso a caso by looking at tho
tongue, just as ho has known n physi
cian who could "dlngnoso" n cobo
of pneumonia In a child ho had novor
Boon boforo whon ho got ten foot away
from tho bed. And what is more, ho
could toll which side It wuh on and
ovon designate tho lobo affected in
somo cases."
Of courso this Is nnrcasm. Tho ed
itor ia ridiculing tho furred tongtio ns
a symptom of troublo in tho digestive
His Identity.
Wo mot n man with tho most bb
toundingly lugubrious cast of counto
unnco that wo had over seen. Gloom
sat on his brow lllto n brooding con
dor on hor noBt nnd tin abysmal sad
ness scorned dovourlng htm.
"Ah!" Bald wo, "wo porceivo that
you nro a eolohrnted wag, for, in sooth,
wo havo novor boforo In all of woo'a
appointed ways beheld such a personi
fication of wretchedness."
"No," ho replied, "I am not n humor
ist. I feel as ,sad as 1 look. I am a
pacifist, and bcllovo that preparedness
will Inovltably bring on war."
"You do woll to mourn your awful
condition," wo returned. "It you woro
a humorist you might get ovor it. But
you aro n dad-burned fool, and thcro
is no holp for you!"
She Couldn't Understand.
Mnmio Why did you lonvo your
Inst place? ,
Katie Tho master and missus wns
forovcr quarreling behind looked
"But wasn't thcro a koyholo?"
"Yes, but thoy always quarreled In
Safety First.
"You sny you don't euro to nrguo
about tho war?'V
"No at least, not this morning,"
"Why not?"
"Tho plumbing Is out of ordor at
my hotjso and that has used up my
stock of pattonco bo completely that
I would ho miro to, lose my tompor."
I Didn't Think It of Her.
Mother Glndys, you stood on tho
porch qulto n while with thut young
man last night. '
Gladys Why,, mothor, I only stood
thcro for n Bccond.
Mother But I'm suro 1 heard the
third and tho fourth.
It a spinster Isn't nB tall as sho
should llko to bo bIio should got
Speaking 6f tongues n woman can
sfjldom hold her own.
tm. w m m mi w m mm v
What is CASTOR I A
Cnntorla is a harmless Bnbsiitato for Castor Oil, Faro
Corlc, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other ffarcotlo
substance. Its nfjo Is Its guarantee It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fevorislincss. For moro than thirty years it
lias been lu constant tiso for tho relief of Constipation,,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, nil Teething- Troubles nnd
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach, nnd Bowels,
nsslmllntcs tho Food, glvlnf? healthy and natural Bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Hve
Weak Stomach
tomach Bitters
Don't Experiment Get
A family remedy for 63 yeara
Apostle of Sllonce.
"Could I Interest you in a volume
which will tench you how to become an
eloquent public speaker?" asked tho
"I'm nfrnld not," answered tho man
at tho desk. "I mado my reputation in
politics ns a ptiBsyfontor nnd tho less
I havo to nay tho hotter off I'll bo."
As well bo young at 70 as old
at 50.
Many oldorly peoplo suffer lnmo,
hont, aching backs, and distress
ing ilrlnnry disorders, when a
llttlo holp for tho kldnoys would
fix it nil up. Don't wait for gravol,
or 13 right's dlscaso. Uso Donn's Kid
ney Pills. Thoy havo holpod
thousands, young and qld, nnd aro
recommended by' thousands.
A Nebraska Cata
Mr. Earl Curtis,
COS K Bt., North Au
burn, Neb., says: "I
had a swelling
around my eyes, t
paid llttlo attention
to It nnd It gradually
boirati to bo notlco-
nbio In other parts
of my body. 1 had
nervous hendachen.
backaches. In fact.
rrtv' wlinln hnilv was
In pain. Finally. I bocan uslnff Doan'a
Kidney Pills and was entirely cured."
Gt Doan'a at Any Stow. COe a Bex
f Evory,,Woman Wanta
Dissolved la water for douches, stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Inflam
mation. Recommended by- Lydia E.
Pinkham Med. Co. for ten year.
A 'healing wonder for nasal catarrh.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 25-1016.
eore throat and sore ayes. Economical I
Hu cxtrsmdinujr cleanitca and ittmiddul power, 1
SaapleFrae. 50c all ilruisiiu, or patrald Iff g
t.m3. Tha Patten foilrt Com piny, tkntgn. Mm.
Cures tho slolc nnd acts ns n preventative for others.
Liquid Blvon on tho tongue. Safo for brood mares and
all others. Best Uldnoy romedy. SO conta a bottle, $5 a
dozen. Hold by nil drugtjlsta nnd turf iroodB houses, or sent,
express paid, by tho manufacturers. Uooklot, "Distem
per, Cause nnd Curo," freo,
C'liemlnts, floshen, Ind., V, S. A.
Cry For
Signature of
Always Bought