The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 23, 1916, Image 2

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CHAPTER aXXII Contlnuea.
That phrase, tho "ono nmall wom
an," startled mo Ilka an cloctrlc Bhock.
It was my own phrase, my pet, secret
phrnso, my lovo phraue (or her.
"Whoro did you got that phrase?"
I demanded, with an abruptn&M that
In turn startled hor,
"What phraso?" she asked.
"Ono small woman."
"Is It yours?" Bho ashed.
"Yos I answored, "mine. I mftdo
"Then you must novo talkod In your
Bleep," Bho omllcd,
Tho dancing, tremulous ltaht was In
hor oyoo. Mlno, I know, wero speak
Ing beyond tho will of my speoch. I
leanod toward her. Without volition
I leaned toward her, an a tree Is
pwayod by tho wind. Ah, wo wero
Very close together In that moment.
But she shook her head, as ono might
shako oil sloop , or a dream, saying:
"I havo known It all my life. It was
my father's namo for my mother."
"It Is my phrase, too," I said stub
bornly. "For your mothor?"
"No," I nnswerod, and sho ques
tioned no furthor, though 1 could havo
Hworn her oyes retained for some time
u mocking, teasing expression.
With tho foremast In, tho work now
wont on apaco. Almost beforo I
know It, and without one serious hitch,
I had tho mainmast stepped. A dor-rick-boom,
rigged ta tho foremast, had
accomplished this; and soveral days
moro found ..11 stare and shrouds In
placo.nnd ovorythlng set up taut. Top
sails would bo a nulsanco and a dan
cor for a crow of two, so I heaved
tho tormasts on dock and lashed them
Sovofal tnoro days wero consumed
In finishing tho sails and putting them
on. Thero wero only throo tho Jib,
foresail, and mainsail; and, patchod,
shortened, and distorted, they wero a
ridiculously Ill-fitting suit for so trim
a craft as tho Ghost.
"llut thoy'll work!" Mnud cried
Jubilantly. "We'll make them work,
and trust our llvos to them!"
Curtalnly, among my many now
trades, I shone least as a satlmakor.
I could sail them bolter than maiio
tbom, and I had no doubt ot my power
to bring tho schooner to aomo north
orn port of Japan. In fact. 1 had
crammed navigation from text books
aboard; and besides, thero was Wolf
Larson's star-scalo, so simple a do
vice that a child could work It.
Ah for Its Inventor, boyond an In
creasing doafnens and tho movement
of tho lips growing fainter and faint
er, there had boon llttlo change In
his condition for a wook. Dut on tho
day wo flnlshod bending tho schoon
er's calls, ho hoard his last, and tho
last movemont of his Hps died away
but not beforo I had asked him,
"Are you all thero?" and tho Hps bad
nnswerod, "Yes."
Tho last lino was down. Somowhoro
within that tornb ot tho flesh still
dwelt tho soul of tho man. Wallod by
the living clay, that flerco lntelllgonco
wo had known burned on; but It
burned on In sllonco and darkness.
call awkward, till I broko It, say- I closed my eyes and went to Bleep
Ing: ngaln. I did not know It, but I had
"Soo thoBO black clouds to wind- slont tho clock around and It wo
ward. You remember, I told you last night again. "
night tho barometer was falling." once moro I wuko. troubled be-
"And tho nun la gonn." sho said. caUB0 j C0Uld slcop no bettor. I
hor eyes still fixed upon our Island, Btruck a match and looked at mj
whoro wo had proved our mastery watcn, it marked midnight. And I
over mattor and attained to tho tru- nn( ,10t jcft tno dc. until three'
est comradeship that may fall to man j Bnoui, have been puzzled had 1 not
and woman. euosscd tho solution. No wonder I
"And It's slack off tho sheets for Wflfl 8ic0ping brokonly. 1 had slept
Japan!" I cried gayly. "A fair wind twonty-ono hours. I listened for a
and a flowing sheet, you know, or wh,Jo t0 tho behavior of tho Ghost,
howovor It goes." to tIlc pounding of tho scaB and tho
Lashing tho wheel, I ran forward, muffled roar of tho wind on dock, and
cased tho foro and main shoots, took thon turned over on my side and
In on tho boom-tackles, and trimmed !, n-nfiiiiv until mm-nine
rr 1 1. 1.. i. i. .. .ii.i i . 1 1 I . I , . . .......
iu mum, tiuiiiiiuiujr, you uiu it un nVnrvth nc for tho nlinrtnr nc breeze wu i . I n
i . - , ... I - i I VV Mull I U1UDU t k OUft.ll
wun your own minus! which was ours. It was a freBh -i t
"Dut there wero two other hands." brcozo, very fresh, but I resolved to lnho ctl,,oy mmarto breakfast. On
fSJ Being
y Well
I answered. "Two small hands, and run afl long nB , dftrc(1. Unfortunntc. dcclk , foun,, tho GUoBt doing splen.
don t say that was a phraso. also, of ly whcn runnlng frco, )t 9 impos- dldly under her patch ot canvas. But
niDio m asn mo wncoi. so i lacou .t. n.. n...i, nra na hum
ai.. i. l.i. i l I ... . . ' . . . . I" mo kuiiuj, inuusu
a ,.o muBMvu u..u a,.Uun .,cuu,u nn al.n,giU watch. Maud insisted on InK and watcr boiling. I found no
- , relieving mo. uui provou uiui sno i,,a
' T mm. iiAvii, rvnf Mintn nlnnti nrrnin " I . ... ... . I i'iliuilt
vu.. ......... ..". .. ,,, Birenetn to Bieer in n
'iho wullcd. "nor soften tho weather- URnvy Beai ovon f flho coui,i havo
OCai. I i-nlnnrl tlin wlRilntn nil ntipli nhnrt nn
"Then dirt and weather-beat shall ., s,,n nnnnnrnd nulto himrt
be your guerdon of honor," I said, iiroU(m ovor ho discovery, but rocov
noiuing uicni in mino; nnu, in spuo
Dairymen Who Are Successful Are
Ones Who Pay Attention to the
LJttle Details.
of my resolutions, I would havo kissed
tho two dear hands had sho not swift
ly withdrawn them.
Our comradeship was becoming
tromulous. I had mastered my lovo
long and well, but now It was master
ing mo. Willfully had It dlscheycd and
won my oyes to speech, and now It
was winning my tongue ay, and my
lips, for they wero mad this moment
to kiss tho two small hands which had
tolled so faithfully and hard. And I,
too, was mad. There wna n cry In
my being llko bugles calling mo to
her. And thero was a wind blowing
upon mo which I could not resist,
swaying tho very body of mo till I
leaned toward hor, all unconscious
that 1 leaned. And sho knew It. Sho
could not but know It as sho swiftly
drew away her hands, and yet could
not forbear ono quick, searching look
boforo sho turned nway hor oyes.
Dy means of dock-tackles I had ar
ranged to enrry tho halyards forward
to tho windlass; and now I hoist od
tho mainsail, peak and thront, at tho
namo tlmo. It was a clumsy way, but
It did not take long, and soon tho fore
sail as well wan up and llutterlng,
"Wo can nover got that anchor up
In this narrow place, onco It has loft
tho bottom," 1 said. "Wo should bo
on tho rocks first."
"What can you do?" sho asked
"Slip It," was my answer. "And
means much towards the
preservation of your
health. The stomach'
must be kept strong, the
liver must be active and
the bowels regular. As
soon as there is any de
viation from those con
ditions you should try
(By UVail Q. VAN PELT, Iowa.)
Peed your cow tho best you know
how for six or olirht wooks beforo sho
I discovered her In tho stcerago. by frcahons. Tho feed durlnir this norlod
Wolf Lnrson'a bunk. I looked at him, Quid t,0 ngnt, dry and bulky, so as
the man who had been hurled down uot to tax tho dlgcstlvo apparatus. Tho
from tho topmost pitch of llfo to be caX Bh0uld bo left with tho mothor
burled allvo and bo worse than dead. for 48 t0 60 i10Ur8 nfter birth. This
Thoro soomcd a relaxation of his ox- wiu aJd Jn r0H0Ving inflammation.
pressionicss iaco wiuun wua nw. Aftor tho calf ,B tnkcn away put
Mnud looked at mo and I understood. tho cow on dry fccd( nbout flvo pounds f JEvcry Wom VOL Want
ins nio iiicKoroii oui in iuu aiunu. of gram, wuu hay. auago must oe in
1 Recognized It as a United States
Revenue Cutter.
I said
"Hut ho still lives." sho answered,
Infinite faith In her volco.
"Ho had too great strength."
"Yes," Bho said, "but now It no
longer shacklos him
"Ho is a free spirit surely," I an
swered, and, taking hor hand, I led
hor on dock.
Tho storm broko that night, which
Is to say that It diminished as slowly
as It had arisen. Aitor orcaiuasi
next morning, when I had hoisted
Wolf Larsen'a body on deck ready for
burial, It was still blowing heavily
and a largo sea was running. The
dock vas continually nwash with the
sea which camo Inboard over tho rail
and through tho scuppers. Tho wind
smote tho schooner with a sudden
gust, and sho heeled over till her leo
rail was" buried, tho roar in her rig
ging rising In pitch to a shriok. Wo
stood in tho water to our knec3 as
I bnrcd my head.
"I remember only ono part of tha
service," I said, "and that Is, 'And
tho body shall bo cast Into tho sea.'"
Maud looked at me, surprised and
shocked; but tho spirit of something
I had seen before was strong upon
mo, Impelling mo to glvo service to
eluded, for tho most economical feed
ing. Increaso tho amount of grain by
one-half pound every day or two until
hor capacity for milk production Is
reached. To determine this It Is noc-
Ho Is a free essary'to carefully weigh tho feed and
tho milk each day. Tho dairymen who
I Dissolved in water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia
Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
sore thront and sore eyes. Economical.
Hu extraordinary clcuiiaa and germicidal power.
lUaxnnlet-roo. sue. all riruscuU, or pertpad br
X mail. The Pailon Toilet Company. Boston, Man. x
A toilet preparation ot merit,
nelpa to eradicate dandruff.
ForRnatorins Color and
BeatitrtoGray or Faded Hair.
60c. and SLOO at DrucrRlata,
'Can you suggest a good motto to
hang up In tho dining room?" asked
tho boarding liouso mistress.
"How about 'Forglvo U3 this day our
dally bread?'" suggested tho man who
was going to move tho next day anyhow.
Fine Dairy Animal.
ored hor spirits by colling down
tucklos and halynrdB and nil stray
ropes. Thon there wero meals to bo
when I do you must do your first cooked In tho galley, bods to make.
work on tho windlass. 1 shall havo Wolf Larson to bo attended upon, and Wo'1 LarBon aa v0if Larson had
to r.un nt onco to the wheel, and at sno unisneu mo uny wun a gnu u oncQ E,yen sorv,co t0 anothpr man
tho samo tlmo you must bo hoisting housecleanlng attack upon tho cabin j ,ft(jd thQ ond of thQ hatch covori
tho Jib." and steerage. and tho canvas-shrouded bodv sllnnod
mis maneuver or getting unuor ah nigiu i sicorcu, wunpui runui. foot flrst ,ntfy .,, an rrhn iei,i .,.. tf ,
,.,nw 1 t.n.l .,.,ll,..l i 1 ., o M... ,i,l ,t,1 oto,1M Innrnnn. . . .7 . - ' mJ'lu
.7". ,""U," C ,., , , . Z 'T " ' "7.: a in 01 ,ron urnEgca it aown. it was gone. onea who do tho llttlo things,
WU1U Ul "uiub, uiiu, Willi vuo jiu-nai- i..b u.m mu ouu n0ii.B. t ...v, "UOOd-by. LUCilCr. nrOUd SDH-it." It , rn,.l,l, tn wolh llm mlllr
yard to tho windlass, I know Maud tho morning Maud brought mo hot Maud whispcrc(li B0 iow that It was aml Eraln but lt mUst bo done By
vuimuiu ui .luinuuB mu- """M-"""" u,Dl.u.t , arownou oy mo snouting or tno wmu; havlnc tho amount increased cradu-
DUi n ui id n inu o kuIW ouuai..i... oui i Baw tno movement or ner nps auy the heavy producing cow may con'
" um" ,,uo u,c, covo- ,anu 1 ,OUB" uul MUHl vul "uw "lo and know. Bumo na much as 18 to 20 pounds of
wiw ui;i wuu Kuiiu, luiuu wuiu u luroiiBiioui uio nay. uiiu no oiu,ji As wo clung to tno leo ran ana grain a day but each cow has a differ
requlrod to got us safoly out. and stoadlly as ever, tho wind in- Uvorkod our way aft. I happened to , limif
.... J . .... ... . .. I . . . fit. I, I - -
wiion i kiiockou tno siiacKio-ooii creaBcu. u impresscu ono wuu no Kianco to icoward. Tho UUost. at tno rr, o,ow f,i nn nmimi
looso tho chain roarod out through sullen determination to blow, and moment, was uptossed on a sea, and ot Brajn per day for each 3 to 3.5
tho hawso-holo and into tho sea. I blow hurdor, and keep on blowing, i caught a clear vlow of a small poutl(jB 0f miik produced. It Ib nocos
raced aft, putting tho whool up. Tho And still tho Ghost foamed along, steamship two or throo miles away, aary to -watch tho milk supply, and
unoBi-soouicu to start into uio as rucing on uiu nines uh i wub uouam roiling nnu pitcning, neau on to me iha rnriiininir rnnnr-itv nt tho
sho hoolod to tho first fill ot hor sails, sho was making at least eleven knots. soa, as It steamed toward us. It was cow has QQn cached any furthor in-
i no jiu was rising, as h iuieu uio ii was iuu goon 10 iuuu, uui uib.- pamieu uiacK, ana irom uio iaiK oi crcaso jn tho feed will be a loss to tho
Ghost's bow Bwung off and I had to fall I was exhausted. Though In tho hunters of their poaching exploits jnipvmnn ntl,i BpipqB tux nn tho
lllll t lw. M.1.nnt .1 r. .1 I r. 1 n .1 I .1 l.i...lnnl 4.lm n 1 1 1 1 r t tl 1 V. T I 1 I . nrt . T T 1 4 ,1 C,nAa 1 J " "
i.. i i i iin.ii r ,1 . cow b aigcsuvo apparatus
uiuiiuj iiur, i iiuui iriuu ni iuu wnuui nun uiu num rovuiiuu cuuur. i i)uuui:u 11 uul ui
I had dovlsed an automatic Jib- of my endurance Besides, Maud Maud and hurriedly led her aft to tho
shoot, which passed tho Jib across ot bogged mo to hcavo to, and I know, I safety of tho poop.
Itself, so thoro was no need for Maud if tho wind and sea Increased at tho i started to rush below to tho flag
to attend to that; but sho was still sumo rato during tho night that It locker, then remembered that In rig
hoisting tho Jib whon 1 put tho would soon bo tmposslblo to heavo gjng tho Ghost I had forgotton to
Whool hard 'down. It was a momont to. So, as twilight deepened, gladly mako provision for a flag-halyard.
of anxiety, for tho Ghost was rush- and at tho samo tlmo reluctantly, I "Wo nood no distress signal," Maud
hig directly upon tho beach, a stone's brought tho Ghost up on tho wind. said. "They havo only to soo us."
throw distant. But sho swung obo- But I had not reckoned upon tho
dlontly on her hool Into tho wind, colossal task tho reeling of three
Thero was a great fluttering and flap- sallB meant for ono man. Whllo run-
ping of cauvns and roof-points, most nlng away from tho wind I had not to bo glad or not." production of milk, as tho latter con-
wolcomo to my oars, thon sho filled appreciated Its force, but when wo looked at her. Our eye3 were not tains 87 per cent of water. Practical
away on tho other tack. ceased to run I learned to my sor- loath to moot. Wo leaned toward dairymen have found that It is a good
Maud had finished her task and row. and well-nigh to my despair, each othor, and beforo I know It my policy to provide tho cow -with' plenty
como aft, whoro sho stood besldn how florcoly It was really mowing, arms wero about hor. of good, clean water. That flowing
mo, a small cap porchod on her wind- Tho wind balked my every effort, rip- "Need I?" I asked. through a muddy ditch Is not suited
blown hair, hor chocks flushed from plug tho canvas out of my handB, and And sho answered, "Thoro Ib no for a dairy cow.
oxortion, hor oyos wldo and bright In an Instant undoing what I had nocd, though tho tolling of It would it jB aiBo important that tho water
with tho excltomont, hor nostrils galnod by ten mlnutos of sovorost ho, Bwoot, so sweet." be of a mild temperature, especially In
Htouned Uulcklr. Fifty rears ot niilmarruriL
success of T)r. Kline's RolleDST Medicine lnaurea
lasting resnlts. LAUfiRTuiAL Iiotti.e KiiriH. Ult.
The upstart who says trade Is vul
gar Is usually slow when lt comes to
paying his bills.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver.
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet fo
a laxative three for a cathartic. Adv.
Being on tho right oldo In politick
means being on tho Inside.
That Flowing Through Muddy Ditch la
Not Suited to Dairy Cow Fur
nish Ample Supply.
A largo amount of water is needed
'Wo aro saved," I said, soberly and by tho avorago dairy cow for tho up-
solemnly. And then, In an oxuber koop of bodily functions. In addition
nnco of Joy, "I hardly know whothor to this, much moro Is neoded in tho
Why Thai Lame Back ?
Morning lameness, Bharp twinges
when bending, oc an all-day back
acho; each is causo enough to sus
pect kidney troublo. Get after tho
causo. Help the Icldnoys. ' Wo
Americans go it too hard. Wo
overdo, overeat and ncgloct our
sleep and exerclso and so we are
fast becoming a nation of kidnoy
sufferers. 72 moro deaths than
In 1890 is the 1910 census story.
Uso Doan's Kidnoy Pills. Thou
sands recommend them.
An Iowa Case 7
'Evirt Tlf
Frank J. Itooney,
grocer. 153 Jullen Ave.,
uuuuquo, lown, says:
"I had rheumatic
pains In my left hip,
often extending: Into
my shoulder. I felt
nervous and had llttlo
ambition. I know my
kidneys weren't acting
properly and I began
using Doan's Kidney
Pills. They Boon cured
mo ana tonea up my
system. I am clad to
say mat tno euro has been permanent."
Get Doan's at Any Store, SOe a Box
I Raced Aft, Putting the Wheel Up.
And it was disembodied. To that In
telligence thoro could bo no objectlvo
knowledge of a body. It know no
body. Tho very world was not. It
knew only ltoolt and tho vastnoss and
profundity of tho quiet and the dark.
tii-mi- I CM AAAIII.
Tho day camo for our departure,
Thoro was no longer anything to de
tain ub on Endoavor island. Tho
Ghost's stumpy masts wero In placo,
her crazy sails bent. All my handi
work was strong, nono of It beautiful;
but I knew that lt would work, and I
felt mysolt a man of power as I looked
KB It,
"I did Itl 1 did Itl With my own
hands I did Itl" I wanted to cry aloud.
But MaUd and I had a way of voic
ing each other's thoughts, aud alio
said, aa we prepared to bolat the
main will:
quivering to tho rush and bite of tho
fresh salt air. Hor brown oyos wero
llko a startled door's. Thero was n
wild, keen look In thorn 1 had nover
soon beforo, and hor Hps parted and
hor breath Hiispondod as tho Ghost,
charging upon tho wall of rock nt the
entrance to tho lnnor covo, swopt Into
tho wind and filled nway into safe wa
ter. My first mato'B berth on tho scaling
grounds stood mo In good ntond, and
I cloarcd tho Inner covo and laid a
long tnck along tho shoro of tho
outer covo. Onco again about, and
tho Ghost headed out to open sea. Bho
had now caught tho bosom-breathing
of tho ocean, nnd waB herself n-breath
with tho rhythm ot lt as sho smooth
ly mounted and slipped down onch
broad-backod wavo. Tho day had
boon dull and overcast, but tho sun
now burst through tho clouds, n wol
como omen, and shono upon tho curv
ing boach whoro together wo had
dared tho lords ot tho harem and
Blaln tho holluschlcklo. All En
doavor Island brlghtoned undor tho
sun. liVon tho grim southwestern
promontory showed loss grim, nnd
horo and thoro, whoro tho Bea-Bpray
wot Uh surfaco, high lights flashed
and dazzlod in tho sun.
"I shall always think ot It with
prldo," I said to Maud.
Sho threw hor head back In
quoonly wny, but suld, "Doar, doar
Endeavor Island I I shall always lovo
''And 1." 1 said atilcklv.
ft soomed our oyeB must moot In n
great understanding, and yet, loath
they strugglod away and did not
There was a silence 1 might almost
struggle. At olght o'clock I had sue- Her lips met tho press ot mlno. coid weather. Ico water taken Into the
cocdod only In putting tho second and, by what strange trick of the stomach of tho cow causes a shock to
reof Into tho foresail. At eleven imagination I know not, tho scono In tho Bystom that is not conduclvo to
o'clock I waB no fnrthor along. Blood tho cabin of tho Ghost flashed upon high milk production. Tho tempering
dripped from ovory flngor end, whllo mo, whon sho hnd prossod hor fingers 0f this cold water In the cow ubbb some
Vanishes Forever
tho nails wero brokon to tho quick, lightly on my lips and said.' "Hush. 0f tho energy that might bo applied to prompt Relief Permanent Cure
I.. lirt ,1flM1f,inrjD snncn. v nr itHf.. mir -inn cmnll rrrnmnn I i - . . 1 1, XlfcAVii V u& A a
WUIII III tHU imilVHUOO, ovvivn;i mw kUj wuiliuil. viivi oiuuu iuuM44. i IJUIIJHUU WUluT 0 IUUCU UUUUi IUUU IUU 1 I lirm nil 1 C
Tfittt altmilil ti-f lfiinw 1 1 nn M tviv frnrt Imnil nnttlni hfV i u nni rnrtir Antnra IjI V CIV TlLiLiiJ never
1,11 u I. iiiiii Miiii i auU ........ ---- i uuitl VULUi IU UiO IUU l uui uvuvvtu i - ., r,,--,1,. nfn
Thon, in doaporaUon, I abandoned shoulder in tho way all lovers know (lW ln overcoming this trouble, A cow act surely
. .a a I aitf It .1.1 ImhI.Ihm tnaH I .... . .a .a . a I 5?
rosolvod to try tno oxponmont ot my man, mm uum, iuimum uun Warm water m me winter umo man oi the liver.
heaving to under tho closo-reofed at mo for on Instant with tremulous Ico wat0r,
fnrnnnll. Throo hours moro woro ro- lids which fluttored down nnd veiled
qulrod to gaskot tho mainsail nnd Jib. hor oyes as sho snuggled hor head MnimT f)F GRAIN FOR CALF
... i . ..l.. l.. I lr.t mv lirnnnl urllh n. hnnnv lit tlo U U IX I UT UllHIll run
anil III IWU III Vll lllUilllllKi iikui IJ I nh",u ...... -,-
doad, tho llfo almost buffeted and sigh
worked out of mo, I had barely nufll
clont consciousness to know tho ox.
porlmont was a succoss. Tho close
roofed foresail worked. Tho GhoBt
clung on close to the wind and be
trnyed no Inclination to fall off
broadBldo to tho trough.
1 was famished, but Maud tried smile, whimsical as
I looked toward tho cutter. It was
very close. A boat wns being low
ered. "Ono kiss, dear love," 1 whispered.
"Ono kiss moro before thoy como.''
And roscuo us from ouraolves.'
Young Animal Should Never Be Given
More Than It Will Clean Up
Two Poundc Is Limit.
A small amount of grain Is all that
is necessary for tho calf. Nover feed
Stop after
dinner dis
- .... ..
improve the complexion, ongntentneeyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
sho completed, with a most adorable more , grain than It will clean tup. At
hnil ruivor seen mu uko " nuuno o o.uu,u Uu
vainly to get mo to cat. I dozed with
my mouth full of food. I would fall
asloop In tho act of carrying rood
to my mouth and wnkon In torment
to Hnd tho act yet uncompleted. So
for It was whimsical with love.
about one-half pound; at tho end of
two months, ono pound daily; and a
month Inter two pounds a day, which
Is all that Is necessary up to six
months of age.
His Philanthropy.
"Look hero," said tho b'onevolont
. .... t I im,Iiii mnn "vnii iinvn nnknil mtt for
BlOOpiiy IIUIIIU0 mia i unit iu mir .uu t, r- rnrATUCIIT (IE PftMO
comnollcd to hold mo In my chair to worn ovory time i passcu una vumur uuYll-C incHimtm ur uuiio
nrvnnt mv holm: flunc to tho floor by for tho lnat throo weeks.
tho violent pitching ot tho Bchoonor. "Havo I?" was tho surprised Inquiry. Nothing Will Reduce Milk Flow as
Of tho passage from tho galley to "Yes, you havo, ana 1 navo given Quickly as Unklndneis Animals
tho cabin I know nothing. It was you money onco or twlco. Now, what Appreciate Kindness,
a Bloou-walkor Maud guldod and would you do It I offored you work?"
mmnortod. In fact. I was aware ot "What would I do? I'd tako your n0 kind and gentle to the cows you
nothing till I awoko, how long after namo an' address, guv'nor, nn thon, if aro milking. Nothing will so quickly
I could not Imagine, In my bunk with I found nnyuouy mat wanicu worn, redUce the amount of milk aa unKlntt
my boots off. It wub dark. 1 was I'd son 'Ira roun' tor yor. 1 m a phllan- treatment. Kindness Is prolltablo ln
stiff and lame, and cried out with throplst, an' run a free omploymont handling dumb animals aa woll as In
pain whon tho bedclothes touched my agency. I don't get a ponny fur mo dealing with members of the human
poor finger-ends. tlmo only Jest wnat comes in acci- nc.,
Morning had evidently not ceme, io I dental like from folks llko you.
br Cuttar't DlaakUa Pills, to,
priced, fresh, lellabla: preferred br
Western aloakmen. because thty
preteot uhtra ether vaeelnu fall.
Write tor booklet and twUmonlala,
10-dese pkji. Ulatklig Pills Jl.Ot
80. dose pkoe. Blackly Pills) 4.09
Use any Injector, but Cutter's best.
The annerlarltr of Cutter Broduels ll due to nrer IS
jean ot loeclallilnc ln vaeelaei and serums only.
insill vu (.uiiere. ai uwiuworui orucr uurci.
Tfci Cutter Laboratory, Birkilsy, Ctl., ir Chltajs. III.
Kill All Flies! ir
Haeed anrwhera.0ala ri Killer attraeta smd kflla all
him. caa. wuuufoui, conTeoicnt. ana coeap.
'I 1"!
MUvL rata' i bILIm
tip rr will tMjtavU 1
BM staivtMnar. (1
U4 aSMUrtw Aak It
Daisy Fly Killer
Jold by dUr, r 6
T srMB fc(u4. 11.0
HAROLD bOMERS, 1 60 DKlb Avo., Brooklyn, N. Y.
ATOld operations. 1'osltWo rrmedy TTk r,Ta
f No OUV-Ueaulu aure Writo for our fr KfciL
bis Uookot Truth and Facta To-I)ar. uu