The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 02, 1916, Image 1

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    Wxt $h rth
No. 40
The North Platto ball team did not
make much of a showing yesterday
afternoon when, pitted against tho
Lincoln team of tho Western League,
the scoro standing fourteen to noth
ing. Tho first three Innings started
off well, neither team scoring, but
after that tho Links got to Androws,
who occupied tho box for tho locals,
and during tho game touched htm up
for eighteen safotlcs. After tho fourth
Inning, when tho Links put three men
across, tho local flayers seemed to
lose heart, and did not play with their
accustomed ginger, and made sovoral
errors that brought cries of derision
from tho crowd.
Tho Bhowlng mado by North Platte
was hardly as good as expected. Few
expected them to scoro, but It was
generally expected 'that tho Links
would not bo allowed to romp aroand
tho diamond so frequently or so play
fully. Howevor there are six men on
tho -Lincoln team ( who are hitting a
.300 or bettor gait, which Is evidence
that thoy are heavy flitters even when
up against the best Western League
pitchers. In yestorday's game thoy
seemed to place their hit Just where
they wanted them to fall.'
It was not much of a game, It Is true,
but it gave several hundred fans an
opportunity to seo Western League
ball as it is played.
: :o: :
. Club Reception
The Twentieth Century club on the
evening of Juno 13th; will lipid a ri
ceptlon in the basement of the BuHd
ing and Loan building and every lady
in the city is requested to bo present.
At this time all will be given an op.
portunlty to join this club. Thero aro
three departments, Literary, domo3
tic science, mustc and art and com
mittees covering other branches of
work, so oyery woman can be enter
tained, benefitted and benefit
Let this be a boo'ster meeting for the
women of North Platto.
Presbyterian Church.
Sunday morning will occur the reg
ular motithly chlldrcn's'service. Spe
cial music by tho chlldren'h choir and
a sermon for tho children.
Tho meetings of tho Christian En
deavor are helpful and interesting. You
should be present next Sunday at 7. J 5
p. m.
"The Girl's Vocation and Marriage,"
the third of the Beries on, the Glri
Problem will bo given Sunday even
ing. Girls specially Invited. 8:00 p. m.
-: :o: :
Brodbeck & Son aro having an ad
dition built to their slaughter houso
east of town, which will bo used ex
clusively for making sausage. The
now building will be 30 by SO feet.
For Sale A wonder washing ma
chine and ball bearing wringer, used
three weeks, also a large size base
burner practically new. Will be sold
at a bargain Call at 11G west Second
street or phono Red 314. 40-2
Miss Mario Crook will attend tho
summor school of tho Kearney Normal.
Deposits in this Bank are
this safeguard without expense to
A perconlngo of tliis Hank's ciimlngs
each year is paid Into the Rcpostors'
Guaranty Fund of this State ns pro
vlded by tho Nebraska Hanking Law.
Tills added protection Is yours only
when you deposit In n Statu Hank In
this State.
And with your deposits protected
you arc also assured Courtesy, Per
sonnl Attention, Prompt and Consider
site Hanking Service.
Tills Hunk will servo you as only n
strong nccomiuoilntlng Hunk can.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bank
Miss Lola Scott and brother left
this morning for Denver to reside.
Porter's Star Pop always palatable,
clean and sanitary. Tho Star on tho
Mrs. Fred Harnlsh left Wednesday
evening for Ilersho'jj to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schott, of Low
ollen, aro visiting this weok wlUVlocnl
Tho Yeoman social club will hold
their weekly danco at tho Lloyd this
All boosters smoke Town Boost, tt
Paul Ottensteln, who has been at
tending school in tho east has return
ed homo.
Tho Baptist Sunday school hold a
picnic north of town on , Tuesday of
this week.
Misses Theo and Esther Schwalger,
of the Kearney Normal, camo home
Wednesday ovonlng.
Mrs. Charles Calhoun, who was vis
iting her mother in Cozad, returned
home a few days ago.
The Travel and Study club have de
cided to discontinue their meetings
during tho summer months.
Dorothy Tlmmcnnan and Bcsai'o
Eckart, of Norfolk, aro among, tho out
of town people here this week.
Mrs Frank Scott left yesterday af
ternoon for Denver where thoy will
mako their homo in the future.
MONEY TO LOAN on farm and ranch
lands. Write us. Surety Mortgage &
Trust Co., David City, Neb. 38-4
L. W. Walker came up from Omaha
Wednesday to visit his wifo and daugh
ter and other relatives for a few days.
William Norrls, a student at the
Btate university, Is expected here to
morrow to spend his vacation at home.
Highest market price paid for hides.
We buy dry bones, Iron and ' other
Junk. North Platte Junk Houso. 27tf
Mrs. Chas. Llerk, Jr., and baby re
turned Wednesday from Cozad and
Gothenburg where they vlstcd rela
tives. Miss Harriet Dixon, who has been at
tending Grinnell College will spend
the summer with girl friends In east
ern cities.
C. R. Morey drove up from Hastings
the early part of this weok with his
father's car which ho will use during
tho summer.
Mrs. Elmer Baker, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Kar
bush, in Chicago, for several months,
will return sraon.
Tho Elite club met Wednesday af
tornoon with Mrs. Theodore Sandall.
In tho card games prizes "were won b
Mrs. Asa Snyder and Will Basklnn
Mrs. Ella Huxoll was awarded tho
guest prize.
The contract for tho now First Na-i
nlonai Bank building was awarded
Wednesday evening to McMichaol
Brothers of thU city. Tho building
which complete will co3 In round
figures Sto.OGO, Is to bo ready to be
turned over to the Inside finishers, A.
Moorman & Co., of St. Paul, Minn., by
October 1st, and It will require tho
latter firm four or six w'ooks to com
plete the.r part of tho work.
Order j for tho steel and tho cut
stono for trimmings were placed sev
eral weeks ago through Moorman &
Co., and will bo on tho ground by tho
time they nro, needed, thus obviating
any delay through non-nrrival of ma
terial. hTo Victor Safe & Lock Co.
will furnish the vault doors and safe
ty deposit boxes.
A pencil sketch of the building
shows tho structure to bo ono rf
beauty, the architecture suggesting
solidity rather than ornamontatton,
and will bo tho samo on the south
side as on tho west front with tho ex
ception of tho ontrance.
Tho ontlro first nopr will bo used
by tho bank, tho Interior arrange
ment being such as to provldo tho
greatest convenience in tho transac
tion of business, both for the custom
ers and tho working, force, and with
special accomodations for tho custom
ers. The offlco rooms on tho second floor.
of which there will bo eleven, have all
been leased for a term of years by pro
fessional men.
Tho McMichaol Brothers are to be
congratulated, 'upon having sccurql
tho contract, for tho building will be
a monument to their skill os con
tractors and builders.
Librarian Jones Resigns.
Mrs. J. A. Jonc3 has resigned her po
sition as librarian at tho public li
brary to take effect June 30th, and will
leavo July 1st for Danville, Va to
make an extended visit, after which
sho will make her home with tho her
daughter, Mrs. L. II. Jackson, in Lin
coln. ,
"Mrs. "JonesMias many friends h're
whd will greatly regret her depart
Stapleton Is Dry.
Tho village board of Stapleton sus
tained tho potlton requesting ithat a
saloon license bo granted tho appli
cant, and the license was Issued. The
dry cloment, however, took an appeal
in tho case and It will now bo up to
tho district court to settle tho matter,
In tho meantime Stapleton is dry.
:n: :-
Land Seekers In Keith
Tho land seekers have been thicker
than hops during tho last week. Thoy
aro Jugt beginning to discover what
bargains Keith county has to offer
them. Tho land men report something
In tho noigborhood of twenty quarter
sections of land changing hands this
week. Ogalalla News.
:o: :-
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Fair and warmer tonight
nnd Saturday. Highest temperature
yesterday C8, a year ngo G9; lowest
last night 48, a year ago 55.
Children's Educator Shoes at Wil
cox Department Store.
Cyril Donegan, who had been at
tending tho stato university, camo
homo this weok to attend his sister's
McDonald State Bank.
of North Plntte. Charter No
647 In tho
Stato. of NobrnHka at tho cl
loso or DUB
ness Mny aa, iuio.
L.OU11B and (IIhcouiUh
Hondo, securities, Judgments
clnlmH, otc
Banking houso, furniture
nnd llxturi'H
Other Heal Estate
Duo from nat'l and
Htnto ImnkH..., $75,507.72
Checks and itoms
of exchange. .. . 3,719, 1C
Currency 18,035.00
Mold Coin 1,932.50
Silver, nlckles and
centB 4.47G.3G 103,709.74
Total ,
Capital ntock paid In....
Surplus fund ,
Undivided profit)
Individual depos
its subject to
check $214,983.22
Demand certifi
1 nn nnn nn
cates of dopos-
Tlmo certificates
of deposit .... 114,489.30
Due to national
nnd state hanks 32,327.78
Depositors' Guaranty Fund
4, 0BC.SG
. Total J52Ii.878.C7
Biaio or rMeorasKa, uounty or Lincoln, as
I, V. II. McDonald, cashier of tho
above named bank do horoby swear
that the above statement Is a correct
and true copy of tho report made to
me mace uanxinR uoara.
W. II. MoDONALD, Cashier,
Attest: -
.1. U. MeDONALD. Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 2nd day or Juno. l'Jin
C. F. STRAUSS, Notary Public
Secretary Fisher announces that tho
Kolth County Community Club will
visit this city Tuesday, Juno 13th, os
tho guests of tho Chamber of Com
merce. Tho guests will arrive In n
special car attached to train No. G in
tho morning and roturn homo on No.
17 In tho ovcnlng.
Tho visitors wll bo entertained at a
luncheon and In tho afternoon will be
driven to tho stato farm, where thoy
will bo shown tho feeding operations
and the crop experimentations. Quito
a fow of thoso who will coino aro farm
ers, and tho work at tho stato farm Is
cortnln to bo of Interest to them.
A detailed program of tho day will
bo later announced by Secretary
! :n: :-
Miss Ida Welnbarg loft this morn-
ng,for a visit with relatives In Scotts
R..L. Graves Is spending tndav In
town whllo onrouto to Denver item
tho cast.
Albert Muldoon returned from Oma-
halast ovenjng, driving up In his now
sumouaKor six.
B. B. Baker returned Wednesday
morning from a visit of two weeks in
eastern Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Well loft tho early
part of tho Weok for Loup City where
they wore called by the Illness of Mrs.
Oloson, a sister of Mrs. Well.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Aldon and
daughter Helen left Tuesday by auto
for Kimball whore they will visit rela
tives for two weeks.
Tho Odd FoUowb aro arranging for
a big clns Initiation on Thursday oven
jng of noxt week. It Is expected that
two of tho grand offlcors wil ho pres
ent. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsoy Loypoldt, of
Hershpy, loft last evening for Spo-
kano, Washington, to visit relatives
and will then go to Bouthorn Califor
nia, Thoy will be absortt six Vooks.
Strawberries l2c a quart Satur
day at Wilcox Department Store.
C. M. Trotter arrived from Omaha
Wednesday evening In an Oakland
eight car which, he has sold to C. C.
Hupfor. Tho latter says It Is "some
car," and It looks It.
Mrs. John Murray and daughter.
Miss Laura, returned Wednesday ov-
ening from Cottonwood, whero they
woro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ericsson for two days.
' Miss Mario Doran, who has been
taking musical instructions in Chlca
go for sovoral months, is expected
in tho near future to visit tho homo
Mrs. Strange and baby of Kearney,
who were guests of tho formor'a si1!
ter, Mrs. Ella Mao Lanyon for two
weeks, returned homo yesterday at
Children's Middy Skirts at Wilcox
Department Store.
In ti letter written frop Goring
Gcorgo Welnbarg notlllcs Carson &
Landgraf of his resignation, stating
that ho will cngago in business him
self, tho naturt of which or location
Is not stated.
Christian Sclcnco service Sunday li
o'clock, subject of lesson sermon "Ood
tho Only Causo and Creator." Wed
nesday ovening meetings a:ui). A cor
dial Invitation Is extended to all.
Building and Loan building, room 25
A vlolont hailstorm visited tho
northeast part of tho county Tuesday
afternoon which proved very destrue
tlvc to small grain. A number of
wlndmlls wero blown down by tho
heavy wind which accompanied tho
Tho rainfall last month was 1.95
Inches, as compared with 3.0G as tho
normal for tho month. May last year
.'ho fall was 5.55 In6hos, and during
May, 1914, it was 2.14 inches. Tho do
Jciency In precipitation sinco Janu
ary lBt Is 2.44 inches.
Tho Boy Scouts, under the leader
ship of Byron Oborst will havo an all
day outing in tho hills south of town
nixt Tuesday. Sixteen boys havo slg
nl led tholr Intention of taking part.
Other boys between tho ages of twelve
ami eighteen aro Invited. Tho Scouts
will moot at tho Presbytorlan church
at 7:30 In tho morning. All Scouts
must provldo themselves 'with lunched.
Any ono wanting Ico call on Joo
Spies, the old lco man man, or phono
Tenants who havo leases on tho Un
ion Pacific right-of-way coat of tho
freight warehouso woro notified yes
torday that thoy must removo tholr
buildings ono block cast. Those ef
fected by this uotlco nro tho North
Platto Produco Co., Dorryborry &
Forbes and Anholsor-Busch Browing
Co., and tho order becomes effective
Within thirty days. Tho removal of
thoso building to sites Turthor enst is
necessitated by tho onforced moving
of tho froight warehouso east to make
room for tho now depot.
Ag to tho tlmo work will start on tho
now depot nothing has peen given out,
othor than that ordors for material
havo been plnced. Whether tho chang
es in officials nt Omaha headquarters
will delay tho building Is not definite
ly known, but it Is gcnornlly presumed
that it will not.
!?2.-..0(l Howard.
$25.00 roward for Information lead
ing to the arrest and conviction of tho
porson or porsons breaking and en
tering tho camp storo room about
ono and a half miles east of tho
South river bridge on tho Turple
ranch. H. L. PENNINGTON.
Mrs. Edward Ogicr and Mrs. Leonard
Dick entertained forty ladles at a
kcnslngton yestordny afternoon.
MIssos Dorothy Hlnman and Erma
Huffman gavo a number of pleasing
readings and vocal solos. Each guest
was presented with a carnation nnd
thoso llowors woro used abundantly in
decorating tho rooms. Sixty ladles
will bo tholr guests thla.nftornoon'.
Fnrmors northwest of town aro re
joicing over a hoavy rain which oc
curred Tuesday and covorcd a largo
torrttory. Tho downpour, which
amounted almost to a Hood, was ac
companied by Bomo hail, but no dani
ngo Is ropoi'tcd. Suthorlond Free
The Chambor of Commorco will hold
a noonday luncheon In tho baacment
of tho Episcopal church noxt Monday,
Tho -ladles of tho church wlll servo
promptly at twelve nnd all who at
tend nro rcqufcstcd to bo on hand at
that tlmo. Frank I. Itlngor, of Lincoln,
will bo tho spenkor.
Jphn Alljort Blokenkrants and Mrs.
Sclotlm Henry, of Stromsborg, woro
married yestortlay aftonoon by Coun
ty Judge French.
Ico Cream 25c a quart at Wilcox
Department Storo.
Mrs. H. P. Husband roturned last
ovonlng from a visit with rolatlvos in
Omaha, Grand Island and Harlan, la.
A marxlago Hconse was lBsaicd yes
terday to Georgo Dowoy Purbaugh
and Esther Murray of Wallace.
Mrs. Fred Elliott camo homo yos-
torday from Omaha whero sho visited
her son Fred and family.
Wanted Girl for , general house
work. Mrs. C. T. Wliolan, G03 west
Fourth stroet.
Mrs. John Frcdorlci, who spent tho
past month In Boulder, Col., returned
Wednesday ovcnlng.
Mrs. Charlca Burroughs camo homo
last ovonlng from a visit with Kear
now friends.
P. J. Barron returned Wednesday
ovonlng from a visit in eastern points,
A Sure Sign
A constantly increasing bank balance is a
sure sign on the road lo success."
Your friends and neighbors have growing
accounts with this bank and appreciate the value
of our service to them.
Make this bank your
The Bank Behind
Now York, Juno 1. Tho first Joint
conforenco betwoon representatives
of railroads of tho United States and
tholr conductors, trainmen, onglneors
and firemen for a settlement of tho dif
ferences ovor working hours ami
wages began hero today In oxecutlvo
session. It Is predicted that Bovoral
weeks will olapso boforo an agreement
Is ronched.
"No outside arbitration," is tho slo
gan of tho omployoii, an answor" to a
suggestion that the questions nt Issuo
bo givon ovor to tho decision of fed
oral arbitrators in caso tho conforenco
fails to agrco. Tho principal question
Is whothor tho omploycs nro entitled
to an oight-hour basic working day
ton hourB' pay at the present rnto for
eight hours' service. Against theso de
mands tho railroads havo presented
propositions for tho consideration of
tho omploycs, rolatlvo to tho day com
pensation Bhall bo paid.
Church of Our Saviour. '
Sunday, Juno 4th, Sunday after As
conslon Day.
Holy communion 8' o'clock.
Mid day sorvlco 11 o'clock.
Tho ladles of thoT. E. O. sisterhood
wish to oxpross through Uio courtesy
of Tho Trlbuno tholr appreciation of
Mr. Malonoy'a kindness In lotting
thorn sharo tho proceeds of tho sales
during tho threo opening days of his
salo. Owing to this opportunity a
neat amount was added to tho conven
tion fund and Uio ladles fool very
grateful to Mr. Malonoy for his
thoughtfulness and gonoroBlty.
Baled hay for wale, 2."c per bale or
$.).()() per (on .In ton lots.
F. W. RInckor loft yesterday morn
ing for Koystono to spend sovoral days
on buslnes at his drug Btoro thoro.
Tho guest day of tha Et-A-Vlrp club
announced for noxt weok, haB boon
postponed for a fortnight, and tho reg
ular mooting wtll bo riold at tho homo
of Mrs. L. W. Toolo Tuesday nftor
noon. ' " ' -a - . -
Wash Skirts 98c each at Wilcox De
partment Store.
Mrs. Beechor Parker ,of Rawlins,
camo Wedensday aftornoon tovlsltlior
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Theo. Lowo, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lawson will
drlvo to Ogalalla In tholr car Sunday
to visit tho Hoxio family.
Mlsa Virginia Wolfo will leavo this
ovcnlng for Chicago whero Bho will
visit hor fathor.
Girl Wanted
For general housowirk. Mrs. T.
0. Pattorson, 515 west Fourth street.
"The Girl Problem"
"The Girl's Vocation
and Marriage"
Presbyterian Church
State Bank.
The Thrift Movement.
aiy commission expires may a,
Black 161. 37-tf