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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1916)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IRA L. BASE, Editor and Fabllsker. SUBSCRIPTION IIATES: One Year by Hall In Advance. . . .$1.25 One Year by Carrier In AiIthuco. .$1.60 LOCAL ANJ PERSONAL. Palm Leo Cigar 10c. 14-tr Miss Isabello McKalght left Wednes day for Denver. For Salo Young brcllcrs, 2Gc eaoh. Phono Black 575. , 42-1 Mrs. Earl Wllfton left Wednesday ev ening for Paxton. Will Norrlss ban accepted a position with tho Rush Mercantile Co. Miss Myrtle Bceler returned a few Duo to Increased sunimor tourist days ngojfrom tho state university. . i r 4 1 11..,. T..MM iil. I irUVOI lO UOlorauo, UUUCUVU ounu iui, ., Mpa n M. Niwnn vlnltoil 111 tho Union Pacific placed in service an Curt,B thq (itU!r pan of ,ftst wuck entirely new train 10 weaver, hiukuib Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PoBtofllco as Second Class Matter. Fill DAY, JUNK. 0, 1010 U. V. Adds New Colorado lValn. threo splendidly equipped, electric lighted trains between Omaha and Denver for accommodation of vacation visitors to Colorado. Denver Special loavo as follows: No. 11 Westbound 1:25 P. M. No. 14 Eastbound 6:05 P. M. ::oi: Will Ask for Jlandamus. W. V. Hoagland left for Lincoln yes- Miss Alice Ottcu has resigned hor uosition with tho Hush Mercantile Co. Julius Pizer loft a fow days ago for Omaha to transact business for several days. ' Mrs. John Andrews left lust even Ing for Omaha to remain a weok or longer, Mth. LbwIh Ilnvftn will leave fioon torday whero ho will arguo before the for cltoa of CnmJa to mnko nn cxtcim. supremo court an application ror a , vl lt mandamus In tho Sidney election case. Mr. Hoadland as attorney for tho dry n Elliott of Lincoln, came Wod. olemont, asks for a writ compolling nosuay morning to visit ins parents tho city council to rocanvass tho yoto for several wceics. and rccanvass lt in a manner euch as tho oourt shall direct. J. J, Halllgan will also go to Lincoln to bo present when tho application is beard as tho representative of tho 'wtot forces : :o:: Delegates Well Pleased. Th6 dolcgatcs to tho convention of Spanish War Vctorans expressed themselves as highly pleased with tho hospitality shown thorn by tho local organization and by tho citizens gen erally. Thoy said they hod a splondld time, wero well taken caro of lh the matter of meals and lodging, and the camp-fire hold Monday afternoon, tho danco Monday night and tho banquet Tuesday ovoning wero all that could lie desired. Many compliments wore i heard con- corning tho decoration on tho streets nnd In tho show windows. -;;ti;: LocuIch Sand rump. , Dave Scott, who recently purchased a Band pump witn mo ouject ot se curing grayel from tho rivor bed for uso .in street paving, has located the pump on tho north bunk oft bo river about the middle of tho bridge. Thej floor of tho brldgo Is eight! or ten feet abovp tho ground and ho Intends mak ing a 11H or Inclined driveway, from uio oaiiK on to uio oruigu, limn uvoiu- lng a haul to tho north end of the bridge in ordor to cross. Mr. Scott first located tho pump on tho south bank bolow tho bridge, but fdund tho rivor bed mndo up largoly of tin cans which had washed down from tho city dump nbovo tho bridge. hmirovCH Itoud to Bridge. "Street Commissioner Salisbury' lids I Just, complcVo'd grading and filling (ho I roao irom uio norm cnu oi uocust street to tho. north Tlvor urldgc, Tho road was thrown up from tho sides slightly and this covered with over , six hundred loads of sand and gravel from tho city pit. It will bo sorao tlmo before, the center of tho road Is worlt- .ddowti, but by uso and subsequent dragging! win ovonuuiauy become a splendid work This work 'wins dono by tho city under tho provision of tho law which permits cities to do work on roads within a radius of six miles tho elty limits. Ah soon na funds nrn available the road leading to tho 'south rivor bridge' will bo Improved, For Salo Fox Terrier pups, nicely marked. Thoroughbreds. Joseph Glas er, Phono Black 505. W. H. Lynch of Chicago, Is expected this week to accept a position In tho Dixon Jewelry store. For Itcrit Small apartment close in. Bath, gas and light. Call at 108 west Second street. Fred Elliott returned Wednesday morning from a visit with hlnjBons In Lincoln and Omaha. Jactb Pizer and daughter Mildred, of Grand Island, came yesterday to visit at tho Pizer homo. Mrs. W. C. McDormott loft Wednes day morning for Grand Islnnd to visit relatives Cor ten days. L. M. Bcrryman of Brule, who was the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W, Toole this week has gone home. Mrs. Harry Porter and children left Wednesday morning for Minden to visit relatives tar a fortnight. 7VIr Clyde Cook returned last even ing from Harlan, Iowa, where she visited relatives for two weeks. Mrs. John Rodlno and children left at noon Wednesday for Gothenburg to attend tho wedding of u niece. Mrs. Harry Kelso and children will leave this week for eastern points to visit for sonio tlmo with relatives. MONEY TO LOAN on farm and ranch lands. Wrlto us. Surety Mortgage & Trust Co., David City, Neb. 38-4 Miss Ellen McCarthy, who spont tho past two weeks In Spauldlng with rcl tives, returned homo Tuesday evening. Let Landgraf & Hoga do'your paint ing, paper hanging' and decorating. Phono Black 692 or Black 570. intf Miss Comfort Conway, who Bpcnt the post month visiting relatives In California returned Wednesday after noon. Avcllno Gates, of Grand Island, came Wednesday evening 'to attend the fu neral of his aunt tho lato Mrs.,Fred Marti. Mrs. Jack Dillon, of Los Angeles, who was tho guest of Mesdames Frank and Perry Buchanan for a week, left Wednesday afternoon for Chicago. Don't Miss Your Lnst Chance. Sat urday I will sell the balance of my Suits worth up to $35.00 at $S.."0. 1.1 Knln Coal.s worth $10.00 at $1.50. M. Sl'NDHKWKH, Tlninicrimiu Hotel Sample Itooni. Largest assortment of Hot Weathor Appcarel In tho city now on display at BLOCK'S. Mrs. Itoy Miner of, Cheyenne, camo a few days ago fco visit her slstor, Mrs. Harry Murrin for a couple of weeks. At a meeting of tho Walla Walla lodgo held last evening a class of soven new members wero tnken Into tho order. Gettman'sIIand-Mado Cigar. 5c. 14-tf Mastor Vornon Mitchell submitted to an operation at the City hospital this week from which ho Is recover ing nicely Highest market price paid for hides. Wo buy dry bones, Iron and othor junk. North Platte Junk House. 27tf Floyd Passmore, of Grand Island, formerly of this city, Is spending a few days hero with friends and trans acting business. Rolfo Halllgan returned Wednes day from Hyannls whore he had been for soveral days conducting a case In the district court. Miss Maymo Pizer, who had been visiting in Grand Island and Hastings (for two weeks, returned home -by auto yesterday afternoon Mrs. Helmond and daughter of Oak land are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seobergor. Tlio former ( was Miss Maudo Hlnman of tills city. . All boosters smoke Town Boost, t Mrs. Derrlng of Grand Island, who vMaUcil her daughter Mrs. Thopraas Green has returned homo accompanied by her grand-daughter Catherine Green. Ono can wasto more energy through dofectlvo oyes than by an othor hu man channel." HARRY DIXON, Jewolcr and Optometrist Mlsss Laura Murray and Gertrudo Baker left the early part of tho week for Cedar Rapids whero they will at tend a summer school for teachers for six weeks. Mrs. William Morris entertained tho thirty-five members of tho Loyal Wldo Awake Blblo class of tho Christian church at a kensington yesterday at tornoon. 200'Tub Drosses 1 200! Beautiful collection of light, cool, dainty sum mer Dresses for hot weather wear In plain white and In all the leading shades, mado up to tho minute in stylo. Prlccg rango $1.98 to $15.00. BLOCK'S. Ofc'iilullHltcH Coming1 Strong. Secretary Flshor ot tho Chnmbor of Comtnurco learns that probably 200 mombers of tho Keith County Commu nity club. wjjl be hero next Tuosdaj' to upend "tho day Tho object of tho trip Is to visit tho experimental sub-sta tion, and Incidentally to becomo hotter acquainted with North Platte people, Tho visitors will arrive on train No. 0 nnd bo mot at tho depot with autos and convoyed to tho farm, Thoro thoy will Investigate tho different experi ments that, nro being conducted, nnd nt noon a luncheon will bo served at thq farm, this being furnished by the Chamber of Commerce. Aboiyt fifty curs will bo required, and thoso who will furnish them nro requested to notify M, J. Forbes, chairman lot tho committee, ::o:: Hookers arc Live Wires, The St Joo Boosters, making ai"got acquainted" trip through Nebraska and Colorado, aovonty-flvo strong ac companied by McNutt's band of Bcvon teon pieces arrived promptly nt twelve Tuesday noon. Thoy wero mot at tho depot by tho commttteo appointed nnd given Uio glad hand of welcome Tho boosters then formed in lino nnd inn relied south on Dowoy stroot to Fourth,, then countermarched to Fifth, wlioro.thoy disbanded and whtlo tlio band gavo a concert tho mombora iof tho parly visited their customors lnl town ana mot a largo nunioer or our pooplo, Tho concort by tlio band was flno, and Included soveral vocal uo lectlons with band accompaniment Tho members of tho party woro real live wlrca, good mlxora and North Platte was glad that; thoy spent an hour wkh ur. Ml ' nM Nothing To Be Added 1 1 To The Maxwell "OU will never want to add anything to your Maxwell The purchase price includes everything you will ever " need or desire for luxurious motoring. You won't want to disguise the hood or buy a new body or put in another carburetor or ignition system or install electric lights or a self-starter. - You won't want a new radiator or springs or new spark; plugs or shock-absorbers or a new top. You need add nothing for comfort, reliability, beauty, economy, or convenience. If it is a Maxwell, your car, your experience and your investment are complete. That is the way that Maxwells are designed, manufactured and sold. Question the owners of other motor cars any other motor car and see if they are equally satisfied with their motoring investment Touring Car $655 Roadster $635 F. O. B. DETROIT ' C. M. TROTTER Agency, North Platte and Brady, Neb. Time Payments if Desired A