DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Ofllco over tho-'McDonali State Bunk. LOCAL AND PEKSONAL. Dr. Brock, Duntlst, ovor Stono Drug Store. Tho commencement oxerclsos of tho Brady school will bo hold tomorrow evening nt tho Woodmen liall. Mrs. L. M. Richards has rotiirncd from a visit with relatives In tho eastern part of tho state. Mrs. B. II; Bottoff, of Xeilia, Ohio, arrived hero Saturday evening to visit lier brother, Joseph Jessup. J. E. Scbagtlnn left yesterday on a business trip to Lcwellcn and other points on tho North River branch. Tho ladles' aid socie.ty of tho Pres byterian church will meet In the church parlors Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ernest Tramp and Mrs. Her bert Tramp left tho latter part of tho wcelc for Grand Island to visit friends. Lot Landgraf & Hoga do your paint ing, paper hanging and decorating. Phono Black C92 or Black 670. 23tf Wm,. Dunn returned to Wood River Friday evening after spending several days' with his brothor F. J. Dunn. Mrs. Wm Hopkins, of Grand Island, who has been the guest of Mrs. Clyde Cook for a week will leave tomorrow Miss Rose McGInley and Hugh Bro- gan, of Paxton, came down Friday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huff. John Harrington, of Denver, for merly of this city, spent the week end visiting his undo John Horrod and family. Will tho party who borrowed my blow torch a couple of weeks ago pleaso return It. I need It In my busi ness. . J. F. FILLIOX. Mrs. William Neill, of Charlestown, West Virginia, came a few days ago and is tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. Keith Neville. , Mrs. Michael Din'an, of Omaha, who frequently visits friends in this city, loft Saturday afternoon after spend ing a few days. Dr. 0. H. Cressler and family re turned Friday evening from Lincoln where the, former Attended the stato dental conyention. Miss Virginia Bullard left Satur day morning for Lincoln to visit her brother Milledge, Who Is attending tho stato university. Highest market prlco paid for hides. Wo buy"dry--bones;--lron-and othor Junk. North Platto Junk House. 27tf Theodore Elerdam returned (tho lat ter part of last week from Denver where "ne was called by the death of his sister Mrs. Wm. Frazier. Miss Mildred Fitzpatrlck who is taking a course in nursing at St Catherine's hospital, In Omaha, is re covering from a severe siego of pneu monla. Tho Sutherland Free Lanco says that the crop of cherries in that sec tlon will bo light owing to the num erous frosts at the unpropltlous times. Miss Faye Elder and Mrs. George Monks will give a- pre-nuptlal mis cellaneous shower for Miss Florence Donegan Thursday evening at the homo of ithe latter. For Rent Four room house at 302 South Walnut. Inquire of T. SImants, 303 South Chestnut street. 35tf Mrs. M. II . Douglas returned the latter part of last week from Chicago where she attended tho school of in struction of tho ladies auxiliary of tho B. of L. E. " For Rent Rooms for house keep ing. 40G edst Third street. Choose Your Woodwork Carefully WIETHER you plan a new house or changes in the old, give thought to your woodwork. We are glad to have you consult us, not only about your plans but for practical suggestions in the way of built-in furniture, doors, windows and so on through your list. We can show you illustrations of 1 B "The Permanent Furniture for Your Home" Curtis Woodwork has gone into good homes for 50 years. Every piece that passes inspection Is stamped " Curtis." If you expect to build, a "Home-Book" will be a mine of help and suggestion lor you. We have three. Any one free. ' Better Buiit Homea," 5E00 to $3,000; "HomeHke Homes," $300 up "Attractive Diwccw'- best types. They show exterlore, flew plans rnd rooms txikibcd with Curtis Wood m I work. CalMtr t r.e locaj. W. W. BIRGE Harry Sprung has returned from a visit with tho Johnson family In Ogal alla Fifty toachors from the rural schools, of this county attended tho rending circle nnd examinations held the lntter part of last wook. Derryborry & Forbes wish U an nounce that they havo at last rocolvod tho third slilpmout of Modal "T" va cuum swoopors and can 1111 tho walt lng orders. Optometry can't glvo you now cyoa, but It can bring your nrcsont ones to tho highest efficiency. C. S. Clinton, Registered Optomotrlst. Tho sign with tho big ring. A baby bay was born recontly to Mr. .and Mrs. Raymond Kcegan and the mother who was formorly Miss Tyrono Wlnkloman, of this city, is In a critical condition. Mrs. Frank Gardner, of Coznd, has taken posbobsIoii -of tho R. D. Thomp son reeldonco cast of tho Lloyd opera house nnd will conduct a boarding and rooming house. Miss Kathorlno Downing, of David City will arrlvo hero this evening to assist Dr. Brock in his dental office. Miss Downing has had soveral years of experience In this work. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Forward, of Iona, Colo., arrived horo the lnttor part of last week to visit tholr uncle E. S. Davis and Mrs. Ditvls whllo on routo to New York. Friend In (town havo received word of tho death of Mrs. W. H. Mainwarlng, of Tulsa, Old., formerly of this city who had been 111 for a year or more and suffered Intensely with cancer. A vacuum sweeper, guaranteed for 10 years, with a pretty dust cap thrown in for only $5.00. Five days' freo trial and you keep tho dip If you do not like tho sweoper. DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Through tho efforts of County Con sul Hoagland, lof tho Lincoln High way, tho sandy road cast of Brady has been greatly Improved by surfac ing It with gravel obtained from the old Union Pacific grade near by which had been abandoned. George Hanlan returned Saturday from a month s visit in Missouri and Illinois. In northern Missouri tho ex cessive rains caused very destructive floods, farms on tho lower lands be ing covered to the depth of from two to four feet. For Sale Five hole gasoline range, been used about one year; will sell for lesB than half price. Inquire Mrs W. V. Hoagland. 35-3 Tho recital given last week by Miss Betty Turple, an eleven year old pu pll of Miss Beryl Halm was attended by a large number of friends who en joyed every number About twelve piano selections were rendered, all of which had been memorized. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Spencer, former ly, of Lexington, came the latter part of last week and will make their home in tho Meston rcsldenco on west First street. Tho former is the treasurer of the Fidelity Insurance Oo., which re cently transferred its headquarters to this qity. Cy Pargeon, who was tried in tho county court Friday afternoon for having liquor In his possession which ho was trying to sell, is being held In the county Jail. From tho evidence Pargeon was bound over to the dis- trlot court in the sum of threo nun dred dollars. The rain of Thursday night and FrI day morning was followed by heavier precipitation Friday night and Satur day, the total amounting to about ono and one-half inches. The ground Is thoroughly soaked, much to tho .relief of those who had begun to 'grow somewhat nervous over tho fear of a dry summer. Four years ago last Saturday tho first train left Staplcton on its initial run. "At that time there were only a few business houses" says' the Enterprise, "now there aro fifty." Miss Fern Coates will be married tomorrow morning at tho homo of her parents Mr. arid Mrs. Elmer Coates to Harmon A. Chambers of Lincoln. They will make their home at Gering where ,Mr. Chambers has purchased a drug store. GO 6 6 COMPANY. w. l. park a possible , successor to mohler. Among the posslblo successors to Presldont Mohler, of the Union Pa cific, the Omaha Boa mentions W. L. Park, now vice-president of tho Hllti oIb Central. It .would certainly be fitting that Mr. Park bscomo presi dent of tho Union Pacific, for It was with this great trans-continontnl line (hat ho began his career as a frolght brakefiian, nnd ascending thttough tho various" positions to that of goner al 8uporlnlendon.t which ho resigned to go with tho Illinois Contral. It would not be unreasonable to surmlso that Mr. Park might havo a deslro to becomo tho active head of the gront road which ho once served as brake man, thus covering positions at both ends, an ascendancy any man, no matter how influential, might well fool proud. Certainly) .tho people of North Platto, and particularly his old-tlmo trloiulR, would bo henrtlly glad to havo him named as the successor to Mr. Mohler. :o: A (J rent Combination. Hogs, Corn, Tankage, and Money. But you will not got nil tho money from your hogs unless you use tank age. Read tho following from a firm you all know: North Platte, Neb., May 18, 1910. Mr. R. N. Lamb, City, Dear Sir: Believing that tankago to be good food for hogs, last fall wo purchased somo from you to feed a bunch of "hogs. Tho corn wo wero feeding them was exceedingly poor, very soft nnd chaffy and not marketable. Wo fed this soft corn with cround wheat of a poor quality, too poor for market purposes, along with tho tank age of about a quarter pound per head ner dnv. May state that tho gain oh those hogs was remarkable and far nbovo our expectations. Thoy made us big monoy, and realized us a good prlco for our poor grade of corn, which was unmarketable and we feel that by us ing tho tankage as we did tho gain was a great deal lurger than it would have been without It, and wo aro well paid for our investment in tankage. lours very truly, BRATT & GOODMAN, By E. R. Goodman. Most experimental farms ,wlll tell you that It will pay to feed Tankage to pigs from tho time they are weaned until they go on tho market, why not get an the money from your hous. 45 percent -portem tankago at $2.25 por cwt. $23.00 per ton. . Wo still havo some cane seed loft Phone 07 R. N. LAMB. ::o:: Former Resident Dies. Mrs. Sophia Alstadt, widow of the late Judce William Alstiult. illoil In umana Saturday at the age of seven ly-nino. Tim ilononRnil wnn n fnrmnr rna dent of North PlnHp. 1rnvlnt linm Mm laftor part of the 80's. Her husband died two years ago. The surviving children are' J. A. Alstadt of New York CltV. Mrs. Alinn Aflnnm. n'f Mlanmiln Mont., Mrs. G. R. Spencer,, of Florence, ami Charles Alstadt, of umana. -::o:: WATCH FOR THE ONE-HORSE ICE WAGON Which will deliver to you clean natural frozen Ice cut from tho Union Pacific lake east of town. 3C-2 F. C. WALTEMATII. ' Ball Games I'oKtimiiPil. 11 ncCOAint lo-f tho linnvv rnln wMrli fell Fridav Illirht nnil Rntiinlnv thn ball games scheduled for Sunday and Monuay wun tiie liustls team wero cancolled. Tho local .team owing to oau weather conditions is experlen- Cine somo tiotlbln In rrnfMnc Htnrtml However, wo needed tho rain much worse man tno oau games. ::o:: Swedish Lutheran Congregation. Kenneth A. Bescher, Pastor. A special meeting will bo heli Thursday nvonlner nt. 7;an n m n Elder Llndoblad's block Corner of r.lghth and Locust street. Important nusiness win nave to be decided upon and all members aro requested to meet. FOR RENT JUNE 1ST. Modern, six room house, steam heat. To rleht nnrt.v iwlll lnnnn tlila hquso by year. Situated next to my ::o:: C. A. Smallwood left yesterday al tornoon for his hnmn Tn T.nnn Tn after a pleasant visit with his sister mrs. w. a. siunnor. Mrs. Fred Marti who has been 111 for some tlmo Is reported to bo in a serious condition. Miss Edith Gantt wlio linn hnnn tutor In a private family in Wiggins, miss., is expected homo Sunday to spend her summer vacation. Rev. .Barton Is expected to return Thursday from Minneapolis whoro he attended tho Northern Baptist Con vention. ::o:: For Your Next Order of Feed, flour, cabbage, potatoes, ap ples, sand hill seed potatoes of all kinds sco J. Mogcnson at tho North Sldo barn or phono 29. 22-tf rri i. . a uiepiiuua lour Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. . . . . . . . M ., , .. w RAILROAD NOTES - 1 v u J. E. Pike, of the U. P. civil engi neering department, rsturncd yrstfr- tiny morning froih a short visit in Lincoln. Charles Wilson resumed work ns night ticket agent last evening after bring off duty for a wesk on account f 1111188. C. L. Pnttnrsoii. of th tlnlnn Pnrlflp Secret Servlco dapartniont, loft Fri day evonlng after a short business visit horo. Reports from Donvor state that Supt. Vlckroy, of -tho Cololado divis ion of tho Union Pacific has tendered his resignation. Wm. 1 aught, formerly an employeo of tho local freight houso, loft yester day afternoon for Grand Island o nc- copi a position. Attached to train No. 20 Friday af- tornoon wero sovoral cars of dele gates from tho Womana Fedoratcd Club of San Francisco enrouto (to the convention In Now York. Vice-president and General Mana ger Snoncor, of rho Orejton Short Lino, passed ithrough Sunday onroute to Omaha. This lias given rlso to the report that ho will succeed Mr. Moh lor as president of tho Union Pacific. Bratt. Goodman & Iliicklov rmuirt tho sale of tho property nt 50G South Chestnut street to Dnn K. Nnwmiwnr. who recently camo hero ,to nct'opt tho position of roaumnstor. Thn iironnr. ty was formorly owned by A. G. Hult man. Three or four civil engineers from Omaha haedquarters hnvo boon horo for Bevoral days taking measurements in tho yards and grounds east of the depot It Is supposed tholr work is In connection with moving the freight warehouse east 'to make room for the new depot. A few days ago sixteen carloads of Idaho hogs formed part of an east bound train. They wero enrouto to South Omaha. It Is but recently that hogs havo been shipped from Idaho to tho eastern mnrkots; In fact It Is only a few years Blnco that Btato con sumed more pork than It grow. North Platto railroad men express their regret over tho resignations of President Mohler and General Mana ger Ware, who aro highly regarded and have proven exceptionally fair in their dealings with tho employes. Naturally tho North Platto employes aro interested in the successors, for it may mean a general "shapo up" of all tho officials. Usually when a now man takes a high offico, ho brines with him frlonds who succeed othor officials under him and' so on down tho line. TO THOSE WHO DESIKE TO SELL to are receiving Inquiries for clt.v property, farniH and other lands. lVJiat have yon? If priced right we can sell it. KKATT, GOODMAN & llUL'KLEY. ::o:: . The Eldeon club will meet tomor row afternoon wjth Miss Anna Howes, &U2 I'jast second street. MIsb Edith Patterson, who has been teaching In the Bonson schools at Oni aha, will return homo next weok. I wish to put out fifty head of cattle on pasture. Who wants them? Phono 782K022 THOMAS E. DOOLITTLE. E. M. Smith loft nt noon yesterday for Omaha to purchase a numbor of now cars for his patrons. xno Episcopal guuu win Hold a fifteen cent lunch In tho church base mont Thursday afternoon. Tho directors of tho Chamber of Commorco hold a luncheon nt the Vienna Cafo yesterday afternoon. FIRE, TORNADO, HAIL INSURANCE 0. H. Thoelecke. Listen to our DoIIarSale Saturday, May 27. ONE DAY ONLY Boys' Wagon Child's Sulky - $1.00 - $1.00 Saw and Hammer both 1.00 Full size Suit Case - $1.00 Traveling Bags - - $1.00 Special Sale on Rugs and many other Articles. ALL NEW GOODS. ECKELBERY 600 Locust St. EVERY Art Needlework Department will, upon request, bo sWon a Tico Foundation Form ANY STYLE OR SIZE Theso Tico Forma Are Guaranteed Washable ' They tnko tlio Padding, producing better return Save Tirrre, Labor and Money ThU freo offr mJo tlil you my tor thti Modern Method tor Initialing Full (Kitctiosi (at EmbroiJensa ril& etdt tunpla I mm j;if m "i Wilcox Department Store. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. W. V. Hoagland Is suffering from blood poison In un arm. All boostors smoko Town Boost, tf A program will bo given and mllo boxes opened nt this time. Italph Starkoy has gone to Grand Is land to attend tho stnlo trap shoot. Gottman'sIIand-Mado Cigar. Cc. 14-tf MIsb Dcsslo Foster returned to Omaha Inst evening after visiting with hor parents. . Mrs. Andy Llddoll will leave next week for Dowaglnc Mich., to spend the summer. Rov. Patrick McDald loft Sunday ev onlng for Sltiaway Mountain, Wis., to Bpend a woek. B. B. linker returned Saturday from a threo wcekB' visit In tho eastern part of this state. Keith Neville 'loft last ovonlng for Grand Island to tnko pnrt In tho state shooting tournament. Tho Tllllkum girls will havo an ico crqani benefit at tho Nortli Plalito Candy Kitchen tomorrow. Clydo Frlsto, who hnd been spending his vacation with tho homo folks at Dickens, returned todny. Palm Leo Cigar 10c . 14-tf Mrs. Carl Bonner returned la3t ev- cnlug from a two weeks' visit with rel atives in St. Paul, Neb. John Owons is ill with blood pois oning in his left limb, caused by ru wound ho recently received. Your ichoico of any Wool Suit worth .... . 9,n nn . 1 r in . . 1 . 1 1 n.. i i BLOCK'S. Millego Jiuklard returned Sunday from tho stato university to spend the summor witli tho homo folks. Mrs. M. E. Scott intends to leavo Juno first for Cuba, Illinois, to spend sovoral weeks with rolatlvos. For Salo or Trade A second hand Harvard cabinet grand piano, in first class coditlon. J. II. VanClcavo. 37-3 W, D. Fisher, secretary of tho Cham ber of Commerce, went to Omaha lust ovonlng to attond tho state convention of commercial clubs. Tho murrlaco of Miss Mabel Ander son and Raymond C. iJorram will take plnco Thursday morning nt eight o'clock ut tho Episcopal rectory. Tho Woman's Homo Missionary so ciety to-f tho Methodist church will meet with Mrs. J. D. Cox, 317 west Sixth street, Friday afternoon, May 2ttth. R. L. North, special agent for the Union Pacific, returned yestordny from a week's business visit in Wyoming nnd went up the branch on business to day. 2.-.0' COATS. Now on sale nt greatly reduce! prices at BLOCK'S. Her Cooking A Pleasure. Tho gas rango truly takcB nil tbo trouble out of meal preparation. It's tho up to date, safe- and sano way of cooking. Wo want you to sco our assort ment of gas ranges.. We'll explain how economical thoy are, how easy to cook with, how quickly thoy per form their duty without smoke or dust or ashes. When you onco use one youH wonder how you ever did without it. North Platte Light & Power Co. VISITOR at our place of Stumping and Mrs. Edward Putott and dnughter, Janet, of Sidney, enmo down last ov onlng to visit relatives and attond tho wedding of tho former's nolce, Miss Font Coatos. NOTICE Any ono wanting leo cnll on Joo Spies, tho old lee man man, or phono Black 101. 37-tf ::o::- CondllloiiH nt Grand Island. Railroad men running into Grand Island report that last Saturday night the rooming houses In that city wero raided by the police and thirty women nnd 102 men woro arrested. Thoy wcte fined an avorngo of about thirty dol lars each. -::o::- F0K RENT Houses, trnctH of hay land, Htorngo room and Hitfo deposit boxes. RUATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. ::o::- Hln Dad Day. John had boon naughty all day, and whon his fathor camo homo that ovo nlng his mother asked him to speak to htm. Calling John into tho room, ho said, "Well, John, what kind of a boy hnvo you boon today?" Looking earnestly at IiIb fathor, ho Bald, "Woll, daddy, uomo days I'm good and somo days I'm bad, but today I'm no good nt all." Fizzle. " "What Is It a sign of when ono'o !Ipn itch?" asked tho dear girl In tho par lor scono as -oho lowcrod tho blinds and Boated hor norson on tho and of La sofa built for two. "I don't know, T'1 ...Mn II .... ..1 1 .1 4 1.- .1 ... . iiu iiinu, minimi iiiu uuiiNU yuuiiK man, ns ho folded his arms and tried to jook wlso, "but I presume lt 'iiidl catos Bomo eort of r. putaucbud trou )le." Indianapolis Star, . . , . . Sheriffs Sule By virtue of an ordor of snlo issued from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendorcd In Bald court, wherein II. S. Evans Is plaintiff, and I Benton Taylor et al aro dofondnnta, and to mo directed, I will on tho 21th day of Juno, 1U1C, at 2 o'clock p, m., at Uio east front door of tho court house In North Platto, Lincoln comity, Nebraska, sell at public auction to ,tho highest bidder for cush, to satisfy Bald decree, intorcat and costs, tho follow ing described proporty, to-wlt: All of Section Nineteen (19), Town ship Fifteen (l(j). North of Rrihgo Twonty-Elght (28), and West Half of tho Northeast Quarter (W NE) and East Half of tho Northwest Quur tor (Ej of NW4) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Flfteecn (15), North of Rango Twonty-nlno (29), all In Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platto, Nob., May 22, 1910. A. J, SALISBURY 37-fiw Shcr'it. I C. R. MOREY, Mnnoger.