THE GEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AUCTION BLOCK REX BEA 8YNOP8I8. Peter Knight, defeated for' political of fice In his town, decided to venture New "York In order Hint the family fortunes fright benefit by tho expected rise of his charming daughter, Ijorelel. A well known critic Interviews ljorrt Knight, ow stage beauty with tlorgmun's Ilevue, for a xpeclal article, Hoi' coin-hunting mother outlines Lorelei's ninbltlnrts, but HloxRon, tho press agent, later adds his Information. Lorolel attends Millionaire Ilninfflnn'n gorgeous entertainment. She meets Merkle, a wealthy dynneptlo. Hub AVharton comes uninvited. Lorelei dis covers a blackmail plot against Mammon In which her brother Is Involved J A few years ago New York city the whole country In fact S was deeply stirred by a series of $ sensational murders and a con ? sequent shaking up In the police 5 department. For one of these murders four gunmen and a po lice officer went to the electric chair. Here is related the do tails of the kind of dirty work some of the gangsters and their political friends accomplish In me metropolis. CHAPTER VI Continued. Tho Judge had enjoyed the scene. Up chuckled; he clicked his loose front teotli like castnuets. Hob turned at the Bound and regarded him with bo nlgnnnt Interest, his attention riveted upon the old man's dentnl Infirmity. "You're qulto n comedian," Itogan wheezed. "Click 'cm again," said Rob, pleas antly. "Wonderful! Age has Its com pensations. Play 'Ilome, Sweet Home' "When you get 'em tuned up. Or per haps they aro for sale?" Lorelei secured her number mid was Ntirprlscd to recognize hor brother's olee. Sho made herself known, to Jim's equal nmnzement, and then In quired: "Is Max there?" "Sure. He's outsldo ln the automo bile." "Call him, pleaso." "What do you want of him? How'd you know I waB here?" "Nover mind. Call him quickly," At last Mclchor'fl voice cnino over tho w!r6. nnd Lorelei recited tho mes sage, There was n inomont of silence, then sho explained how she camq to do talking instead of Lllas. Ho thanked hor, and sho heard him piutterlng as ho hung Up, Kho turned 0 find her nnnoyer nodding with sat-; Isfactlou. "Splendid! I tha;tk you; my father thanks you; my family thanks you. INow whero would you llko to dine?" "now can (i person got rlrt of you?" she Inquired sillily. "I'm sure I don't know it Isn't bo in rtone. Rut I'll try to think. Wear your prettiest gown, won't you? for, Jt Intend to enrngo all tho other fel lows." She turned with ti shrug of mingled annoyance nnd amusement, nnd ho tailed after hor: "Tho Judgo's teeth will cnte.rlalil no till you come. I'll bo waiting." t Miss Lynn,' as she dressed after tho performance, Cuts stlfi In an evil torn 3r; but sho thanked her roomtnato for .aiding her; then, ns If somo explana tion wore duo, sho added, "That note ras from Jnrvls." "You puzzlo me, Lllas," LoreTol told ;lacr, slowly, "I don't think you care for him nt all." I Lllaa laughed. "Why do you think tint? I adorn him, but we had an en KHgement and be broke It. Men are iU Belflsh; Uie bigger they are the tnore selfish they become. They never do anything you don't muko them." "no enn't sacrifice his business for you." "Sacrlflccl U'h women who uiterl- j flee themselves. D'yon suppose any of . those men we met lust night would mcrlflco himself for anything or any tiody? Not much. They are (he strong nnd the mighty. They got rich through robbery, and they're in the Habit of inking whatuver Ihey want, tehey mud thrlr money out of tho blood and Mirroring of thousands of poor people. That's what It Is blood taaoney." "Is that why you'ro planning to blackmail It oht of him?" Lilas paused In her dressing and turned slowly, brows lifted, Hor dark eyes met tho blue ones unwaver ingly. "Rhuckmnll? What are you talking about?" Mrs. Croft went pule, und retired swiftly but noiselessly Into tho jtavatory, closing the door behind her. "What did Max toll you over the 'phono?" asked Lllas, sharply, "Nothing." "Then wiiero did you irelthat? From Jim?" "Jlm'B pretty bad, 1 Imagine, but bo keeps his badness to himself. No. J've ovorhenrd you nnd Max talking." "Nonnento, We've never mentioned pitch a thing. The lilcu Is absurd. I Set mad nt Jarvls bo's enough to Hidden nuy'body porhnps I'm Jealous, Jnit blackiDutll Why, you'ro out of !jnour liead," Lvreltd delayed her toilet purposely, and finally dismissed Croft. When quiet had finally descended aim opened her door cautiously ami peered out. Hobert Wharton sat on the top step of tho stairway near at hand, but his head rested against the wall, and he slept. Reside him were his high hat. his gloves and Us stick. As Lorelei, with skirts carerully gathered, tiptoed past him she saw suspended upon his gleaming white shirt bosom what nt Hrst glance resembled n foreign deco ration of some sort, but proved to be Mr. Regan's false teeth. They were suspended by a. ribbon that had onco done duty In tho costume of it cory phee; they rose and fell to tho young man's gentle breathing. Lorelei telephoned to Merklo on tho following day, and about tho close of tho show that night his card was ' orougnt up 10 ner dressing room, a ; moment later Robert Wharton's fol-' lowed, together with n tremendous box of long-stemmed roses. Sho went down a trifle apprehensively, for by this tlmo the current talcs of Rob's drunken freaks had given her cause to think somewhat seriously, nnd sho fenred an unpleasant encounter. More than onco she had witnessed qunrrels In the al leyway behind the Circuit, whero pes tiferous youths of Wharton's caliber were frequent visitors. Rut Mr. Merklo relieved hor mind by saying, "I sent Rob nwny on a pre text, although he tworo you had nn engagement with Iilm." "I'm glad you dfd. I left him asleep outside my dressing room last night, nnd I almost Import ho'd caught pneu monia." Reside the curb a heavy touring car wns purring, nnJ Into this Merkle helped his companion. "I'm not up on tho ctlquctto of tills sort of thing," he oxplalued, "but I presume tho proper procedure Is sujipcr. Where shall It be Sherry's?" Lorelei laughed. "You nro Inexpe rienced. Tho Johns never cat op. Fifth avenue, tho lights nro too dim. Rut why supper? You can't eat." "A Welsh rabbit would bo the death of mo; lobsters aro poison," he con fessed; "but I've read that chorus girls aro omnivorous animals and seek their prey at midnight." "Most of them would prefer bread nnd milk; anyhow, I would. Rut I'm not hungry, so lot's ride wo can talk hotter, and you're not thu sort of man to bo seen ln public with one of Rerg- ,M"! 8 -gh-ls." Tho banker acquiesced with nlncrlty. To his driver ho said, "Ttiko tho Long Island road." Tho machlno glided Into nolsoloss motion. "Why do you chooso tho Long Island road?" asked Lorelei. "It's pleasant, responded Merklo. "I rldo nearly overy night, nnd I llko tho country. You see, I can't sleep unloss I'm ln motion. I got most of my rest ln a car: there's something nbout tho movement that soothes mo." "How funny!" "Peculiar, parhaps, but scarcely hu morous. I'd ho dead or Insane with- "I'm Terribly Sorry, Miss Knight." out an automobile. I keep four French cars In my garage, all specially built as to spring suspension and up holstery, and 1 spend nearly every night ln ono or tho other of thorn. So long na I'm moving fust I uiauago to snatch n mlsernblo sort of repose, but tho Instant wo go slow I wako up. I used to sleep at twenty miles an hour; now I can't relax under thirty. Forty Is Hue sixty means dreamless pence." "It does, indeed, if ono happens to ImVQ 11 blowout," laughed tho girl. Tho car wus now darting through unfrequented sldo streets, where the ' pifill! II Zmiiii t II ,1 I nir,ri!.fc lay !r. the sndo-ms llko dnrk pools. Up Iho npprouch to the Queens- boroiiffli bridge It swept, nnd look tho long Incline llko n soaring bird. Rlnck- well's Island Hllppert under them, nn Inky, bottomless pit of despair. The mmm 01 uie ovcnicaica city ennngoti . as by magic, and the thln-fnecd suf feror at Lorelei's side drank It ln ea gerly. Even In tho dim flash of tho passing Illuminations sho noted how tired nnd worn lie was, and a sudden pity stnoto her. "Won't you pretend I'm not 'here, nnd drive Just as you always do? I won't mind," sho said. "My dear, It's late. You'll need to 1 go home." "No, no." "Heally?" His eagerness was genu ine. "Won't your people worry?" Her answer was a short, mirthless laugh that made htm glance nt her cu riously. "They know I'm perfectly safe. It's Iho other way round: a man of your standing takes chances by be ing nlone with n womnn of mine." "Which reminds mo of Miss Lynn nnd Mr. Ilnmmon, You've decided to accept my offer?" "No. I can't be n hired spy." "You suld over the 'phono that you bad learned something." "I have. I believe there Is nn effort oti foot to got some of Mr. Ilninmon's money dishonestly. T have n reason for wishing to prevent It." "I know f wasn't mistaken ln you," smiled Mcrklc. , "Oh, don't nttrlbuto my notions to any high moral motives! I'm getting ,, nttle rusty on right nnd wrong. Pcr- sonally, I have no sympathy with Mr. iinminon. nnd I don't Imne-lnn b.. hp. quired nil of his tremendous fortune In n perfectly honorable way. Resides, hn'a n married man." "It Isn't alono Jnrvls or his family or their money that is concerned." Merklo said, gravely. "Great financial Institutions sometimes rest on founda tions ns slight ns one man's person ality ono man's reputation for moral Integrity. A breath of suspicion of any sort nt tho wrong tfrao may bring on a crash Involving Innocent people. "Hnmmon nt this moment carries n tremendous top-heavy burden of re sponsibilities; his death would be no more disastrous than a scandal that would tend to destroy public confi dence ln him ns n man." "Doesn't he know that himself?" "Perhnps. ,Uut his Infatuation over; took him nt an age when a man Is n fool. Young men nro always objects of suspicion In tho financial world, for ! their emotions aro unruly; but when old men fnlj In lovo they nre superbly heedless of tite consequences. I prom ised to toll you something about Jar- vis, nnd I will, slnco you spoke of his married life. From tho time ho could wnlk ho never knew anything, never heard anything except steel, ne be came n rolling-mill superintendent nl most before he was of nge. They sny ho never did less than two men's work, and often more; but ho could make others work, too, and there Joy the se cret of his success. His mill held the 1 tonnngo record for years. "When tho corporation was formed bo played a big part in the deal nnd I got a blit slice of tho . profits. He j wont Into other things than steel, nnd j ho prospered. Ho hover failed at any-1 thing, Jnrvls had no vices nnd but ono hobby nt least his vices were neu tral, for ho had never taken time to ncqulro tho positive kind. Ills hobby was Napoleon Ronaparte. no read ev erything there wns to rend about Na poleon; ho studied his life and pat terned his own on slmllnr lines. Do I boro you, Miss Knight?" "No; go on. I'm tremendously in terested." "Well, naturally, Hammou began to consider himself nnother Nnpoleon, and his accomplishments were In a way qulto ns wonderful. He even con tided to mo onco that his idol sur passed him In only ono respqet ! namely, tho power to relax. Jarvls had never taken time for relaxation, nnd ho wns beginning to wear out; and so ho deliberately set about learning to play. Tho omperor of France, so history tells us, took ht grentest plena uro in tho company of Avonien; there fore Hnmmon sought women. Ho doesn't know the tasto of defeat, bo tho result was foreordained." "Rut surely ho thought something of his fnmlly," protested Lorelei. "Didn't he consider them?" "I fancy ho wasn't well acquainted with his family. I'm sure ho nover en- Joyed any home life, ns wo underhand It. Ho lived with n rich old w.oman who bore his niimo but scarcely know hrm; his uu.;Uter8 Avero urown wouwu whom ho saw on raro occasions nnd whose extruvngnnt whims ho grntltled Without question. Rut there was little real Intimacy, little sympathy. This wns his llrst taste of youth, Rut ho was not Nnpoleon. As you've noticed, bo's qulto mnd on the Lynn woman. He's no longer himself. Ho has been drugged by her charms, and now bo's paying tho price. I wanted you to know the story beforo Ave went nny further. Now tell mo what you havo learned." CHAPTER VII. Ry tho tlmo Lorelei had completed hor recltnl of thoso occurrences that had excited her auspicious tho car avus rolling out tho roads leading toward tho Long Islnnd plains, nnd, with head lights nblnze, Avas defying nil speed laws. Merkle had drawn tho conver sation shield rearward, nnd In Its shel ter leaned back Avlth oyes closed. He seemed asleep, but after a time ho tipoko abruptly: "Meleher is n shrewd man. Ho wouldn't tacklo n blackmailing Job of this bIzo without protection; otherwise I could put hlni out of Iho Avny very quickly. I dnre Bay Mlsa Lyuu, het Isolf doesn't know who Is behind htm." ',y ,i0n't you warn Mr. tlnmtnim nt onto?" Mcrklc rolled lilu heart loosely. "You don't know the man. rio would laugh nt tho Idea of n plot ngalnst him." Mcrklc dozed acaln. half burled In the cushions. They had passed Jamai ca, but It was not until It had swept Into the Motor pnrkway that the chauffeur let the machlno out. Over the deserted plains It tore, cometllko, a meteor preceded by n streamer of light. Tho causeway leaped Into view nnd vanished beneath the wheels, like n tremendous ribbon whirling upon spools. Merklo lay back Inertly, lolling and swaying to tho side-thrust of tho cushions, but Lorelei fouud her fists clinched and her muscles hnrd with the nervous stralu. Finally she pushed the shield forward, nnd, leaning over tho front scat, stared at the tiny dnsh llght. Tho finger of tho speedometer oscillated gently over tho figure "f0," and she dropped back with a gasp. They had been running thus for n long time. Merklo roused to say, "Is this too fast for you. Miss Knight?" Sho laughed nervously. "N-no, I'm sorry I" Merklo inquired the time of his chauffeur, then directed him to turn homeward along the North shore. "I Bhnn't bo selfish nnd keep you out any longer, Miss Knight." ho said. "If you don't mind, I'll doze on the way ln, and try to figure out the next move In this Hnmmon affair." The return trip was another hurtling rush through tho night, ln a silence broken only by Merkle's demand for more speed whenever the machine slackened Its labor. The miles wheeled past; the Sound lay to the right. They were sweeping over n rolling', 1 I -... ... iwmi duuii! iimii niiun Hiiuuuiny ouc ot blackness ahead blazed two blinding headlights. With startling abruptness they appeared over the crest of a rise; Merkle's driver swung to the right. The Btrnnge car held to Its course: there was a blast of horns, a .dnzzllng Instant of Intense Illumination, .then a crash ns the inside mud-gunrds met. Merkle's car seemed to leap Into the nlr; there was n report of an exploding tire; tho automobile wns bucking nnd bumping, ns If the pavement had been turned Into a corduroy rond; then It camo to a pause, half ln tho ditch. The other car held to Its course, and whizzed onward, leaving In Its wake a drunken shout of mockery and defi ance. "Narrow shave, that. I wonder we weren't all killed." Merklo eyed tho car's crumpled mud-guard and running board, then directed his driver to as certain tho extent of the damage. The motor wns still throbbing, but a brief examination disclosed a broken steer ing knuckle and a bcrit nxle In addi tion to an, injured wheel. "I'm terribly sorry Miss Knight; but I'll have to send for another car," apol ogized Merkle. "Is this splendid machine ruined?" Ho shrugged. "Thnt's the curse of these ronds. Somebody Is alwavs drlv- lug recklessly. Lorelei smiled nt memory of tho miles they had covered so swiftly; but she saw that he was serious and In a sour temper. "One risks his life on the whim of some drunken Idiot the moment he enters a motor car. Now for a telephone." A terse question to his man served to fix their location. "We're not far from the Chateau," Merklo interpreted the nnswer. "That place 1b always open, so If you don't mind tho wnlk we'll go nhend. It will tfiko an hour to get one of my other mnchlncB. but meanwhile wo can have n blto to eat." At her cheerful accept ance bis touo chnnged. "You're all right. Some women would bo hysterical after such a shake up. I swear, I think I feel It more thnn you. If yon were n man I'd llko to have you for a chum." Tho Chateau was n qunsl-roadhouse, unsurpassed by any city resluurant, and, being within nn hour's run by mo tor, It received n liberal patronage. Tips were large at tho Chateau; Its hospitality was famous among those who could afford the extravagance of midnight entertainment; and yet it wns a quiet place. No echo of what occurred within Its wnlls ever reached tho outside world. Sea-food, waflles, and discretion were Its recognized spe cialties, unQ people came for miles mainly In pairs to enjoy them. As the pedcstrlnns nenred tho nve- aue of maples leading up to tho house they espied In tho road nhcjnd of them nr8t tho dull red glow of a tntl light, then a dusty license plate, "There's luck," Merkle ejaculated. 'I'll l,l,. ,. t. A ,. It', It. 14IIS I'UL. In tho gloom several figures Avere standing, facing In tho direction of tho Chntenu, und when Merklo spoke they wheeled ns If startled. "No, you can't hire this machine. Wllut do you think this is, a cab stand?" answered a gruff voice. "Jim!" cried Lorelei, nnd run for ward. Her breathless umnzement at tho meeting Avas no greater than her brother's. "Sis! What the devil nro you doing here?" he managed to sny Ono of tho men who had been kneeling over 11 case of some sort, dimly out lined ln tho rndlauco of u sldo light. rose nnd placed his burden lu tho ton- ucau. "I'm ready," he announced. Young Knight showed some nerv ousncss nnd apprehension emotions Avhlch his companions, Judging by their nlcrt watchfulness, fully tdiurcd, Jim seized his sister by tho arm and led her nslde. "How tho deuce dirt you get here and Avho Is this guy?" Ho Jerked his heart toward Mcrkle. Lorelei Introduced hor companion nnd iimilo known the cause of their present plight. "Humph!" grnntcii Jim. "Whnt d'yon suppose ma'll sny to this you out till night with n man?" "What aro you doing? Who are those people?" sho retorted. "Never mind. Hut sny I don't llko Iho looks of this nffalr." For a second tlmo Merkle nppoalert to Jim. "If you can't tako your sister homo I'll have to telephone for nnothcr car." Jim's tone was disagreeable as he replied. "You two don't look ns If you'd been wrecked. Where's your driver?" Merkle's Jlst clenched; he muttered something, a which Jim Inughed harshly. "Now don't got sore," said the bit ter; "I'm not going to make trouble, only I want to know whero you've been." A bareheaded mnn camo running across the lawn and flung himself Into "Thoy Got Us Into a Private Room, Then Took a Flashlight." tho waiting automobile. One of Jim's companions called his name sharply. "Will you take me home?" his sis ter implored. "Can't do It. I'll sec you later, and you, too, Merkle." His last Avords, de livered as he swung himself upon the running board of the car, sounded like' a threat; a moment laterj and the ma chine had disappeared into the night. "Ilra-m! Your brother has a sus picious mind," Merkle said. "I hope he won't make you any trouble." "He can't make trouble for inc." Lorelei's emphasis on the last word mnde her meaning clear; her compan ion shrugged. "Then there's no harm done, I as sure you." They turned ln upon tho driveway, Avalklng silently, then ns Uiey ncared tho Chateau they became 'aware of an unusual commotion In progress there. Men were running from stable to gar age, others Avere scouring the grounds; from tho open door came r a voice pitched high ln ungpr. The speaker Avas evidently beside himself Avlth Avrath. He Avas shouting orders to scurrying attendants, and abusing the manager, Avho hovered near him In a frantic but futile effort at paclfien tlon. The enraged person proved to be Jnrvls Hainmon. He Avns hatlesa, purple-faced, shaken with combative fury. At first the two newcomers thought he was dnngerously drunk, but, as they mounted to the tiled ter race which served as an outdoor eat ing plnco they saw their mistake. Rec ognizing Merkle, Ilnmmon's manner changed Instantly. "John!" he cried. "Ry God! you're Just in time." "Whnt's happened?" "Rlackiuall, or worse, I hardly know, myself. Theno rutllnns put up some thing on me they're all ln It, even the mnnager." The latter, a sleek Frenchmnn Avlth ferocious mnstnehes and frightened eyes, Avrung Us hands In supplication. M'sleu "Amnion," he bleated, "you ruin me. Siwh accusation Is terrible. Rut wait. Calmness. The man avIII be caught." Caught!" roared the steel magnate. "Vnn l-nnn. ,!. t,n I.. nt.. 1.1... n jL.jt nut.,, ivtii lie in. 1J mil, lu me." A uniformed doorman appeared with n smoking lantern ln his hand, and Hnmmon wheeled upon him. "Well? Did you Hurt hi in?" "We can't find nobody. There Avas a car outside the grounds, but It's gone now." Merkle Interposed. "Will you tell me what has happened V" "It is terrible. Incredible, M'sleu," walled tho manager. "Same old story, John. I came out hero for a quiet supper with a lady. I'vo been coming here regularly. They got us Into n prlvato room, then took u flashlight, nnd there you are. I mnde u rush for the waiter as soon br I realized what had occurred, but he'd skipped. Everybody's skipped, pho tographer and nil. Nobody knows any thing. Rlamedest bunch of Idiots I ever saw," He ground his teeth. Lorelei, who had remnlncd In the background, turned suddenly sick nt memory of that mysterious party nt the gato; she understood now the sig nificance of the man with the box and of the fleeing figure that hart como through the darkness. The terrified mnnager continued his heartbroken lament, and Ilnmmon seemed about to destroy him Avhen Merkle drew tho latter aside, speaking In an undertone. Hnmmon listened bristly, then broke out: "Nonsense. I'd stnk-j my llfo on her. Why, she's prostrated. It's cither pure blackmail, or it's" my Avife's Avork. She's hud detectives on mo for somo tlmo." Merkle murmured something more. "Oh, como now I I know whnt. I'm talking about, nnd I won't stand for that," cried Hnmmon. Mcrklc shrugged; his itext Avords Avere nudlble, and they Avere' both sharp und Incisive. "The harm's done. They got uway clean. Now we've got to kill the story nnd kill It quick lu case they Intend It for the papers." "My Godl Newspapers at this time," groaned tho other.. "It couldn't be worse." "Right. We must move fast Is your car here?" "Yes." "Get it. We'll go In with you. T bad an accident to mine." "You'll see for yourself you'ro wrong about the , other." Hnmmon Jerked his head meaningly toward tho house, then strode away to order his motor. Merklo favored his young companion with a Avlntry smile. "It seems Ave're too late." Lorelei nodded silently. "Don't tell him who spoke to us out there. Not yet, nt least. I can't see bhn go to Jail." "Jail? There wont be any jail to this there never Is. Jarvls avIII have to settle for the .sake of the rest of us." Hanjmon's limousine rolled ln under the porte-cochere, and a moment later tho owner appeared with Lllas. Lorelei stared nt her friend In genu ine surprise, for It wns obvious that Lllas was deeply agituted. Her face Avas swollen with weeping; she verged upon hysterin. No sooner were the four ln the car and under way than she broke down, sobbing wretchedly. "It's all my fault. I might Jiavo known he was up to something; but I didn't think he'd dare " she maiTngert to sny. "He? Who?" Merklo asked her. "Max Mclchcr. no as much as told me. If I hadn't been, n fool I'd havo guessed, but he Oh, I could kill myself!" She burst into strangling sobs nnd hysteric laughter. "Why dirt you let him come to tho dressing room?" Lorelei1 Inquired. "He's been doing it for years. I've always known him. Wo were en gaged." Hnmmon verified this. "That's right. They Avere engaged when I met her. She didn't know the sort of rufllnn ho is till I proved It. She's afraid of him, and he knows It." "I tried to brenk with him, but ho Avouldn't let me, and Pve had to ba nice to him. He'd havo murdered mo if I" "Rot!" Merklo exclaimed, testily. "Rot, oh?" Jarvls answered. "He's done ns much, more thnn once; but he's so powerful that nobody can get him. He's Uie king of bis Avard; he keeps a gang of gunmen on the East side, and he's Uie Avorst thug in the city." ' Hnmmon soothed his charmer in his clumsy, elephantine way, showing that, despite Merkle's recent Insinua tions, he still trusted her. "This is the only Avomnii who ever cared for mo, John," be explained, ufter some hesi tation, "and wo're . going to s.tlclc to gether. We have no secrets." "Your little Fifth avenue establish ment rather complicates matters, doesn't it? Whnt nre you going to do nbout that?" Merkle Inquired. "This thing tonight is likely to settle the matter for me. You know the kind of home life I've led for twen ty yenrs, and you know I Avouldn't re gret any change. When a man goes ahead and his wife stands still tho right nnd wrong of whnt cither chooses to do is hard to settle. At any rate. it. has ceased to concern me. I want a few yenrs of happiness and compan ionship boforo I die. I'm selfish I'll pay the price." They rode on In silence. 1 r CHAPTER VIII. When Lorelei awoke on the roiloAT Ing nftornoon her first inquiry was for Jim; but he hnd not como home, nnd her mother knew nothing of his where abouts. Lorelei ate her breakfast ln silence; then, in reply to n question, accounted for the lateness of her ar rival by saying that she had dined with Mr. Mcrkle. At tho name Mrs. Knight pricked up her ears; sho undertook to pick out of her daughter all that hart occurred, down to the most Insignificant detail. Lorelei had always made a confidante of her mother in such cases; but this time the latter's lnqulsltlveness grat ed on her, nnd she nnswered the ques tions put to her grudgingly. Sho could not help likening her mother to n mag pie, nlthough the thought shocked her. ! There was tho same sly nngle of coun tenance, a similar furtlvencss of pur pose; the very expression of Mrs. Knight's keen, hard eyes wns llko nothing so much ns that of the pry ing bird's. Displeased at her own Irri tation, Lorelei mndo tho excuse of a shopping trip to escnpe from the houso. At the nearest uews Btand flho , bought the afternoon papers, and was relieved to Hnd no mention of tho in cidents of tho night beforo. It ap peared that Hammon and Merkle hud succeeded In their attempt to suppress Uie story If, Indeed, there had ever teen any Intention of making It public. I Do you think that lyierkle has 19 iin in 1 n,,M .1 1 . .1 really wants to marry her? ? really wants to marry her? 2 (TO BE CONTINUED.)