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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1916)
Semi-Weekly Tribune UlX I. BAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year hy Mnll In Adrauco....$1.2i Ono Your by Cnrrlcr In Advance .$1.50 Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Postofflco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1010. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. J. a. Boclor spent yesterday lu Osh kosh on legal business. Court Reporter Darroil transacted business In Lexington yesterday. William Adair has returned from a visit In tho castorn part of this state Miss EJrma McMlchaol returned "Wednesday from a visit with her par ents in Wcllfleot S. 0. Swanson and Grant Phillips, of Wallace, aro spending this week In town with local friends. Mrs. Robort Byboo returned Wednes day from Cozad whoro she visited rel atives for a short timo. Mrs. L. P. Jensen and daughter Miss Ihtth loft Wednesday ovoning for Om aha to mako their homo. Mr. and Mrs. Will Welsborgor were called to Beaver City, Iowa, this week by tho death of tho lattor's fathor. Mllledgo Bullard returned Wednes day ovoning from Lincoln whoro ho was attending tho state university. Mrs. II. N. Smith and Master Louis Pushmnn loft Wednesday morning for Molroso to visit tho lattor's paronts. Ladles - Halrdrcssing and Soft Wntcr Shampoo at Coatcs Beauty Par lors, 505 Dowoy St., Phono Bed G55. Harry Huffman returned Wednes day ovoning frop Lincoln whero ho had boon attending tho stuto univer sity. Mrs. William WoIbIi loft recently for Louisville, Ky., to mako an ex tended visit. Mr. Wolsh will leavo shortly. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Davis, of Lincoln, ard vistlng their daughter, Mrs. V. Oral Hodges, whllo enrouto homo frm tho west John TIchem, of Farnnm, who was tho guest of his uncle, II. A. Doncl son for some time, loft Wednesday nf- tornoon. Mr and Mrs Stovo Baldwin returned Wednesday ovoning from Kansas City whoro thoy visltod their son Dr. Frank Baldwin. For Sale Good driving mare also buggy and harness. W. C. McDcrmott, Phono 2CG. Tho ladles auxiliary of tho Baptist church will meet at tho homo of Mrs. Pease, 323 west B Stroot noxt Friday afternoon. Miss Erma Huflluian, who lias boon attundlng -th Aim Morgan Dramatic School In Chicago, ,oamo homo Wed nesday ovoning Mrs, Andy Llddpll and children left, this jvook to spend tho greater part of thts Bilmmor with rolatlvos in Dowaglnc, Mich. For Sale 00 Ovorland. Roadster. Offorod at a vory low flguro for quick aalo. Inquire at first door north of First National bank, 30-3 J. W. PlolBtickor, ' 6t Dickons, and J. H. Plolstlckon, of Wallace, spent tho fore part of this wook visiting their brother Frank In this city. yr:-a. , ,, , 1 , r MINED! I FRIC TION gives no warning until it is ready to spring a mine under A1 FRICTION SPANISH WAR VETERANS I HI.RI2 NI.XT WERK.I Tho ninth annual encampment of j tho Unitch Spanish War Veterans. Department of Nebraska, and reunion of all Spanish American war votarana will bo hold at North Platte, Juno nth and Cth. A largo attondanco Is an ticipated as this Is tho first timo in the history of tho organization that an oncampmont n success so that tho vis vemni part of tho state. The com mittees from Harry E, Brown camp nro making ovcry offort to mako thl. encampment a succss so that tho vis iting delegates and friends will have pleasant memories of North Platto and its people. Some of the veter ans aro expected to arrlvo Sunday, but the majority will come In Monday morning. Monday mornnc tho vig ors will register at headquarters, Ho tel McCabo, and In tho afternoon, tho first business session will bo hold nt the Loyd oppra Iioubo at two o'clock. Immediately following this business mooting, tho comrades will bo enter tained at an old timo camp fire, while tho visiting ladles will be given an auto rldo through tho surrounding country. At tho camp flro many stunts nave been nrrangod for with which to en tertain the guests. Monday night will bo hold a grand ball nt which all tho Mends In North Plntto aro In In vited to attend. Tuesday morning the main business session will bo called to order, and In tho afternoon n shoot will bo hold nt tho North Platto Rlfio Club's rango at tho experimental sta tion. Tlio ninth nnnual banquet will bo hold In the ovoning nt tho Lloyd op era house, ChaB. Hupfor, of tho Vlonna cafe, caterer, and to this banquet tho public Is also Invited. Tho spenkors at tho banquet will bo Governor Moro hend, Gonoral Georgo H. Harries, of Omaha, Hon. Keith Neville, and Major Con. F. Scharmnnn, of Chicago Mu sic at tho camp fire, ball and ban quet Is to bo furnished by Stamp's or chestra. Tho merchants hnvo boon requested to decorato tholr places or business, and will do so gcnorally. Secretary Fisher, of tho Ohnmbor of Commerce, has also raado arrangements for street decorations. ::o: J. B. Harris, who was Injured In April whllo at work In tho P. F. E. do partment of tho Union Pacific, left Inst ovoning for Omaha to ,tako trcattmont. Whllo removing a heavy casting' from tho main shaft the bones lu his, left band wero druched and tho radius bono broken. Tho condition of tho hand Is not Improving satisfactory, thoroforo ho wns advised to go to Om ahu. Word 1ms boon recclvod from Dr. T, J. Korr 'who Is- with, a bear hunting party In Arloo Mont., that on account of twenty feet of. snow thoy could not cross tho. dlvldo and thoroforo. wero cut off from somo good game. Up to tho present timo thpy havo captured u largo grizzly. Tho doctor Is oxpect- ed homo tho fore part of noxt wook Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovor Stono Drug star. F. J. Doran, Jas Keofc, F. J. Mc Govom, F. J. Dunn, Charles Tlgho Tim O'Koofo, Jos. Schntz, Charles Itonch, Jack Stack and W. J'O'Cbnnor returned Tuesday from Alliance whero thoy wore tho guests of tho Knights of Columbus Council In, that ctly, J, J, Gotlnian opened his now cigar stclro In 'tho Brpdheck building this wook. Tho .front part of tho room Is neatly furnished and will bo used for retail buslnosB and as a card room, whllo In tho roar ond tho famous Gottman cigars will bo mado. 1111111 fTAXMBD Oil COMIUNV your car. POLARINE keeps power driving the carnot tearing up the motor. Minimi zes friction and carbonization. Look lor the sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NBUKASKA) OMAHA 1 v yTTTTTH T MTTTm ! TTTTMT Ml I M M M M M 1 1 T M 1 T fTT T 1 1 M T 1 T T T M M TM TT I TTTT M I M M MMTrTTTrgS. "It's the oil you use. Ask your grocer to give you Perfection Oil that's the Standard Oil Company's best." "And the other half?" "Those three long blue chimney burners. The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove doesn't smell because the patented burner is m I 1 fmHmiiitTTnMi tinmnUTfm MKMOMAIj it 4 x 4 hi mint I II A V AT 1 Jltj ' - 4 tnmv IT imrttfriniit' Notwithstanding tho high wind and threatening weather fully 1500 people attended "tho Memorial Day services i at tho Fort McPherson National cem etory. These people camo from dis tances ranging from nearby to forty miles. At half past ten forty manly hoys, and. an oqunt number of sweet girls marcjr ed out by twos, the girls with flowers and tho boys with Hags, and decorated with tho flags and flowors each of tho 825 graves. Tlurco thousand Jessa mine buds with tholr frngranco and foliage, and In tho pink of condition wero .used. Theso were furnished by tho stnto department of the Women's Rollof Corps. In addition to theso a largo number of lino roses, peonacs and other cut flowors woro sent by tho Daughters of tho Revolution of Fro mont. To each of tho above organiza tion Supt. Howo, of the cmotaryT'aTfti tile Grand Army of the Republic aro deoply grateful. Tho people attending, or at least a majority of them, brought with them lunches, nnd from noon until-1130-the timo was dovoted to sorvlng tho pic nic dinners nnd visiting. In tho nftornoon a fine program '.of nongs and addresses was rendered, nnd bugle cnllB sounded.' 11 G. KnowlcB was orator of tho day and dollvercd n much appreciated address. Rolfo Hnlllgan spoko for the young men and Luclcn Stebblns for, tho co.u rados. Major Howe's quartctto, with tho pooplo Joining, furnished the 'ntu slo whllo Mr. KuhnH gave tho a'tlmy calls on tho bugle. Tho best of ardor provalled throughout tho, day. t, Tho cemetery as a wholo never look ed finer, nnd Major Howe, tha superin tendent, Is to bo congratulated on tho succcbb of this observance of Mb morlal Day. Tho only drawback was tho stiff broozo which proventcd all of tho largo gathering from hearing' all tho olo auont speakers had to sny. : :o: : Bull for Sale. Ono red bull, white fnco, four years old, for Balo. N. P. Jorgonson, east of tho Van Brocklln Ranch. 39-2 :;o::- Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Carroll, of Goth enburg, nro bore this week to visit frlonds. Miss Luclllo Wilcox, who has been attondlng tho stnto university, will ro turn liomo tomorrow. v f-' Miss Floronco Stnmp began hor du ties as public Btonographor at tho McCabo llotol this week. Mrs. John Monlck and baby, of Fro mont, who woro Ylslttng hor mother, Mrs. Charles Llork, Sr., for somo time, loft last evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.vCnmpboll and children arrived hero Wednesday from Rawlins to mako tholr homo, Tho formor lias accoptcd tho position of Union Pad fla yard mastor inauq va cant by tho recent resignation of J, I,. Sinclair. "That's Half The Secret" trouble-proof. It lights, regu lates and cooks just like a gas stove, and it saves no end of coal hod and ash-pan drudgery." New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are sold in many styles and sizes by hardware, furniture and department stores everywhere. Ask to see the new heat retain ing oven. 1 'wv.1-.) STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Ncbriiki) . OMAHA n uu u umui uu u OIL C 1 ' 1 hf i mttim ti m"ih mm7ittti ............ 7$ . . $ Supt. Brophy and Detective Gale, of tho Union Pacific, transacted, business at this terminal Tuesday. Joseph Qulnn who was Injured this week whllo at work In tho U. P. boiler shops Is getting along nicely. Frank Fogate, of tho U. P. freight house force, returned Wednesday morning from a short visit in Omaha Dan Roberts of tho U. P. store de partment, returned Tuesday afternoon from Cheyenno where he visited rela tlves. Will Friend was Injured tho first of this week In tho U. P. machine shops when a large wrench fell striking him on tho mouth. Carl Llljenstalpo, of Scctts Bluff, formerly of tho U. P. civil 'engineer ing department who visited hero for scvoral days has gono homo. In a ball gnmo between tho round house team and tho U.-P. shop team Wednesday ovoning tho former won by a score of 9 to 3. Batteries woro Murphy and Haggorty, Forstedt and Bristol. A switch engine at Sholton struck an auto tho early part of tho week. Tho car wns dragged thirty feet and then tossed over tho bank, each of tho five occupants being more or less In jured. Hans Jenson, cashier for tho Union Pacific at Kearney vamoosed Satur day night and has not sinco been heard of or reported. Accountants from Om aha Wero sent up to nudlt his book, but no Irregularities had boon found up to yesterday. : .o: ; Both Prodigals. A young wife remonstrated with her husband, a dissipated spendthrift, on his conduct. "Love," said lie! "I am like tho prodigal son. I shall reform by and by." "I will be like tho prodigal son, too," she replied, "for I shall arlso and go to my father." An'Artlst'a Fad. A Parisian artist In lieu of a plcturo gallery has a collection of great paint ers' palettes, somo 500 In number, nmong them being Corot's, Isnboy's and Theodore Rousseau's. On many of tho palettes nro sketches by tho painters who used them. Wycllffo'a Bible. John Wycllffe, completed tho transla tion of tho wholo Bible for tho first timo into tho language of tho English people Ho was born nenr Richmond, In Yorkshire about 1324. A Cao of FiftyFifty. "naif tho world doesn't kuow how the other half Uvea." "That's tho half that minds its own business probably."PhlladelphIa Ledger. The smallest thing well done be Coniys artistic-William Matthews. J aim nun uuu mum m ION A Great Combination. Hogs, Corn, Tankage, and Money. But you will not got all tho money from your hogs unless you use tank age, Read tho following from a firm you all know: - North Platto, Nob., May 18, 1910 Mr. n. K. I.nmli. CMv. Dear Sir: Boliovlng that tankage to bo good food for hogs, last fall wo purchased somo from you to feed a bunch of hogs. Tho corn wo wero feeding them was exceedingly poor, very soft and chaffy nniJ, "S1 ,11lai'ketab410, , Wo fed this soft corn with ground wheat of a poor quality, too poor for market purposes, along with the tank- ago of about a quarter pound per head per day. Mav state that tho train on theso hogs was remarkable and far above our expectations. -They mado us blgj money, and realized us a good price; for our poor grade of corn, which was i unmarketable and wo feel that by us- lng tho tankage as wo did tho gain wasi a great deal larger than it would have J for our investment. In tivnUnpn for our Investment in tankago. 1 Yours very truly, BRATT & GOODMAN, By B. R. Goodman. Most oxporimental farms will tell you that It will pay to feed Tankage to pigs from tho timo they are weaned until they go on tho market, -why not get all tho money from your hogs. 45 percent" porteln tankago at $2.25 per cwt. $43.00 per ton. Wo still havo some cane seed left. Phone 07 R. N. LAMB. unu. -- Fair Enough. ' "Yes," wo admitted. "It's a fine car, and we'd be lad to ownv it. but wo can't afford to buy It, and there's no uso wasting your breath trying to per sundo us." "Listen." pleaded the agent "This car Isn't koIhe to cost you a cent. All you'vo got to do Is to take out nn ac- cldent policy In our favor and the car is yours. We II even pay tho premium on the policy. Can anything be fairer than that?"-St. Louis Post-Dispatch. NOltTH PLATTE EVIDENCE FOB NORTH PLATTE PEOPLE mo to say that she's wrapped up in The Statements of North Platto Ites- you." Idonts Aro Surely More Reliable. "Do you really' think so?." Than Thoso of Uttr Strangers, t Of courso Billy's regard for truth failed .in tho end, and ho was exposed. Home testimony is real proof. "What does she mean by saying, Public statements of North Platto 'Never mind you?' " pooplo carry real weight. "yy, you BC0( johnny, she was so What a neighbor or friend says com- wrapped up in- Ob, you can never PeThoToCrd of ono whoso homo Is far to11 what n Irl mcans by what Bho Hero's a North Platto man's state-, than B man, Grcck Particles." mont H'm," replied Johnny; unconvinced. And it's for North Platto people's MI don't tllmk thiH cnso is so unlntelll benofit. igible. Bess, supposing that sho waa Such ovldonco Is convincing. talklug to me, being really fascinated That's tho kind of proof that backs by thnt happy way you havo with tho Doan's Kidnoy Pills. creatures, tumbled to all tho lies you unanea uurrougns, zzz ss, I'ino and my kidneys woro vary woalc. Doan's Kidnoy Pills soon cured me completely. I havo not beon bothered by kidnoy trouble since. I tako pleas ure In endorsing this medicine for tho benefit of other kidnoy sufforors." Prlco 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidnoy remedy get VPl.l TI 11 A. - A . 1 T . Burroughs had. Foster-Mllburn Co Props., Buffalo, N, Y. au, iNoriu rrawo, aixyo: ooveriu yours clothlng-I don't mean that cxnctly"- noy Pills and found them to bo a good! , , . ' . ,, . kidney medlclno. I suffered from c(1 M0 mo to seo hor for a hn,ln nn In thn .mnll nf mv hnnlr WCOk Olid, WOIl't yOU?" Billy Treadwells Sacrifice A Slory For Commencement Days By BARBARA PHIPPS Billy Trcndwcll nnd his chum, John ny Hnywood, wero lounging in John ny's room, No. 42 University hall, when there was a rap at tho door and a let ter was bunded In for Johnny. He opened It, read It nnd exclaimed: "That's too bad!" "What's too bad?" usked Billy. "Why, my cousin, Bess nincklcy, who has been at school In Geneva ever since she wns twclvo years old, has come home. She writes me that sho Is dying to sec an American collcgo nnd will bo down Saturday morning to spend tho day with mc. Saturday wo piny Claypole." Vv t, ; t - ';r 1 "Cut the game." ' w'.'Uw'l "Cut the gnmo? Why, whero will they get n pitcher to take my place?" "I'll tell you what I'll do, Johnny. Of course It will bo a sacrifice for mo to spend a Snturdny showing n yonng woman' tho college, but I'll meet your cousin, tell her of your engagement nnd how sorry you nro and tako her off your bands." "Will you?" cried Johnny, grasping his chum's hands. "I'll havo to; there's no other way out of It for you." On Saturday morning Billy met the train on which Miss Hinckley arrived. Seeing a pretty girl answering to Johnny's description of his cousin look ing wildly about for somo one, he walked up to her and asked: "Cousin Bess?" "Yes how you havo changed from the llttlo boy I used to play wlthl" "I've nn auto outside," said Billy. "Let mo take that wrop." Billy led her to the auto. They got In and sailed awny. "We'll go up on to tho hill, and I'll show you the college buildings. After that we'll do tho country round about" "I'm very anxious to sco your chum, Mr. Trcndwcll. that you wrote mo about." "I wrote you nbout?" said Billy, pricking up his ears. "Why, yes. Don't you remember snying that you had nicked him out for i mo?" "Did I sny that? Oh, yes. Now I remember. Bill's a good follow In hl3 way.'- But" rf, ,).'But wlist?"- ",Well,lf I.'ve. picked him out for you where do I como In?" "oh. you're my cousin." "I see. Well, you can't seo Billy to- .1-.. tT.t.. I 1 . I 1 - II. . II i. i nd they're plnyiug the Claypoles to- , day "That's too bad," "That's what ho said when your let ter camo to say that you'd bo down todnv. 1 They did tho college buildings, then re.ontcrea the nuto and sailed away .,, .,, , .1,1,1 lnto tho. "try. Billy addressed his mpanlon as Cousin Bess and when . they were in a secluded .place endeav- ored to take a cousinly kiss, but, wheth- er lor propriety or that Billy's manner had passed from cousinly to lover-like. shq yvpuld not permit . Uy kisses," she said, "I'll keep for my .fiance." "What flpnee?" .why tho one you uavo plckcd out ir me, 01 course. Humph!" said Billy. He was about to add, "Very well, I'll take ono now," but thought better of it and refrained. That was a delightful day for Billy, and ho was accorded ope cousinly kiss at parting. His conscience doubtless Bmot0 him, for when Johnny returned from tho gamb Billy kept out of his way. However, tho next morning Billy received his chum's thanks for having f sacrificed himself in taking a girl ar(ouna ,n8,tead ?f enjoying a holiday. ' , (Soeral, dn3"s mtor Johnny went into . f.i,i,mts rnnm -with nn nnpn letfor i r "What the dickens doe3 this mean, Billy? Bess writes moithanklng mo for my kindness InBt Saturday and says In a postscript: 'Never mind your chum, Mr, Trendwell. Ho will not in terest mo.' " "I cannot tell a lie, Johnny. Your cousin mistook mo for you, nnd I hadn't the heart to correct her." Well, I like that! And sho sup- i posed it wns I who was her attend- ant?" ' "Sho did." "What does sho mean by saying, 'Never mind you; you wouldn't interest her. " "A strict regard for truth comnela told her nnd, like a wolf In sheep's John, with a mock grimace, consent ed, promising to smooth Billy's way In accounting tpr his deception. But ho only mndo tho matter worse, now over, Bess thought, llttlo of tho trick, that had been played upon her. In deed, she considered it a compliment. At any rate, sho and Billy aro now ' 1,10 rannera