The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 16, 1916, Image 1

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(Eh r Jlorth
No. 35.
Fred Elliott has returned from a
short visit with his son in Lincoln.
Tho ladles' aid of the Christian
church will meet Thursday afternoon
in the church basement.
(j I 3Inko offer for nmterlnl on old Front
street bum site. Must bo sold. Sco
Tlio Lutheran ladles will hold an
exchango In Derryberry & Forbes win
dow Saturday, May 20th.
For Salo Five hole gasoline range,
been used about ono year; will sell
for less than half price. Inquire Mrs.
W. V. Hoaglnnd. 35-3
Divorces were granted yesterday in
tho district court to Vola Edis from
Guy Edis for non-suport and cruelty;
also to Millie Barraclough from Harry
Barruclough for desertion and non
support. Tho regular meeting of tho P. E. O.
Sisterhood will be held Wednesday
afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Mc
Donald. The program will bo Ac
voted' to music and papers on musical
subjects will bo read.
Tho Ice cream benefit of tho Tilll
kum girls which was to have been held
at tho North Platte Candy Kitchen this
evening has been postponed until
Wednesday, May 24th, on account of
the cool weather.
Weather forecast furnished by the
local office rof tho weather bureau:
Fair and continued cool tonight, prob
ably frost. Wdnegday fair and warm
er. Highest tempoaturo yesterday
55, a year ago 76; lowest last night 32,
.a year ago 42.
Tho " Hendy-Oglor Auto Co. has
placed an attachment of $171.83 on tho,
land used by Scoonover & Lloyd four
teen miles west of tovn for tho amount
duo on a mortgage on the Dodgo car
which H. Scoonover purchased last
spring. Tho case came up fot hearing
in the county court Monday and was
continued for. Jorty days.
Will Deliver Commencement Adrcsscs
II. G. Kriowlcs, pastor of tho Chris
tian church of this city, will deliver
thrco commencement addresses, this
week. Tomorrow evening ho will de
llvor the address at the Moxwell com
mencement. Ito then goes to High
land, Kansas, to make tho address at
the Highland College Thursday ov
cning, and on Friday evening will make
the address at tho Horshey com
mencement. This means about thirty
six hours of travel out of forty-olght
hours of time, as to go to Highland
means Mr. Knowlos needs go to Oma
ha, thence to St. Joe, an oiuto rdo to
tho point of destination and then an
Immediate return to Hershoy.
Tho Ivanhoo club of tho Yeoman
lodgo will hold a social dance at tho
Lloyd this evening
Clydo Frlsto left yesterday morn
ing for Dickens to spend a week with
tho homo folks.
Mrs. W. L. Rchards left, this morning
for Kearney and Odessa to visit rela
tives for several days.
Mrs. J. J. Howkcr returned Satur
day from Chadron, iwliero she attend
the convocation last week
Mrs. Will Eshleman will entertain
tho ladles' auxiliary of tho Spanish
War Veterans tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. S. II. Grace returned to Chica
go this morning after visiting rela
tives hero and in Denver for twelve
Mrs. Wade Wilson of Lewellen, who
has been taking treatments at the
North Platte General hospital Is much
The Catholic ladles will hold a social
at the homo of Mrs. Frank McGovern
500 Suth Chestnut street, Friday after
noon, May 19th.
Stanley Shephard, tho young son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shephard) was
taken tb Omaha Saturday evening tq
have an operation perfiormed on his
right ear, in which an abcess had
K. S. Davis Appointed Trustee.
In tho hearing of tho Sundhcimcr
bankruptcy caso before Rcforeo Hoag
land yesterday, at which creators wore
represented by local attorneys, E. S.
Davis was appointed trustee. As trusteo
ho wns Instructed to at once dispose
of the stock, and In accordance thorc
with, will begin tho snlo of tho stock
tomorrow. This salo will continue un
til May 29th, when tho stock still re
maining will bo auctioned off to the
highest bidder.
Grants Alternative .Hnndimius
Sitting in chambers last Friday
i Judge Grimes heard tho Sidney liquor
license olectlon case, and granted an
alternatvo writ of mandamus. Under
this writ tho council must file ans
wer before May 20th, nnd must show
cnuso why tho voto on the liquor prop
osition shall not bo re-counted.
The hearing Is expected to take placo
ut Sidney next Monday.
Itaccnlnurcnto Services.
Tho Uaccaloureatc services for tho
graduating class will bo hold this year
at tho Christian church on tho corner
of Third und Vino streets Tho time
will bo cloven a. m., Sunday, May 21st.
H. G, Knowles will have the service In
::t:: ,
" Tho M. M. M. club anil their hus
bands wero tho guests of Mcsdames
Frank Buchanan nnd Will Hawloy
last evening at tho Hawloy homo. In
tho card games prizes were awarded
to' Mrs. J. il. Hcgarty and D. A. Rus
sell. Guests of the club were Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Healey, Mr. and Mrs. Moso
McFnrland, Mr and Mrs. D. A. Rus
sell, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland
Buy tho young man or young wom
an an article of Jewelry to comom
morate their Commencement days.
They can keep l a lifetime. Dixon,
tho Jeweler.
We liuvc (or snlo a eholco piece of
city, property, close In. Tarty leaving
city and wnntir to realize en siune.
Modern except heat. Largo lawn. I
All Ladies'
We are determined not to carry over one single Suit, and this
is the way we are going to make a clean sweep of them. We
have divided the balance of our stock of Suits, numbering
over 100, into ThreeaGreat Lots at the following LITTLE PRICES:
L0T1 " LOT 2 LOT 3
All $15 and up to $18.50 All $22.50, $25 and up'to All $30.00 and up to $40
Suits at $27.50 Suits at Suits at
$9.48 $14.98 $18.48
This is your Opportunity of the season, to buy the season's
newest and high grade Wool, Silk and Silk Combination Suits,
in all the leading shades, at lowest prices ever known at this
early in the season. A splendid assortment of colors, styles
and sizes to choose from, for those that come early.
Tho efficiency of tho North Plntto
flro department was complimented
last evening by State Flro Commis
sioner Itldgoll, Publicity Promoter
Lloyd Thomas of Alliance, and by bus
Iness men and clergynion Inst evening
nnd by tho kind words spoken tho mem
bers of tho department wero encour
aged In their iwork. Tho occasion was
a banquet given at tho McCabo by tho
department, nnd practically ovory
member wns present.
Shortly after 8:30 tho members and
tho Invited guests, following an Invo
cation by Itov. Fr, McDald, wero scnt-
cl at a table extending the full length
of the dining hall nnd served with u
six course dinner that was oxcollcntly
prepared and faultlossly served.
When tho cigars had been lighted, P.
J. Darron Introduced himself as toast
master with that spontaneity of wit
and peasantries which has won hlni
a reputation moro than local and call
ed,, for a song from n quartette com
posed of-Ray TIghe, II. A. Shfnn, M.
VanDortui and Fred Peterson. As tho
first speaker tho toastmaster Intro
duced J. T. Kecfo, nnd then followed
Lloyd Thomas, Flro Commissioner
Rldgell, P. II. Sullivan, I. L. Pare, Rev.
Whtto, Rov. Cram, Rev. Knowles, Rov.
Hnrmnn nnd Rov. McDald. Each
spenker referred to tho efficiency of
the department; tho self sacrifices "tho
members make for tho good of tho
town, and tho need of quarters for tho
department. Mr. Rldgell and Mr.
Thomas both referred to this lack of
accommodations and hoped that tho
business men and citizens gonernlly
would soon sco that adequate quarters
are provided. At Alllanco the depart
ment has not only large and well ap
pointed quarters, but they havo a bath
house that cost $1,800. Tho remarks
of several of tho speakers wero inter-:
spersed with many good stories.
Tho banquet was a decidedly pleas
ant one, and will tend to strengthen
the good-feeling among tho members
as well as to mako strongor the grow
ing sentiment among citizens that tho
North Plntto fire department must have
suitable quarters. ";"", '
Announce Formal Opening? $f
Howe & Malionoy, who recently add?
cd a complcto line of hardware t6, their
furniture nnd house furnishing goods
lines, announce a formal opening on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of
next week, and tho general public Is
cordially Invited to call on one or all
of these days.
During these dnyft the ladles of tho
P. E. O. will share In'the receipts of
the entire 3tL'ck, jhat is on those days
they will recolvo a perccntngo of
sales made. The ladles have ndopted
this course as one means of raising
funds to defray tho exponscs of tho
next annual convontlon of tho P. E. O.
which will bo hold In North Platte.
Ladies" Outfitting Store
snniEit WEAK.
Graduation GIflH.
The graduating class tills year Is
tho largest In the history of tho school,
and knowing this wo have put In an
exceptionally largo lino of books suit
able for graduation gifts, nlso tho
Mooro won-leakablo and Wntormnn
Ideal Fountain pens, and copyright and
populnr books Wo also havo many
other articles that mako useful and
suitable graduation gifts We will bo
pleased' to havo you 'call early and
mako your selections
: :o: :
Arrested for Selling "Hope"
A man giving his name as Charles
William Mooro was arrested at Goth
enburg yesterday by a deputy U. S.
marshal on the chargo of soiling
"dope." Ho wns brought to this city
Inst night and dodged in jail and will
be brought beforo tho federal court
which convenes In North Plntto next
On Wednesday morning at nine
o'clock the doors of the Fashion Shop
will he opened, and tho entire stock of
Ladles' millinery, clonks, dresses nnd
furnishings will ho sold ut whole.
Mile mid less. A force of clerks will
be In readiness to serve you, nnd It
will pay you to come enrly and pick
out the goods you desire. There will
be no reservations made but tho en
tire stock and fixtures will Iio sold
regardless of tnlue. No goods chnrged
or exchanged.
E. S. DAVIS, Trustee.
We represent ten of the strongest
old lino companies who havo never
failed to pay n loss. Let us write your
Frank Pargcon, a bricklayer by
trado and an old resident of tho city,
was arrested Saturday evening by Of
ficer Dybeo on tho chnrgo of peddling
liquor. At tho timo of his arrest Par
gcon had four pint bottles In his poc
kets nnd wns on tho point of making:
a salo of ono or moro bottles to
out of town mon.
Formal complaint wns filed against
Pargeon yesterday and bolng nr
rnlugned In court In tho afternoon
pleaded not guilty. Ho will bo glvon
a preliminary hearing In n day or two.
It Is said that In tho recent elec
tion Pargeon was a warm advocate of
a saloonlCDs (town.
Soo our 191G graduation windows,
Dixon, tho Jeweler
:o: :-
.Will Hold Indoor Picnic
Members of tho Study club wero
guests of Mrs. W. II. McDonald last
ovonlng. Papers on correct English
and tho proper pronunciation of words
woro read by Mrs. Wilson Tout and
Mrs, M. E. Scott, respectively. Tho
fliufy session of tho club for tho sea
son vlll hq hold at tho homo of Miss
Villa Whlttakor Tuesday ovonlng of
next week and will assumo tho form
of an indoor picnic.
Ruled Jmy, any quantity, $0J0 per
: :o: :
Rev. Barton left yesterday for Min
neapolis to attend tho Northern Bap
tist convontlon being held there.
Mrs Joseph Roddy will entertain
tho Htoraturo department'of tho Twen
tieth Century club this aftoruoon.
Wero you to chooso tho kind of bottled soda to drink, would you
chooso tho bottle of soda that was mado by mothodB In voguo yenrs
ugo or would you chooso a bottle of soda that was manufactured In a
thorough, modern equipped factory with all tho latest machinery, such
as Automatic filling machine. Rlnsors and Sanitary sonkoro and storll
zor. AftQr theso cleaning processes tho bottles are rinsed under pres
Buro from your city mains . nllowlng a nice clean stream of .wator
passing Into each bottlo under a pressure of thlrty-ilvo or forty
pounds always insuring a sanitary package.
Bottled sodas prepared by some manufacturers to start with tho
bottles nro dumped Into a tank of cold wntor and washed by hand,
nothing aided to kill impurities or to storlllzo tho bottles, after this
washing process they nro filled with so called Boda water ami go to tho
consumer nnd often times aro full of impurities. Thoreforo Is It any
wonder tho public demand bettor pure food regulation?
Wo havo always prided ourselves In tho quality and cleanliness of
our packages nnd a great mnny of you aro personal witnesses of our
grpwth in tho short timo wo hnvo heon with you.
I havo heard of soda, water botttors, slnco I havo boon in tho bot
tling "business that would try to push poor and dirty and cheap sodas off
on tho clildrcn. But will truthfully nnd frankly say to tho public that
I nover built up my bottling business to tho prosont Btaudard by 'stoop
ing to such jnothods. Our growth hns been jnado by quality gpods.nnd
a square deal and a boost for tho town wo itvo In and tliesp things
f attribute to, our success In' tho bottling trado. t.v
Whoh you drink' a bpttlq pf PoYtor'a Star' Pop. whether It$olght
or unyyou niayrast insBurpdhat It has past tho rigid Inspection
.as tb' quality andfsanltary conditions, L
Front various sources and for rpas6ils tjot1 etfsliy understood, or
roneou and false statements havo often been' mado rolatlvo to Bottled
Soda wator, for tho apparont purposo or creating a projudlco In tho
public mind against all bovorages familiarly known ns soft drinks.
To contradict such falso and malicious statements and to dem
onstrate that bottled soda wator particularly Is tho purost, most health
ful and most refreshing of nil summer bovornges and It Is 'only nocos
nary to consider tho following simple truths which aro easily proven
and cannot ho contradicted.
1st. Absoluto .cleanliness Is tho first requisite of ovory successful
bottling shop.
2d. Puro cnrbonlc acid gas In bovornges Is healthful, refreshing
and tonic in its action upon the tllgostlvo organs.
3d. No flavoring or coloring which Is harmful and no deleterious
drugs arc now permitted to bo used In bottled or fountain soda wator.
4th. Thero is abundant medical testimony to provo tho beneficial
Influence and refreshing effect of carbonic acid gas upon tho appotito
and digestion. Ask your doctor about it.
Tho bottler does not mako tho gas, )ut buys it, purified and
liquified from tho lnrgo manufacturers, thus Insuring nono but tho pur
est and best gas.
Wo wlBh to thank tho public In general for their loyal support, and,
your support has contributed to our success and especially do wo thank
tho dealers In getting behind our goods and to holp In making them
a success.
Star Bottling Works
H. M. PORTER, Prop.
Quality, Service, Satisfaction
A firm that has heen in husiness for 30 years. Bottled Soda
Water isjust the purest of water charged with pure carbonic
acid gas with a little syrup, flavored with harmless flavoring
and coloring and pure fruit acid. Our bottling department
is screened and sanitary; we filter all our water beforo bot
tling. We guarantee our products to comply with the Pure
Food and Drug Law.
Thanking our customers for their liberal patronage in the
past, we hope to merit the same in the future.
North Platte Bottling Works,
WM. HEYSE, Proprietor.
1008 Wit Fourth Stret. Phon 110
Ethical, Moral, Efficient.
Au institution for tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Confinement
Ca808, Tin t s mwrtfP,r ph , , MRS; MARGARET HALL, Snpt.
DR. J. 8. TWIwEif, Physician nnd Surgeon.