The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 09, 1916, Image 5

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On Your Vacation.
Correct time is worth money to you.
Numerous disapointments are frequently
caused by an inaccurate time peice.
Bring your watch to us and we shall put
it in first class order so that you will
suffer no inconvenience on your trip.
Let us look at it anyway. If it is in
perfect order, we shall honestly tell you
so and there will be no charge for the
Jeweler & Optician,
The Sign with the Big Ring.
Graduate Dentist
Oflico over the McDoneld
Stat Bunk.
'For Salo Two" second-hand" Ford
car's in good condition. Hendv Oder
Mrs. M. E. Scott and 'children loft
yostorday morning for Cuba, 111., to'
spenu several weoka.
A son wa3 born this week ,to Mr.'
and Mrs. S. W. McDermott who live
southwest of town.
"Will' Yost and "family left Wednes
day evening for Excelsior Springs to
spend several weeks.
Wm Englcs left yesterday morning
for Kansas City to remain for several
weeks taking treatment.
M J Forbes returned yesterday from
Has'tings whoro he attended tho state
(undertakers' convention.
For Sale Now houso at 1212 west
Third street. Prico ?1VG75. Phone
black 859 41-2
Edward J. Boldt and Miss Anna
Meiro, of Grand Island, were married
by County Judge French Wednesday
"Wm Crook, Loren Hastings and
Clarenco McCabo returned yesterday
morning from Cheyenne where they
visited fic(r several days..
Tho Rowena Circle wil meet with
Mrs. D. A Uusseir, 1110 West 4th
street Tuesday afternoon, Juno 13th.
Let every member try to bo present,
Mrs. W. D. Joder and baby left last
evening for Allianco to spend a few
days before making their homo in
Haig, whore Mr. Joder is now em
ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rltter and fam
ily, of Fairbury, formerly of this city,
aro visiting tho Flynn, Snyder and
Barber families, having arrived Wed
nesday evening.
Dont' forget tho Chamber of Com
merce Noon Day Luncheon Monday,
basement Christian churcn; 150 boost
ers aro coming so we must bo pre'
pared to greet them.
Tho temperature Wednesday night
dropped down to thilrtv-clglit tie
grees. In tho south part of tho county
a light frost Is reported both Tuesday
and Wednesday (morning.
Mesdames C. E. Blood, of Cheyenne,
D. R. House, of Rawlins, and W. F,
Burnmett of Rock Springs, came this
week to attend the funeral of their
sister tho lato Mrs. Fred Marti.
Don't forget tho Chamber of Com
merco Noon, Day Luncheon Monday,
basement Chrstlaa church: 150 boost
ersfrcmi, Keith courity 'tTyo coming so
wo must be prepared to greet them
Georgo Shoup, living northwest of
SuthftTjandt was in town Wednesday
and reported a heavy rain and hail
storm Mondav. The hail badlv dam
aged his cropB and wrought havoc in
his fine ictrchard.
Pitcher Andrews of tho local ball
team, accompanied by Mrs. Andrews,
left tho city Tuesday night. Manager
Gettman, of the ball team, has another
pitcher in sight who will, at least.
help out in the games with Eustis.
Tho Sunday school children of SL
Patrick's church, chnpfcroned by their
teachers Misses Nolan, Smith and
Murphy, held an outing at tho city
park north of town Wednesday. The
day -was enjoyably spent in out-door
amusements and baskets lunches were
served. Tho parents of tho children
wore also guests of the day.
Mrs. J. H. Stone assisted by Mes
denies Albert Schatz and Earl Hamil
ton entertained tho Indian Card club
Wednesday afternoon. In tho card
games Mrs. G. T. Field won first prize
and Mrs. Will Hawley second honors
Out of town guests wore Mesdames
Helmond of Oakland, Calif., Funk
houser of Springfield, 111., and Nelll
of Charles Town, W. Va.
' L::o::
Relinquishment for Sale.
G40 acres pasture land, 15 miles from
county seat. Good road. Just tho placo
for cattle and dairy farming. Must be
sold in ten days. $125 cash. Address
owner, Box 153, Oshkosh, Neb. 42
Tho county commissioners believe
that county rend building can bo dono
hotter', moro quickly ami much cheap-
or by tho county owning a tractor on-
glno nnd grading outfit, and to this
ond they havo been investigating
tractor engines for a week past. They
havo visited several places whore
tractor-propelled graders hayo been at
work, and in each instance they havo
been very favorably Impressed. Each
tho w-nctors wero of a different
mako nnd tho commissioners will tako
one moro trip to seo tho work of
still another make.
Those grading outfits cost about
threo thblusnnd dollars, but tho
amount of work tljey can do a really
astounding. Tho idea of tho commls-
soners Is to purchase an outfit nnd
place It in tho hands of a competent
man who will use the outfit In any
part Hi tho county where grading Is
required. This would result In being
ablo to do much more grading each
year at a greatly reduced cost, nnd it
Is believed will pnavc a solution of
tho better roads problem.
C. of C. Luncheon Monday.
Tho next iwton day- luncheon of tho
Chamber of Commcrco will bo hold In
tho basement of tho Christinn church
Monday. These noon day luncheons
are proving very popular, sixty-eight
members bolng present last Monday
noon at tho Episcopal church. These
get-to-gcther dinners give each busl
ness mnn a chanco to hear somo gocld
talks and to know what tho Chamber
of Commcrco Is trying to do, and
every ono should try to attend thoso
dinners hold each Monday. Tho dinner
will bo served in old fashioned stylo
and tho business will bo through by
ono o'clock. During tho months of
July and August theso dinners will bo
discontinued but will again bo taken
up tho first of September. Come Mon
day and enjoy a good dinner and mix
with your fellowman.
: :o; :
Given Surprise l'nrty.
Mrs. F. Rork was tho recipient of
a very pleasant surprise Wednesday
atternoon, it bolng nor btrtmiay. Neign
bors and fronds assembled at tho homo
of Mrs. Rork and proceeded In a body
to the homo of Mrs. O. Rasmusson
Avhero delicious refreshments wero
sorved by Mrs. Rasimusson, Mrs. Rork
being tho guest of honor. Tho after
noon was delightfully passed and as
an ovidenco of esteem In which sho is
held sho was presented with a gift
worn each guest. Tho girls who as
sis'ted in serving were Ethel Wlngot
Marlon Faulkner and Calllo Rork. XX
Will Observe Fins Day.
Tho B. P. O, Elks are making ar
rangements for a propdr observance
of Flag Day Wednesday of next
week. The program has not yet been
fully completed, bht it is probable that
somo iof tho lawyers in attendance at
the Western Nebraska Bar Associa
tion, which will, bo in session that day,
will be tno speakers. Tno ousorvanco
of Flag Day is ono good way to main
tain respect for and loyalty to Old
Glory. '
: :o: :
Let Us Help Yom Plan
Your New Home
IN working out the details of your
better built home you should take
advantage of the fifty years' experience
that rests in Curtis Woodwork. You
can plan for comfort 'economically with
18 6 6 I
"The Permanent Furniture for Your Homo"
We have three "Home-Books" containing pictures of ideal homes
and illuotrtttlona ol Curtis Woodwork. You can have any one of
these free for the asking. "Better Built Homes" for houses from
$800 to $3,000; "Homelike Homes," $3,000 up, and "Attractive
We can show you specimens of Curtis Woodwork, estimoto all
costs and assure you delivery on the day you want it.
Rami Concert L'rogrnm Tonight.
Fallowing is tho program of tho
first of a series iof free concerts by the
North Platto Municipal Band, Earl
Stamp director, tonight at 8 p. m. at
the court houso park.
March "Tho Eaglos Home," . .Meyers
Selection 'tMorthaj" ....... .Flotowi
Melodic "Wild Rose Bud",. . .Tobanl
Waltz "Dream of PararJso". Barnard
Intermezzo "Lo Seqrot" Gariticr
''Humoroikq" Dorak
March "Carroltonlan" . . . .Boehnlcin
: :o: :
Rutting Averages.
Batting avorages for the North
Platte team for tho first month was
Ramsoy 381, Bullard 375, Langford
316, Amen zuv, Land 238, Gettman 231
Kelly 200, Sandall 200, Andrews 182
Slmmonds 120.
Car For Snle.
Second hand Roo for $225.00. Good
tiros and all other equipment in good
Sinplctou Saloon Opens.
A district court decison agalnBt tho
(remonstrators in tho Staploton sa
loon case was rendered the early part
of the week, and tho thirst parlor,
Which had been closed for a month
was thrown icpen to tho pubic.
Any ono wanting ico call on Joo
Spies, tho old icb man man, or phono
Black 161. 37-tf
Mrs. Fred Marti, who had beun ser
iously 111 for sovornt wcoks, died at
her homo on west Fourth street at nine
'clock Tuesday ovonlng. Death was
duo to leakage of tho heart wlth.which
sho had suffered Cc'r sovornl years.
Her condition became critical four
wcoks ago nnd a complication of dis
eases developed which so weakened
ho'r system that tho sorvlces of sovoral
physicians and tho enro of loving rela
tives could not stny tho otAirso of tho
disensoc nnd at times her sufferings
woro intonse but borno with tho forti
tude that characterized her wholo
life. Periods of unconsciousness woro
frequent, but shortly boforo sho pass
ed away sho conversed with thoso at
her bedsldo and, realizing that tho end
was near, bado 'them farewell. To
mourn hor aro left her husband, two
sons, Fred nnd Paul, threo daughters,
Marjory, Hazel and Mrs. Andy Mc
Govern, of Brady, two brothers, Will
Inm Miller and Charles Pcnlston, of
Miller, Wyo., flvo sisters, Mrs. Charles
Block!, of Choyennee, MrB. W. F. Bon-
nett, of Rock Springs, Mrs. D. R,
House, of Rawlins, Mrs. D. D. Markol,
of Grand Valley, Colo., and Miss Mol
Ho Pcnlston, of Rawlins, who has
been with her during her Illness.
Carrlo Elizabeth Penlston was born
In this city September 21st, 1872. Sho
spent hor girlhood hero and on October
18th, 1890 she was married to Fred
B. Marti. Sho whs a faithful membor
of the Episcopal church nnd took an
actlvo part in tho Lady Maccabco lodgo
work. Mrs. Marti was a charltablo,
christian woman, devoted to hor fam
ily and homo and endeared herself to
every acquaintance. Deepest sympathy
is extended to tho bereaved rolatives.
Tho funeral was hold from tho
Episcopal church yesterday afternoon
at 2:30, Rev. Bowkor conducting tho
servlco In the presence of a largo
gathering of trionds. Th floral offer
ings wero many and beautiful.
Fountain Round Over
Led Fountain, charged wltli as
saulting Chfl rly Johnston and ripping
tho cheek of tho latter with a knife, had
a preliminary hearing in tho county
court Wednesday forenoon and was
bound' over to tho district court on
a $500 bond. Fountain made no do
fenso at tho hearing. Dr. Wurtolo,
who treated Johnston, said Uiat had
not tho latter received medical atten
tlon promptly ho would havo bled to
death, as ono of tho main arteries had
been severed by tho knife.
.i r. ::o::
I)on't'3IIss Your Last Chniicc. Sat
unlay I will sell the balance of my
Suits worth up to 7M at $S0. 15
Rain Conts worth $10.00 nt $1.50.
-Tliniiicrnum Hotel Sample Room
Frank J. Doran who has been dls
trlct deputy for tho Knights of Col
ufmbus for a year past received word
Wednesday from tho state deputy uiat
In appreciation of IiIb valuable ser
vices ho has been re-appointed for an
other year.
Silk-Middies! In plain and striped
materials somo class to them, now
on salo at BLOCK'S.
Why send your insurance money out
of town? Wo will Issue you any form
of old lino Insurance, Including health
and accident, cither In combination or
singly at rcnsonnblo rates
Mrs. L. W. Toolo pleasantly enter
tained tho Et-A-VIrp club at a ken
slngton Tuesday afternoon. Tho next
mooting will bo held on Juno 21st at
tho homo of Mrs. Jolmes Adams.
There's bound to
fun with a
This sturdy llttlo camera pro
vides a nover-ending source of
pleasuro for tho children for with
a Brownio oven tho llttlo tots ran
tako good pictures.
You don't havo to toll them how
to amuso thomselves, Just leavo it
to tho Brownie.
Wo have tho Rrownlch ranging In
price from $1.00 to $12.00.
Thcodoro Laahy, a laborer of
Union Pacific, was Injured on
right limb Tuesday by a heavy ploco
of machinery. Ho will bo unable to
work for severnl days.
Miner Hinman received a .number of
Overland cars Wednesday, among them
ono of tho much talked about Willys
Knight, genorally conceded to possess
tho best motor mado.
If you caro for oyes, you caro for
optometry's aid. HARRY DIXON,
Jowelor and Optometrist
Mrs. Dan Vnlorlus, who had been
visiting In Holdrego with rolatives,
has returned.
Manhattan UTTERING another sea
' ATI; 1 shirt -Json f growing popular
ity, the MANHATTAN
SHIRT for Athletic purpos
es with its improved collar
feature establishes a new
' standard for this type of
summer shirt.
The new athletic collar cnti be con
verted into a smart soft collar style.
The range of materials include many
innovations designed especially t for
Sport wear.
Priced at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50
Harcourt & Jensen
A Sure Sign .
A constantlypncrcasing5nk balance- is a
sure sign on the road to success".
- ' ' , ; (r, -
Ybur friends and neighbors' lEiave growing
. . . . 'V - '
accounts with this bank and appreciate the value
of our service to them;
ll ' '
Make this bank your bauk.
McDonald State Bank.
The BankCBchind Tho'Thrift Movement.
T t
An Ordlnanco No. 7.r.
Providing for tho construction of
Sowor Lateral District to bo known
as Sewor Lateral District "Q 2" to
consist of Blocks No. 1 and 2 of Sol
by'a Addition, Blocks 1 nnd 2 of
Thomson's Addition and Blocks 5
and 12 of tho South Park Addition
to' all of tho City of North Platto,
Nobraska. Said sower lateral begin
ning whoro tho ccntor lino of tho al
loy between tho south half of block
1, Thomson's Addition nnd tho south
half of Block 1 Solby's Addition ox
tended north Intersects tho main
sowor on "A" street, running thonco
In a tiDuthorly direction through
tho cast sldo of Lot 1, Block 1, In
Solby's Addition and on tho ccntor
lino of tho alloy botweon Blocks 1
and 2 Thomson's Addition nnd Blocks
1 nnd 2 Solby's Addition continued
- uth th ough tho alley of Blocks 5
and 12 . uth Park Addition to whoro
tho ccntor lino of alley .intersects
tho south lino of said block 12 In
South Park Addition, thoro to ter
minate. To bo constructed of ten
Inch sower plpo from "A" street to
ther south sldo of Block G in S6u,th
Park Addition and of eight inch
sowor plpo from tho south sldo of
Block 5 South Park Addition to tho
south Bido of Block 12 South Park
Addition, and to ho furnished with
Hush tank, manholes, lamp holo and
propoj-appliances: Providing for an
ostlmato of tho cost thereof and for
bids and making contracts for said
sowor latoral. Also providing for
levying against tho abutting lots
along tho lino of said lateral a spe
cial assessment to pay tho costs of
constructing tho same.
Ro It ordained by the Mayor and City
Council of tho City of North Platte,
Section 1. That said sowor latoral
district bo known as Sowor Lateral
District G 2, bo formed from Blocks 1
and 2, Thomson's1 Addition, Blocks 1
and 2, Solby's Addition and Blocks 5
and 12 South Park Addition to tho City
of N6rth Platto, Nebraska.
Section 2. That a sowor latoral bo
constructed Beginning whoro tho con
tor lino of tho alley between tho south
half of Block 1 Thomson's Addition
and tho south half of Block 1 Solby's
Addition extended north Intersects tho
main Bowor on "A" Btrcot running
thonco in a southerly dtroctlon through
tho east sldo of Lot 1, Block 1 Solby's
Addition and on tho center lino be
tween Block 1 and 2 Thomson's Addi
tion and Blocks 1 and 2 Solby's Addi
tion, continuing south through tho al
loy of BlockB C and 12 South Park Ad
dition to whoro tho contor lino of tho
alloy intoraccts tho south lino of said
Block 13 in South Park Addition thoro
to terminate.
That said sowor latoral bo con
structed of ton Inch sowor plpo from
"A" street to tho south sldo of Block
5 In South Park Addition nnd of eight
Inch sower plpo from tho south sldo
of Block 5 In South Park Addition to
to tho south sldo of Block 12 hi Scmtu
Park Addition. Said sowor latoral to
bo constructed with flush tank, man
holos, lanipholes and all appliances
and to 'bo laid at tho proper depth to
connect with our presont sower system
and to conform with it In all ro
BpectA and in pursuanco to a gonorul
ordlnanco 'regulating tho construction
of slich sowera. '
Section 3. That tho City Engineer
of said City shall at onco proparo and
illo with tho Clork thorof an estimate
of tho total costs of said proposed sow
er latoral.
Section 4. That nftor said, estimate
Is prepared and filed, as herein pro
vided, tho Clerk of Bald City shall pro
ceed nt onco to advortlso in manner
and form required by law for bids for
tho construction of said sower lat
oral and nppllanccs reserving to said
City tho right to roject any or all bids
Sccton G, If an approved bid bo
mado for said work, that a contract
bo thoroforo entorcd Into by tho Mayor
of said City, attested by tho, Clork,
with necessary provisions protecting
tlho Interests of said City, upon tho
contractor furnishing a bond In a suf
ficient amount for tho faithful per
formance of said ctolntract.
Soctlon G. To pay tho costs of con
struction of said Bowor latoral, Hush
tank, manholes, lamp holes and appll
nucos, a special assessment shall bo
levied according to law, against tho lots
abutting on tho linos of said latoral.
Soctlon 7. This ordlnanco Bhall tako
effect and bo in forco from and after
its passage and publication.
Paasod and approved this Cth doY'of
Juno, 1910. E. II. EVAN X
Attest: Maor.
O. E. ELDER,, C' y Hork.