Lace Curtain Special -FROM- May IFth to 21st We have just received a large invoice of new paLlerns in Lace Curtains in medium priced goods. Before putting these in stock at regular prices we are going to let you have a chance to buy them at special prices for four days only. Prices per paii will be 98C $1.29, $1.48, $1.79, $2.(9, $2.48, $2.79, $3.98 and $4. You will only have to see these to realize the values offered Wilcox Department Store Semi-Weekly Tribune IRA L. BARE, Editor nud Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mall la Advance... $1.25 One Year by Carrier In Advance. .$LG0 Entered at Platte, Nebraska, PoBtofllco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, 3IAY 10, 101(1. "SEEING NORTH PLATTE" TRIP MADE YESTERDAY. Tho "Seeing North Platto" trip was made yesterday afternoon undor tho auspices of the Chamber of Connnerco and directed by Secretary "W. D. FIshor. Tho party, numbering about .forty, met at tho Building & Loan building and were tdkon In automo biles to Tho Trlbuno where tho lino type and presses wero In opera tion and tho making of a nowspapor explained. Tho light and gns plant was then visited. Hero tho party woro glvon an opportunity to see tho machinery Which makes tho clectrlt" current for tho clty'B use, and witness tho rovo- chlnco and tho inanglo which will press threo thousand Hat pieces a day. At tho Dally Telegraph tho visitors wero presented with tho evening pa por and their namo and a coin from tho linotype. Tho last placo to bo Inspect ed was tho Star Bottling Works, whoro Mr. and Mrs. Porter served lunch and soft drinks, also presenting the ladies with decorated plates nnd other souve nirs. Tho making of pop nnd sloft drinks wns shown as was tho steriliz ing and labeling. Tho lattor machlno will label fifty cases an h'clur.- This factory can furnish a car load of soft drinks every twenty-four hours. Tho concerts by tho North Platto Municipal Band will bcgln""just as soon as warm weather arrives, which It Is hoped Is ntot more 'than thirty days off. Tho majority of thcs6 con Certs Will too given at tho court houso park, tho others nt the city park In tho Fourth wnrd. At tho latter park a band stand will be orcted. Mrs W. V. Houglnnd roturned Sntur- duy evening from tlio oasterri pari of tho Hthte whoro she 1 spent several days on' Roboknh lodgo' work. Mrs. It. 0. Chamberlain, who has boon taking treatments nt Thormopo- Hnnu nf tho ilvimmn used durin'c tho day and tho one used at night nnd on,1'8' for BOVertl1 wcoks-,8 reported Tuesday when tho, load Is tho heavlost, this latter machlno being threo times tho slsso of tho ono used for tho day lf:d. In tho bnBoment thcty woro shown tho eight high voltago switches, the highest of which la 2,300. There n'ro four largo boilers, each of which Is used alternately for throe wooks and burn eight tons of coal por day. The stack is 1C0 feet high. Six men arc employed dally nt tho plant. Tho gas building was Inspected and tho tanks In which tho gas undqrgoes each chaugo woro explained by Messrs. Moroy and Wills. Tho output of gas Is 50,000 feet a day. At, tho Ilawloy & Lowe Ico plant tho making of nrtinclal lco was demon strated by Mr, Lowe and tho visitors wero presented with fruit from tho cold Btorago room. Tho dnlly rtutput of tho plant exceeds eight tbns. Water Commissioner Wolch recoived tho party at tho wator plant and ex plained the machinery by which 2,100 gnllons of water Is pumped each rnluuto or a total of threo million gal lons In a day. Each revolution of the fly-wheol then running nt ono-llfth Its maximum speed, throws thlrty-slx gallons into tho matus. District Foreman McGraw escorted the visitors through the Union Pa cific round houso which gives em ployment to two humlredi and ton men. Twenty-eight stnlls are used for tho onglncs in service whilo those for repair aro sont to the shops or stored In tho old round houso. Tho work of lathee, bolt cutters, shapors, and other machines was explained by thoso in chnrgo nnd an illustration of electric welding was glvon. Tho par ty was thon arranged on tho turn ta blc.'iwhlch Is 100 foot long nnd glvon nn idea of its work. Tho Lamb wholesale grocery on north LocuBt street wns visited nnd tho stock and tho warohouso Inspected which has a storago capacity of sov enty tons of food products nnd grain. i no wortn 1'iatto creamery was a placo of intorost and each guest was treated to a glass of buttermilk. Tho largo churn hero outs out ono thous and pounds of butter In forty-flvo min utes, Tho firm also makes largo quan tities of lco cream. At Uio North Platto nnd Dlokey laundries were seen tho largo wash ing machines, tho largo drying and etarphlng rooms, collar and shirt ma- to be much Improved. HALL GAMES FOR THE BALANCE OF MONTH. This Slogan "Brighten-Up" applies to everything arid everybody. This is the time of the year to smile and to make other people smile. Nature herself is smiling and she was tho one who originally dis covered the Brighten-Up idea. The Sherwin-Williams Company came second. Sherwin-Williams PAINTS AND VARNISHES will Brighten Up your property theres a paint, varnish, stain or enamel for every surface around your home. Spring housccleaning should include liberal use of Sherwin-Williams Brighten-Up Finishes it's wonderful how "dif ferent" they will make your home and at slight expense. We're agent8. REXALL DRUG STORE For tho balanco of this month four games of ball have been scheduled, threo of which will bo played on tlio homo grounds. Next Sunday and tho followlntr Mon day tho opposing team will be Eustis, which Is said to have a strong team this season. Thursday, May 28th, tho fast May wood team will bo horo for a game, and Sunday, May 28th, tlio home team goes to Maywood for a game. Tho gamo so far scheduled to which tho greatest Interest attaches Is with tho Lincoln team of the Western Leaguo, tho dato of which Is Thurs day, Juno 1st. Tho Links liavo an open dato on that day iwlillo making a Jump from Sioux City to Denvor, henco tho op porunty to secure a game with them, this' game should draw tho attendance of a largo crowd, not only of town peoplo, but from surrounding' towns. C1TX AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Harry Moore, who hns been seriously 111, is greatly Improved this webk. For Rent Four room houso at. 02 South Walnut. Inquire at 303 South Chestnut. , Mrs. Geo. A. Becchfif, of Hastings, formerly of this city, Is vistlng Mrs. George T. Field. Rev. W. J. Dunnvlle, of Scotts Bluff, will arrive Monday to visit at tho Lplscopal rectory for a few days. W. A Klngsley, an architect of Choyenne, Is spending a few days here and may deefdo to locate In this city. Miss Mnudo Mlllor who came down from Chappoll this week Jo attend tho Fryo-HUlebrandt wedding, .will leave Friday morning. Mrs. A. W. Shilling entertained tho mombors of tho Entro Nous club tho latter part-of last week at cards Prizes wore) awarded to Mosdames Harry Johnston and Asa Snyder. Guest prizes were given to Mcsdames L. L. Bortho and Wood White. L. C. Coy and daughter, of Paxton woro In town yestordny enroute to kronen uow uy auto. Mr. Coy is craud patrlacrh of tho Encampment degree of Odd Fpllowshlp and Is making an ofneinl visit to subordinate encamp monts. J. L. Bench, iC Manila. wnH tnkon ill on the train horo Sunday afternoon with an attack of asthma and being a mornbor or tho B. P. O. E. and Ma sonic lodges was placed under tliel care at tho Hotel McCabo and medical attontton given- him. Ho was enrouto home from nn extended visit In Now York City and Is said to bo wealthy. I. K. Neely, of La Salle, 111., arrived Sunday nnl will romaln a fow days transacting buslnoss and vlBltlng frlonds. Mr. Noely was a former res Idont of North Plntto, and nt that time was employed as clerk In tho V, P. district foreman's office He Lelt the ctly twenty-six years ago and has since been engaged In tho mercantile buslnoss at LnSnllo A delegation from tho Chamber of Comorco hold a conference with tho county commissioners rolatlvo to grad lug tho nowrond between hero and Maxwell, which Is to form a part of tho Lincoln highway. They learned that work on tho road would Login as soon as stool ordorcd for a brldgo across Whltehorso creek and for a cattlo chuto west of tho new brldgo nrrlvos This steel was ordored some time ago vpry BUCHANAN & PATTERSON Loans, Real Estate and Insurance FARM LOANS We have plenty of money on hand to loan on farms and ranches. We guar antee the lowest rates and best terms. No delay in closing loans. INSURANCE Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Hail Insurance written in the best Insurance Companies at lowest possible rates. t All losses promptly and equitably settled. Our insurance department has been doing business for 45 years with never a dissatisfied customer. REAL ESTATE Investors and homescekers can always find choice bargains in City Property and Farm Lands at our office. At this time we have a number of special bargains in dwellings, the property of non-residents, that must be sold. Small payment down and the balance in monthly installments. We are offering these properties at a fraction of their real value. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, B, & L. BUILDING. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Obituary. Died, at his homo 8 miles west of North Platte, May 9, 191C, Henry Ream, aged 81 years, 11 months, 23 days, of general disability. Tho de ceased was born in Schuylkill county, Penn., May lGth, 1834, of German par ents. Moved to Mlama county, Indiana, at ten years of age. Was married to Mary A. Naymlso May 29th, 1859. To this union was born seven boys and seven girls. Tho family moved to Sa lino county, Neb., In tho fall of 1880; whoro thdy resided until the spring of 1905, iwhen they moved to ther pres ent home. On Jan. 1G, 191G his wlfo was called to her Heavenly Home. He was a man of generous disposition. Ho leaves to mourn his loss ten sorrow lng and loving children, fourteen grand children and ono great grand child. Tho chldren are: Mrs. A. S. Gardner, -Arapahoe, Neb.; Mrs. A. E. Moore, Horshey, Nebraska, Samuel H. Ream, Grand Island, Neb., John W. Ream, Portland, Ore., Georgo W. Ream, Hershoy, Nob., India L., Hattlo D., Robt. W Edward B. and Chas. L. Ream of North Platte. , Funeral soryces were hold, at tho homo Friday afternoon at 2 p. m. May 12th, In tho presence of a goodly num ber of frlonds and neighbors. Ser vices wero conducted by Rev. Fred Johnson assisted by Ror. Satchell of Hershoy. Tho remains woro laid to rest In tho North Platto cemetery. Ills last words iwero "I am going homo." His bIx sons woro tho pall-bearors. : :o: Card of Thanks. Wo tako this method of thanking our friends and neighbors for their kindness1 and assistance during the sickness and death of our dear father. Wo also offer our thanks to the Platto Valley ladles aid and also tho Nichols aid Boclety for tho" beautiful floral offerings. REAM FAMILY. For Your Next Order of Feed, flour, cabbage, potatoes, ap ples, sand hill seed potatoes of all kinds seo J. Mogensen at tho North Side barn or phone 29. 22-tf : :o: : Mrs. Thomas; Williams, of Tamplco, Mexico, formerly Miss Francis Har rington, of this city, and later at Den ver, writes that for fear of,a crisis be tween tho United States and Mexico, she will return to the states and re main with tho .homo folks In Denver until the dangerous period has passed. Mrs. Williams was married two years ago and located in Mexico. Since that time she has had many thrilling experiences in tho war zone. Miss Avis Joder and brother Ralph, of Alliance, who were guests of Mrs. W. D. Joder for several days, left last evening. "555? 1 iirjiJU.niL-5fc, hi i iiifsri Her Cooking A Pleasure. Tho gas rango truly takes all the trouble out of meal preparation. If s the up to date, eafo and sano way of cooking. Wo want you to see our assort ment of gaa ranges. We'll explain how economical they are, how easy to cook with, how quickly they per form their duty without smoke or dust or ashes. When you once use one you'll wonder how you ever did without it. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Manager. Choice Seed Corn We have choice Seed Corn from 1915 crop, showing it will mature early. Sweet Clover, Al falfa, Siberian and Hog Millet. H. L. PENNINGTON, Phone 99 and Black 388. 600 East Front. Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. W. J. HOLDERNESS Ecctrlcal Supplies Wiring Storago Bnttorles Morsch Bldg t Phono 175. Geo. B. Dent. Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Founded 1880. It's tho household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, the host mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank and Insurance that In sures. They all buy It. "There is a Reason" For further Information Phone, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, The Old Lino Man NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. Quality Not . Quantity Wo make cigars In tho small and In the regular sizes preferring to use quality tobacco In proforenco to quan tity. W use only tho best tobacco for flllor and wrapper and our cus tomers are always satisfied. Wo han dle a largo lino of smokers' articles, our display of pipes bolng especially largo. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Hi s an d Ca Bought and night st market pricei paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS.