im:)smnan;BIl ThlGS WEff WRONG Miss Edith took tho kcon IntorcBt In things and people particularly peo ple that young ladles of eighteen of ten do. So that accounted for her going down Into tho basement whero ThouiaB Watts was clearing away tho ashes from tho furnaco and making his acquaintance. Thomas was a sort of odd-Job man, of English birth, f.lmost oldcrly and of a squat flguro. Ho had mado his nppearanco on tho Btroot early In tho Bummer with a llttlo push-cart, a Blcklo nnd a rako and ho trimmed tho lawns (which aro not largo) on tho street for a minimum consideration of llftcon cents. With tho i.pproach of winter ho asked such of als patrons as had furnaces to allow him to tend them ohako down and food In tho morning, Iced and bank at night, sovonty-llvo cents per wcok, and ashes removed an extra twonty-ilvo cents. Miss Edith's papa engaged him for tho full program and Mies Edith at tho flrBt uound of shoveling wont dowu and In terviewed him. Sho asked him a flno varloty of ques tions. Ho did "fairish to mlddlln', as you might say," with his furnaces. "No, miss, I ain't married, o' course," ho said In rosponso to tho noxt ques tion. "Not as yot. I 'opo to bo, but I'm not well enough orf. Hl'vo got a lydy back in tho hold country as I walked bout with, but sho scs to mo, sho bob: "Thomas, w'on I marry Hl'm goln to atop takln' in manglln'. Hl'm goln' to 'avo a 'oubo o' mo hown an' a 'uBban' no 'as got 'is bit o' monoy In tho bank.' So I como hovor 'ore, but somo'ow I novor aeom to 'avo no luck." For somo wooka tho family hoard lit tlo elso from MIbs Edith than accounta of Watts and his touching romanco. "Hor namo is Sarah Jana 'lggina and sho 'as carroty 'air," Bald MIbs Edith. "Isn't It perfectly lovely? And thoy havo boon engaged now for moro than sovon years as long as Jacob worked for what's-hor-nnmo." Sho did holp him according to hor poor llttlo moans. "Thankoo kindly, mlsa," ho would nay, as ho pocketed her donations. "It shows your fooling 'art an' hovory llt tlo 'elps, as tho Bayln' 1b. Hl'm a-goln' to tell Sarah Jano about this." "Don't mind about that, ThomaB," Bald MIbs Edith. "But you might glvo hor my lovo and tell hor that I think you aro a a nlco man and that sho ought not to Insist upon a houso of her own If you could talco her to a nlco llttlo flat." "No foar, miss. IIl'll toll 'or that," said Thomas. Ono day a vory rich man carao to Mlsa Edith's houso. Ho was so rich that ho owned an ontlro flat building all by himself. Miss Edith told him about Thomas In hor enthusiastic way and ho soomod interested and whon Bho had flnlshod ho said: "Well, my Janitor is going to leavo mo at tho end of tho week and I wouldn't wonder if this friend of youra aulted mo vory well, my dear. Ho would havo n nlco cozy llttlo But of rooms In tho bnso mont. big enough for Sarah Jano and him, and ho ought to Bavo enough out of his wngoL to put a bit in tho bank. Send him around to sco mo." Of couroo, whon ThomaB bocamo tho janitor of tho Arothusu ho could not attend to Edith's falhor'a furnaco any moro and Mlsa Edith had to go to boo him nbout Sarah Jano. For somo tlmo Thomas talked to hor vory frooly, but ho said that ho would liavo to wait and put by a bit o' monoy boforo ho sent for his sweothcart. Thon as tlmo puosed it scorned to Mlsa Edith that Thomas rather avoided hor. Ho was ovaslvo In hla repIloB whon sho did boo htm. Sho taxed him with hla unfriend liness and ho protested forvontly that it was imaginary on her part. "You boo, mlBS," ho said, '"owso hover I might wish to 'avo a bit of a chat I'vo got a Job o' work to do an' tho work 'as to bo dono. Ilowln' to your kind rockormondatlon I'vo got this sltcrwatton ban I'vo got to show as 'ow I dosorvo it." Miss Edith thought that was vory nlco of Thomas, but sho was not euro tfiat It explained why ho was so rot icont about Sarah Jano. Tho explana tion of that camo ono morning when passing tho Arothusa sho saw Thomas coming out clad in a now BUlt of glos sy black, stiff now hat and a nocktlo as bluo as his oyoa. On seeing Miss Edith his faco instantly bocamo aa red as tho brick in tho cottagoo oppo site "Why Thomas, bow Btnart you aro this morning!" oxclalmed Miss Edith. "You can't bo working. You look al most aa If you woro to bo married." Thomas grow still rodder in tho face. "Well, miss," ho stammered at last, 'that thoro is my hlntontlons." "Why, has Sarah Jano como? Oh, why didn't you toll mo!" said Miss Edith. "Well, now, miss," said Thomaa, "not to decolvo you, it ain't Sarah Jano. It's a young lydy Hl'vo boon walkln' bout with 'oro, 'er namo boln Ilda Stromborg." "Thomas," said Miss Edith, Bolomn ly and roproachfully, "I'll novor apeak to you again." "Why, I thought as 'ow you wanted mo to marry, miss," Bald Thomas. "I did," said MIbs Edith, "but I want ed you to marry Sarah Juno, poor thing! How could you bo bo faith less!" Thomaa hung his head in guilty con fusion. "Sarah Jano got marrlod fust," bo said at last. "Sho marrlod a a 'abordashor on Newlngton cauBoway." "I don't bolievo you aro tolling mo the truth, Thomas," said Miss Edith, soveroly. SEE THEY FOUND OUT ixiaiiititiii When young I'alcstcr first camo Into the ofllco Gllnfrew seemed to regard him with an unfavorable oyo, as did tho others. I'alcstcr was a most of fensive youngster. Ho had tho quality of "frcfihnoss" In a marked degrco and it was never an amusing "fresh ness," nor did It wear off with snub bing. Dollcato sarcasm, of tho sort that Ilaskln prided himself upon, had not tho slightest offoct upon him; ho was too dull-witted to understand it. Hrutal candor, auch as Donsley waB In tho habit of Indulging In when Irri tated, only evoked abuao that waa ab solutely Intolerable Yot after Pales ter had been in tho ofllco for threo weeks Gllnfrew seemed to tako a sud den fancy to him and stood as a sort of buffer botweon him and tho right eous hostility of tho force. I'alestor was about nlnotcon yearn of ago. Ho had Just loft collogo at tho suggestion of tho faculty, it waa understood. His father was wealthy and it waa through him that tho boy had boon pitchforked into tho ofllco. It soemcd likely that ho would soon bo pitchforked out again. Ho put in an nppoaranco nt all sorts of hours in tho mornings nnd not infrequently sneaked out long boforo closing tlmo. Possibly it would havo been Jiat ns well If ho had stayed away altogether and drawn his salary without spoiling tho books. Old Bussoy, whom Pales tor "assisted," said moat emphatically that tho firm would bo ahead by such an arrangemont. "Oh, he's all right," said Gllnfrew, tolorantly. "You find him a llttlo greon Just now, but ho'U catch on after awhile." "Not in a thousand years," Bald Dus soy, docldely. "Ho doesn't want to. Ho's an Insulting young vagabond and he's worthless and vicious. Called mo 'Buster, old cock,' tho other day; that'B what ho did, sir. I told him what I thought of his lnsolonco and ho laughed in my faco. I'm going to ro port him to tho firm. I'vo boon hero for fifteen years and I'm not going to put up with that sort of thing." "I wouldn't do that," romonstratod Glinfrow. "Ilo'a young, you know." "Thon ho should rcspoct his oldors." "I'll speak to him about It." "Well, If you want to, Mr. Glinfrow," said tho old clerk, "but why you should tako his part is boyond mo." Glinfrow took tho first opportunity to romonstrato with I'alestor concern ing his conduct to his senior. "RatBl' 'said I'alestor. "Tho old lob stor ain't got any business around whero thoro's llvo people. An institu tion for tho feoblo-mlndod is whero ho belongs. Ho's a back number." "Perhaps ho Is a llttlo old-fashioned," said Glinfrow, gently, "but that's no reason why you shouldn't treat him with moro consideration, PaloBtor. Ho has tho roputatlon of bo lng ono of tho best bookkeepers and ho's a klnd-hoartcd old gontloman, too. Tho firm thinks highly of him." "Gllnnoy, you raako mo tired," said tho amlablo youth. "Say! I want to touch you for a ton-spot. Tho guv'nor's shut down on mo, you know, and all I get is what this graft hero brings in. Dig up." "It Booma to mo that ought to bo enough for spending monoy,' said Glin frow, pulling out his pocketbook, nevertheless. Twlco or threo times it Boomed to tho followB that Palostor pretty nearly reached tho end of hla ropo with Glln irow. Onco ho brought an overdressed frlond Into tho ofllco nnd draggod him directly Into Gllnfrow's llttlo prlvato room. Glinfrow, bolng assistant man ager, has a prlvato room of his own and although ho has nothing liko a caso of Hwollod head ho stands on hla dignity pretty well. , Palostor was soon through tho glass to approach Gllnfrow's desk and ho was hoard to Bay bolstorously, "Hollo, old Btlck-in-tho-mudl Wako up and nhako hands with my chum, Harry Boggs." Nobody heard what Glinfrow said In response, but tho lntorviow did not last long, and Mr. Boggs' faco was rod whon ho camo out. Palostor was unabashed, of courso. Anothor tlmo Palostor slapped Glin frow very violently on tho buck nnd a gleam camo into Gllnfrow's oyea that looked particularly ominous. But ho only laughed uncomfortably and tho thing passed off. Ono morning n carriago drovo up to tho ofllco door and a young woman got out. Sho was a young woman of per sonal attraction and vory tastefully dressod. Sho croated qulto a sensa tion whon sho camo into tho ofllco and naked for Palcstor. Glinfrow happened to boo hor and hla faco Instantly beamed with dollght. Sho seemed glad to bco him, too. "Your brother is out Just now, Miss Palostor," Bald Glinfrow. "Won't you como in horo and wait for him?" Ho indicated his llttlo ofllco nnd tho young woman smiled qulto radiantly upon him as Bho passed in. Sho stayed us much aa flftoon minutes, nnd when sho camo out Glinfrow nccompaniod hor to hor carriago and stood talking to hor qulto earnestly for as much na five mlnutoB moro. Ills color wns height ened whon ho roturnod and ho wont di rectly to his llttlo room and shut him Bolt in. Baskln, Donsloy and old BuBsoy looked at ono anothor. Donsloy winked, "It's tho only thing on the faco of tho earth that could account for It," ho said. A slnglo nest of the Australian bush turkey Una beeu found to weigh five tons. iKlHlnlMKlHirtlfflK WHAT CHANCE DID Tho proprietors of that particular breakfast food cortalnly know what they woro about when thoy originated tho Bchomo. Thoy put a coupon In overy pack ago nnd each coupon waa marked with a letter of tho alphabet. All you had to do, for Instance, was to acqulro tho lottora composing tho word "watch" nnd tho Yu-Shor-Ta-Llklt peoplo straightway sent you a beau tifully chased, 18-carat, filled, guar anteed movomontod tlmoploco, calcu lated to win tho admiration of all be holders. C, H, A, I and R would bring you a chair that would bo an or nament to tho most refined homo nnd a Joy to sit In. P, I, A, N and O If you wcro lucky enough to got them made you tho proud possessor of tho vory best piano on tho market. Mrs. Gatterloy allowed her opportu nity to go unimproved for several packages. Sho had an Idea that the coupons woro JUBt for decorated china or a silver-plated fork with overy hun dred, but ono morning sho picked ono of tho llttlo lottorod slips from tho ta blo and her curiosity being aroused, sho read tho munlflcont offer to tho last word. Hor curiosity becamo In toroBt. Tho piano fotched her. Deco rated china nnd sllvor-platod waro Bho had In profusion, bolng a bride of less than a year's standing, but tho piano in hor llttlo flat was a rented ono. Tho coupon, too, waa lotttorod P. For tunate omon! "How perfectly lovoly it will bo," said llttlo Mrs. Gatterloy. "I'll Just keep It a secret and surprlso Harry. Then ho won't havo that horrid old plano rent to pay." "My dear," said Mr. Gatterloy a morning or two later, "aren't you rath er lavish with your breakfast food? I'm afraid that I can't manage all this." "Try to eat It, darling," urged Mrs. Gatterloy. "You know It's vory nour ishing. I forgot how many pounds of beofstcak It's equal to, but qulto a number." "Thoro must bo enough of it horo to equal a prlzo ox," observed Mr. Gat torley. "However, I'll do my best." Noxt day, with somo diffidence ho remarked that a litlo oatmeal might bo a pleasant change. "You know," ho said, "tho doctors Bay that it isn't a good thing to tako too much nour ishing food." Then, as ho saw tho dis appointed expression on his wlfo'a face, ho Bald: "Well, novor mind, dear, wo'll stick to Yu-Shor-Ta-Llklt. Probably I'll got used to It In tlmo." Nothing moro was said about It thon. By this tlmo Mrs. Batterloy was becoming a llttlo fovorlsh about thoBO coupons. Sho oven did violence to hor housowlfely Instincts so far na to throw away tho last dishful or so remaining in hor packages, in ordor to got a now ono the sooner. Sho Justified this, or tried to, with tho oxcuso that it waa getting a llttlo stale. Sho had now acquired threo F's, two H'b, ono A, two T's and an O. Every tlmo sho went Into the par lor sho nodded her head at tho piano nnd said to It: "I won't bo paying ront much longer for you." Thon Mr. Gatterloy openly rebelled. Sho had served him You-Shor-Ta-Llklt with preserves and cream for lunch and a Yu-Shor-Ta-Llklt pudding for dinner. Ho said It was making him so energetic that ho overexerted him self nnd that ho was going to tapor off on beefsteak and got back to his normal condition. "I'll tako it onco a wcok to obllgo you, sweetness," ho concluded, "but I fool as If oven this delightful and nutritious fodder waa getting a trlllo monotonous. Let us havo somothlng anything elso. Why this anxioty to fill mo with sawdust? I'm not a pincushion or a doll." So Mrs. Gatterloy told him nil about It. At first ho laughed at her, but when Bho showed htm tho progress sho had mado ho bocamo really Interested. "Why, you only need an I and nn N, don't you?" ho said. "I should think wo ought to bo able to got them. I'll diet a llttlo longor." Tho Gattorloys ato Yu-Shor-Ta-Likit rollglously for a wook or ton days. Thoy wero both pretty sick of It by this tlmo, but thoy porsovorcd with no furthor results than a consecutlvo run of O's. Thon Gatterloy said: "Oh, what's tho uso of eating tho stuff? Wo don't havo to cat it." So Gatterloy plunged. Ho bought It a dollar's worth at a tlmo and they had great oxcitcmont opening tho packagos. But, as Gatterloy phased it, thoy could not flu tholr hand. It was within four daya of tho ox plratlon of tho coupon offer that tho woman who camo in onco a weok to scrub tho flat cleaned out tho pantry, and with It tho can that hold tho cou pons. That was tho Gatterloy theory. Tho woman could not remember. Any way, tho coupons had disappeared. Gattorly had Just brought homo a fresh consignment of packages and among them wero tho missing letters, N nnd I. Ho lit his pipe with them, A day later somo ono advertised for tho letter N nnd offered $15 for It. Whon that ndvortlsoment mot his oyo Gnttorly took 38 packagea of Yu Shor-Ta-Llklt out to tho garbago chuto and emptied them therein. Hla wlfo stood by and smiled through hor toars at him. "Well, doaroflt," Bho said, "I'm glad it's all ovor, anyway." A now 6,000-mllo coal basin Is being oponod up by a 500-mllo oxtonslou to tho Sorblan railway. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modorn institution for the cientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfleld, M. D. J. S. Simras, M.D. Miss Elise Sieman, Supt. Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J. B. REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUItGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 676 DR. J. S. TWINEN, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streots. Phones, Ofllco 183, Residence 283 Have Your Piano Tuned WYLIE WALKER 014 Wont 4th St. North Platte, Neb Write or Coll Phone Red 344 Pianos Tuned and Repaired Anywhere. Hospital Phono Black 633. Houso Phone Black 633. TV. T. I'llIT CHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-halt blbck southwest of the Court flousb, DERRYBERRY & FORBES, LIconNed Embalincrs Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 688. Notlco to Creditors Estato No. 1409, of Nancy E. Donald son, deceased, in tho County Court ot Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will take notlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and nl ing ot claims against said Estato is Decembor 9, 191C, nnd for settlement or said Estato is May B, 1917; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on June 9, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m.. and on December 9, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m., to recolvo, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, 33-4w County Judge. How a Telephone Company Obtains Money for Extensions Do you know how a telephone company obtains money for extending- its plant when new subscribers are added? A private business is usually extended out of profits. Gener ally when a farmer buys another eighty acres of land he does so out of profits; when a merchant builds an addition to his store, he usually does so out of his profits, But when we extend our telephone plant, whether to install a telephone or string a wire down the highway, it means an additional investment of new money in the business. Beyond a reasonable surplus for protection against emergen cies, which has been invested back into our property but on which no dividends are paid, we have never extended our plant out of the money we get from the public for service sold. We have never attempted to earn a larger return on the money invested than was necessary so we could obtain new money for needed extensions. Our growth has been phenomenal the last few years, and it has required a great deal of new money from investors. It is necessary to earn a fair rate of return on their investment for our present stockholders before we can obtain additional money. The public's welfare is best served by our paying fair divi dends to the men and women who have their savings invested in our property. If we did not do this the service would suffer from lack of new money for proper improvements and extensions. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. DJ, Physician and Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38. DOCTOR 1). T. QUIGLEY.. .. Practico Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 72S City .National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. G Reynolds Hldif. North Platte. Neb. Ollice Phono 333. Ilea. Black 513. DR. HAROLD A. FENNER OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon. Genlto-Urinary Diseases Obstetrics Gynecology TAX NOT I CH. (Certificate No. 6GS3.) To CharleH S. Havorstock iwul Ilornco T. Haverstock: You aro hereby notified th;it on No vember 4. 1912. Li. A. Wlirht ourchasod nt public sale for tnxes for the ye-tr ivii uio iouowing ucscrineti lam:, to wlt: All of Section 9, Township l!i, Hnnge 29, In Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska. That said land was assessed In the namo of Chas. S. Havorstock, and that, after tho expiration of three months rrom tho first publication of thU no tlco, tax deed will bo applied for. 3 j. A. WMUUT. First published May 2, 1916. Notice to Creditors. Esitato No. 1404 of Walter H. Stew art, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said cstcate will tako notlco that the time limited for presentation and fil ing claims against said Estate is De cember 2, 191G, and for settlement of said Estato la April 28th, 1917; that I will sit at the county court room In said county, on Juno 2, 191G, at 9 o'clock a m., and on December 2, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO E. FRENCH, 31-4w County Judge. Notice. Peto Frenoff will take notlco, that on tho 27th day of April 191G P. H. Sullivan, a Justice of tho Peace, of North Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln County, Nebraska, Issued an Order of Attachment for tho Hum of $21.50, in an action now pending before him, wherein Dr. T. J. Kerr, is plaintiff and Peto Frenoff, defendant, that property consisting of money, as wages duo, in tho hands of tho Union Pacific Rail Road Compnny, a Corporation, has been attached undor said ordor. Said cause was continued to tho 14th day of June, 1916, nt ten o'clock a. in. Dated North Platto, Neb., May Eth, 1916. DR. T. J. KERR. Plaintiff. Notice of Final Report Estato of James Rannle, deceased, In tho County Count of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all persons interested in said Estato, tako notice that tho Administratrix has filed n flnnl account and report of her admin istratlon and n petition for final set tlement and discharge as such, and for a decree of distribution and descent of tho real property, which havo been sot for hearing betoro said court on way 26, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m., whon you may appear nnu contest tno same. Dated May 1, 1916. GEO E. FRENCH, 31-3w County Judge. xotich on i'hthvo.v. Kilnto No. 141&, of Mat,- Ann Haw kin j. Deceased. In tho County Coj.-t ol Lincoln Cur.ty, Nebraska The State of Nebraska: To all per sons Interested in said Estato t.ik no tice that a petition has been niod for tho probate of an Instrument purport ing to bo tho last will and testament of Mary, Ann Hawkins, deceased, and appointment of Elvis Hawkins as exec utor pfsald will which has been set for hearing herein on tho 2Cth of Miy. 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m at county court room In said county. Dated April 27, 1916. GEO. 13. FRENCH, m2-3. County ,Tud,-e. tax xotici:. m (Certificate t'o. 00S4 ) To Benton Taylor: ou aro hereby no-:3.vl that on No vember 4, 1912, L. A. Wight purolms-jd at public sale for tnxes for tlu year 1911 tho following described land, to wit: All of Section 23, Townsihip 15, Range 29, in Lincoln County, .State of Nebraska. Tlat said land was nsseused in the name of I. Benton Taylor, and that, after tho expiration of three months from tho first publication of this notlco taxdeed will be applied for. . .... U A. WlClflV. First published May 2, 1916. NOTION OF IKCm:i2 OF HKIItKIf IP. Estato No, 1414, of Charles LiKoy Wood, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The heirs, creditors and ill persons Interested In said estate will tako no tice that on tho 24th day of Anril, 1916, Joanna F. Wood, heir of said fleaedcnr. nied her petition herein, alleging that tho said Charles LoRoy Wood died ln testato on March 23, 1913, a resident of Alameda County, California, and that at tho tlmo of his death ho had an es tato of Inheritance In Lot S, Blook 14S, and Lot 10, Wash Hlnman's Sub-division, south half Block 102, all In tha city of North Platte, Nebraska, and that no application has beon .nude In ti e said State for tho appointment of an admin istrator. That he left surviving lilin Joanna Wood, widow age 66 renldlng at aklnnd, Calif., Kato Wood Baker, daughter, ago 3G, San Francisco, Calif, Charlie LoRoy Wood, daughter, ae ?s, Oakland, Calif., Bessie Wood, grand daughter, ngo 13, Oakland, Calif., Cath erine Wood, granddaughter ago 13, Oak land, Calif., Catherine Wood, grand daughter, nge 12, Oakland, Calif. Tlint nil tlin ,1 i ti nt o.t.l .1 ,1 , , . have boen paid, or barred by the Stat ute of Nebraska. And praying that regular administration bo waived anil a decree be entered barring creditors nnd fixing the date of hla death and tho degree of kinship of his holm and the right of descent to said real estate. Cnlil ...111 I . . .1 1,... O of tho county Judge In said county. GEO. 12. PUENUII, nii-inj (jouniy Juogp. Notice to Creditors. Estato No. 1412 of Leicester Walker, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will tako notice that the time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is November 19, 1916, and for settle ment of snld estato is April 14, 1917; that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on May 19, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on November 19, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEORGE E. FRENCH, al7-ml6 County Judge. Notice. Gustof Goll will take notice, that on tho 21st day of April, 1916, P. H. Sul livan, a Justice of tho Peace, of North Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an Order of Attach ment for tho sum of $85.00, in an ac tion ponding beforo him wherein F. W. Hormlnghausen Is plaintiff and Gustof Goll defendant, that property con sisting of money, as wages duo the de fendant from tho Union Pacific Rail Road Company, a corporation, has been attached under said ordor. Said cause was continued to tho 5th day of June, 1916, nt 10 o'clock a. in. F. W. HERMINGHAUSEN, Plaintiff. 30-3w By James Keefe, his Attorney.