Semi-Weekly Tribune 1911 - - SERVICE - - -1916 Tliut wlilcli lnm stood the lost of Time for ihc years must hare merit. The merit In this ciisc lms been a scr tIco to customers Mini was not MJnt ttH-good" but n service tliat was HET TUB.. . lVc lime known (lie needs of cus tomer In this community and our age and record of success proic us able to meet those needs. Tho l'latte Valley State Hank is at your command, offering Strength, Se curity nnd Personal Service. Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. Fidelity Reserve Company, An old line, Mutual, Legal Reserve Company. Home Office: North Platte, Nebr. A Western Nebraska Company for Western Ne braska People and especially for North Platte People Assets Dec. 31, 1915, $38,645.31. LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. All forms of policies, straight whole life plan, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30. Payment life or Endownment. Either life insurance alone or in combination wtth health and accident insurance. Our combination policy gives the most complete protection of any policy on the market for the premium payment. The men back of thisJCompany are: Officers: Dikectohs: Dr. Barton B. Baker, President. ' Dr. Barton B. Baker. Frank C. Pielstickcr, Vice-President. John J. Halligan. M. Keith Neville, Vice-President. Walter V. Hoagland. William II. McDonald, Vice-President. Frederick L. Temple. Charles F. Temple. Secretary. Charles F. Spencer. Charles F. Spencer, Treasurer. There is $500,000.00 of insurance money going out of North Platte every year. Why not keep part of it at home? Office: Rooms 1 and 2, 1, O. O. F. Bldg. THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 Fourth CtMtt. Phon. 110 Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An Institution for tho treutmont of Medical, Surgical nnd Confinement im t a rmvr,r u . . MK8 MAItGAItET HALL, Sapt PR. J. S. TWTflEM, Musician and Surgeon. IRA h. DARE, FAlltor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Unc lYnr hr JIall In Ad ranee &1.2S One Year by Carrier In Adranco. .91 j0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska I'OBtolfleo as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JUNK 10, 1916. LOCAL AND PEKSOXAL. Mrs. Jntncs Adams will entertain the Et-A-Vlrp club next Tuesday aftcr- IIOUIl. Miss LuJu Hurke. who has been teaching in Greeley returned home this WCCK. All boosters smoke Town Boost, tf Arthur Hansen has gone to Council Bluffs to mako bin hrnm with iiia rather. ii . .. . ' I or innnnnii tn nnonil n. rnw ilnvo nn business. Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Koafnr urn trln If- Injtr arrnncenmntR tn mnvn tn rtmnim In the near future. Dr. Brock. DimtiHt. ovnr Rinno rtriio a tore. Mrs. William IIllflflnrM nnil ann Inft ------ VH w . . W V ft A W A. V lllCflUay lor Cftllfnrnln. wlinrn will visit relatives. J I riltt. fiOOlIlllIlll & Itlinllnv limn Hold the Mrs. Plant land to the North mito country fluu. Mr. and MrH. Ttohnrt ArMov. nf Mnv. wood, who visited hare this week, left weunosuay evening. Harry Crook, of Oirnlnlln. fnrmorlv of tho Reblmusen barber shop, visited incnuc nere tins wcok. Mrs. Stolla Vannrnnltlln. wli Bpent soveral months in town, will re turn to Wcllfleet this week. For Rent Two Nlcolv fnrnlHiiwi rooms. Inquire 403 east Third 43-2 Mrs. Carson, of Ornnil Tsl Tuesday ovenlng to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Mrs. M. V Mitchell and sons will leave todav for Loxlnplnn tn vlalt rni- atlves for a Iweok or mcire. Georeo McGlnlev nnil fnnillv. whn visited Miss MarirnrRt. MpfMnlnv Mila week, loft Wednesday evening. Mrs. T. C. Parks nnil fln.nrrlilnr nt Greenwood, who were visiting Mr. and Mra. A. W. Brown, left Tuesday. For Sale Two nonnml-hnnil VnnX cars In cood condition. Hendv Ocrlnr Company. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gantt. whn hnvn resided at. Tlnltr fnr Knvprnl ninnflm roturned hero tho first of tho week. Miss Ironn Mnflnn nnil filntnr nt Brady, who visited their mother here this week, returned homo yesterdav. Mr. and Mrs. Arrowsmlth. of Oealalin aro tho guests of tho latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. dough, this week. Miss Marie Rudat. whn him imnn at tending Midland collego tho past year, has roturned homo to nnnnri hnr tlon. On account, nf Mil lionvv nnotlmiinil travol. trnlllR Ntci. 20 anil ft lmvo 1wn running In two nnd thjroo sections this WUGK. Mrs. R. E. Scott. nt SiiHinrlnml wlir. was operated upon nt a local hospital recently ims rocovorcd nnd returned I1UIUL'. Mrs. Tntolo. of Kenrnnv. wli Itlng her daughter Mrs. Harry .Boylo for two WCOks. left for homn Tiiosilav uvuning. For Rent Throo room linnniv Tn qulro at 403 east Third. 43-2 Mrs. M. O. Lnonnv nf Alllnnnn ii.J.r wuh ciirouiG to HI C llmin V a tiwl IVTt. and Mrs. Roy Gunsolly tho early part ui iiiu ween. Mrs. John Rodlno. wlm vtaltfwl 1 ' ' " " . IVI auves in Gothenburg last week and attonded tho weddlnir nf n nlonn tin Mrs. Rohort Arnml tiv .tllIlllUU bviM leavo In a fw finv fnr rtio,i ' J Vt i. I (Villi, Ore., to spend tho summer with tho fYriusixong ramuy. Wanted Girl for general housh. work. Mrs. A. B. Hoagland, C08 west Fourth streot. A-ut Dr. Rex Dlinnnn. nf ai who visited tho Solby family nnd other huh utock, ieit rcT Chicago Wednesday ovonlng. Dr. and Mr. Wait drcii, of Omaha, formerly of this city, win iirnvo nere ftionuay to visit tho Ottcnstoln family for tivk weeks. MlUiairor Gairmnn h w , ..... h tl HIV sorylcos of Prof. Garllchs, Miss Evan ROlIno Horrnd ami ... v MWO Alibi Ip WIIU will play at tho Keith theatre each ov- uiung. Wanted Ynn hp mnrri,wi ,..... r tun nuiLiuil IU help In rooming house for her and her uusoanu s rooms. Inqulro Woodblno Rooming house, Mrs. Frank Gardner. Prop. 44,f MISS Grncn ntarlr. vlir rniniii n. past six months in Contral city nnd returned hnrn Innt wnnb i.ou .. china painting studio at the Mocombor iiuiiiu. Dr. A. II. Fonnnr lms Knmi n.,., Htnto doputy of tho Loyal Mystic Lo gion to 1111 tho vacancy caused by tho resignation of A. k nn,.i i.., iiii ii tin Bono to Donvor. TllO Dnilloalln 'Snlntinn or til ll PrimlivlfiMin . .. . . .uj.u,,,, V.HUIVU mut Aion- day ovonlng and witnessed a demon stration In bread making by the Instructors. Mr nnd Mrs. Ginrrn U'li,oi, ...i .... -o' "iiiiiiun mill ClUldron Who nmnninnnliul i vi iiiu 1 1 mains of Miss Irma Wlnslow to Ovor- joii uio nrst or the week, havo ro- iiuiifu aomc. Mrs. G. P. Sllnlor nnil ilmn.1.1. r ItlO Miller, fnrninrlv nf thla -it.. ,.. I i f , " -liJ, I1UIU horo this week while onrouto from HorshOV hrt Nnw Vnrlf ivlmni it,n.. KEITH COUNTY I100STKRS PLEASED WITH TRIP Tho Keith County Community Club which visited this city Tuesday, re turned on a spcflal train at 9:30 that night. A numbor of them expressed to Tho Tribune their enjoyment of the day, the visit to the state farm being especially Interesting to the farmers who were among the party. Tho vlslitors were driven all over the farm in tho autos furnished by mo .ortn I'intto cltzens eighty-four of tho cars including a trip to tho top of tho hill where the Dlant crow Ing tests aro made. All phases of tho worn on ine rarm were examined and explanations mado !v Runt. Rnviinr and his associates, who handled the crowu in a very acceptable manner. At nocn luncheon wan norvrwl i nearly four hundred and so well was uio commiueea organized, tliac all Wero fed IwJtliln fnrtv inhinfna Tt TJ Dickey served his atanilnnl hrnmi nt ice cream to tho attendants and Har ry t'orter his thirst quenching bever ages. Following dlnnnr add rnaaoa worn mado by President Thoelecke repre senting mo unamnor or Commerce, M. J. Forbes In behalf of thr Nnrth Pinttn business men, and Louis Maccy In be half tho farmers of Lincoln county. u. j. Jiiicner. or usraiaiia. rnannnriivi ior uio neitn uounty Community Club Returinir to (town tho vlalt nra wit. nessed a ball game between a team of uio visitors and one composed of lo cal business men. tho form -- ii o vy u acoro oi six to live. Atter supper tho visitors were en luriaincu ai a nanu concert. Commissioners Ruy Tractor. After investigating thn morito nt rj v vij. v A. ouvorui iiiukcb oi iracior engines, In umuiiig pracucai ucmonstiratlons of their work, tho county commissioners this week purchased a fnrtv lmrao power Twin City machine, capable of uruwing iwo eignt-ioot blade graders Tills gradlnc outfit In p.harrn nf nr.. potent men. can irradn a tnllo nf r-nmX at about one-third the cosit the county una imm in ino past, it is tho Inten tlon Of tho commlaalnnnra tn nlnnn this tractor in charge of a qualified miin, anu wun it do all tho county Kiuuiug. It la nrobahlo that. Mm nrat mvn-k t bo done with the tractor wil be on the uincoin Highway between tho east enu or. uio orido and Maxwell. Pres. Thoelecke Expresses Thanks. The Chamhnr of Pnmorco iviaim. to extend Its hnaritlAat th Individuals who aided In tho enter tainment or the Keith County Boost ers who visited the city Tuesday, and especially tho IiurI Platte and itho Lincoln county farmers wnu ior me aay laid aside their ur gent htfork and donated both their com pany ana tnetr motor cars toward en tertallnmont. It irf thin hTiirit w makes for a bliriror and hnttor Mnrtti Platto and for a morn Tirnannrnna T.ln coin county, and when all can pull tro- Kumur m uns rasnion it Is an Indica tion .that tho time for the marked growtn is not rar away." tsigneuj o. H. THOELECKE. President ::o:: Lutheran Announcements 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11 O'clock mominor Iwinrshln Hnr mon subiect. "Thn nvn Annv nf T 7 1 n XT " ' IXUU1U. 4 p. m., Young People's meetlnc. is D. in., ovnnlnp- wnraliln e,- - ' O . w . .Jiiiji, UL1 1UUU auojcci, "I'reparation for Service.' opeciai music at both services. Tho "Joholda Chedli" will i ant at both the regular services to receive tho monthly offering for the church UUlllUIlg IUI1U. The Luther Leaguo will hold a so cial on tho church l flWTl thin nvAn ing. If tho wet weather continues the social will bo In tho Parish house. The piiDiic is invited. The Brotherhood meeting, post ponou hub week will bo held next Monday ovenlng at tho Welnbarg "u,uo' u men aro Hoping for good weather this time. Tho same anrango- ihuiiib uiuuo ior uus wcok IwIU hold uvur ior iuonuay ovenlng. -::o::. mrs. u R. Moroy returned homo "usuay evening from a visit In Kear ney Miss Mabel McFarland, who visit ed friends in Goring for a week, will return homo today. Will Waltcmath rotnrnnd In at pr uning irom uiair and Omaha, whore nu viBiieu uus woeK. Miss Julia Johnson left the fore Dart Of tills WOOk fnr wiwtnm nnlnio to visit with rolatlves. Miss Alice LanL'fnrd wli n ll n tl mnilA her homo in Paaadnna. OjiI fnr .w years, will return heme Sunday morn- nit,. . .Q. . F. j, DLENEh & CO. Real Estate and Insurance COmO Atld HAA UM fni Inmn lAn I different parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wn hnvn ninn h... galnB In farms and ranches. lor. Front and Dowcy 8tB upstairs. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Half Block North of Postoffice. Phone 58 A modrn institution for tho cintific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completoly equipped X-Rny and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, H. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Rca&eld, M. D. J. S. Skais, M.D Miss H. Sieman, SapL V t.t a i.i it t.t n it s.t i.t :.: i.t :.t :.: i.t i.t t.t i.t t.t i.t i.t :.: t.t if i.t if if OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -ol- NORTII PLA.TTJS, NBBRASICA. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL, AND SURPLUS One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OP THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIYEN TO SMALL ACC0UNT8 AS IS GITEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Hordes of Boards Our Yard Affords OF QUALITY THE BEST Clear and Sound They Here Abound You're Invited to Invest Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. The first warm day of Summer is the right time to buy an electric fan. Consider the years they last and why are you without one? Every home needs an Electric Fan. North Platte Light & Power Co., C. R. MOREY, Manager. Red Crown sieiians mean service 1X11 CROWN GASOUNE STANDARD Oil, COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OILCOMPiUVY :.t if if i.t if if it if if if if i.t if if if if tf if tf if if tf tf tf tf if tf tf tf i tf t.t t.t if n now residing. (PURAtKA) 0