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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1916)
THE GREATEST WORD IN THE WHOLE LEXICON OF COMMERCE 1$ NOT "Service!" it is "INTEGRITY" Because that term embodies Good Faith, Dependibility, the INTENTION to play fair, at any cost, as WELL as good Service. Its essence, so far as rfcjfc business is concerned consists in living up to the last letter of that American- -5 .rMI M (i. a A. m - - ism, "The Square Deal." Ask your neighbor about us. 1PH0NE 147. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Ray C. Langford went to Gothen burg yesterday morning on business. Cool Palm Beach Suits and Coats at lowest prices at BLOCK'S Miss Orranby of Kearney, came woancsaay evening 10 visit Mr. ana Mrs. L, C. Hastings. Mrs. P. S. Evans returned Wednes day evening from a visit in the east ern pari of tlio state. Mr. and Mrs. "Wlliam Hatfleld, of biiorldan, canio vveancsaay to attend too Hatflcld-Thoinpson wedding, Mrs, Leo Keith and son Lewis left yesterday morning for Holdrcgo in spend three weeks with relatives. Mrs. John D, Loncgan, of Peoria, 111., fdrmcrly of this city camo Wed neuday to visit her mother Mrs. Anna Hcdmond, Mr, and Mrs. P. A. Norton returned Wednesday evening from Omaha whore they attended tho funeral of their grandson. "Don," tho faithful and dovoted oojlle owned by The Tribuno man, was ffltind dead In tjio yard yesterday morning, tho victim pf poison. Wo will always think that tho person who ad ministered tho poison, if dono so wil fully, Is tnoro of a brute than was tho dog. Tho case of Mrs. Cloo Culp and Walter Itoucho of HerBbey, who were charged with adultery -waa dismissed in tho county court .Tuesday as tho plaintiff who was tho husband of the former failed to apear:. IJishOD Itoot. of Hankow. Oitn passed through Sunday enrouto to Hartford, Conn. Ho was met at the depot by members of tho Oilman family who learned that Rev. A- A. Oilman and family wero well and doing nicely. Ilov. Oilman is stationed in Bishop Itoot's diocese. Procrastination is tho thief of good eyesight HARRY DIXON, Jeweler and Optometrist Mrs Walter Kocken entertained tho Novita club Wednesday afternoon at an Informal nartv nnd rfminnatrnfwl tho making of white cake. This cako was given as a prizo in tho contest 1 t m . - neid ana won vy Mrs. (juarloo Llerk. Jr. Mrs. B. M. Blockhouse was elected Secretary tit fill ihn vannnnv ntiaot by tho resignation of Mrs. Leslie Bas kins. Mrs J. J. Gettmaiv was taken Into tno metnncrsnip. Notice. To all cnncftrnml; Tliwn 1mvlnr watchea, clocks or anything for re pairs at w, u. rowoirs snop pleaso can ana navo unuerBianaing concern ing flame. C. M, AUSTIN, SEE i HENDY & OGIER THIS WEEK TWO LOADS BODGES WILL BE RECEIVED. YouiWant One of the Touring Cars The Car No Hill Can Worry And 40 miles an hour if needed. Touring $785 F. 0. B. DETROIT. s No Deposit Too Small SMALL DEPOSITS AUK ALWAYS welcomed! at UiIh Imnk for It In In thuNo (hut ilio future of our litinlness it) developing, Largo accounts grow from wimll accounts. That Is why wo encourage tho yum)!? business man, (ho young farmer or (ho young housowlfo (o be. glu curly, to liuvo u bank nccount. Not what your deposits nro TODAlf but what tlioy will bo TOMORROW Is tho laiporlHiit factor. Wo doHlro to feel (hut wo Iihvo IIULWID. Platte Valley State Bank North Plait, Nebraska. WORK TO SOON START OX BUSINESS BUILDING Plans and specifications for tho new Bclton building to be erected south Of the I. O. O. h hall urn nhv in hands of contractors and bids will be submitted in a short time. The build ing will be 22xl2C, two stories, with a 22x50 foot basement. Pressed brick will be used, tho plate glass front on the wound flonr -will hn ornaie, a ncaung plant will bo installed anu wie ounuing wm oe strictly mod ern in all respects. ' POUlOS BrOB.. of fhn NnrMi PInro Candy Kitchen, have taken a ten year lease of tho entire building, aoccupy- ing mo ground new ana basement for their buainess. The Recnnd flnnr will havo ten rooms, and these will be leased for offices. Tho front seventy feet of the ground floor will bo used as tho ico cream parlor, the floor being laid with tile and tho lower part of the sldo walls lined with marble. In this room will be installed a 48-foot soda fountain and the furnishings will be In mahogany. In tho rear will bo a balcony of sufficient size to accommo date private parties and furnished as sumptuously aB the main room. Un derneath tho balcony will be" located a kitchen, tho intention of Pouloa Bros, being to snake a specialty of serving lunches, not only during tho day, but for theatre and other parties in the ev ening. John Poulos spent a week in tho east a shrirf. fhnn urn nml nlnrxul n order for tho interior finishings and tho furnishings, tho total cost of whjph win ran out uttio short or ten thouss and dollars. Euslls Coming for Two Games. Tho Eustin ball team will bo here Tor games Sunday and Monday, and illdlrlnir from thn trnmrni nlnviul nf Bustls lost Saturday and Sunday With max. icam, wo aro promised two ox hibltlons of (real ball playing. It is Bald that tllH vlnltirtl linv nfrnntHinn- od their team by securing two addi tional piayers and aro coming hero with full conildenco of winning no game if not both. It's rcallv a loan tm ,aa( to tho winner and both games promise to keep tho fans at the high cot pitch of expectancy and onthual- U8TI1, ::o:: Roblnson'ft Show ('mutiur W. J. Lister, advance agent for the Itoblnnon circus, spont yesterday in town making, contracts for tho appear ance of that show on Saturday, July 29th. Mr, Lister Bays tho show which Is tho third largest In .the coun tryis bigger and hotter this year man over beforo, tho herd of elephants aiono naving neon increased to four teen, . : ;o: : For Rent FiVO roArri llOUHft. r0fl nns PrtnMll street, newly papered, modern .except boat. Inquire for koy next door east. ' - 42tf iioi; De. Mario Anion In Hnnnillnc ftin dnv in .juicsuurg. Miss Ida Mao Salsburv loft last, ov onmg ror Allanco to visit for some timo. ' Mrs. John Dick wjll loavo shortly lor unicago to visit ncr sister for sev eral weens. HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! The hail season has opened with a 20 mile strip hailed in Adams county and hail strip 15 miles north of North Platte. Your farm may be next to suffer. Why take the risk, when, for a reasonable premium we can insure your crop against loss by hail in the Home Insurance Company of New York with Assets of $37,000,000.00. The strongest Insurance Company in the world doing a hail insurance business. Losses settled promptly and paid one hundred cents on the dollar. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON Christian Science Lecture. The Chrintian SrlAnrA Rtwfntv nf North Platte announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by Wm. 17 Tniiwn n C tJ t r- bor Of tho Itfarl nf T.rwf nrrxifiln nfThnl J Mother Church at the Keith theatre! l .Honaay evening, June 19th, at 8:30 o'clock. ::o:: A. 0. U. W. Memorial Day All members of the A. O. tl. W. am requested to meet at thn hail at 1-an Sundav nftnmr.nn -wViftrn n cVirT-f vice will be held and later the members win proceed to the cemeteries and decorate the graves of deceased mem bers. COMMITTEE. ::o:: ? OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH for gonoral houso-T.- Wholan, 003 west Wantod Girl iwOrk. Mrs. C. Fourth street. Keith Novlllo will attend tho national (tomocratic convnntou wuicli meets In St. Louis. For Sale -A fow articles of liouno-. noia goods at reasonabla prices; 514 west Sixth street.- . ' 42-2 Joseph Larson, who attondod tho futionU of Phillip Norton In Omnha tins woclt has rolurned. MrH. D. Almond, of Arapahoo, who had beon visiting MrH. John Don, loft yoHiqruay morning for Uerlng Tako your cholco of any- wool and sine huh in uio storo wortn up to S40 at $10.00 and $16.00 at BLOCK'S. Hurr Lloyd, who resides southwest ui xuwu, sustained injuries to ms back this wook while wwrklng wlUi some heavy farm Implements, D. A. Hussoll has purchased tho ncrnior voinw liouso lu tho 1100 block on west Fourth Btreot. IIq has beon residing tlioro for a yonr or bo past, Tho state convention of 11. P. O. Klks "will moot In Omaha noxt Mon day. Tuesday and Wniliinmlnv A In. on or moro local EUcb aro planning on uuumung. William Adnlr vnnl vnoir, day that hla Blator, Miss Ilolon Adair, who irofiuanuy visited 'horo, had iro colvod tho maator's dogreo at Colum bia Cojlogo, Now York. Tho torrra cotta trlniuntliru fnr Mm Junior high school,, which had boon Uolayod for noarly a month, arrived tho oarly part of tho wook and brick laying on tho building him boon ro-riumcd. ThrOUCll a lottor rr(nlvnil In. Tnl... Frazlor, It Is learned that Mrs. Frank lin Pealo, of Donvor, fonnorly of thlB city, is In such a condition that ulti mate rocovnrv in litWiii I a cousultaltton of doctors it was do 1 c ded that Mrs. Pealo could not aur vlvo ovdr two months and that eho might paas away ut any timo. Suffer First Defeat Tho round hmiKf hall tpnm mot itn first defeat of the season Wednesday evening when the high school team iook tno scaips or tne railroaders by a score of eight to seven. A big crowd of men, women and children witnessed the game and enthusiasm was at high pitch throughout the game. an Trees for Cemetery. Tho cemetery aauimlntlnn hlnrml nn order this week for GOO tree for tJi cenletery, these to bo delivered for next snrine'a nlantln. Tho nnlpr in. eluded evergreen, Carollnarpoplar and elm. Lot owners will annreclath tlilh move on tho the nart. of tho nnnrln. tlon : :o: : Changes on the Library Board. At a meetinir of thn nUv rmmxll - vbbw wavj WW.UM... Tuesday evening appointments on the public library board wiere made to suc ceed those whoso terms expired. Mrs. Frank Martin succeeds E. F. Secberg er. Miss Annie Kramph succeeds her self and Judgo Hoagland succeeds Butler Buchanan. Tho new appointees take up their duties July 1st. It has not been definitely decided whether tho old or new board will se lect a librarian, a vacancy having been caused by tho resignation of Mrs. Mary Jones. Thero aro a dozen or Snore ap plicants for tho office of librarian. in. lO I ii. HHtfleld-Thomp'son Wedding. In tho presence of a large number of friends at tho Episcopal church Wed nesday ovening, Miss Hattlo Hatfleld and Wallace L. Thompson were mar ried by Dean Bdwkor.' Promptly at Glght-thlrty o'clock the wedding march was played by E. A. Garllchs and tho bridal party took their places at tho altar. Tho brido waB given away by her brother William Hatfleld of Sheridan. She wore a dainty gown of White silk voile, long tulle veil and carried whlto roses. Miss Violet Steele her maid of honor, wiclro a pink silk gown with whlto laco overdrapo and hold pink roses. Hary Evans attend ed tho groom. After tho ceremony a dinner was served at tho home of tho brido on North Sycamoro street where the raaniB wre decorated with cut flowers and a pretty collection of wedding clfta wero Hmiln.vful. M1r nnil Mm Thompson loft for cities of Minnesota ' Tho brido wias born In this etlv. at tended tho local schc(ols and is a mem ber of tho Tilllkum OlrlB club of tho Enlsconal cliurnlt. The croom hna to. sided horo for sovcral years and la em- pioyeu as locomotivo nreman on tlio Union Paclflc. Both younir doodIo havo many frlcndB who extend best wishes. Out of 16wn cuestfl wcro Mrs. Swart- DUt of Paxton. .Mrs. Wm. FInnev and tamlly of Shorldnn, and It. Taylor, of I'uxton . AGKPiTS WANTKI) We urn coiiHtaiiilr In nnoil nf conil ngontH to Hell our policies. l iut.M ii j;i;i;uvi; i;oju'iVr, Mrs. J. W. McGraw cntortalned a number of friends at a kenslngton Tuesday afternoon. v Dr. Brock, Dentlsi, ovor Stono Drug Store. Ornndtaa Ilupfor, wlio spent soveral months with her daughter In Caljfor nla, returned homo a few daya ago. Tho Yeomen drill toam will kIvo a social danco at tho Lloyd opora house tills ovonlng to which everybody Is In vited. . ' ICO Wash Skirts, 1G0. mado of Palm Beach, Sllvorbloom, Gabardine. Pon- lln, otc, In whlto, tan and Btrlpos In all Blmdoa, 98c up at BLOCK'S. Mrs O. W. Evans, of Norfolk, and Mrs. W. It. Potors, o'f Stanton, came Wednosday oVoimg to visit their Bis ters Mra. E. A. aarllchB and Miss Vada Tannlhlll for ton days Thoso commlttooa will look aftor tho Ogalallu boostors noxt Tuosday: M. J. Forbea chalrinan; autoa, Messrs. Goodman, Swopo, Itodllold and Hendy; rofrcahmonts, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Itlnckor, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Sandall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawson and Mrs. W. D. FJshor. :o:: The First National Bank it it :.: -of- i.t if i.t a i.t :.: KORT1I PLATTE, ATBJ3J?ASiTA. ' Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPirAL AJXD SURPLUS i One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. if if if STABILITY, t EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACT0I1S IN THE GKOWfH OF THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAEEFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LABGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. if ii if if tf tf if if if if if if if if if if if tf if if if if if if if if :.: if if if a A Bunch Of Our Peerless Shingles would last a good many years in a family 'with only one kid, and quite a number of years in one having a bunch of kids. They Shed Water Like A Duck It always pays to buy the best, because you get the best results. Coates Lumkrl& Coal Co. North Platte,Nebr. An Ordinance No. 71 Providing for tho construction of a Sowor-Latoral District to be known as Sowor Lateral District "S" to consist of Blocks 33, 34, 35, 3G, 37, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44, of tho original town of North Platte, No braka. Said Bower lateral begin ning whore tho center lino of tho alloy in block 33 extended cast in tersects tho main sower otu Cotton wood street of said city running thonco in a westerly' direction on tho center lino of the alley in Blocks 33, 34, 35, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 of tho original townof North Platte to whero the center lino of said alloy lntorsects tho west lino of said block 44, thero to terminate. To bo constructed of ton inch eower plpo with propor Hush tanks, manholes, and proper appliances: Providing for an ea tlmato of tho coat thereof and for bids and making contracts for said sowor lateral, also providing for lovylng against tho abuttlnn lota along tho lino of said lateral sower, a special assessment to pay tho costs of constructing tlio same. Bo It ordained by tho mavor and city council of tho city of North Platto, Nebraska. Section 1. That a sower lateral dis trict to bo known as Sower Lateral District 'S" bo formed from Blocks 33, 34, 35, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. and 44, of tho City of North Platto, Ne braska. Section 2. That a sowor Moral be constructed of ton inch sowor plpo ot proper dopth on a lovel required by Uio prosont sowor system of said city beginning wlioro tho contor lino of tho alloy in Block 33 oxtendod east . Intersects tho main sowor on Cotton wood street in said city running thence In a westerly direction on tho centor For Your Noxt Order of Food. Hour, cabhaen. nntntnaa. in. piuB, sanu mil soou potatoes or all " .' , .: . . kinds boo J. Moenscn at the North ''"o of tho alloy In Blocks 33. 34. 35. 30. Sldo barn or phono 29. v 22-tf 37, 38, 39, 4D, 41, 42, 43, and 44 in the original town of North Platte to where tho center lino of said alley intersects the west lino of said block 44, there to tormlnato with proper flush tanks, manholes and appliances. Said dis trict to bo formed and said sower to bo constructed in all respects in con formity with tho system of sewerage heretofore adopted by said city of North Platto, and in pursuanco to a general ordinanco regulating tho con- struction of such sowers. Section 3. That tho engineer of said city at onco proparo and file with tho clork thereof an catimato of tho total costs of said proposed sower lateral, Section 4. That aftor said estimato Is mado and filed as herein provided the clork of said city shall proceed at onco to advertise -In mannor and form re quired by law for bids for the fcon struction of said sewer lateral and appliances, resorving to Bald city tho right to reject any and all bids thnm- for. Sction 5. If an approved bid bo mado for said work that a contract thero for bo entered into by tho mayor of said city attested by tho clerk with tho necessary provisions nrotectinir tho interests of said city tuipoii tho con-? , '""" luiuiomus iiouu m Bumcicnt amount for tho faithful performance of aald contract. Section C. To pay tho costs of tho construction of said sowor latoral', flush tanks, manholes and annllanren. a special assessment shall bo lovied according to law against tho lot. abutting on tho lino of said lateral. Scr-ticr 7. Thb ordlr.aaco d:i.i:1 tjk effect and bo 1n forco from and aftor its passage and approval and nnhii. cation according to law. Passed and aproved this Cth. dav nf Juno, 191C. B IL E7ANS, Mayor, Attest; o. E. ELDER, CttyXlloxk.