The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 23, 1916, Image 1

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Co . r
No. 37
Mrs; 0. H. Thoelccko will bo hostess
to the Club Nerita tomorrow after
noon. Mrs. Grovor 'Wlllorton returned
Sunday from Sidney whoro sho visited
last week.
The Indian Card Club will bo enter
tained tomorrow afternoon by Mrs.
Wll Hawloy.
Mr. and Mrs. Lisle H. Jackson came
Sunday evening to visit her mother,
Mrs. J. A. Jones.
The local ball team will go to May
wood, next Sunday for a game with
the team of that town.
Mrs. Russell Wyman will entertain
the members of the Entro Nous club
tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Joseph McNeil has returned
from Scotts Bluff where sho visited
Mr. McNeil last week.
Dr. J. B. Redfleld has returned from
Tryon, 'where ho assisted Dr. Cartor in
surgical work last week.
Dr. J. K. Elms, formerly of this
city, but now residing at Lincoln, Is
visiting friends in town this week.
Mr. and Mra. H. P. Husband and son
Jack expect to leave shortly for Cal
ifornia to remain for the summer.
Mrs. Italph Smith and children will
leave in a few days for Kearney to
visit relatives for a week or longer.
James Crawford, Jr., who has been
associated with W. E. Monroe for sev
eral weeks, resigned a few days ago.
Dr. and Mrs. Carson, of Grand Is
land, are visiting this week with tho
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
L. C. Carroll, ot tho Electric Roller
Mills of Gothenburg loft yesterday af
ternoon after visiting hero for sever
al days.
Mrs. Slvlts went to Lincoln the lat
ter part of last week to visit her son
who is taking medical treatment in
that city.
"Mrs. Frank McPadden returned to
Paxton Sunday afternoon after visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huff for
several days
Mrs. J. Marsh, who had been taking
treatment at the North Platte Gener
al hospital for several weeks, is able
to return homo.
The Zeta Zeta club will be enter
tained by Mrs. W. H. Riggs and Mrs.
A. M; Seibort at the Riggs homo to
morrow afternoon.
Mrs. F. ' W. HeVminghausen will
leave shortly for different rjolnts in
Iowa, where- alio will visit relatives
for several -weeks.
Mrs. Everett Bloyd entertained a
score of friends last eyening at an
informal party given in honor of her
sister who recently came here from
Laramie. L
Tho Lutheran aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. M. Met
lin, 218 west Fourth street.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Horrigan was brightened Saturday af
ternoon by tho arrival of a nlno pound
A. E. Huntington came down from
tho Kolth county ranch yesterday and
will spend tho week with friends In
Mr. Wilson, an old soldier, is crit
ically ill at tho homo k his daughter
Mrs. C. M. Rodgcrs. Death is expected
at any moment.
drover Wlllorton, who had been
employed at Sidney for somo time, re
sumed his duties hero yesterday with
the Union Pacific.
Mrs. Reed, who makes her home
with her niece Mrs. C. F. Iddlngs, hai
been confined to tho houso by Illness
for tho past week.
Frank Garman, of Omaha, formerly
a resident "here, came the first of the
weok to visit his brothers Ralph Gar
man and Georgo Garman.
Cecil Campbell, of Rawlins, arrived
hero this week to take tho position in
tho Pacific Fruit Express vacated by
J. L. Sinclair lust week.
C. F. Scliarman, of Chicago, will ar
rive here Sunday, June 4th. He comes
to attend tho convention of Spanish
War Veterans and to visit relatives.
W. R. Maloney wenl to Sutherland
yesterday to take charge of tho fun
eral of the late Malcomb Whitp, who
died tho latter part of last week.
Robert Jackson Gilmoro ago 25, and
Miss Elizabeth Edith Corfleld ago 23,
of Maxwell, wero granted a marriage
llccnso yesterday morning by County
Judge French.
Girls' Middles and Skirts to match,
all sizes,. 0 to 20, price 59 cents up.
When eyes itch, smart, burn or ache,
it's naturo's cry for help. Good glass
es, properly fitted optometry's aid. C.
S. Clinton, the sign wltli tho big
Honey to loan on Ileal II state.
DUATT, 00 01)31 Ar & BUCKLEY.
One of the features of tho parade at
the G. A. R. encampment, at Lexington
last week woro the school children.
There wore thirty-six school districts
represented and the number of pupils
participating exceeded 1,800.
Jqhus Aqullar who was arrested re
cently for obtaining by fraud and de
ception a letter addressed to Limo
Vazquez, Denver, and which had been
forwarded to "Molbeta In Scotts Bluff
ccunty, will bo tried in tho Omaha
division of the federal court. The case
was. to have been tried here but wa3
transferred yesterday morning.
Aquilar is charged with opening the
lettor and removing a monpy oruer or
tho(valuc of $11.00. He has been a
pns.onej in me umiuiu. juu iur auuiti
ity, Service, Satis
A firm that, has heen in business for 30 years. Bottled Soda
Water is just the purest of water charged with pure carbonic
acid gas with a little syrup, flavored with harmless flavoring
and coloring and pure fruit acid. Our bottling department
is screened and sanitary; we filter all our water before bot
tling. We guarantee our products to comply with the Pure
Food and Drug Law.
Thanking our customers for their liberal patronage in the
past, we hope to merit the same in the future.
North Platte Bottling Works,
WM. HEYSE, Proprietor.
Fifty or moro members wcros pres
ent at tho smoker given In tho district
court room last evening by the Cham
ber of Commerco, nnd considerable
enthusiasm was displayed on the sub
jects brought up for, discussion and
Bollovlng In tho start mado toward
having North Platto recognized a a
convention city, a motion was mado
that an invitation bo extended to have
the Stato Sunday school association
hold Its 1910 convention In this city.
The convention this year la to bo held
at Broken Bow and Secretary Fisher
and a strong committee will attend
and tirgo tho acceptance, of tho Invi
tation. A. W. Shilling, representing tho
Spanish War Veterans, outlined the
program for the state convention of
the association which will bo held In
UIs city Monday and Tuesday, Juaa
5th and Cth. He asked tho co-operation
of the business men in decorating
the city, in supplying autos for a
ride which wil bo given 'tho ladles
who attend, and also cars to tako tho
delegates to tho rlflo range .where a
shcot will be held. Mr. Shilling yns
asiurcd that nl. wouH co-.morat6 1:.
making the visit of the delegates a
p.Ieasant one.
' The building of the road betweon
hero and Brady was discussed, and
remarks made by County Truiaurfi'r
Durbln assured his hearers that tho
.completion of a good highway between.
tno two points woum bo ratuor slow
work on account of financial condi
tions. Tho cost of a good road way is
estimated at $6,000 or $7;0p0 and as
the available funds in tho entire Sec
ond commissioner district is but
$;i,300, It would require the taxes 01
at least two years to build tho road,
oven If all tho funds wore used for
that purpose. However, It wbb stated
that work would bo started immedi
ately following the August levy, and
the road placed In acme sort of travel
shape. In this connection a commit
tee was appointed to Inquire into the
possibility of submitting tb tle votor3
of tho county a propraitlon toncreaso
the road levy.
The question of a Fourth of July
celebration was discussed and sub
mitted to a committee to be appoint
ed by the president.
Placing telephone and electric wlrej
under ground was brought up and
Manager Morey spoke of the difficulty
encountered in the work of placing
high voltago wires In underground
conduits. Ho know of no Kebraska
town of North Platte's slsfb- where
high Tnoltage was under ground.
Street lighting was. discussed at
length, especially the cluster light sys
tem, and it developed that tho revenues
of tho city wero not sufficient to pay
for tho current necessary for that
class of lights. However, a committee
will bo appointed to seo about placing
tho necessary underground wires be
fore paving is laid, thus obviating the
tearing up of tho pavement should it bo decided to Install cluster
Secretary Fisher outlined the work
proposed for tho coming year and ak-
ed for the hearty co-operation of mem
bers, nnd chairmen of committees for
several purposes were named for sev
eral specific purposes.
At tho" conclusion of tho meeting n
luflch"was-served by Mrs. Fisher and
Misses Hilda Anderson and Essie
Georgo Welnbarg Takes u Bride
Georgo Welnbarg, nearly everybody
knoWs Georgo, surprised ovon his most
Intimate fricndB Inst evening by tak
ing unto liimself a bride in tho per
son ot Miss Irma Frcderlcl. Tho cer
emony occurred at tho Lutheran par
sonage, with Hov. Harman officiating
in tho presenco ot a half dopen rela
tives and friends. Following tho cere
mony tho couplo left on a wedding
trip to Donvor and Salt Lako and per
haps to tho coast.
Tho contracting couplo nro nmonq
our best kuown and popular young
people, both having lived hero prnctlc
ully all their lives, and tho brldo hnd
for several ycarH occupied the posi
tion of bond saleslady for tho Kauf-mann-Wornert
Co., which slto vory
competently filled. Georgo Is n splen
did young man who well deserves tho
companionship of so splendid a young
woman. Congratulations nro extended.
- :;o:
Domestic Sclcnco Dept. Elects Officers
Tho domestic sclcnco department of
tho Twontloth Contury club wero tho
gliosis lef Mrs. E. S. Davis and Mrs.
WM!. Reynolds at 'tho homo of' tho
.formor yesterday afternoon. The top
ic for tho day was "Bovorages." Mrs.
G. B. Dent acted as leador. It being
the last meeting of tho year officers
Wero ekfcted as ifcWlow:Cha'lrman,
Mrs. W. C. Elder; assistant chairman,
Mrs. F, H. Barber; secretary, Miss
Irene Stuart; treasurer, Mrs. E. A.
Garllcha. ,A voto of thanks was ex
tended Mrs Roy Ootterell. tho retir
ing chalrinak Mesdames W. II. Bin
lock, F. Earlier nnd J. S. Davis were
nppoinetd oirStho committee to have
chnrgo of the ytsar book wf tho club.
; :nr :
Complimentary Banquet
Business mcn and others will hold
a banquet nt thef Hoted McCnbo on
Wednesday ovorilng, May 31st, com
plimentary to Manager Welngand, of
that hostelry. Plates will bo laid for
one hundred rtt two dollars each, and
no tickets will be sold after the first
100 are taken, .heso tickets will bo
In the hands Bf Secretary Fisher, of
tho Chambor of Commerco, from
whom they can bo obtained.
This banquet was to have boon Giv
en nt tho time tho Hotol McCabe was
opened, but on account of conflicting
datus, it could not be hold;, at that
time. ' A
::o:: . -
Wonderful Bargains at Clinton's
Dollar Dny Sale, Saturday, the 27ili.
Cut Glass, Pottery, Flower llnskqs,
Brass Goods, Lattics' Hand lings. Cas
seroles, Solid Gold Rings, In fact there
will lie articles that nro worth from
$U0 to $3.00 out of our stock. Don't
bjI5 this -wonderful sale. Clinton,
4he iflowcler, the Nlgn with the big
r ::o::
Young Jinn Dies Suddenly.
Malcomb White, the nineteen year
old son of J. R. White, of Sutherland,
died suddenly at noon Saturday. The
young man had been a victim of diph
theria, but had about recovered, tho
quarantine- lifted and tho houso fumi
gated but, as often Is tho caso with
diphtheria, tho heart had become
weakened and death was due to this
latter cause. The funornl was held
Saturday Will Be Shirt Day
At Samuelson's
We Will offer any shirt in
the house for
Value up to $2.00, every shirt
guaranteed fadeless.
Tiioro Is nothing safer or pays
higher rates of Interest than our first
mortgage real estate loans. Wc ul
ways liavo a few choice loans to offer
tho Investor. AVe attend to all detnils.
Our record In loans Is over a million
dollars without the loss of a penny.
Attornoy W. V. Hongland went to
Sidney yesterday to represent, tho dry
elemont in tho license election case
which came up for hearing before
Judge Grimes yesterday.
mM)Hco to Ladles of tho Jlnccnbecs.
Tho Ladles of tho Maccabees will
go to Sutherland Wednesday, Juno 7.
Whllo there they will bo entertained
by Mrs. Ditto. All thoso planning, to
go pleaso notify Mrs. C. F. Tomplc,
chairman of tho (committee, before
Wednesday, Juno 5th. 37-3
Don Melton, of Dickens, was amonc
the out of town visitors here yester
Mrs. Harry Gutherless will bo hos
tess to tho J. F. F. club Friday after
Mrs. W. S. Eshelman was called to
Sutherland Saturday by tho death of
hor brother.
Mrs. Neimtfn, of Cedar Rapids, In.,
who spent the past flvo weoks with
her daughter, .Mrs. Carl Hollman, loft
last evening.
Supt. Hovvo, in conjunction with J.
E. Evans of this city, has arranged tho
following program for Memorial day.
May 30th, at tho Ft. McPhcrson No
tional Cemetory:
At 10:30 a. m. school chlldron will
assist tho comrades In decorating the
soldiers' graves.
At 12:00 in., lunch.
At 1:3Q ! n.. tho oxcrclscs will com
monco, with Past Department Com
mandor, J. E. Evans, as chairman.
Invocation by Rov. Anderson.
Song, "Scatter tho Flowors."
Reading of Genoral Orders J. E.
Select Reading, "Foes and Friends."
Reading, "Lincoln's Gettysburg Ad
dress," by Supt. Howo.
Address by' Attornoy .Tas. Kcofo, of
North Platto.
MubIc, "Tho Buglo CallB."
Oration, H. G, Knowlos, of North
Short addresses by Comrades, Sons
of Veterans, citizens and Spanish
American Votorans.
"America," by audience.
Taps, Iby Mr. Kuhrta, of Maxwell.
Graduation Exercises
Tho graduation exorcises will bo
hold In tho Ivoltli theatre on Wednes
day ovonlug, May 24tli, at 8:30 o'clock.
Reserved scuts hava been given to tho
graduates and their friends, to the
hlch school or seolnc ono of. the class
the. board ot education and iTJeir fam
ilies and to thoso taking part on tho
program in any way. Anyono elao
wishing reserved scats may sccurf
them without cost by calling up th
lilgh school or seeing of tho class or
or faculty. Admission Is free.
Tno program win consist or, snort.
addresses by four members of tho
class tho class, president, Jlarold
Burke; tho valedictorian, Helen Aldcn;
tho historian, Jack Husband; and the
class prophet, John Lincoln. On be
half of tho alumni, Richmond Blrgc
will address the clnss and Leslie Bas
klna will speak for tho board of edu
cation. Tho Boy' and Girls' Oloo
clubs will furnlsli part of tho music.
Will JIovo 'tflils Week.
The First National Bank is making
preparations to movo to Its temporary
quarters In tho room first door north.
Tho proporty will bo movod gradu
ally ho as not to dlscommodo the ser
vice, nnd by tho end of tho week this
work will bo completed nnd tho bank
will open up In tho now quartors next
Monday mornIng,
Work of demolishing tho present
bank building will at onco begin ard
tho slto cleared for tho erection of
the institution's now home.
Tho social hold by tho Catholic la
dies at the honiQ'Of. Mru. F. J. McGov-
rn Friday aftomoon was well attend
cd and tho ladies netted a neat sum
Which will ho used for tho now Cath
ollc school fund.
Tho class Kf 191C, thirty-four in
number, tho high school faculty nnd
sovoral members of tho board of edu
cation woro tho guosts ot tho Junior
clasa at a banauot at thn Hotel Mr.
Cabo Saturday ovonlng. Tho program
was arranged to rcprosont a drama.
SUpt. Wilson Tout nctod as doorkoopor
and Miss Gcorglna McKay was toast
mistress. A numbor of witty and clovor toasts
woro given by Holon Bird, Jack Hus
band, Francis O'Connoll and B. T.
Tmnttv Thn tnlilna wnrrv linnnliriilli,
decorated with red and whito candles
and cut Ilowors. Sovoral musical num-
uors woro rondored, among them an
orlclnal sons: dedicated in thn Hnntnr
class. Covors woro laid for about Blxty-
In taking Mutual Hull or any In
sunince whoro tho payment of your
losses depends on tho other fellow
Illivlllir IllH llMNPKNmnnK I. ft nu nrn.
fect your Jnjerosts In strong financial
companies, who lime nercr inncm to
pay nn holiest loss. .
TArSy J. F, Clnbaugh who 1ms l)oen
seriously ill for two weeks is roported.
to bo Improving.
Tho Hemphill printing plnnt Will
movo this week to tho north room In
tho Plzor building on Locust street
MIsb Myrrhs Stdroy, of Lincoln, vis
ited tho Gantt family hero last week
whllo enrouto to Halg to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Gantt.
Mayvood vs.
North Platte.
Wednesday, May 24th,
at 3:00 o'clock.
It will be a Fast One
Admission 25. Autos 25
Have written Hail Insurance for past 18 years in good stock companies
and always paid losses 100 cents on the dollar.