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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1916)
Serai-Weekly Tribune Mra ju m -t sip ... v..,. EM TaJbrcd ABB, Editor and Publisher. BSCRIPTION RATES: by Mall in AdTiwco....$1.25 by Carrier In AdTiinco..?lJjO at North Platte, Nebraska, ostoQlce as Second Class Matter. Fill DAY, JUNE 9, 1010 CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Robert Sailor has gono to Grand Island to make nn extended visit with his aunt. CONVENTION ENDS VflTH LAIUJELY ATTENDED BANQUET L. L. Walker left Wednesday for Hastings to spend a week on business Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bank Building. Mrs. FVank Laughlln has returned from a visit with friends In Suther land. iMlss Mntlo Paulson has accented a position In the Hub millinery depart-1 menU J J f MrsClydo Trotter, of Brady, visited here this week and returned home yes f torday. Henry Hecker, who has been visit ing in Julesburg is expected to re turn today. Eugene Deal, of Ogalalla, has re turned homo after visiting hero for Boveral days. Ass Iva Troxol, of Elsie, who has been visiting Mrs. Martin Wyman, has returned home. For Farm Loans see or write Gene Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. 4Ut Mrs. Sarah Bangs returned Tuesday o-veninc from a visit in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Harry Woods, who had been visiting friends in Julesburg, returned homo Wednesday, Royal Hahn, of Lincoln, who visit ed his sister Miss Beryl this week, left hi4 auto yesterday. .v Chris Paulson returned Wednesday from Grand Island where he spent the fore part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beeder and sons, who have been visiting in Den ver, will return Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Walker, who liad been In Scotts Bluff for some time, returned this week. Miss Rose McGinloy, of Paxton, who fytiH been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Omar .lift", left a few days ago. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hayes and chil dren will leave abtfut June 15th for their new home In Omaha. Clink Clair, formerly first baseman of the Grand Island ball team, spent a few days here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hillebrandt have retulrned from California where they spent their honeymoon. The Catholic ladles will hold a so cial at itho home of Mrs. McHugh on Thursday afternoon, June 15th. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bicklcy, of Cedar Bluffs, who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coates, have gono heme. J. P. Carey, assistant superintendent of the Union Pacific, spent the fore part of the week here on business. Mrs. Bert Culton, of Melrose, came Tuesday to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chrs Brodbeck for two weeks. (.Mrs L. J. Brlnkerhoff, of Mancos, Iho visited her brother, Ray wel- "orn this week, has returned home. W. R. Maloney loft Wednesday evening for Hastings to attend the stato undertakers' convention this week. Mrs. Don Devlne, of Sidney, who was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sebas tian Schwalger left for homo Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. I. Smith and Master Lewis Pushman, who visited tho rusnmnn family in LoMoyne this wcok, have returned. Mrs. Alfred Johnson will leave this week for Denver to Join a party which will spend several weeks visiting In California. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Berry, of Grand Island formerly of this city, returned homo Tuesday evening after visiting at tho Grimes homo. Mrs. Hurst and daughter Vivian, of Berkeley, Calif., Avho were guests at tho Duggan homo for a week, left Wednesday morning. Mrs. Joseph Roddy will leave short ly for Denver to attend the B. of L. F, E. Auxiliary convention anu visit nor sister Mrs. Gus Chnmborlain. Mpsdfimoa A. J. Salisbury, B. F. Fletcher and Charles Trovlllo have re turned from Grand Islnnd whero they attended the Fowler funeral. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ronstrom, of Lexington, who were hero to visit friends and attend the Spanish War Veterans encampment left yesterday, Tho ddmestlc sclcnco club of th Presbyterian church postponed their ihln week on account of n death In tho family of ono of the mefni; bers. R. E. Brown, formerly of tho U, Pivii nnelnecrinc denartment, visited hero this .week while onroutc to Chi cago from Salt Lake where he is now located. Master J. D. Longeron ontertalned a score of his young friends Tuesday afternoon in honor of his tenth birth day. The afternoon was spent In play lng games. Miss Hallio Smith, of Kearney, came Wednesday to visit her aunt Mrs Ella Mae Lanyon for a few days. Miss Hazel Smith who has been a guest of tho latter for a week will leave Tuesday. Dr. Ralph Alden who graduated from the dental department of the state university, has locatod at Aurora, 111., as assistant to a resident dentist of that city. Miss Adele LeDloyt was tendered a surpriso party Tuesday evening by a number of her young friends who spent a pleasant evening playing unique games. (Charles P. Ross of Omaha spent Wednesday in town looking after mat ters pertaining to his position with the Union Pacific and transacting pri vate business. Tho ninth annual convention of tho United Spanish War Vctorans of Ne braska camo to a closo Tuesday even ing with a banquet at (ho Lloyd opca houso nt which nearly two hundred w ero present. Tuesday forenoon was dovotcd to a business session at which resolutions were passed favoring a return of tho canteen service in the United States nrmy, and a system of ndequato pre-, paredness for this country. A mossage was sent President Wilson endorsing his policy of preparedness, but asking for more radical "measures. Tho election of officers followed with this result: Department Com mnnder, John G. Mahor, of Lincoln; Senior Vlco-Commander, A. W. Shill ing of North Plaitto: Junior Vlcc- Commandor, Henry Shrodc, of Omaha; Department Inspector, Leonard Rob inson, of Nonth Platte; Department Chaplin, Harry Cllno, of Omaha. Col umbus was chosen as the place of holding tho 1917 convention. Tho aftornoon was spent nt tho rillo range south of tho state farm, tho delegates beinc convoyed tliero In nutos furnished by citizens. Tho banquet was held nt eight o'clock, a nice menu being served by Caterer Hupfcr. Pintcs had been laid for 150, but when evening camo it was found that nearly 200 tickets had been sold and the catoror found It nec essary to spread an additional table. During tho service Stamp's orchestra. and a malo quartette composed of Messrs. Brown, McGrow, Armstrong and Mitchell furnished selections. Judgo Hoagland introduced tho speakers who were Major Scharmann, i0f Chicago, W. V. Hoagland and Keith Neville of this city, Capt. Kline, of Omaha, and John G. Mahcr and Frank I. Ringer, of Lincoln. Tho central features of nil these talks were patriotism to country and adequato preparedness, and each was interesting and well delivered; in fact not in recent years have we heard better talks made in North Platte. ::ot: - ' MONTHLY INSURANCE We liino nrrnnged to issue any of our stundard fornix of Insurance, cith er life, health or nccldcnt policies to the people of North 1'lnlte on n month ly basis. This Is nn ndriiutngc you would not InnC Jf you did not have a home insurance institution. Keep your insurance money nt home mid help build up North Platte. FIDELITY RESERVE COMPANY. A Rnre Troal. Thoso who llko the poems of James Whltcomb Riley will find a raro treat In storo for them In tho evening's en tertainment given by Captain G. L. Hall, of Ooos Bay, Ore., nt tho Bap tist chiiTch Saturday evening, Juno 10th, 8 o'clock. Captain Hall has ex ceptional talent for reading Riley s poems and will glvo an ontlro even lng's reading of this well known poet Admission frco. A silver offering will bo accepted. Everybody wolcdme, o (ieorge Tiexler Laid to Rest Funeral services of tho late George O. Troxler who wns killed Snturday when his nuto overturned near Oga lalla, woro hold at tho Episcopal church Tuesday afternoon. T he nt tendance was greater than the seat ing capacity of tho church. McmborH of tho Masonic ledge nnd of tho U. of L. E. attended in a body. Tho lloral tributes from organizations and in dlvidunls woro profuso and beautiful Dean Bowkor conducted tho scrvlco nnd spoko very feelingly of the homo life of tho deceased and his devotion tic his family. -::o:i The miles come dose iogeiher Luther Owens, a locomotive fireman, filed a petition for voluntary bankrup tcy In the United States district court Wednesday. He gives his liabilities as $1,488.94 and his asscits $437.20. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Birgo returned tho early part of this week from south ern California. Mrs. Birgo had been tlliore for several months' and Mr. Birgo went out to accompany her home. Dopanfment Comlnmnder Stowart of tho Grand Army of the Republic, has appointed J. S. Hoagland of this city judge advocate on his staff. Judge Hoagland Is also delegate at large to the national encampment which meets at Kansas City September 27th ito September 2d. m i l motor j mmtmm vr MM m d bmm m auar w i i' i i mmm? tmwfv Jtmw rymmM i i ny m m wv wilt ywv im i &jb.t m nam mmm Jmm. i ww mi mmm i i mmi in n r l uet rvr i r in- " mm mmm mmm mmm mmg mmm mma mmm tmm urnvv urai.' wth SLJIL J T" 'sn' .a Quest'on f overage E K $L J iiP A purity in a barrel of Polnrinc ygjyMjaj n evcry rP s absolutely ident- &f yx H i rl " " Ll 91 'JA Bill fflLook for tho Polarine tin. It means .JSk, jL. the best oil and a reliable dealer. mwS&EF9KfcWt STANDARD JOILCOMPANY W fflj Miss Elsie Johnson left tho fore part of this week for Kearney. Jack Gavers visited relatives In Grand Island lasit woek. Victor Halligan returned Wednes day morning from the state university. Leonard Robinson was called to Og den Tuesday evening by the death of his mother. Mrs. George Zentmeyer and children will move ito Grand Island the latter part of next week. Mr. and Mrs. VV. H. C. Woodhurst went to Mitchell' Wednesday morning to spend a few days. Mrs. Edith Gantt and 'daughter Edith will leave ithfs week for Union, Nebr., to visit for a week or longer. Mrs. J. E. Carroll and mother Mrs. Johnston left Wednesday morning for Rosoville Ncbr to visit relatives for a fortnight. Mrs. P. J. Barron and sister Mrs. Deane expect to leave soon for North ern Minnesota 'to visit rolativcs for several weeks. Mrs. Frank Buchanan entertained fourteen ladles Tuesday evening at a movie party at tho Keith and a lun cheon at the Gem. An Aproir Shower Tho pro-nuptial apron shower which wns given Miss Hnttlo Hatfiold at th homo of Mrs. C. J. Perkins Juno 5th proved to be a most enjoyablo nffnl and tho bride-to-bo was so dollghtcd with her supply ot aprons that Mrs Perkins hopes that such sensible show era may fall upon many a "maiden fair." Tho hostess asked each guest to bring nn apron or material for any kind of nn apron. The hours were from two to flVO. Amid morry chnttor and exchnng' of confidences so dear to tho heart tlho hours passed rapidly. The mu sic was furnished by tho guest of hon or, tho brldo-tc-be, nnd vocal selec tions by Miss Steel, who will bo tho bridesmaid. The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs. Rasmusaen and Mrs. Georgo Lnnglois. ::o:: Mrs. W. S. Dolson wont to Grand Island Wednesday evening. A. M. McNichol and John Murphy, of Farnnm wero horo Wednesday while enroute to Denver to spend a couplo of weeks. Miss Grace Clark who fonnorly gaVO instructions in chinn painting horo camo Wednesday afternoon to visit friends for a few days. George Weir and Will Votaw, who havo been attending tho stato univer sity, cujmo homo by nuto Tuesday even ing to spend the summer. Mrs, J. M. Mooncy, of Denver, who had been visiting her daughters in Grand Island, spent a few days horo this week whllo enrouto home. Thomas Lanlgan, of Denver, visited I1I3 niece Miss Ellen McCarthy this week wiiilo enrouto home from a fam ily re-union nt Spnulding. Sam Wcstfall of Omaha, who for merly lived here, Is in town this week visiting his brother M. C. Westfall and transacting business. Arthur Alien, Sam Souder and Sher iff Salisbury went to Fox Creek this week to attend a bazaar held by tho Danish church congregation. Simon Ford and Miss Eva Durand. of Hershoy, were married at tho Pres byterian parsonage Tuesday after noon by Rev. Robert White. Mrs. Jane Lane who made her homo with; or mother Mrs. Bridget Moran for several Imonths left a few days ago for Pittsburg- to reside in future. L ii J w when vour car is runiirndfall-DOtf cincd Onftcdi Csttwn Gasoli nc-ihe DiHcs p sr gallon kincL j I lspcndablc whweveryoubuy it. Good dealers shawlhesltfaj SXANRKRD OIL COMPANY $500 Rownrd. Tho abov6 rpwtird will bo paid for tho arrest and conviction of tho party who stolo ono of my hogs from tho Sutherland stock ynrds May 2Gth; and the samo sum will bo paid for tho arrest and conviction of tho party who stolo a blnck cow branded KB (conccted) on hip on tho night of March 30, 191G, nnd for tho return of animal. Samo reward for any an imal stolen from my land In tho fu ture. T. E. HESKETT, 2tF Suthorlnnd, Nob. ::o::- F. J. DfENEK & CO. Real Estate and Insurant Come and see uu for town lota In different parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. We have also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs. THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 Wait Fourth Stract. Phono 110' Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement Cases. MRS. MARGARET HALL,. Supt BR. J. S. TWrfffiM, Physician and Surgeon. The first warm day of Summer is the right time to buy an electric fan. Consider the years they last and why are you without one? Every home needs an Electric Fan. North Platte Light fit Power Co, C. R. MOREY, Manager. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Glvon to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dawey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Rcaldonco 283 FIRE, TORNADO, HAIL INSURANCE 0. H. Thoelecke. 6 Hoynolili HUlir. North rinUo, Neb. ltd, Dlnck S13 DR. HAROLD A. FENNER OSTEOPATHIC PhrileUn & Surf.on. Genlto-Urlnary Dltoaaci Obstetrics Gynecology JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D, , l'hyslclan and Surgeon Office D. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, Office, 83; Residence 38. DOCTOIt 1). T. QUIGLEY. . .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Hndlum Thornpy 723 City National Hank Building. Onmhn, Nebraska. Hi teantliat Bought and highest markat prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 456 C. H. WALTERS. Quality Not Quantity Hospital Phono Blnck 033 House Phono Black 633. TV. T. PBITCIIAED, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218i south Locust Bt, one-half block southwest of the Court Hous6. . . 'Oftjj DEItltYBEItRY & FORBES, Licensed Kmbalmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 688. W. J. IIOLDERNESS Eoctrlcnl Supplies Wiring Storngo Batteries Morsch BIdg , Phono 17G. Wo make cigars In tho small and in the regular sizes preferring to uso quality tobacco in preference to quan tlty. W uso only tho best tobacco for filler and wrapper and our cus tomers are always satisfied. Wo han dle a largo lino of smokers' articled, our display of pipes being especially largo. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Plntte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building n. I Offico 130 Phon" U"idencellG J. B. BEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUBGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redflehl & Redfleld Ofllco Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and carelul attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the ciantific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casei. Completely .quipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. 1). Y. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D. Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.