The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 26, 1916, Image 7

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
IRA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by JVIall In AdTance....?1.25
Oao Year by C'nrrler In Adrnnco. .$1.50
tercd at North Platto. Nnhrnoim
Postofflco as Second Class Matter.
Fill DAY, 2L1Y 20, 191C.
Dr. Morrill. Dentist. McDonald Bank
T. Monalian, of Lincoln, camo a few
days ago to visit tho Bullard family.
jf Chas. Llerk spent a day or two In
Koystono this week transacting busi
Miss Catherine Ilerrod left tho first
of this week for Paxton to visit her
' Mico Shcedy, of Scotts Bluff, spent
tho past week visiting his father Dave
Charlie Bacon has returned from a
Syislt with relatives in Omaha and other
eastern points.
tMrs. Clyde Giddcon left a few days
ago for Grand Island to visit relatives
Ror a week or more.
IMrs. Mary Mooney returned Wednes-
fA.. T I 1 . - - 1. I -i . .1
'relatives for ten days.
15 block tracts In Buffalo Bill's sub
i,.' division will bo placed on ealo within
'K', a short time. Watch for lots and prices.
(' S. P. Duncan, of New Market, Iowa,
i iv.'was called hero Wednesday by the
fVdeath of his nephew tho late Orvllle
! Mrs. Specker, of Canada, who was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hah
jer, loft Wednesday for Colorado
Perry W. Sitton spent Tuesday night
In town while enroute to Los Angeles
to visit his daughter Mrs. Clark Bu-
Harry Lehr, of Wellfleet, and Sophia
; Llnnemeyer, of Curtis, were granted
a marriage license Monday by County
Judge French.
Frank Hahler, of Sidney, camo down
to attend tho commencement exercises
of his brother John who was a member
)t the class of 191G.
Tho entire balance of acreage tracts
and lots belonging to Col. W. F. Cody
west of town will bo placed on sale
shortly at reduced prices.
Friends in town received word this
week of .the death of Mrs. Dave Dllllon
wifo of Davo Dllllon of Wallace and
daughter of Jtohn Langdon.
Headache is ono of the great en
vies of mankind. Fifty percent of all
headaches como from eye-strain. Har
ry Dixon, Jeweler and Optometrist.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cochran are the
parents of a daughter, who camo Sun
day to brighten their home. Mrs; Coch
ran was formerly Miss Mary Slvlts.
Tho North Platto Vulcanizing Co.
has a repair man who has just re
turned from tho leading tire and rub
ber factories, and has adopted tho
latest methods. 38-3
Take medicine for eye-strain and
you do yourself injury. Remove the
pcauso and tho effect with proper glass
es. Harry Dixon,. Jeweler & Optome
Goldio Miller filed suit for divorce
from John R. Miller ithis week to
whom sho was married in this city on
Julpo 22d, 1910, on tho grounds of
extreme cruelty. She asks the custody
of the two children, Ralph aged five
and Esther aged three.
: :o: :
Meet Aflcr Many Years
Mrs. Lavlna Hoth, of Lansing, Mich.,
left for her home Tuesday afternoon
after a visit with her brother, Lorcn
Purdy, who lives northeast of town.
Tho two had not seen each other for
thirty-six years and tho visit was a
particularity enjoyable one to both
:o: :-
From n North Platto Citizen
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it acho especially after oxer-
' Is there a soreness In the kidney re
Theso symptoms suggest weak kid
If o thero is danger in delay.
Weak kidneys got fast weaker,
nivn vour trouble nromnt attention
Doan's Kidney Pills aro for weak
Your neighbors use and recommend
Read this North Platto testimony.
August Ackerman, 221 South Wal
i nut street, North Platto, says: "I still
hold a very high opinion of Doan's
Kidney Pills. I used them for back
ache, caused by disordered kldnoys
nnrl linrl Mm hnflt results. It Is OVCr
clnnn T havo had occasion
to so Doan's Kidney Pills, but my
.linnlMi hna lioon Ann RlnCO. not a SVmn-
ftom of kidney trouble having bothered
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for' a kidney remedy, get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho sarao that Mr.
Ackerman had. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
.Prons.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Wednesday morning at 0:30 at the
homo of of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coatee
occurred tho marrlago of their daugh
ter, Miss Fern, to Mr. Harmon Cham
bers, of Goring, Nebraska. Mr. Cham
bers the groom, Is a Nebraska boy,
a graduato of tho Tablo Rock high
school and of tho dopartmcnt of
pharmacy of the untversity of Nebras
ka. He is engaged in the drug busi
ness at Gerlng.
Miss Coates, tho bride, is a graduate
of tho Ohiowa, Neb., high school. Sho
did two years work at tho university
of Nebraska, specializing In domes
tic science. For the InBt year sho
has been fhei efficent book keeper
for tho Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
To the Joyful strains of a wedding
march by Miss Florence McKay the
young peoplo marched to their places
before tho mantel and plighted their
troth. Tho pink and white color
schemo of spring llowers on tho man
tel, in living room, and composing
tho center piece of tho dining room
table contributed to tho Joyous oc
casion. After tho ceremony, tho party
enjoyed a dellciousi threo course
breakfast. Tho bride and groom
loft on a eight o'clock train for their
future homo, the town of Goring, Neb.
Tho occasion was a quiet homo af
fair, attended by near relatives. Rev.
lRobcr)t AVhlto of Itho Presbyterian
church officiated. W
A Great Combination.
Hogs, Corn, Tankage, and Money.
But you will not get all tho money
from your hogs unless you use tank
age. Read tho following from a firm
you all know:
North Platte, Neb., May 18, 1910.
Mr. R. N. Lamb, City,
Dear Sir:
Believing that tankago to bo good
food for hogs, last fall wo purchased
some from you to feed a bunch of hogs.
Tho corn wo were feeding them was
exceedingly poor, very soft and chaffy
and not marketable.
Wo fed this soft corn with ground
wheat of a poor quality, too poor for
market purposes, along with tho tank
ago of about a quarter pound per head
per day.
May state that the gain on these
hogs was remarkable and far above
our expectations. They made us big
money, and realized us a good price
for our poor grado of corn, which was
unmarketable and wo feel that by us
ing tho tankage as wo did tho gain was
a great deal larger than It would have
been without It, and wo are well paid
for our investment In tankage.
Yours very truly,
By E. R. Goodman.
Most experimental farms will tell
you that it will pay to feed Tankage
to pigs from the time they are weaned
until they go on tho market, why not
get all the money from your hogs.
45 percent porteln tankage at $2.25
por cwt. $23.00 per ton.
We still have some cane seed left.
Phone 07 R. N. LAMB.
Mceks Arrested In Montana.
William Meeks who passed several
bogus checks among the local mer
chants during the winter and then left
town. has been apprehended at Hard
ing, Mont. Chief Baker was notified
Wednesday and sent word to hold
Weeks until, tho arrival of Sheriff
Salisbury who left that evening to
take him custody.
: :o: :
I'rlco List Correction.
In tho Dollar Day ad of R. N. Lamb's
appearing In Tuesday Issuo appeared
a quotation of "0" pounds of rice for
$1.00 when it should have read "16"
pounds, the figure 1 before the 0 fall
ing to print. Therefore at Lamb's next
Saturday you receive 1G pounds of best
Jap rico for $1.00, instead of 12 pounds
which is tho regular price.
Acrcngo Tracts
Buffalo Bill's sub-division will be
placed on sale shortly at closing out
sale prices.
Acreage of 'Crops Is Lnrgo.
"Doc" Wills, of tho south part of
the county, accompanied by his wifo
and son, woro in town Tuesday. Mr.
Wills said tho farmers of his section
had put out an exceptionally largo
acreage this year. Corn planting will
bo completed this week. Small grain
looks fine, though in a few Instances
oat fields wero injured by tho heavy
wind two or three weeks ago.
Any one wanting ico call on Joo
Spies, tho old ico man man, or phone
Black 101. 37-tf
: :o: :
Will Take Up Training.
Supt. Tout, of tho city schools, will
go to Lincoln tho latter part of next
week to enter tho summer school of
tho state university for eight weeks
The work Mr. Toutwill takeupisman-
unl training, and ho docs thiB In order
that ho may intelligently supervise
this course whon it is introduced in
tho local schools.
For Sale.
If you aro interested in buying a
lot for a homo lot us show you our
nlco level lots in Block 187 original
town of North Platto between First
and A streot and Mnplo and Ash.
Thero aro four lots facing east. Theso
lots will bo sold at reasonable prices
for cash. They aro all desirable. Ce
ment walks built, sewer in block and
Phone 139 Building & Loan Bldg;
TheDe generacy
of Modern War
"I don't see how they're going to
make stories about this Mg war In Eu
rope," said tho G. A. R. veteran, "when
It's all over. What kind of a war Is
It, nnywny7 A hundred thousnnd men
ninrch up against a lino of trenches do
fended by rapid flro guns, electric
wires nnd grenades; G0.000 or 70,000
of them are either killed or wounded,
while tho rest capture a few yards of
territory or are driven back without
having accomplished anything. You
might as well extract romance from
tho Chicago stockyards on killing day."
Tho remark was made to a party of
men sitting on chairs tilted against tho
outside of a country store.
"Where's tho romance in tho war
you lit In?" asked an old fnnuor, tak
ing his pipe out of his mouth nnd look
ing nt the Q. A. R. man doubtfully.
"What- is it? Why, that war was
brimful of It It was spread over a
big country; thero wero comparatively
few battles; a small amount of tnkln
fortifications and all tho rest was ro
mance. I don't mean girl romance,
though thero was plenty of that I
mean adventure romance. I was con
cerned In one of 'em myself. Wo was
layln' quiet In camp, down in Tennes
see, ono summer's evening, slngln',
'When this cruel wnr Is over,' or 'Lo
rena' or some other of tho romantic
wnr songs of thnt time, when my cap
tain cunio along in a hurry, shoutlu,
'Any locomotive engineer nmong you
boys?' 1 said I'd been n fireman on a
locomotivo and coukl run a machlno
tol'ablo well. Ho yanked mo off to tho
general, who asked mo a few questions,
then told mo that tho brldgo guard
across tho Tennesseo river, twenty
miles above us, had been attacked and
unless he could get re-enforcements
thero right off tho bridge would bo
taken and burned. This would break
our line of communications and wo
might have to give up a big stretch of
country we occupied, no wanted nn
engineer to take n regiment through to
tho rescue. The officer commanding
the guard had telegraphed that ho
couldn't hold out much longer, when
tho wlro was cut
"Tho train wns mado up and 400
men wero hurrying Into tho enrs. A,
locomotivo was being fired up, nnd I
Jumped aboard and took the throttle.
"Well, now, mebbo there wns nothln
adventurous in that ride! The colonel
commanding the regiment nnd tho ad
jutant wero in tho cab with me, and
It wasn't long before they wero mado
aware of tho fact that wo wero run
ning a gantlet. It wns tho peoplo
along the roud who woro trying to
wreck us that mado It amusing.
Rounding a curve, I saw about half
the length of tho train ahead a tio
wedged In under tho rail. It was too
lato to stop, but I reversed and wait
ed. There was a thump, but tho en
gine stuck to tho track. Thero wero
seven out of ten chances that wo would
have been ditched and most of us In
the cab killed or maimed.
"The next nmuslng occurrcnco was
the rattle of bullets against the cab.
Nobody was hurt, but you'd better be
Hovo every man ducked, not excepting
the colonel.
"But they didn't got tho excitement
out of it that I did. I was straining
my eyes into tho darkness abend with
my hand on tho throttle, expecting
every minute to run up ngalnst an ob
struction. Tho shndow of a tree was
a log felled u cross tho track; tho shad
ow of a stump was a tlo on tho rails.
And sometimes tho obstructions woro
real. Onco I pulled up within a few
feet of a log that had been rolled
squaro across tho rails. Another tlmo
I slowed up before reaching a switch
and found that it had been left open
to run us up against a brick bouso.
You sec, if they hadn't really been
tryln' to wreck us there wouldn't 'a'
boon nny excitement
"And If thero hadn't been nny neces
sity of golu nt a rapid gait thero
wouldn't 'a' been any fun neither. If
we didn't get thero in tlmo to save tho
brldgo it meant tho retreat of tho
whole army. So you seo 1 was obliged
to let her out danger or no danger,
for If I didn't wo wouldn't bo in time,
and wo might as well bo wrecked as
too late. Besides, if I'd wanted to go
slow tho colonel, who was at .my el
bow, wouldn't havo allowed It
"Tho last obstruction was a post put
up on end as a cattle guard only a
few miles from tho bridge. Seeing
that I couldn't stop In time, I put on
steam and snapped it off like a twig.
"After passing this wo heard firing
nnd know that tho brldgo was not yet
lost I blew a long blast on tho wills
tlo and heard a distant cheer. When
wo camo near the brldgo tho colonel
ordered mo to stop tho train In n cut
Tho men got out and, forming on .ono
sldo of tho cut on high ground, charg
ed down on tho attacking forco and
drove them off.
"Now, that's what I call the roiuauc
of war the adventurous romnnee.
When I got back to enmp tho general
sent for me, nnd I thought ho wns go
ing to hug mo. I never saw a man
look so tickled In my Ufa I'd saved
hundreds of square miles of territory.
"What chance has nny soldier to do
anything like that In this big Euro
pean slaughter business? I don't
olamo fellows for not volunteering in
such n war. It's like volunteering for
certain denth without any of tho ex
citement thnt was so fascinating In tho
racket wo had from '01 to 'CI."
"now about them fellers flghtln' In
tho sky?" asked a listener.
Tho G. A. R. man gnvo no reply.
Middle Aged
Amos Chldlcigh sat nt his desk one
hot July morning mopping his brow.
Then ho said to himself:
"Why should I stay In this hot town
when I can Just as well go whero It's
cool? Toinklns can run tho business
as well as I. I don't enro whether
thero Is nny profit for a couple of
months or not Why should I? My
securities pay mo $10,000 a year, nnd
that's enough for a lono bnchelor with
out nny other income."
Tho only objection to Mr. Chldlclgh's
going to the country was that ho wns
too old to Join In with tho young per
sons ho would meet nnd ho wouldn't
know what to do with himself. Ho
was forty-two years old. However, ho
mnde up his mind to get a sniff of sea
air, and, leaving his business lu tho
hands of his chief clerk, ho got Into
Ills car nnd nfter n hundred miles' spin
pulled up In front of n summer hotel
overlooking the ocean.
As he went up the steps ho noticed n
lady sitting on tho piazza whoso face
was familiar to him.
"I do believe," ho said to himself,
"that's Del Smith."
Del Smith had been a "flamo" of
Chldlclgh's twenty yenrs before. If
Indeed it wero sho ho need not bo lone
ly. He might get somo nmusemcnt by
remaining Incog, nnd making her ac
quaintance as n stranger. Going to tho
hotel office, n clerk placed tho register
before him, and ho signed his iinmo so
thnt It looked llko A. Chlndoy.
Tho next dny ho was sitting on tho
piazza near tho lady ho supposed to bo
his old flame, sho being lu company
with nn elderly woman who looked to
Chldlcigh very much ns he remember
ed her mother twenty yenrs before.
They wero regretting not being ablo
to hire nn nuto for a ride.
"Ladles," said Chldlcigh, "I have an
auto which Is at your service, and I
will be happy to drlvo you wherever
you wish to go."
After somo parleying tho offer was
accepted, and tho trio spent a plensant
afternoon visiting various points of In
terest in the vicinity. That was tho
beginning of nn ncqunlntnnco or, If
tho lady was Chldlclgh's old flame, tho
renownl of one. On the bench tho next
morning sho snt nlono her mother pre
ferred to rcmnln in her room and
Chldlcigh Joined her. IIo did not ask
her name, but ho propounded somo
leading questions, tho replies to which
convinced him thnt ho had been mis
taken In tho person.
He wns disappointed in this, but tho
lady gave him every encouragement to
be friendly, telling him thnt sho and
her mother knew no ono nt tho hotel
and would bo very glad to seo ns much
of him ns he liked during their stay.
To this Chldlelgh declared that ho was
In tho samo lonely condition.
Notwithstanding tho replies to his
lending questions Chldlelgh could not
divest himself of the feeling thnt tho
lady wns Adelo Smith. Going to the
hotel register, ho hunted up the name,
but not finding n recent nrrlvnl of
Smiths ho asked tho clerk for Informa
tion, nnd ho showed him tho nnme,
"Mrs. Turnlco nnd dnughter." This
confounded tho invcstlgntor, but ho
would not give It up thnt tho daughter
was Del Smith.
However, Chldlelgh found nssocla
tlon with Miss Turnlco more nnd more
pleasant every dny. IIo took her and
her mother out In his enr every dny
that the mother would go, and when
she declined his lnvltntlon ho took tho
Ono dny when they wero driving
nlono together they left tho car and
sat on a duno overlooking tho ocenn.
Chldlelgh felt that they wero drawn
nenrer together from tho fact that they
woro far from nny ono elso nnd tho
expnnso of sky and water above and
beforo them wero so vnst
"You remind me," ho said to her, "of
n girl I knew when I wns a youngster.
I wns twenty-two; sho was eighteen.
I wns drawn to her, but nt that ago
thero are so many girls for tho boys
nnd so many boys for tho girls that
one Is not Inclined to chooso nnd pick.
I wish now I could bo tho ago I was
then. I would provldo ngnlnst my
present solitary condition."
"I. too, have such a memory. I
know u young mnn whom I considered
tho pink of perfection. I wished ho
would mnke love to mo, but ho didn't
You men havo a great advantngo over
us women In that respect."
"Do you remember his name?"
"Do you remember the girl's name?"
"Let us mnko an exchange."
"Very well; Bho wns Allele Smith."
"no wns Amos Chedlclgh."
Amos turned nnd looked nt her fix
edly. "How Is it thnt you aro Miss Turn-
"I'm not; I'm Miss Smith. My moth
er married n second time."
"Do you know that I am Amos died,
"Of courso I do. I recognized you
when I saw you como up tho hotel
steps tho day of your nrrival."
"Do you regret being n spinster?"
"Of courso 1 do. Every spinster
"Let's mnko up for lost time. Will
you marry mo?"
"I will."
Given n man of forty-two and a
woman of thirty-eight sitting on a
dune overlooking tho ocean In tho
twilight, n crescent moon overhead,
Just betrothed, nnd despite their mid
dlo nge wo may conjectuio tho rest of
the picture.
Will Tnke Chnrgo of Store.
Joo G. Colo arrived this week from
Hastings and will tnko chargo of the
cigar store which J. J. Gettmnn will
open In a few days in tho new Brod
bock & Son building. Part of tho furn
ishings for tho storo havo arrived,
tho remainder Is expected this week.
Notlco to the Public.
No trespassing allowed on section
30-11-32. JAKE WAGNER.
nnd nlso on section 31-11-32.
30-0 E. J. DOMOODE.
Her Cooking
A Pleasure.
Tho gas ratigo truly takes all tho
troublo out of meal preparation.
If s tho up to date, eofo and sano
way of cooking.
Wo want you to seo our assort
ment of gas ranges. We'll explain
how economical thoy are, how easy
to cook with, how quickly thoy per
form their duty without smoko or
dust or ashes.
When you onco uso one youH
wonder how you ever did without it.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
C. R. MOREY, Manager.
Spond Your
Vacation in
Colorado's Rockies
You will find moro hero in real rest rest combined with sightseeing
than in any other section of tho Rockies. And It Is so near by tmtt
practically no timo is lost enrouto a short ovor-nlght rido from prac
tically any point In Nebraska, providing your ticket reads
Union Pacific
tho line that is doublo tracked, gravel ballasted and protected by Au
tomatic Eloctric Block Safoty Signals all tho way to Colorado.
Low round-trip fares in effect June 1st.
Handsomely illustrated booklet, "Colorado For tho Tonrlst," and
comploto Information about rates, routes, etc., may bo had upon appli
cation to Local Union Pacific Agont, or
.i i i i ' i
untf orm,-ff rsi i o
lasi.The lowboflnrj
point means acjiiicli
siari whatever
ihc weaiher
Good dealers slvav the Bed
Crown sign-ond it means
qualify gasdine.
Cnr Purchasers.
Tho Trotter ngoncy reports tho
snlcs of Oakland 0 cars to A. B. Yates
and Mr. Nelson of Brady, an Oakland
4 to J. W. Green, of Brady, and nMax
woll A to G. A. Dlonor of Plant pre
cinct. Mr. Trotter went to Omnha Wed
nesday night to seo abdut getting
moro cars, a nsk that is difficult for
all factories aro behind with their
Palm Leo Cigar 10c 14-tf
General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
IMS WT (.1 -1 . L
y& mm
no grit"