The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 26, 1916, Image 1

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No. 38
May 28th, at 8 Y. M. ,
Union Memorial services -will bo held
at tho Kolth theatre. Sermon by Itov.
Robt. White. All churches In tho city
and tho public arc invited.
Mny 80th nt 0 A. M.
A parade will assemble nt tho court
house squaro In tho following order.
North Platto Band.
High School Cadets.
Spanish-American War Veteran's.
Veterans oft lip Civil War in Autos.
Womans' Relief Corps in Autos.
School children.
Citizens in autos and carriages.
Tho procession will march to tho
cemetery where graves will be decor
ated and appropriate G. A. R. services
will bo hold at tho grave of MaJ. Lie
cester Walker after which tho proces
sion will return to tho court hlouso
square and disband.
230 P. M.
Memorial day exercises -will bo held
at the Keith theatro with Comrade T C.
Patterson as director of ceremonies,
when the following program will bo
Tendered :
Prayer Dean Bohvker.
Song America by tho audience
Quartotto by Messrs. Brown, Mc
Grew, Mitchell arid Armstrong.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Ed
ward Thompson.
Solo Birth of a Nation Beatrice
Quartette Tenting Tonight.
Address lion. Geo. N. Gibbs.
Reading Hazel Simpson.
Song Columbia by audience.
Benediction Rev. Harman.
The public is invited .to participate
in these exercises in honor of tho pre
servers of our Union and ii memory
of our dead soldiers. Those' ' of tour!
citizens who can, and ' will,' -furnish
cars for tho old soldiers and ladies of
the W. R. C are requested to have
such cars at tho court house square
at 9:00 a. m. COMMITTEE.
, Piano Recital.
. The pupils-K)f .Florence McKay, will
give a recitaMIonday evening, May 20,
in the I, O. O. F. halt. Those taking
part on tho program are: Helen Arm
strong, Virginia Scott, Catherine
Boyle, Zoe Reynolds, Trulle Forbes,
Mary Louden, Lbjs Porter, Elma May
Crane, Harrietts Fleishman, Ruth
Donaldson, JCmma Bcgue, Francis
Edwards, Zella Doram, Clara' Soreri
son, Marie Schwaiger, Bessie Rarinio
and Helen Schwaiger. Tho class' will
bo nsistcd by Miss Dorothy HInman
and Mrs. Frank Hatch, and Messrs.
Robert Armstrong and Arthur Tramp.
Admission 15 and 25 cents.
r: :o: :
In the long history of tho past,
glasses were resorted to for the pur
pose of correcting imperfect vision
only. More especially during later
years it has been observed that glasses
now and again have relieved norvous
disorders, headaches, etc. C. S.
CtlNTON, Rogstered Optometrist, the
sign with the big ring.
Lost Gold pin G. I. A. to B. of L.
E. emblem, at Keith thoatre or be
tween there and 1313 east'Slxth street.
Reward if returned to Mrs. Burt
Brown, east Sixth.
Have written Hail Insurance for past 13 years in
and always paid losses, 100 cents on .the dollar.
Medal for tho Cadets
Dr. Georgo B. Dent has purchased
a gold medal from Clinton, the Jeweler,
Which will bo presented to tho high
school cadets and will bo awarded to
tho cadot who wins first placo in drill
ing throo successive times Tho medal
Is engraved on tho faco N. P. H. S. nnd
has tho raised figure of a cadet in full
uniform. Tho back of tho medal is
engraved with an inscription bearing
tho date, tho object of its prpsenta
tlon, tho givor's name and a placo is
reserved for the namo of tho wlnrior.
It was sent to Gothenburg last even
ing whero tho cadets are now in
- County News.
J. S. Fox, who is an authority on
matters pertaining to fruit, informs
us that tho lato frosts have damaged
his apple crop to such an extent that
thoro is small likelihood of harvest
ing, moro than half the usual number
of bushels. Sutherland Free Lance.
Tho Farmers' Telephone Co., whose
lines are south of Maxwell, are involc
ing tho Maxwell &, Brady Tolophonc
Co. property at Maxwell and vicinity
this week. The stockhoders of tho
formor company aro Invoicing Mr.
Swancutt's lines with the intention of
buying his property on that bash,
Brady Vindicator.
P. A. Anderson left for Lincoln lost
evening. Ho is tho western man ap
pointed by tho Stato Farmors' Co-op-orative
Association to meet with five
other appointed ironi other parts of
the state whose objective is to confer
on candidates for state offices whom
thoy think will do tho farmers the
greatest service and see that they get
proper legislation. The support of the
greater portion of the farmors who be
long to unions over the state will be;
qulto a lift to the favored candidates
There are about '24,000 farmer union
men In Nebraska. Hershey Times.
H. M. Bushnell, editor pf tho Lin
coln Trade-Exhibit, one of the Oregon
Trail Monument conunlttee who will
be In town tomorrow will remain in
tho'clty for several days. He will talk
at tho Chamber of Commerce luncheon
at lie Union Cafe Monday noon. Mr.
Bushnell is one of the pioneers, of- the.
state and has long been Identified with
those who boost the state.
Bonutiful Porch and House Dres?os
made of fadeless materials, sizes, ,up
to 53, values up to $2.00, 350 drfiSBes
to .choose from at One Dollar eacji. to
morrow only, .at BLOCK'S.
In' the state shoot at Grand Island
Wednesday three North Platto men
faced the traps. Out of a possible 150
Millard Hosier broke 133, WlnkowiVu
123 and Neville 112. C. C. Tappan, of
Logan county won tho state double
championship, scoring forty-flvo oat
fifty targets thrown in doubles.
Grain the space around the nip with
Chinamcl. Any child can do It. Makes
narrow boards out of wide ones
The millinery offer at tho Wilcox
Department Store for May 27th will
bo ladles' and children's hats and caps
worth $1.25, $2.00 and $2.50 for $1.00.
Also chiffon auto veils worth $1.25 for
Secretary Fisher, of tho Chamber of
Commerce, " returned this morning
from Omaha, whore ho attended the
state convention of commercial clubs.
While no no In Omaha knows to
a certainty, it Is not bollcved that
the successor to Prcadent Mohler o
the Union Pacific wll bo named un
til tho middle of Juno.
A special meeting of the directors
of tho Union Pacific and the execu
tive committee is to bo held tho last
of this week r tho first of noxt in the
Now York offices, but it Is not thought
that tho appointment of a new presi
dent will come up. Tho opinion pre
vails that the appointment will lie
deferred until tho regular meeting,
set for June 1G. In the meantme Pres
ident Mohler is as active as ever in
tho management of lite affairs of th
road. Ho has gone on a trip over the
western lines; Omaha Bee.
Elks Entertain Ladles
Thlrty-flYo Elks! and thoir ladies
were present at tho banquet he'd ni the
Hotel McCabo last evening and were
served with a seven course ppread
that did credit to Manager Wcingand.
Tho table decorations wore roses nnd
tho favors wcro very unique. The
banqueters surrounded tho tab'is at
9:30 and arose at 11:30. Immediately
following the banqueters repaired to
the. Elks' home where dancing nud
card playing wore indulged In until
after one o'clock.
: :o: :-
FlNhcr Rc-Electod Sccrctnry
At the meeting of tho Nebraska state
association of commercial clubs held
in Omnha, W. D. Fisher, secretary of
tho North Platte Chamber of Com
merce, was re-elected stato secretary.
This Is evidence of Mr. Fishers stand
ing among the commorclSl club .men
of the state. To be re-elected secre
tary Is certainly a compliment
: :o: :
Mrs. George Christ left yesterday to
spend the summer on her janch north
of town.
Attorney Leslie Basklns left yester
day morning for a Bhort visit In Ogal
alla on business.
For Sale Young calf. Inquire at
803 west Seventh, street. 37-3
Dr. J. S. SImms" bas gono to Omaha
jto deliver a lecture beforo the, state
medical meeting.
For Rent Three rooms for light
housekeeping, 503 west 4th St. -37-2
Mrs. C. M. Reynolds and son went
to Kearney this morning to visit Mrs
Mark Atkinson.
C. R. Motey expects to go to Hast
ings Sunday and drive up his father's
car which he will use during the sum
raor. Miss Saalo Trovillo who has been
taking voice, culture in Omaha ftor
several weeks is expected to return
home shortly.
Mrs. Charles Weir and daughter
Elizabeth left yesterday morning for
Iowa to snmd several weeks with
relatives. v
Regular 79c Petticoats in black and
plain white, 2 of them Cor One Dollar
tomorrow at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. C. J. Perkins Is home from
Omaha whore she attended tho meet
ing of suffragists tho foro part of
this week.
Highest market price paid for hides.
Wo buy dry bones, iron and other
Junk. North Platte Junk House. 27tf
Mrs,. Martha Graham left last even
ing for Opal, Col., to visit hor son for
several weeks.
. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of Overton. vh.
woro guests of tho Sousor family, loli
last ovcnlng.
C. E. Souscr, of Omnha, formerly
local U. P. roadmastor, Is visiting hlo
family this week.
Dr. Klmpston, o' Cuuppiul, wns the
guest of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Adams
this week and left last cvnlng.
'MeBdamcs Herbert and Ernest
Tramp returned last ovenlng frjjn a
week's stay in Grand Island.
Mrs. Emma .Godboy, of . Hastlng.3,
left last evening after visiting two
weeks with Mrs. Joseph Flllion, Jr.
For Salo or Trade A second hand
Harvard cabinet grand piano, in first
class oodition. J. II. VanCleavo. 37-3
Mrs. Louis Peterson will leave to
morrow morning for Rossvlllc, 111.,
to spend two weoks with her mother.
Malven Aldon, ot Grand Island, and
Claude Alden, of Kimball, loft last ev
ening aftor visiting their parents for
several days.
Don't fall t sco tho Dollar Window
A Jap employed at the round nouso
had his faco burned this week Vy a
sudden burst of oil flamo while tring
up an engine.
Irs. E. L. Blerbowcr, of Otoalia, Is
a'guest at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. V.
H. McDonald whllo enrouto homo from
an icxtonded visit in California.
Fireman J. J. Sawyer wns severely
bruised this week when his foot'tohl
slipped on the running board of nj
switch engine nnd he was dragged!
a .considerable distance.
For Rent Rooms for house keep
ing. 4QG east Third street.
Clarence CHne, of the Tryon Sm
Bunk, and W. H. Quade of the Fnn
ers; Stato Bank of Staploton, visited
W. H. McDonald yesterday whllr en
route to the bankers' convention In
Grand Island.
' . - . r
t 'Ladles! If you think ot cc'ono.nvV
Just get a look at BLOCK'S Dollar
Window Display.
M. R. Kelly, of Cleveland, and Mrs.
M. R. Merrill, of Wheatlnnd, vyo
brother and sister respectively of Mrs.
D. E. Morrill, aro guests of tho latter
today while onroute oast.
Maurico Fowler, of Grand I -land,
has been In this section for a week
buying horses which ho Is slllrg to
tho French government. He shipped
out twenty head a fow days ago. He
now has two orders from tho United
States government for horses and
Gettman'sHand-Mado Cigar. Gc. 14-tf
Mrs. George Monks and Miss Faye
Elder entertained thirty friends last
evening nt a prc-nuptlal bundlo show
er for Miss Florence Donegan. Cur
sing contests nnd games furnished
amusement for tho guests and the p.'ize
was won by Miss Donegan, Latev in
tho evening tho bundles wero opened
and wore found to contain many pret
ty articles for her new homo, amour
which woro sovoral pieces of cut glass
and hand-painted china.
Whllo in a stato of despondeicy Mrs.
Frank Peck, residing twrlvo miles
northeast of Brady, committed Riilcldo
lato yesterday nfternoou. Strychnlno
wns tho drug solf-admlnlstercd and
before taking tho dose dtsro..ed and
put on her nightgown, tolling tbo old
or of her soven children not to tell tho
father of her act
Tho husband was. however notified
and word sent to Brady for a physi
cian, Dr. Fottor nnd Dr. Wurtolo the
lattor at Brady at tho time attending
a patient, responded to tho call but
tho woman passed away bo'oro their
arrival at tho Peck homo. Mr.. Peel:
was thlrty-flvo year old.
Coroner Malonoy wns noticed this
morning, but tho facts of death woro
so plain that an inquest wn deemed
unnecessary, and tho roquet, to tako
the remains to Gothenburg wan grant
ed. o:
Girl Wanted
For general housewirk. Mrs. T.
C. Pattorson, 515 west Fourth street.
Tho Yeoman lodge held an onjoy
ahlo box Buppar and entertainment nt
tho Lloyd opera houso last evening.
Those taking part in tho program wcro
Earl Stamp, Adclo LeDioyt, Carol
Dorryberry, Mrs. L. L. Berth f and
Emnin Boguc. Tho prizes for tho best
decorated lunch baskets wore award
ed to Mcsdamcs Garrnrd, Lass and
Shilling. .
A sliver base ball bat Is displayed
In the Dixon window which will bo
presented by Mr. Dixon to tho ball
player on the local team who makes
tho highest batting avorago this sen
son, but must play In not les than ton
games. Tho bat is of flno quality of
silver and beautifully engraved.
Thorc will bo a special moctlnt; of
Harry E. Brown camp No. 11. U. P., W.
V. Monday ovenlng, May 29th. This
meeting is called to .discuss plans for
'tho stato encampment to be held in
this. "city. All memborB are ur$ed to
bo present.
Ladles who think thoy aro eligible
for membership In the D. A. R pleaso
notify Mrs. Church, 414, WQSt Third
Tho ball season In Ogalalla will open
next Sunday with a gamo with tho Ath
letes from' Grant. Later in tho sea
son tho Ogalalla Indians 'will be hero
for n, gamo or two. " '
U. P. Inspector Martin, of t "arid Is
land, Is spending a Tow days here in
specting transportation, depot and J.
P. buildings.
Governor Morchcnd was hero this
morning nnd left on tho brnach train
to transact business in Bovernl towns.
Mrs. William Spindler, of Lowollcn,
Is visiting at the Langford Inme whllo
onrouto homo from Omaha.
Joseph Horrod and son, of Colum
bia, is visiting his mother nnd other
relatives hero this week.
Mrs. Joseph Hayes left' tUs morn
ing for Omaha where sho wM reside
in the future
Miss Holen Baker has returned
from a ton day visit with the home
folks in Melrose.
Mrs. Thomas Cox .will cntcrtnln tho
Home Missionary society f-its afternoon.
good stock companie
Commencement exorcises of tho
North Platto high school wero held at
tho Kolth theatro Wednesday ovenlng
and diplomas given to thirty-four grad
uates, tho largest class In tho history
ot tho schools. Rolatlvos and friohdB
of tho mombors ot tho class filled tho
seating capacity of tho floor, and Cor
over ono hour and a half woro Inter
ested in a well rondorcd program
which opened with an invocation by
Rov. Harmon followed by a piano duet
by two of tho clnss, Fern Douglas and
Altn Dorryborry. Harold Burkc.pres
Idont of tho class, gave nn address on
"Tho Standard of Efficiency" in which
ho expressed sorno thoughts worth re
membering; tho class history In which
somo of tho events of tho four years in
high school woro rolntod, was given
by Jack Husband; and tho class proph
ecy by John Lincoln facetiously refer
cd to tho opltaphs that ho found twrlt
ton on tho stones rising above tho final
resting placo of tho class, Tho vale
dictory was given by Miss Holen Al
don, whoso subjoct was modern educa
tion, citing tho advantages to tho In
dividual of vocational training, and
turning to Uio class asked that thoy
givo to tho world thoir best efforts.
R. D. Blrgo, representing tho nlurnni,
spoke of tho lack ot intorost in tho'
association, that it had lain dormant
for sovoh years, though tiiero iwore
nearly 400 ollgiblo to membership.
Supt. Tout Spoke briefly of tho good
work of tho class, and awarded to
Miss Aldon a free scholarshlnwhlch is
offorod by sovoral of tho Universities
ot tho Btnto to tho ono standing high
est In a graduating class of the public
On behalf of the board of education,
C. L. BaBklns prosontcd tho diplomas.
preceding tho presentation with a
very good talk on efficiency.
Durlng-ttho ovonlng tho boys' glco
club and'-tlio glrlB glco club gavo sev
eral solcctons that woro enjoyed by
tho nudleoncc.
A pleasing Incident occurred near
tho closo of tho exorcises when Miss
Balloy, who directed tho class play
and has been class advisor, was called
to tho stagq and ns sho appeared each
member of tho class stopped to her
sldo and pinned on hor gown a dol
lar bill, tho thirty-four well covorlng
' Tho graduates: Harold Burke, Hel
en Alden, Alta Dorryberry, Jack Hus
bnndi .Orvlllo Brcnnomnn William
Cnlhpun, Vora Carter, Bertha Cloth'or,
Cecil Cool, Holon Cross, Fom Doug
las, Gertrude Faulknor, Madpo F'ynn,
Sybil Gantt, Holen Glcason, EiTIe Had
dorf, John Hnhler, Dorothy Hlnmon,
Louis Kolly, Ruth Loan, Edward
Boguo, John Lincoln. Marion Lawnon,
Claronco McCabo, Boulah MqGrfiw,
Mancel Overman, Earllng (Jualley,
Orloy Rcnenu, Lola Scott, Hazol Svlth,
Georgo Thompson, Sherwood Wood
hurst, John Wolnbergor, Knnnetlr
Welnbergor. ' '
Mlllard Hoslor and Ralph Starkoy
havo roturncd from Grand Island
whore thoy attended tho Btnto Bhoot
Ing tournament. '
Don't forget that you can buy nny
Wool Suit in tho store formorly sold
up to $40.00 at $10.00 and $15.00 ht