The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 26, 1916, Image 8

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On the Gold Coast of Africa It Can Be
Done, Though Hardly Worth
It Ib said that at Axlm, on tho Gold
Coast of Africa, gold may actually bo
picked up In tho BtrcotB. When ono
visitor, nn Englishman, took tho state
ment as a moro flguro of Bpoech, his
host Immediately bado a woman Berv
nnt go out Into tho main Btroot, gather
n bucketful of road scrapings and
wdtk it for gold dust.
, In ten minutes tho servant returned
with two galvanized Iron buckets, ono
filled with road Bcraplnga nnd tho oth
er with wator. Sho alBO brought three
or four wooden plattors, varying In
slzo from a largo plato to a saucor.
Removing several handfuls of tho road
scrapings nnd placing them In tho
largo platter, tho woman picked out
and throw asldo tho largo stones, peb
bles and bits of stick and then molB
toned tho romalndor with wator from
tho other bucket. Thlfl enabled her to
romovo smaller rofuso.
Tho residuum sho put Into tho next
smaller platter, and Blia repeated tho
process until thoro was a quantity of
Band nnd gravel ready for treatment.
This sho sprinkled freely with water,
and, by a deft circular movement of
tne plattor, brought tho small gravol
' to tho outsldo, whero It could bo thrust
over tho odgo. Whon sho had repeat
ed this operation throo or four times
sho treated tho material, which now
looked moro llko mud than anything
olso, In n still smallor plattor.
At last, In tho smallest plattor of
all, sho had tho bucketful of swoop
IngB reduced to a handful or two of
Blftod sand. This Bho carofully washed
and sifted. At last, with a doxtorous
twist, sho brought tho sand Into a
crescent, tho outer odgo of which
ghowed a thin rim of yollow. It was
unmistakably gold dust. Tho wholo
operation had taken half an hour, and
It had produced about a shilling's
worth of gold.
After the Geneva Version, Authorities
of the Anglican Church Prepared
n Revised Translation.
Tho first printed edition of tho popu
lar and slnco froquontly prlntod
Oonova version of tho BIblo nppoarod
In Scotland in 15C0, bolng commonly
termed tho "Brooches" BIblo. Bocauflo
Df tho Puritanic and Calvlnlstic
tone of tho text and marginal notes,
this edition was not favorably regard
ed by tho authorities of tho Anglican
church. A rovlaod translation was
Ihoroforo prepared by Matthow Park
sr, nrchblshop of Canterbury, nldod by
eight bishops and tho first scholars
of that ago. This edition, printed in
blnck letter by Richard Juggo, wns
Issued bb a stately folio In 1CC8, and Is
known as tho "BIbIiopb' BIblo." It la
laid to bo tho most sumptuous of tho
long scries of English folio Blbloa. A
second edition in quarto nppoarod In
15C0; nnd a socond folio in 1572, also
contained two versions of tho Psaltor,
9110 In black lettor bolng that of tho
"Great BIblo," tho other In Roman lot
tor bolng that of tho "Bishops." Tho
Now Testament contalnod a numbor
Df pictorial initials takon from an edi
tion of Ovid's "MotnmorphosoB," in
cluding ono roprosontlng Loda and tho
Purity of Eggs,
Tho fooling genorally prevails that
ono egg is ub wholesome and as clean
rb another. Wo may frot and worry
about tho possible gorniB that como
to ub in tho Ico. Wo proporly tako
no end of precautions In favor of n
puro milk supply. Wo Insist on
wrapped broad and gormloBS oystors
and n dozon other kinds of puro food.
But wo trust tho hen. Few of us ovor
roalizo that any germ or uncleanll
noss can ponotruto tho Bmooth sur
face of tho ogg shells.
But that opinion lust shows that wo
do not know it all whon it coinos to
tho puro food proposition. Tho vory
fact that oggs grow "stale" 1b proof
enough that trouble dooa penotrato
tho shell. For this Btaloness is pro
duced by tho proHonpo of micro-organisms,
which in growing produce pois
onous products productlvo of ptomnlno
So, too, eggs laid by hens not by
glonlcally cared for may bo carrlors
of imcleunllnoHB. To lnsuro tho per
foctly clean egg tho hen must havo
clean nests, clean runs and an abun
dance of clean, puro wator.
Our Predicament.
"Cooflo, ceaso your pothorl" wo
Btornly commanded tho disputants.
"Why wasto tho goldon hourB In
wrangling which 1b destined to bo as
fruitless as climbing plno trees in
pursuit of pineapples? Though you
arguo until tho crack of doom splits
wldo opon, you cannot ehango tho
fnotB ono Jit or tottlo wo moun, ono
lot or Jlttlo that Is, tit or lottlo
er-or lit or jottto h'ml h'nit JU or
little ar-aht "
"That, Is tho first tlmo," obaorvod
ono of tho men upon whom wo woro
ondeavorlng to bestow n groat truth,
"that I over had tho pleasure of Boo
ing a person Btuttorlng In hla brains."
Kansas City Star,
A Handlcan.
"When I wna a youth I waB hold un
.as a shining oxamplo for all tho othor
jaas in tno neighborhood," romarkod
the melancholy man.
"Oh, yoa. But you havo no Idea what
a quantity ot wild oats I had to sow
beforo I convinced myself that I was
a regular follpw."
Buenos Aires.
No building In Buonos Aires ta per
mitted to bo higher than tho width of
tho street upon which It is erected,
henco tho skyscraper will never be
come popular thoro, desplto tho splen
did growth and wldeawakenoss of tho
city. Much as this metropolis id
known, it is not genorally thought of
In tho light of ago. Howover, It Ib ono
of tho oldest cities In tho now world.
Tho first whlto settlement was mado
Just 42 years after tho discovery of
America by Columbus, and tho first
buildings wero mud huts thatched with
straw. Then a brick kiln was mado
and later tllea and bricks wero Import
ed from Spain. Tho flrBt city was of
Spanish archltocturo, and that stylo
provatlcd for moro than 3TiO years,
Desplto tho many great changes which
havo como through the passago of tlmo
and tho genornl building ndvanco In
tho world, four-fifths of tho houses of
Buenos Aires aro still of one story, al
though there are streets lined with
six-story palaces.
Had No Faith In Lawyers.
"Do I bollovo In lawyers?" said tho.
littlo man, bitterly. "No, sir; I do
not" "Why not?" asked his compan
ion. "Because a lawyer never says
right out what ho means," retorted tho
small man, viciously. "Ho twists
things about so. Supposo ho wanted
to toll you that two and two mako
four, ho'd begin: 'If by that particu
lar arithmetical rulo known ns addi
tion wo dcfllro to arrivo at tho sum
of two addod to two, wo should find
and I aay this boldly, without fear
of contradiction I ropoat, wo should
find by that particular arithmetical
formula mentioned and,
sir, I tako all responsibility for tho
Btatoment I am about to mako that
the Bum of tho two given added to tho
other two would bo four.' No, sir,"
finished tho littlo man, coldly; "I do
not bollovo In lawyers."
The Main Question.
A man wns arrested on tho charge
ot robbing another of his watch and
chain, says tho Philadelphia Public
Ledger. It was said that ho had
thrown a bag ovor his victim's head,
strangled and robbed him. Thero waa
so littlo ovidenco, however, .that tho
Judgo quickly said: "Discharged I"
Tho prlsonor stood still in tho dock,
amazed at bolng given his freedom bo
soon. "You're discharged," repeated
tho judgo. "You can go. You aro
froo." Still no word from tho pris
oner, who stood staring at tho Judgo.
"Don't you understand? You havo
boon acquitted. Got out!" Bhoutod tho
Judgo. "Well," stammered tho man,
' do I havo to glvo him back his watch
and chain?"
Needed the Hammer.
A gunnor of tho Garrison artillery,
who hud successfully passod an armor
er's course, was at homo on furlough,
wearing tho usual decoration of tho
hammor and pincers on his right
sloovo, when ho was accosted by a
civilian, who asked what tho decora
tion signified. "Oh," replied Tommy,
humorously, "I'm a qualified army den
tist." "I sco," said tho civilian. "Of
course, tho plncors nro for extracting
teeth; but what is tho idea of a ham
mer?" "Well, you soo," rojolncd tho
soldier, "somo ot tho chaps nro a bit
nervous, and aro afraid to tako chloro
form, bo as a substitute wo uso tho
hammor to knock them unconscious
And Then Sho Smiled.
Tho now member of congress was
enjoying tho hospitality of ono of tho
most amlablo and attractlvo womon of
tho capital, and was doing admirably
until Bho led him Into troublo with tho
romark: "I am afraid you find Wash
ington rather dull at present. Thero
Is vory littlo oxcltomont, excepting
what you find In tho wny of duty at tho
capltol." "It is rather monotonous,"
ho assorted. "No doubt you hnvo an
occasional mnuvals quart d'heuro?"
"No," ho replied; nnd then leaning
ovor confidentially: "I haven't tasted
anything stronger than tea In a year."
Safety First
Ono evening, in tho card room of a
cortaln club, a man was caught cheat
ing and exposed beforo tho wholo
compnny, whereupon tho indignant
mombors roso In a body nnd kicked
him from tho top ot tho stairs to tho
bottom. Rising painfully, and full of
wrath, ho hobbled away to tho real
donco of tho prosldont of the club,
nnd thero complained of tho trcntmont
ho had recolved. "What would you do
In my placo?" ho asked. "Well," said
tho prosldont, "I Bhould play on tho
ground floor In futuro It's safer."
What Interested Him.
Undo Ben Barnstraw's city nephew
took him Into a llro station ono night
Just In tlmo to boo tho flro laddies
shinning llko squirrels down a polo
from their quarters ovorhoad. "Como
on, uncle, wo'll go to tho flro," tho
nophow suggested. "I don't want to
go," replied tho undo. "I want to
stay horo until thoy como back, bo I
can boo them scoot back up tho polo
again." Judgo.
All tho 8ame.
Son was reading tho financial pago
and turned to lnqulro: "What Is tho
difference botwoon a call loan and a
tlmo loan?" "Generally apoakiug,"
Batd Dad, "thero Ib no difference at
all. Beforo you can got a fellow to
repay a call loan, you havo to call and
call again and If It's a tlmo loan, you
havo to call tlmo and tlmo again."
Recovery of Neodcc Money Could Not
Be Called Altogether an Act of
Throo or four years beforo ho waa
married ho had, In a reckless moment,
loaned to a good friend tho trifling
sum of $100. A lator he had bo
gun to throw out gentlo hints that ho
know of a good dlvldond-paylng stock
ho could buy for $100 a share. But
Good Frlond didn't como across. Whon
ho was about to buy furnlturo for his
new homo ho plainly told Good Frlond
ho needed tho coin, but that Individual
changed tho subject. After hp had
settled down to tho hum-drutn of mar
ried llfo ho and his wlfo often would
speak of tho many nlco things they
could buy with that $100.
Sho was a firm bollovor In Provl
donco, he was somowhat Infirm. One
day ho lost his Job, nnd tho weeks
wont by, and ho didn't find another.
Then hla wife took sick; hor mother
camo to llvo with them thlnga went
from b. to w., generally, and ho talked
ot shooting himself. Ills wlfo told him
to cheer up, to be bravo, and not to
despair tho Lord would provide for
them. Trust in Providence, sho said.
And tho vory next day, after that littlo
sormon, a letter camo to him, with a
check for $100 enclosed.
"Didn't I toll you?" aho cried.
"Didn't I toll you7 It's tho hand ot
Providence, Harry, nothing else!"
"Then I'm Provldonco," ho said, "for
I wroto Bill a letter 'tother day and
told him If ho didn't come up I'd come
down and tnko that hundred out of his
hldo, with compound interest, oven It
I went to tho pen for It I"
In Volume of Production Philadelphia
Is Easily the First City In
the World.
Moro than a third of all American
carpets aro woven In Philadelphia,
which, it la claimed, leadB any other
city In tho world In tho volume of pro
duction. Wilton, in England, has
given its name to one of tho most
widoly known nnd useful rugs in tho
world, but now tho "Wilton rug-produc
ing center of tho world Is In Phila
delphia. Axmlnator, too, gavo Its namo
to a carpet, but it long ago ceased
to produco any of it. Brussels like
wise is known all over tho earth for
its carpets, but Brussels does not be
gin to produco tho carpets and rugs
which nro turned out In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia enterprlso embarked in
tho carpet business while Washing
ton was president of tho United
States, but it was not until moro
than half a century lator that Penn
sylvania led all tho states in carpet
production. As early as 1791 thoro
was a factory In Philadelphia engaged
In tho manufacture of Axmlnster and
Turkoy carpets. China and Russia
send to Philadelphia most of tho long,
coarso wool used in tho manufacture
ot tho finest Wiltons.
In a 8mall Room.
Whon a bedroom or small dressing
room Is papored with anything but a
plain or neutral paper, bright-colored
or flowered chintz should never be
used, but often a little color Is needed
to add tone to tho room. In a case
of this kind ono of tho now bedspreads
which aro so pretty and easily mado
is Just tho thing to glvo tho neces
sary color. Select a plain, white
spread ot good quality and rather
Cut from chintz a bunch of roses
or a spray of gay-colored flowers, and
basto ono in each corner, with a larg
er ono for tho center. Sow to tho
spread nnd finish tho raw edgeB with
a flno feathor atltxh or with a long
and short buttonhole stitch.
This Idea can bo carried out for
Bcarfs to cover tho dressing table and
buroau. Mako tho scarf of linen cut
to fit tho top of each and finish tho
edges with a scallop or a hem and
finish this with tho stitch that was
used on tho spread. Cut out tho flow-
era and applique to tho edges ot tho
scarf. Bunches of tho same flowers
can bo added to tho corners of the
whlto curtains with good offoct.
The Egotist.
It Is only a narrow mind which ro
fusoB to listen to roasonablo argu
ment. Tho broad mind is always open
to conviction. This Is a well-known
fact, nnd yet every ono of us numbers
among his acquaintances at least halt
a dozen "cocksuro" persons. Thla
trait of bolng too positive la sufllciont
ly unpleasant In a man, but It is infi
nitely worso In a girl. In tho first
placo, It Is Incompatible with tho gen
tlonoss ot real fomlninlty; in tho sec
ond, it is irritating and annoying to
frionds and acquaintances, and In tho
third, It is an indication of a narrow
mind, which Bhould In itsolf bo sufll
ciont to keep any girl from cultivat
ing thlB trait. Exchange.
History of tho Poster.
Tho poster, now on vlow at tho
Whltechapol nrt gallery, carries ua
back to bygono London by Its name
alono. For It gained that namo by
bolng originally stuck to tho posts
which protected foot passengers In
tho streets In tho dayB boforo raised
Bldowalks appoarod. Tho modern ar
tistic poster bogan in Franco about
1830, Lalanco bolng tho artlBt to turn
his skill to advertisement work. His
poBtera, howevor, woro only in black
and whlto, and It wbb another thirty
years beforo tho colored poster camo
Into Voguo with tho work of Juloa
Chorot. London Chronicle.
"Why do you have them then?"
"But my range "
"Let your range go out for the
summer. Get one of those New
Perfection Oil Cook Stoves. You
know the kind with the long
hlue chimney burners. You
don't have to bother with coal or
ashes if you have a New Perfec
tion. It's as quick and handy as
a gas stove."
iiMinmmmnnnmHmnmwnnmrTnTinrm numinnnnn 1 1 n inn n
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.
W. T. ritlTCHARD,
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Qovernment Veterinar
ian. Hoapltal 218' south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of tho
Court HoflBb.
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 68S.
Quality Not Quantity
Wo mako cigars In the small and in
tho regular sizes preferring to use
quality tobacco In preference to quan
tity. W ubo only the best tobacco
for filler and wrapper and our cus
tomers aro always satisfied. Wo han
dlo a largo lino of smokors' articles,
our display of pipes being especially
Bought and highest market
pricea paid
Residence Red 636 Ofliie 459
Founded 1SS0.
It's tho household word In Western
Nebraska. It's Old Lino, the best mon
ey can buy. It's what you need, for a
savings bank and Insurance that In
sures. They all buy It.
"Thoro is a Reason"
For furthor Information
Phono, call or address
J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent,
Tho Old Lino Man
Eectrical Supplies
Wiring Storago Batteries
Morsch Bldg
Phono 175.
"How I Do Hate Ashes!"
"But don't they get out of
"Not if you're careful to use a
food grade of kerosene. I use
'erfection Oil that's the Stand
ard Oil Company's best."
New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves
are sold in many styles and sizes
by hardware, furniture and de
partment stores everywhere. Ask
to see the new heat retaining oven.
Physician and Surgeon
Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38.
Practice Limited to
Surprery and Radium Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Oinnha, Nebraska.
6 Reynolds Bid?.
North rintte. Neb,
Office Phone 333.
Res. Black 513.
Phyilclan Surjton.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Ofilco: Building and Loan Building
Phones tOfficoI30
rnonei Residenco 115
Successor to
Drs. Rodfield & Redfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Office McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streota.
Phonea, Office 183, Realdence 283
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for tha
destine treatment of medical,
surgical and eonflnement casei.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B.Red(ield,M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D.
Miss Elise Sicman, Supt
Sheriffs Snlo
By vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued
from tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nobraska, upon a decree of
foreclosuro rendorcd In said court,
whoroln H. S. Evana la plaintiff, and
I, Benton Taylor et al aro defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on tho 24th
unmim 1 1 hiiiiti in i it h h m m i r m
day of June, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m
at tho east front door of tho court
house In North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nobraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said
decree, interest and costs, tho follow
ing described property, to-wlt:
All of Section Nineteen (19), Town-
ship Fifteen (15), North of Range biZ
the Northeast Quarter (W NEV4)
and East Half of the Northwest Quar
ter (E& of NW14) of Section Twenty-four
(24), Township Flfteeen (15),
North of Itange Twenty-nine (29), all
In Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., May 22,
1916. A. J. SALISBURY,
37-5w Sheriff.
Notice of Final Report.
Estate of Walter B. McNeel, deceased
In the county court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all per
sons Interested In said Estate take
notice that the Administratrix has
filed a final acount and report of her
administration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as Buch and
for a decree of descent ana distribu
tion; and a petition to have specific
exempt property and other personal
property amounting to $250.00 set
over to hor as decedent's widow, all
of which have been set for hearing
before said court on Juno 16, 1916, at 9
ociock a. m. when you may appear
anu contest tne same.
Dated May 19, 1916.
m23-jl3 GEO. E. FRENCH.
County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1404 of Walter H. Stew
art, deceased, in the County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said esteate will take notice that te
time limited for presentation and-'l-ing
claims against said Estate Is De
cember 2, 1916, and for settlement of
said Estate Is April 28th, 1917; that I
will sit at tho county court room in
said county, on Juno 2, 1916, at 9
o'clock a m., and on December 2, 1916,
at 9 o'clock a. m., to recolve, examine,
hear, allow or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
31-4w County Judge.
Poto Frenoff will tako notice, that
on tho 27th day of April 1916 P. H.
Sullivan, a Justice of tho Peace, of
North Platte Precinct No. 1, Lincoln
County, Nobraska, issued an Order of
Attachment for the sum of $21.50, in
an action now pending beforo him,
wherein Dr. T. J. Kerr, is plaintiff and,
Poto Frenoff, defendant, that proporr
consisting of money, as wages duo, lib
tho hands of tho Union Pacific Rail
Road Compnay, a Corporation, has
uuuu uuuuuGu unuor saiu order.
Said cause was continued to
14th day of Juno, 1916, at ten o'clc
ueen attached under said order
a. m.
,nH.ated North platte, Nob., May 6th,
191G- DR. T. J. KERR.
Notlco to Creditors
Estate No. 1409, of Nancy E. Donald
son, deceased, in tho County Court ot
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors
of said estato will tako notlco that tho
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said Estato Ib
December 9, 1916, and for settlement
of said Estato la May 5, 1917; thsJt I
will sit at tho county court room in
said county, on Juno 9, 1916, at 9
o clock a. m and on December 9, 1916,
at 9 o'clock a. m., to rocolvo, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
"-4w Countv .ThiIpo t