The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 09, 1916, Image 3
THt SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. CONDENSED HEWS OF INTEREST TO ALL. DATES FOR COMING EVENTS. June 12 'to 15 Trans-Mlsslsslppl Bak ers' Asa'n convention at Omaha. Juno 13-14-15 Annual convention of Nebraska Elks at Omaha. Juno 13 to 16 Stato 1 E. O. Conven tion nt Alliance. Juno 13-1-1-15 Great Western Handi cap Tournament nt Omaha. Juno 13 to 15 Nebraska Pharmaceu tical Convention at Hastings. Juno 19-20-21-22 Amorlcnn Union or Swedish Singers, West. Dlv., con certs nnd convention at Omaha. June 20 to 24 Stnto Stockmen's con vention nt Alliance. Juno 21 to 23 Fraternal Order of Eagles, state meeting at Lincoln. Juno 28-29 International Auctioneers' Association Convention nt Omaha, July 3-1-5 Mid-Summer Race Meet at Kearney. July 5 to 8 State Golf Tournament at Omaha. July 10-11-12 Northwestern , Hotel Men's Association Convention at Omaha. July. 10-lM2Mlssouri Wiley Veteri nary association convention nt Omahn. July 25 Nebraska Democratic con vention nt Hastings. Anna Yankaus, a domestic living In Omaha, has commenced a $50,000 dam age suit against Thomas Towey, a wealthy retired farmer of Schuylor. She alleges that while she was em ployed as housekeeper by Towey's Mister, who was dying from tubercu losis, Towey came up behind her and stole a kiss, which caused great men tal nngulsh. The suit was filed in the district court at Omaha. That the present high cattle prices arc hut shadows of higher approach ing costs, is the flrnt conviction of many, cattlemen about the South Omaha yards: From about June 1 nnd on through tho summer it is an ticipated that cattle will be scarce. This Is the off seasou and It may be Just a little bit more off than usual. The result of this situation could only be higher prices. Mrs. A. G. Peterson of Aurora has been appointed a member of tho board of directors of the General Fed eration of Women's clubs. The boaid has been enlarged through action at the federation biennial convention In New York City from fifteen to fifty seven members to Include a represen tative from every state in the union in which the women's clubs aro fed erated, v , Thirty thousand school children, singing patriotic songs in voluminous chorus, Is to be a fenture of the patriotic-' parade .hi OmahntJunei ,14., Threa sisters, Sophia Gunn nnd , Amelia and Mary Gehling, have or ganized a brewery at Falls City and will manufacture and sell beer. The company is Incorporated for $2,000 and all paid In. Omaha's annual agricultural ma chinery jobbing business nmounts to .moro than $12,000,000, a figure that has been sustained for many years. The yearly compilation of Industrial statistics by the Omaha Commercial club publicity bureau show that tho combined implement, vehicle, tractor, hardware and automobile jobbing bus iness exceedB $35,000,000. Tho American Union of Swedish slngors, to appear In concert in Omaha at the' Auditorium, June 19 and 20, have voted to wear cream colored serge trousers, blue serge coats, soft white shirts, navy blue ties nnd white silk caps bordered with blue velvet. Singers from five states will be on hand. Damage to the extent of $50,000 to farm property was caused by a tor nado which, struck Valley county in the vicinity of Ord, a few days ago. James Heitz, farmer, tells of a fence post being pulled out of the ground and driven through the body of a liorso In a pasture. Postmaster Genernl Burleson has removed J. G, Porter of Brldgoport from the office of postmaster on the charge that Porter is "temperament ally unfit" to hold the position and is "grossly disloyal" to the poslofflce de partment. Foi severnl months Porter tried to get an Increase in tho number of clerks in his office Bishop Tihen attended the laying of tho cornerstone for tho new parish school building at Papllllon. Grand Island was selected as the 1917 meeting place by tho Stat. Har ness Makers' association at its meet ing at Columbus. Officers elected were: President, Pullus Reese, Grand Islnnd; vice president, Wllllnm neuter, Sutton; secretary-treasurer, J. C. York. Mlnden. Stella voted $8,000 electric light bonds by n majority of thirteen. The villa pp board now has tho power to establish an electric light plant or purchase current. at somo convenient point. Frank Itudnt of Columbus won the Nebraska stnto chomplqnshlp at tho state sportsmen's tournament at. Grand Island and will represent Ne braska at the American handicap at St. Louis August 21 to 25. Tho nomination of Georgo H. Loo mis of Fremont to bo Internal rev cnuo collector for the district of Ne braska has been confirmed by con gress. Mr. Loomls' appointment has hung fire for several months. Arrangements are being made for the erection of n new Chrlotlan Science church nt Kearney One of tho most promising winter wheat crops In the history of Adams county is starting to head. There Is said to be abundant moisture to bring It. to proper maturity. Several hun dred ncres of corn In tho vicinity of Hustings aro being replnnted, whllo missing hills in many other fields aro being replaced by use of band plant ers. Cold weather, over-nbundunt moisture and cut wornm aro held re sponsible. After an absence of nearly a month John Afflerbach, former sheriff of York county, is still missing. Affler bach followed Harry Randolph Into the Interior of Montana in the belief that Randolph had taken another's auto, and since then nothing has been heard from either man. A reward of fered by the members of tho Elks' club so far has failed to produce re sults. Last fall's sowing of winter wheat in Knnsas Is estimated to bo approxl mntoly 8,451,000 acres, the third 'most extensive sowing In the history of tho state, according to a report Issued by J. C. Mohler, secretary of the state board of agriculture. The averago condition Is given as 87.3f! per cent, which Is 5.41 per cent under the show ing of a year ago, P. J. Rooney of Greeley had an ex amplo of the advance In cattle prices to offer at the South Omaha yards tho other day. He was there with n shipment that sold for $10.20 per hundredweight. Twenty years ago ho sold a bunch of steers of about tho same Quality at tho same market (or $3.75 per hundredweight. The hail storms which swept over Fremont and vicinity last week did heavy damago to two Fremont greenhouses,- which was estimated at $1,500. Wheat was damaged to tho extent of 25 per cent In a strip of country ten miles wide, and tho fruit crop suffered even more heavily. Omaha is buy:ng nearly $50,000 worth of cream daily from the farm ers of Nebraska, western Iowa and other states nearby. During the four months, May, June, July and August, Omaha's cream bill, It Is estimated by creamery men and butter manufactur ers, will amount to $0,000,000. Two hundred and fifty million horse-power hours of energy are re quired nnnunlly in th tillage, cultiva tion and harvesting of Nebraska's var ious crops. More than $50,000,000 S worth of machinery Is utilized In tho performance of tills titanic, task by tho farmers of the state. After two wooks of toll, the remains of HtUe 0-year-old Glen Wiggins of Fairbury were found In Rose Creek. Snturdny afternoon, May 13, the boy fell Into Rose creek and was drowned. Ray Wiggins, his father, perished while trying to rescue him. Tho village board Of Laurel has let tho contract for a now single action triple, pump for tho waterworks de partment. It will be i capable of pumping 400 gallons a minute nnd will be operated from tho eltoctrlc light enclne. Tho Hanover church, twelve miles northeast of Beatrice, which was re cently erected at a cost of $35,000, was dedicated recently. The church was built by tho Gorman residents of Hanover township, A Rock Island passenger struck an automobile on a crossing near Fair bury, containing Mr. and Mrs. M. Haney. Mrs. Hariey was killed in stantly and her husband died a few hours later. 'The first crop of alfalfa Is being harvested now In Hamilton county, and will yield heavily. Thpre has been just about enough moisture this spring to produce nn abundant crop. The Trans-MIssIsslppl Master Bak ers' convention and exhibit, which will be held In Omahn June 12 to 15, Inclusive, is rounding into shape in a ronnner verv satisfactory. A special election has been called In the village of Johnson, for Juno 13, io vote upon a waterworks proposi tion. It Is proposed to issue bonds in tho sum of $9,000 for the new plant. Omaha has started a campaign for a big athletic club, with 1.000 mem bers in two weeks. A clubhouse to cost $400,000 and fixtures worth $100,000 Is the program outlined. North Platto's new depot will cost. $124,000. Preliminary arrangements for Us construction have been made and tho work on the building has al ready begun. The business men of Syracuse and tho local flro department have decided 0 hold a big Fourth of July celebra tion. The Rev. "Billy',' Sunday is coming to Nebraska to start off the fall cam paign the latter part of August. Ho practically gave his definite promisa to do this when a delegation of twenty-five men from Omahn visited him In Kansns City recently. While her seven small children watched her, Mrs, Frank Peck, aged 34, took poison at her farm homo, near Brady and then refused to lot any of them tolenhono for aid or call their father. No cause Is known for her act. Whllo playing with a number of hlb companions, Willie Edgcrton, 10, son of A. J. Edgerton, of Plattsmouth, fell Into tho Missouri river and was drowned, IiIr companions not being able to rescue him. The strike of, 000 laborers on build ing jobs In Lincoln has been settlod, employers agreeing to the 30-cent scalo, for which the workers were con tending. Tho Nebraska State Medical asso ciation selected Lincoln for the 1917 convention at the rerpnt gathering of the organization in Omaha. SOUPS MADE WITH ST0CU Ingredients That Aro Practically Al ways at Hand All That Need Bo Given Consideration. Ono quart brown stock, one can to matoes, ono-half tonspoonful pepper corns, one smnll liny leaf, threo elovoa, three sprigs thyme, four tablespoon fulB butter, one-third cupful Hour, one fourth cupful each, cut In dice, of onion, carrot, celery, raw ham; salt nnd popper. Cook onion, carrot, cel ery and ham In butter flvo minutes. Add Hour, peppercorns, bay loaf, cloves, thymo and cook threo minutes. Then add tomatoes, cover and cook slowly ono hour. When cookod In ovon It requires less watching. Rub through a strninor, add hot stock, nnd season with salt and pepper. Oxtail Soup. Ono small oxtail, six cupfuls brown stock, ono-halt cupful each, cut in dlco, of carrot and tun nip, one-half cupful each, cut In small pieces, onion and colory, one-halt tea spoonful salt, fow grains of cayenne, one-fourth cupful Madeira wine, ono tcnspoonful table salt, ono tcaspoontul lemon Juice. Cut oxtail In small pieces, wash, drain, sprlnklo with salt und pepper, dredgo with flour and fry In butter ten minutes. Add to brown stock, nnd simmer ono hour. Then add vegetables, which have boon par boiled 20 minutes; simmer Until vege tables are soft, odd salt, cayenne, wine, table sauce nnd lemon Julco. Julleine Soup. To ono quart clear brown soup stock add ono-fourth cup ful each carrots and turnips cut In thin strips ono ni.d one-half inches long, provlously cooked In boiling salt ed water, and two tnblespoonfuls each of cooked peas and string beans'. Heat to boiling point. Uses for the trimmings Purchaser Should Not Overlook the Apparently Trivial Odds and Ends That May Be Put to Advantage. Trimmings from meat belong to tho purchaser, and should always be claimed? Tho feet of fowlB contain gelatin and ndd to soups and gravies, whllo tho feet of sheep, calves nnd hogs aro used In jollies and soups, or can bo served boiled, pickled, stowed, or fried In butter. Theso may also bq used with parts of tho head to mako Bcrapplo. Tho heads of pigs and calves aro used In head cheese. Tho livers of beef, calves, she op, veal, pigs and poultry aro all good, though beef liver Is not so delicate In flavor as that of tho smaller animals. Seo that tho texture of tho llvor Is smooth and froo from streaks and lumps. ' To Wash White Gloves. Tho following is an excellent meth od for cleaning washable white gloves, whether of doeskin, chamois or the newer kid. First put the gloves on the hands and wash, using any white soap that lathers freely. A soft-bristled brush may be used, especially on linger tips and wrists, but tho nail brush typo has altogether too stiff bristles. When perfectly clean this soapsuds may bo rinsed off, but immediately rub on moro soap until Uio gloves aro covered with a thick lather like whipped cream. With a towol pat this into tho glovo and remember that tho more of this tho gloyo can bo mado to absorb the softer and moro pllablo it will bo and tho longer service It will give. .Dry without rinsing. Good Housekeeping. Cleansing Fluid. A dry-clennslng fluid which will re move groaso spots from clothing and in which most delicato silks and laces may bo washed without Injury Is: al cohol one and a quarter ounces, bay rum one-eighth ounco, oil of winter green, one-half ounco, aqua ammonia, one-eighth ounco, chloroform, ono-half ounco, and sulphuric ether ono-half ounce. Add ono gallon of gasoline, Keep closely covered and away from lire. Uso out of doors. Hang gar ments in open air until all odor dis appears. Do not throw fluid away, but let stand (covered) until all dirt set tles; pour off' and put away to uso again.' Fruit Cocktail. Any fruit cocktail may bo used that ono desires, but hero ia n specially de licious ono: Fill tho cocktail glasses with diced grapefruit, peaches, poars, a Jew slices of orange, nnd cover with white grapes, cut in half and seeded; ovor this, pour a fruit sirup mado from threo tablespoonfula granulated sugar, boilod ono-half inlnute; when cool add Julco of remainder of orango and grape fruit; garnish with candied cherries nnd sprinkle with chopped pistachio nuts. Boiled Spaghetti. In preparing this delicacy for the tablo take about twonty-four sticks ol spaghetti and allow them to fall into a saucepan of boiling water. Put on the Hd and simmer slowly for an hour, stirring now and then. Havo a little cold water ready to till up tho pan ahquld tho water boll away, and be very careful in dishing. Grlddlo Cakes. One-third cupful tapioca, ono pnd ono-half cupfuls of flour, two teaspoon' fuls of baking powder, level teaspoon ful of salt, ono teaspoonful of sugar; mix and stir Into ono quart of milk, adding two eggs, white nnd yolks beat en separately, tablcspoonful of melted butter; bako on hot grlddlo. What Sugar Does. When a metal teapot Is not In use, put a lump of sugar Into tho pot and this will prevent Us becoming muaty. Australian and Now Zealand troops ip"11""1" Tho United States supply ship Bridge being towed to her dock after hor launching at tho Charloston navy yard. Tho supply ship, which Is tho first ono to bo built, la 425 foot long, 55 foot wldo and has a draft of 21 toot. It is designed for a speed of 14 knots. Tho big vossol, which was christened by Mrs. Grnndvllle S. Flooco, cost $1,425,000. AMERICAN CLUBWOMEN GATHER IN NEW YORK Somo of tho prominent dolegatos to tho thirteenth btonnlal convention In Now York, photographed at tho dinner tablo. ACCEPTED DESIGN Tho FranclB Scott Koy monument commission has accepted tho de sign hero shown submitted by C. E. Nlehaus, a well-known sculptor of Now Rochollo, N. Y., for tho monu roont that Is to bo erected In Balti more to tho author of "Tho Star Spangled Banner." Thirty-four sculp tors submitted designs for tho work. ZEPPELIN L-20 i.t mBHnn mmiMim minnnm i niim-fin i m 1 1 t m iu Remarkable photograph of tho Zoppelln L-20, which was wrecked oft tho coast of Norwuy, taken just us it settled on tho water and began to break up. LONDON CHEERS THE AUSTRALASIAN TROOPS marching through tho streets of Loudon, FIRST SUPPLY SHIP OF UNITED STATES NAVY OF KEY MONUMENT GOING TO PIECES cheered by Immense throngs. i i i of tho Fedoratlon of Women's Clubs Wi-"' ' HIS LATEST PORTRAIT This la tho lutein posed photograph of Colonel Roosevelt, taken on tho lawn ut his homo in Oyster Bay, Inconsistent. "Tho average woman seems to think It Is beneath hor dignity to carry a spool of thread homo from tho store when alio goes shopping." "Very true, but sho makeB up for It by lugging u groat heavy dog In her arms wherever she goes."