THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. T ) 1 NEBRASKA t STATE NEWS j 1 ! DATES FOR COMING EVENTS. Juno 5 nml u Pagonnt or Llucoln, presenting "The Onto City.", Juno C-7-8 Stato Undertakers Con vention at Hastings. Juno 5-G Spanish War Yotcrana' State Convention at North Platto. June 12 to IB Trans-Mississippi Bak ers' Ass'n convention at Omaha. June 13-14-15 Annual convention of Nehraska Elks at Omaha. Juno 13 to in stato P. E. O. Conven tion at Alliance. Juno 13-14-15 Great Western Handi cap Tournament at Omaha. Juno 13 to 15 Nobniskti Phtirmacqu tlcal Convention at Hastings. June 19-20-21-22 American Union of Swedish Singers, West. Div., con certs and convention nt Omaha. June 20 to 24 Stato Stockmen's con vention at Alliance. Juno 21 to 23 Fraternal Order of Eagles, stato meeting at Lincoln. July 25 Nebraska Democratic con vention at Hastings. July 3-4-5 Mid-Summer Race Meet at Kearney. July 5 to 8 Stato Golf Tournament at Omaha. July 10-11-12 Northwestern Hotol Men's Association Convention at umaha. June 28-29 International Auctioneers' Association Convention at Omaha. City commissioners of North Platte navo let a contract for twenty-flvn blocks of vertical liber brick paving ic be laid this summer. The contract price totals approximately $104,000. William Jennings Bryan Is not going to the democratic national convention as an alternate from Nebraska, nor as a delegate from any other state, ac cording to an announcement made in IJncoln. The encampment" ot the Grand Ar my of the Republic, hlt! at Lexington. was tno greutest of the kind ryer hold In the statr It Is estimated unit 12.000 visitors were, in attend ance. Columbus secured the encamp ment for next year and won out over Hastings and Wayne by a good-sized majority. Another discovery of a technical er ror has Just been made at Hooper with the result that another six weeks' de lay ,jvlll bo necessary before the sa loons can legally open. This time I lias been found thnt the now ordlnane drafted hurriedly by the Hooper coun cil is defective in several partlcu'a" . Tho biggest Flag day over attempU ed'nmong the Elks will be the feature of the Nebraska convention, which -will bp hold in Omaha, Juno 12, 13 and 14. Thursday, tho 14th, is the national flag day of tho organization. AW Elk lodges In Nebraska are urged to send delegations. The farm management assoc'atlop of Dawes county has purchased a lord of dairy cattle for the use of the dair farmers of the county, which consist ot forty-one head of high-grade Hrl steins to bo sold to the farmers with out profit for the betterment of their dnl'y herds. One hundred tlnusnnd yards of dirt tiro to be remove! from the roads of Otoe county durttig the next, twelve months, according to plans of the county commissioners, who huve Jut let a contract for the year's grading. Ralph Conyer, formerly of Excel sior Springs, Mo., died at Mitchell as the result of injuries received when lie lost control of a motorcycle rio which he was riding.. Ho was thrown on his head. Paving that will cost the city of Lincoln a quarter of a million dollars lias already been ordered this spring. A total of 07,000 snuare yards has been authorized and most of It con tracted for. Ord held a special election Just re cently to decide tho liquor question Four hundred and fifty votes were cast, the drys winning by h majority of eighty. The people of Crelghton have Just voted a liberal bond Issue for the purpose of building a city hall that -will Ik n credit to the town. Tho big lumber sheds of J. Shunv way & Son nt Lyons, were destroyed by fire. The loss Ib estimated be tween $15,000 and $25,000. A week's campaign against tho dan dellon at Fairfield brought in a tota' of 1,200 bushelB. , An amateur baseball league, which avIU embrace Kearney, Shelton, Elm Creek, Riverdale and oMip" towns, has boon established in Buffalo county. A schedule has been arranged to date from .lune 1, after which two games per week will be played. It is reported that J. II. Morrison is to remodel his building that has leen used for a saloon for years, at Superior, and mako an up-to-date mov ing picture and vaudevlllo theater of it, giving Superior two moving play houses. Marlon B. Stahl of West Point won first, Louis Wirt of South High school, Omaha, second, and Nelllo M. Schwab of'McCook third in the ninth annual contest of the Nebraska High School Debating league at Lincoln. Hastings lost 105 families until No vember, recently, when a special train left for Scottsbluff with those who annually work In tho beet fields In that section. Tho vlllago of Syracuse, In Otoe county, has Issued $16,000 In bonds to build a municipal electric light plant The developmont ot polaso and tta by-products will noon bo ono of Ne braska's chief Industries, a puro artl- clo having been found at Hoffland, near Alliance, which noccsskatos lit tle elso than pumping, boiling and drying to make the best portion ready for the roflnery, after which tho fin ished article brings tho heretofore un known price of nearly $500 per ton. Tho outlook In tho potash linos seems to bid fair to bo ns Important In Nebraska as tho oil industry In othor states. Nearly 100 men are em ployed In the plant. New residences and business buildings are going up In the llttlo city at a most remarkablo rate. In a sweeping decision in the dis trict court at Kearney, Judge James Uaunn of Grand Island, sitting in place of Judge Hosteller, denied an Injunction agnlnst the mayor nud city council of Kearney, to restrain them from pnvlng the city streets. He de clared tho Constitutionality of the law passed by tho last legislature provid ing for paving and assessing In cities of tho first class. His , decision di rectly nfTects over $1,000,000 worth of paving Improvements to be laid this summer In Kearney, Beatrice, Colum bus, Falrbury, Fremont, Grand lBland, Hastings, Nebraska City, North Platte, Plattsmouth. and York. If present plans of the stnte execu tlve board of the Seventh Day Ad-' ventlst church are carried out Hast ings will be made tho location of ono of the most. Important denomination al schools In tho state. Tho school la preparatory in nature nnd It Is ex pected will start with an enrollment of 100 students. The first building to be erected will probably cost in tho neighborhood of $25,000. Nebraska's crop ot winter wheat will total 59,341,000 bushels this year, according to the estimate of tho Unit ed States department of agriculture, based on the condition of the wheat May 1. Last year tho winter wheat crop of Nebraska amounted to CC, 018,000 bushels. The condition May 1 last year was reported as 90 per cent, while May 1 this year It was 89 per cut. Ray Wiggins, veteran engineer ot the Rock Island railroad, and his C-yeir-old son were drowned a few miles from Falrbury, while attempt Ing to cross a creek. The stream, or dinarily nearly dry, was swollen to a torrent by heavy rains. Tho little boy foil Into the water, his father dived after him and both were swept away. A. C. Watson of Plalnvlcw was on the South Omaha market a few days ago with a load of beef steers, aver aging 1,403 pounds, that, sold at $9.50. the extreme top of tho year to date. This is also the highest priced of cattle ever sold' In the month of May at the South Omaha market. The woman's annual metropolitan golf championship tournament will be staged at Omaha on the links of tho Omaha Field club, July 10, 11, 12 and 13. The woman's tourney vl)l follow Imrndlentoly after th Nebraska stato event, which will be he'd nt the samo links July 5, G, 7 and 8. In a high school truck meet held nt Superior, with Superior, Hardy, Edgar, Nelfon, Hebron, Scandla and Rerubllc City, Kas., contest'ng, Su perior won first place with 30 points. Jop Steelier of Dodge and Strnngler Lewis will meet In the wrestling ring in Omaha on July 4. Three carloads of postage stamps, stamped euvelopes and postal cards were received by the Omaha postal authorities Just recently, to fill tho needs of the Omaha ofllce for tho en suing quarters. This consignment Is valued at llttlo less than $500,000; More thnn fifty crack gunners from all parts of the state will go to Nor. folk June 4 nnd 5. tho dates of tho first annual registered tournament of the Norfolk Gun club. Sunday baseball can now bo played In all parts of Dodge county as tho rp &ult of action taken by the county board of supervisors at Fremont a few days ago. Fremont was chosen as the meeting place for the Omaha Association of Congfpgatlonal Churches In 1917, at tho closing meeting of the convention at Uehllng. Hastings Is to have n public market, operated and managed by boys In the agricultural department of the city schools, At a special election held at Hoi brook the electric light Issue carried by a majority of twenty-five votes. Talk of secession of five western counties of Nebraska on tho grounds that the eastern part of tho state is not in sympathy with the west In the fight for water rights, lias been brought to Lincoln by a prominent at torney, who Is Interested in various water cases. Plans are being laid for the ninth annual enenmpment and reunion of all Spanish War veterans to bo hold nt North Platto June 5 nnd 0. There will bo a camp tire, dancp, rifle shoot, auto rides nnd banquet. The town of Stella In RIchardBon county will hold a special election May 29th to vote on a proDosltlon to lfsuo $8,000 In bonds to build an elec tric light plant. The Civic Improvement League of Columbus Is giving prizes every month Jnr the best flowers produced in tho gardens and on the lawns of the cltx. County boards of Platto, Butler and Polk counties aro making an e.'jrt to securo a state-aid bridge .across the Platto river south of Columbus noxt year. SIFT BY TORNADO KEMP CITY, OKLAHOMA, WIPED OUT BY TWISTER. NINE KILLED AND MANY HURT Considerable Damage Done By Storm In Iowa. Cyclone Visits Hoi brook, Nebraska, Denlson, Tex. Nino persons Wero killed and thirty-eight Injured niul Kemp City, Okl., eight miles east of Denlson, was wiped out by a tornado which swept a path three-quarters ot a mile wldo nnd five miles long in tho Kemp City section. Twolvo business houses, a two story hotel and sixty residences wore demolished in Kemp City. This was the second time In recent years that the little town of 300 Inhabitants lias been visited by u tornado. Eight of the dead wero killed In tho town, while the other victim, a child, was killed In the collapse of Its fa ther's homo Just across tho Red river, In Texas, Most of the injured were caught in the collapse of buildings or while try ing to reach storm cellars shortly af ter the storm broke. Severe Storm In Iowa. Dos Moines, Iowa. A tornado swept across central Iowa late Sunday afternoon doing considerable damage. All the outbuildings of tho Jasper county poor farm noar Newton wero wrecked nnd the roof was torn from tho main residence buildings. Houses, barns and live stock wero swept away by tho storm nt Burrell, a mining town, nine miles north of here. The house of George Forbey, a miner, was llftrJ fifty feet In the air and carried 100 yards down the hill. The house was wrecked, but Forbey escaped Injury. Holbrook Damaged. Holbrook, Nob. -Saturday night about G:30 a cyclone visited the vicin ity twelve miles southwest of Hol brook nnd demolished several farm houses nnd barns. Many went to the raves as soon as they saw the cloud approaching and escaped. No lives were lost. Damage at Yuma $150,000. Yuma, Colo. Estimates on the dnm are cause1 by a tornado which struck this town nlnm the loss at approxi mately $150,000. Many buildings wero complftfly wrecked. Several persons pere Injured, but none seriously. Pershing Inactive. Snn Antonio, Tex. With the arrival on the American sldo of Colonel Sib ley's llttlo fore, lhat rescued Jess E, Deomer and Munroe Payne, who wero taken prisoners In the recent Glenn Springs raid, and chased the border raiders 145 miles Into Mexico, Gen eral Funstops command of nearly 50.000 men are awnltlng deyelopmonts That portion of the army under Gen eral Pershing In Mexico hns liecome as inactive as the refnainder of the big border force, nnd so far as army officers know tho period of compara1 tlve Inaction will be unbroken, unless tho initiative Is taken by Mexicans. More Troops Being Withdrawn. El Paso, Tex. There Is evldonco here that tho movement out of Mox lco Is well under way and that tho Punitive expedition of General Pcrsh Ing Is withdrawing steadily. It Is stat ed in army circles here that the Six teenth infantry, one of the first or ganizations to enter Mexico, hns be gun Its withdrawal to the United States, together with the Tenth1 cav alry. It will bo at least a week be fore tho Sixteenth regiment can reach Columbus. The Sixth cavalry has reached Columbus and has al ready leen distributed at border points. Find Statue, Missing 70 Years. Dubuque, In, After a search of aev enty years, a bronze group by Fran els Giradin, "Tho Rape of Proserpine;" has been located here, tho property of Mrs. Oliver P. Shlras, widow of tho lnte Federal Judge Shlras, ono of whose rolntlveB brought it from France years ago.. The Metropolitan art museum of Npw York Is after It, and also tho French government, but It will not bo sold until apparised by experts. Russians Join British. London. Tho Russians have accoin pltshed In part one of their main oh Jects In Asiatic Turkey the Joining of hands with their British allies fighting against the Turks on tho Tigris rlvor. Coincident with the ar! rival, comes a report that tho Turks have evacuated Bethalossa, their ad vanced position on the right bank of the Tigris, nnd also have lost to tho British their Dujallnm redoubt. Suffragists Will Sell Peanuts. Chicago. To help defrav tho oxnen ses of their convention, mfrabors of the national suffrage organization, will sell peanuts nt th Chicago National league bnsrbnll park until the opening of the convention, which Is to be held hero July 5, C npd 7. Says Cymric Wasn't Torpedoed. Berlin. The White Star Unrr Cym rlc was sunk by an explosion of hor boilers and was not torpedoed, wns the assertion made by a member ot her crow, reaching Amsterdam. MONSTER PARADE OF PREPAREDNESS i ho great preparedness parade of 150.000 mon and women In Now York photographed as It wns passing tho public library. Above, loft to right, aro Thomas Robins, Potor Cooper Hewitt, Thomas A. Edison and W. L. Saunders of tho naval advisory board who took part in tho Impressive demonstration. I ' 1 1 tmt ii i i i B. This photograph, taken during tho actual fighting in Dublin, shows a machlno gun section firing upon ho robela from behind a barricade In tho southern pnrt it tho city. FROM THE jggl ii in inwni li IM i Willi I HUHl m wu Josef Christiaons, horo photographed In tho English Sunboam car ho brought for tho intornutlonal swoopstnkos race at tho Indianapolis speedway May 30, has boon in tho military service ot tho ontento allies ovor alnco tho war began. First bo was in tho trenches, but lator ontorod tho aviation corps and won, medals for bravery. Ho la a Belgian. ' RE-ENFORCEMENTS FOR GENERAL PERSHING , J: r Infuntry re-enforcoments on their way to Join Genera) Pershing's com mand in Mexico. FASTEST OF CRUISING MOTOR BOATS Sea-sled cruiser muklng 34 miles un hour in tho waters about South Boston. In tho turnout trials ot tho patrol scout squadron this llttlo cruiser outdistanced tho fleetest boats of tho squadron by an easy 14 miles, and proved to bo tho speediest cruising motor boat In tho world, Tho boat is ownod by Milton C. WllBon, and Is oqulpped with 300 horse power. It Is finely nppolntod, having sleeping berths, clothes closets, buffet nnd all accommodations of a modern launch. FIGHTING THE IRISH IN DUBLIN TRENCHES TO THE SPEEDWAY 7 ADVOCATES CHICAGO Y. M. C. A. HOTEL Mi 0 agesflH h23-;j M S9J OtJH dhnJ i WJ MM D n n n atsn n rrx aSS 353 391) $8$ S1 1.?X R HflH nnd f-iM ' TJji K51 3FJM yM U ' "I car wml'Jtt 1 -IV . YMMH' " V This Is tho big Y. M. C. A. hotel thut has just boon dedicated in Chi cago, tho first of Its kind in tho coun try. It cost f 1,50.0,000, tho monoy bo Ing donntod by tho business mon of Chicago. In the War of Words. "You must admit that I have dona some doop thinking," "Yes," replied Sonutor Sorghum; "you submorgo all right; but you don't launch lutolloctual torpedoes that land, on anything," mm mi