Semi-Weekly Tribune UtA L. BAKE, Editor and Fsblisker. SUBSCRIPTION IIATE8: One Year by Moll in Advance.... $1.2i One Year by Carrier In AdTanco. .$1.60 II - i . n Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Postofllco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1010. LOCAL AK1MPERSONAL. Mr. and Mr. John Kclleher, of Max well, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hahlor this week, Mr .an dMrs. Julius Hahlcr will go to Maxwoll Sunday to visit tho Kclleher family and othor friends. Wanted Girl for general housework Mrs. A. D. Hoagland, C04 wcat 4th St. Judgo H. M. Grimes returned Tues day evening from a business visit In SIdnoy. B. A. Garllchfl returned yesterday morning from a visit in tho eastern part of tho state. Mrs. Perry Carson will cntortaln the Catholic ladles at n soda'. Friday aftornoon, June 2nd. Henry "Wcstcnfeld has returned from a short visit In tho eastern part of tho state. i A baby girl was born tho latter part of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Foster. All concerned arc doing well. Herman Dunning, of Hastings, who was tho guost of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Gottman this week, left ycBtorday. Good second hand Bulck car to trade for cattle!. Inqulro of Frank Woodgnte, North Platto. 37-5 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason, of Lin coln, camo "Wednesday to visit tho for mer's brother A. M. Mason nnd Mrs. Mason. Let'Landgraf & Hoga do your paint ing, papor hanging and decorating. Phono Black 092 or Black 670. !3tt Andy Goyor, of Arthur, formerly of this city, is spending a few days horo. Ho is convalescing frcm a sovoro Ill ness. Ladles Hairdresslng and Soft "Water Shampoo at Coatea Beauty Par lors, 505 Dowey St., Phono Rod 055. L. A. Lilljonstolpo, of Cheyenne, formorly of tho U. P. civil engineering dopartincne is spending a fow 'days hero with ,frlonds. Porter's Star Piop always palatable, cloan and sanitary. The Star on the bottle Silk Taffeta Petticoats, regular values at $1.00 Tomorrow at tho Dol- BADLY INJURED BY KICK OF A HOUSE lar.Day Sale at BLOCK'S. Only una Potticont to a customer. C. C. Huprcr went to Hastings "Wed nesday -for tho. purpose of purchasing a car, probably (n ,Reo, six, toroplaco his car which, was recently badly dam aged by fire. , Uso your eyes but do not abuao them. When you discern a hint of dimness, a tired feeling, nn acho In tho eyo-bnlls, or repeated headaches, bo warned It's naturo'B call for 1iolp. C. S., ' CLINTON, Registered Optometrist, tho sign with the big rlug. TJho Indian Card Club was cntortuln ed at the Hawloy homo Wednesday af tornoon by Mosdamcs "Will Hawloy, James Hurt, Thomas Healoy, and F. J. "Wurtolo, Mrs. Charles Herrod wotv first prize In tho card games and Mrs, E, F. Scoborgorwas given second honors. Davo Heastand, living four miles south of Brady, was brought to the City Hospital last evening for treatment to Injuries resulting from a kick by a horse. Tho animal's hoof was implanted fairly on Hoastand's mouth , knocking out tho teeth, breaking tho left Jaw bono nnd collar bono and lacerating tho nose and mouth. Tho Impact of the blow raUed him sovcral 'Inches oft tho ground and threw him quite a distance. The affair occurred Wednesday, and for twenty-four tours thereafter Hea stand was Irrational and unnblc to realize what had happened to him. A man waB standing near him when he was struck and through him tho de tails wore learned. Hoastand's Injuries are very pain ful nnd It will bo somo tlmo boforo ho, will be ablo to partako of tho hearty food that a hard working farmer rel ishes. Old Soldier Dies. William II. Wilson died at tho home of his daughter Mrs., M. C. Rodgers Tuesday evening from Injuries received in a recent fall, Mr. Wilson had been employed at tho Union Pacific leb houses and whJlo on duty sovcral weeks ago fell fom a high platform striking tho ground with such force as to causo a con cusslon of tho brain. Tho deceased had resided hero for al most twenty years, fifteen of which ho haVl been employed In tho Ice depart ment of tho U. P. To mourn him aro left two sons ,Gcorgo and Curtis of tills city, Frank of Cody, Wyo Harry of Summitt and a daughtor Mrs. M. C. Rodgore who lives here'. Tho funeral servlcos wore hold from tho residence yesterday aftornoon nnd wcro In charge of H. G. Knowles. The G. A. R. ttttonded In a body and many friends called 'to extend sympathies and bring llbral offorlngs. Mr. Wilson wns a faithful employe who was popular with fellow workmen, a devoted fathor and true frlond. ::oj: Will Entertain Ladles. Tho B. I. L. organization of Chapter AK P. E. O. will entertain tho members of tho P. E. O. at a banquetnt tho Ho tol McCabo Monday ovenlng nt 7:30 manager Wclngand will prepare a menu that Is certain to plcado, and tho Blls havo prepared a toast list from which promises to flow much wit and good-fellowship. Among thoso who will respond "to assigned subjects aro W. T, Wilcox, (frudgo Grimes, Butler .Bucha nan, J. G. Beolor, Mrs. Vworhees Lu cas and Mrs. P. J. Barron. , ::o: :-. Case Transferred. Tho caso of tho United, States against Ola E. Green for misuse, of tho mall which was to havo boon tried In. tho North Platto foderal court has boon transferred to tho Omnha court and tho files and papors will bo sent thore. LADIES CONDUCT INITIATORY "WORK FOR THE YEOMAN In Yeoman circles, May Is ladles' month, and thoy assume full charge of tho work of tho rcspectlvo home steads. That the ladles arc filly com petent to carry out the worlC'was demonstrated Tuesday cvonhig when under their charge a class of fifty was Initiated. Tho lodcc was opened in duo form, and then the men present with tho exception of Mr. TIloy re paired to tho gallery and remained there as Interested spectators while tho ladles put on the first and second degrees, and also introduced a new third degree. Those who took thin de gree were W. J. TIloy, Aw Shilling and Robt. Armstrong, and tl ore was fun galore. Following tho Initiatory work tho men proporjy attired served the ladles with a sumptuous spread. While the banquet was on Stamp's orchestra and male quartctto furnished music. . Miss Helen Wlngott has returned from a visit with relatives In Brady. Weather forecast Tor North Platto and vicinity furnished by tho local oflco of tho U. S. weather bureau: Fair tonight and Saturday, not much change in tcmporaturo. Highest temperature" yesterday 87, a year ago 81; lowest last light 49, a year ago G4. MrsS RussoU Wyman entertained tho Entre Nous club at cards Wedncs day afternoon. Prizes woro Avon by Mrs. Theodore Lowo, Jr., and Mrs. James Dorram. Mrs. L. L. Bortlio and Mrs. Ray Snyder were awarded tho guest prizes. Tho next meeting will bo hold at tho homo of Mrs. Carl Bon Mrs. Wm. Nolll.of Charlostown, W. Va.,'nor, Wodnosday, Juno 7th. "You CanJBartk Mail llllllllllllllllllll vrrtM TRY TO DOUBLE IT To those who havo snvIiigH accounts hero vto jmsH on this suggestion: Ah a goal to bo reached set your self tho task of making your bank acoouut Just twice Its present size, . Wo hare tho great advantage of having Marled your account, of know ing how every dollar banked counts ' up, of having planned ways to sno money and to liinlcu money. .Money in the bank Ih your protec tion for tho future. Having more than . you now liavo Jh Just that much addi tional protection. Keen your account growing and (ell your friends how easy it Is o SAVE. The Platte Valley State Bank North Platto, Nebraska. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES A 'r mtmwa at m V Itlft n1TIl IT ::o:: Tho Assembly club wMl meet today with Mrs. Thomas Mengle. Mis Irene McGco nnd sister, of Brady, aro visiting tholr mother who is HI nt a local hospital. Charley Reynolds camo up from Maxwell ' last evening and left this morning for Grand Island to attend tho bankers' convention. Tho biggest Bargains In House DrcsscB, Petticoats, Waists and Kl- monas over offered at tho Dollar Day Salo tomorrow at BLOCK'S. Fred Clark, of Pueblo, Col.. Js spending a few days here on business and If ho can find a suitable location will open a restaurant In thn near fu turo, , Tho North Platto ball team wont to Gothenburg today to play tho team of that place. Tho Gothonburgers have picked up several strong players to holp out In tho game. For Rent Four room houso at 302 South Walnut. Inqulro of T. Slmants, 303 South Chestnut street. 35tf From a Sutherland correspondent: Tho graduation exercises of tho Sutherland high school were hold nt tho opera houso Monday evening, May 15th, and Thursday ovenlng May 18th. Monday cvonlng Dr. Thomas, state superintendent very ,ably delivered an address, the subject of which was 'Young America." After this address diplomas were presented to fifteen .graduates, twelve young ladles and throo young men. This was tho largest class that has cvor graduated In Sutherland. Thursday evening was class night, tho program being given by the mem bers "of tho class who deserve much credit for tho manner In which they rendorcd their parts, especially Miss Luclllo May McConncll who delivered tho valedictory address In such an efficient and cffectlvo manner. She having received tho class honors was presented with a scholarship to any of our leading stato colleges. Sutherland is certainly proud f the class of 191G. :o:: When Your Voot Is Asleep. After being for a long tlmo In a con strained attitude n peculiar numbness and pricking arc often felt In tho arm, leg or foot This Is caused by some' In terruption to tlio circulation nuu can usunlly bo removed by nibbing or ex ercise. The reason of tho sensation, whlcji Is decidedly uncomfortablo while It lasts, Is that prcssuro for a certain length of tlmo deadens the sensibility of a nerve. V hen this pressure is slid dcnly removed, as straightening out tho leg nf ter sitting with it doubled un dcrnonth the body, sensibility gradual ly returns to tho nerve, and as each nerve fiber composing tho trunk 'rc cnlns Its normal condition of scnslbll ity n pricking sensation is felt; rind thoso successive prickings from tho bucccssIvo awakenings of tho numer ous fibers hnvc not inaptly been called "pins nnd needles." Bio nnd Little Bibles. There are iio fower than lid different editions of the Oxford Blblo In Eng llsh, vurylug from the magnificent folio edition for pulpit purposes to tho "bril llnut" Bible, tho smallest edition of the Scriptures in tho world. Of tho revised version fourteen editions are published Moro than a million copies of tho re vised Now Testament had been ordered beforo the day of publication In May of 1881, and It Is claimed that tho work lngmen of tho establishment refused a bribe of somo 1,000 to furnish a copy of the book beforo tho day of Issue. Tho lnrgest folio Blblo printed in Ox ford measures 10 by 12 Inches, and no erratum has as yet been found In It Tho "Brilliant Text Blblo" measures 8 by '2 Inches nnd is three-quarters of an inch thick nnd bound weighs less than three ounces. Exchange. Saturday Will Be Shirt Day m At Saimielson's We Will offer any shirt in the house for $1.00 Value up to $2.00, every shirt guaranteed fadeless. Porter's Quality House. Nlco to havo a caso of Porter's Best In tho house. Always nlco for tho un-oxnected guest. Easy to servo. Al so good for the kiddles. Wo havo It assorted In tho follow ing flavors: Orange Bounce, Concord Grape, Coca-Cola, Buckeye Root Beer, Cherry Smac, White-Horse Ginger Ale Lemon Soda. Ask tho dealer. 38-tf ::o:: Riley Warircn will go to Omaha next week to spend ten days. Jos. Koester, of Wellfleet, is spend ing a fow days In town this week. J. C. Gale, of the U. P. secret service department visited here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Shlck, of Maywood, wore guests or Mr. ana Mrs. a. m. Mason this week. Mrs. Lcm Bailey went to Cozad yes terday afternoon to visit with tho home folks for a week or longer. a. L. Allov. U. P. ceneral bafecaco agent camo up Tuesday am? left Wed nesday for Keystone on business. Roy L. Murdock returned Wednes day morning from Dotrlot, whero ho attended the B. of R, T. convention. For Sale Five hole gasoline range, been used about one year; will sell for less than half price. ' Inquire Mrs. W. V. Hoagland. ' 35-3 Mrs. Strang and .baby of .,. Kearney, arrived 'hero Tuesday eyeningioj visit for somo time vvith her sister "Mrs. Ella Mao Lanyon. Your Credit at , the Bank When you want to borrow money, depends largely upon your past record as a saver. . i Deposit your earnings in the bank and pay all bills by check, then what you 'have left represents your saving for investment. A growing account in the bank is air asset well worth considering when you want to borrow 1 money to aid in making a larger investment. We welcome all accounts, especially "do, we welcome your account. McDonald State Bank. The Bank Behind The Thrift Movement. FIRE, TORNADO, HAIL INSURANCE 0. H. Thoelecke. Choice Seed Corn H " We have choice Soed Corn from 1915 crop, showing it will mature early. Sweet Clover, Al falfa, Siberian and Hog Millet. H. L. PENNINGTON, Phone 99 fmd Black 388. ?S0O East Front. MM Hops as a Vegetable. Of hops for tho browing vat wo hear a good deal, hut what of hops as a veg ctnblo? Tho Romans nto them, and tho Germans, at least tho Bavarians, do so, whllo our own old fashioned country folk can relish a dish of "hop tops." Hero is tho, recipe: Take only tho very young shoots, which boll. Servo wither with melted butter and a little graty- or with tho plain salad dressing composed of oil, vinegar, pep per and salt, Thcro you havo a whole some dish such as was not disdained by tho oplcurcs of ancient Rome. London Chronicle. a. Bad Enough. "I think that society editor is a mean, horrid old thing, so there!" exclaimed wllle, looking up from tho morning pa per. . "What's tho matter?" asked her hus band, wltU a grin. "Did ho tako you at your word and lcavo your namo out of tho pupcrT' "No," roplled wllle: "it isn't qulto so bad aB that, but ho wont nnd got tho description of my gOwn all wrong." tft Louis I'ost-Dlspatch. J illlllll!l!llllll!l!llllll!l!llllll!llllllllillllllllllll!(iH Horseshoeing In Chllo, Methods of horseshoeing In Chllo are still primitive, tho tools usd being simple- nnd few, consisting usually 'of' a hummer, a rasp, a pair of pinchers,1 li crude kulfo and nn unvll. There Is no need of tire, for tho workman beats tho shoo Into shitpo cold. Lawyers and Advice. "Lawyors must bo men of wonderful self control." "Why. so?" "They can refrain from offering ad vlco until somebody comes along who Is willing to pay for It." Loulsvlllo Courloixlournal. What Dividend Should a Telephone Company Pay? We believe that we should pay such a return on the money invested in our property as will enable us to obtain additional money necessary for making extensions and improvements re quired by the public. If we do not earn enough to get this new money the public ' will suffer from the curtailment of extensions and improvements that should be made. We make additions to the plant out of new f money invested and not out of profits from the service sold. There aro many problems peculiar to the telephone business necessitating extra expenditures which we cannot control. There are occasional expenses caused by sleet storms, floods and torna does which amount to thousands of dollars. Then there may be increased taxes or possible exactions from governing bodies re garding methods of construction, operating requirements, etc., which add to our expenses. These costs always bear upon the problem of dividends. This company is and will be satisfied with a fair average return on the money actually invested in the busness. We have absolutely no "watered stock." A dollar has been invested in physical property for every dollar's worth of securities issued. 'All wo ask or havo a right to expect i: such a return on the money invested' in' our property as could be obtained on the! money if it were invested in other business enterprises involving like risks. In special oases in the extension of business where extra ordinary risks are taken which entitle us to some extra profit in consideration of such risks, we shall only ask for that return , on the investment which any equitable commission or courti would award us.