The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 16, 1916, Image 3

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In Woman's Realm
Frock of Taffeta Should by All Means Be Included in the Outfit
of the Girl Graduate Dainty Touches That May Be Achieved
by the Proper Selection of Pretty and Appropriate
Neckwear, of Which There Is Plenty.
Outfitting tho girl graduato for tho
closing of her school days and for hor
summortlmo occupations will certainly
Includo providing hor with ono protty
frock of taffeta. Thoro is no end to
tho varloty in dresses of this kind, but
among them all nono moro suited, to
a young girl could bo found than tho
simple, cool-looking and graceful
model which Is shown in tho picture.
Tho straight-hanging skirt is merely
four lengths of tho silk stitched to
gothor and hommod. It is gathered
with a narrow waistband. Two bands
of taffeta, about four inches wtdo, aro
cut on tho straight of tho goods and
edged with a narrow ruillo of tho silk.
This edging is set on to the band
with a small piping and is cut on the
bias of tho silk.
A plain undcrbodico of chiffon or
crepo has long easy-fitting coat
sleoves. Tho skeleton ovorbodico is
narrowed at the back and front ex
cept about tho waistline, whero tho
back is Joined to tho front pieces. It
blouses a llttlo and Is fulled into tho
belt at tho front. There Is a wido
crushed girdle of the silk, and a
lash with two short standing loops and
two rounded ends is raado of it also.
It conceals the fastening of tho girdle
at tho loft sido.
A not collar, edgod with a narrow
plaited frill of doublo not, is extended
at tho front to tho waistline, forming
an edging for tho fronts of tho over
bodice. Very wide cuffs of tho net
nrn made to match tho collar and ex
tend a llttlo way over tho hand. Tho
skirt is a llttlo shorter than ankle
longth. Tho bands aro machine
etltched to tho skirt with their under-
side turned out, and afterward they
aro turned down so that only ono
edgo is sowed to tho skirt; tho lower
odgo Is free. They servo to hold tho
skirt out from tho figure, ns fashion
demands, as well as to ornamont It.
To add tho charm of daintiness to
tho toilette, or to mako a plain blouso
01 dress moro attractive, or mcroly
to provldo a careful and pretty finish,
is tho mission of neckwear.
Colored organdies in light tones and
tints aro used in conjunction with
white in borders and frills.
For llttlo capes lKto that shown In
tho picture both white and colored on
gandios aro used. "These capes prove
to be gems as accessories. Dcmuro
and quiet looking ns they are, they suc
ceed in focusing attention on them
selves and nrc to bo worn for outdoor
dress as woll as in tho house. They
aro larger than tho capes and cape
collars similar in stylo but not In
tended for street wear. Plain borders
and hemstitching or plaited frills and
hemstitching finish them.
Ruffs aro made of mallnes for wear
with tailored or silk suits and often
of tho same color as tho suit or a com
bination of two colors. Hero again
narrow Bldo-plaitings glvo tho mallnw
tho requisite body. Tho plaitinga ar
sowed to a band of narrow ribbon Jupt
long enough to reach about tho neck.
A small ribbon bow and a llttlo
gay of flowers conceal tho fastening
01 mo run, or tne flowers aro some
times mounted nt tho side, thn mff
fastening with ribbon ties at tho fronL
: ..m
Profits Obtained Depend in
Large Measure Upon Care.
Upto-Dato and Sanitary Building Is
Essential Plan Given for Struc
ture Adapted for the
Brood Bows.
Tho profits from the hog crop form
a very Important ifom of tho total
profito from many farms. These
profits dopond lit largo mcasuro upon
tho caro of tho hogs. And good caro
of tho hogs vails for an up-todnto and
sauitnry hoghouBO.
Bolcnr nro shown tho plans for n,
hoghouso taken from a plan book of
-yell-known mail-order houso dealing
Front and End View.
In building materials, which has many
points to commond it to tho avcrngo
Tho row of windows at tho top ox
tending tho full length of tho building
la n feature worthy of attention,
writes II. II. Gould in Farmer und
Breeder. Thoro is no bottor disin
fectant for a hoghouso, no moro ofil
dent destroyor of diseaso germs
known, than plonty of bright sunlight
Plenty of sunshino Is bettor and
cheaper than buying medlcino for tho
Fresh nlr Is also an essential fen
turo of any well-constructed hoghouso.
Every farmer knows how soon tho air
In tho ordinary pig shed becomes foul
when filled with hogs. Henco to in
Buro healthy hogs somo provision for
ventilation must bo inndo. This is
provided for in tho plans shown by
tho four ventilators, two on each sldo,
In addition to tho ventilation secured
from tho sido windows and doors.
Theso ventilators aro especially valu
able during tho cold weather in tho
winter when tho doors and windows
aro closed for protection from tho
Thooutsldo dimensions of this houso
aro 22 by 2G feet. It contains ten sop
arato pens each G feet 7 Inches by 7
feet 9 inches in tho clear, with an
alloy 4 feet 9 lnchos wida running tho
full longth of tho building between
tho two rows of pens.
Thoro is an outside door at each end
of tho alloy. Thon a door opens out
ward into the alloy from each pen, so
that tho hogs may bo separated and
shipped from ono pen to another with
convenlcnco lnsido tho building.
Each pen is also supplied with an
outsido door so that separata runs or
yards may bo built on tho outsido for
each. In docent weather this door
could bo left open so that tho pigs
could havo tho uso of tho outsido run
and insldo shelter at will.
Such a houso Is especially adapted
for brood sows during tho farrowing
season. Each sow and litter can bo
provided with a separate pon and out
sldo run, until tho pigs aro old enough
to ho together in n largo lot. Tho In
Floor Plan.
dividual pens aro also usoful for wean
lug purposes. Tho pig3 can bo shut
In this pen nnd given splal caro
during tho weaning porlod.
Altogether this . houso has maiiy ad
vantages which recommend it to the
avorago farmer. If tho house is too
largo or too small for tho purpose o
any Individual reader he could follow
tho samo plan of construction and lit
tho sizo to his Individual needs. Tho
plans could also bo made to Includo a
feed bin and a place for storing bed
ding If these arc desired.
Pile Weeds, Cornstalks, Brush nnd
Odd Pieces on Spot and Then Set
Fire to Heap.
In forming a bed for tomato, cab
bago or other plants that will bo trans
planted, a Quo plan is to chooso a shcl
tered, south-side spot; pllo weeds
cornstalks, brush and odd chunks of
wood on it, nd Bet (lro to the heap.
When tho fire dies down, tako tho
spado nnd turn up tho ground whero
tho flro wwj built. This thoroughly
mixes tho nehes from tho flro with th
soil, fertilizing It, whllo tho heat of tho
firo destroys many insects, worms
etc., togothor with their eggs, In that
particular spot.
As soon an tho ground Is cooled off
BUHlclentf,T, sprlnklo tho Bocds lightly
over tho ourfuco of tho bed, draw th
rako over tho dirt a few times, and
carefully spread somo lino brush
across it, to provent tho birds and
chickens from damaging tho bed. On
nights when tho temperature seems
to foretell a frost, toss somo straw or
hay over tho bed, or spread an old
blanket or carpet ovor It.
I K I fui ll I Km tui 1
Ordinary Form Work Will Not Hurt
Them Turn Them Out In a Field
Every Pleasant Day.
Pregnant marcs can bo worked ad-
antngeously right up to foaling time,
says a wrltor. Work should not bo too
heavy, but ordinary farm work will
not hurt them. Successful colt raisers
nearly always work their mares and
Boldom havo troublo with olthor maro
or colt
If you havo no work, turn them out
in a field ovory nlco day. Always bo
very quiet and gontlo with a maro In
foal. In bad wcathor alio 1b bottor oft
In tho stable
Fancy feeding is not noccu8ry.
feeding and watering should bo qulto
regular. A horso fed regularly nnd
fully will seldom oat too much. Tho
best hay for brood mares Is mixed
clover and timothy. Avoid nil dam
aged food. Somo wheat bran and oats
may bo fed, ovon though tho cost la
high. Cut down on corn aa foaling
timo approaches,
After tho colt is foaled tho mare
should not bo worked for nbout ten
days, and thon lightly for a couplo of
weeks. Caro should bo taken not to
overwork or overheat hor, nB this will
causo tho milk to bo bad and may
causo colic or lndlgostlon in tho colt
It is host to lenvo tho colt In tho burn
whllo Us mothor is at work.
Small Force Applied U tho Handle
Exerts Large Pull on Fenco
and Holds All Slack.
Tho advantages claimed for this
stretcher nro that a vory small force
applied to tho handlo exerts a vorj
largo pull on tho fenco and that 11
Wlro Fence Stretcher.
holds all Black without tho uso ol
pawls or ratchets.
Those advantages aro obtained bj
tho ubo of tho powerful dovlco, the
Tho handlo turns tho worm, which
Intormeshes with a worm wheel anc
winds up tho pull chain on a drum.
Wisconsin Agriculturist.
tho aocds boon tested? I
Burning vegetation, whero poaslblo
will destroy mnny Insects.
A well-fitted seed bod means thai
tho crop Is half cultivated.
Nothing will fatten a cow or steel
more quickly than alfalfa hay am!
Alfalfa makes dairying profitable. II
is useless to sow alfalfa on undraincd
To got a good gardon crop wo mtist
havo good seed, good soil and good
Alfalfa hay and silago Is tho best
kind of rough feed for fattening all
classes of cattle. ,
Sow all wasto land In pasture
grasses of somo kind. It will pay fai
better than remaining idlo for so man)
Darloy Is a better nurse crop foi
clover than oats It does not shade
tho ground so heavily and comes ofl
Uoll tho winter wheat to compact
tho soli around tho roots, (III up the
enrth-cracku and mnko a dust mulch
It pays.
Every uptodato farm should hwe
a small (lock Jf sheep to furnish an
economical and healthful meat supply
for tho tablo.
The avcrago farm garden may he
made to pay a handsome profit if the
owner understands how to got the
money from it.
Tako an inventory of tho farm. Keep
a cash book nnd a lodger. Don't un
dertake elaborate coat systems except
as an experiment.
In starting tho now tractor mako
sure that all oil holes, wells, pumpfi.
greaso cups, etc., aro cleaned and filled
with tho right lubricant.
A farm garden Is a necessity. It
nffords a wholesomo BUpply of food,
besides being a healthful occupation
and fascinating as well,
Every farm homo should ho a homo
whero the neighbors like to congrcgato
for a good tlmo, nnd whoro thoy will
feel assured of a warm welcome.
Tlllago aids In tho growth of tho
nitrifying bacteria and theso aro what
mako tho plant foods into such forms
as to bo available to tho growing crops
Ono of General Purpose Breeds Is to
Be Desired Strain More Im
portant Than Breed.
Leghorns, Mlnorcas, Spanish, Dhio
Andnluslans, Cnmplncs, and Ancona?
aro egg breeds.
Plymouth Itocks, Wynndottos, Orp
ingtons, Javas, Domtnlqucs, Ilhodo Is
land Hods, and Cornish aro general pur
Pobo broods.
Brahmas, Cochins and Langshans
aro meat breeds.
Slzo Is sacrificed whon wo brood for
Red Sussex, n New Standard Strain
egg production. Ono of tho general
purpose breeds Is host for tho farmer
bocauso ho usually dcalros both meal
nnd eggs.
Tho strain is more Important than
tho brood. Get stock always from somo'
ono who has dovolopod a strain hrod
to lay. Tho trap nost la tho only test.
When Built Ten or Twelve Inches
Above Ground Outside Dampness
and Rats Are Avoided.
. Thoro Is'dirforenco of opinion ,na to
which kind of iloor Is best for poul
try housos. In my opinion, sayB a
wrltor In nn oxchango, If glvon proper
attention, a dirt lloor comes nearer
pleasing tho hens than floors of olthor
board or concrete If a brick or con
croto wall Is built entirely around tho
house, nnd tho wnll filled In until tho
lloor Is ten or twolvo Inches nbovo tho
ground outsido, tho building will not
only ho rat-proof but dump-proof as
Board floors must bo raised at least
olght or ten inches abovo tho ground.
This allows air to circulate undornonth,
which makes tho houso cold during
winter monthB. Concrete floors nro
hard, cold and damp, and must bo cov
ered with an Inch or two of soil or
sand. Concrcto nnd bonrd floors aro
easily cleaned, but unloss clonued
often thoy quickly become foul and In
sanitary. On tho other hand, a dirt
lloor will tako up moisture from tho
droppings and need not ho elennod,
othor than onco a year.
Great Aid In Keeping Fowls Free From
Mites and Lice Easy to Take
Apart and Clean.
A well-known poultry woman sent in
hor method for movable roosts. Sho
says that movable roosts throo feet
apart, ns seen in tho cut, aro a great
aid in keeping fowls freo from mites
Movable Roosts.
nnd Hoe. These roosts nro easily
taken apart and Maturated with hot
wator. Tho trestles aro 2 by 4 Inches.
Tho cut herewith shows the construc
tion,- Wisconsin Farmor.
Unlimited Demand Guaranteed for
Products by Increase in Popula
tion and Short Beef Supply.
Tho poultry Industry Increased
moro rapidly than any othor branch of
ngrlculturo. The annual valuation of
poultry und eggs produced In tho Unit
ed States Is reputed to ho nt least
one billion dollars. Tho gradual In-
creaso In our population nnd decrease
In tho hoof supply will guaranteo nn
unlimited demand for poultry products
for years to come and nt lucrative.
Uoeful Farm Tools.
An ux ought to ho In ovory barn
on tho farm. You can novor toll Just
whon It will bo needed. No harm If
a few other tools nro with it.
Uses for Old Leather.
Old luathur bootlegs and shoetops,
If they aro good, aro worth saving.
Thoy make good laces for bolts and
koys for clevises.
Good Agricultural Practice.
The liming of tho soils Is a very old
and very good agricultural practice.
State la Far Behind Most Others in
Amount Spent for Improvement
of Its Highways.
Thoro nro now only four states in
.tho Union that havo not enacted laws
providing for stnto aid for good roads
work. Ono of theso statos ia South
Carolina, tho othora being Indiana,
Mississippi, and Texas. Theso throo
other Btatca, however, aro abovo South
Carolina In expenditures for road
work. Indeed, according to Informa
tion whlrh has been received nt Clom
son collcgo from tho United States
department of ngrlculturo, this stato
cannot boast of Its record In road
work and Ib considerably behind most
of tho othor Btntes of tho Union In this
In 1914, South Carolina Bpont
000,000 on rond work, this money com
ing from local funds of counties, town-
Bhips, nnd districts. Thoro wero no
expenditures by tho stato nnd local
units Jointly, or by tho stnto nlono.
In tho Bnnio porlod, Indiana spent ?13,
258,701 nnd Iowa spent $U.3G3,000. Nor
does South Cnrollna comparo woll
with ovon tho othor southorn statos.
Ab against this stato'a $1,000,000,
North, Carolina spent $3,930,000. door-
gin, $2,500,000; Alabama, $2,795,0005
Mississippi, $2,855,000; Tcimossoo,
$2,500,000; Texas, $3,750,000. In fact,
tho only utatos on tho list which nro
not nbovo South Carolina In road ox-
pondlturcs nro tho undovolopod states
of Arizona, Nevada, Now Mexico,
Utah, and Wyoming; and tho dlmlnu-
tlvo commonwealths of Dolawaro,
Rhodo iHland, and Vormont.
Tho total of all Btirfacod roads In
South Carolina ia 4,888 miles. In this
rcspoct, tho Btnto coraparos favorably
with many, slnco Its porcontngo of
Burfnccd roads Is 17.3, making it tho
Good Roads in Mississippi.
thirteenth Btnto in tho Union in por
contngo of surfaced roads. Throo
states, Ohio, Indiana and Now York,
contain nearly ono-thlrd of all tho sur
faced roads in tho Unltod States, with
a mlleago of 77,544.
Now York has apont $82,038,729 on
Its roads and Is spondlng $15,000,000
moro on them In 1915. This, It should
ho understood, is the amount spent by
tho stnto government nnd doea not In
cludo tho hugo oxpondlturos by local
units. ClomBon Collcgo Bulletin.
Spirit of Building Is Becoming Uni
versal All Peoplo Would Re
ceive Some Benefit.
Tho United Statos Good Roads as-
(tociation at Ha recent annual mooting
in Birmingham olectod 25 prominent
cltlzons of different scctidiiB of our
country Ufa members of tho organiza
tion. Tho spirit of building good
ronda is becoming universal and It is
only a qucstlqn of a vory short tlmo
whon tho fcdornl government will boo
tho necessity of appropriating money
to build good roads. All peoplo would
bo benefited by good roads. War bono-
flto no country or peoplo. It destroys
lives, business, homcB nnd brutnllzoa
peoplo. Florcnco (Ala.) Herald.
Roads Built by Convicts.
Ono thousand mlloB of perfect road
way havo Been ccnstrucieu uy Colo
rado convicts In tho past sovon years.
At first armed guards wero used, but
during tho second summer tho honor
system was introduced and it Is still
in vogue.
Uniform Material.
It Is lmportac to havo uniform ma
torlal in road iuildlug, whatever that
material may bo. This lack is respon
sible for wavlncaa anfl chuck holes.
Good Roads In Philippines.
Tho Philippines In tho first half of
1915 built 13G miles of good roads.
Build Better Roads.
Every rain in an argument for tho
3G5-day road.
Neighbors and Builders.
Good roads nro neighbor makers
and trade builders.
Food for the Stock.
Good stock must havo good
ud plenty of it