The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1916, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
IBA L. BAKE, Editor and Fiibllfker.
One Year hj Mull In Advance.... $1.26
Olio Year by Carrier In Adrauco. .$LG0
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllce as Second Class Mattor.
TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1910.
Gettman'alland-Mado Cigar. Cc. 14-tf
W. II. C. Woodhurnt apont tho week
end in Grand Island.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
0. II. Thoelecko lmH returned from
a business visit In Omaha.
For Sale Young calf. Inqulro at
803 west Seventh street. 37-3
Adam Christ returned Friday from a
visit In tho weBtorn part of this
Ross Ilosford waB called to Soward
Friday by tho serious Illness Of his
Charles Dixon spent yesterday in
Kearney Inspecting wntches of U. P.
Miss Ellon McCarthy loft Saturday
morning for Spauldlng to visit tho
homo folks.
Mrs. Toole, of Kearnoy, canio Frl
day ovenlng to visit her daughter
Mrs, Harry Boyie.
For Farm Loans sco or write Gene
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platto. 41tf
Harry Scott came down from Ster
ling Friday ovenlng after spending
jonie time there.
Perry Carson want to Gothenburg
Friday to attend tho ball game arid
visit his mother.
Mrs. Allco Ferguson returned Fri
day evening from a visit with rela
tives in Cozad.
Mrs. C. P. Millor wns called to
Shclton Fridny aftornooii by tho 111-
uu8 of a relative.
MONEY TO LOAN ton farm nndrnnch
lands. '"Write us. Suroty Mortgage &
Trust Co., David City, Neb. 38-4
Mrs. James McEvoy and son wont to
Cozad Friday to visit rolatlves and
friends for several days.
Miss Esther Sclnvulgcr, of tho Kear
noy Normal, camo the loiter part of
last wcck to visa nor puronts.
Mrs. Ralph Qarman returned, Frl
day, ovcnlngi from -a visit in tho. cust
om 'part oi tuo state.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Elliott who Bpcnt
the pant six months in Florida return
cd homo Friday evening. i
Mrs. Karlson and Mrs, Calling, of
Gothenburg, visited last weok with
Miss Gertrudo Bauer.
Mrs. Wilfred Stuart and baby, . of
Lexington, who woro guests qf ,Mr
and John Tlgho, left today.
For Rent Four room houso, at 302
South Walnut. Inquire, of T. Slmantu,
303 South Chestnut street. 35tf
Mrs, L. II. Jackson, of Lincoln, who
has boon Visiting hor mother Mrs. J.
Jones wll leave this week.
Mrs. Ralph Smith and children left
Friday afternoon for Kearney to visit
rolntlvos for a weok or longer,
Highest market mice paid for hides.
Wb buy dry bones, iron and other
Junk. North Platto Junk House. 27tf
One eye InlGOOO moots with accident,
One In every 1000 becomos diseased
Harry Dixon, Jowolor and Optometrist
Charles Thompson returned to Lin
coin Friday afternoon nftor visiting
hero .for two vcka with tho homo
Miss Boss Crnndall, of tho local
teaching, staff,1-loft Friday evening for
her home In Lexington to spend the
Lot Landgraf & Hoga do your paint
lng, paper hanging and decorating
Phono Black 002 or Black C70. 33tf
Warren Holtlday, formerly of tho
local baso ball team,, spent tho weok
onu noro anu roturneu to stapioion
Davo Mlushall is building a second
story to his rosidouco on oast Eighth
street. Tho addition gives hint a very
roomy Uoubo.
Miss Leo Worthloy, of Portland
Ore., arrlvod hero a few days ago to
visa vi mi iiv, anu inra. juim wurui
loy for somo timo.
For Sulo or Trado A second hand
Harvard cabinet grand piano, in llrst
clasB ucultlon. J. II. VnnCloave. 37
Miss Ruth McCoiinoll, of Snrbon
was oporatod upon tho Inttor part of
last week at tho Nurso Brown Hospl
tal and Is doing nicely.
Tho vounu son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Lewis who was operated upon
at (the iNurso Brown hospital last
weok is getting along nicely.
At tho mooting of Group Five of the
statu bankers' association at Grand
Island Friday, Ray C. Langford, of
this city, was oectcd vlce-prcsidcntj
Porter's Star Pop always palatable
clean and sanitary. Tho Star 'on th
Mrs Frank AVinklcman, of Fremont
formerly of this city, camo Friday ov
onlng to visit her daughter Mrs. Jack
Carroll and son Glddeou Wlnklcman,
When eyes Itch, Btnart, burn or
acho, Us nature's cry for holp. Good
glasses, properly fitted- optometry's
aid, Harry Dixon, Jowclor and Opto
Mrs. Edward Putoff and dauehtoi-
Janet of Sidney, left at nopn Friday
for Wood River to "visit her mother,
Tho Eighth Graduation exercises
held at tho Kolth Saturday afternoon
was attended by an audience that filled
tho Beating capacity of tho lowor iloor
of tho theatre. Tho greater number of
tho attendants were from tho country
parents nnd friends of tho grad
Tho stage waB decorated with potted
plants and ilowers, giving a protty
Tho program rendered was as fol
lows: InvocntloriMtov. Robert H. White.
Recitation "Jano Jonoa" Marston
White, District No. 11.
Piano Duet "Snow Balls'-' Gladys
Swancutt, District No. G, Lola Phil
lips. Recitation -"Tho Man Behind tho
Plow" Leo Roy Damoron, District
No. 08.
Recitation "A Voice From a Far
Country" Anna Harris, District No.
Solo "A Llttlo Pink Roso" Nona
Johnson, District No. 37.
Recitation "Leadvlllo Jim" Clar
ence Damoron, District No. 98.
Violin Solo Donald McCullough, Dis
trict No. G.
Recitation "Is't ns Alef Told It His
Ownsol'" Fay Mason, District No,
Address Supt. C. V. Williams, Curtis.
Presentation of Diplomas. ' .
Benediction Rev. Robert H. Whlto.
The graduates and tho districts In
which they attended school follows:
Namo DlBt No.
Mario Bunting 5
Mary Ellsworth C
Oscar Macoy G
William Macomber G
Floyd Stcbblns 5
Lulu Batcraan G
Ethel Coleman G
Edward Dlscoo G
Anna J. Harris G;
Huldali Larson ' G
Donald McCullough G
Lola Phillips 0
Hilda Schleicher 6
Gladys Swancutt G
Audry Benjamin 7
Joo Ellenwood 7
Harry Schlver 7
Carrol Stovons 7
Gladys Trlmhly 7
Bertha Trldlo 7
Catherlno Tllford 8,
David Farnstrom 9
Ernest Jobmnn 9
Bertha Nelson 9
Ha Green 13
Ruby Hoagland 13
George McDowoli 14
Agnes Barksdalo 15
Clinton Claudson 15
Francis Witt 1C
Richard Witt 15"
Daisy Dancer 18
, Raymond Drlngmnn 18
Blanche Fye 18
Lydla Morgcnson 19
Mubcl Malonoy 20
Vorna Kellmor 21
Rcy Shlll 22
Chnrllo Young 22
Ncttto Ersklno 2G
Mildred Heath 30
Elva Bateman 32
Robert Pollard 35
Mitchell Bruce 37
Uonia Bryan 37
Arthur Johnson 37
Nona Johnson 37
Fayo Mason 38
William Light 41
Francis McMurty ........ 43
Leonard Steck 43
Gladys Markco 44
Luclnda Stranvdcr 4G
Mario Bowman 47
Sylvia Kelley 47
Wondall Rlcmond 47
William Boas . 48
William Stevens 48
Hugh Anderson 49
David McCllntock 49
Lily Dalgarn GO
William Mcrrll 53
Bernlco Murray 53
Mao Pueppka 5G
WInnlfrcd Dunton 58
Sophia Wilson 58
Vivlnn Moore . . ... GO
Myrtle Turner GO
Hulda Baker Gl
Edward Conneally G5
Oma Creole GG
Carrlo Forrcll GG
Hazel Hccht G5
Fayo Mull G5
Violet Nation GG
Ada Brown G7
Arthur Peterson G7
Frelda Hamor 73
Henry Korto 73
P. Maudo Saunders 73
Francis Votaw 73
Arthur Jopscn 76
Gladys Fear 85
Plorro Hoequcl 87
Edith Clough 03
Anna Koldsen 97
Clarence Dammorwn 98
Leo Roy Dammoron 98
Charles Boylo 106
Beatrice Hoatson 10G
Eva Shlnklo 106
William Rlelly 117
I rm a BuTko 118
Hazel Houser 118
William Leth 122
Claudlo Smith 122
Eda Gyax 124
Rosa Gyax 124
Florence Downs 127
Emily Doollttlo 127
Bottlo Turplo 127
Horbort Turplo 127
::o:: .
Porter's Quality House.
Nico to have a caso of Porter's
Best In tho house Alwaysnico for the
un-expected guest. Easy to servo. Al
so good for tho kiddles.
Wo havo It assorted in tho follow
ing flavors: Orango Bounce, Concord
Grape, Coca-Cola, Buckeye Root Beor,
Cherry Smac, White-Horse Ginger Alo
Lemon Soda. Ask tho dealer. 38-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Delaney, of
Northport, visited in town the latter
part of last week while enrouto homo
from Omaha.
Make Many Loans. 1
At tho meeting of tho directors of
tho Building and Loan Association
Friday evening twenty-flvo loans ag
gregating ?33,000 woro approved and
granted. Tho majority of thdso loans
woro mado on new houses or secured
to mako improvements. M. J.- Forbes
was elected a director to ML the va
cancy caused by tho death fyt Major
Hereafter tho monthly meeting of
tho directors will bo held on tho Fri
day ovenlng preceding tho fourth Sat
urday. Tho chango was mado Cor the
reason that several of tho directors
arc merchants, and It Is difficult for
them to get away frpm their business,
Saturday ovonlng.
Modern, six room houso, steam
heat. To right party will ledso this
houso by year. Situated noxt to my
residence. 37-4 R. N. LAMB.
Miss Ruby Manuel who resigned her
position as teacher this year was
tho guest of honor at a movlo party
and luch given toy several of the
local teachers Friday evening. Mis3
Manual will bo married In tho near
future to Hugh Scoonover formerly of
this city.
LndlcS Hatnlressing and Soft
Water Shampoo at Coate3 Beauty Par
lors, 605 Dowey St., Phono Red 655,
Mr .and Mrs. Walter Kockcn spent
Sunday In Maywood.
What Do You Know
e ma
HIS is the time of the year when more
people are considering the question of
"what car to buy" than ait any other time
of the year.
This community has its full . share of people
"who -will soon be driving their first car or a new
car to replace the old one.
Now, we know that we are going to sell Max
well Cars to a great many of these people de
pending upon how many we are able to acquaint
with the merits of the Maxwell.
The generous value offered in the car is so
evident its past record is so full of good perform
ance owners speak so well of it -that when the
buyer knows these things, he is eager to buy a
In order to tell as many people as
about the merits of the Maxwell Car we are going
to spend a lot of money in the next few weeks in
tins paper advertising Maxwell merits to those
who do not know them.
The reason we want to sell as many Max
wells as possible this season. Our future allot
ments will depend upon how many Maxwells we
sell now
v - You may know that the Maxwell market is a
buyer's market, not a seller's market broadly
speaking. The demand for Maxwells the country
over is greater than the supply.
Touring Car $655
For this reason cars are allotted to dealers by
the factory according to the size of the dealer's
We want to make a showing and be in a posi
tion to get a generous allotment of Maxwells
hereafter." Because the more Maxwells are sold in
any community, the greater is the future demand.
We realize the opportunity to do an ever-increasing
Maxwell business.
This is only the first of the several messages
we are going to print a few days apart concern
ing the Maxwell Car. But we don't expect to be
able to adequately present Maxwell merits in
printed words alone.
If you are one who is going to buy a new car
you will find it decidedly to your advantage to
find out all you can about the Maxwell before you '
place your order.
Come in and talk it over with us and let us
demonstrate the car to you. Then, don't take our
word alone, but ask those who now own Maxwells.
Get "posted" about the Maxwell and you will
realize more satisfaction and get more "value re-'
ceived" for your motor car money than ever
And we are just as willing to have you investi
gate other cars just as fully as you do ours. The
Maxwell will not suffer by the comparison.
not start your Maxwell investigation
Roadster $635
l KOI ILK Agency
Time Payments if Desired
wmio ?iere they visited Mr. ami Mrs
uiraer coates.