r CITY ANB COUNTY NEWS. All boosters smoko Town Boost, tf Tim O'Kccfo nnd Joseph Schntz spent Sunday In Alliance, Dan Roberta spent tho week end with relatives In Cheyenne. Mrs. M. II. Douglas visited- Mrs. Charles Mnnn in Sidney last week. Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Dank Building. Miss Essio Wcssburg visited frlonds in Sutherland tho latter part of last week. Mrs. Ira Woldman loft Saturday morning for Chcycnno to visit for some time. Mrs. D. D. Staples, of Hershcy, vis ited last week with hor mother Mrs. C, E. Keen. Fred Peterson spent part of last week in Gothenburg visiting tho high school cailoto. Miss Mabel McVlcker, of Lexing ton who spent last weok hero left Sat urday ovonlng Mrs. W. L. Reynolds loft yestorday morning for a visit with friends in Dunlay, Iowa. Mrs. Harry Bybco loft Saturday af ternoon for Cozad to spend a short timo with friends. Mrs. Quy Coatcs loft Saturday ev ening for Sutherland to visit with relatives for a weok. Mrs. Decring, of Grand Island, came Saturday ovenlng to visit her dough tor, Mrs, Thomas Green. Miss Ada Toolo, who taught in tho Washington school last year, has gono to her homo in Kearney. Tho Mooso annual banquet which was to bo hold Sunday has been in definitely postponed. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Owens will leavo shortly for Lorado, Mo., to visit rela tives for some time. Mr. and Mrs. ' Gideon Wlnklcman will leavo Juno 1st for Fremont to make their homo in 'futuro. Good second hand Bulck car to trado for cattlol Inqu'iro of Frank Woodgato, North Platto. 37-5 Miss Myrtlo Beoler who has been attending tho stnto university is ex pected to return this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mason, who had boon guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Mason, returned to Lincoln yestorday. MIbbcs Julia Manslflcld and Anna Hutchinson, of tho local schools corps loft Saturday morning for Denver- Mrs. C. E. Keen and two daughters loft tho latter part of last weok for Hershoy to visit Mrs. D. D. Staples. George Wlnslow who has boon em ployed in Goring was cnlledjiomo last weok by tho illness of til's daughter Henry Ilobhauson, who rocontly"lo cntod in Laramie, camo down Sunduy .morning to visit friends for a fow days. Miss Illldegardo Clinton, Mario Martini and Charles Martini, Jr., spent tho wook end in Gothenburg with friends. Mrs. J. M. Moonoy, of Donvor, cahno Sunday morning to visit friends while enrouto to Grand Island to visit hor daughters. Missos Esthor and Elizabeth Brand formorly of this city who havo boon teaching in Wallace-camo Friday to visit local menus. Tho furnishings and tools of tho Gottman cigar factory woro moved yestorday to tho new storo in tho Urodbock building. Miss Mario Von Gocb:, who haB boon principal of tho West Pont schools for sovoral yoars, will arrlvo horo Bhortly to visit her parents. Percy Thornburg, of tho Rcoso pantatorium, was called to Lincoln tho latter part of Inst week by tho ser ious illness of lilo mother, Harry Dabnoy, of Portland. Oro.. r arrived hero Saturday afternoon to visit his mother Mtb Caldwoll and sister, Mrs W. T. Wilcox. A fow mlnutos Bpont In our factory wll convince tho most skeptical that cloanllnosB has been ono of tho most Important factors in Star Pop success. Mr, and Mrs. S, C. Mocombor To turned Saturday morning from St. Louis, whoro Mr. Mocombor went as a dologato to tho 0. R. 0. convontlou. Miss Leah McElhlnnoy, of Douglas, Ariz., formorly ono of tho local toa chere Bpont tho weok end with Miss Maudo Warrington wlillo onrouto oast. Mrs. W. B, Anderson, of Ogdon, and father Thomas Pratt who visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLano last week, loft Saturday aftomoon for cities f Wisconsin. Ted Funk, formorly of tho John Keith ranch near Sutherland, la visit ing his slBter Mrs. W. O. Hayos and local frlonds. Ho has rostded at Han nibal. Mo., for sovoral years past. The first warm day of Summer is the right time to buy an electric fan. Consider the years they last and why are you without one? Every home needs an EUctric Fan. North Platte Light & Power Co,, C. R. MGREY, Manager. ST. JOSEPH BOOSTERS TO VISIT US JUNE flTH. This office is in receipt of a letter from tho chairman of tho St. .Too. (Mo.) tfndo extension committee stat ing that a party of sevonty-flvo busl ncss men and boosters of that city will arrivo In North PIntto nt twelve o'clock noon, Juno Cth nnd remain one hour. The party Is traveling In a seven car special train and arc out on a five-day "get-acquainted" trip through Ne braska, Colorado and Kansas. Thoy-would Uko to meet as many or our business men and possible, and while they aro hero It will bo perfect ly propor for our pcoplo to show tho visitors ovcry posslblo courtesy. Miywood Gnmc n Farce. Tho North Platto ball team, accom panied by several carload of fans, drovo ovor to Maywood Sunday and dofcatcd tho team of that plnco by a scoro of twonty-four to nothing. Tho gnrno, as tho scoro indicates, whs a farce. Artloy pitched for Maywood, but In tho first Inning tho North Platto mon hit him unmercifully, making a dozon runs In that frame, After that neither Artloy nor tho other mcmbors of tho team had any glngor. It was ex pected that tho game would bo a fast ono, as tho Maywood boys when here last week played gilt-edged ball. ::o:: Defeats Gothenburg 8 to 1. Tho North Platto ball team Jour neyed to Gothenburg Friday and de feated tho team of that town by a scoro or cignt to four. Tho opposing team was nmdo up almost entirely of mon from tho Eustls team. Andrews pitched for North Platte and struck out soventoen batters in eight Innings. ;;o;: Mrs. Lester Tarkington will leave today for Sidnoy to visit relatives for n week. For Sale Good driving mnro nleo buggy and harness. W. C. McDormott, Phono .250. William Flnerty of Hastings, will visit hero this week with his friend Joo G, Cole. Mrs. Frank Wlnklcman, of Fremont, who visited hor daughter Mrs. Jack Carroll last week, has gono hotao. A now whjto enamel candy case and Ico cream stand haB ben added to the Tlarkalow Bros, dopartmont in tho Union Pacific depot, William Sholioney, who was oper ated upon last weok for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha, is getting along nicoly, Elmor Anderson, of Maxwell, yes torday delivered to Brodbeck & Son a car of corn-fed steors. This prirao moat will bo offered at tho 'opening of tho now market. Tho pales lndjes of tho local branch of Uhd ,Kaufmtrtn'v& Werneirt Co.twlll bo tho guests of tho proprietors in Kearnoy today at a picnic for1, all of their employes. Tho caso of tho Btato of Nebraska against Mnbol Crosslin which camo up Saturday in tho county court waB con tinued until Juno 2nd. Tho chorgo Is soiling liquor without a license. Tho stork visited tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Yost Friday evening nnd dopositod a lively baby boy. jTha mathac and son aro doing nlcolytnnd tiro fdthor Is" bubbUrrg ovor wlthjjoy, If you--want" n nlco lovel cast front lot for your futuro homo aco the lots in Block 187, bctwoon 1st nnd A strcots and Ash and Maple, All sold but four lots, BUTLER BUCILVNAN. FyJ.Doran, F. J. McGovorn, W. J. Lanllgrnf, F. J. Dunn, Jack Stack and sovornl others of tho local council of tho K. C. attended tho bnnquot given by tho Knights of Columbus at Al Unnco Sunday. MrB, Frank Doran who had boon taking medical treatment at St. Jos eph's hotfpltul in Omaha for sovoral months Is convalescing at tho homo of hor slstor in Grotna and will return homo In a couple of wooks,. FOr Sale Household goods. In qulro of 13. J. Curtis, 115 west 2d. 39-3 Frank Boyqr roturncd yesterday from Aurora, Nob,, whero ho was called by an accident which befell his brother Dort Boyor, Tho lator, who Is a painter, foil from a scaffold and frac tured tho right log nbovo tho ankle. Tho break -Is a particularly bad ono, und umputnflon may bo necessary. Passongor diroctor Mcllvano blos somod out yestorday in a light gray uniform, bedocked with brass buttons and cap to match. Tho uniform makos bettor known Mr. Mclvano'B position and dutlos, It will not add, howovor, to his porsonal efficiency, for that foaturo hns nt all times been of tho hlghost standard. Notice to tho Public. No trespassing allowed on section 30-11-32. JAKE WAGNER, and also on section 31-11-32, 30-0 E. J. DOMOODE. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Joe T6sac, of Wallace, Is transacting business hero. Mrs. J. Wnltor Adams is visiting with friends In Omaha. W. II. McDonnld is expected home today from a visit in Chicago. R. D, Baker, of Dickons, Is spend ing a few days here on business. Miss Lula Meyers, of Garfield, spent tho weok ond with frlonds in town. Mrs, Sum Richards camo up from Omaha yestorday to spend a week with friends. Mrs. Mary Daly has returned to Florence, Colo., nfter visiting local friends. Miss Ethel Armstrong hns accepted a position in tho Gem Ico Cream Parlors. Miss Cnthorlnc Boylo submitted to a successful operation on hor throat Saturday. Miss Esther Antonides who had been teaching In Brndy returned home Saturday. Thomas Burnoy went to Wood River yestorday afternoon to spend Decora' tlon Day, Mrs. Joseph L. Murphy returned tho latter part of last week from Grand Island. Miss Edith Gantt camo homo Satur day from Wiggins, Miss., to spend her summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs, H, N. Getty and chll dren returned Sunday from a short stay In Kansas City. Mrs. Albert Hecox and Miss Mildred Ilecox, of Gothenburg, visited friends in this city last week. Miss Ruth Rudat and Miss Erma Huntington, of Lovcland aro spending a fow days In this city. Mrs. W. V. Hoagland has returned from n short visit on Rcbekah Degree business In Grand Island. Mrs, Jack Palmer nnd son loft yes terday afternoon for Calloway to visit her parents for n weok tor more. Supt. C. B. Williams, of Curtis, spent tho weok end bore on buslnesB con nected wittt tne oigntn grado gradua tion. Deaconess Willis, of tho Episcopal church, returned the latter part of last weok rrom a visit In eastern Ne bruska. Mrs. Lucy Wlmborley, of Now Or leans, arrived horo Sunday to spend tho summer with her daughter Mrs. H, N. Getty. i Jnmcs and John McGraw returned to Creston, In., yestorday afternoon after visiting their brother Patrick McGraw hero Mrs. C. II. Sawyer and baby return ed to Pino Bluffs Saturday evening af ter visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sawyer for two woeks: Mrs. H. P. Husband left at noon Saturday for Grand Island to spend a weoK ana later will visit relatives in Harlan, la. Mrs. 3'. H. Klrkpatrlck, of Kearney,' formorly of this city has been visiting hor brother, Harry Boylo and family, for several days. Martin Oborst, of Omaha, who loft tins city nine yoars ago camo Sunday to visit his son Attorney Byron Oborst and family. ' Attorneys J. S. Hoagland and W. V. Hongland and Mrs. Hoagland, havo gono to Pnxton to take part In tho Me- unorlnl Day program. For Sale 09 Overland, Randsler. Offered at a very low figure for quick salo. Inquire at first door north or First National bank. 39-if Mrs. V. M. Lawson, who camo from Contrni Cltv Inst wnnlt in nttonil Mm graduation of her daughter, Miss iinnan, nas gono nomo, MIsb Wllla Raugh will leave this wqok for Concordlu, Kansas, whoro ho (rslstcr is attending school. Tho latter will return with hor. H. P. Gorhart, special agent for tho U. S. govornmont who spout a month here inspecting homesteads, left for western points yestorday, Mrs. John Brltt, of Denver, Is tho guest of Mrs. J. I. Smith wlillo en routo homo from Wood Rlvor. Tho Indies woro girlhood frlonds Tho Prosbvtorlon Indira will lmiii nn oxchnngo at tho Dcrryberry & Fprbos Hiuru Diiumiay. ureaii, cane, pics and other eatables will bo on snle. Alvin nnd Teddy Wclugand left Sat urday for Rossvlllo, 111., to visit thoir graudmothor, making tho trip with thor aunt, Mrs. Louis Peterson. Mrs. Frnnk Nowman, of Grand Is land, returned homo Friday after vls ltlnc friends. Mrs. Nmvm nn wna for merly Miss May Moonoy, of this city. Misses Virginia Bullard, Dorothy Hinmnn, Cathorlu6 Hall, Mario Bowou and Lillian Eaton ntt ball nt Gothenburg Saturday ovenlng. Mrs. Jano P. Lano vim lino m nil ft hor homo with hor sister Mrs. Bridget Mornn for several years will leavo shortly for Pittsburg to remain In definitely. Mrs. Ella Gardner and daughtor ro turncd to Arapahoo yestorday. Thoy woro callod horo Vocently by tho denth of tho formor's fnthar tho lato Henry Ream. M. R. Kolly, of Clovolnnd, nnd Mrs. M. Morlll, of Wheatland, Wyoming, who visited their sister Mrs. D. E. Morrill last wook, loft for eastern points Saturday. "In tho oyes of tho law" lgnornnco Is no excuse for oyo-abuso, Optometrv stands ready to ndvlso G. S. CLIN TON, Roglstored Optomotrlst, tho sign with tho Big Ring. Mrs. Claronco 1. Turnor, son and daughter camo yestorday afternoon from Bolso, Idn., to visit hor mother for sovoral weoks. Mrs. Turnor was formorly Miss Kathorlno Mornn of this city. ::o:: llnll for Sale. Ono rod bull, whlto face, four years old, for salo. N, P, Jorgensen, east of tho Van Brocklln Ranch. 39-2 Charlie Chaplin, in his first Mutual release, "THE FLOOR WALKER" Keith Theatre, Wed., May 3t 10 and 20c MISS LILLIE STAR TALKS ON SUFFRAGE. Nobraska Is very much in earnest in her campaign for suffrage. Tho No braska equal suffrage campaign failed becauso tho women wero not thorough ly organized. At tho convention In Om aha last week. Mrs. E. M. Fairchild tho local president, of Omaha, intro duce our stato president Mrs, W. 12. Barkley, of Lincoln, who gavo a short address on organization and enroll ment. Sli3 said tho plan for tho enroll ment of Nobraska women who nro equal suffragists promises to bo the means of laying tho foundation for a wonderful suffrugo organization. The plan is to circulate enrollment sllns ntriong the wotaen of tho state that they may havo an opoprtunlty to say mat tlioy uellovo tho ballot should bo given to tho women of Nebraska Tho circulation of theso slips will bo managed by an enrollment chief in each county and each precinct of tho stato. Every suffragist can do her Iittlo part toward building a founda tion for a sucessful campaign in 1918 by helping In this work. Then Miss Starr was introduced and she said: "Madam Chairman and fut uro voters of Nebraska: As a citizen of tho United States I camo with greet ings from Chicago. I am not a prom inont suffragist but ono of tho rank and fllo of which thcro aro thousands In Chicago who help on the good work started by thoir leaders. If all women felt as strong as I do that women .suf frago Is tho foundation for every thing good In our Nation, all would be converted today. I want to tell you of tho Political Equality League In Chicago whore I have gained most of tho education I havo in suffrage. It is a non-partisan society and wo speakers chosen to address tho meet ings aro from different political par ties. Tho Saturdays of each month are divided between tho propoganda sec tion, the legislative section, the study section and all three sections unito on the first Saturday of each month. One Saturday a luncheon was given for all tho ward superintendents and they gavo threo minute talks on what they had done In their respective wards, Women aro given a chanco in the Political Equality league, to hear both sides of the question, legislative and civic questions especially. A woman an learn why she should vote for or against a measure The first time I voted there wero many big bonds to bo settled. It was called tho .llttlo ballot and tho sheet was nearly as lnrgo as a nowspaper. Bonds for new schools, bathing beaches, Jails, etc. I know every ono I voted for went through but wo woro told why wo should vote for or against these measures and wo certainly did not go ignorantly to the polls. It was a grteat oxporlonco to bo able to vote and it is ono I hope all of tho women of NebniBka will enjoy in tho near futuro ns well as all tho women in the United States." Mrs. W. S. Stahl, of Chicago, told of plans for the big suffrngo parade Juno 7th, nnd a number of Nebraska women will march In tho parade. Mrs. M. J. PERKINS. ' ::o:: A Great Combination. Hogs, Corn, Tanknge, and Monoy. But you will not get all tho money from your hogs unless you uso tank age. Read tho following from a firm you all know: North Platto, Neb., May 18, 1910. Mr. R. N. Lamb, City, Dear Sir: Bollovlng that tankago to bo good food for hogs, last fall wo purchased somo from you to feed a bunch of liogs. Tho corn wo .wero feeding them was exceedingly poor, very soft and chaffy and not marketable, Wo fed this soft corn with ground wheat of a poor quality, too poor for market purposes, along with tho tank ago of about a quarter pound per head per day. May stato that tho gain on theso hogs was romnrkablo and far above our expectations. Thoy mado 'us big monoy, and realized us a good prlco for our poor grado of corn, which was unmarketable and wo feel that by us ing tho tankago as wo did itho gain was a great deal larger than It would havo uoon without It, and wo aro well paid for our investment In tankage., Yours very truly, BRATT (c GOODMAN, By E. R. Goodman. Most experimental farms will tell you that It will pay to feed Tankage to pigs from tho timo 'thoy nro weaned until thoy go on tho mnrkot, why not got all tho monoy from your hogs. 16 porcont portoln tankago at $2.25 per cwt. $43.00 por ton. Wo still havo somo cano seed left. Phono G7 R. N. LAMB. -::o::- For Rent. G room house, electric lights, wator and tollot in houso, $12 por month at 310 west A street Enqulro of C. M. Nowton Book storo 604 Dowcy St. 38-2 FIRE, TORNADO, HAIL INSURANCE 0. H. Thoelecke. ........ .... ...... il y t.i if it it i.t t.t i.t i.t i.t :.t t.t :.t i.t j. i.t i.t i.t t.t i.t it it i.t t.t i.t i.t t.t i.t i.t t.i i.t it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t it OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -ol- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. One Hundred and Filty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IN TJIE GROWiM OF THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CABEFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth Street. Phone IIO Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An Institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement Cases. JlltS. MARGARET HALL, Sunt. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Snrgcon. G Reynolds Bide. North Platte, Neb, Office Phone 333. Res. Black 613. DR. HAROLD A. FENNER OSTEOPATHIC Physician 4V Surgeon. Genlto-Urlnnry Diseases Obstetrics Gynecology JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Office, 83: Residence 38. DOCTOR I). T. QUIGLEY.. .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 City National Uunk Building. Omnlin, Nebraska. Hospital Phone Black 633. Houso Phone Black 633. IV. T. rHITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian, Hospital 218-south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court Housti. BERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 688. Quality Not Quantity Wo make cigars In tho small and in tho regular bIzos proforrlng to uso quality tobacco in preference to quan tity. W use only tho best tobacco for filler and wrapper a.nd our cus tomers are nlways satisfied. "Wo han dle a largo lino of smokers' artlclon, our display of pipes being especially large. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. (! Bought and highest markut prlees paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. MINNESOTA 3IUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Founded 16S0. It's tho household word In Western Nobraska. It's Old Line, the best rcon oy can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that in sures. Thoy all buy It. "There Is a Reason" For further Information Phone, call or address J. B. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Lino Man NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. HoisandCatt Yt. J. IIOLDERNESS Ecctrlcnl Supplies Wiring Storage Batteries Morsch Bldg Phono 176. .. .. ... ,,u ,...u.... 0 :5 i.t .........vwV.WV.WV.V.-.v,.V..WM'.l"'Vl Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 1415 of Mary Ann Hawklrts, deceased, in the county court of Lincoln Coiunty, Nebraska. Tho stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of Baid estate will tako notice that the timo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estate Is December 30, 191G, and. for settlement of said estate is May 26, 1917, that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on Juno 30, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. ,in. and on December 30, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, m30-J27 County Judge. ShorifTg Salo By virtue of an order of salo issued from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court, wherein H. S. Evans is plaintiff, and I Benton Taylor et al are defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 24th day of June, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m at tho east front door of tho court houso in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho follow ing described property, to-wlt: All of Section Nineteen (19), Town ship Fifteen (15), North of Range Twenty-Eight (28), and West Half of tho Northeast Quarter (W& NEVi) and East Half of the Northwest Quar ter (E of NWi4) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Fifteeen (15), North of Rango Twcnty-nino (29), all in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., May 22, 191G. A. J. SALISBURY. 37-5w Sheriff. Notice of Final Report. Estate of Walter B, McNeel; deceased, In tho county court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said Estate take notice that the Administratrix has filed a final acount and report of her administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such and for a decree of descent ana distribu tion; and a petition to havo specific exempt property and other personal property amounting to $250.00 sot over to hor as decedent's widow, all of which havo been sot for hearing before said court on. Juno 16, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. when- you may appear and contest tho same. Dated May 19, 1916. m23-jl3 GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge. Notlco to Creditors. Estate No. 1404 of Walter H. Stew art, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said esteato will tako notice that tho timo limited for presentation and fil ing claims against said Estato is De comber 2, 1916, and for settlement of said Estato is April 28th, 1917; that I will sit at tho county court room In said, county, on Juno 2, 1916, at 9 o'clock a m., and on Decembor 2, 1916, nt 9 o'clock a. m., to recelvo, examine, hear, alLow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO E. FRENCH, 31-4w County Judge. Notice. Pete Frenoff will tako notice, that on tho 27th day of April .1916 P. H. Sullivan, a Jlistinn nf thn Vnnnn nt North- Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln county, xNoorasita, issued an Order of Attachment for the sum of $21.50, In nn nctlon now pending boforo him, wherein Dr. T. J. Korr, is plaintiff and Poto Frenoff, defendant, that property consisting of monoy, as wages duo. In tho hands of tho Union Pacific Rail Road Comnnav. n. CVirnnrntlnn lma boon attached under said ordor. Said causa was continued to tho 14th day of June, 1916, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated North Platto. Nnh . Mnu km. 1916. DR. T. J. KEim. Plaintiff: Notlco to Creditors Estato No. 1409, of Nancy E. Donald son, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, sa: Creditors Of ipld OfW Will tiVn in'!" thn tint" '-(' V : ,1. VI o v 33-4w (1 County Judge. iMui'sn-.ti