The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 09, 1916, Image 8

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"Who'a going to tnko you to tho
danco tonight?" asked Emily Darnes'
motnor at tno suppor tablo.
Emily h08ltatcd a moment
"Mr. Sands," sho ropliod finally.
Hor fathor looked up intorestedly.
That young chap who's trying
sciontiiio farming on tho Williams'
piaco7 I must ho on hand to moot
him tonight."
1 "Now, dad'dy, dear, plcaso don't start
that again," pleaded Emily. "Evorv
time a really nico young man comes to
soo mo, you got busy. You act as If
ho was your long-lost son-in-law, and,
of course, that disgusts any decent
follow. What makes you do It?"
"It's this way," placidly explained
hor father. "Your grandfather was al
ways so cool to mo each tlmo I went
courting your mothor that it mado mo
wlldor than evor to get hor, so I do
cldcd I'd uso tho other plan and bo
so polito to tho young chaps that
they'd quit coming for lack of oppo
sition. I don't want to loso my llttlo
girl yet."
Then and there Emily resolved that
If it woro posBlblo, sho would keep hor
fathor and young Sands apart. If
they novor mot, sho rcasonod, then
her fathor could not, by his extremely
clover mothods, disgUBt him ho ho
would como no longer.
Accordingly that overling sho mot
tho young man at tho door with:
"I'm all ready, you soo."
"Am I late?" ho asked, with a bo
wlldorod look at hor cloak and glovoB.
"Not at all. Dut Mrs. Carman asked
mo to como early to help hor with tho
decorations. Lovely night, isn't it?" as
Bho doscondod tho steps with tho as
tonlBhod, but distinctly happy Mr.
Many woro tho subtorfugos to which
Emily was forced to rcaort in tho noxt
fow wooks to koop hor father and
young Sands apart, but always Bho
Buccocded. Each day tho young man
was growing moro dovotod and ap
pearing at hor sldo whenever sho ven
tured outsldo hor gato.
Camo tho flrBt day of May, fragrant
with applo blossoms and musical with
tho hum of bees. Tho young people
planned a May day picnic. Tho girls
woro to apond tho afternoon gathering
wild flowers In tho woods near tho
vlllago, and at supper tlmo tho young
mon woro to appear, carrying tho
baskets of lunch provlouBly proparcd
by tho fomlnlno contingent.
At flvo o'clock of tho eventful day,
tho girls, laden with spring blosBomo,
woro grouped about Mrs. Cartor, their
Jolly llttlo chaporono, watching tho
group of youthB hastening down tho
road toward thorn.
"Hero wo are!" shoutod Joo Baker.
"I mado them let mo load tho proces
sion after Dllly 8anda had to fall out,
and I had to carry two baskets."
"Whoro is Dllly Sands 7" nsked ev
erybody all at onco.
"At homo, nursing a Blck cow or n
alio, or something. Anywily, It's
something that swallowed an oar of
corn or a can of soup or somothlng,"
answered truthful Joo. "They camo
running out for him as wo passed his
farm. Ho waB awfully sorry to miss
tho fun I speak for his ploco of cako
now," ho rtnlBhod, thereby starting a
young riot.
Emily's lips woro smiling, but hor
heart felt quoor and heavy as sho gath
ered tho bottle of ollvos and escaped
to a broad stump to opon them.
"What Ib tho matter with mo?" sho
askod horaolf dosporatoly. "I novel
waB this upset about a man boforo. If
it hurts this much now, what will It
bo whon fathor sondB him right about
faco? Thoro'B Just ono thing to do
and that Is to quit him right now."
Sho roturnod tho olives to tho noisy
youngsters around tho campllro and
murmured about going to tho spring
to wash hor hands.
Even at that dlstanco tho laughing
voices sounded plainly, drowning tho
nolflo of approaching footsteps.
Then a volco. at Emily'B shouldor bo
gan: "MIsb Emily, I'm so sorry"
and Bho turned to find tho only man in
tho world closo bosldo hor.
"Oh," sho snld, and hold out hor
hands as a child might havo dono. Tho
man, with a choking cry of "Swoot
heart!" gathorod thorn close.
Then ho blurted out boyishly: "I'vo
mot your fathor."
"Not really?" Bho gaspod.
Young Sands was nmarod.
"You don't understand, swoothoart,"
ho explained. "Ilo ho llkod mo. I
know ho did. I'd always boon afraid
ho doBpl8od rao, bocauBo bocauBO you
novor Introduced mo to him.
Emily was sobbing now, hor faco in
hor hands. Sho bollovod sho could soo
In advanco tho sordid finish to hor
fairy story.
"Aro you crying bocauoo I mot your
fathor?" asked Billy Sands quietly.
"Yea," gulpod Emily truthfully.
Tho young man graspod a troo trunk
for support.
"Perhaps you'd rather I wont away
whoro I could not troublo you and
your pooplo," ho hazarded shakily.
"If you only would," choked Emily.
"I'll do it," ho promised. "I lovo
you well onougji for ovon that."
Emily's hands foil away, hor wot llt
tlo faco aglow with Joy.
"Honestly, Dllly? Then It doosn't
matter If fathor doos mako a parado
ovor you." And Bho finished hor Btam
morlng story on his shoulder, his arms
tightly holding hor.
"Tho sly old fox," laughod Joyous
Billy Sands.
(Copyright, 1916. by the MoCluro Nowipa
per Syndtcfcte.)
Their Respective Callings Seem to
Dear Out to Perfection Har
mony In Appearance.
Evor notice how tho horso resembles
tho driver or tho driver tho horso?.
Inquires tho Columbus (O.) Dlsnatch.'
Hero stands nn old horso hitched to a
scavenger's wagon. Tho driver, tho
wagon and tho horso all resemble
each other. Tho wheels of tho wagon
do not "track." Thoy wobblo around,
making scrncntlno tracks, and creak
and groan as thoy rumblo nloni;. Tho
horso has a spavin on ono leg and a
misshapen hoof on ono foot and a fow
whlto patches on his back where tho
harness in othor days has mado sores.
And thoro Is tho driver, poking about
In tho barrols in tho alloys, unkempt,
wobbly In his colt, uncertain unon bin
feet, dojoctlon in his features for all
tho world llko tho horso and wagon.
Horo comes a follow clown tho ntrnnt
driving n high-headed horso, with
sniny harness. It Booms out of date,
of courso, fpr tho motor car has ren
dered obsolcto tho bCBt of horses and
tho finest of carriages. Dut tho driver
Ib of tho samo stripe a smooth-enough
looking follow, well croomed and bar-
bdrcd to porfoction and clothod in
flashy apparol. Dut he, too, soems a
bit out of ditto; at least ho carrlos
you back to tho "sporty" days of tho
past. He and tho biiguy nnd tho horso
rcsomblo each other as nearly as tho
scavenger and his outfit rcsomblo
each other.
Thoro gooB an ico wajron a nalr of
pondorous Norman horses, with
strength In ovory feature And on
tho seat of tho wagon sltB a man of
Btrongth, with good, strong arms nnd
robust body, resomblitig tho stability
of tho wagon and tho team.
You can go throuch tho whole list
nnd you will find tho rosomblancn nf
driver and team and vohlclo. Wo won
der if It will como to bo tho caao
with tho motor cars when wo havo
a motorized world. Wo half suspect
It will.
Breeders of Black Cattle Will Have
Nothing of Light Color About
Their Establishments.
Tho brooders of tho Pollod Aneus
a particular raco of black cattlo in
Scotland who mako a great point of
keeping up tho porfoct uniformity of
tholr blackness, getting rid of ovory
Individual that has ovon a slnelo whlto
foot, take caro to havo ovorythlng
black about tholr farmsteads. All
tho buildings aro black, tho horsos aro
black, tho dogs aro black, tho fowls
aro black. No brooder will havo any
thing colorod or whlto about his placo.
Though no account can bo clvon of
tho physiological action which makcB
thoso precautions offcctlvo (as thoy
aro assorted to bo) In securing tho
doslred results, yet Bomo scientists aro
strongly Inclined to think that soma
influence of this kind iB concornod in
producing many singular correspond
ences betweon tho surfaco nsnoet of
ilshos and Crustacea inhabiting shal
low watora and tho character of tho
bottoms on which thoy llvo.
Putting tho Baby to Sleep.
In Uio matter of slcon. babies are
Inclined to bo contrary. You must
first form tho tlmo-honored habit of
walking tho floor with him. Caro must
bo taken not to walk on a highly pol
lshod hardwood floor, for If you Bhould
happon to drop him ho Is llkoly to
scratch up tho nlco, smooth surfaco.
Pick out a room with a rug or a car
pot In It, preferably ono whoro your
wlfo has boon sowing during tho day.
In this way tho ploasuro of tho walk
will bo lncrooaod by tho delightful
pastlmo of picking pins out of tho solos
of your foot over and anon, and tho
baby will havo further opportunity of
Increasing his vocabulary.
If you object to walking tho floor
and aro willing to stoop to deception
you might hlro somebody to drivo a
hoavy cart up nnd down on tho cobblo
stontiB in front of tho house. Tho
baby will think It is tho milkman on
hlB morning rounds, and, satlsllod that
ho has kept you awako all night, ho
will go to Bleep with a oloar con
Bclcnco. However, ho will novor havo
tho Bamo confldonco In you after ho
grows up and loarna how you havo do
colved him.
Had to Havo "Owl Car."
A conduotor on tho Cottago Qrovo
lino Insists that tho following inci
dent really occurred on Now Year's
Tho car wob proceeding ot about ton
o'clock in tho morning, whon a tipsy
Individual who had boon colobrntlng
tho arrival of tho now yoar throughout
tho night stopped on to tho track and
hailed tho motormau, oaylng: "Shay,
m' fron', Is zlsh Cottago Qrovo owl
On being assured that It was a Cot
tago Qrovo car, but not nn owl, ho
waddled unsteadily back to his seat
on tho curb, oxclalmlng:
"Go along, Uion; I'm waiting for an
owl car." Chicago Nowd.
Circumstances Alter Cases.
"Pa, woro you over caught smoking
whoa you woro a boy?" naked Tommy
Slathors, who had. boon lnvltod to tho
woodahod for a prlvato lntorviow with
his father.
"Why cr yes," answered Mr.
"Did your father punish you?"
"No, ho didn't."
"Thou I hope you won't bo hard on
mo becnuso you have caught tno smoking."
Whon Morgan Tracy of tho firm ot
TIndonhnm & Co. camo In from lunch
con on that memorablo spring after
noon, ho first saw tho ladder propped
against tho end of his desk. Then ho
naw tho familiar flguro of his offlco
boy looking upward with wldo-open
mouth and, as his lino of vision went
upward, ho saw tho girl.
Sho was slender and graceful and ho
admitted to hlmsolf from tho first that
alio looked very charming on tho top
rung of tho ladder. Still ho rosontcd
tho intrusion and was only slightly
mollified nftor hor explanation.
"You aro Mr. Tracy, aren't you," sho
said In tho most flelf-confldontof sweet
young voices. "I nm Miss Grey. I am
hero to do your ofllco over. Mr. Til
denham arranged it.
Mr. Tracy would havo explained, as
ho at first intended to do, that ho con
sidered her prosonco an intrusion, had
it not been that aa she had turned to
mako her explanation sho had leveled
upon him eyes aa bluo as sapphire.
Then ho sat down at his desk, rang
tor his stenographer thoro wero no
women stenographers at Tlldonham's
and trio' to concentrato his atten
tion on answering tho day's mall.
In an hour her task waB dono and
sho loft with tho explanation to Mr.
Tracy that sho would resume her work
boforo his arrival tho noxt morning.
"And Mr. Tracy," sho said by way
of parting, "as you U8ually lock your
desk at night, I must aBk you to leavo
tho koy with tho cashier on your way
out tonight, bo that when I como in
tho morning I can havo ovorythlng
moved from this desk to tho now ono."
Morgan Tracy meant to object
strongly. Dut again ho caught tho
sapphlro bluo of hor eyes and morely
looked annoyed. Ho bade hor good
ovoning and went homo. Ho folt that
ho had been rudo to her, and Instead
of fooling rosentmont at her Intrusion
ho folt as If ho owed her an apology.
So it was that whon, Just aB Miss
Qroy had roturnod from a hasty din
ner in a nearby restaurant and was
buay directing tho paperhangerB, Mr.
Tracy appeared on tho scene. Dut It
was Mr. Tracy without his usual dicta
torial manner.
"I didn't llko the idea of having you
horo alono in this deserted office," ho
said. "So I havo como to wait horo till
you aro through and, if you will permit
It and havo no othor escort, to take
you to your homo."
Miss Groy did not attempt to con
ceal her obvious satisfaction at this
courtosy. "You aro very good," she
said, and then, holding up somo of tho
treasures from tho case sho was un
packing: "Soo, Mr. Tracy, isn't this d
bettor wall calondar than that dread
ful colorod lithograph. And theso now
brown blottors will bo a rellof to you
aftor thoso frightful pink ones. I know
you can't get them at downtown deal
ers, but It la worth tho dlfferonco to
havo to order them specially. And
then I ordered somo bronzo dosk fit
tings that will bo so much bettor than
thoso frightful pressed glass and
cheap brass things."
That night whon ho escorted her
home sho insisted on being loft at
tho cornor. Sho had not pormittod
him to tnko hor homo in a taxi, and
now Bho was not ovon going to let him
know whoro sho lived. Tho next morn
ing Mr. Tracy found her at seven in
his ofllco. Tho chango was marvolous.
From a dull, unlntorestlng room, do
void of charactor, It had boon trans
formed to a room of distinction not
in tho least loss businesslike and
mnnly bocauso it had been molded un
der tho trained oyo and skillful hand
of a woman.
"I novor know In what a wilderness
had lived boforo," ho admitted. "I
roally do not think I havo bucu atro
cious tasto. I always know that my
offlco was uncouth. I disliked that flro
lnsuranco calondar as much as you
did. Dut I didn't know how to chanco
It. It's tho samo way with my apart
ment. I havo spent enough money on
It nnd still It doosn't satlsfy'mo. Per
haps you would undcrtako to trans
form that, too unless you conflno
your skill to offlcoB."
MIbb Qroy laughod In a way that
wna tantalizing and simply Bald: "Por-
haps." Then aho got into hor coat
and adjusted hor hat at tho mirror
that hung In a acrocned cornor of tho
nowly arrangod ofllco.
"Just at present," Bho Bald, "let's go
and soo Mr. Tlldonham. Ho was ex
pected In thlB morning, I bollovo."
Together Jthoy cntored tho ofllco of
Tracy's chief and Tracy bollovod hlm
solf dreaming at first whon tho delight
ful Miss Qroy greotod that Btorn busi
ness magnato with a bear hug and a
kiss. "Hollo, dad," sho said. "I'vo
won tho bet. Now como and boo how
I havo dono It. I pretondod I was an
Interior decorator you had ordered to
redecorato Mr. Tracy'B ofllco."
"You boo, Mr. Tracy," sho continued
her right hand wns In that of hot
fathor and now Bho laid hor other
hand on Mr. Tracy's arm In a friendly
fashion aB if to completo tho circle
"you soo, Mr. Tracy, fathor and I aro
great chums. You'vo no idea how
much I know about his business, and
ho has told mo lots of things about
you. Ho aald that tho only fault you
had was that you woro yes, I'll toll
you Juat tho word ho usod. Ho said
you woro gottlng fussy. Ho said you
had uso tho samo Inkwell nnd tho
samo desk for ten years, nnd I wagorod
him I could mako a chango. And 1
(Copyright, 1018. by ttia McClur Newspa
per Syndicate.)
m 1 1 h n i n tm m n i
Yes, this New Perfection
Oil Cook Stove you bought
me is as quick as gas. Good
ness, what a lot of work it
saves me! No fires to build,
no ashes to shovel out, no dirt
to sweep out. And John "
"After dinner I want you to
take the kerosene can and
i -m m m r
U -cV C3 S7 -TT 1 1
yiii tiiMtirtr rriti lttTrTiiiiiiii iif liti
The Statements of North Plntto Res-
Idents Aro Snrely Moro Reliable
Thnn Thoso of Utter Strangers.
Homo testimony is real proof.
Public statements of North Platto
people carry real weight.
What a neighbor or friend says com
pels respect.
Tho word of ono whoso homo is far
away Invites your doubts.
Hero's a North Platte man's state
ment. And It's for North Platto people's
Such evldonco is convincing.
That's tho kind of proof that backs
Doan's Kidnoy Pills.
Charles F. Durroughs, 222 S. Pino
St,, North Platto, says: "Several years
ago I had occasion to uso Doan's Kid
noy Pills and found them to bo a good
kidney mediclno. I suffered from
burning" pains in tho small of my back
and my kidneys woro vary weak.
Doan's Kidney Pills soon cured mo
completely. I havo not been bothered
by kidnoy troublo slnco. I tako pleas
uro in endorsing this mediclno for tho
benefit of othor kidney sufferers."
Prlco GOc, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidnoy remedy got
Doan'B Kidney Pills the samo that Mr.
Durroughs had. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Founded 18S0.
It's tho household word In Western
Nobraska. It's Old Line, the beat iron
oy can buy. It's what you need, for a
savings bank and lnsuranco that In
sures. They all buy It.
"Thero Is a Itcsison"
For further Information
Phono, call or address
J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent,
Tho Old Lino Man
Sheriffs Sale
Dy vlrtuo of an ordor of salo Issued
from tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decreo of
foreclosuro rondored In said court,
whoreln II. S. Evans Is plaintiff, and
I Donton Taylor ot nl aro defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on tho 21th
day of Juno, 1910, nt 2 o'clock p. m.,
at tho east front door of tho court
houso In North Platto, Lincoln county,
Nobrnska, soil nt public nuctlon to the
highest blddor for cash, to satisfy said
decreo, Interest and costs, tho follow
ing described property, to-wlt:
All of Section Nineteen (19), Town
ship Fifteen (15), North of Range
Twonty-Elght (28), and Weat Half of
tho Northeast Quarter (W& NE&)
and East Half of tho Northwest Qunr
tor (EV6 of NWy4) of Section Twenty-four
(24), Township Fifteeen (15),
North of Rango Twonty-ntno (29), all
In Lincoln County, Nobraska,
Dated North Platto, Neb., Mny 22,
1916. A. J. SALISDURY,
37-5w Sheriff.
Salo Under Adjuster's Lien.
Notlco Is hereby given that I will
offer for salo two certain Jacks with
mcolo points, four years of ago, now
In my ppssosslon to tho highest blddor
for cash, for tho purposo of mooting the
payment of tho sum of ?2G.50 and
mt7ti htttt ttttt tttm nm u mtt u n
What? So Soon?"
get it filled at the grocery.
Ask for Perfection Oil, re
member. That's the Stand
ard Oil Company's best."
New Perfection Oil Cook
Stoves are sold in many styles
and sizes by hardware, furni
ture and department stores
everywhere. Ask to see the
heat retaining oven.
;,tfuuiimiMmuuHiun ii minimi m
iu 1 1 1 1 1 ii mi t 1 1 ii t rrii n titiitTT i ii 1 1 ti i ittii
costs of sale and keeping from this
date to date of sale under my lien by
virtue of a contract with the agent of
Charles Wilkinson, tho owner of said
animals. Said salo to tako placo at
my farm in Sec. 3G, T. 13 N., R. 31,
west m Lincoln county, Nebraska on
tho 30th day of June, 1916, at the
hour of 3:00 P. M.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1415 of Mary Ann Hawkins,
deceased, in the county court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notice that
the time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estate is
December 30, 1916, and for settlement
of said estate is May 2G, 1917, that I
will sit at tho county court room in
said county, on June 30, 1916, at 9
o'clock a. m. and on December 30,
1916, at 9 o'clock n. m. to receive
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
m30-J27 County Judge.
Notlco of Final Report.
Estate of Cornelius Sullivan, deceased
in tho County Court ol Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estate tako
notice that tho Administrator has
filed a final accoun'b and report
of his administration and a
petition for final settlement and
discharge an such, and for a de
creo of distribution and descont of
the real property which havo been
set for hearing before said court on
June 30, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m., when
you may appear and contest the same.
Dated Juno 3, 1916.
J6-J27 County Judge.
Notlco to Creditors
Estate No. 1409, of Nancy E. Donald
son, deceased, In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato ot Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estato will tako notice that tho
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said Estato is
December 9, 1916, and for settlement
of said Estato Is May 5, 1917; that I
will alt at the county court room In
said county, on Juno 9, 1916, nt 9
o'clock oC m and on December 9, 1916,
at 9 o'clock a. m., to rocoivo, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
33-4w County Judgo.
In the District Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
William Robb, Plaintiff, vs John
Thomas, Mrs. John Thomas, his
wlfo, first and real namo un
known; C. A. Corbott and Mrs. C.
A. Corbott, his wlfo, first and real
names unknown, Dofondants.
Tho defendants, John Thomas, Mrs.
John Thomas, his wlfo, first and real
namo unknown; C. A. Corbett nnd
Mrs. C. A. Corbott, his wlfo, first and
real nnmes unknown, will tako notlco
that upon tho 31st day of May, A. D.,
1916. plaintiff horeln filed his pe
tition in tho district aurt of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, against said defen
dants and each of them, tho objedt and
prayer of said petition being to havo
tho tltlo to tho northwest quarter of
Section 27, Township 13, North of
Rango 33, West of tho Gth P. M. in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, quieted in
said plaintiff ns against a cortaln tax
foreclosuro and as against amortgago
for $1500.00 upon said lands and
othors, dated May 18, 1897, because
ot tho fact that said plaintiff has boon
in tho open, notorious, exclusive con
tinuous, advorso and hostilo posses
sion of said land under a tax deed
fot moro than ten years next prior to
min TunmnnMi
miirr t r r mi i n n i 1 1 t i iMMMMrrTTTi
tho commencement of this action.
That plaintiff prays to havo tho foo
simple title thorln quieted in him and
for such other and further relief in
tho premises as may be deemed pn
by the court.
You and each of you aro renulr
to answer said pdtiton on or before
tho 17th day of July, 1916.
Dy Muldoon & Oberst, His Attorneys.
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of William
H. Spurrier, Deceased.
To tho heirs, creditors, and all oth
er persons Interested in tho Estatt.(of
William II. Spurrier, Deceased.
You are hereby notified that on tho
29th day of May, 1916, N. D. Spurrior
filed his petition in Alio county court
of said county stating that the said
William H. Spunrfier departed) this
life on tho 22d day of February, 1911,
boing on said date a resident of De
catur county, Iowa); that ho died
solzod of J:ho following described
property situated In Lincoln county,
Nobraska, to-wlt: Tho east one-half
(E) of the Northwest quarter
(NWJ,4) and Lots ono (1) and two
(2) of Section nineteen (19). Town
ship twelve (12), rango thlrty-twj
(32), west of the Gth P. M.; that t
petitioner, N. D. Spurrier, Is a son
tho said William H. Spurier, deceases
and has acquired all tho interest of
tho othor heirs in and to itho above
described premises.
Tho prayer of said petition being
for a determination of the tlmo of
tho death of said William H. Spur
rier, and a determination of the heirs
of said deceased, and for a decre of
kinship and tho right of deacon of
tho real ostato belonging to said de
ceased; that all clainiB bo barred.
You aro hereby notified that tho
samo will bo heard at tho county
court room in tho city of North
Platte, In said county, on tho 30th
day of June, 1916, at tho hoar of 9
o'clock a. m.
J6J23 County Judge.
Peto Frenoff will take notlco, that
on tho 27m day of April 191G P. H.
suuivan, a justico or the Peace, o
North Platto Precinct No. 1, Llncoli
County, Nobraska, Issued an Order o;
Attaenmont ror the sum of $21.50, I
an action now nnndlni? hnfnrn hln
Wherein Dr. T. .T. Knrr. In nlnlnMff nn
Peto Frenoff. defendant, that nrnnniri
consisting of money, ns wages due,ii
mo nanus or tno union Pacific Rhi
iioau uompnay, a corporation, lia
boen attached under salil order.
Said causo was continued to th
14th uay of Juno, 1916, at ten cloc
a. m.
Dated North Platte, Nob., May 6th,1
"lu. DR. T. J. KERR
Notlco of Finn! Ttnnnrt.
Estate of Walter D. McNeel, deceased
In tho county court of Lincoln
voumy, wourasKa.
Tho Stato of Nnlirnnkn. in nil nn-
sons Interested In said Estate takol
notlco that tho Administratrix haaj
filed a final acount and report of horJ
uuuunisiration ana a petition for finall
Bumemeni ana uiscnargo as sucM and!
for a deeron nf jlfwonnt nnn
- uiaiiriiju-
tlon; and a petition to havo spoclflo
uAumpt property anu otiier personal
pronortv amonntlncr tn fr.n nn
w yuuu.uu DlSi.
ovor to hor ns deo.prlnnMu t.i,i,.. i,
of which havo been sot for hearing
wuirai mo samo.
Dated Mav 19. inir.
m23-J13 GEO. E. FRRXnTi
man mr
County Judgo.