The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 20, 1916, Image 5

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    ''tilLVEirKLVG'SliftT'ASn (i
Silver. King, colored gambler nnd all
around "bad man," wriu killed early
Saturday morning by John Howard,
also colqrqd, In the section bunk houpo
at Blrdwood ld!ng, six mtleg west of
town, y 'lt
The colored section men had been
playing crap3, and following .the end
of the game Howard started a quarrel
with one named Norman. King warn
ed Howard to let Norman alone,
whereupon Howard drew a revolver
and opened fire on, King, aa the lattor
attempted to get under cover. One
ball .passed through King's left hand,
another went wild and the third struck
Just bclo'w tho heart. The wounded
man stnggored outside the house and
foil dead.
Tho local officers were notified and
Deputy Sheriff Wilson and U. P.
"Watchman North Immediately went to
Blrdwood. Upon their arrival thay
found Howard had dlsapoarod. Tho of
ficers were Informed iof the direction
h6 had taken amWifter a short search
found him In hiding In an alfalfa
field. Ho was placed itnder arrest and
brought to jail.
Whllo the murdered man was known
as Silver King, his real name was
Floyd Walker, and he has a wife at
Lawrence. Kan. The latter was 10
cated by the Lawrence police nt tho
request of Coroner Maloney and sho
wired that she hail no money, out re
quested the body to be expressed to
Lawrence. Tho body will probably
bo buried In the local cemetery.
Howard claims that he shot Walker
in self-defense, that tho latter had
drawn a knife. This statement 1b not
borne out by the others who were in
the house.
Howard will bo arraigned before
Judge French, tomorrow on the charge
of murder in the first ilegree.
Miss Mrra Park Married.
Miss Myra Park, formerly of this
city but now of Chicago, was married
fjist Wednesday to George Dolbclrt
French. The -wedding occurred at the
summer homo of the Park family at
Spring Lake, Michigan. Though tho
brldo removed from North Platte
dozen or, more years ago, she will be
remembered by our people. Announce
ments of the wedding were recldved by
many friends of the family in town.
: :o: :
Mrs. Spencer Elected President.
At the annual convention of the P. E,
O. sisterhood at Alliance last week,
Mrs. Chas. F. Spencer, who recently
moved here from Lexington, was elect
ed nresldent.
There are now sixty-six chapters in
tho state with an active membership
. of 1.7G5. One hundred and thirty del
egates attended the Alliance conven
ti'on. - i
. Remnant Sale A-'.Jir
Before taking Inventory for the new
corporation all our remnants In silks,'
woolens and wash goods, some largo
enough for dress patterns, others largo
enough for skirt or waist patterns
tho accumulations from our big spring
business, aro now placed on the rem
nant counter at less than lone-half
their former selling price.
Mrs. John Skow and Mrs. Albert
Mastln entertalnqd the Happy Hour
club and their husbands at a card
nartv Friday evening at the Skow
home. Prizes were. awarded to Mes
dames Charles Groves and I. E. Trout
and' also' to Messrs. Albert.-Mastln'arid
Arthur Peters.
Ed Long was fined twenty-five dol
lars and costs In Judge Mtltonberger's
court yesterday on the chargo of be
lng drunk and disorderly. Ho pro
duced tho , amount, but probably
thought he wa3 paying rather dearly
for his fun.
J. R. Brown, of Salt Lake City, for
merly of the U. Pi civil engineering
office in this city, visited m town sat'
urday while enrouto home frtom a three
weeks' visit rwlth the home touts in
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Mccomber je
turned Friday evening from Omaha
whero they accompanied Mrs. Chester
Mecomber last week. The lotted sun
mlttd to an operation from which she
la recovering nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ellson and fam
llv and T. H. McWilllams and family,
of Omaha, will visit friends here this
week while enroute to Blrdwood where
they "will spend the summer months.
Mesdames Peters of Stanton and Ev
ans, of Norfolk, who wore visiting their
sisters Mrs. A. E. Gar.lichs and Miss
Vada Tannlhlll, returned home Sun
day afternoon.
We aro still continuing our sale on
skirts and waists this week. You
do not want to miss this opportunity
do you?
Mrs. Geno Holcombo, of Cheyenne
came hero Saturday to make her "home,
Mr. Holcombe has been employed hero
as a pasenger conductor for some time,
John Vernon returned- Sunday morn
lng from Boone, Iowa, whero ho visit
ed rolatives for two weeks. Mrs. Vcr
non will remain there a week longer,
For Rent
Five room house, 500 east Fourth
street, nowly papered, modern except
heat. Inouiro for key next door
east. 42tf
Tho North Platto ball tcrim suffered
Its first defeat by an amateur team
Sunday whon Gothenburg won by a.
score of three to nothing, nnd candid
ly speaking tho visitors wero entitled
to win, for they outclassed' tho locals
In their playing. It was, however, a
good game of ball from Start to finish,
and it was not until tho seventh inning
that Gothenburg scored, and the two
rune came as a scorning rebuko to
play that Is considered egltlmato
but not well taken by tho avorage fan.
With on man on bases Carrlg, who Is
strong hitter, came to bat and for
the third consecutive tlmo Todenhoft
purposely "walked" him. This action
peeved the Gothenburgers, and Thlcs
scn who followed Carrlg, gritted his
teeth and swung on tho ball for n safe
ty that brought In two men. In tho
Ighth inning Tlbbetts made a long
hit to deep center, and before the Mil
could be found, he had rounded the di
Conductor Harry Gllfoyl left yostor-
day for Long Beach, Cal.. whero ho
will meet his daughter, Violet, who is
attending a business collogo in that
city, but at present Is In Tijuana, Mex
ico, on her vacation.
Postmaster McEvoy has made ar
rangements for trains. No. 2G and 19
to carry parcels post packages. Theso
trains formerly carried a mall car at
tached but it was taken off several
month ago.
It is pretty certain that Ernest
Stengor, now general managor of Uio
St. Joe and Grand Island road, will be
appointed general superintendent of
tho Union Pacific. It is probablo that
Supt. Brophy, of tho Wyoming di
vision win succeed air. stonger as
general manager of tho St. Joe.
If you have Idle money von cannot I
do ucttcr iiiau niuco it in some of on;
gilt edge first mortgage lonns, netting
to s per cent annual Interest, not
taxable. Wc have loaned out over a I
million dollars nnd no losses. We at
tend to orery detail.
New York press dispatches say that
ballots for the vote to be taken by the
flour unions of railway employes on
tho question of authorizing their offi
cials to call a strike have been sent
out from tho headquarters of the union
officials. The question as .formulated
reads; "Are you prepared to with
draw from the service of your railroad
In tho absence of a settlement agree
able to tho commltteee and your rep
Fourth of July Specials
Palm Beach and Silver
bloom Skirts at Special
Ladies" Outfitting Store
White and colored Wash
Dresses at Special LOW
To close out at less than Wholesale prices.
Our Entire Slock of Spring Coals in Silk and Wool, will be divided in the following
four lots:
LOT 1 - LOT 2 ' LOT 3 LOT 4
r,, , c ,i di -j o l- ru i White Chinchillas. Silk Taffeta Coats, al-
Checks, Serges and Plaids, Poplins, Checks , n c t,:u.t
, . ' , Gabardines and all so a highest
Mixtures, values up to and Mixtures, values Wool Poplins values grade Wool Coats, for-
$8.75, at up to $12.50, at Up to. $18.30, at $28.50, chofce"11
$4.98 $7.48 $9.98 $14.98
20 Per Cent Discount
On our Entire Slock of Taffeta and Crepe
de Chine Silk Dresses.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Side Spllttlnir Scene Tns A Favorite
l:ooi," iriangie-Jicystone Lorn
cdy, to Ro Shown Here.
Can you Imagine Eddie Foy running
"trolly car? Motorinan's cap slock
ed on ono slue or nis neau, nanus strug
gling .with, the controller, wlobblyldogs
.shakisg with tho motion of tho car,
and Polly Moran frantically trying to
butt In on his efforts, tho spectacle Is
ono that would make anybody chortle
with laughter. You see him running
up and down tho car aisle frantical
ly! ' looking "wildly In this dlreptilon
and that for help, then returning, to the
controller ana tne struggling i?ony,
till Anally ther chazed car under his
misguided 'efforts' hl8,"tfn automobile,
and Eddie, Polly and tho seven little
Foys aro thrown out promlscously.
This actual scene will be witnessed
In a "Favorite Foiol," tho ndw Sennett-
Keystono cohiedy that appears as the
Triangle program at the Keith next
Friday, June 23. The story is that of a
hobo who wins the affections of a bux
om widow, who is the owner or a
small circus, but is ousted from her
property by a rascally ringmaster. The
widow is somo trickster herself. She
weds Eddie Foy In the play without
letting him know that he thereby he-
nnmnu flirt etnnfnthoi, ff ti nt envon
vjiu;.j iivi ' I . tut, tt f nuinmn
lively pledges of affection to her first .Hb-XiCAa i?.i" ,onWf.,n
hiiRhnml. Of nniirsn Eilillo runs. nwnv. inuo ut iuii3Jiiiu
tho lady and tho seven stepchildren ,., i.,,
fl,,.,.i i fialisto Hernandez, a Mexican sixty.
Then Foy meets a clown, who gets Ave years of age who was employed
back the papers frtom the ringmaster, the Sadler ranch,- died Friday even
and he decides that It will bo the part lng of blcftd poisoning. Hernandez
had been troubled wltn an uicerateu
her seven children, nftcr all, and thus tooth and not wanting to tako tlmo or
become tho moneyed proprietor of tho bear tho expense of having a dentist
circus. Mr. Foy commandeers a trol- treat it, he concluded to pull tho mo
ley car, kicks out -the conductor and lar. Ho made a rather bunglesomo
TOu,., inh. lnneratlnc tho llcsh. and later
UlUlAl mull, vulivo mi; muiuiuiuu LUJ I . , - (w 1 sill fn
nn Ills mm lipml nnil ntnrts t in enr to- 0100U poiMJiiuii; uuveiuycu. muiui
,o,i ni.nnTOiiu rri, on-,, uv sulitcd in his death. Tho body was
r.nntxr. Wnalitntrtnn finnnnl' Ho nn1 fol'OUEllt tO tllO HOWO & MalOnCy Un
Eddie Foy, as commanding general of uortaiung rooms unu piw-iiaiwu u
n. trnllov in full fllcht is a Rlcht for burial, anu tno iunerai nuiu ouimuy
rrnAa n.1,1 man at O'FallOllB.
There are manv other nmim nc Hernanuoz iuuvuh u. vjiu uuu .Uu.
scenes in this novel two reeler, which children
Zl " "n ZyC Miss Genevieve Jeffers left yesterday
i ' V, T -1 1 i morning for San Franc sco to visi
of the circus, which however, becomes ' ' , .i
a wreck throuch tho collanso of tho vo w
"big top." Tho last ono sees of them Mrs. Lanham, of Stnomsburg, who
their nine heads aro stuck out of the visited her daughter Mrs. L. W. Toolo
prostrate canvas, ilko tho bubbling last week, lelt ror nomo &aiuruuy,
0 Wool and Silk Skirts
Why do without a Skirt when you can buy a
brand new Skirt made up to the minute in
style in all the leading shades and made of
" Wool Poplins, Gabardines,' Silk Taffetas, etc.
at One Fifth Off tltie Regular Price.
Choice of any Cloth or Silk Suit in the, store worth up to $40.00, at
10.00 and $15.00
Hundreds of New Waists and Middy Blouses m Voiles, JO 4n Ji 1
Owandies. China. Silk, Georeetta, Tub Silk and Crepe - OStC tO 7
The hail season has opened with a 20 mile strip hailed in Adams county
and hail strip 15 miles north of North Platte. Your farm may be next to
suffer. Why take the risk, when, for a reasonable premium we can insure
your crop against loss by hail in the Home Insurance Company of New York
with Assets of $37,000,000.00. The strongest Insurance Company in the
world doing a hail insurance business. Losses settled promptly and paid
one hundred cents on the dollar.
Fqr Sal'o New house,
Third street, $1,050.
heads of swimmers in a rough sea.'
ashio irom mis comoay wim do charg0 of tho Hub millinery' depart
shown tho drama "Tho Coward" with l'fb,ff mnmifnr Knn
Mrs Lacy Lott, who has been in
Frank Keenan and Charles Ray.
.u. .
raent, left yesterday morning for Kan
sas City i
Palm Leo Cigar 10c 14-tf
Tho Lady Maccabees will hold a hen
Telephone Your
1 Grocery orders to 32
They will given prompt and
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Arthur Xcwtf.
The new Jail Is now being built, and
n.o. n.i,iM. ...o i,,.n.i rri,i sincion ai mo nomo 01 hub. j. u. dw
'"""V "DU"S ""a .......vw. ..,. o,(1, ir,ln,ln,.
latter building will bo somewhat larg- rv 1,)UO "K01- D"1'
er than the old one. artornooa.
TJie Arthur Stato bank is doing a Mrs. icine and family, of Ottumwa.
good business. Mr. Garborson, Jerry iowa. arrived hero yesterday lnornlng
Dowen and F. C. Plelstlcker aro amonir to visit hor father. John Anderson, for
tno stocuiioiuers. two weeks,
Aruiur win ceieDraio tno rourtn oi , , ,T . , ,, .
T,i. JUUKO in, m. uruir.B mm iuuri iiu-
W. It. Powell, of North Platte, was vonw uurruu on
visiting in Arthur a few days last ror exingion u spiiou mo io puiu
week. of tl,,s wcok-
Jerrv Bowen has built an addition Mr. and Mrs. P. S. ISvans left tho
on his store which ho will stock with atter part of last week for Denver and
furniture. other points in Colorado to visit for a
Several heavy rains last week; also couplo of weeks.
severe wind storms. Mrs P. M. Sorenson and daughter
o:: Clara left vesterdav for Vermillion. S
To tho Public D to visit for six weeks with Mr. and
It your garbago cans aro not In Mrs. Ira whlttakor.
nlaln slcht at tho alloy, and aro not ::o::
emntled. don't blataio tho earbacro $2i" Howard.
man. Thoy must bo kept In plain Tho above rawarti win do pmu ror
sight, so that ho can seo them with- Information leading to tho recovery
out taking Umo to hunt tuem, and or a uiacic two year oiu mare, wuu
they must bo In or near tho alloy. If white on face, weight about iuou,
you have complaints, to make, seo whlcli strayed from ray placo April 7th
Street Commissioner. Ilershey, Nob.
,A11 wiool dress goods at a discount
of 20 per cent at The Leador.
Miss Catherlno Hall Is assisting in
tho Hub dry goods department. ,
Miss Ruey Shaner spent tho woek
end with homo folks in Maxwell,
Thomas Jeffers left Sunday morning
for Grand Island to spend sovoral days
Tho Catholic Girls' club will meet
this ovening with Mrs. W. R. Maloney.
W. C. Woodring left tho latter part
of last week to visit relatives in Kan
Dr. Mario Ames returned yesterday
morning from a short visit In Central
Remember tho Christian Church
orchestra beneilt prioram, Thursday,
Juno 22nd, at 8:00 p. m.
XT a T TT nnnntrnti nn1 ilntirvllf fr
nUiel, returned Saturday ovtnlng from
Omaha whero thoy visited last weeit,
Mrs. M. C. Harrington, of Denver,
formerly of this city, came Sunday ev
ening to visit her slBtor, Mrs, John
Mrs. William HaiiElit and baby left
Sunday ovening for Grand Island whero
Mr. Haught has boon employed for
somo time.
Mrs. Joseph Roddy loft Friday for
Denver to attond itho Ladles' Auxiliary
of tho B. of L. F. and 13. convention
and visit her sister Mrs. aim Chamber
3Irtj. John Shank
Is prepared to glvo private violin
instructions. Phono Red 317. 4Dtf
James Snydor loft a few days ago to
attend tho- golden (wedding oS hl
brother a, Clyde, Ohio.
Miss Cora Walsh went to Lexington
Sunday to visit her aunt for soveral
weeks.' ' "T ,
J. T. Murphy returned Sunday af
ternoon from a visit with relatives in
Watch our window for 25 cent dress
materials this week.
Paul Noien will go to Grand Island
this wcok to spend soveral dayB on bus
Mrs. Frank Lawrenco has returned
from a short visit with relatives In
Louis Peterson went to Sidney Sat?
urday ovelng to visit his son Henry
Pctorson. i ,
Charles Tcmplo left yesterday for
Grand Island to Bpend soveral days on
W. II. C. Woodhurst left yesterday
afternoon for Wood River to transact
A largo stock of buntings for Fourth
of July decorations Just arrived at
Tho Leador.
Miss Ruth Carroll will leave short
ly for Lincoln to spend Bovoral woeks
with her uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Leon and boh
went to Omaha Sunday morning to Visit
a weolc or longor.
Miss Anna Hayes loft yesterday
morning for Victor, Ilowa, and St.
Louis to visit rolatives for soveral
Earl Stamp, director of tho ChrlB
i3an church okchcatra will play a
cornet solo Thursday night at tho
Mrs. J. H. Hegarty Toturned Sunday
morning from Donver whero she vis
ited far ten days.
Miss Janot Aldon, of Lincoln, who
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Aldon, loft
yestorday morning.
Mrs. Reed left for Alliance a few
days agio, after visiting her daughter
Mrs. Frank Lawrenco.
Miss Graco Banks returned yestor
day morning from a short visit in Lox
ington with rolatives.
Miss Allco Langford, who had boon
In California for two years, returned
homo Sunday afternoon.
.General Hospital..
One Half Block North of Posloffice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for tha
eitntiflc treatment of medical,
urgicul and confinement cases,
Completely equipped X-Ruy
and diagnostic laboratories,
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. RedfleU.M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D
Miss M. Sieman, .Supt.