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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1916)
l o rtlt mi-ltettto tribune. THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 13, 1916. r No. 43 Ik L 800 KEITH (jbUNTHTES ARE WITH US TODAY The North Platte Chambqr of Com merce Is hosb today to nearly thrco hundred residents of, Kolth Icounty who arrived this morning to make a visit-td the experimental sub-atatlon, get bettor acquainted with North Platte pooplo, and Incidentally get better ac O 1 qualnted with themBolvcs 4hls latter always being a good feature of such an . outing. Thth trip was planned by the Keith County Community, Club which Includes in Its membership qulto a. (bunch of jfollows who do things. The visitors werd met upon the ar rival of the train by a committee irffm the Chamber of Commerce and the municipal bawl, and forming in a procession marched to the court liOuso, thonco to tho Star Bottling works where Portor's beverages woro dispensed. Many of tho visitors ac cepted an invitation to go through the North Platte General Hospital. Tho committee had at- Us disposal eighty autos, and into these the visitors (were loaded and tho procession start ed for the stato farm. The Tribune goes to press too early tto give an account of tho doings of the day. However, Supt. Snyder and Ills assistants at the farm hadfnado larrangemonts to show the visitors all over tho plant; tho Chamber of Com merce had made arrangements to 1 servo a luncli at the farm, and this af ternoon a ball game between the busi ness men of Ogalalla and this city will be played on tho east end grounds. The visitors will leave the farm at two o'clock and the game will bo called unon their arrival at tho grounds. AO YOU WANT TO SELL If you wnnt lo sell yonr property place It with us,, price It right and we ii x i. . 5 . i. . can sell -ynnt city property forJantfscc' , '- BRATT, GOODMANf & nUCKLEr. -, r,it ' iio: 'loois tutiiN 163m. fz W ojjnb -ui ofus jo- einnid o3cqqtto otpi A SPECIAL SALE NHMMH WMMHHHMM A The Very Best Values We have ever been able to offer at the prices.v The qualities are high class, the stylesare the veryOlat est and most popular. While they last the prices are 98c and $1.98 E. T. TRAMP & SONS. HATTLK TWELVE INNINGS WITH A TWO TO TWO SCORE Thero was a real game down at tho ball lot yesterday afternoon when North Platto and Eustls. battled through twclvo Innings with a two to two scoro and then called tho gamo in order that tho visitors might catch a train home. It was a game that was full of thrillers; thero was not a mo-i mont tho strain on tho players as well as on tho meagre crowd of fans was not tonse. ATtley -and Tibbotts wero tho twlrlors. Each struck out thir teen men; Artloy gavo seven hits and Tibbetts eight, honors were thorcforc nearly oven. EustlB scored ono in tho third and one In the eighth frame; North Platto ono In tho sixth and ono lri the eighth. After tho eighth Eustls got ttwo men on bases, but Artloy tightened up and thero they remained as though glued. In tho .'twelfth framo North Platte got a man ran first, and Gettman lined out a hot one over second that looked like a two-bagger and a yell arose, but it was short lived for Carrlg, Who covors all the ground In tho outfield, was Johnnie on tho spot and snapped It and then tho Eustls crowd made a run for tho train. The paid admissions wero a little short of a hundred, and when the re sult of tho game was known 784 fans kicked themselves because they did not throw business to the winds and attend. HAIL INSURANCE Tills Is (he time to protect your crop. Don't write It In a company who cannot pny your loss promptly. MUTT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. ::o:: George Frater loft last night for Hastings to attend the convention of tho Nebraska State Druggists' Asso ciation. John O'Kecfe, register of tho U. S. 'land office at Alliance, Bpont jester day in town, He came hero as a wit ness in a case on trial in the federal court. WAISTS .New Assortment of Tub Silks and Voille Waists . . . . . A large and varied assortment to se lect from. All sizes. t WE CAN FIT YOU. CITtf AND COUNTY NEWS. Wo s6U eggs for 17Vfcc a dozen. Wilcox Department Store. Wanted -Girl Tor general houso work. Mrs. A. Ii. Hongland, 608 west Fourth street. 43tf A lawn social will bo hold at tho Lutheran church Friday ovenlng to which tho public Is Invited. , Mrs. J. W. Fitzpatrlck and daughter Margaret returned last evening from a month's visit In Omaha with rela tives, t Tho rain last night measured fifty flvo ono hundredths of an Inch, making a total of 1.71 Inches alnco last Friday night Misses Arta Kockcn, of Great Falls, Mont., and Margaret Kockcn, of Oma ha, called hero last evening by tho serious illness of their father. Mrs. Louis Peterson aiid nephew, Teddy Woingand, who liavo been visit ing relatives in KansnB City and Ross- fvlllo, 111., will return tomorrow ev ening. Tho Royal Neighbors will hold their regular meeting in tho K P hall Wed-. ncsday afternoon at 3 o'clock. AH mcmbors are urged to bo present as important business (will bo transacted Tho Epworth League will meet Sat-, urday ovenlng at tho McMlchael home 209 south Vino. A biblo contest will bo held and the side winning will bo given ton points t'bward Uio Sunday school contest-. - j Ice Cream 25c a quart at Wilcox Department Store. The ladles' auxiliary of Harry B. Brown CainpU. S. W. V. will liold flag day oxerclsesjit tho Lloyd opera houso tomorrow afternoon at three .o'clock. All members pf patrioatlc bodies arq requested to attend. An appropriate program will bo given. :o:: FOR RENT Houses, Northsiilc Store, nice iin furnished rooms clqs$ In, storage room' mul snfc deposit boxes. BRATT, GOODMAN" & BUCKLEY. !ION ONE, DAY SESSION OV FEDERAL COURT Federal Judge, J. W, Woodrough, of Omaha arrived yesterday morning nnd hold a one day session of federal court. He was accompanied by U. S. District Attorney JT. S. Allon, District Court Clerk It. C. Hoyt, Deputy Mar shal J, 13. NIckerson of Omaha and Deputy JIarshal D. H. Lincoln, of Kearney. Three cases camo boforo Judge Woodrough. Chas, E. Aldrlch entered a1 plea of guilty on Uio chargo of vio lating tho Mann white clavo net and was glvon a Jail sentence of thirty days which he will sorvo At Hastings. Mrs. Ethel Anderson, charged with using tho malls wlth.lntcnt to defraud was given a flnc Kf twenty-five dollars! It. L, Logan, charged with land fraud, was ordered to romovo a fence, which had been placed on government land. : :o: : Entertained at Gothenburg. Friday, Juno 9th, was a red letter day in tho annals of tho North Platto P. E. 0. ladles, (or thoy spent tho day In Gothenburg as guests of Chapter Aw. Seventeen woro nblo to avail themselves of tho invitation, nnd thoy loft North Platto In gayest holiday spirit on tho mino o'clock train. A delegation of tho Gothenburg ladles Vith ' sovoral of tho "Brothors," met tho train, and after a royol welcome the guests were glvon a long automo bile rldo through tho city and out Into 'the beautiful farming country around Gothenburg. After tho drlvo the ladles wero takon to tho residence of Mrs. Kelly whoro an informal reception was held, and at ono ociock woro -oscorccu 10 mo hom of Mrs. Loutzcnhlsor where a do- llcious flvo courso luncheon was serv ed. Covers woro laid for over thirty and tho tables woro artistically deco rated with th6 J?. E. O. colors, yollow nnd (white, and baskots of marguorltoa. After tho luncheon tho good P. E, 0, "Brothers" and their cara woroagaln at tho disnosal of the ladles and. they woro taken to tho ball gamo botwceji Gothenburg and Mwywood, Afterwards Ihoy woro escorted through Uio hev CnrncRio library, an attractive build- in! o wlilch" Gothenburg is vJustly proun, and later afternoon tea; wns served at tho residence of Mrs." Kelly; Six o'clock found tho North Pja'tto la dles homeward bound, deeply appre ciative of tho .genuine hospitality shown them, and fooling more closely uounu ny rriencuy anu siBicny Ties io tho Gothon'onrg Chapter. Jto:: Dr Wurtclo iJne'fc io Nature Dr. F. J. Wurtelo leave's this week for tho wilds of Wyoming ,whore far from tho maddening crowd, free, from tlle'tlnVlo of tho telephone, and tho thought of making' incisions in tho human structure "ho will fllcop ten hours a day, catch a few dozen trtout each morning, rldo the bucking bron cho and otherwise break ;;tho ovory day monotony of a physician's life Tho Doctor's haven will bo In tho Jack son Holo country, which is (wild and wooly enough to suit anybody. - ::o:: Elect MIhs Murphy Librarian. At tho mooting of tho public library board last ovenlng, Miss Loretta Mur phy Was elected librarian to succeed Mrs. Mary Jones, roslgnedj There wero thirteen applications. Miss Muf phy for sovoral years past has been teaching In tho HorBhoy schools, and Is well qualified for the position. , 0 Curd of Thanks Appreciating to the fullest extent tho kindly assistanco given us during tho illncsB and at tho funeral of the lato Mrs. Fred Marti, and for tho many beautiful llornl tributes), wo extend our most heartfolt thanks to the L. O. T. M tho D, P. O. B Loyal Mystic Loglon, Chamber of Commorco, Glass of ,1914, tho Tllllkums, Epworth Lcaguo, Junior Auxiliary, fiadleo Guild and neighbors and frlonds. FRED MAItTI AND FAMILY. SISTERS AND RELATIVES. : :o: : Hand Concert Thurnduy On account of Friday being Union Pacific pny day, tho concert, by the municipal band this week will bo hold Thursday evening. Mark thlH down in your memory noto book. v ' For Sale or Trade. Sovcn room houso with bath, base ment. all modern except boat. Built three years age Inqulro at this office, ::o::- Lost Last evening a Japanese poc ket look In front of Candy Kitchen, containing papors valuablo only to owner. Finder hloase return to this office or Duke's s'tor. Money to Loan on Real Estutc, imATT.jOOAN & BUCKLEY. TRIANGLE PROGRAM AT THE KEITH NEXT FRIDAY. Tho Triangle program which will bo prosonted at the Iolth theatre Friday, Juno lGth, will consist of tho drama "Tho Iron Strnin" and tho comedy "A Gamo Old Knight." Without a doubt thoro will bo more people of real noto In these tlwo features on one program than In any showing ever mado here. In tho Iron Strnin wo have Dustln Fnrnum who needs no introduction but who played bo successfully on the stago boforo entering tho plcturo Hold. Ono of his successes was In, "Tho Vlfl- glnlati." As his star da Enid Mnrkoy who has mado good on tho screen, Truly Shatticlc tho comic opera favor ite who was widely known as prima donna in Llttlo Johnny Jones, and Ltiuiso Glaum who has played load ing parts for some tlmo but who horo takes a lesser part In ordor to nlako n perfect cnaemblo. Tho story Is n pleas ing one; the scenes aro laid on tho western coast. In tho Keyetono comedy, "A Gnmo Old Knight" vo hnvo Oharles Murray of tho well known team of comedians, Murray and Mack. With him nroassoc- latcd Louiso Fazonda n"nd Cocllo Ar nold. And directing them Is that prince of directors Mark Senitatt Wo feel flavo-In saying that this pmgram will please anyono that It Is posslblo to plonso with photo plays. TWo Bhows 7:30 to 9:15. Main floor 10c nnd 16c, balcony 10c. "Should a WIfo Forgive" with Lil lian Lorraine, and Henry King show ing at tho Keith Thursday night deals with a problem that has caused much discussion tho last fow years and ha3 Children's Wash Suits, in Large$arieties Motlfcr? know this and'so dq'' WO. Wo havo provided a splendid selection in all the new summer styles and there "aYe'"manv of them. Developed v anaV solidcolpr ,;pm)jnationSf anneal to ail mouiors. oizu Teasonablc Wo soil tho Kayneo lino of Theso blousos -ro mado from.flnopprcales .nnd madras In fancy st?lpcs orplnIh white, 4ho collars fit porfectly and tho string is mado in a loop so -that when It Is adjusted your Just tlo It In a knot nnd there Is no moro bothor 'with it. Price 50c Madagascar Hats for boys and girls. An ideal summer, hat mado of flno woven Madagas car Mats trimmed with fancy bands. Prices v 75c end $1.00 Wash Hats made In different colors somo with contrasting brims, bthors with 'colored bands nnd edges, bands trim med with largo pearl buttons. You will only have to seo thoso hats to appreolato the differ ence In material and work nianship. Prices " 30c and $1.50 White Sailor Suit mado of Imitation linen cloth. With bolt of same material. P'rico $1.00 Wilcox Department Store. J. J. Gettman's Cigar Store NOW OPEN You are cordially invited to visit our new store in the Brodheck huilding, where you will find all the leading brands of cigars, smokers' articles, tobacco and confectionery. Comfortable lounging room, reading table and other accessories, for those who desire to read and enjoy a smoke. Furnishings new, neat and attractive. Courteous treatment at all times, nlso boon tho basis, of many of our host sellers. It Is a topic,' on which nearly ovory ono has formbd an opin ion ono wny or tho other and will thoroforo intorcst you. Farm and IIhiicU 'Iohhh at lowest rales mill best terms. Money on hand to close loans promptly. a 43tt llUCHANAIf & PATTERSONS Provided two reliable tenants can bo Bocuircd Mrs. Lester Walkor 13 planning do remodel. Iter residenco on west 4th street to nconuriodato ono family downstairs nnd ono on the sooond floor. Tho plans includo tho construction of n bath room down stairs and a kltchon upstairs as well as nn outside cntranco to tho back stairway and gas ranges nnd tank heaters on both floors. Als'o sultablo front cntrnncos. When completed thoso should bo vory dcslrablo apart ments. Tho A. O. U. W and D. of II. lodges celobrated tho thlrtloth nnnlvorsary of tho establishment of their lodges on Sunday aftomopn nt tho K. P. hall. A program of music and speeches aproprlato to tho day wore held and memorial cxccIbos also conducted Tho graves of doconacd mombors ln both comotorloB woro decorated with, flowers. J. W. FIshor, of Topoka, Kan., Is tho guest of his son W. D. FIshor, having arrived yostorday. If you Imvc Miff money -we enn place it In safo first mortgage real estate lonns Melting 7 to 8 per cunt Interest. Wo attend to nil dotnlls. llItATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. in percales, cinchnms, white tlyare i cutnjirig.siiUs.thaJjyiU, .y u yuma,, - uiura- ypiy r Boys Kayneo Blouses ' mado jjjjj, flno madrasJi.MlMnK ' 1,1 Jbeautuul stripes, au irast cpjora., (019. ldnd papa gets In hll flttgJnirtaT 'turned back Cuffs, flno-pearl buttons, also inado with tho loop tie. Price $1.00 Children's Caps mado of bettor materials than you' usually And In ,papB that soil for 50c Poroalo Suits nicoly made In. assorted Btrlpos, trimmed with -white. Bolts aro white trimmed with bias folds of material like suits. Largo pearl buttons. $1.00 Rompers nil bIzcb and colors mado from .faBt color fnbrlcs cut Tight so thoy fit conitort ably, nicoly piped in contrast ing colors. Price 50c Extra Quality ono -piece wash togs mado of, flno ging hams. Short sleeves, wldo"'legs very easy to Iron. Price $1.00 1