The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 16, 1916, Image 4

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Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Mrs. Itnlph Ford was tho guost of
friends In Coznd last week.
Miss Zlta Doncgan spent the week
end with friends in Cozad.
Dr. Drlggs, of Arthur, visited with
Dr. J. D. Redflold last week.
Ralph Clabaugh began work In the
Tramp grocery yesterday morning.
Talm Leo Cigar 10c. 14-tf
Tho Trotter ugency last wook, sold
an eight-cylinder Reo car to Dr. Fot
ter 6f Brady.
John Spies, who had been visiting
his parents In this city returned to
Kearney Sundny morning.
Mrs. Qcorgo Finn returned yester
day from Denver, whore she visited
her Bister for several days.
Mrs. Jack Beat loft Inst week for
Doniphan and will Tcturn with her
brother In their Overland car.
Jtloncy 1( loan on real estate.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Crosby, of
Sutherland, spent tho weok end with
tholr tfon M. 13. Crosby and family.
Ray Dorram has been lutely
transferred Co Sidney to tnlco tho pos
ition of electrician ut tho round house.
Tho Knights Templar hold a meet
ing Friday evening at wlilch Bevcral
mombors wcro Initiated and luncheon
Miss Florenco Stack Is contempla
ting a trip to California next month to
visit Miss Albina Hahlcr formerly of
this city. ,
Mathow Kuchef, of Mack, Col., ar
rived Saturday morning tb succeed
Gilbert Peters as day clerk at tho Mc
Cabo Hotel.
An olght pound son was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, of Arthur, at
tho North Platto General hospital tho
latter part of last week.
Mrs. W. J. Crusen, who has boon
spending tho wlntor in southorn
California, is expected to return to
this city In a fow days.
Andy McGovorn, of Brady, spout
week end in town visiting Mrs. Mc
Govorn at tho home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marti.
Miss Florenco Stamp, who has been
visiting her sister Mrs. W. R. Kes's
lcr in Kansas City for sovoral weeks,
-Is oxpected homo this wco'ki
Word was received hero last weok
of tho death lof Mrs. Lydla Jano War
ner, of Lexington, mothor of Ebon D.
Warner, of Clmdron, formerly iniuin
gqr of lh local tdlophimo offlco.
Tho cloven losers in tho Indian
Card Club banqueted tho oloven
winners at tho Hotol McCabo Satur
day ovening at six-thirty, and later
attonded a photoplay at tho Keith.
Mrs. J. 0 Richards 'returned Satur
day from an oxtended visit with her
dauglitors Mrs. Sam Morant at Inde
pendence Mo and Mrs. Fred Lan
elng, of Omaha, formerly of this city.
William Schott, whb had boon em
ployed In Salina, Kan., for soveral
months, and rocontly submitted to an
operation, camo homo Friday to spend
a couplo of wooks whllo convaloBcing.
George Woir, of this city, a Junior
Htmlont In tho dontnl dopartmont of
tho stnto university, will dollvor an
address boforo tlio stato dental so
ciety at its meeting in Omaha this
W. W. Birgo loft Sunday afternoon
for li:s Angeiles ami uCto -visiting
thoro a Bhort tlmo will accompany
home Mrs, Blrgo, who has been spend
ing tliu' piiBt flYd or six months In
southern California.
Thomas Gllmartln, of Sterling, Bpent
tho week end at tho Murphy homo.
For Salo NIco 5 room house, easy
terms. II. A Bybeo, caro Western
Union. 32-2
t George Anion, returned Sunday ev
ening from' a short visit In Orand
John Bratt left Sundny evening Dor
Kearnoy to spond a day or two on
Mrs ,Mary authorless has roturncd
from Omaha whore alio visited for a
short time. '
Howard Bakor, of Donver, Is vlstlng
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green
this week.
J. II. Ilogarty roturncd Saturday
from Paxton where ho spent a week
on business.
Mrs. W. C. Reynolds returned Sat
urday evening from Omaha whoro sho
spont a week'.
Mrs. Earl Wilson roturncd Saturday
evening from an extended visit in
castorn points,
Win, Englos lias roturned from
Hastings whoro ho attended tho K. P.
convention Inst weok.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Snyder returned
Saturday ovening from Omaha wlicro
they visited friontlB last weok.
Mrs. Jos. L. Murphy, who had been
visiting friends ,in Wisnor flor two
wcoks, came Homo Saturday evening.
Mrs. Job.McNooI wont to Scotts Bluff
yesterday to visit Mr. McNocl whb has
been employed thoro for somo tlmo.
Miss Mary Carrbll of Wisnor, ar
rived hero Saturday morning to visit
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murphy for a
Mr", and Mrs. R. G. Smith of
Orand Island, formerly of this city,
who visited hero last week, left Sun
day ovening.
Mrs. Aston llcndorson, bf Calloway,
camo Saturday ovenng to visit lior par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bybeo for a couple
of weeks.
Special purchases havo boon mado
with a vlow of meeting your require
ments for the young man or young
woman graduate. Dixon, tho Jowclcr.
Joss Smith Bpont Sunday In town
visiting frlonds. For sovoral months
ho has been located in towns on the
North Rlvor branch Belling lifo in
Rov. Leo II. Voting and son John,
of Hastings, 'aro visiting Dean and
Mrs. J. J,. Bowkcr whllo enrouto
homo from tlib Episcopal convocation
at Clmdron.
Mrs. S. II. Grace, of Chicago, for
merly of this city, who has been visit
ing In Donvor camo Saturday to visit
lior daughter Mrs. W. L. Richards
whllo enrouto lilomo.
For Salo Neat, clean stock of gro
codes, quconswaro and candy, lnclud
ing fixtures; must-go quick on account
of other affairs. Involco about $1G00
Address R. D. Wilson, Kimball, Neb. t4
Tho room vueated by tho Deal barber
shop Is bolng repaired and docoratcd
preparatory to occupancy by tho First
National Bank during thd erection of
tho nawt bank building. Tho removal
will bo mado about Juno 1st, nnd .im
mediately tho work of tearing down
of tho presont bank building will begin
V. ,i. DIENEr. CO.
Real Hntnto nnd Insurance
Como and soo ua for. town lots In
different parts of tho .city. Good In
vestments on onBy torma. Housos for
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Diiwey Sts.. upstairs.
Tho baso ball season In North Platto
opened Sunday under very unfavor
able conditions, the temperaturo dur
ing tho nftornobn nearly reaching
tho freezing point nnd Qio wind blow
ing strong from the northwest. Under
theso disadvantages good ball could
not bo 'expected, neither could It
reasonably bo expected that many of
oven the most enthusiastic fans would
turn -out.
Tho opposing team was tho High
landers, of Kearney, who arrived qn a
morning train, and though light show
ers fell during the 'forenoon and tho
weather was bleak and cold, tho load
management concluded to play tho
game. The visitors did not Bhow the
strength that was expected, and at
tho ond of eighth inning, whon tho
gamo wns called, the seoro stood nino
to ono In favor of North Platto.
Tottcnhbff pitched tho early framos
for North Platto and gave ovid6nce
that ho was In perfect form, Andrews
went Into the tox and finished', tho
game. He was a llttlo slowtjn, warm
ing up, but his work promises to bo
very satisfactory. The work of tho
team as a wlitolo was In ho way dis
appointing and with a llttlo more
team prnctlco will meet the expectan
cy of tho base ball public.
Had tho day been more favorable
tho attendance would havo boon very
Installs Coffee Roaster.
Tho Rush Mercantile' Go. has install
ed a handBomo coffee-roaster,- and sta
tioned In a window attracts much at
tention. In tho future tho firm will
buy much of its coffeo in tho green
stato and by roasting it in twenty-
flvo or fifty pound lots, can insure
customers fresh coffeo nt all times.
This method Is quito different than
used by tho mothers of some of us
who placed tho coffeo In a long bread
pan, tucked It In tho stovo ovon and
thus roasted It.
: ::o:: I
Fined for Assault.
In tho county court Friday after
noon Clifford Colo was fined five dol
lars and costs for assaulting Editor
Kolly. Tho assault occurred Thursday
ovonlng at Vine and Front streets
lond arose over a dispute of a debt
of ninety-eight dollars which Colo
claims Kolly owes him. Cole was also
placed under bonds to keep tho peace.
In the altercation tho newspaper man
received tho worst fnclal disfigure
ment. ::o::
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to express tour appreciation
and thanks to tho neighbors and
friends for the kind nsslstanco, sym
pathy, and beautiful floral offerings
during tho Illness and death of our
beloved husband, father and son
Claudo il Faulkner. Mrs. C. P.
Faulkner nnd family, Mrs. Isabel
: :o: :
Attention Yeomen.
All. gentlemen archers aro request
ed to meet at ho Lloyd opera house'at
7 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, May 23d,
191C. This Is Important and every
gontlcmon belonging to tho organiza
tion should bo thoro. Refreshments
will bo served. C. L. BaskhiB, Corres
pondent, Homostond No. 3030.
... ...... .4.44.. ..V.r.....V....V.V..V...VM..V.V.V.V....V...V..W..,...V...'.......V. '...'
From $1 to $2 a pair on your Spring
Footwear. Shoes are high, my prices
are still low
HHAftSlH im?(33
Every pair new, up-to-date
"Union Made" Shoes for
the whole family
Adelaide Dennis, beautiful trainer of Leopards, in Al. G.
Barnes1 Big 4 Ring Wild Animal Circus, coming hero
Thursday, May 18th.
Senior Class Play.
"Greon Stockings," tho Senior Class
play, will bo given nt tho Keith Friday
evening of this week. It Is a comedy
full of mirthful situations. Thoso who
havo witnessed tho rehearsals pro
nounce tho ciist woll placed and a very
gotd production is promised.
: :o:
Beside Inquiries for city property,
wo lime sonic customers for valley and
hill fiirnis. Call and tell us what you
havo. Wo can sell If priced rght.
: :o: :
Tho high scliool gloo clubs wont
to Cozad Saturday and gavo an entor-
talnmont to a good-alzed audience.
Tho high school baso ball team
played tho Cozad high school In the
afternoon, nnd won tho gnmo by a
nino to five score.
0. M. Troltor arrived from' Omaha
yesterday iwith an Oakland olght cy
linder car which ho expects to soli to
C. C. Hupfer if a trial by tho lattor
provos satisfactory, Mr. Trotter sold
ono of thoso cars to Dr. Fettor of
All boosters smoko Town Boost, tf
Tho bans of marrlngo of Miss
Floronco Dohogan and John Schrnm
were announced for tho first tlmo In
St. Patrick's church Sundaymornlng.
Tho wethUng will take placo oarly in
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Soyforth, of
ban Francisco, arrived horo Sunday
to visit tho formor's mothor Mrs. Anna
Soyforth, wlhlo ourouto to Omaha.
S. Kolly, formorly of tho Donvor
baso ball team arrived hero a fow dayB
ago to nccopt a position as passenger
brakemau for tho Union Pacific.
Found Largo sample cobo 1 lullos
east of Blgnoll. Ownor may havo it
by identifying it and paying for this
ad. Chris Rosonborg.
John I Unman is adding a second
story to his cemont building on Lo
cust stroct between Front and Sixth.
Harry's Shoe Shop
We Do Repairing.
. 4.44 .''.'.'''..'V..'..W..4V.4'...V.4V.4V.V.....V.V..,.V....'.V.4.'..V
v,......4.,4.,4.,..,..,4....,4...... 4 ,,... 4... ..4.4...4.S
4.4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4.4. 4.V. .'...44.4 44 4.44''
Thomas Watts, of Grand Island,
spont tho latter part of last week here
on business.
Frank Foster who had been working
in tho Union Pacific shops resigned
R. L. North returned Snturday from
Sarben where he spont a week on
business for tho Union Pacific.
"Buck" Rowland left tho latter part
of last week for Alliance to accept a
position ns sheet Iron worker In tho
Burlington shops:
Floyd Rlchesou has Bovered his
connection with the Tramp grocery
and has accepted a position with tho
Union Pacific company.
Gilbert Peters has resigned his po
ltlon as day clerk at the McCabo Ho
tel and will return to work for tho
Union Pacific company as pasengor
General Supt. Win. Jeffers and party
who had boon at tho train robbory
trial at Cheyonno for soveral days,
went through horo Saturday enrouto
to Omaha.
Conductor Arthur Blnkesley, of tho
Oinnha-North Platto run is spending
a month at Excelsior Springs and
w;rltcs to local frlonds that hei is
greatly improved by thd treatments.
J. W. Harris, of tho Pacific Fruit
Express Co., who sustained a hroken
arm recently is gotting along nlcoly.
Tho accident occurred while Mr. Har
ris was at work on tho main shaft
and a pieco of machinery weighing
oljfhty-flvo pounds fell on his arm
crushing tho bono.
"Tho Danger Signal," a Klolno
photodrama, is to bo offered at the
Keith theatro next Thursday. This is
an exceptionally forceful, entertain
ing film and certain to please. Tho
story It presents of a laborer's amaz
ing rlso to power, wealth and social
standing is not exaggerated, but rath
or a truo presentation of conditions
provalllng in American life. Men who
today ore lobscuro, may overnight be
come dominant figures In politics, bus
iness or social life. If they aro quick
to solzo opportunity, tho rest Is easy.
"Tho Dangor Signal" is taken from
Rupert Hughes' story "Cnnavan, tho
Man Who Had His Way," which cre
ated somothlng of a sensation In read
ing circlos when It nppoared in tho
Saturday Evonlng Post.
Mary Fullpr and Sidnoy Brncoy will
1m tho stars In tyho feativro "Tho
Huntress tof Mon" nt tho Crystal
Thursday. Many pcoplo horo will rc
mombor Mr. Bracoy who visited North
Platto last Juno in company with Jas.
Cruzo. Fivo rool feature, 10c.
Whllo in town yesterday Miss Miller,
tho vorsatilo and smiling pross repre
sentative of the Barnes circus ex
acted promises of City Attorney Koofo,
C. O. Wongand, Secretary Fisher and
others thnt they would rldo olephants
and caniols In tho circus parade.
For Rent Three rooms furnishod
for light housekeeping. Also want or
ders for homo mado bread. Phono
Black G80. 35-2
Wo luwo for rent houses In nil parts
of tho city. Wo can certainly supply
your deninnd. Call and sco
Which Will You Build
A log cabin, such as you sec in our sketch,
with the chinks filled with mud, or the mod
ern, bungalow with plastered walls, beamed
ceilings, hard wood floors and cozy porches.
We are so sure it will be the latter that we
haven't a supply of logs on hand, but an
abundant stock of the
Best Lumber and Building Material
Coates Lumber &' Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
World' ChllitD .fl LI U 8 7,,f,,,,i13 Wis3 I
f (MM T e,
it - 5 til N 3 CVfcJ
L!6no,Tlfircr,UOBr8 r
Ll6no,Tlgrcrs, Users
Leopards, Jaguars,
elephants, Camels,
Zabras, Son Hons,
Zubus, Monkayo.tlc.
? tastniGftlve,
Amuilna, Amflslna ta
Horses anil Pernios ,3
Ml Aciaea .U
n m'mi.-V3ii.ii-. f
9 f VVI T Ba
Causes Thrills of
Die Blllr VM0lnp; Grizzly, Tattjo
Dancliig'Hcraos, Force ComotSy
Elsphants,11 Horse -Rldlndw-Llona,
Leoparda and Benrs. 200 Mllltfiry
Ponlos. tJIirli-Dlvlns anfl iiu.-ipLns
Doss and tlnnkeys.
Only Real Wild Animal Circus on Earth'
Gilrlne, New, Sie-Long Sml tParsd at 1 Q'M
Exhibitions Dally, Rain or Shine, 2 and B P.M. Doors Open, 1 awl 1