THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ) FRECKLES Now Is Uio Tlmo to Hot Rid or Tticoo UKiy spot. There a no longer the allrhti'Ht need u teellni: nshamcd of your freckle y, as tin prescription othlne double atrmjitli- l ruaranteed to remove theae horn, ly pot. simply set an ounce of othlne- double '"nKth from your drugRtst, nnu jpply a "."'8 It night and mornlnir and you nould Boon rto thot ven the wurst fr kVa have bcjtuu to disappear, whllo the llRhter pnts have vanished entirely. U Is seldom that morn than one ounce Is needed to com pletely dear the skin and Bain a beautiful clear complexion. lie sum to nslt for the double strength othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If U falls to remove freckles. Adv. At the Museum. "1b that tho urtlst'3 name In big let ters on tho plcturo, pop?" "No, my Bon. Tha Is the namo of tho rich man who presented tho plc turo to tho niusouni. You will find tho artist's namo In very small let ters down In tho lower right-hand corner." CUTICURA COMFORTS BABY Suffering From Itching, Burning Rashes, Eczema, etc. Trial Free. Glvo baby a bath with hot water and Cutlcura Soap, using plenty of Soap. Dry lightly and apply Cutlcura Oint ment gently to all affected parts. In stant relief follows and baby falls Into a refreshing sleep, tho first perhaps In wooks. Nothing nioro effective Freo sample each by mall with Dook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. ' Too many men turn down n paying Job for reform work that doesn't pay them anything. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant 1'ellets. They rcgulato liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. An angtor may tell tho truth when ho tells how many fish tho othor follow caught. A form of parachuto has boon In vonted to enable persons to cscapo from high buildings iu case of lire. Don't count your poultry beforo they got big enough to get away from the cat. Self-Esteem. "You must forgive your enemies." "I do," replied Miss Cayenne. "But I can't help criticizing their bad taste." Mandy the Undisturbed. Solitude does not make for elo quenco. "Mandy," said 71111 Ittnor, tho ulti. mato denizen of Bitter Creek, "whoro'? my razor? I need a shave." Entered then iko Kidder, the arch enemy of Bill Itiner, a bad citizen from across tho range. A nluc-lnch bowlo flashed in his hand. Bill clinched with Iko and tho mountnln cabin trembled in their struggle. The table was demolished, tho stovo col lapsed, the matiulnal water bucket was overturned. Finally, BUI secured tho knife. As ho pushed tho dying Iko from Its blado "Behind tho clock," said Mandy. "You suro do!" Judge. , Vcngeanco First. A young convict camo singing around Cha 'corner of tho big, sunny yard, and Judge Brilcs had Just mado himself comfortable In an easy chair on tho big house porch. "Good morning," said ho to the man. "Good mo'nin'l" "What uro you hero for?" "Bcatln up a policeman." "That is a serious offonsu. Now, aren't you glad you bavo thought bet tor of it and Intend to turn about?" "Yes, sun." "And when you get out you will re form?" "Yas, suh, I'll dono beat up dat perlcecoman what sent mo up fo' beat in' hlni up after dat, I'so gwlno t' bo a dlffunt niggnh, Jpdgo." Pittsburgh Chroniclo Telegraph. I GLASS OF WATER Upset Her. Peoplo who don't know about food should never bo allowed to feed per sons with weak stomachs. Sometime ago a young woman who lives in Mo. had ah attack of scarlet fovcr, and when convalescing was per mitted to eat anything she wanted. Indiscriminate feeding soon put her back in bed with severe stomach and kidney trouble. "Thoro I stayed," Bho says, "threo months, with my. stomach in such con dition that I could take only a fow tea spoonfuls of milk or beef juica at a time. Finally Grapo-Nuts was brought to my attention and I asked my doc tor If I might cat It. Ho said, 'yes,' and I commonccd at onco. "Tho food did mo good from tho stnrt and I was soon out of bed and re covered from tho stomach trouble. I havo gained ten pounds und am able to do all housohold duties, somo days sitting down only long enough to eat my meals. I can eat anything that one ought to cat, but I atllt continue to eat Grapo-NutB at breakfast and supper and like it bettor every day, "Considering that I could stand only a Bhort tlmo, and that a glass of water seemed 'so heavy,' I am fully satisfied that Grnpc-Nuts has been everything to rao and that my roturn to health Is duo to it. "I havo told sovcral friends having nervous or stomach troublo what Grapo-Nuts did for mo and in every caso they speak highly of tho food." "Thero's a Reason." Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo Crcok, Mich. IJrr rrnil tli above letter! A nevt i uc npprnrs from time to time. Tbry uro (leiiiilne, true, nnd full of human lllllTt-M. S Tnr KITCHEN iH CABINET fed DAIRY ABLE TO FOLLOW ANY TRAIL FACTS PROFITABLE TO SELL CREAM Burdens of Farm Women Lightened birth, Australian Aboriginals Are Conceded to Bo the Finest Trackers Known to the World. Tho Australian aboriginals nro tho lluost trnckora In tho world. On many occasions thoy perform feats which nro almost boyond belief. But to them tho work is qulto habitual. Tho boyB aro taught to track from Will the lovo that you're so rich In Hulld a flro In tho kitchen And the little Kod of lovo turn the spit? Kntluislnsni Is essential to the sue ccHsful nttulniiiont of any UIbIi endeavor. DAINTY MEALS FOR SMALL FAM ILY. As wo nil learn from sad csperienco, roasts aro not satisfactory bought in small quantities ami no family enjoys beef, mut ton or chicken threo or four days In succession: neither docs tho frugal housqwlfo wish to waste good food. To make a successful caterer for a small fam ily attontlon must bo paid to tho marketing nnd arrangement of quantities. If ono arranges to havo guests for luncheon, after having a chicken din ner, tho chicken may bo used in pat tics, or salad or as chicken croquettes. Thus ono may cntortain without feel ing any special drain on tho living ex penses. A varied diet may nlwayB bo given, ns broths may ho mado from tho bones of tho aforesaid chicken for tho next day's luncheon, following with a dish of macaroni and checso or spaghetti and tomato sauco, thus hav ing a soup and an ontroe at slight ox penso. A can of corn may bo opened and part of it used a a a vegotablo with milk or cream, then a few days later prepare it with egg, a cupful of whito sauce and seasonings of mustard, salt, Worcestershire sauco and popper into an escalloped dish, to servo cither as a main dish at luncheon or as a vego tablo at dinner. Such dishes as veal birds or olives aro attractive and mado from small bits of meat. Flatten them by beating, roll up with a piece of bacon or salt pork and bread crumbs brown in a hot frying pan, then add cream and simmer until ten der. Cucumbers too old for slicing may be cooked after crisping in cold wa ter and served as ono does nsparagus. An angol pun scil In Ills onward flight With n seed of lovo, nnd truth and llKht And erk-d, "Oh where nlinll tills seed bo sown That It ylold moat fruit when fully Ki-own?" The Savior heard; und he said, as lio sullied, "IMuoc It for me In tho heart of a child." Mrs. N, C. AlRcr. FOOD FOR THE CHILD. twi Why In tho world do you want to carry Things that annoy and harass and harry? Stop them and drop them, a new day In h&re, Squeeze a laugh from It Instead of a tear. Kaufman. VEGETABLE COOKERY. It may perhaps havo been noticed tho lack of space given in our cook books to tho subject of vegetable cookery. This lack shows tho valuo wo place upon them and tho reason for tho Bllpshod methods of cooking. Wo do not learn, by Instinct, to cook vegetables, and until thoy tako their proper place in food values thoy will no doubt continue to bo wasted in cooking. Tho failure of getting good results from vogetablo food may bo with tho selection, for vegetables out of season aro neither economical nor satisfac tory; tho flavor Is usually in inverso ratio to tho cost. Tho best of cook ing and seasoning cannot supply tho lack of flavor. Vegetables may bo crisp and fresh when brought from tho market, but by careless handling aro wilted and spoiled. In the cooking of vegetables thoro aro a fow things to remember, first to retain all tho mineral matter and nutriment possible, to soften tho cellu lose and to develop tho flavor, making them more palatable, Spinach cooked properly should bo well washed and cooked without tho addition of water or very littlo. This vegetable bolng rich In Iron which is solublo in water, may by being cooked in a largo amount of wator bo nearly valueless ns a food. Tills is truo of Balslfy, green peas and beans, or, In fact, any of tho delicately flavored, succulent vegetables. Tho season ing Is another important item; tho fla vor should novor b6 disguised by sea soiling. Usually butter, popper and salt, not too much, Is tho best bo causo it is tho plainest. To accomplish theso results ono may uso several methods; cook tho vegetable whole or In largo pieces, to cook with tho skin on when possible, to ccok In us small an amount of wa tor as possible without burning, to servo tho water in a sauco with the vegetable whenever posslblo, and to season nfter tho vegetablo has start ed cooking so that tho salt docs not draw out tho flavor. It Is ns Important that tho growing child should have tlssuo building food as It (s that ho should have plenty of fresh nlr. Both arc necessary for growth. Highly seasoned rich food, sweotB, pickles nnd spiced foods havo no placo In tho diet of n child. Simple, plain, well- cooked food of sufficient variety to conform to tho ago and health of tho child is importnnt enough for each mother to give timo and study to her child's needs. BrotliB of various kinds, as well as purees of vegetables aro good dishes for children, with n slice or two of well buttered whole-wheat bread. Well-cookod rlco with no seasoning but salt, served In good, rich milk, will make a satisfying meal. Rico com bined with sugar, eggs and milk makes a dessert which 1b safo and wholo- somo. Orange. Julco may bo given qulto a young child, provided it is dono be tween feedings. Scraped apple, stowed figs and prunes without sugar, aro all good for tho child. Tho nntural crav ing for sweots may be satisfied by giving a pieco of wholesomo candy after a good meal. Novcr allow tho child's appetito to bo cloyed by sweets before a meal. Ofttimes tho irritable, naughty child is only so because of improper food and being allowed to eat sweets. For a child's suppor dish thcro Is nothing that takes tho placo of good bread and milk, adding a pinch of salt to the dish. Mutton Broth. Wipo threo pounds of tho neck of mutton, rcmovo tho fat and skin and cut in small pieces. Cover with cold wator and heat grad ually to tho slmmorlng point; skim and strain when tho meat is tender, season with salt and add threo table- spoonfuls of rlco or barley. Cook un til tho rice Is tender. and Income Not Decreased Sepa rator Is Most Essential. Somo farmers nro churning buttoi nnd selling it for loss that they would recolvo from tho snlo of tho cream which is used in making tho butter Prof. C. II. Ecklcs of tho Missouri Collego of Agrlculturo points out three very good reasons why It Is tc tho ndvantago of tho Missouri farm ors to sell cream rnthor than to make outtor to no som nt tno local atoro i,1q ,,,i,in i ,, nttnrt m oindn Uj smiling cruam moans ior8 worn ioi t,.nHn , nonrh nf ,tm. w It n olios n o women man matting minor, zi tIonnblo ,f thcro B a Bngi0 cn80 on ino cream win neany always urniE rocord whoro ho CBCapod. ns mucn ns tno uuttor nnu ouon coiv Wlmt mlg,,t bo cnllc(l chigB0B , Bitlornbly more (3) Tho cream buy nrn hnM fnp thn vmmestors. crs offers a markot for any quantltj Thn ...... ot ,hnm ... n uotiVi nn,i or cream at. any nmo. (iiBn..nonr inn tho bush nnd do Any system that will lighten tho ovo th,ng ll0 can ,lo t0 ranlco Ul0m loso his tracks. Ho will tlptoo along Tho women nro Just ns oxport ns tho raun. Horso trnckB nro child 8 piay to thhui; thoy can track a horso at full gallop. Thoy can track anything pos&ums, snakes, Iguanas; oven beetles leavo sufriclont trail for them to work on, Tho standard of honor among those tribos Is high. Whon ono of them breaks tholr strict codo, fearing tho wrath of tho trlbo, ho bolts, and, knowing ho will bo pursued, uses all MANY CASE! OF OMACH AND OWEL DISORDERS are traceable to delay TRY fallon logs, swim a qunrtor of a mllo along a stream, double on his tracks. and bo on. Finally ho returns to tho boys, who duties of tho women on tho farm with out decreasing tho lncomo should cor tninly bo adopted. "When crenra is Bold nil that is necessary is to see that tho cream is cooled nfter being separated and to tako It along to town thon act QUt t0 ,ck up tho trnc)cB imcu u wuoit in wiuiur uuu uuuo times in summer, It may bo that a fow farmers' wives will And special customers that will tako tho butter at a price equal to that secured for cream, but that docs Why Ho Resembled His Parents. A bachelor friend of tho young cou plo was being ontortalnod at dinner, and during tho ovoulng ho wns pro not apply to many. Even then surplus "ciitud by tho proud mother to her In- butter will bo left on hand nt times. Again thoro may not bo enough to supply tho customors nnd dlssntlsfac tlon will result. When selling croam these troublos do not como to annoy. fnnt sou. 'Now, Fred, which of us do you think ho Is like?" sho nskod gayly, holding up tho baby for, inspection. Tho guest viownd tho tiny mlto for Any quantity, much or littlo, can bo " momont as ho replied, Woll, tit sold to tho cream buyor at any tlmo courso intelligence has not really nn,1 onal, rnnnlvml nn thn nnr,t UtlWIlOd III Ills COUntOlUUlCO yOt, bllt As n rule, unless tho homemado but- ! wonuoriuuy into uoui oi yuui tnr can ha sold nt an avornffo nrico Voutlis companion. of 25 cents or raoro tho year around, tho lncomo will bo moro If tho croam is sold. At an averago of 25 ccntB tho lncomo will bo .about tho samo, but Too Duy. "John, I don't hollovo you paid any attontlon whatovor to tho sermon to a lago amount of vork will bo saved day." by selling tho cream. If tho farmer does not havo a cream soparator ho should get ono If four cows or moro aro mllkod. A machlno will moro than pay for itself within a year when ton cows nro kept by tho additional butter saved. Four cows with a separator will mnUo ns much butter as flvo of tho samo grarto without a soparator. Tho fifth ono rdpresonts tho loss In buttorfat in tho skim milk. How could 1, my doar? 1 was try Ing to llguro out how I nm going to pay for tho lSnstor hats and gownB you nnd tho glrlB aro woarlng. FusBlng in public Is n bettor mntrl monlal sign than klBsIng In public. A spinster looks upon man as an ovll but not ns a nocossnry ovll. HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters AT THE FIRST SIGN OF TROUBLE CWATlfP- I not rocommondea O VV X1V1X - for overytlilnt:; but 1C ij i f vi yu novo .Kiuney, uvor AvVV-J or blndder trouble it may bo found Just tho remedy you need. At druBKlsLi In fifty cent and dollar sties. You may rocelvo a sample slco bottle of this reliable medlclno by Parcel Post, also pamphlet t el line about It. Address Dr. Kllinor & Co., BlnKhoniton. N. Y.( and cncloso ton cents, also men tion this paper. No Changes There. Bacon Astronomers in 18 observa tories in almost as mnny nations aro compiling a map of tho hcavouB flint Is expectod to catnloguo from 30,000, 000 to 40,000,000 stars. Egbert Evidently don't bollovo tho war Is going to chnngo tho map of tha hnnvons. USE AULTCN'S FOOT-KASE Tho antiseptic powdor to bo shnlcon Into shnoH and used In foot-batli. It relieves painful, swollen, Htnartlnir. aching, tired feet and Inntuntly takes tho sting out ot corns and bunions. Tho groatost comfort discovery ot tho bro. Sold overywhero, Soe. Trial packago FU13E. Address Allen 8. Olmstod, L Roy, N. Y. Adv. Probably Not. "Thoy Bny Gcorgo haB brain fever." "NonBonBo! Can an angleworm havo wator on tho knoo?" iir r KL.1N1S UOMl'ANV, ltud llunU, N. iI.-AdT. About 15,000 tons of pnpor and paper board aro manufactured ovory day in tho United States. lOR' HANDY MILK BOTTLE HOLDER All Hint men ever did, V Somewhere somotlmo was hid; Thought has to dl(r It out, Zeal has to bring It out, Nothing la futllo to wit, grit and skill; Your lot depends on the strength of your will, Kaufman. Contrivance Shown In Illustration Easily Can Be Fastened to Any Convenient Support. Sinco bottles havo suporsoded the old-fashioned milk-pail, peoplo havo been perplexed to find somo method of suspending tho bottlo out of tho reach of cats, dogs, etc. Tho contrlv anco shown in tho illustration can bo If you Suffer from Backache, Lum bago, Kidneys or Rheumatism? . Take Hot Water and "AWURiC" SOME QUICK SOUPS. Tho soup for an emergency is with out argument the canned varioty. It is wiso to havo on tho emergency sholf with which overy well-regu lated family Is supplied, a variety of canned soups to which to turn. in timo of need. Cream of Peanut Soup. Put a cupful of peanut butter into a quart of milk; add half a tea- spoonful of salt, a dash of cayenne, a tablespoonful of grated onion, a bny leaf, a pinch of celery seed, or a fow of tho leaves of celery tops. Cook in a double boiler for ten minutes. Mois ten a tablespoonful of cornstarch with cold milk and stir until smooth, add to tho soup and cook ton minutes. Strain through a slovo and servo with squares of toasted bread. Freshly rousted poamits may be ground lino or pounded and uned Instead of pea nut buttor. Cream of Pea Soup. ProBB through a colander n pint of peas, add a quart of milk, a hay leaf, and a tea- spoonful of onion Julco. Molt two ta- blespoonfuls of butter, add two tablo- spoonfuls of flour, nnd whon woll cooked add tho first mixture. Rc movo tho bay leaf, season well nnd servo hot. Quick Egg Soup. Stir a teaspoon ful of beef extract' Into n quart of boil ing wntdr, add a grated onion, celery salt, salt and pepper to tasto. Pptir boiling hot into a tureen with fonr tablcspoonfuls of boiling rlco and tfo well-beaten eggs. Servo hot. A.Sy portion of cold cooked vogetablo may mnko a very palatublo soup, If ryit through a slovo, added to hot miXx, seasoned nnd tlKWtoned as usual. American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble, be cause wo cat too much nnd all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric ncid which tho kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, be come slucpisli: the diminutive tissues clop and tho result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general declino in health. when your kidneys feel like lumps ol lead, when vour back hurts or tho urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or you aro obliged to eeek relief two or threo times during the night, when you sulTct with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you havo rheumatism when the weather Is bad, get from your druggist "ANURIC." Because of uric ncid in' overabundance in tho system, backache, pains here and there, rheuma tism, gout, gravel, neuralgia mid sciatica result. It was Dr. Picrco who discovered a new agent, called "Anuric," which will throw out and eradicate this uric ncid from tho system. Dr. Pierce bcliovcs "Anuric" to bo 37 times moro potent than litiia, nnd consequently you need no longer fear muscular or articular rheuma tism or gout, or many other diseases which aro dependent on nn accumulation of urio ncid within tho body. Send Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial imckiigu or 81.00 for full treatment "Anuric." Dr. Picrco'a reputation is back of this medicine and you know that his "Pleas nnt Pcllots" for tho liver and his "Fa vorito Prescription," for tho ilia of wom en have had a splendid reputation for tho pait CO years. Adv. Milk Bottle Holder. How It Impressed Him. Wlllio's father was trying to lmpross upon him tho tremendous progress that sclonco and invention havo made fastened to any convenient support. It in tho past fifty years. consists of a plcco of wlro curved as shown with tho ends bent on. Inde pendent Farmer. PASTEURIZED MILK IS BEST Low Temperature Docs Not Affect Nutritive Value or Digestibility of the Product. When milk is hold at 145 degrees F. for 30 minutes, all tho dlscnso-produc- lng bacteria, so far as can bo uscor- tallied, aro completely destroyed. At tho namo timo a larger porcontago of tho bacteria that causo milk to sour ntiil n omnllAp nnrtnnlnfrn nf tlinan that causo It to rot aro loft than whon a higher tomporaturo is employed. Pasteurized at a low tomporaturo, milk undergoes no chango which affects its nutritive valuo or its digestibility. Sub jection to a tomporaturo of 1C0 degrees F. or moro, howovor, does result in certain chemical changes. Tho tlmo is coming when virtually all market milk sold at retail in citios will bo pasteurized. "Just think, WllUo," ho said. "When I was a boy thoro woro no telephones, no olectrlo lights, no talking machines, no moving pictures, no X-rays, no wiroloss telegraphy, no " "Goo," Interrupted Wllllo. "What an awful lot of hicks everybody must havo boon!" An Optimist. "Somo say tho world la growing worse." "I don't think that way, although thoy aro adding raoro crimes to tho statute hooks." His Choice. "What is you favorlto Hovor7" asked tho girl. "Cnull " ropllod tin practical man Millions Best Varieties YELLOW YAM POTATO SLIPS X3.KO PER l.OOO DELIVERED Tomato ,ind Cabbugo I'lauts, for Handy nnd liincic land, nil best varieties ei,fo per l.ouo. COO for $1.00, 40o per 100 dollvereu, paclfed in Moss in good strong oasuots, write ior plant catalogue. MILANO PLANT CO. M1LANO, TEXAS Wntsnn II. Oolfiinun, Patolit Lanjor.yVashlngton, !).(). Adilco mi books freo. Uatea reuouabla. LUihut references. Ucttaonrlcoi. Nebraska Directory Hotel Loyal, Omaha Take Dodee Street Car From Station ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Tn4-AcJ$t.0 P without bath Kates !, 50 Up Wita bath. Tho Hotol With a Reputation R. E. BRYANT Proprietors O. E. CARKET W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 20-19167" Bumper drain Crops PREVENT GROWTH OF HORNS Origin of Powdery Scab. Powdery scab has hoon traced to tho Andean region of Peru, and Is bo lloved to bo endemic in tho natlvo homo of tho potato. That It 1b a para site of long standing Is Indicated by Its manner of developing in tho pota to colls, which remain allvo for somo tlmo after Infection. Grow Plants as Side Line. Many markot gardeners are growing geraniums and other bedding plants as a nl 'p line Save Fertilizing Material. The avurago dairy cow produces about thirty dollars' worth of fertilize ing vnluo in manure. Under fair cotii dltlons and proper application to tho Held, 80 per cent of this manural value can be returned to the Hold from which It enmc. Grain Ration for Horse. A grain mixture of oats, corn, whea. bran and oil meal Is tho best grain ra tion, with somo good, bright mixed hay, to put flesh on horses. In Uslna Caustic Potash the Applica tion Must Be Made Before Calf Is One Week Old. Caustic potash is tho chemical used for preventing tho growth of horn on young calves. Tho application must lio mado boforo tho calf Is ono woek old, In order to bo effective. Tho hair Is clipped away from the small buttons which may bo folt and which aro tho futuro horns. A stick of caustic potauli is then moistened nnd rubbed on tho spot until tho akin bleeds Bllghtly. Tho calves must not bo permitted to run out In tho rain for several days aflor tho application of tho caus tic, as tho water Is likely to wash the caUBtic down Into tho eyes with dam aging results. ' Good IVHarkets High Prices Prizes AvantloU to WostornGanatla foe Wheat, Oats, Bar ioy, Altai fa anti Grasses The winnings of Western Canada at the Soil Products Exposition at Denver were easily made. The list comprised Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grasses, the most important being the prizes for Wheat and Oats and sweep stake on Alfalfa. No less important than the splendid quality of Western Canada's wheat and other grains, is the excellence of the cattle fed and fattened on the grasses of that country. A recent shipment of cattle to Chicago topped the market in that city for quality and price. Witeni Carnal nrurf1 ia IOI' n.lttrtl tnnr!. wf.t. at all of tbe United State, or oicr 300,000,000 LuiLtlt. Canada in proportion to population has a greater exportable surplus of wheat this year than any country in the world, and at present prices you W can ficrure out the revenue for th( nrn- ducer. In Western Canada you will find 'Zjhfc, goou markets, splendid schools, excep. tional social conditions, perfect climate and outer great attractions There Is no war fox ob land and no conscription. Send for Illustrated pamphlet and aik for reduced railway rateo. Information as ta best locations, Addreta Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Doe Dldfj., Omaha, Nebr. Canadian Government Asent