The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 20, 1916, Image 1

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No. 45
W. E. Welch, advance ngcnt for the
Redpath-Horner CliautauquasV spent
yesterday In town making arrange
ments for the North Platto Chautau
qua which will open Tuesday, August
1st and continue for seven days, clos-
1 Anrr ATrmrlnv nvmilnir. AllITllst 7th.
T i 1 (iih .1 V. ." v ' .....o, - t
r rno program aurucuuua 11119 juui
i i e . .1.
are unusuauy strong, i hub in
cult this year Is as high priced as
any in .tho country, :whlch means that
wo "will hear as good talont as will any
town In the west or east.
One of tho bit: attractions this year
Is "The molting Pot," which will be
produced by a playing company coin
posed of ten of the best actors and ac
tresses In the country an all-star
Tho Chautauqua this year promises
to bo a record-breaker, not only In the
ntinlltv nf tho. tnlnnt. lint in thfi at
tendance. So far $1,480 worth of sea
son tickets havo been said, and. the
committee hope to swell tho amount
to nearly $2,000,
Each year tho North Platte Chau
tauqua Is becoming more popular
the peoplo are becoming educated to
tho fact that for $2.50 tnoy are re
ceiving moro -wholesome, elevating,
benflclal and Instructive amusement
than can bo obtained from any othor
source by a like Investment.
The seven-day program will soon be
published In these columns, and wo
are suro that many '.who havo not pur
chased season tickets will do so.
y If you favor clean entertainment,
f boost tho Chautauqua.
Swedish Lutli. Eninnunl Congregation
Kenneth A. Beschor, Pastor.
A midsummer festival will be held
at the farm of Frank Strollborg three
fourth of a mile southeast of Blrdwood
switch, Friday, Juno 23. Dinner "will
be served for tho small charge ic-f 25
cents, an ice cream stand will be put
up, and ice cream sold during the day.
A program in both English and Swed
ish rendered by tho Svea soci
ety, and a speech by the pastor in En
glish and 'Swedish.
Midsummer day is a Swedish nation
al day of festivity and usage for an
cient times in all Scadanayidn coun
tries. Every Scandinavian ,who yet
carries In his heart a love for "Mother
Svea" Is welcome "We also extend K?ur
invitation to our American friends to
be with us.
Means of transportation out to the
farm are arranged for. Meet nt the
court house campus Friday morning
at 9:30. ,
The Tribune made a mistake in the
last issue. It announced the festival
to be held June 30th Instead of Juno
Moose Hold Picnic
The Moose picnic Sunday at the
Kopf grove north of town, was at
tended by eighty of the members wlio
spent the day very enjoyably. An
amusing feature of tho day was the
ball game with GIbbs, Day, Trout asd
Peterson as batteries. Messrs. Scott
and Clark were in charge of the re
freshments "and E. Stensval and S.
Clark were on the entertainment com
Miss Inna Huffman
will give private lessons for the next
three months, Residence 802 West 6th
street. Phono Red G2C 43-2
: :o: :
Teachers' Examination
I havo received notice from the State
Superintendent that a Special Teach
ers Examination will bo given Fri
day, Juno. 23rd and Saturday, June
24th, In Reading Circle work, as well
as the (Xunty and Life subjects.
County Superintendent
; :m
Workmen began yesterday to tear
down the Belton building south of the
Odd Fellows' hall. The contract for
tho new brick building will be let
within the next week.
Truly Great Men
are the men who started, at an early date, laying
aside a small -portion of their income, regularly.
Small though your savings may be each week
or month, it is nvosf surprising what theywill
amount to if kept up regularly for a term of
Let us show you some most astonishing figures
along the lines of weekly and monthly savings.
None to small; none- to large.
McDonald State Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
The Bank Behind The Thrift Movement.
Roscoo ZImmer, of Sidney, was a
vistor In town Tuesday.
The Robekah3 will hold a kenslngton
In their hall Friday afternoon.
The I. O. O. F. lodge will hold degree
work at their meeting this evening.
George Weir began work in tho Un
ion Pacific ticket office last ovenlng.
Henry Rebhausen left for Laramlo
Sunday after spending two weeks
Miss Imogene Wheolock has accept
ed a position In tho Gem candy kitch
en. Dr. and Mrs. J B. Redflold will at
tesd tho ball game at Gothenburg
this week.
Mrs. W. P. Snyder will entertain
tho Presbyterian aid society Thursday
E. M. Smith left yesterday after
noon for Omaha to Bpond several days
on business.
All boosters smoko Town Boost, tf
Miss Elsie Crano left Sunday oven
lng for Grand Island to visit friends
for a fortnight.
Chester Mecomber returned Sunday
from Omaha where he accompanied his
wife last week.
Tho Ivanhoc dancing club will hold
a social dance at the Lloyd opera
house this evening. '
Sheriff Salisbury returned Sunday
evening front Montana where he went
last week on business.
Lost On streets Saturday ovenlsg,
brooch set. with pearls. Return to
this office for reward.
Mrs. Fred Payne left the latter part
of last woek for an extended', visit with
relatives- la eastern cities.
Mra .T. ft HVp.kter. of Tlakorsflolfl.
Cal., arrived here yesterday after
noon to visit Mrs. jj;uwaru ugicr.
TVIiia fionrcrA T.ntnns 1fft a fe!w dava
ago for . Grand Island to remain for
two weeks or more with friends.
Gotbman'sHand-Mado Cigar. 5c. 14-lf
:Tho meeting of,.1 tho Nevjta ,club
-Which was to hayo been, held, aomprrow
lias ueen postpones nnijficxi veeK.
Tho' federal, bail team and, the', high
school nine -will play on tne.souMYBiao
diamond at six-thirty tomorrow even
Air. and Mrs: Maurice Buckley and
;ijaughtdr , returned Saturday 'evening
irom an exienueu visit iu wuaiuni
Mri'ljand Mrs. George Gregg of El
sio are sDcridlng this week here, trans
actlhfebuainessand visiting local
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Felahman will
occupythe new bungalow which Is be
ing erected on west Sixth street by W.
S. Dolson.
Charles Wilson, who had been em
ployed as ticket agent for sevoral
months, resigned Sunday evening and
will be engaged in farming.
Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr., rind children,
of Omaha, arrived here Saturday even
Ing to. visit her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Gozeo for a couple or weeks.
Tim TlSwnnn fMrnln will hold a sno
dally called meeting at tho homo of
Mrs. W. J. Tlley, 108 west Third street
Wednesday afternoon. Lot every mem
ber try to bo present.
Have you made any arrangements
to see tho features at tho Pat. Every
body is talking and shouting abclut
them. But remember routs you are not
alono. tho whole world is seeing and
shouting about them. When you see
them you seo tho best ior less at tne
Pat every day anflnlght.
For Sale at a Bargain.
3 Singer Sowing Machines. These
are nearly now and cost $75.00 each,
Will sell at $30, cash or paymonts.
Other bargains at ECHELBERY'S,
GOO Locust street. 45-4
P. R. Halllgan received a telegram
yestorday from Col. H. J. Paul, of tho
Flftlf Regiment, X. N. G., suggesting
that Mr. Halllgan use his inilucnco In
promoting the ictrganlzntion of a mili
tia company in North Platte. Tho
Fifth regiment is short, a complement
of men and as President Wilson has
called out the militia of all the states,
Colonel Paul Is anxious to mnko n
good showing, hence his desire to fill
at the Fifth to its full rcglmontal
Mr Halllgan dovoted a good part of
yesterday to talking up tho proposi
tion, and succeeded is getting up con
siderable 6nthusiasm.
Tho Nebraska Guard will moblllzo
cut ho state fair grounds at Lincoln.
Hawi long thoy will remain there, Is
of course not known, but probably
sufficiently long enough to get them
in good shape for camp life on the
Mexican border, with tho possibility
of excursions into Mexico.
SHjs Abide Patterson Married
CardB wore received in town this
morning announcing the marrlago of
Miss Abblo Sutherland Patterson to
John Junior Shiftman nt Salt Lako
City last Saturday. Thoy will bo "at
homo" at tho Hotol Now House in that
city. Tho brido, is tho youngest
dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Patter
son, for many years a resident of this
city, and Mrs. Shlrenian wns always a
favorito wi'th all acqualntancds. The
Tribuno man, always a great ndmlr
or of the bride, extonds his best wish
es to her and tho man of her choice.
For Sale
Bargain in 1915 C3? Buick model
in excellent condition. Has been driv
en less thaiK 3,500 miles. Is fully
equipped with covers, extra tire, Inner
liner, innor flaps, gasoline saver. Jacks
and all tools. Will sacrifice for cash.
Address G08 west Sixth street, North
Platte Nob. 45-2
Perhaps you arc not hurt yet, but
you niny he cleaned out tomorrow.
Can you afford to loso It? You can't.
Then why. not Insure Itl Wo repre.
nnd prompt payment of losses.
James Y. Craig, of Omaha, landscaoo
njcltffoctt arrived from Omaha last
evening and will meet with tho park
board today. Mr. Craig has prepared
a blue print of tho north side park.
snowing location, pi uriveways. race
track, ball .'grounds, golf links' and a
system or iorestratlon.
Have you seen our now Georcctta
Crope Waists? They are surely classy
waists. Tho real dressy waist and
they are, very reasonably priced, too.
Mlsa Maude Allen, of Dnnvnr. nnrl
Luke Connealley, of Wallace, were
married at St. Patrick's church vpb.
torday afternoon by Rev. McDaid.
Deano, of Denver and Harry Guther-
icss or tins city.
Weather forecast for North PIntte
and Vlcinltv: Prnhnhlrv nhnwnrn in.
night and Wednesday. Not much
cnango in temperature. Highest tem
perature yesioruay os, a year ago 71 ;
lowest last night 55, a year ago 5G.
The round house ball team after los
ing their first game resumed their win
ning gait Saturday ovenlng, defeatisg
tne car toaus u to 3. Murnhv nltched
mastorly ball for tho round houso team
and deserves a lot of credit for tho vic
For Sale Ponderosa tomato nlantn
L R. Tucker, Red G98. 45-2
Miss Hazel Smith entertained tiwen-
ty-two of her young lndy friends nt a
movie party a!t tho Crystal ' last ov
enlng and an informal party at hor
nome later m tho evening.
Mrs. J. D. Cox rnUiiirnoil lnnt nvnn
ing from Denver whoro she wont as
aeiogato to tno convention or tho La
dies Auxiliary of tho B. of L. F. and
Georgo Mang and family leave to
day on an auto trip to Denver and
othor Colorado points. Thoy will be
ansent aoout two weeks. (
Money to loan on rcnl cstnlc.
The meeting of tho Club Novlta an
nounced for tomorrow afternoon bus
been postponed until Wednesday of
next week.
Sport silks, white strlno ticking, for
suirts and suits at 20 per cent lls
count at Tho Leader.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner have cono
to Omaha to remain for a week or
::o:: .
We nro paying lightning losses. Arc
you protected against lire, lightning,
lorimiio, cyclone and windstorms? nil
kinds of accident and automobile
Insurance. Prices right. Best scr
vice, see us,
Corner Thlhl'niid Vino
Headings, Solos, Musical Numbers, by
Best Talent In Town. Refreshments
Served In Church Parlors uftcr the
lf,AS Knit Till! SILO
Tho following self-oxplnnatory lot
tor ha3 been Issued by tho commlttco
representing the silo nnd dairy trips
to bo mado next wtaek:
Hear Sir: You aro Invited to attend
a Got-Acqualntcd-Wlth-Your-Nelghbor
"Sllo-D'airy-Trip" on Juno 27 and 28,
leaving North Platte at 8:30 a. m. each
day. Free auto transportation will bo
furnished those :who do not dcslro to
drlvo their own cars. This trip is to
bo given by the North Plntto Chnmbcr
of Comerco In Co-operation with tho
Experimental Substation nt North
Platto and tho Nebraska Agricultural
Extension Service You will bo taken
directly to farms having silos; hoar
from tho owners of tho farms them
solves what their oxperienco with si-
lago as a feed has been; what tho cost
to build oach typo of alos was; tho
amount of crop required to till it;
the help and machinery used; whnt
mistake tho owner fools that ho has
mado; whether he thinks It Is profit
able or not In addition to this tho
University Farm nt Lincoln iwJll send
some of their best men to tnlk along
dairy and silo lines and to answer any
questions along those lines.
Tho first day's trip will go Into the
valley west of North Platto, then Into
the hills south nnd along itho bench
lands, visiting both stavo and pltsilos,
irrigated, hill asd valley farms, closing
tho trip in tho nfternoon at tho Ex
perimental Substation nnd thoro ex
amining tho model dairy barn nnd
silos. Also inspecting tho dairy cat
tle and tho records kept of tho amount
of butter fat produced by each an
imal. Tho second day wll bo spent
south of Maxwoll and Brady, delega
tions from each of thoso BtatlonB moot
ing tho North Platto autos at Maxwoll
and carrying out much tho samo pro
gram as the llrst day. Each person Ib
oxpoctcd to provldo his own lunch
whldli will bo eaten picnic fashion
in spmo farm grovo nt noon.
Tho commltteo In chargo of this trin
bcllove that you cannot spend a day
more- prontably than to como out on
thltfs trip, and seo your neighbors and
get acquainted with them. If -ycto
wish tc bring your wife, do so.
Anybody owing Tho Leader Car mer
chandise, please call and pay before
tno llrst nay or July, as I "retire from
the business and J. E. NclsonA of
Holdrege takes tho full management
of the now corporation, which will bo
known as the Lender Morcantllo Co.
The Entro Nous club will moct.wlth
Mrs. Hnrry Cramer tomorrow after
Skirts on salo and wo'iio tho altor'a-
'tions too. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
M. K. Neville returned Sunday from
tho democratic national convention in
St. Louis.
Mrs. Charles Thornburg has return
ed from Chnppoll whore sho visited
hor. brother.
Mrs. E. N. Oglort has returned from
Omaha where sho visited with friends
for a week.
Everett Lawrence has returned
from Denver whoro he had boon at-
tnding school.
Miss Helen Pfelff, of Lincoln, Is vis
iting this week with Mr. and Mrs. V,
Orhl Hodges.
Mrs. J. S. Twlncm and children loft
last evening for Carroll, Iowa, to visit
relatives ror three or four weeks.
Mr1, and Mrs. EdWj. Searlo, of Oga-
lnlla, camo down Inst evening to at
tend the Christian Science lecture.
ITVir l?nnt Onn lnvolv mm nnrlnr
and a front room, all modern. COS
west Bixtn street, -North Platte. 45-1
Mrs. W. F, Crook, of Omaha formor
resident hero, is visiting tho Lang-
ford and Ottonstoln families this week.
Dean J. J. Bofwkor loft yesterday
morning for Koarnoy and Hastings
to spend severril days on church busi
Was it a Skirt of Waist you 'want
ed? Special snlo on them all this
week. E. T.- TRAMP & SONS.
Mrs. Fred Plaslck and children, of
Horshey, who wore visiting hor' moth
er, Mrs. Gus Anderson, returned homo
last week.
Tho Altruist biblo class will hold a
social Thursday afternoon at tho homo
of Mrs. Earl Wilson, GIG south Chest
nut streot.
Mrs. Frank Hatch leaves this weok
for a vlBlt with hor parents in Law
rence Kansas. She will bo absont sov-
oral 'wjeoks.
Christie Adams left Sunday oven-
for Now York City to accept a posl
tion as a femnlo Impersonator with a
theatrical company.
Tho Hondy-Ogier Go. received two
fpr loads of Fords yestorday and will
rrr-eivo two moro enr loads the lattor
pirt of ho weok.
I j. W. Walker has been confined to
Urn houso for sevoral days duo to blood
pc Zoning arising from cutting a corn
on tho ball of one of his feet.
Dp. E. C. Stevenson, of Gothenburg
caino last evening to Bpcnd several
day" on professional business nt the
North Platto General hospital.
Tho North Platto Business Men'i
quartette will sing three numbers at
thti Christian chu,rph on Thursday
night. Do not fail to hoar them.
Houses In nil parts nf the city, nice
large rooms, store building on North
A Washington dispatch dntod Sun
day said: President Wilson has called
out tho militia of ovory state for ser
vico on tho Mexican "bordor.
In announcing tho presidents de
cision, Secretary Baker said tho militia
would bo sont -to tho border whenever
nnd as fully as Qonornl FUnston de
termines to bo needed.
Secretary Baker Issued tho following
"In view of tho disturbed conditions
on tho Moxlcan bordor nnd In order to
assuro completo protection for nil
Americans itho president has called
out substantially all tho state militia
nnd will send them to tho border, whoro
over and as fully as General Funston
determines them to bo needed for tho
purposo stated.
"If all aro not nooded an ffort will
bu made to relievo thoso on duty thoro
from tlmo tlo tlmq In order to dis
tribute tho duty..
"This call lor militia Ib wholly un
related to Geuoral Pershing's expe
dition and contemplates no additional
ontry into Mexico, excopt na may bo
ncocssary to pursue bandits who at
tempt outrages on Amoricnn soil.
Tho militia aro being called out so
na to leave somo troops In tho Bovornl
states. They will bo mobilized at their
home stations, whoro tho nocessarv re
cruiting can bo dono."
Brigadier General Alfred Mills.
chief of tho division of militia nffair3,
estimated tho minimum militia forco
to bo called out to bo 145,000 men.
What havo you fo sell? Wo hnvo
calls for caltlo ranches, liny lands.1
nnd city rcsldenco property. Como
iind tell ns whnt you have, prlco It
right nnd wo can sell It
J. J. Gettman's Cigar Store
You are cordially invited to visit our ner store in -the
Brodbeck building, where you will find all the leading brands
of cigars, smokers' articles, tobacco nnd confectionery.
" Comfortable lounging room, reading table and other
WW w
accessories for those who desire to read and enjoy a smoked
r urmsinngs new, neat and attractive. Courteous treatment
at nil times.
The first warm day of Summer is the right time to
buy an electric fan. Consider the years they last and
why are you without one? Every home needs ah'
Electric Fan.
North Platte Light 8c Power Go.,
C. R. MOREY, Manager.
1008 Wait Fourth Strati. Phon HO
Ethical, Moral, Efficient.
An Institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement
DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon.
Mary Gclscrt, of Keith county, lost
an cyo In a peculiar manner last weok.
uunug a ncavy winusuorni tno gin
wont to a window to watch'tho storm.
JllHt nt Mint tiiriiniint Mm lif-nvv 'wlmt
picked' up an Ico houso and Blammed
it against tno nousc. it shattered XhQ
glass In tho .window nud badly cut tho
glrl'B face, causing tho losa of ono oyo
nnd injury to tho other. ;
in speaking of tho focont botoatcr
trip to North Plntto, tho Ogalalla
News eays; "Tho business moif of.
North Platto treated ua royally. Ev
erything that man could think of was
dono for our comfort aud entertain
mont." A destructive hall storm pnased over
tho country north of Willow laland
Wodnosday ovenlng, nil kinds of crops
bolng destroyed Hall four inches deop
laid on tho ground nfter itho atomi.
Tho storm originated in Custer county
nnd awopt south to tho Platto river.
During tho month f May 12(1 cars of
produce was forwarded from Lexing
ton as comnared with nlrlv-nlcrht onra
tho snmo month last year. Tho freight
receipts tor tno month woro nearly
?15,000. k
G, W. Wllloy n Stnplcton merchant,
.who usod n stovo lu which to koop his
cnBh ovor night, round IiIb money bag
missing Thursday morning, Somo
fellow waa cut enough to discover tho
combination or tho stovo.
H. C Rupportf of Maywood, shipped
flvo cars of corn fod cnttlo to South
Omaha last Ivtock, part of them soiling
for $10.25 per hundred. Evon nt this
prjeo. tho shlppor does not consider
ho notted nny great amount of monoy.
Tho Brondwator Electric Light nnd
Powor Co. has been Incorporated with
a capital stock of $10,000. Practical
ly all tho business men of tho town nro
Ir.r . 'i.
THURSDAY. JUNE 22. 8 D. in.