The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 06, 1916, Image 7

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After Ealing
Needlework in Many Attractive Designs Has Achieved Much Popu
larity for Afternoon and Evening Gowns, as Shown in the Illus
trationFootwear Never So Artistic, or So High in Price.
ol tho Moody Dlbls Iottituto
of Chicago
The mind Is master of the man,
Anil so thoy can who think thoy can.
A diligent man can always And lei
sure, a lasy ono, never.
Cut stalo broad into longtha tho bIzo
of tho Anger, dip into milk and put
into a greased tin to
bako in tho ovon until
crisp. Spread with mar
malado or jam after put
ting on a thin coating of
butter and sorvo hot.
To keep tho baby off
the floor and yet glvo
him exerclao, place two
tnblo leaves on his bed,
cover with a carpet and
ho will bo able to sit or stand with
no fear of a fall or a cold.
When putting a casserolo Into tho
oven sco that thero Is no inotsturo
on tho outsldo, as curelessncs3 In this
matter often causes chipping and
A good brown cako recipe may bo
mado by using cracklings for short
ening. To two cupfuls of chopped
cracklings add a cupful of brown sugar,
one-half cupful of seeded raisins, u
teaspoonful of cinnamon, one-fourth of
a teaspoonful of cloves, ono-fourth of
a teaspoonful of allspico. Into a cup
drop an egg, throe-fourths full of milk,
and add ono and a fourth cupfuls of
flour, sifted with two tablespoonfuls
of baking powdor and a fourth of a
toaspoonful of salt. Drop in gem
pans and bako.
Pineapple Pudding. Dry three
slices of stalo bread until crisp, then
roll or put through tho meat grinder.
To tho bread crumbs add one cupful
of flour, ono tablespoonful of butter
and one-half cupful of sugar, one cup-
. ful of milk, one-half cupful of phio
' i . j . . i . ,, . i
uppio juicu, anu iwo slices ot uio
fruit with two teaspoonfuls of bak
ing powder, comblno In tho order
given, pour into a buttered dish and
oaKo minutes. Merve with a
sauce mado by cooking together two
tablespoonfuls of butter and flour, add
a cupful of pineapple juice and a ta
blespoonful of lomon juice, a cupful
of sugar and a grating of nutmeg.
Spice Pudding. To two cupfuls of
graham broad crumbs add ono well
beaten egg, ono pint of sour milk,
ono teaspoonful of sodn, ono cupful
of sugar, a cupful each of chopped
dates and nuts, ono tablespoonful of
butter and spices to taste. Bake In a
moderate ovon and servo with
whipped cream. "
Character Is built out of circum
stances. From exactly tho same ma
terials ono man builds palaces, While
another builds hovels. G. H. Isevres.
Oatmeal In various forms Is good for
children, and when mado Into slmplo
cakes without spice is
wholesome and nutri
tlous. A point to bo re-
membered when using
oatmeal: If It Is to bo
well digested it must bo
well cooked, and tho timo
it takes to bako small
cakes containing oatmeal
is not sufficient to cook the meal so
that it will bo digested. Treat the oat
meal to a good, strong heat in the
oven, stirring It as ono did coffee In
tho old days, when It was browned nt
home. After this good baking it will
be slightly brown. Then put It through
tho flno cuttor of tho moat grinder,
and it is ready to uso in cakes, and it
will not bo too much cooked if used
In oatmeal bread.
Scotch Cookies. Tako 2 cupfuls
of oatmeal, prepared as for tho drop
cookies, two cupfuls of flour, adding
another half cupful to uso for rolling
out tho cookies, ono cupful of sugar,
two eggs well beaten, threo tablespoon
fuls of milk, three-quarters of a tea
spoonful of soda, one-half cupful of
butter, ono-thlrd of a cupful of hoof
drippings, ono teaspoonful of salt, ono
tablospoonful of spices, cinnamon, nut
meg, and clovo mixed. Mix as usual,
and set asldo on ice, or, ovon better,
lot stand over night beforo rolling out.
A Bharp cuttor Is needed for cutting.
Oatmeal Drops. Tako a cupful of
Gutter and other shortening, mixed and
softoned; add a cupful of sugar, two
oggs, two cupfuls each of flour and
rolled oats, flvo tablespoonfuls of milk,
a teaspoonful of cinnamon, ono-halt
teaspoonful each of salt and soda,
mixed with tho flour; ono cupful each
of rnlslns and walnuts, finely choppod.
Thoso may, by mixing, bo put through
tho choppor easily. Drop the dough by
half teaspoonfuls, two Inches apart, on
baking sheets, aud bako In a moderato
London has 73,500 miles of ovorhead
tolegrnph and tolophono wires nnd
021,000 miles underground.
Carbons for lights and electrome
chanical purposes aro being made
from tar by a new Swedish procosa.
Lako Baikal, In Asia, Is in danger or
losing its distinction as tho deepest
body of froah water In tho world Ro
cent soundings Indlcnto that Lake
TanpanIka. In Africa, is entitled to
the i u!m.
But happy thoy, thrice happy, who
The art to mix these sweets with due
Better In oaten bread today than
cakes tomorrow.
Most Amorlcan cooking of vogo-
tablcB is poorly dono, and for that rea
son wo do not secure
sufficient nutriment from
them to satisfy hungot
and kcop tho body in
perfect physical condi
tion. Thoso who study
the proper methods of
vogotablo cookery do
not cravo meat, because
their vegetables are delicately llavorod
and dollciouBly seasoned. Tho aver
ago cook cooks tho life all out of tho
vegetablo In tho water and then throws
that away, retaining tho nioro waste
for food.
Mustard Greens. Wash tho mustard
leaves and put them on to cook with
no water, adding as little as possible
to keep from scorching. If tho greens
aro cut in Bhrcds beforo being put on
to cook thoy will cook quicker. Sprin-
klo with salt, peppor and cornmeal, us
ing a tablespoonful of tho latter; let
cook until tender and tho meal Is thor
oughly dono.
Eggplant With Tomatoes. Peel and
cut eggplant Into Inch cubes. Molt a
tablospoonful of butter in a saucepan
and put in the eggplant, ono cupful of
tomatoes and ono Binall onion, chopped
very fine. Season with salt and pop
per, cayenne and ground cloves, nut
meg, ginger, mustard and cinnamon.
Cook until tho eggplant Is thoroughly
Vegetable Salad. Mix equal parts
of Bhreddod cabbage and celery, a
good sized applo and a tablospoonfuP
of onion, all cut fine, with a good
salad dressing. Servo woll chilled on
lottuco leaves.
Cabbage and Onions. Slwed a cab
bage and put into a kettlo with a ta
blospoonful of oil or butter, add a
chopped onion, cayonno popper aud
salt and cover closely to cook In lta.
own steam. Tho onion may bo fried
In butter beforo adding, which makes
a dlffcrenco In tho flavor of the dish.
Sauted Radishes. Uso tho largo,
white ones, cut in small pieces and add
butter or oil and cook them In their
own steam, adding more water It need
ed, but leaving nono when they aro
ready to servo. Soason with salt, mua
tard and turmorlc.
Malso my mortal dreams come true
With the work I fnln would do;
Clotho with llfo tho wenk Intent:
Lot me tio tho thlnu I meant.
-John O. Whlttlor.
Placo a heel of a loaf of French
bread, rubbed with a slico of onion or
a clovo of garlic In tho
salad bowl and heap tho
salad over It.
A Spanish onion
scooped out mnkoB a
pretty salad dish; also
a cabbage hoad hollowed
and filled with a salad
garnished with nastur
tlu'ms placed on tho chop
plato with the cabbago.
Beautiful and wonderfully attractive
are tho salads for a wedding served in
tho cups of a whito roso, garnished
with rosebuds and twigs and leaves,
Tho white meat of chicken would soom
to bo tho only appropriate salad for
such an elyslan feast.
Fish salads aro usually marinated,
whllo it is not necessary to do so with
meat salads.
Warm gtngerbread, cottage cheese
and apple sauco aro delicious together,
Cut celery in 2-inch plccos and
split in narrow strips, cut nearly to
tho center, from both ends. Throw
into cold wator. and let them curl
Uso thoso as a garnish for a wholo to
mato salad.
A tablespoonful of buttor makes but
ter patB of good slzo.
Garnish butter pats with sorrel, clo
ver or buttercups.
Fresh fruit served with a pyramid
of powdered sugar in tho center of tho
dish is a most attractive arrangement
Tho powdered sugar may bo molded in
a small glass, by pressing It, then care
fully unraold.
I'opovorB may bo used as sholls for
entrees of various kinds.
Sweetbreads should bo parboiled in
water with a bit of lemon Julco or vln
One Chlnoso province annually ex
ports moro than 1C0.000 tons or poa
nuts, all because an American mis
slonary several years ago gavo a na
tlvo t-ojivcrt a quart of California seod
A patent for a paper umbrella
claimed to bo perfectly waterproof
has been granted to Its Now York in
Typhus germs nro said to bo moro
deadly among German soldiers thau In
tho Russians. Tho latter seem to lmvo
ddvolopcd a higher dogroo of rosls
Neodlowork In which long stitches
in heavy (loss or yarn nro used to
produco many now offocts mado its
appoaranco first on mllllnory. It re
appeared with tho entrnnco of tho
styles for spring, in suits and blousos
and has reached its best dovolopmont
In aftornoon and ovoning gowns. It
is in reality a sort of ombrotdory
which may bo rapidly dono, and tho
long stitch effect is mado by tacking
heavy floss to tho fabric it docoratos
with flno silk thread. It la a showy
decoration admitting of clovernoos of
colors, and thoro is no limit to variety
of design in using It. '
For blouses lighter flosses aro used,
often In conjunction with motal
threads, and actual stitching works
out tho design. Theso decorntlvo fea
tures of tho now season may bo tho
inspiration of bead work, which ap
pears along with them, but is not so
popular. It is moro tedious to do
nnd Is not superior to the floss In
appearance nnd it Is not so light In
weight. But tho same designs may
bo wrought in cither beads or floss.
An afternoon gown of black tullo
over satin pictures a modol In which
black and whlto beads embroider the
tullo overdress In bands. Tho undor
sklrt of satin is plaited and joined to
a low slnoveloss boillco of satin, Tho
overdress Is very full, with a three-
Inch hem about the bottom. A wide
Laud of bcadwork heads tho hem and
a similar baud divides tho skirt half
way of its length. A narrower design
Is worked ubout tho skirt at the hip
lino and midway between the two
wldo bands. Tho samo designs appear
In short bands on the bod'eo.
Long sleoves of tullo finished
rvlth cuffs of satin, and a decoration
of sovoral parallel rows of beads
roaches from Bhouldor to cuff. Tho
deep cuffs aro adorned with n single
row of tho samo embroidery. Tho
round neck makes opportunity for a
wldo standing band of tullo, Thero Is
. soft girdle of satin ribbon. Narrow
er satin ribbon hangs In loops and
ends at threo places at each sldo of
the skirt Black silk stockings and
patent leithcr sllppors complete tho
No matter how rich tho costumo
may bo this soason, Its correctness
will bo quostlonod If tho shoos aro not
up to tho high mark of daintiness and
clcgnnco set by tho fashions of to
day. Footwear is qulot as to color
and oxqulslto as to workmanship and
it Is light and finished to tho last do
groo of excellence. Women havo novor
boon moro beautifully shod.
Tho very short skirt has many faith
ful adherents and tho high boot to
wear with it is imporatlvo. It comes
high in moro souses than ono, for shoos
havo advanced greatly In prlco, with
tho prospect pointing to n furthor ad
vance. But thoro is no denying tho
youthful look of thofahort Bklrt or tho
charm of neatly clad foot and ankles,
thoroforo tho high boot flourishes lr
the fnco of a shortngo of loather.
Two styles In high boots and one
In low shoes aro shown In tho illus
tration given nbovc. Tho high shbea
aro mado In soveral shades of gray
and In palo tan, or tho same models
may bo had In blnck or whlto or com
binations of black with .all of tho
llghtor colors. Thoro Is a cholco ol
stylos In heels. Thoy nro only mod
erately high, whothor following tho
Fronch or Cuban Hues.
Tho low shoo pictured Is a favorlto
In black or whlto. Tho seams aro
outlined with a cut-nut pattern that Is
met with
ovorywhero In high-class
Briar Stitching Trims Linen Dresses.
A dainty little cotton dress wns seon
tho other day In n schoolgirl's outfit
It was of oyster linen nnd tho hem wns
turned up on tho right side. Tho Bklrt
was cut circular and tho discrepancy
of width was arranged in llttlo flaring
"pockets," a scalloping greon briar
stitch encircled tho hem, catching tho
linen every threo or four Inches. Lit
tlo sprays of brjarstltchlng woro car
rlcd down from tho bolt nnd horo nnd
thoro tiny rosobuda woro embroidered
In. Tho samo stitching was ropoated
on tho collar and tho llttlo dross was a
real "creation."
TEXT To soe how larso & letter I havq
written unto you with mlno own hand.
Gal. O'.lt
Fow pcoplo realize how much Chris
tian work can bo accompllBbod by lot-
tor writing. In
somo cases a lot
tor la hotter ovon
than words, for it
can bo road and
roroad, and pon
dered at ono's
lolsuro. Henry
Clay Trumbull
says that ho was
led to Christ by a
porsonal appoal
from a frlond in
a lottor. Whal
preaching and the
ordinary formB ol
church work had
not accomplished
by a fow sontoncoo In a noto. Aa he
rofloctod upon this ho bogan to roallze
tho lmportanco of individual work Cor
individuals, nnd nil his lifo long ho on
gngod in this form of offort.
A prominent buslnosa man In Wor
costor, Mass,, wont to his pastor and
said that ho would llko to unlto with
tho church, Whon naked how long ha
had boon n Christian ho replied that
ho had taken tho stop only n fow days
ago, nnd that ho had boon led to da
this ut tho request of a lady who had
written him on tho aubjoct. Ho said
that Bormous had not mado much im
pression on him, but that tilts' lottoi
from n purson whom ho hardly know
nppoalcd to him so strougly that be
could not roslst It.
A little mission Sunday school in
Connoctlput orgnulzod a homo depart
mont. Ono of tho workers wroto to a
friend who was living in tho forests ot
Canada, far from any church, and
asked It eho would not llko to join
their homo department. Tho roply wni
favorablo and tho Htoraturo was sont,
Soon tho frlond In Canada wroto Bay
ing that sho thought sho could got
Bomo ot her neighbors to join tho Con
necticut school If sho had tho propoi
Htoraturo. In a short tlmo sho sue-
ceodod in gottlng 2G moro mombora, all
of whom bocamo idontlflod with the
llttlo mission school In Connecticut
threo or four hundred miles awny.
Thoy wero so pleased with tholi
work that aftor awhllo thoy organlzod
a Sunday school of tholr own. Soon
thoy outgrow tholr accommodatlont
and raised monoy nnd built a chapel,
Thon thoy said, "Wo ought to havo a
Christian Endeavor socloty," and soon
that, too, was organlzod. This wont
on for a timo, but tho moro thoy stud
led tho Biblo tho moro hungry thoy
groW, and by and by thoy organlzod n
church and Bocurod a pastor, Aud all
this camo from ono lottor wrltton by
an ontorprlslng workor in a little
school sovoral hundrod mllos nway.
Why should not Christians nlm to
mako tholr corrospondonco count for
tho Master as woll as tholr conversa
tion? Thero might bo somo letters In
which it would not ho ndvisablo to in-
troduco tho subject of roltglon, but on
tho othor hand if tho subjoct woro up.
pormost In ono's mind, opportunities
would frequently bo found to Bay a
word for Christ, or drop a hint, or in-
closo a leaflet. I know a business man
who was writing a lottor ono day whon
ho Baw n tract on his tnblo. Ho In
closed it nnd mailed tho lottor with
out much thought. Thon tho dovil
whispered to him, "You have mado a
fool ot yoursolf. What do you sup
pose that man will think of you for
putting a tract In a buBlnoss lottdr?'
Bolng a Christian, ho lifted his heart
in prayor to God, saying, "Lord, did J
mako a mistake?"
Back camo tho answer, "What is tc
hlndor you from putting a tract In
ovory lottor you writo?"
"By the graco of God I will," ho re
plied, and for tho romalndor ot his life
ho followed this practice Ho saw bo
much good coming from this kind of
offort that ho Anally wlthdrow from
business and dovotod his llfo to writ
lng lottors and Bonding out Christian
Htoraturo of various kinds.
I know a lady who, to holp a drink
lng man, took him into her family as n
hoarder. Soon ho committed somo
misdemeanor and was sont to prison.
Sho did not forsako htm in his dis
grace, but romemboriug tho Mastor'a
words, "I was sick and in prison nnd
yo visited mo," sho endeavored to holp
him by writing oncouraglng lottors,
Soon other prisoners requested that
oho writo to them, and by degrees this
work increased until flnnlly sho wns
writing botwoen two and threo hun
dred lottors n year to tho Inmates ot
dtfforont prisons.
As Boon oa a prlaonor was lod to ac
cept Christ sho sent him a Biblo and
concordance, and tried to lntorost him
in Biblo study. If thoy showed much
proficiency in this work sho ontored
tholr namo In a Biblo corrospondonco
school which took her proteges nt half
price. Many of hor correspondents
bocamo teachers of tho Bible, and
Bomo ot them had largo classes In
their respoctlvo prisons. Murderers
lnfldola and hardened men ot all kinds
havo been led to Christ by this humblo
woman through hor prayers and lot
tors, Sho Is a farmer's wlfo, has had
only an ordinary education and has
taken In sowing and washing In ordor
to corn money to pay tho postngo.
Is Thr
By All Wleans-TRY
Stomach Battel's
A toll rTra!o of narlt,
Milya to mt!e dottraff.
rovRMtoriac Color aiut
8ut7 loGrnrcr l'li! I!lr.
Mo. Mill IWTirffUU.
Airy Peralflaae.
Irvln S. Cobb, who tolls storlos aa
well as ho writes thorn, broozod Into
our oftlco tho othor day with a now
A girl from tho mountain regions
ot Kentucky wont to a denttst to havo
a tooth filled. Aftor tho dontlst had
oxenvatod tho decayed molar ho pro
duced a tubo connected with tho com
prosscd nlr tank and procoodod to
clean out tho cavity.
Thinking that tho operation might
bo painful, ho said to the girl:
"Doos that air hurt?"
"That nlr what?" asked tho girl.
Now York World,
Quickly Cleared by Cuticura Soap and
Ointment. Trial Free.
You may roly on those fragrant,
super-creamy omolllonts to caro for
your skin, scalp, hair and hands, Noth
ing better to clear tho skin ot pimples,
blotches, redness aud roughnoss, tha
scalp ot dandruff and itching and tho
hands ot chapping and Boronosa.
Froo snmplo each by mall with Book.
Addross postcard, Cuticura, Dopt. It,
Boston. Sold ovcrywhoro. Adv.
Love Flndo n Way.
"But your llnnco haa such n small
salary; how aro you going to llvo?"
"Oh, wo'ro going to oconomlzo.
Wo'ro going to do without such a lot
of things thnt Jack noeds."
Whllo a man Is trying to mako hia
fortuno a woman goes nnd gets hers
Makes Hard WorkHarder
A bad back makes a day'B work
twlco na hard. Backache usually
comoB from weak kldnoys, and if
headaches, dizziness or urinary dls-
ordorB aro added, don't wait get
holp boforo tho kldnoy dlaoaso
takes a grip boforo dropsy, gravel
or Brlght'o disease sets In. Dean's
Kldnoy Pills have brought now life
nnd now strength to thousands ot
working mon and women. Used
aud rocommonded tho world over.
A Nebraska Case
Arthur Ehmcke,
Inn rrfjrt T(ib i Swr W. Military Ave.,
'.IS'SsayB; "My Itldnays
Eanhoycd mo by be-
1 msr too rreauont in
action ana I was
also subjeat to
.rhoumatlo pains In
my 1 1 m b s. To
istoop or lift caused
harp twinges and
I had a constant
lameness in tho
small of my back. Doan's Kldnoy
Pills soon drova away all the pains
and regulated the action ot my kid
neys." Gtt Deaa's at Asy StM, 80s a Bex
f Every Woman W antwj
'avHHfl3lUlftSa2SB i flll3f Si
Dissolved la water (at douches steps
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and infhuH
tuition. Recommended by Lydia E
PInkham Med. Co, for ta years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrk,
ore throat and sore ayes. Economical.
Hu eitnrmiiaur ckaauaa tixl gtnnkkUl Pwtr.
la r rf. 91. u urjtivu, cr pwrau VT
Ih IVtlwi I lt Uampr. mooo. mm.
Kill All Flies! T.:ad
FlmA lajwhm.Dclty Plr KllUr attract and kllUtll
Bin. Mill, clu, oratnwtal, MafmWat, HaAno,
L 14 all.
If Mil M
laJV laf
Daisy Fly Killer
lM fey rflr. ? f
HAROLD 60MKR6, 1170 DiKalb Av., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Nebraska Directory
Omjhi, Nsbraika
Rooms from 11.00 up single, 75 centu up doable.
frank Sroboii. 1215-31 S. 13th St., Osaka