The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 16, 1916, Image 7

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Mj3s Marjlon Lawson rwfU spend
Sunday with friends in Lexington.
Dr. L. W. Shaffer, formerly of thiB
city, visited with Dr. H. A. Fenner
this week.
Miss Beryl Hahn left Wednesday ev
ening for Lincoln to spend a couple of
Attorney Leslie Basklns transacted
business in Gcthenburg tho foro part
of tho week.
W. J. O'Connor will return today
from Kearney where ho spent the past
week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mahan returned to
Callaway Tuesday after visiting with
Dr. and Mrs. V. Lucas.
Mrs. Alfred Wilhito loft Wednesday
morning for Donaphan to visit rela
tives for a week or longer.
Miss Callle Ilork left Wednesday
evening for Colorado Springs to visit
her sister for several weoks.
Judge H. D. Rhea, of Lexington, came
this week to visit friends and attend
the Bar Association meeting.
Miss Graco Burke, who has been at
tending school in Denver, returned
homo Wednesday evening.
Miss Nellie Conneally, of Wallace,
who visited Miss Nell Hanifln this
week, has returned home.
Mrs. B. F. Fletcher and children
have (gone to Kansas City to spend
sovcral weeks with relatives.
Loren Sturges returned Wednesday
morning from Omaha where he attend
ed tho Elks' convention this week.
Miss Bessie Smith will leave in a
short time for California to visit Miss
Alblna Hauler formerly of this city.
Mrs. Elizabeth Young has returned
firom a pleasant visit with relatives in
Wallaco and Sarben for three .weeks.
The AK Chapter P. E. 0. were enter
tained in an agreeablo manner Wed
nesday afternoon by Mrs. Georgo T.
Alvin Weingand who has been visit
ing relatives in Illinois and Kansas
City, is expected to return home Mon
day. Mrs. George Zentmeyer and children
will leavo today for Grand Island
whore they will make their home in
Mrs. Charles Weir and daughter
Elizabeth, returned last evening from
a pleasant visit in Decatur, 111., with
An enjoyable meeting of tho Pan
Hellenic society was held yesterday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. C. J. Mc
Namara. Mrs. Russell Wyman and two chil
dren returned Tuesday from Grand Is
land where they visited relatives for
a week past.
Miss Anna Ericsson, of Denver,
formerly of this city, came this week
tx visit her. elster, Mrs. John Burke,
for some lime.
Mrs. John D. Lonergan, of Peoria,
111., who had been visiting her mother,
Mrs. Anne Redmond for two hveeks,
left last evening.
Mrs J. D. Oox, who went to Denver
some time ago to attend the convention
of tho auxiliary of tho B. of L. F. & E.,
will return Sunday,
: :o: :
For Kent
Five room house, 500 east Fourth
street, newly papered, modern except
heat. Inquire for key next door
east. 42tf
TTim tm mi 1 1 n iniHHi
"It's true. I do all my cooking
on the New Perfection, and it
actually costs me less than it would
to keep the range going."
"But doesn't it get out of order?
Doesn't it smoke and smell?"
"Not the New Perfection. That
long blue chimney burner seems
to be trouble-proof. Of course,
gMHnifiTiirniimrTTtunMiMiiiMniiiiTTiTiTMii rfi i n ni MMiTrrrrTTH m n i ithiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiufmi iiiiiiiihuiiiiii
Glen S. Needham, nge 21 and Miss
Mabel T. Schultz, ago IS, of Pnxton,
wero married in this city Tuesday nf
tornoon by County Judgo French.
Mrs. John N. Baker returned a few
days ago from Denver whoro sho vis
ited friends and attended tho conven
tion of tho auxiliary of tho B. of L. F.
and E.
Mrs. William Noill, of Charles
Town, W. Va., who has spent sovcral
weeks with har daughter Mrs. M.
Keith Neville, left for her home this
Warren Harold Orr ago 21, of Lew
ellen and Elma Comolla Boggs ago 18,
of Arthur, wero granted license to
wed by County Judgo Fronch Wednes
day morning.
G. R. Storltt, of Spokane, Wash.,
will visit at tho Chartes Reynolds
home this week while enrouto home
from New York City whoro ho is at
tending collego.
Mrs. L. C. Newton and children, of
WellllccU aro visiting tho former's
sisters MIssc3 Helen and Jcsslo Bak-
er this week while enrouto to Melrose
to visit hor parents.
Tho houso occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Qulnn on cast Sixth street is
undergoing Improvements. A base
ment will bo added and several chang
es made in tho Interior.
Tho J. F. F. club was entertained at
tho homo of Mrs. Glen Mann Tuesday
afternoon. In tho card games the priz
es wero awarded to Mesdames Harry
Gutherless and Edwin Barraclough.
Davo Hardin, a conductor on the
east end division of tho Union Pacific,
was taken ill last week with ptomalno
poisoning and removed to his homo in
Omaha. Ho is reported to be getting
along nicely.
A successful social was held yester
day afternoon by the Catholic ladles
at the home of Mrs. J. W. McHugh. Sho
was assisted In entertaining by Mes
dames Charles Hlbbard, Con and Ed
ward Walker.
Rev. Thomas Conway, of Grand
Junction, has returned home after vis
iting local friends and Rov. McDald,
while enrouto homo from the east
Rev. Conway was tho pastor of St.
Patrick's church thlrty-slx years ago.
Miss Willa Raugh returned a few
days ago from Concordia, Kansas, and
other eastern points where sho spent
several weeks. Sho was accompanied
homo by her sister Regis, Iwho has been
attending the convent in Concordia.
On account of tho heavy rains. and
condition of the local baso ball grounds
the game between the Boosters and
Gothenburg team was postponed Wed
nesday and will bo played at tho south
side park on Sunday afternoon, Juno
A social that (was well patronized
and enjoyable socially was held Wed
nesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs
Will Diener by tho Lady Maccabees
The proceeds will bo used In defraying
expenses of the Maccabeo room In tho
North Platto General hospital.
Wo wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the neighbors and friends
who so kindly assisted us during tho
illness and at the death of our be
loved daughter and sister, the lato
Irma Winslow, also for tho beautiful
floral offerings. Signed, Mr. and Mrs.
Georgo Winslow and family.
HIIss 1 nil u Huffman
will glvo prlvato lessons for tho next
three months, Residence 802 West Gth
street Phone Red G2G 43-2
nm it tmttttttttttt t t t nn ttti
"Not Really!
you have to be careful about the
oil you use. I use Perfection Oil
that's the Standard Oil Com
pany's best and I never have a
bit of trouble."
New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves
are sold in many styles and sizes
by hardware, furniture and de
partment stores everywhere. Ask
to see the heat retaining oven.
ii ii niiiuuimi in
Dr. H. C. Brock has roturned from
a business visit in Omaha this week.
Mrs. Grogg has returned from a visit
with tho Brooks family In Gothenburg.
Tho Lutheran ladles Will hold n so
cial on the parsonage lawn this even
ing. Mrs. J. II. Hogarty left Wednesday
afternoon for Denver to remain for
a month with relatives.
Mrs. Charles Thornburg, who has
been visiting her brother In Clmppell,
Is expected homo tomorrow;
Edward Walte, of Omega, was In
tho city this week taking treatment
for his eyes.
Mrs. James Guyman and children
left Wednesday nftornoon for Schuyler
to spend n mouth with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. A. Strauss of David
City, who camo to visit Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Crawford, have returned home.
We nrc paying lightning losses nN
rend j. Is your live stock protected!
Frank Porter, formerly time clerk
In tho west yards, wont to Kearney
to accept a position wkith the Union
A ball game between tho Federal
nine and tho high school team will bo
played at tho south sldo park at 11
a. in. Sunday.
Qettmnn'sIIand-Mado Cigar. Gc. 14-tf
Miss Esther Ilunnnell will leavo to
forrow morning for Omaha where sho
will take stenography in Boylcs' Bus
iness college.
Mrs. Chllds and son Floyd, of Kan
sas City, who havo been visiting hor
sister, Mrs. J. S. Davis, will leavo for
homo this wcok.
Work on tho fill of tho approach to
tho Lincoln Highway bridge is being
hurried in order that it will bo in con
dition for uso within a fortnight.
Miss Ethel Grady, of Grand Island,
came Wednesday afternoon to visit
Mrs. Edward Grndy and Miss Kath
leen Flynn for a week or longer.
Tho batting averages of tho local
base ball team taken this week nro
as follows: Totlenhoft 333, Ramsey
310, Langford 29G, Bullard, 294, Amen
272, Gettman 257, Llndstrom 225, Kelly
218, Simons 1G0.
Thoro Is no summer apparel qulto
bo cool and practical for the hot days
as a washablo skirt. Thoy can always
bo kept fresh and clean and when you
aro making your selection, why not get
tho best obtainable, a Printzess Wash
Skirt. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. 43-2
At a shooting tournament hold each
Saturday for two months past by tho
high school cadets at the North Platto
rifle rang at tho experimental form
and conducted under tho provisions
of tho School Boy Rlflo Club Organ!
zatlon N. R. A. Outdoor rango 200
yards tho following local high school
cadets mado scores over 75 and wero
anwiarded bronzo medals by tho Na
tional Rifle Association of America for
Junior marksmanship Wednesday at
tornoon. Sixteen cadets mado tho
army marksmen score, but only sov
en exceeded 75. Tho medals will bo
awarded to John Rltnor, Georgo Hub
bard, Jolino Antonldes, Paul Brotzer,
Russell Langford, Ward LaRuo and
Calrl Harris, Iby Leonard Rtabinson,
rango officer of the, North Platto Rlflo
For Sale or Trade.
Seven room houso with bath, base
ment, all modern except heat. Built
three years agio. Inquire at this office.
iTHiniiimimii i nut mm
mi iin'i'i "i m
A Long Lived Eagle.
It has been a tradition from tlmo
immemorial that tho caglo renews its
strength when very old. It mounts
aloft until It comes very near tho sun,
when, scorched by tho heat, It throws
itself Into the sea, whence it emerges
full of renewed vigor.
Such havo supposed that Uio passago
in Psalms clii, 5, "Thy youth Is re
newed llko tho eagle's," alludes to this
old fable. But tho more probablo fact
Is that it refers to tho strength and
vigor which characterize tho caglo oven
In old age. ,
A couplo of years ago a largo speck
men of eaglo was shot on tho fjord by
tho city of Nakskov, Denmark. Around
its nock was fastened a small chain to
which was attached a scaled bottlo.
On opening tho bottio a note was found
written in Danish, which translated
raids ns follows: "Caught nntl ngnln
mado freo by N. and C. Anderson in
the year 1702."
Pain and Appendicitis.
That pain at what doctors call "Me-
Burney's point" is not, ns generally
believed, proof of appendicitis was
demonstrated before a Texan medical
society recently by Dr. P. I. Nixon of
San Antonio In an address published
in the Medical Record.
Dr. Nixon told tho history of several
cases in which operation proved tho
diagnosis of appendicitis to havo been
erroneous and of ono in which an ex
ploratory operation proved appendici
tis to bo tho trouble when thcro was
no pain over McBurncy'a point This
la situated low down on tho right sldo
of tho abdomen.
It takes a combination of several dif
ferent symptoms together to warrant a
certain diagnosis of appcndiciUs.
No Podostal For Htm.
"Whatever you do," said Senator
Sorghum to his faithful campalgu as
sistant, "don't let my friends overdo It
in ropresenUng mo oa a great and lofty
figure. Don't let them put mo on a
"What's tho matter with a pedestal?'
"I havo been studying tho statuary
in tho park. Putting a man on a ped
estal generally means that ho'll havo
to Btay out in the cold by himself."
Washington Star.
Kissing In Iceland.
Among old tlmo laws against kissing
Uioso of Iceland nppear to havo been
Uio most severe. Baulshment was Uio
penalty laid down for kissing another
man's wife, cither with or without her
consent Tho samo punishment was
enforced for kissing an unmarried wo
man against her will. If It could bo
proved that sho had consented to bo
kissed tho offender was still liable to
a flno of a great quanUty of cloth for
each offense.
Right In His Lino.
"Need any moro talent for your mov
ing plcturo dramas?"
"Wo might bo nblo to nso you. navo
you had any experienco nt acting with
out audiences?"
"Acting without audiences is what
brought mo here."
Smltty (taking his watch from un
der his pillow) Quarter to 8 and no
oho has como to wako mo yet. I shall
certainly bo lato for class If they don't
como soon. Lehigh Burr.
Don't Judge This Company by One
Act of An Unthinking Employee
Every employee of this company has been taught that his or
her duty is to render not only efllciont service but to be courteous
and absolutely fair in every action.
We havo been foremost to establish and proposo to continuo
our efforts to maintain good wages and good working conditions.
In return we insist upon efficient service from our employees
and courtesy and thoughtfulness in thoir dealings with our
Wo feel sure that all of our employcos aro imbued with the
spirit of service and conscientiously want to servo you, but all of
us are human and all of us occasionally do thoughtless things.
When you believe wo have mado a mistake, when you think
we have erred in any way in dealing with you, please call it to
our attention. We want you to feel free to do so. Wo want to
correct any error that has been mado any wrong that has been
done and we want you to tell us about it so wo may.
Do not judge us by one act of an unthinking employee. Al
ways we are trying to servo you faithfully and well.
Ecctrlcnl Supplies
Wiring Storngo Batteries
Morsch Bldg
Phono 175.
Notico of Final Itcport.
Estato of Cornelius Sullivan, deceased
in tho County Court ol Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons Interested in said Estato tako
notico that tho Administrator lias
filed a Unal accoun'6 and Toport
of his administration and a
petition for flnal settlement and
dlschargo as such, and for a do
crco of distribution and descont of
tho real property which havo been
set for hearing beforo said court on
Juno 30, .191(1, at 9 o'clock a. m., when
you may 'appear and contest tho same.
Dated Juno 3, 101 G.
JG-J27 County Judgo.
In tho Mattor of Luther F. Owens,
Caso No. 48, In Bankruptcy, Volun
tary Petition.
Notico of First Meeting of Creditors.
To the creditors of Luthor F. Owons
of North Platte, in tho County of Lin
coln In tho District aforesaid.
Notico is hereby glvon that on tho 8th
day of Juno, A. D. 191G, tho said Luth
or F. Owens wan duly adjudgod a bank
rupt, and that tho first meeting of his
creditors will bo held at tho offico of
tho Roforoo in Bankruptcy in North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, In
said District on tho 19th day of Juno
A. D. 191G, at 11 o'clock A. M., at
which tlmo tho said creditors may
attend, provo thoir claims, appoint a
trustee, examine tho bankrupt, ond
trnnsact such other business ns may
properly como beforo said meoltng.
Reforeco in Bankruptcy.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In tho Mattor of tho Estato of William
II. Spurrlor, Doccoscd.
To tho heirs, creditors, and all oth
er persons interested in tho Estato of
William II. Spurrlor, Doceased.
You aro hereby notified that on tho
29th day of 'May, 191G, N. B. Spurrier
filed his petition in itho county court
of said county stating that tho said
William II. Spuraw departed this
llfo on the 22d day of Fobruary, 1911,
bolng on said dato a rosldont of Do-
catur county. lowal; (hat ho died
Bulzed of tho following described
proporty situated in Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho oast ono-half
(E'fc) of the Northwest quarter
(NW'4) find Lots ono (1) and two
(2) of Section ninetcon (19), Town
ship twelvo (12), rango thirty-two
(32), west of tho Gth P. M.; that the
potltlonor, N. B. Spurrlor, Ib n son of
tho said William II. Spurler, deceased,
and has acquired all tho interest of
tho other heirs In and to Uio above
described premises.
Tho prayer of said potitlon being
for a determination of tho tlmo of
tho death of Bald William II. Spur
rlor, and a determination of tho heirs
of said doceased, and for a docrco of
kinship and tho right of descend of
tho real ostato bolonglng to said do
ceased; that all claims bo barred.
You aro horoby notified that tho
samo will bo heard at tho county
court room In tho city of North
Plntto, In said county, on tho 30th
day of Juno, 191G, at tho hour of 9
o clock a. m.
JGJ23 County Judge,
Licensed Embalmors
Undertakers Hnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black C88.
In tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska,
William Robb and C. E. King, Plain
tiffs, vs. Alien J. Cloud; and
William Stull, itho solo member
of tho firm of Stull Brothers, De
fendants. Tho defendants, Allen J. Cloud
and William Stull will tako
notico that upon the 31st day of
May, 191G, tho plaintiffs heroin (Hod
thoir potion in tho district court
of Lincoln County, Nobraska, against
tho following named defendants: Al
len J. Cloud and William Stull, tho
nolo member of tho firm of Stull Bro
thers, the object and prayor of said
potitlon being to havo tho tltlo to tho
West half of tho Northeast quarter
and tho Wost half of tho Southeast
quarter of Section 18, TownBhlp 13
North, Rango 33, West of tho Gth P.
M. Lincoln Countty, Nebraska, quloted
in said plaintiff, C. E. King as against
a mortgago for $500.00 dated January
30, 1800, and as against a mortgago
for $75.00 dated January 30, 1890, bo-
cauBo of tho fact that said plaintiffs
havo boon In tho cpon, notorious, ox
cIubIvo, continuous, advorso and hos
tllo possession of mich land for moro
than ton yeara nox)ti prior to
tho bringing of this act!on. That
plaintiffs pray to havo Uio feo slmplo
tltlo heroin quloted in C. E. King and
for such othor and furthor rollof in
tho premises as may bo deemed propor
by the court.
You and each of you aro required
to answer aald petition on or boforo
.the 24th day of July, 1910.
By Muldoon & Oberst, Thoir Attor
noys. J13-J7
Sheriffs Sulo
By vlrttio of an order of ealo issued
from tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nobraska, upon n decroo of
foreclosure rendored in said court,
whoroln II. S. Evans is plaintiff, and
I Benton Taylor et al uro defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on tho 21th
day of Juno, 1910, at 2 o'clock p, m.,
ut tho east front door of tho court
houso In North Platto, Lincoln county,
Nobraska, soil at public auction to tho
highest blddor for cash, to satisfy said
decroo, interest and coBts, tho follow
ing described property, to-wlt:
All or Section Nineteen (19), Town
Bhlp Fifteen (IB), North of Rango
Twenty-Eight (28), and Woat Half of
tho Northeast Quarter (W NE'A)
and East Half of tho Northwest Quar
ter (E'j of NW4) of Section Twenty-four
(24), Township Fifteeon (15),
North of Rango Twonty-nlno (29), all
In Lincoln County. Nobraska.
Dated North Platto, Neb., May 22,
1010. A. J. SALISBURY,
37-Gw . Sheriff.
Notico to Creditors.
Estato No. 1415 of Mary Ann Hawkins,
deceased, In tho county court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nobraska, bs: Creditors
of said estato will tuko notico that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estato is
December 30, 1910, and for settlement
of said estato iB May 20, 1917, that I
will sit at tho county court room in
snld county, on Juno 30, 191G, at 9
o'clock a. m. and on December 30;
191G, nt 9 o'clock a, m. to recoivo
oxamino, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly tiled.
m30-J27 County Judgo.