The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1916, Image 5

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1 '
True worth always wins. That
is why North Platters have elected us
' vto optical supremacy given us the
largest retail optical business in North
Platte and constantly recommend that
their friends consult us. ' Knowledge,
equipment and interested optical service
is the sort you'll find here.
examine your eyes.
Registered Optometrist,
The Sign with the Big Ring.
Three monuments mnrklng the Ore
gon trail In Lincoln county were for-
mtuly demented nt a meeting hold In
tht9 city Saturday afternoon. Thla
mooting, held on the court houso ltuvn,
wus largely nttonded, tho greater
number of those present coming from
tho country.
Judge Hoaglnnrt presided at tho
meeting nnd llrat Introduced Mr. Har
vey, of Lincoln, whose first visit to
North Plntto was forty-seven years
ago. In his presentation address he
told of tho location of tho Oregon
trail through Nebraska, which parsed
through this section just south of tho
river, of tho cffortB which had boon
made to mark this famous trail to
the northwest, and stated that It Is
estimated that more than 3,000,000
people passed ovor It from the days
of Marcus Whitman until tho advent
of the railroads.
T. C. Patterson, In behalf of tho
county, accepted tho monuments In
brief remarks In which ho referred
to the wonderful growth ct the west
slnco tho days of Oregon Trail travol.
H. M. Rushnol, of Lincoln, repre
senting the stato historical society,
Bpokc at Bomo length on tho historical
features of Nebraska and hew they
slrauld bo presorvod; of tho sturdlnoss
and honesty of the pioneers; tho ef
fect they had upon tho settlement of
the west, nnd In closing appealed to his
auditors to keep alive tho memory
and deeds of tho peoplo who blazed
tho trail for civilization.
Governor Morehead was next Intro
duced, and spoke of tho prosperity of
Nebraska, tho savings that had boon
effected during his Incumbency of the
Oulco, and tho need of olectlng good
honest men to office. Ho briefly re
forrod to tho candldncy of Keith Ne
ville In complimentary terms.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Palm Le' Cigar 10c. 14-tf
R. L. Baker, of Stapleton, Is spend
ing this week In town. , . .
' Miss Evelyn Forcado of Lincoln, is
visiting with Mrs. Anna Shae.
Mrs. George Christ left yesterday
(morning for Sutherland.
For Sale Three quiet burros. S. W.
Mannon, R. F. D. No. 2 39-1
Mrs. John Den left yesterday for a
visit with friends in Arapahoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Moso McFarland spent
tho week end in Gothenburg.
Wilfred Stuart, of Lexington, came
Sunday to visit at -the Tighe home.
Miss Maude Warrington left yester
day for Lexington to spend tho sum
mer. Attorney John Grant left yesterday
morning for Ogalalla on legal busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murrln visited
in Gothenburg tho latter part of last
Frank Winn, of Kearney, .who for
merly lived here, is visiting local
Mrs. Charles Calhoun left yesterday
morning for Cozad to visit relatives
for a week.
Dr. F. J. Wurtele was called to
Ogalalla Sunday In consultation with
Dr. Vandever.
Miss Mamie Falk, of Brady, came up
Saturday to attend the graduation of
several friends.
Mrs. W. S. Dolson and daughter left
Saturday afternoon for Grand Island
to visit relatives.
Joseph Hrerod and son returned to
Columbus Saturday after a short visit
with local friends.
Entcrtnln nt I'rc-Uupttal Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Donegan enter
talned tho Schrnm-Donegan bridal
party and a number of Immediate rol
atlves at a pro-nuptial dinner Sunday
I OVPTllnir Tu'nnf v.flvn f.llnata wnpn
. . i 1 a Tin. 1 i I " ' r -.,w..j .. i j bM.ui.j . -j vi
jonn uray was cuiivu 10 iviujvuub, Droaent rpiin , . , hpmiHfiillv
W. Va., Friday evening by tho eedous 0 XVenter-P"ece of
wiuuso ui uio muivi. I Atllhrlnnn llnnlitv rnurra niu linrrinfn.l
Mrs. F. W. Hermlnghausen left Sat- with smllax. The Gorman flower, tho
urdav moraine for cities of Iowa to white Iris waB used In honor wf tho
spend several weeks with relatives, nationality of tho groom and tho sham-
wniinm A.mir Snndav for Kear- ck was uacu m a nuniinnco as a trip
ney to spend several days combining bemrrled early W l-
DUSiness ami piuusuru. ilnv nim-ntntr nml Imva fnr Smith n,.
Miss Maude Rees left Friday oven- koto-' to spend their honeymoon with
ing for Ellse to spend a couple or relatives.
weeks with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Butler Buchanan will
leave Wednesday morning for CJauror
nla to spend several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood White left Hat
Danes Will Celebrate
Peter Jepson, of Fox Creek, was In
town yesterday inviting people of Dan
isli parentage, as well as others, to
attend a bazaar which will bo held
urday morning for Grand. Island to at tho Danish Lutheran church in
ox ureoK June utn. Juno 5th Is
visit relatives for a week.
Miss Lucretla Davis left Saturday
the Danish national holiday, and It
ft her home in Plovana. Kans., to "
not no secureu, and tho event was
spend' the summer vacation.
Mrs. Charles Reynolds and son re-
postponed until tho following day.
turned yesterday morning from Kear- June Gth. Among tho sneakers will
ney where they visited menus. be Rev. Sorenson, of St. Paul and Rev,
Mrs. George Zentineyer left yester-r ?Uy.
uuy mpruuiH iu uUm m. u I Sll,. (nv -iiivorrA
In tho district court nravlnt? for n dl-
tendlng college in California returned vorco from Nina Fort to whom ho was
hero tho latter part of last weeK. married Juno 24th, 1912, at Cherokee,
Misses Laura Murray and Blanche W- Tj10. charge Is cruelty. Tho
Fonda left Saturday evening for Goth- p " " inai ino ( eronuant was
enburg to spenu a coupie oi uuys. ,innrw. nt thni- hnmn, t
About forty of the iocal high school attract men who were nasslntr nml
boys snent aunuay wun me iociii cu,- wncn nuvised not to do so would str ko
dets who wero in camp at uouienourg. and nbuso plaintiff and use nrofan
A. D. Skinner, superintendent of the lanF,,mBeItan,d, also thnt slic refused to
B. and B. department of tho unon
T)nn(ti to cnnmllnf. n fow rlnvn hnro.
o - T nn t Tnl,nt ...l..l 1
Miss Irma wmalow wno nas ueen that a brother at Grnnrl nnnlrln. Minii
ill wnu pneumonia at mo iurui i-iunu jiaa suddenly passed away. This now
General Hospital ror some umo is nn- Was especially sad as tho brother
proving. . . had not. met for several years and Mr,
Johnston was expecting to make him
visiting this, week with her cousins " V13U- 11 wucks
Miss Noll Hanifin and Mrs. Harry Take medlclno for oye-strnln bend
Guthorless. aches and you do yourself Inlurv. Re
Mrs. Frank Dentler and daughter moyo tho CAUSE and tho EFFECT
TVftao TTVnn rinManr, nf Tlnnvniv rflmn Willi proper glasses. U. S. ULiUNTO.W
down yesterday morning to spend LTr'"1 i'"-si, uio sign wun
Beveral days. u,k
rpho t t? v. p.inh mot TTrlilnv nftfr- Mrs. John Oestrleh entertained
noon with Mrs. Harry Gutherless. In !cm.0 of friends tho latter part of last
tho card games Mrs. Edward Robhau- !VVV1V . "um,r .ol urs- v' ". wesion-
flpn nml Mrs R. w. Mann worn awrad- ieiu w received many beautllul
1 '" . in rm. i ... ii.. i
ed przes. The next meeting will bo ; u'- biu" uh uio amnvor
with Mrs. Glenn Mann In two weeks. niU "l cl miy-Bovunui oirumay,
Attornoy-General Reed, of Lincoln
spent yesterday in town looking up
certain phases of Irrigation work. Ho
was enrouto to Lincoln from Scotts
Bluff, where ho had been on a similar
Master Floyd Harris returned from
Lexington whoro ho finished his
school term. Ho was accompanied hero
by Miss Fayo Davidson who will leave
shortly for Tryon to visit her sisters.
Methodist aid society will bo enter
talned next Thursday afternoon at tho
nome or Mrs. E. a. Davis, assisted by
Mesdames Will Reynolds, J. E. Evans,
Aldrlch and F. Farmer.
Mrs. Edward Oglor and Mrs. Leon
ard Dick will entertain at afternoon
partlos at tho homo of the former on
Thursday and Friday of this week.
Mss Emma B. Smith, principal, of
tho Lincoln schools, left tho latter
part of last week for Farloy, Iowa, to
Bpend tho summer with relatives,
Loans, Real Estate and Insurance
We have plenty of money on hand to loan, on farms and ranches. We guar
antee the lowest rates and best terms. No delay in closing loans.
Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Hail Insurance written in the best Insurance
Companies at lowest possible rates.
All losses promptly and equitably settled. Our insurance department has
been doing business for 45 years with never a dissatisfied customer.
Investors and homcscekers can always find choice bargains in City Property
and Farm Lands at our office.
At this time we have a number of special bargains in dwellings, the property
of non-residents, that must be sold. Small payment down and the balance in
monthly installments. We arc offering these properties at a fraction of their
real value.
The Permanent Hog
J No Other Building on the Farm
OOUSe Pays For Itself So Quickly
A Government expert says that "Good hog men
average about seven pigs raised to the litter. Many
do better. But the general average raised on the farm
does not exceed four pigs to the litter."
This big difference is largely in the housing. The
question is not so much a matter of cost as the proper
design of a hog house. Many hog houses cost enough
to be good, but are entirely unfit because the sun
cannot shine into the pens. Sunshine and ventila
tion arc absolutely necessary.
On the other hand, inexpensive houses olten
gjvc better results than more costly ones
uecause oi tne ueiier ciesign.
J. he design is what counts. liercs
Where we can help you.
Telephone Your
v Grocery "orders to 32
They will given prompt nnd
careful attention.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
The Lincoln ball team of tho western
leaguo will play tho local team
Thursday afternoon, tho gamo to bo
called at threo o'clock. While North
Platte does not havo a Western
Leaguo quality team, It has a team
that can mako It Interesting for any
of tho Western Leaguers, and thoso
"Who think that tho visitors will put
In their wenkest players or not play
their best nro greatly mistaken In
their yiowB. They will find when tho
gamo has beon played that t'ho Links
has by no moans a walk-away. North
Platto Is nlnylng Just as good pan to
day as do some of tho Western Leaguo
teams threo days out ot six.
life loteal innnngement 18 umlior
heavy expense in securing tho Lin
coln team, and it is hoped that tho, at
tendanco will bo large.
"The aiiiieyaiuHter."
Onorco Klein's latest film master-
niece "Tho Monoy Master" which .via
Ita the Keltn xneairc nexi inura-
dnv la a rare example lot. . modern
feature film production. "Tho Money
Master" Is consnlcuous among dramns
of Us kind for several reasons, it
features an all star cast which In
cludcB Frank Sheridan, Fanla Mar
inoff, Paul McAllister and Malcolm
Duncan all stars whoso names have
graced the electric signs of Broadway
at yarlous times. Tho story Is beauti
fully told by theso accomplished
players who havo been surrounded by
every nld that genius could Invent and
money purchase Tho Interiors arc
elaborately magnificent and tho
glimpses of life In Now York convin
cing and poworful.
llnnkst Diijk Slock.
W. T. Banks purchased at public
auction yesterday forenoon tho resl
Iduo or tho stock of tho former Fash
Ion Shop. Tho greater part of
tho stock had icen closed out last
week at a private salo held by
closed out last woek nt private sale by
Receiver 13. S. Davis, and tho stock
remaining wns largely odds and onus.
Mr. Banks also purchased tho furnish
ings that had not previously been
A good hoy wanted on farm. T. R.
Dootlittle, Phono' 782F022. 30-2
Miss Erma McMichaol went to Well
lloet today to visit her parents.
Miss Hazel Wheeler left Sunday ev
ening for Hastings to spend tho sum
mer. B E. Mussel, of Hayes Center, Is
transacting business In town this
Doll Tool, of Indlanoln, camo Sun
day to visit Mr and Mrs. Nicholas
Klein. x
For Salo Good driving mare also
buggy and harness. W. C. McDermott,
Phono 20d.
Miss Anna Wetzoll, of Sutherland,
s visiting Mrs. P. H. Lonergan this
Kathorlno Green will leavo shortly
for Grand Island to visit her grand
James Hart nnd son who were on
a fishing trip at Kimball havo return
ed homo.
Mr .and Mrs. Iloyt Hart nnd daugh
ter camo Sunday to visit nt tho Sails
bury homo.
Miss Ellon Anderson has gone to
Gothenburg to spend tho summer with
her parents.
Mrs. Orra Sailor left a few ' days
ngo from Denver to visit friends for
soveral days.
Miss Mary Abercromble, of Brady,
has been visiting friends In town for
several days. -
Miss Ituoy Shaner loft this morn
ing for Maxwell to visit tho home
folks for a few days.
Mrs. Elizabeth Young loft the latter
part of last week for Wallace to visit
relatives for a weok.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Klein will
leavo shortly for Indlanola to visit
their grand children.
Miss Minnlo Hood, formerly of thla
city, camo Friday from Lincoln to
visit relatives and friends.
It. L. Douglas, tho horso buyer, ex
pects to ship out u car of "war" ani
mals tho latter part of this week.
The Building of the Panama Canal
Was A Great Achievement
It requires determination, energy, push and
lumber lo build anything even a
House, Barn, Shed or Fenco
Whatever you determine lo build
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Tho Tribuno man has talked with
nearly nil tho merchants Who participa
ted In "Dollar Day" Saturday and each
ono pronounced it an unqualified suc
cess, tho sales for tho lay ueing
greatly In excess of tho avorago Sat
urday. TJio bulk of tho sales, however,
did not come from tho articles adver
tised at ono dollar, but thoso dollar
oiTorlngs attracted tho buyers to tho
stores and when onco thcro thoy pur
chased not only tho dollar articles but
more oxpcnslvc nrtclcs as won.
Thero wns a largo crowd or country
folk In town, tho "Dollar Day," tho
Eighth Grade Graduation Exercise3
and tho Oregon Trnll Memorial oxor-
c ses all contributing to tho presence
of tho more thnn ordinary number of
Saturday visjtora.
For Your'Noxi Order of
Feed, flour, cabbage, potatoes, ap-
nlos. Band hill Boed notatoos ot all
kinds sco J. Mogonson at tho North
Sido barn or phono 29. 22-tr
Miss Sarah Monlclo loft Saturday
for Kenrnoy to visit at tho homo of
Miss Ruby Manuel for a weok or more.
Bob Waldo, of Choyonno, visited
friends In town yesterday, while en
routo homo from a visit In, tho east.
Miss Florence Stamp rotumod Sun
day from an oxtonded visit with her
sister Mrs. W. It. Kessjor in Kansas
Mrs. F. J. Wurtolo and ' daughter
Bovorlo loft yesterday morning for
EvanBton Wyo., to visit relatives for a
few days.
A mariago llccnso was granted tho
latter part of lust weok to Goorgo
James and Stella May Arnold, both
of Wlllnrd.
Messrs. Henry Clark, Lorcn Sturges,
O. It. Robinson nnd John Tucker havo
returned from a successful fishing trip
to Maywood.
Miss Nanlno Iddlngs who has beon
attending Bryn Mawr collcgo is ex
pected to return next weok. MIbb
Florence wll apond tho summor with
rolntlves In tho cast.
Ileal Estate nnd Insurance
Coino and sco us for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. HouBes for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Stu upstairs.
Mr. and Mrs. A: L. Hassott. of Kan
sas City, formerly of tho BarkaloV
news stnnd In this city, announco tho
birth of. a daughter Bornlco Rao on
May 25th.
Office phone 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician'.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bnnk Building.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
I Office 130
Residence 115
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld
Offlco Phono G42 Res. Phono 676
Physician and Surgeon.
Spoclal Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Chlldnon'a Diseases.
Offlco McDonald State Bank Building.
Cornor Sixth nnd Dowey Streets.
Phonos, Ofllco 183, Resldonco 283
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
vcientiflc treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Complstoly tquipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. Y, Lucas, M. D.
J.B.Redfie!d,M.D. J.S.Simras,M.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.