The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 02, 1916, Image 4

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Misa Bditli Mulr, of Ognlalla, is
visiting this weak with her sister Mrs:
J. D. Cox.
Mrs. C. C. Koon lifts rotumod from
a visit with hor daughter. Mrs. Staples
In Horshoy.
Mrs. Lorn Graves has returned to
Grand Island after visiting hdr fathor
J. M. Mooney.
Miss Ella Corhctt, of Wallace, who
wan a guoBt at tho Hanlfln homo has
returned home.
For Salo Top huggy and harnoss,
310 west Fourth street, Phono Black
CC8, L. Johnston.
Let Landgraf & Hoga do your paint
ing, paper hanging and decorating.
Phono Bluck C92 or Black 570. "23tf
Tho Catholic lodloa' social will ho
held at tho homo of Mrs. Porry Car
son this afternoon.
Mrs. Sam Richards, of Omaha, re
turned yestorday nftor visiting local
friends for a week.
Mrs. Clydo Cook who has boon visit
ing relatives in Victor, la., is expected
to roturn UiIb week.
Miss Evelyn Fprado, of Lincoln,
who was tho guest of Mrs. Anna Shao,
has returned homo.
Mrs. Ncls Rasmusson and children
who visited this wook' In Chappell
havo returned homo.
Gettman'9lIand-Mado Cigar. Cc. 14-tf
At a meeting of thq,Rchokah lodgo
last evonlng ten now 'members wore
taken Into tho order.
Mrs. M E. Scott and children left
this week for Cuba, 111., to vUlt rela
tives for several weeks,
Mrs. Toole, of Kearney, who camo
last wook to visit hor daughter Mrs.
Harry Boylo has gono homo.
Mrs1. "Will Booth left Wednesday af
ternoon for Omaha to visit relatives
and friends for a wook or more.
Sebastian SchwalRor and mother
havo roturncd from au extended visit
with relatives In LaQrango, Ore.
Nlco dainty Wash Dresses, tho kind
you will like, at Wilcox Department
Miss Emollno Brauor, of Gothonburg
who was tho guest of Miss Ella Stcg
man, returned homo Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. J. II. Fltzpatrlck roturncd to
Kearnoy Tuosday after spending sov
eral days with hor brother Harry
Maurice Fowler purchjiaod a carload
of horses In tho Horshoy neighborhood
this week and shipped them oast Wed
nesday. Mrs. William Finney and chlldron
of Evanstoh, Wyo., 'camo Wednesday
morning to visit her -mother Mrs. Geo.
Hatfield. .
Mr. and Mrs. K, D. Small nndchll
drcn of Harvoy, III., aro expected
shortly to visit Mr .and Mrs. Victor
T. 13. Bhorwood, of Now York City,
who visited his hrothor L. E. Shorwood
thia wook rotilrned homo Wednesday
Mrs. Sobastlan Schwnlgor loft a
fow days ago for Kearney tq visit hor
ilaitghtora who aro attending tho Nor
mal there.
Miss Eva Williams camo tho first
ot this wook to visit Mrs. James Dor
ram while enrouto homo from Kimball
to Kearney.
Mrs. Edith Qualloy, of Elk Mount,
Wyo., camo n. fow dyas ago to visit
hor mothor Mrs. John Connott for bov
oral wookH.
Tho local Booster hall Unta will
play with the EubUs team nt that
placo on Sunday and Monday, Juno
4th and Jith.
Bids' 'wanted.
Scaled bids will bo received up to
noon Saturday, Juno 2d, for tho sale
of tho two-story brick building nt cor
nor of Willow and Fourth stroots.
Successful bidder to ronovo building
aud leave lot In clean Bhnpo.
The first warm day of Summer is the right time to
buy an electric fan. Consider the years they last and
why are you without one? Every home needs an
Electric Fan.
North Platte Light & Power Co.,
C. R. MOREY, Manager.
Mrs. J. M. Mooney, of Donvor, for
merly of this city, who had been vis
iting In town, loft a few days ago for
Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lilly and two
hoiib woro called to Council Bluffn
Wcdnosdfiy morning by tho doath of
Mrs. Lilly's fathor.
Paul Harrington, of Donvor, formor
ly of this city, spant the foro part
of this week visiting his uncle John
Hor rod and family.
Llttlo Phillip Norton tho three year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Norton Is
critically 111 from the nftor effects
of a caso of measles.
Mrs. W. It. Malonoy and dnughtor
Maurlno who spont two montliB with
relatives In Saliria, Kans., aro ox
pected to roturn today.
Optometry's Improved methods havo
brought rollof bo thousands whore
former Ciothods failed. IIAIHlV
DIXON, Jowolor and Optomotrlst.
Officer II. L. Bakeri rocolvcd a
moflsago Wednesday stating tho seri
ous Illness of his brother at Atlca, la.,
and will will probably go thoro today.
T, E. Heskott, of tho Blrdwood sec
tion, wns In town Wednesday onrouto
homo from South Omaha, where ho
marketed a carload of hogs.
Mrs. T. E. Samuclson will entertain
tho Tllllkuln GlrlB' club nt a pre
nuptlal towel shower this evening for
her slstor Miss Hattlo Hatfield.
W. II. McDonald returned Wednes
day morning from a visit In eastern
points and tho Bunkers' Convention
of Group Fivo in Grand iBland,
Mrs. Crodcr, tof Laramie, returned
homo Wednesday morning after visit
ing hor Bister Mrs. Horbert Duke
whllo onrouto holmo from Stapleton.
J. B. Hayes has purchased a home
In Dundee, Omaha, but will not bo
given possession until Juno 15th. His
family will remain hero until that
Attorney and Mrs. ' J. J. Hnlllgan
returned Wednesday morning from
Rochester, Minn, whoro tho latter took
medical treatments and Is greatly Im
proved. -
Just think It over. Optometrists fit
glassoB to remove oyo strain that's
nilbut ths little pleco of glass 1b
often a wonder worker. IIARRY
DIXON, Jowolor and Optomotrldt.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Faat, who ac
companied tho remains of their son to
Iowa Inst week, returned Wednesday
morning and will spend a fow days
beforo returning to Sutherland.
Mrs. Frunk Dcntlor and daughter
Miss Ernn Roblson of Denver, who
spent tho foro part of tho week horo
returned homo yesterday In tho now
Appqrson car which Mr. Dontlcr' re?'
contly purchased.
Mrs. Allen Brown, of Wallace, died
Monday morning aftor a short Illness
at tho ago of forty. She loaves a huu
band and four children, one less than
a week old. Tho remains wero taken to
tho Elwood cemotory Tuosday In
chargo of Undertaker Moloney.
Mr and Mrs. Snml. Grcenlcaf, of
Omaha, visited Judge and Mrs, J. S.
Hongland Wednesday. Tlio formor Is
grand mnstor of tho Nobraska Odd
Follows and was onrouto homo from
Pnxton, whoro ho took part In tho
Momorlal Bay program.
Cleo Gulp and Walter Rouch of Hor
Bhoy, woro given n hearing In tho
county court Wednosdny and tho trial
was BOt for Monday, Juno 5th. Thoy
aro charged with ndultory by tho hus
band of tho former. Each furnished
threo hundred dollar bonds.
Mrov Strnngo, ot Konrnoy, Mrs. Ella
Lahyon, Mr. and Mrs, Ira L. Baro and
son Losllo woro guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. N. McNnmnr of Paxton Tuesday
nftornoon. Mrs, McNamar served tho
guostB with a Bplcndld turkey dinner
that wnH greatly enjoyed.
Piano Instruction.
During tho summer months Ida Ot
tonsteln will havo a. Bpoclal class for
beglnnors, also a class In musical his
tory for moro advanced pupils.
At a special mooting of tho board of
directors of tho Chambor of Commorce
Monday ovonlng it wns decided to hold
a colebratlon on July 4th. It will bo
what Secretary Fisher call an "old
tlmo" celebration, and whllo tho pro
gram has not boen fully outlined,
It will Include n parade of hudlnoss
and decorated lodgo floats and iutfos,
and for this fonturo prizes amounting
to ono hundred and fifty dollars will
bo offered. The parado will bo hold
just hoforo noon.
At noon a community picnic will he
held at the city park in tho Fourth
ward, and horo a numbor of races
and othor ovonts will also bo pulled
off. There will also bo n ball game
at tho rogular grounds.
Instead of having flroworks in the
evonlng, tho monoy usually oxponded
for that purposo will bo hsod In buy
ing a cnrload of watornmolons which
will bo distributed freo among the
crowd, and at tho picnic dinner.
Committees to arrnngo for tho col
obrntlon wll ho appointed in a few
500 Reward.
Tho above reward will bo paid for
tho arrest and conviction of tho party
who stolo ono of my hogs from the
Sutherland stock yards May 2Cth; and
the same sum will bo paid for tho
arrest and conviction of tho party
who stolo a black cow branded KB
(conectedj on hip on tho night of
March 30, 191C, and for tho roturn
of animal. Same reward for any an
imal stolen from my. land In tho fu
ture. T. E. HESKETT,
2tF Sutherland, Neb.
Fountain's Hearing Next Wednesday.
Leo Fountain, who slashed Charley
Johnson's cheek with a knlfo Monday
ovonlng, was arraigned beforo Judge
French Wednesday and placed under
$100 bonds to appear at a preliminary
hearing Wednesday next.
On complaint of Johnson, Fountain
was also placed undcr bonds to keep
tho peace.
Ernest Rlnckcr Is expected homo In
a fow days from tho state university.
For Sale Housohold goods. In
quire of B. J. Curtis, 115 west 2d. 39-3
Mrs. W. V. Hoagland left yestorday
morning for the western part of the
stato to spend several days.
For Farm Loans seo or wrlto Gen'o
Crook, rjiom 3, Walteinath building,
North Platto. 41tf 1
Miss Gladys Hall, who has been em
ployed at tho Gen candy kitchen for
several months, resigned today.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McLaughlin
and children, of Sutherland; are vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frnzler.
Abnor Wessburg returned home
Wednosdny evening from Lincoln
whoro ho has been attending college.
For puro, clean natural lco, cut from
Union Pacific lnko, phono Black 34G,
or hail tho ono-horso lco wagon. n
A marriage llconso was granted
Wednesday to MIbs Annlo C. Con
neally and William A. O'Connor, both
of Wallace
Mrs. Arthur McMullen has severed
hor connection with tho Dickey con
fectlonory storo and will loavo for "an
oxtonded visit with relatives in Porry.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Vandorhoof have
rented tho now bungalow which is ho
lng orocted by W. S. Dolson on west
Sixth street, and will move there ns
soon as it is completed.
Undertaker M. J. Forbes left this
morning for Tryon to disinter the body
of Jacob Henry Mllllgnn, who died in
1907. Tho remains will bo sent to
Hannibal, Mo., to bo buriod.
Tho Warrington slstors who rocont
ly purchased tho fancy work and om
broldory stock of Mrs. Georgo Finn,
havo rontcd rooms over the Star cloth
ng etaro and will havo on salo nil tho
tip to dato fancy arilclos and glvo prl
vato Instructions In their making.
Tho lntorlor of tho Tlmmorman ho
tol Is bolng repainted In sliver groy.
Tho lobby haa boon enlarged and tho
oiTIco flxturo moved back several feet.
Tho now olovator which was rccontly
Installed Is now in operation. A num
bc of othor convenient and attrac
tive chnngos havo boon mado.
Palostlno Commandory, Knights
Templar iobsorved Ascension Day last
ovonlng. They assembled at tho asy
lum at 7:30 and mnrched to tho Chris
tian church whoro II. O. Knowlcs de
livered an Ascension Day sormon. Re
turning to tho hall tho uowly elected
officers woro Installed and later lunch
was served.
With tho cxcoptlon of n fow minor
dotnllS, tho plans submitted by Archi
tect Parson, of Omaha, for romodollng
tho Mothodlat church, woro approved
by tho board ot trustees this week.
Tho specifications will bo drawn and
ftont hoYo within tho next two weeks,
and bids ,for tho work will then ho
To show thoir appreciation of tho
new Hotel McCabo, sovonty-flvo bUBi
turns aud professional mon hold a
complimentary banquet at that splen
did hostelry Wednesday evonlng, and
passed several hours pleasantly in
partaking of an eight course dlnnor,
listening to music furnished by
Stamp's orchestra and songs by tho
banquotcrs and applauding after-din-nor
talks bp sevoral of North Platte's
most gifted orators.
Contrary to tho usual custom, the
guests wero soated at Binall tables,
each of which had a center decoration
of white roses, corner pieces of ferns
and with a red carnation at each
plato. It was nearly nlno o'clock
when, following an Invocation by Dean
Howkor, tho banquotors woro seated,
and It wns nearly eleven when tho
final courso of eight was served.
Tho menu was excellently prepared
and splendidly sorved nnd tho se
lections by the orchestra woro an ap
preciated foaturc.
Petor J. Barron, seated In ,tho toast-master's-chalr,
was at his best, and
tho applicable stories ho told in in
troducing tho speakers woro strictly
of tho 191G vintage.
Tho general subject of tho toasts
was "The Hotel McCabe," divided un
der ,the heads of "Its Builder" "Its
Manager" nnd "Its Benefit." Prior to
tho consideration of these, however,
Secretary Fisher, of. tho Chamber of
Commerce was introduced, who spoke
briefly of tho future prospcqta of tho
city, and expressed tho hopo that clus
ter street lights might bo turned on
the night that tho new depot Is dedicat
ed. Tho reponso to "Its Builder," was
mado by Judgo Grimes, who compli
mented Dr. McCabe for providing
North Platto with such a splendid ho
tel, referred to tho Doctor's arrival in
this city thirty years ago, of Ills rise
In tho commercial world, his faithful
service to the people as a practloner
and his standing ns a citizen of in
tegrity. "Its Manager," was responded to by
J. G. Bceler who referred to Mr. Weln
gand's demonstrated ability to make
good in whatever he undertakes, re
ferred to tho splendid reputation tho
Hotel! McCabif had already feaincd,
and expressed the hopo that Us suc
cess in tho futuro would necessitate
the enlargement for which tho build
er had so wisely provided. Mr. Becl
er spoke of the wonderful growth of
tho North Platte valley, evidence that
tho futuro would call for tho enlarge
ment, W. T. Wilcox responded to, "Its Ben
ollt," which he said not only redounded
to North Platte, but to tho visitors who
come within our gates. Roforrlng to
a greater North Platto, Mr. Wilcox
spoke of tho need of greater develop
ment of tho co.untry tributary to tho
town. The pastures north should havo
moro cattle grazing thereon, efforts
should bo made to havo this become
moro of a dairying country and those
who desired to engage in this voca
tion should bo assisted in securing
bettor cows; wo should feed all our
hay and alfalfa instead of shipping it
out. Mnko tho tributary country moro
productlvo nnd North Platto will large
ly care for itself.
Keith Neville was Introduced aa tho
final speaker. Ho added his testimon
ial to tho builder and manager of tho
hotel, spoko of tho need of greater
publicity of the resouces of tho state
arid enumerated tho rank of Nebraska
in productions of tho farm. Ho re
ferred to tho commercial and building
progress North Platto Is making and
thought indications wero strongly fa
vorablo for a continuance.
: :o : :
For Rent.
6 room houso, electric lights, water
and toilet In houso, $12 per month at
310 west A street Enqulro of C. M.
Nowfcon Book storo G04 Dowoy St. 38-2
: :o::
Mrs. John Brltt has returned to
Donvor aftor a pleasant visit at tho
J. I. Smith holmo.
Miss Elslo Johnson who hns been
teaching nt Curtis for sovoral years
haa accoptod a postlon bb penman
ship instructor in tho new Junior
J. M. Buol, of Omaha, tho dotoctlvo
who assisted Sheriff Salisbury in lo
cating Bob rarmaloe, roturncd homo
Tuosday 'ovonlng aftor spending a
day or two In town.
Fancy Hoso 25c, 50c nnd $1.00 at
Wilcox Department Storo.
Mrs. Margaret Wilson, who was ln
Jurod In an auto accident ten weeks
ago and had been taking treatment at
tho North Platto Gonornl hospital, tro
turned to Lowollon yestorday.
During tho strong wind Tuesday
nftornoon sovoral signs woro blown
from tho public buildings and a largo
treo in tho Pulvor yard was brokon,
tearing down a number of electric
light and telephone wires In that vi
cinity Notlco to Tlio Public.
No trespassing allowed on section
30-11-32. JAKE WAGNER,
and also on section 31-11-32.
MM4M4r4 ,....................
TheFirst National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System. AXD SUKPLUSt
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
May 22, 191G.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Hormlnghausen, Springer und
county clerk.
Claims allowed as follows:
Lewis Bechan, road work district
9, $37.79.
B. J. Gulnan, road work district 10,
A. B. Hoagland, nuto hlro, $91.00.
V. McCormlck, road work district 1,
Board spent balanco of tho day In
specting roads nnd stood adjourned
until May 29, 1910.
County Cltfrk.
May 29, 1916.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Hormlnghausen, Springer,
Wlilto and county clerk.
Claims allowed on tho general fund
Anna Anderson, care of county poor,
Hilda Anderson, salary clerk of
county court, $50.00.
Aileen Gantt, salary, $133.33.
Aileen Gantt, office expenses, $2C39.
C. M. Roynolds, office rent county
attorney, $15.00.
A. J. Salisbury, salary, $145.80.
Bessie Salisbury, transcribing per
sonal schedules, $81.00.
Frank L. Smith, clerical work, $2.50.
Sundbrland Mach. & Supply "o.,
ono cement mixer, $250.00.
Joseph M. Wilson, salary, $75.00.
Joseph M. Wilson, caro Mr. Gray,
Roy Wilson, salary, $74.00.
C. W. Yost, office expenses, $32.15.
C. W. Yost, salary, $137.50. -Hugh
GUdea, auto hire, $20 00.
Fred G. Meyers, milso county poor,
Earl Hall, houso rent, etc., county
poor, (disallowed for $1.45), $11.00.
R. L. Cochran, surveying, $155.85.
A. E. Woods, nidso county poor,
F. D. Westenfeld, mdso county poor,
D. B. White, services and mileage,
E. H. Springer, services and mile
age, $47.60.
F. W. Herminghausen, services and
mileage, $37.00.
N. B. Spurrier, road work, commis
sioner district 3, $50.00.
J. H. McConnell, road work, com
missioner district 3, $50.00.
Keeps the Spindle and the Hub apart
' j SHE mica fills the pores and irreg-f-
ularities on the spindle, and com
bined with the highest grade grease
stock makes a smooth slippery surface.
Prevents friction and makes easy pulling.
The Mica Makes It Better
Look for the blue can with the
"Wheel" on the cover. Sold in 1 and
3 lb. tins, 10, IS, 25 lb. galvanized iron
a .
Ed Schram, road work, commission
er district 3, $15.00.
C. A. Robinson, road work, commis-
Bloncr district 2, $102.00.
Lowls Bechan, road work, district
9, $50.00.
C. A. Robinson, road work, district
31, $G.00.
W. D. Waldo, road work, district 1,
$13.50. ;
Allowed on road district No. 24 :
Wm. Weakly, $11.25.
Cecil Baldwin, $4.50.
O. K. n.i1r1wln. S4 KO
Chas. Brlsbln, $4.50. :x-,;: ..r w .
C. F. Breach, $11.25. '- N
Gilman Dcinllt, $3.75. .
Clydo W. Dark, $29.75. - Vf ,,,
Horaco Fitch, $1.60. : '
Wm. Gammill, $2.25. ''
S. M. Gammill, $18.75. " (
Arthur Gartrell, $5.25.' '
John Kid Well, $4.50.
Earl Savage, $4.50.
John R. Ritner, cement bridge work,
allowed on bridge fund, $339.37.
Road No. 391 petitioned for by Peter
Jepsen and others, comes up for final
hearing, and tho Board having here
tofore heard tho remonstrators and
petitioners, find that said road Is for
the public good, and grant said road
as per petition.
Whereupon the Board adjourns to
Juno 5, 1916.
County Cleik.
Card of Thanks .
W wish tn thank our kind neigh
brrs and friends, Rev Kr,0vleg, G. A.
R., W. R. C, P. F. E. and R. N. A. for
their assistance and sympathy during
tho sickness and at tho death of our
boloved father, also for tho beautiful
floral tributes. M. C. Rogers and fam
ily, G. M. Wilson and family, F. A.
Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.'
Wilson, C. A. Wilson and family.
Modern, six room houso, steam
heat. To right party will lease this
houso by year. Situated next to my
residence. 37-4 R. N. LAMB.
0. H. Thoelecke.
: si .'i..
,7V .--Lr-- y j